path: root/lib/rbot
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1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rbot/core/utils/parse_time.rb b/lib/rbot/core/utils/parse_time.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bedb2d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rbot/core/utils/parse_time.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#-- vim:sw=2:et
+# :title: rbot time parsing utilities
+# Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta <>
+# These routines read a string and return the number of seconds they
+# represent.
+module ::Irc
+ module Utils
+ module Time
+ FLOAT_RX = /((?:\d*\.)?\d+)/
+ :one => 1,
+ :two => 2,
+ :three => 3,
+ :four => 4,
+ :five => 5,
+ :six => 6,
+ :seven => 7,
+ :eight => 8,
+ :nine => 9,
+ }
+ ONE_TO_NINE_RX = ONE_TO_NINE.keys.join('|')
+ :an => 1,
+ :a => 1,
+ :ten => 10,
+ :eleven => 11,
+ :twelve => 12,
+ :thirteen => 13,
+ :fourteen => 14,
+ :fifteen => 15,
+ :sixteen => 16,
+ :seventeen => 17,
+ :eighteen => 18,
+ :nineteen => 19,
+ }
+ TEENS_ETC_RX = TEENS_ETC.keys.join('|')
+ ENTIES = {
+ :twenty => 20,
+ :thirty => 30,
+ :forty => 40,
+ :fifty => 50,
+ :sixty => 60,
+ }
+ ENTIES_RX = ENTIES.keys.join('|')
+ :"half" => 0.5,
+ :"half a" => 0.5,
+ :"half an" => 0.5,
+ :"a half" => 0.5,
+ :"a quarter" => 0.25,
+ :"a quarter of" => 0.25,
+ :"a quarter of a" => 0.25,
+ :"a quarter of an" => 0.25,
+ :"three quarter" => 0.75,
+ :"three quarters" => 0.75,
+ :"three quarter of" => 0.75,
+ :"three quarters of" => 0.75,
+ :"three quarter of a" => 0.75,
+ :"three quarters of a" => 0.75,
+ :"three quarter of an" => 0.75,
+ :"three quarters of an" => 0.75,
+ }
+ FRACTION_RX = FRACTIONS.keys.join('|')
+ UNITSPEC_RX = /(s(?:ec(?:ond)?s?)?|m(?:in(?:ute)?s?)?|h(?:(?:ou)?rs?)?|d(?:ays?)?|weeks?)/
+ # str must much UNITSPEC_RX
+ def Time.time_unit(str)
+ case str[0,1].intern
+ when :s
+ 1
+ when :m
+ 60
+ when :h
+ 3600
+ when :d
+ 3600*24
+ when :w
+ 3600*24*7
+ end
+ end
+ # example: half an hour, two and a half weeks, 5 seconds, an hour and 5 minutes
+ def Time.parse_period(str)
+ clean = str.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
+ sofar = 0
+ until clean.empty?
+ if clean.sub!(/^(#{FRACTION_RX})\s+#{UNITSPEC_RX}/, '')
+ # fraction followed by unit
+ num = FRACTIONS[$1.intern]
+ unit = Time.time_unit($2)
+ elsif clean.sub!(/^#{FLOAT_RX}\s*(?:\s+and\s+(#{FRACTION_RX})\s+)?#{UNITSPEC_RX}/, '')
+ # float plus optional fraction followed by unit
+ num = $1.to_f
+ frac = $2
+ unit = Time.time_unit($3)
+ clean.strip!
+ if frac.nil? and clean.sub!(/^and\s+(#{FRACTION_RX})/, '')
+ frac = $1
+ end
+ if frac
+ num += FRACTIONS[frac.intern]
+ end
+ elsif clean.sub!(/^(?:#{LITNUM_RX})\s+(?:and\s+(#{FRACTION_RX})\s+)?#{UNITSPEC_RX}/, '')
+ if $1
+ num = ONE_TO_NINE[$1.intern]
+ elsif $2
+ num = TEENS_ETC[$2.intern]
+ elsif $3
+ num = ENTIES[$3.intern]
+ if $4
+ num += ONE_TO_NINE[$4.intern]
+ end
+ end
+ frac = $5
+ unit = Time.time_unit($6)
+ clean.strip!
+ if frac.nil? and clean.sub!(/^and\s+(#{FRACTION_RX})/, '')
+ frac = $1
+ end
+ if frac
+ num += FRACTIONS[frac.intern]
+ end
+ else
+ raise "invalid time string: #{clean} (parsed #{sofar} so far)"
+ end
+ sofar += num * unit
+ clean.sub!(/^and\s+/, '')
+ end
+ return sofar
+ end
+ # TODO 'at hh:mm:ss', 'next week, 'tomorrow', 'saturday' etc
+ end
+ def Utils.parse_time_offset(str)
+ case str
+ when /^(\d+):(\d+)(?:\:(\d+))?$/ # TODO refactor
+ hour = $1.to_i
+ min = $2.to_i
+ sec = $3.to_i
+ now =
+ later = ::Time.mktime(now.year, now.month,, hour, min, sec)
+ # if the given hour is earlier than current hour, given timestr
+ # must have been meant to be in the future
+ if hour < now.hour || hour <= now.hour && min < now.min
+ later += 60*60*24
+ end
+ return later - now
+ when /^(\d+):(\d+)(am|pm)$/ # TODO refactor
+ hour = $1.to_i
+ min = $2.to_i
+ ampm = $3
+ if ampm == "pm"
+ hour += 12
+ end
+ now =
+ later = ::Time.mktime(now.year, now.month,, hour, min, now.sec)
+ return later - now
+ else
+ Time.parse_period(str)
+ end
+ end
+ end