diff options
3 files changed, 542 insertions, 3 deletions
index cc12c4bc..dddc940c 100644
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@ Ruby modules needed for rbot
Core requirements
- bdb (berkley db)
+ tokyocabinet for "tc" DB adaptor
+ you can install Ruby bindings via "gem install tokyocabinet",
+ but this still requires libtokyocabinet to be installed system-wide
+ bdb (berkeley db) for "bdb" DB adaptor or converting from it
(which requires libdb4.x or better, formerly from, now at
@@ -11,6 +16,7 @@ Core requirements
have a libdb-ruby packaged (or similar).
For Windows instructions, check at the bottom
of this file.
net/http 1.2+
net/https (for debian, this will also need libopenssl-ruby)
diff --git a/lib/rbot/ircbot.rb b/lib/rbot/ircbot.rb
index 68dd4b34..47d3063c 100644
--- a/lib/rbot/ircbot.rb
+++ b/lib/rbot/ircbot.rb
@@ -420,9 +420,9 @@ class Bot
:default => "bdb",
:wizard => true, :default => "bdb",
- :validate => { |v| ["bdb"].include? v },
+ :validate => { |v| ["bdb", "tc"].include? v },
:requires_restart => true,
- :desc => "DB adaptor to use for storing settings and plugin data. Options are: bdb (Berkeley DB, stable adaptor, but troublesome to install and unmaintained)")
+ :desc => "DB adaptor to use for storing settings and plugin data. Options are: bdb (Berkeley DB, stable adaptor, but troublesome to install and unmaintained), tc (Tokyo Cabinet, new adaptor, fast and furious, but may be not available and contain bugs)")
@argv = params[:argv]
@run_dir = params[:run_dir] || Dir.pwd
@@ -494,6 +494,8 @@ class Bot
case @config["core.db"]
when "bdb"
require 'rbot/registry/bdb'
+ when "tc"
+ require 'rbot/registry/tc'
raise _("Unknown DB adaptor: %s") % @config["core.db"]
diff --git a/lib/rbot/registry/tc.rb b/lib/rbot/registry/tc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8279f63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rbot/registry/tc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+#-- vim:sw=2:et
+# :title: DB interface
+ require 'bdb'
+rescue LoadError
+ warning "rbot couldn't load the bdb module. Old registries won't be upgraded"
+rescue Exception => e
+ warning "rbot couldn't load the bdb module: #{e.pretty_inspect}"
+ fatal "Your bdb (Berkeley DB) version #{BDB::VERSION} is too old!"
+ fatal "rbot will only run with bdb version 4 or higher, please upgrade."
+ fatal "For maximum reliability, upgrade to version 4.2 or higher."
+ raise BDB::Fatal, BDB::VERSION + " is too old"
+ warning "Your bdb (Berkeley DB) version #{BDB::VERSION} may not be reliable."
+ warning "If possible, try upgrade version 4.2 or later."
+require 'tokyocabinet'
+module Irc
+ if defined? BDB
+ # DBHash is for tying a hash to disk (using bdb).
+ # Call it with an identifier, for example "mydata". It'll look for
+ # mydata.db, if it exists, it will load and reference that db.
+ # Otherwise it'll create and empty db called mydata.db
+ class DBHash
+ # absfilename:: use +key+ as an actual filename, don't prepend the bot's
+ # config path and don't append ".db"
+ def initialize(bot, key, absfilename=false)
+ @bot = bot
+ @key = key
+ relfilename = @bot.path key
+ relfilename << '.db'
+ if absfilename && File.exist?(key)
+ # db already exists, use it
+ @db = DBHash.open_db(key)
+ elsif absfilename
+ # create empty db
+ @db = DBHash.create_db(key)
+ elsif File.exist? relfilename
+ # db already exists, use it
+ @db = DBHash.open_db relfilename
+ else
+ # create empty db
+ @db = DBHash.create_db relfilename
+ end
+ end
+ def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+ return @db.send(method, *args, &block)
+ end
+ def DBHash.create_db(name)
+ debug "DBHash: creating empty db #{name}"
+ return, nil,
+ BDB::CREATE | BDB::EXCL, 0600)
+ end
+ def DBHash.open_db(name)
+ debug "DBHash: opening existing db #{name}"
+ return, nil, "r+", 0600)
+ end
+ end
+ # make BTree lookups case insensitive
+ module ::BDB
+ class CIBtree < Btree
+ def bdb_bt_compare(a, b)
+ if a == nil || b == nil
+ warning "CIBTree: comparing #{a.inspect} (#{self[a].inspect}) with #{b.inspect} (#{self[b].inspect})"
+ end
+ (a||'').downcase <=> (b||'').downcase
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ::TokyoCabinet
+ class CIBDB < TokyoCabinet::BDB
+ def open(path, omode)
+ res = super
+ if res
+ self.setcmpfunc( do |a, b|
+ a.downcase <=> b.downcase
+ end)
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # DBTree is a BTree equivalent of DBHash, with case insensitive lookups.
+ class DBTree
+ # absfilename:: use +key+ as an actual filename, don't prepend the bot's
+ # config path and don't append ".db"
+ def initialize(bot, key, absfilename=false)
+ @bot = bot
+ @key = key
+ relfilename = @bot.path key
+ relfilename << '.tdb'
+ if absfilename && File.exist?(key)
+ # db already exists, use it
+ @db = DBTree.open_db(key)
+ elsif absfilename
+ # create empty db
+ @db = DBTree.create_db(key)
+ elsif File.exist? relfilename
+ # db already exists, use it
+ @db = DBTree.open_db relfilename
+ else
+ # create empty db
+ @db = DBTree.create_db relfilename
+ end
+ oldbasename = (absfilename ? key : relfilename).gsub(/\.tdb$/, ".db")
+ if File.exists? oldbasename and defined? BDB
+ # upgrading
+ warning "Upgrading old database #{oldbasename}..."
+ oldb =, nil, "r", 0600)
+ oldb.each_key do |k|
+ @db.outlist k
+ @db.putlist k, (oldb.duplicates(k, false))
+ end
+ oldb.close
+ File.rename oldbasename, oldbasename+".bak"
+ end
+ @db
+ end
+ def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+ return @db.send(method, *args, &block)
+ end
+ def DBTree.create_db(name)
+ debug "DBTree: creating empty db #{name}"
+ db =
+ res =, TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OREADER | TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OCREAT | TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OWRITER)
+ warning "DBTree: creating empty db #{name}: #{db.errmsg(db.ecode) unless res}"
+ return db
+ end
+ def DBTree.open_db(name)
+ debug "DBTree: opening existing db #{name}"
+ db =
+ res =, TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OREADER | TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OWRITER)
+ warning "DBTree:opening db #{name}: #{db.errmsg(db.ecode) unless res}"
+ return db
+ end
+ def DBTree.cleanup_logs()
+ # no-op
+ end
+ def DBTree.stats()
+ # no-op
+ end
+ def DBTree.cleanup_env()
+ # no-op
+ end
+ end
+module Irc
+class Bot
+ # This class is now used purely for upgrading from prior versions of rbot
+ # the new registry is split into multiple DBHash objects, one per plugin
+ class Registry
+ def initialize(bot)
+ @bot = bot
+ upgrade_data
+ upgrade_data2
+ end
+ # check for older versions of rbot with data formats that require updating
+ # NB this function is called _early_ in init(), pretty much all you have to
+ # work with is @bot.botclass.
+ def upgrade_data
+ if defined? DBHash
+ oldreg = @bot.path 'registry.db'
+ newreg = @bot.path 'plugin_registry.db'
+ if File.exist?(oldreg)
+ log _("upgrading old-style (rbot 0.9.5 or earlier) plugin registry to new format")
+ old =, nil, "r+", 0600)
+ new =
+, TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OREADER | TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OCREAT | TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OWRITER)
+ old.each_key do |k|
+ new.outlist k
+ new.putlist k, (old.duplicates(k, false))
+ end
+ old.close
+ new.close
+ File.rename(oldreg, oldreg + ".old")
+ end
+ else
+ warning "Won't upgrade data: BDB not installed"
+ end
+ end
+ def upgrade_data2
+ oldreg = @bot.path 'plugin_registry.db'
+ newdir = @bot.path 'registry'
+ if File.exist?(oldreg)
+ Dir.mkdir(newdir) unless File.exist?(newdir)
+ dbs =
+ log _("upgrading previous (rbot 0.9.9 or earlier) plugin registry to new split format")
+ old =, nil, "r+", 0600, "env" => env)
+ old.each {|k,v|
+ prefix,key = k.split("/", 2)
+ prefix.downcase!
+ # subregistries were split with a +, now they are in separate folders
+ if prefix.gsub!(/\+/, "/")
+ # Ok, this code needs to be put in the db opening routines
+ dirs = File.dirname("#{@bot.botclass}/registry/#{prefix}.db").split("/")
+ dirs.length.times { |i|
+ dir = dirs[0,i+1].join("/")+"/"
+ unless File.exist?(dir)
+ log _("creating subregistry directory #{dir}")
+ Dir.mkdir(dir)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ unless dbs.has_key?(prefix)
+ log _("creating db #{@bot.botclass}/registry/#{prefix}.db")
+ dbs[prefix] ="#{@bot.botclass}/registry/#{prefix}.db",
+ TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OREADER | TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OCREAT | TokyoCabinet::CIBDB::OWRITER)
+ end
+ dbs[prefix][key] = v
+ }
+ old.close
+ File.rename(oldreg, oldreg + ".old")
+ dbs.each {|k,v|
+ log _("closing db #{k}")
+ v.close
+ }
+ env.close
+ end
+ end
+ # This class provides persistent storage for plugins via a hash interface.
+ # The default mode is an object store, so you can store ruby objects and
+ # reference them with hash keys. This is because the default store/restore
+ # methods of the plugins' RegistryAccessor are calls to Marshal.dump and
+ # Marshal.restore,
+ # for example:
+ # blah =
+ # blah[:foo] = "fum"
+ # @registry[:blah] = blah
+ # then, even after the bot is shut down and disconnected, on the next run you
+ # can access the blah object as it was, with:
+ # blah = @registry[:blah]
+ # The registry can of course be used to store simple strings, fixnums, etc as
+ # well, and should be useful to store or cache plugin data or dynamic plugin
+ # configuration.
+ #
+ # in object store mode, don't make the mistake of treating it like a live
+ # object, e.g. (using the example above)
+ # @registry[:blah][:foo] = "flump"
+ # will NOT modify the object in the registry - remember that Registry#[]
+ # returns a Marshal.restore'd object, the object you just modified in place
+ # will disappear. You would need to:
+ # blah = @registry[:blah]
+ # blah[:foo] = "flump"
+ # @registry[:blah] = blah
+ #
+ # If you don't need to store objects, and strictly want a persistant hash of
+ # strings, you can override the store/restore methods to suit your needs, for
+ # example (in your plugin):
+ # def initialize
+ # class << @registry
+ # def store(val)
+ # val
+ # end
+ # def restore(val)
+ # val
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
+ # Your plugins section of the registry is private, it has its own namespace
+ # (derived from the plugin's class name, so change it and lose your data).
+ # Calls to registry.each etc, will only iterate over your namespace.
+ class Accessor
+ attr_accessor :recovery
+ # plugins don't call this - a Registry::Accessor is created for them and
+ # is accessible via @registry.
+ def initialize(bot, name)
+ @bot = bot
+ @name = name.downcase
+ @filename = @bot.path 'registry', @name
+ dirs = File.dirname(@filename).split("/")
+ dirs.length.times { |i|
+ dir = dirs[0,i+1].join("/")+"/"
+ unless File.exist?(dir)
+ debug "creating subregistry directory #{dir}"
+ Dir.mkdir(dir)
+ end
+ }
+ @filename << ".tdb"
+ @registry = nil
+ @default = nil
+ @recovery = nil
+ # debug "initializing registry accessor with name #{@name}"
+ end
+ def registry
+ @registry ||= @bot, "registry/#{@name}"
+ end
+ def flush
+ # debug "fushing registry #{registry}"
+ return if !@registry
+ registry.sync
+ end
+ def close
+ # debug "closing registry #{registry}"
+ return if !@registry
+ registry.close
+ end
+ # convert value to string form for storing in the registry
+ # defaults to Marshal.dump(val) but you can override this in your module's
+ # registry object to use any method you like.
+ # For example, if you always just handle strings use:
+ # def store(val)
+ # val
+ # end
+ def store(val)
+ Marshal.dump(val)
+ end
+ # restores object from string form, restore(store(val)) must return val.
+ # If you override store, you should override restore to reverse the
+ # action.
+ # For example, if you always just handle strings use:
+ # def restore(val)
+ # val
+ # end
+ def restore(val)
+ begin
+ Marshal.restore(val)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ error _("failed to restore marshal data for #{val.inspect}, attempting recovery or fallback to default")
+ debug e
+ if defined? @recovery and @recovery
+ begin
+ return
+ rescue Exception => ee
+ error _("marshal recovery failed, trying default")
+ debug ee
+ end
+ end
+ return default
+ end
+ end
+ # lookup a key in the registry
+ def [](key)
+ if File.exist?(@filename) and registry.has_key?(key.to_s)
+ return restore(registry[key.to_s])
+ else
+ return default
+ end
+ end
+ # set a key in the registry
+ def []=(key,value)
+ registry[key.to_s] = store(value)
+ end
+ # set the default value for registry lookups, if the key sought is not
+ # found, the default will be returned. The default default (har) is nil.
+ def set_default (default)
+ @default = default
+ end
+ def default
+ @default && (@default.dup rescue @default)
+ end
+ # just like Hash#each
+ def each(set=nil, bulk=0, &block)
+ return nil unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ registry.fwmkeys(set).each {|key|
+, restore(registry[key]))
+ }
+ end
+ # just like Hash#each_key
+ def each_key(set=nil, bulk=0, &block)
+ return nil unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ registry.fwmkeys(set).each do |key|
+ end
+ end
+ # just like Hash#each_value
+ def each_value(set=nil, bulk=0, &block)
+ return nil unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ registry.fwmkeys(set).each do |key|
+ end
+ end
+ # just like Hash#has_key?
+ def has_key?(key)
+ return false unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ return registry.has_key?(key.to_s)
+ end
+ alias include? has_key?
+ alias member? has_key?
+ alias key? has_key?
+ # just like Hash#has_both?
+ def has_both?(key, value)
+ return false unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ registry.has_key?(key.to_s) and registry.has_value?(store(value))
+ end
+ # just like Hash#has_value?
+ def has_value?(value)
+ return false unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ return registry.has_value?(store(value))
+ end
+ # just like Hash#index?
+ def index(value)
+ self.each do |k,v|
+ return k if v == value
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ # delete a key from the registry
+ def delete(key)
+ return default unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ return registry.delete(key.to_s)
+ end
+ # returns a list of your keys
+ def keys
+ return [] unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ return registry.keys
+ end
+ # Return an array of all associations [key, value] in your namespace
+ def to_a
+ return [] unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ ret =
+ registry.each {|key, value|
+ ret << [key, restore(value)]
+ }
+ return ret
+ end
+ # Return an hash of all associations {key => value} in your namespace
+ def to_hash
+ return {} unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ ret =
+ registry.each {|key, value|
+ ret[key] = restore(value)
+ }
+ return ret
+ end
+ # empties the registry (restricted to your namespace)
+ def clear
+ return true unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ registry.vanish
+ end
+ alias truncate clear
+ # returns an array of the values in your namespace of the registry
+ def values
+ return [] unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ ret =
+ self.each {|k,v|
+ ret << restore(v)
+ }
+ return ret
+ end
+ def sub_registry(prefix)
+ return, @name + "/" + prefix.to_s)
+ end
+ # returns the number of keys in your registry namespace
+ def length
+ return 0 unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ registry.length
+ end
+ alias size length
+ # That is btree!
+ def putdup(key, value)
+ registry.putdup(key.to_s, store(value))
+ end
+ def putlist(key, values)
+ registry.putlist(key.to_s, {|v| store(v)})
+ end
+ def getlist(key)
+ return [] unless File.exist?(@filename)
+ (registry.getlist(key.to_s) || []).map {|v| restore(v)}
+ end
+ end
+ end