path: root/data/rbot/plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/rbot/plugins')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb
index 4cee9ef5..72a2be0a 100644
--- a/data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/rss.rb
@@ -284,10 +284,85 @@ class RSSFeedsPlugin < Plugin
+ # Auxiliary method used to collect two lines for rss output filters,
+ # running substitutions against DataStream _s_ optionally joined
+ # with hash _h_
+ def make_stream(line1, line2, s, h)
+[line1, line2].compact.join("\n") % s.merge(h))
+ end
+ # Define default RSS filters
+ #
+ # TODO: load personal ones
+ def define_filters
+ @outkey = :"rss.out"
+ @bot.register_filter(:blog, @outkey) { |s|
+ author = s[:author] ? (s[:author] + " ") : ""
+ abt = s[:category] ? "about #{s[:category]} " : ""
+ line1 = "%{handle}%{date}%{author}blogged %{abt}at %{link}"
+ line2 = "%{handle}%{title} - %{desc}"
+ make_stream(line1, line2, s, :author => author, :abt => abt)
+ }
+ @bot.register_filter(:photoblog, @outkey) { |s|
+ author = s[:author] ? (s[:author] + " ") : ""
+ abt = s[:category] ? "under #{s[:category]} " : ""
+ line1 = "%{handle}%{date}%{author}added an image %{abt}at %{link}"
+ line2 = "%{handle}%{title} - %{desc}"
+ make_stream(line1, line2, s, :author => author, :abt => abt)
+ }
+ @bot.register_filter(:news, @outkey) { |s|
+ line1 = "%{handle}%{date}%{title} @ %{link}" % s
+ line2 = "%{handle}%{date}%{desc}" % s
+ make_stream(line1, line2, s)
+ }
+ @bot.register_filter(:git, @outkey) { |s|
+ author = s[:author] ? (s[:author] + " ") : ""
+ line1 = "%{handle}%{date}%{author}committed %{title} @ %{link}"
+ make_stream(line1, nil, s, :author => author)
+ }
+ @bot.register_filter(:forum, @outkey) { |s|
+ line1 = "%{handle}%{date}%{title}%{at}%{link}"
+ make_stream(line1, nil, s)
+ }
+ @bot.register_filter(:wiki, @outkey) { |s|
+ line1 = "%{handle}%{date}%{title}%{at}%{link}"
+ line1 << "has been edited by %{author}. %{desc}"
+ make_stream(line1, nil, s)
+ }
+ @bot.register_filter(:gmane, @outkey) { |s|
+ line1 = "%{handle}%{date}Message %{title} sent by %{author}. %{desc}"
+ make_stream(line1, nil, s)
+ }
+ @bot.register_filter(:trac, @outkey) { |s|
+ author = s[:author].sub(/@\S+?\s*>/, "@...>") + ": " if s[:author]
+ line1 = "%{handle}%{date}%{author}%{title} @ %{link}"
+ line2 = nil
+ unless s[:item].title =~ /^(?:Changeset \[(?:[\da-f]+)\]|\(git commit\))/
+ line2 = "%{handle}%{date}%{desc}"
+ end
+ make_stream(line1, line2, s, :author => author)
+ }
+ @bot.register_filter(:"/.", @outkey) { |s|
+ dept = "(from the #{s[:item].slash_department} dept) " rescue nil
+ sec = " in section #{s[:item].slash_section}" rescue nil
+ line1 = "%{handle}%{date}%{dept}%{title}%{at}%{link} "
+ line1 << "(posted by %{author}%{sec})"
+ make_stream(line1, nil, s, :dept => dept, :sec => sec)
+ }
+ @bot.register_filter(:default, @outkey) { |s|
+ line1 = "%{handle}%{date}%{title}%{at}%{link}"
+ line1 << " (by %{author})" if s[:author]
+ make_stream(line1, nil, s)
+ }
+ end
attr_reader :feeds
def initialize
+ define_filters
if @registry.has_key?(:feeds)
# When migrating from Ruby 1.8.5 to 1.8.6, dumped Mutexes may render the
# data unrestorable. If this happens, we patch the data, thus allowing
@@ -914,48 +989,17 @@ class RSSFeedsPlugin < Plugin
at = ((item.title && ? ' @ ' : '')
- case feed.type
- when 'blog'
- author += " " if author
- abt = category ? "about #{category} " : ""
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{author}blogged #{abt}at #{link}"
- line2 = "#{handle}#{title} - #{desc}"
- when 'photoblog'
- author += " " if author
- abt = category ? "under #{category} " : ""
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{author}added an image #{abt}at #{link}"
- line2 = "#{handle}#{title} - #{desc}"
- when 'news'
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title} @ #{link}"
- line2 = line2 = "#{handle}#{date}#{desc}"
- when 'git'
- author += " " if author
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{author}commited #{title} @ #{link}"
- when 'forum'
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title}#{at}#{link}"
- when 'wiki'
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title}#{at}#{link} has been edited by #{author}. #{desc}"
- when 'gmane'
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}Message #{title} sent by #{author}. #{desc}"
- when 'trac'
- author = author.sub(/@\S+?\s*>/, "@...>") + ": " if author
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{author}#{title} @ #{link}"
- unless item.title =~ /^(?:Changeset \[(?:[\da-f]+)\]|\(git commit\))/
- line2 = "#{handle}#{date}#{desc}"
- end
- when '/.'
- dept = "(from the #{item.slash_department} dept) " rescue nil
- sec = " in section #{item.slash_section}" rescue nil
+ key = @bot.global_filter_name(feed.type, @outkey)
+ key = @bot.global_filter_name(:default, @outkey) unless @bot.has_filter?(key)
+ output = @bot.filter(key, :item => item, :handle => handle, :date => date,
+ :title => title, :desc => desc, :link => link,
+ :category => category, :author => author, :at => at)
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{dept}#{title}#{at}#{link} (posted by #{author}#{sec})"
- else
- line1 = "#{handle}#{date}#{title}#{at}#{link}"
- line1 << " (by #{author})" if author
- end
places.each { |loc|
- @bot.say loc, line1, :overlong => :truncate
- next unless line2
- @bot.say loc, line2, :overlong => :truncate
+ output.to_s.each_line { |line|
+ @bot.say loc, line, :overlong => :truncate
+ }