path: root/lib/rbot/core
diff options
authorGiuseppe Bilotta <>2008-03-04 18:24:57 +0100
committerGiuseppe Bilotta <>2008-03-04 18:24:57 +0100
commit6f9bfa43ac907700fcba394e0f6b9d987b1192fb (patch)
tree90058ef94a1cdf86b51b70bfdafd17b8f26ea33a /lib/rbot/core
parent02e8b672cdf3bf8c67f78a2a7fc028c4c6304a30 (diff)
Unixify all line endings.
Some files had DOS-style line endings. Change all of them to Unix-style.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rbot/core')
3 files changed, 1481 insertions, 1481 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rbot/core/auth.rb b/lib/rbot/core/auth.rb
index b0aa12c1..d6167535 100644
--- a/lib/rbot/core/auth.rb
+++ b/lib/rbot/core/auth.rb
@@ -1,968 +1,968 @@
-#-- vim:sw=2:et
-# :title: rbot auth management from IRC
-# Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta <>
-# Copyright:: (C) 2006,2007 Giuseppe Bilotta
-# License:: GPL v2
-class AuthModule < CoreBotModule
- def initialize
- super
- # The namespace migration causes each Irc::Auth::PermissionSet to be
- # unrecoverable, and we have to rename their class name to
- # Irc::Bot::Auth::PermissionSet
- @registry.recovery = { |val|
- patched = val.sub("o:\035Irc::Auth::PermissionSet", "o:\042Irc::Bot::Auth::PermissionSet")
- Marshal.restore(patched)
- }
- load_array(:default, true)
- debug "initialized auth. Botusers: #{@bot.auth.save_array.pretty_inspect}"
- end
- def save
- save_array
- end
- def save_array(key=:default)
- if @bot.auth.changed?
- @registry[key] = @bot.auth.save_array
- @bot.auth.reset_changed
- debug "saved botusers (#{key}): #{@registry[key].pretty_inspect}"
- end
- end
- def load_array(key=:default, forced=false)
- debug "loading botusers (#{key}): #{@registry[key].pretty_inspect}"
- @bot.auth.load_array(@registry[key], forced) if @registry.has_key?(key)
- end
- # The permission parameters accept arguments with the following syntax:
- # cmd_path... [on #chan .... | in here | in private]
- # This auxiliary method scans the array _ar_ to see if it matches
- # the given syntax: it expects + or - signs in front of _cmd_path_
- # elements when _setting_ = true
- #
- # It returns an array whose first element is the array of cmd_path,
- # the second element is an array of locations and third an array of
- # warnings occurred while parsing the strings
- #
- def parse_args(ar, setting)
- cmds = []
- locs = []
- warns = []
- doing_cmds = true
- next_must_be_chan = false
- want_more = false
- last_idx = 0
- ar.each_with_index { |x, i|
- if doing_cmds # parse cmd_path
- # check if the list is done
- if x == "on" or x == "in"
- doing_cmds = false
- next_must_be_chan = true if x == "on"
- next
- end
- if "+-".include?(x[0])
- warns <<"please do not use + or - in front of command %{command} when resetting") % {:command => x}) unless setting
- else
- warns <<"+ or - expected in front of %{string}") % {:string => x}) if setting
- end
- cmds << x
- else # parse locations
- if x[-1].chr == ','
- want_more = true
- else
- want_more = false
- end
- case next_must_be_chan
- when false
- locs << x.gsub(/^here$/,'_').gsub(/^private$/,'?')
- else
- warns <<"'%{string}' doesn't look like a channel name") % {:string => x}) unless @bot.server.supports[:chantypes].include?(x[0])
- locs << x
- end
- unless want_more
- last_idx = i
- break
- end
- end
- }
- warns << _("trailing comma") if want_more
- warns << _("you probably forgot a comma") unless last_idx == ar.length - 1
- return cmds, locs, warns
- end
- def auth_edit_perm(m, params)
- setting = m.message.split[1] == "set"
- splits = params[:args]
- has_for = splits[-2] == "for"
- return usage(m) unless has_for
- begin
- user = @bot.auth.get_botuser(splits[-1].sub(/^all$/,"everyone"))
- rescue
- return m.reply(_("couldn't find botuser %{name}") % {:name => splits[-1]})
- end
- return m.reply(_("you can't change permissions for %{username}") % {:username => user.username}) if user.owner?
- splits.slice!(-2,2) if has_for
- cmds, locs, warns = parse_args(splits, setting)
- errs = { |w| w.kind_of?(Exception) }
- unless errs.empty?
- m.reply _("couldn't satisfy your request: %{errors}") % {:errors => errs.join(',')}
- return
- end
- if locs.empty?
- locs << "*"
- end
- begin
- locs.each { |loc|
- ch = loc
- if m.private?
- ch = "?" if loc == "_"
- else
- ch = if loc == "_"
- end
- cmds.each { |setval|
- if setting
- val = setval[0].chr == '+'
- cmd = setval[1..-1]
- user.set_permission(cmd, val, ch)
- else
- cmd = setval
- user.reset_permission(cmd, ch)
- end
- }
- }
- rescue => e
- m.reply "something went wrong while trying to set the permissions"
- raise
- end
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- debug "user #{user} permissions changed"
- m.okay
- end
- def auth_view_perm(m, params)
- begin
- if params[:user].nil?
- user = get_botusername_for(m.source)
- return m.reply(_("you are owner, you can do anything")) if user.owner?
- else
- user = @bot.auth.get_botuser(params[:user].sub(/^all$/,"everyone"))
- return m.reply(_("owner can do anything")) if user.owner?
- end
- rescue
- return m.reply(_("couldn't find botuser %{name}") % {:name => params[:user]})
- end
- perm = user.perm
- str = []
- perm.each { |k, val|
- next if val.perm.empty?
- case k
- when :*
- str << _("on any channel: ")
- when :"?"
- str << _("in private: ")
- else
- str << _("on #{k}: ")
- end
- sub = []
- val.perm.each { |cmd, bool|
- sub << (bool ? "+" : "-")
- sub.last << cmd.to_s
- }
- str.last << sub.join(', ')
- }
- if str.empty?
- m.reply _("no permissions set for %{user}") % {:user => user.username}
- else
- m.reply _("permissions for %{user}:: %{permissions}") %
- { :user => user.username, :permissions => str.join('; ')}
- end
- end
- def auth_search_perm(m, p)
- pattern =[:pattern].to_s)
- results = { |k, v| k.match(pattern) }
- count = results.length
- max = @bot.config['send.max_lines']
- extra = (count > max ? _(". only %{max} will be shown") : "") % { :max => max }
- m.reply _("%{count} commands found matching %{pattern}%{extra}") % {
- :count => count, :pattern => pattern, :extra => extra
- }
- return if count == 0
- results[0,max].each { |cmd, hash|
- m.reply _("%{cmd}: %{perms}") % {
- :cmd => cmd,
- :perms => hash[:auth].join(", ")
- }
- }
- end
- def get_botuser_for(user)
- @bot.auth.irc_to_botuser(user)
- end
- def get_botusername_for(user)
- get_botuser_for(user).username
- end
- def welcome(user)
- _("welcome, %{user}") % {:user => get_botusername_for(user)}
- end
- def auth_auth(m, params)
- params[:botuser] = 'owner'
- auth_login(m,params)
- end
- def auth_login(m, params)
- begin
- case @bot.auth.login(m.source, params[:botuser], params[:password])
- when true
- m.reply welcome(m.source)
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- else
- m.reply _("sorry, can't do")
- end
- rescue => e
- m.reply _("couldn't login: %{exception}") % {:exception => e}
- raise
- end
- end
- def auth_autologin(m, params)
- u = do_autologin(m.source)
- if u.default?
- m.reply _("I couldn't find anything to let you login automatically")
- else
- m.reply welcome(m.source)
- end
- end
- def do_autologin(user)
- @bot.auth.autologin(user)
- end
- def auth_whoami(m, params)
- m.reply _("you are %{who}") % {
- :who => get_botusername_for(m.source).gsub(
- /^everyone$/, _("no one that I know")).gsub(
- /^owner$/, _("my boss"))
- }
- end
- def auth_whois(m, params)
- return auth_whoami(m, params) if !m.public?
- u =[params[:user]]
- return m.reply("I don't see anyone named '#{params[:user]}' here") unless u
- m.reply _("#{params[:user]} is %{who}") % {
- :who => get_botusername_for(u).gsub(
- /^everyone$/, _("no one that I know")).gsub(
- /^owner$/, _("my boss"))
- }
- end
- def help(cmd, topic="")
- case cmd
- when "login"
- return _("login [<botuser>] [<pass>]: logs in to the bot as botuser <botuser> with password <pass>. When using the full form, you must contact the bot in private. <pass> can be omitted if <botuser> allows login-by-mask and your netmask is among the known ones. if <botuser> is omitted too autologin will be attempted")
- when "whoami"
- return _("whoami: names the botuser you're linked to")
- when "who"
- return _("who is <user>: names the botuser <user> is linked to")
- when /^permission/
- case topic
- when "syntax"
- return _("a permission is specified as module::path::to::cmd; when you want to enable it, prefix it with +; when you want to disable it, prefix it with -; when using the +reset+ command, do not use any prefix")
- when "set", "reset", "[re]set", "(re)set"
- return _("permissions [re]set <permission> [in <channel>] for <user>: sets or resets the permissions for botuser <user> in channel <channel> (use ? to change the permissions for private addressing)")
- when "view"
- return _("permissions view [for <user>]: display the permissions for user <user>")
- when "searc"
- return _("permissions search <pattern>: display the permissions associated with the commands matching <pattern>")
- else
- return _("permission topics: syntax, (re)set, view, search")
- end
- when "user"
- case topic
- when "show"
- return _("user show <what> : shows info about the user; <what> can be any of autologin, login-by-mask, netmasks")
- when /^(en|dis)able/
- return _("user enable|disable <what> : turns on or off <what> (autologin, login-by-mask)")
- when "set"
- return _("user set password <blah> : sets the user password to <blah>; passwords can only contain upper and lowercase letters and numbers, and must be at least 4 characters long")
- when "add", "rm"
- return _("user add|rm netmask <mask> : adds/removes netmask <mask> from the list of netmasks known to the botuser you're linked to")
- when "reset"
- return _("user reset <what> : resets <what> to the default values. <what> can be +netmasks+ (the list will be emptied), +autologin+ or +login-by-mask+ (will be reset to the default value) or +password+ (a new one will be generated and you'll be told in private)")
- when "tell"
- return _("user tell <who> the password for <botuser> : contacts <who> in private to tell him/her the password for <botuser>")
- when "create"
- return _("user create <name> <password> : create botuser named <name> with password <password>. The password can be omitted, in which case a random one will be generated. The <name> should only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_)")
- when "list"
- return _("user list : lists all the botusers")
- when "destroy"
- return _("user destroy <botuser> : destroys <botuser>. This function %{highlight}must%{highlight} be called in two steps. On the first call <botuser> is queued for destruction. On the second call, which must be in the form 'user confirm destroy <botuser>', the botuser will be destroyed. If you want to cancel the destruction, issue the command 'user cancel destroy <botuser>'") % {:highlight => Bold}
- else
- return _("user topics: show, enable|disable, add|rm netmask, set, reset, tell, create, list, destroy")
- end
- when "auth"
- return _("auth <masterpassword>: log in as the bot owner; other commands: login, whoami, permission syntax, permissions [re]set, permissions view, user, meet, hello")
- when "meet"
- return _("meet <nick> [as <user>]: creates a bot user for nick, calling it user (defaults to the nick itself)")
- when "hello"
- return _("hello: creates a bot user for the person issuing the command")
- else
- return _("auth commands: auth, login, whoami, who, permission[s], user, meet, hello")
- end
- end
- def need_args(cmd)
- _("sorry, I need more arguments to %{command}") % {:command => cmd}
- end
- def not_args(cmd, *stuff)
- _("I can only %{command} these: %{arguments}") %
- {:command => cmd, :arguments => stuff.join(', ')}
- end
- def set_prop(botuser, prop, val)
- k = prop.to_s.gsub("-","_")
- botuser.send( (k + "=").to_sym, val)
- if prop == :password and botuser == @bot.auth.botowner
- @bot.config.items[:'auth.password'].set_string(@bot.auth.botowner.password)
- end
- end
- def reset_prop(botuser, prop)
- k = prop.to_s.gsub("-","_")
- botuser.send( ("reset_"+k).to_sym)
- end
- def ask_bool_prop(botuser, prop)
- k = prop.to_s.gsub("-","_")
- botuser.send( (k + "?").to_sym)
- end
- def auth_manage_user(m, params)
- splits = params[:data]
- cmd = splits.first
- return auth_whoami(m, params) if cmd.nil?
- botuser = get_botuser_for(m.source)
- # By default, we do stuff on the botuser the irc user is bound to
- butarget = botuser
- has_for = splits[-2] == "for"
- if has_for
- butarget = @bot.auth.get_botuser(splits[-1]) rescue nil
- return m.reply(_("no such bot user %{user}") % {:user => splits[-1]}) unless butarget
- splits.slice!(-2,2)
- end
- return m.reply(_("you can't mess with %{user}") % {:user => butarget.username}) if butarget.owner? && botuser != butarget
- bools = [:autologin, :"login-by-mask"]
- can_set = [:password]
- can_addrm = [:netmasks]
- can_reset = bools + can_set + can_addrm
- can_show = can_reset + ["perms"]
- begin
- case cmd.to_sym
- when :show
- return m.reply(_("you can't see the properties of %{user}") %
- {:user => butarget.username}) if botuser != butarget &&
- !botuser.permit?("auth::show::other")
- case splits[1]
- when nil, "all"
- props = can_reset
- when "password"
- if botuser != butarget
- return m.reply(_("no way I'm telling you the master password!")) if butarget == @bot.auth.botowner
- return m.reply(_("you can't ask for someone else's password"))
- end
- return m.reply(_("c'mon, you can't be asking me seriously to tell you the password in public!")) if m.public?
- return m.reply(_("the password for %{user} is %{password}") %
- { :user => butarget.username, :password => butarget.password })
- else
- props = splits[1..-1]
- end
- str = []
- props.each { |arg|
- k = arg.to_sym
- next if k == :password
- case k
- when *bools
- if ask_bool_prop(butarget, k)
- str << _("can %{action}") % {:action => k}
- else
- str << _("can not %{action}") % {:action => k}
- end
- when :netmasks
- if butarget.netmasks.empty?
- str << _("knows no netmasks")
- else
- str << _("knows %{netmasks}") % {:netmasks => butarget.netmasks.join(", ")}
- end
- end
- }
- return m.reply("#{butarget.username} #{str.join('; ')}")
- when :enable, :disable
- return m.reply(_("you can't change the default user")) if butarget.default? && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::other::default")
- return m.reply(_("you can't edit %{user}") % {:user => butarget.username}) if butarget != botuser && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::other")
- return m.reply(need_args(cmd)) unless splits[1]
- things = []
- skipped = []
- splits[1..-1].each { |a|
- arg = a.to_sym
- if bools.include?(arg)
- set_prop(butarget, arg, cmd.to_sym == :enable)
- things << a
- else
- skipped << a
- end
- }
- m.reply(_("I ignored %{things} because %{reason}") % {
- :things => skipped.join(', '),
- :reason => not_args(cmd, *bools)}) unless skipped.empty?
- if things.empty?
- m.reply _("I haven't changed anything")
- else
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- return auth_manage_user(m, {:data => ["show"] + things + ["for", butarget.username] })
- end
- when :set
- return m.reply(_("you can't change the default user")) if
- butarget.default? && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::default")
- return m.reply(_("you can't edit %{user}") % {:user=>butarget.username}) if
- butarget != botuser && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::other")
- return m.reply(need_args(cmd)) unless splits[1]
- arg = splits[1].to_sym
- return m.reply(not_args(cmd, *can_set)) unless can_set.include?(arg)
- argarg = splits[2]
- return m.reply(need_args([cmd, splits[1]].join(" "))) unless argarg
- if arg == :password && m.public?
- return m.reply(_("is that a joke? setting the password in public?"))
- end
- set_prop(butarget, arg, argarg)
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- auth_manage_user(m, {:data => ["show", arg.to_s, "for", butarget.username] })
- when :reset
- return m.reply(_("you can't change the default user")) if
- butarget.default? && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::default")
- return m.reply(_("you can't edit %{user}") % {:user=>butarget.username}) if
- butarget != botuser && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::other")
- return m.reply(need_args(cmd)) unless splits[1]
- things = []
- skipped = []
- splits[1..-1].each { |a|
- arg = a.to_sym
- if can_reset.include?(arg)
- reset_prop(butarget, arg)
- things << a
- else
- skipped << a
- end
- }
- m.reply(_("I ignored %{things} because %{reason}") %
- { :things => skipped.join(', '),
- :reason => not_args(cmd, *can_reset)}) unless skipped.empty?
- if things.empty?
- m.reply _("I haven't changed anything")
- else
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- @bot.say(m.source, _("the password for %{user} is now %{password}") %
- {:user => butarget.username, :password => butarget.password}) if
- things.include?("password")
- return auth_manage_user(m, {:data => (["show"] + things - ["password"]) + ["for", butarget.username]})
- end
- when :add, :rm, :remove, :del, :delete
- return m.reply(_("you can't change the default user")) if
- butarget.default? && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::default")
- return m.reply(_("you can't edit %{user}") % {:user => butarget.username}) if
- butarget != botuser && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::other")
- arg = splits[1]
- if arg.nil? or arg !~ /netmasks?/ or splits[2].nil?
- return m.reply(_("I can only add/remove netmasks. See +help user add+ for more instructions"))
- end
- method = cmd.to_sym == :add ? :add_netmask : :delete_netmask
- failed = []
- splits[2..-1].each { |mask|
- begin
- butarget.send(method, mask.to_irc_netmask(:server => @bot.server))
- rescue => e
- debug "failed with #{e.message}"
- debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
- failed << mask
- end
- }
- m.reply "I failed to #{cmd} #{failed.join(', ')}" unless failed.empty?
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- return auth_manage_user(m, {:data => ["show", "netmasks", "for", butarget.username] })
- else
- m.reply _("sorry, I don't know how to %{request}") % {:request => m.message}
- end
- rescue => e
- m.reply _("couldn't %{cmd}: %{exception}") % {:cmd => cmd, :exception => e}
- end
- end
- def auth_meet(m, params)
- nick = params[:nick]
- if !nick
- # we are actually responding to a 'hello' command
- unless m.botuser.transient?
- m.reply @bot.lang.get('hello_X') % m.botuser
- return
- end
- nick = m.sourcenick
- irc_user = m.source
- else
- # is always an Irc::Channel because the command is either
- # public-only 'meet' or private/public 'hello' which was handled by
- # the !nick case, so this shouldn't fail
- irc_user =[nick]
- return m.reply("I don't see anyone named '#{nick}' here") unless irc_user
- end
- # BotUser name
- buname = params[:user] || nick
- begin
- call_event(:botuser,:pre_perm, {:irc_user => irc_user, :bot_user => buname})
- met = @bot.auth.make_permanent(irc_user, buname)
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- call_event(:botuser,:post_perm, {:irc_user => irc_user, :bot_user => buname})
- m.reply @bot.lang.get('hello_X') % met
- @bot.say nick, _("you are now registered as %{buname}. I created a random password for you : %{pass} and you can change it at any time by telling me 'user set password <password>' in private" % {
- :buname => buname,
- :pass => met.password
- })
- rescue RuntimeError
- # or can this happen for other cases too?
- # TODO autologin if forced
- m.reply _("but I already know %{buname}" % {:buname => buname})
- rescue => e
- m.reply _("I had problems meeting %{nick}: %{e}" % { :nick => nick, :e => e })
- end
- end
- def auth_tell_password(m, params)
- user = params[:user]
- begin
- botuser = @bot.auth.get_botuser(params[:botuser])
- rescue
- return m.reply(_("couldn't find botuser %{user}") % {:user => params[:botuser]})
- end
- m.reply(_("I'm not telling the master password to anyway, pal")) if botuser == @bot.auth.botowner
- msg = _("the password for botuser %{user} is %{password}") %
- {:user => botuser.username, :password => botuser.password}
- @bot.say user, msg
- @bot.say m.source, _("I told %{user} that %{message}") % {:user => user, :message => msg}
- end
- def auth_create_user(m, params)
- name = params[:name]
- password = params[:password]
- return m.reply(_("are you nuts, creating a botuser with a publicly known password?")) if m.public? and not password.nil?
- begin
- bu = @bot.auth.create_botuser(name, password)
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- rescue => e
- m.reply(_("failed to create %{user}: %{exception}") % {:user => name, :exception => e})
- debug e.inspect + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n")
- return
- end
- m.reply(_("created botuser %{user}") % {:user => bu.username})
- end
- def auth_list_users(m, params)
- # TODO name regexp to filter results
- list = @bot.auth.save_array.inject([]) { |list, x| ['everyone', 'owner'].include?(x[:username]) ? list : list << x[:username] }
- if defined?(@destroy_q)
-! { |x|
- @destroy_q.include?(x) ? x + _(" (queued for destruction)") : x
- }
- end
- return m.reply(_("I have no botusers other than the default ones")) if list.empty?
- return m.reply(n_("botuser: %{list}", "botusers: %{list}", list.length) %
- {:list => list.join(', ')})
- end
- def auth_destroy_user(m, params)
- @destroy_q = [] unless defined?(@destroy_q)
- buname = params[:name]
- return m.reply(_("You can't destroy %{user}") % {:user => buname}) if
- ["everyone", "owner"].include?(buname)
- mod = params[:modifier].to_sym rescue nil
- buser_array = @bot.auth.save_array
- buser_hash = buser_array.inject({}) { |h, u|
- h[u[:username]] = u
- h
- }
- return m.reply(_("no such botuser %{user}") % {:user=>buname}) unless
- buser_hash.keys.include?(buname)
- case mod
- when :cancel
- if @destroy_q.include?(buname)
- @destroy_q.delete(buname)
- m.reply(_("%{user} removed from the destruction queue") % {:user=>buname})
- else
- m.reply(_("%{user} was not queued for destruction") % {:user=>buname})
- end
- return
- when nil
- if @destroy_q.include?(buname)
- return m.reply(_("%{user} already queued for destruction, use %{highlight}user confirm destroy %{user}%{highlight} to destroy it") % {:user=>buname, :highlight=>Bold})
- else
- @destroy_q << buname
- return m.reply(_("%{user} queued for destruction, use %{highlight}user confirm destroy %{user}%{highlight} to destroy it") % {:user=>buname, :highlight=>Bold})
- end
- when :confirm
- begin
- return m.reply(_("%{user} is not queued for destruction yet") %
- {:user=>buname}) unless @destroy_q.include?(buname)
- buser_array.delete_if { |u|
- u[:username] == buname
- }
- @destroy_q.delete(buname)
- @bot.auth.load_array(buser_array, true)
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- rescue => e
- return m.reply(_("failed: %{exception}") % {:exception => e})
- end
- return m.reply(_("botuser %{user} destroyed") % {:user => buname})
- end
- end
- def auth_copy_ren_user(m, params)
- source = Auth::BotUser.sanitize_username(params[:source])
- dest = Auth::BotUser.sanitize_username(params[:dest])
- return m.reply(_("please don't touch the default users")) unless
- (["everyone", "owner"] & [source, dest]).empty?
- buser_array = @bot.auth.save_array
- buser_hash = buser_array.inject({}) { |h, u|
- h[u[:username]] = u
- h
- }
- return m.reply(_("no such botuser %{source}") % {:source=>source}) unless
- buser_hash.keys.include?(source)
- return m.reply(_("botuser %{dest} exists already") % {:dest=>dest}) if
- buser_hash.keys.include?(dest)
- copying = m.message.split[1] == "copy"
- begin
- if copying
- h = {}
- buser_hash[source].each { |k, val|
- h[k] = val.dup
- }
- else
- h = buser_hash[source]
- end
- h[:username] = dest
- buser_array << h if copying
- @bot.auth.load_array(buser_array, true)
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- call_event(:botuser, copying ? :copy : :rename, :source => source, :dest => dest)
- rescue => e
- return m.reply(_("failed: %{exception}") % {:exception=>e})
- end
- if copying
- m.reply(_("botuser %{source} copied to %{dest}") %
- {:source=>source, :dest=>dest})
- else
- m.reply(_("botuser %{source} renamed to %{dest}") %
- {:source=>source, :dest=>dest})
- end
- end
- def auth_export(m, params)
- exportfile = "#{@bot.botclass}/new-auth.users"
- what = params[:things]
- has_to = what[-2] == "to"
- if has_to
- exportfile = "#{@bot.botclass}/#{what[-1]}"
- what.slice!(-2,2)
- end
- what.delete("all")
- m.reply _("selecting data to export ...")
- buser_array = @bot.auth.save_array
- buser_hash = buser_array.inject({}) { |h, u|
- h[u[:username]] = u
- h
- }
- if what.empty?
- we_want = buser_hash
- else
- we_want = buser_hash.delete_if { |key, val|
- not what.include?(key)
- }
- end
- m.reply _("preparing data for export ...")
- begin
- yaml_hash = {}
- we_want.each { |k, val|
- yaml_hash[k] = {}
- val.each { |kk, v|
- case kk
- when :username
- next
- when :netmasks
- yaml_hash[k][kk] = []
- v.each { |nm|
- yaml_hash[k][kk] << {
- :fullform => nm.fullform,
- :casemap => nm.casemap.to_s
- }
- }
- else
- yaml_hash[k][kk] = v
- end
- }
- }
- rescue => e
- m.reply _("failed to prepare data: %{exception}") % {:exception=>e}
- debug e.backtrace.dup.unshift(e.inspect).join("\n")
- return
- end
- m.reply _("exporting to %{file} ...") % {:file=>exportfile}
- begin
- # m.reply yaml_hash.inspect
-, "w") do |file|
- file.puts YAML::dump(yaml_hash)
- end
- rescue => e
- m.reply _("failed to export users: %{exception}") % {:exception=>e}
- debug e.backtrace.dup.unshift(e.inspect).join("\n")
- return
- end
- m.reply _("done")
- end
- def auth_import(m, params)
- importfile = "#{@bot.botclass}/new-auth.users"
- what = params[:things]
- has_from = what[-2] == "from"
- if has_from
- importfile = "#{@bot.botclass}/#{what[-1]}"
- what.slice!(-2,2)
- end
- what.delete("all")
- m.reply _("reading %{file} ...") % {:file=>importfile}
- begin
- yaml_hash = YAML::load_file(importfile)
- rescue => e
- m.reply _("failed to import from: %{exception}") % {:exception=>e}
- debug e.backtrace.dup.unshift(e.inspect).join("\n")
- return
- end
- # m.reply yaml_hash.inspect
- m.reply _("selecting data to import ...")
- if what.empty?
- we_want = yaml_hash
- else
- we_want = yaml_hash.delete_if { |key, val|
- not what.include?(key)
- }
- end
- m.reply _("parsing data from import ...")
- buser_hash = {}
- begin
- yaml_hash.each { |k, val|
- buser_hash[k] = { :username => k }
- val.each { |kk, v|
- case kk
- when :netmasks
- buser_hash[k][kk] = []
- v.each { |nm|
- buser_hash[k][kk] << nm[:fullform].to_irc_netmask(:casemap => nm[:casemap].to_irc_casemap).to_irc_netmask(:server => @bot.server)
- }
- else
- buser_hash[k][kk] = v
- end
- }
- }
- rescue => e
- m.reply _("failed to parse data: %{exception}") % {:exception=>e}
- debug e.backtrace.dup.unshift(e.inspect).join("\n")
- return
- end
- # m.reply buser_hash.inspect
- org_buser_array = @bot.auth.save_array
- org_buser_hash = org_buser_array.inject({}) { |h, u|
- h[u[:username]] = u
- h
- }
- # TODO we may want to do a(n optional) key-by-key merge
- #
- org_buser_hash.merge!(buser_hash)
- new_buser_array = org_buser_hash.values
- @bot.auth.load_array(new_buser_array, true)
- @bot.auth.set_changed
- m.reply _("done")
- end
-auth =
- "user export *things",
- :action => 'auth_export',
- :defaults => { :things => ['all'] },
- :auth_path => ':manage:fedex:'
- "user import *things",
- :action => 'auth_import',
- :auth_path => ':manage:fedex:'
- "user create :name :password",
- :action => 'auth_create_user',
- :defaults => {:password => nil},
- :auth_path => ':manage:'
- "user [:modifier] destroy :name",
- :action => 'auth_destroy_user',
- :requirements => { :modifier => /^(cancel|confirm)?$/ },
- :defaults => { :modifier => '' },
- :auth_path => ':manage::destroy!'
- "user copy :source [to] :dest",
- :action => 'auth_copy_ren_user',
- :auth_path => ':manage:'
- "user rename :source [to] :dest",
- :action => 'auth_copy_ren_user',
- :auth_path => ':manage:'
- "meet :nick [as :user]",
- :action => 'auth_meet',
- :auth_path => 'user::manage', :private => false
- "hello",
- :action => 'auth_meet',
- :auth_path => 'user::manage::meet'
-auth.default_auth("user::manage", false)
-auth.default_auth("user::manage::meet::hello", true)
- "user tell :user the password for :botuser",
- :action => 'auth_tell_password',
- :auth_path => ':manage:'
- "user list",
- :action => 'auth_list_users',
- :auth_path => '::'
- "user *data",
- :action => 'auth_manage_user'
-auth.default_auth("user", true)
-auth.default_auth("edit::other", false)
- "whoami",
- :action => 'auth_whoami',
- :auth_path => '!*!'
- "who is :user",
- :action => 'auth_whois',
- :auth_path => '!*!'
- "auth :password",
- :action => 'auth_auth',
- :public => false,
- :auth_path => '!login!'
- "login :botuser :password",
- :action => 'auth_login',
- :public => false,
- :defaults => { :password => nil },
- :auth_path => '!login!'
- "login :botuser",
- :action => 'auth_login',
- :auth_path => '!login!'
- "login",
- :action => 'auth_autologin',
- :auth_path => '!login!'
- "permissions set *args",
- :action => 'auth_edit_perm',
- :auth_path => ':edit::set:'
- "permissions reset *args",
- :action => 'auth_edit_perm',
- :auth_path => ':edit::set:'
- "permissions view [for :user]",
- :action => 'auth_view_perm',
- :auth_path => '::'
- "permissions search *pattern",
- :action => 'auth_search_perm',
- :auth_path => '::'
-auth.default_auth('*', false)
+#-- vim:sw=2:et
+# :title: rbot auth management from IRC
+# Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta <>
+# Copyright:: (C) 2006,2007 Giuseppe Bilotta
+# License:: GPL v2
+class AuthModule < CoreBotModule
+ def initialize
+ super
+ # The namespace migration causes each Irc::Auth::PermissionSet to be
+ # unrecoverable, and we have to rename their class name to
+ # Irc::Bot::Auth::PermissionSet
+ @registry.recovery = { |val|
+ patched = val.sub("o:\035Irc::Auth::PermissionSet", "o:\042Irc::Bot::Auth::PermissionSet")
+ Marshal.restore(patched)
+ }
+ load_array(:default, true)
+ debug "initialized auth. Botusers: #{@bot.auth.save_array.pretty_inspect}"
+ end
+ def save
+ save_array
+ end
+ def save_array(key=:default)
+ if @bot.auth.changed?
+ @registry[key] = @bot.auth.save_array
+ @bot.auth.reset_changed
+ debug "saved botusers (#{key}): #{@registry[key].pretty_inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ def load_array(key=:default, forced=false)
+ debug "loading botusers (#{key}): #{@registry[key].pretty_inspect}"
+ @bot.auth.load_array(@registry[key], forced) if @registry.has_key?(key)
+ end
+ # The permission parameters accept arguments with the following syntax:
+ # cmd_path... [on #chan .... | in here | in private]
+ # This auxiliary method scans the array _ar_ to see if it matches
+ # the given syntax: it expects + or - signs in front of _cmd_path_
+ # elements when _setting_ = true
+ #
+ # It returns an array whose first element is the array of cmd_path,
+ # the second element is an array of locations and third an array of
+ # warnings occurred while parsing the strings
+ #
+ def parse_args(ar, setting)
+ cmds = []
+ locs = []
+ warns = []
+ doing_cmds = true
+ next_must_be_chan = false
+ want_more = false
+ last_idx = 0
+ ar.each_with_index { |x, i|
+ if doing_cmds # parse cmd_path
+ # check if the list is done
+ if x == "on" or x == "in"
+ doing_cmds = false
+ next_must_be_chan = true if x == "on"
+ next
+ end
+ if "+-".include?(x[0])
+ warns <<"please do not use + or - in front of command %{command} when resetting") % {:command => x}) unless setting
+ else
+ warns <<"+ or - expected in front of %{string}") % {:string => x}) if setting
+ end
+ cmds << x
+ else # parse locations
+ if x[-1].chr == ','
+ want_more = true
+ else
+ want_more = false
+ end
+ case next_must_be_chan
+ when false
+ locs << x.gsub(/^here$/,'_').gsub(/^private$/,'?')
+ else
+ warns <<"'%{string}' doesn't look like a channel name") % {:string => x}) unless @bot.server.supports[:chantypes].include?(x[0])
+ locs << x
+ end
+ unless want_more
+ last_idx = i
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ warns << _("trailing comma") if want_more
+ warns << _("you probably forgot a comma") unless last_idx == ar.length - 1
+ return cmds, locs, warns
+ end
+ def auth_edit_perm(m, params)
+ setting = m.message.split[1] == "set"
+ splits = params[:args]
+ has_for = splits[-2] == "for"
+ return usage(m) unless has_for
+ begin
+ user = @bot.auth.get_botuser(splits[-1].sub(/^all$/,"everyone"))
+ rescue
+ return m.reply(_("couldn't find botuser %{name}") % {:name => splits[-1]})
+ end
+ return m.reply(_("you can't change permissions for %{username}") % {:username => user.username}) if user.owner?
+ splits.slice!(-2,2) if has_for
+ cmds, locs, warns = parse_args(splits, setting)
+ errs = { |w| w.kind_of?(Exception) }
+ unless errs.empty?
+ m.reply _("couldn't satisfy your request: %{errors}") % {:errors => errs.join(',')}
+ return
+ end
+ if locs.empty?
+ locs << "*"
+ end
+ begin
+ locs.each { |loc|
+ ch = loc
+ if m.private?
+ ch = "?" if loc == "_"
+ else
+ ch = if loc == "_"
+ end
+ cmds.each { |setval|
+ if setting
+ val = setval[0].chr == '+'
+ cmd = setval[1..-1]
+ user.set_permission(cmd, val, ch)
+ else
+ cmd = setval
+ user.reset_permission(cmd, ch)
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply "something went wrong while trying to set the permissions"
+ raise
+ end
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ debug "user #{user} permissions changed"
+ m.okay
+ end
+ def auth_view_perm(m, params)
+ begin
+ if params[:user].nil?
+ user = get_botusername_for(m.source)
+ return m.reply(_("you are owner, you can do anything")) if user.owner?
+ else
+ user = @bot.auth.get_botuser(params[:user].sub(/^all$/,"everyone"))
+ return m.reply(_("owner can do anything")) if user.owner?
+ end
+ rescue
+ return m.reply(_("couldn't find botuser %{name}") % {:name => params[:user]})
+ end
+ perm = user.perm
+ str = []
+ perm.each { |k, val|
+ next if val.perm.empty?
+ case k
+ when :*
+ str << _("on any channel: ")
+ when :"?"
+ str << _("in private: ")
+ else
+ str << _("on #{k}: ")
+ end
+ sub = []
+ val.perm.each { |cmd, bool|
+ sub << (bool ? "+" : "-")
+ sub.last << cmd.to_s
+ }
+ str.last << sub.join(', ')
+ }
+ if str.empty?
+ m.reply _("no permissions set for %{user}") % {:user => user.username}
+ else
+ m.reply _("permissions for %{user}:: %{permissions}") %
+ { :user => user.username, :permissions => str.join('; ')}
+ end
+ end
+ def auth_search_perm(m, p)
+ pattern =[:pattern].to_s)
+ results = { |k, v| k.match(pattern) }
+ count = results.length
+ max = @bot.config['send.max_lines']
+ extra = (count > max ? _(". only %{max} will be shown") : "") % { :max => max }
+ m.reply _("%{count} commands found matching %{pattern}%{extra}") % {
+ :count => count, :pattern => pattern, :extra => extra
+ }
+ return if count == 0
+ results[0,max].each { |cmd, hash|
+ m.reply _("%{cmd}: %{perms}") % {
+ :cmd => cmd,
+ :perms => hash[:auth].join(", ")
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def get_botuser_for(user)
+ @bot.auth.irc_to_botuser(user)
+ end
+ def get_botusername_for(user)
+ get_botuser_for(user).username
+ end
+ def welcome(user)
+ _("welcome, %{user}") % {:user => get_botusername_for(user)}
+ end
+ def auth_auth(m, params)
+ params[:botuser] = 'owner'
+ auth_login(m,params)
+ end
+ def auth_login(m, params)
+ begin
+ case @bot.auth.login(m.source, params[:botuser], params[:password])
+ when true
+ m.reply welcome(m.source)
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ else
+ m.reply _("sorry, can't do")
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply _("couldn't login: %{exception}") % {:exception => e}
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ def auth_autologin(m, params)
+ u = do_autologin(m.source)
+ if u.default?
+ m.reply _("I couldn't find anything to let you login automatically")
+ else
+ m.reply welcome(m.source)
+ end
+ end
+ def do_autologin(user)
+ @bot.auth.autologin(user)
+ end
+ def auth_whoami(m, params)
+ m.reply _("you are %{who}") % {
+ :who => get_botusername_for(m.source).gsub(
+ /^everyone$/, _("no one that I know")).gsub(
+ /^owner$/, _("my boss"))
+ }
+ end
+ def auth_whois(m, params)
+ return auth_whoami(m, params) if !m.public?
+ u =[params[:user]]
+ return m.reply("I don't see anyone named '#{params[:user]}' here") unless u
+ m.reply _("#{params[:user]} is %{who}") % {
+ :who => get_botusername_for(u).gsub(
+ /^everyone$/, _("no one that I know")).gsub(
+ /^owner$/, _("my boss"))
+ }
+ end
+ def help(cmd, topic="")
+ case cmd
+ when "login"
+ return _("login [<botuser>] [<pass>]: logs in to the bot as botuser <botuser> with password <pass>. When using the full form, you must contact the bot in private. <pass> can be omitted if <botuser> allows login-by-mask and your netmask is among the known ones. if <botuser> is omitted too autologin will be attempted")
+ when "whoami"
+ return _("whoami: names the botuser you're linked to")
+ when "who"
+ return _("who is <user>: names the botuser <user> is linked to")
+ when /^permission/
+ case topic
+ when "syntax"
+ return _("a permission is specified as module::path::to::cmd; when you want to enable it, prefix it with +; when you want to disable it, prefix it with -; when using the +reset+ command, do not use any prefix")
+ when "set", "reset", "[re]set", "(re)set"
+ return _("permissions [re]set <permission> [in <channel>] for <user>: sets or resets the permissions for botuser <user> in channel <channel> (use ? to change the permissions for private addressing)")
+ when "view"
+ return _("permissions view [for <user>]: display the permissions for user <user>")
+ when "searc"
+ return _("permissions search <pattern>: display the permissions associated with the commands matching <pattern>")
+ else
+ return _("permission topics: syntax, (re)set, view, search")
+ end
+ when "user"
+ case topic
+ when "show"
+ return _("user show <what> : shows info about the user; <what> can be any of autologin, login-by-mask, netmasks")
+ when /^(en|dis)able/
+ return _("user enable|disable <what> : turns on or off <what> (autologin, login-by-mask)")
+ when "set"
+ return _("user set password <blah> : sets the user password to <blah>; passwords can only contain upper and lowercase letters and numbers, and must be at least 4 characters long")
+ when "add", "rm"
+ return _("user add|rm netmask <mask> : adds/removes netmask <mask> from the list of netmasks known to the botuser you're linked to")
+ when "reset"
+ return _("user reset <what> : resets <what> to the default values. <what> can be +netmasks+ (the list will be emptied), +autologin+ or +login-by-mask+ (will be reset to the default value) or +password+ (a new one will be generated and you'll be told in private)")
+ when "tell"
+ return _("user tell <who> the password for <botuser> : contacts <who> in private to tell him/her the password for <botuser>")
+ when "create"
+ return _("user create <name> <password> : create botuser named <name> with password <password>. The password can be omitted, in which case a random one will be generated. The <name> should only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_)")
+ when "list"
+ return _("user list : lists all the botusers")
+ when "destroy"
+ return _("user destroy <botuser> : destroys <botuser>. This function %{highlight}must%{highlight} be called in two steps. On the first call <botuser> is queued for destruction. On the second call, which must be in the form 'user confirm destroy <botuser>', the botuser will be destroyed. If you want to cancel the destruction, issue the command 'user cancel destroy <botuser>'") % {:highlight => Bold}
+ else
+ return _("user topics: show, enable|disable, add|rm netmask, set, reset, tell, create, list, destroy")
+ end
+ when "auth"
+ return _("auth <masterpassword>: log in as the bot owner; other commands: login, whoami, permission syntax, permissions [re]set, permissions view, user, meet, hello")
+ when "meet"
+ return _("meet <nick> [as <user>]: creates a bot user for nick, calling it user (defaults to the nick itself)")
+ when "hello"
+ return _("hello: creates a bot user for the person issuing the command")
+ else
+ return _("auth commands: auth, login, whoami, who, permission[s], user, meet, hello")
+ end
+ end
+ def need_args(cmd)
+ _("sorry, I need more arguments to %{command}") % {:command => cmd}
+ end
+ def not_args(cmd, *stuff)
+ _("I can only %{command} these: %{arguments}") %
+ {:command => cmd, :arguments => stuff.join(', ')}
+ end
+ def set_prop(botuser, prop, val)
+ k = prop.to_s.gsub("-","_")
+ botuser.send( (k + "=").to_sym, val)
+ if prop == :password and botuser == @bot.auth.botowner
+ @bot.config.items[:'auth.password'].set_string(@bot.auth.botowner.password)
+ end
+ end
+ def reset_prop(botuser, prop)
+ k = prop.to_s.gsub("-","_")
+ botuser.send( ("reset_"+k).to_sym)
+ end
+ def ask_bool_prop(botuser, prop)
+ k = prop.to_s.gsub("-","_")
+ botuser.send( (k + "?").to_sym)
+ end
+ def auth_manage_user(m, params)
+ splits = params[:data]
+ cmd = splits.first
+ return auth_whoami(m, params) if cmd.nil?
+ botuser = get_botuser_for(m.source)
+ # By default, we do stuff on the botuser the irc user is bound to
+ butarget = botuser
+ has_for = splits[-2] == "for"
+ if has_for
+ butarget = @bot.auth.get_botuser(splits[-1]) rescue nil
+ return m.reply(_("no such bot user %{user}") % {:user => splits[-1]}) unless butarget
+ splits.slice!(-2,2)
+ end
+ return m.reply(_("you can't mess with %{user}") % {:user => butarget.username}) if butarget.owner? && botuser != butarget
+ bools = [:autologin, :"login-by-mask"]
+ can_set = [:password]
+ can_addrm = [:netmasks]
+ can_reset = bools + can_set + can_addrm
+ can_show = can_reset + ["perms"]
+ begin
+ case cmd.to_sym
+ when :show
+ return m.reply(_("you can't see the properties of %{user}") %
+ {:user => butarget.username}) if botuser != butarget &&
+ !botuser.permit?("auth::show::other")
+ case splits[1]
+ when nil, "all"
+ props = can_reset
+ when "password"
+ if botuser != butarget
+ return m.reply(_("no way I'm telling you the master password!")) if butarget == @bot.auth.botowner
+ return m.reply(_("you can't ask for someone else's password"))
+ end
+ return m.reply(_("c'mon, you can't be asking me seriously to tell you the password in public!")) if m.public?
+ return m.reply(_("the password for %{user} is %{password}") %
+ { :user => butarget.username, :password => butarget.password })
+ else
+ props = splits[1..-1]
+ end
+ str = []
+ props.each { |arg|
+ k = arg.to_sym
+ next if k == :password
+ case k
+ when *bools
+ if ask_bool_prop(butarget, k)
+ str << _("can %{action}") % {:action => k}
+ else
+ str << _("can not %{action}") % {:action => k}
+ end
+ when :netmasks
+ if butarget.netmasks.empty?
+ str << _("knows no netmasks")
+ else
+ str << _("knows %{netmasks}") % {:netmasks => butarget.netmasks.join(", ")}
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ return m.reply("#{butarget.username} #{str.join('; ')}")
+ when :enable, :disable
+ return m.reply(_("you can't change the default user")) if butarget.default? && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::other::default")
+ return m.reply(_("you can't edit %{user}") % {:user => butarget.username}) if butarget != botuser && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::other")
+ return m.reply(need_args(cmd)) unless splits[1]
+ things = []
+ skipped = []
+ splits[1..-1].each { |a|
+ arg = a.to_sym
+ if bools.include?(arg)
+ set_prop(butarget, arg, cmd.to_sym == :enable)
+ things << a
+ else
+ skipped << a
+ end
+ }
+ m.reply(_("I ignored %{things} because %{reason}") % {
+ :things => skipped.join(', '),
+ :reason => not_args(cmd, *bools)}) unless skipped.empty?
+ if things.empty?
+ m.reply _("I haven't changed anything")
+ else
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ return auth_manage_user(m, {:data => ["show"] + things + ["for", butarget.username] })
+ end
+ when :set
+ return m.reply(_("you can't change the default user")) if
+ butarget.default? && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::default")
+ return m.reply(_("you can't edit %{user}") % {:user=>butarget.username}) if
+ butarget != botuser && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::other")
+ return m.reply(need_args(cmd)) unless splits[1]
+ arg = splits[1].to_sym
+ return m.reply(not_args(cmd, *can_set)) unless can_set.include?(arg)
+ argarg = splits[2]
+ return m.reply(need_args([cmd, splits[1]].join(" "))) unless argarg
+ if arg == :password && m.public?
+ return m.reply(_("is that a joke? setting the password in public?"))
+ end
+ set_prop(butarget, arg, argarg)
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ auth_manage_user(m, {:data => ["show", arg.to_s, "for", butarget.username] })
+ when :reset
+ return m.reply(_("you can't change the default user")) if
+ butarget.default? && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::default")
+ return m.reply(_("you can't edit %{user}") % {:user=>butarget.username}) if
+ butarget != botuser && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::other")
+ return m.reply(need_args(cmd)) unless splits[1]
+ things = []
+ skipped = []
+ splits[1..-1].each { |a|
+ arg = a.to_sym
+ if can_reset.include?(arg)
+ reset_prop(butarget, arg)
+ things << a
+ else
+ skipped << a
+ end
+ }
+ m.reply(_("I ignored %{things} because %{reason}") %
+ { :things => skipped.join(', '),
+ :reason => not_args(cmd, *can_reset)}) unless skipped.empty?
+ if things.empty?
+ m.reply _("I haven't changed anything")
+ else
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ @bot.say(m.source, _("the password for %{user} is now %{password}") %
+ {:user => butarget.username, :password => butarget.password}) if
+ things.include?("password")
+ return auth_manage_user(m, {:data => (["show"] + things - ["password"]) + ["for", butarget.username]})
+ end
+ when :add, :rm, :remove, :del, :delete
+ return m.reply(_("you can't change the default user")) if
+ butarget.default? && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::default")
+ return m.reply(_("you can't edit %{user}") % {:user => butarget.username}) if
+ butarget != botuser && !botuser.permit?("auth::edit::other")
+ arg = splits[1]
+ if arg.nil? or arg !~ /netmasks?/ or splits[2].nil?
+ return m.reply(_("I can only add/remove netmasks. See +help user add+ for more instructions"))
+ end
+ method = cmd.to_sym == :add ? :add_netmask : :delete_netmask
+ failed = []
+ splits[2..-1].each { |mask|
+ begin
+ butarget.send(method, mask.to_irc_netmask(:server => @bot.server))
+ rescue => e
+ debug "failed with #{e.message}"
+ debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
+ failed << mask
+ end
+ }
+ m.reply "I failed to #{cmd} #{failed.join(', ')}" unless failed.empty?
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ return auth_manage_user(m, {:data => ["show", "netmasks", "for", butarget.username] })
+ else
+ m.reply _("sorry, I don't know how to %{request}") % {:request => m.message}
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply _("couldn't %{cmd}: %{exception}") % {:cmd => cmd, :exception => e}
+ end
+ end
+ def auth_meet(m, params)
+ nick = params[:nick]
+ if !nick
+ # we are actually responding to a 'hello' command
+ unless m.botuser.transient?
+ m.reply @bot.lang.get('hello_X') % m.botuser
+ return
+ end
+ nick = m.sourcenick
+ irc_user = m.source
+ else
+ # is always an Irc::Channel because the command is either
+ # public-only 'meet' or private/public 'hello' which was handled by
+ # the !nick case, so this shouldn't fail
+ irc_user =[nick]
+ return m.reply("I don't see anyone named '#{nick}' here") unless irc_user
+ end
+ # BotUser name
+ buname = params[:user] || nick
+ begin
+ call_event(:botuser,:pre_perm, {:irc_user => irc_user, :bot_user => buname})
+ met = @bot.auth.make_permanent(irc_user, buname)
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ call_event(:botuser,:post_perm, {:irc_user => irc_user, :bot_user => buname})
+ m.reply @bot.lang.get('hello_X') % met
+ @bot.say nick, _("you are now registered as %{buname}. I created a random password for you : %{pass} and you can change it at any time by telling me 'user set password <password>' in private" % {
+ :buname => buname,
+ :pass => met.password
+ })
+ rescue RuntimeError
+ # or can this happen for other cases too?
+ # TODO autologin if forced
+ m.reply _("but I already know %{buname}" % {:buname => buname})
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply _("I had problems meeting %{nick}: %{e}" % { :nick => nick, :e => e })
+ end
+ end
+ def auth_tell_password(m, params)
+ user = params[:user]
+ begin
+ botuser = @bot.auth.get_botuser(params[:botuser])
+ rescue
+ return m.reply(_("couldn't find botuser %{user}") % {:user => params[:botuser]})
+ end
+ m.reply(_("I'm not telling the master password to anyway, pal")) if botuser == @bot.auth.botowner
+ msg = _("the password for botuser %{user} is %{password}") %
+ {:user => botuser.username, :password => botuser.password}
+ @bot.say user, msg
+ @bot.say m.source, _("I told %{user} that %{message}") % {:user => user, :message => msg}
+ end
+ def auth_create_user(m, params)
+ name = params[:name]
+ password = params[:password]
+ return m.reply(_("are you nuts, creating a botuser with a publicly known password?")) if m.public? and not password.nil?
+ begin
+ bu = @bot.auth.create_botuser(name, password)
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply(_("failed to create %{user}: %{exception}") % {:user => name, :exception => e})
+ debug e.inspect + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n")
+ return
+ end
+ m.reply(_("created botuser %{user}") % {:user => bu.username})
+ end
+ def auth_list_users(m, params)
+ # TODO name regexp to filter results
+ list = @bot.auth.save_array.inject([]) { |list, x| ['everyone', 'owner'].include?(x[:username]) ? list : list << x[:username] }
+ if defined?(@destroy_q)
+! { |x|
+ @destroy_q.include?(x) ? x + _(" (queued for destruction)") : x
+ }
+ end
+ return m.reply(_("I have no botusers other than the default ones")) if list.empty?
+ return m.reply(n_("botuser: %{list}", "botusers: %{list}", list.length) %
+ {:list => list.join(', ')})
+ end
+ def auth_destroy_user(m, params)
+ @destroy_q = [] unless defined?(@destroy_q)
+ buname = params[:name]
+ return m.reply(_("You can't destroy %{user}") % {:user => buname}) if
+ ["everyone", "owner"].include?(buname)
+ mod = params[:modifier].to_sym rescue nil
+ buser_array = @bot.auth.save_array
+ buser_hash = buser_array.inject({}) { |h, u|
+ h[u[:username]] = u
+ h
+ }
+ return m.reply(_("no such botuser %{user}") % {:user=>buname}) unless
+ buser_hash.keys.include?(buname)
+ case mod
+ when :cancel
+ if @destroy_q.include?(buname)
+ @destroy_q.delete(buname)
+ m.reply(_("%{user} removed from the destruction queue") % {:user=>buname})
+ else
+ m.reply(_("%{user} was not queued for destruction") % {:user=>buname})
+ end
+ return
+ when nil
+ if @destroy_q.include?(buname)
+ return m.reply(_("%{user} already queued for destruction, use %{highlight}user confirm destroy %{user}%{highlight} to destroy it") % {:user=>buname, :highlight=>Bold})
+ else
+ @destroy_q << buname
+ return m.reply(_("%{user} queued for destruction, use %{highlight}user confirm destroy %{user}%{highlight} to destroy it") % {:user=>buname, :highlight=>Bold})
+ end
+ when :confirm
+ begin
+ return m.reply(_("%{user} is not queued for destruction yet") %
+ {:user=>buname}) unless @destroy_q.include?(buname)
+ buser_array.delete_if { |u|
+ u[:username] == buname
+ }
+ @destroy_q.delete(buname)
+ @bot.auth.load_array(buser_array, true)
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ rescue => e
+ return m.reply(_("failed: %{exception}") % {:exception => e})
+ end
+ return m.reply(_("botuser %{user} destroyed") % {:user => buname})
+ end
+ end
+ def auth_copy_ren_user(m, params)
+ source = Auth::BotUser.sanitize_username(params[:source])
+ dest = Auth::BotUser.sanitize_username(params[:dest])
+ return m.reply(_("please don't touch the default users")) unless
+ (["everyone", "owner"] & [source, dest]).empty?
+ buser_array = @bot.auth.save_array
+ buser_hash = buser_array.inject({}) { |h, u|
+ h[u[:username]] = u
+ h
+ }
+ return m.reply(_("no such botuser %{source}") % {:source=>source}) unless
+ buser_hash.keys.include?(source)
+ return m.reply(_("botuser %{dest} exists already") % {:dest=>dest}) if
+ buser_hash.keys.include?(dest)
+ copying = m.message.split[1] == "copy"
+ begin
+ if copying
+ h = {}
+ buser_hash[source].each { |k, val|
+ h[k] = val.dup
+ }
+ else
+ h = buser_hash[source]
+ end
+ h[:username] = dest
+ buser_array << h if copying
+ @bot.auth.load_array(buser_array, true)
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ call_event(:botuser, copying ? :copy : :rename, :source => source, :dest => dest)
+ rescue => e
+ return m.reply(_("failed: %{exception}") % {:exception=>e})
+ end
+ if copying
+ m.reply(_("botuser %{source} copied to %{dest}") %
+ {:source=>source, :dest=>dest})
+ else
+ m.reply(_("botuser %{source} renamed to %{dest}") %
+ {:source=>source, :dest=>dest})
+ end
+ end
+ def auth_export(m, params)
+ exportfile = "#{@bot.botclass}/new-auth.users"
+ what = params[:things]
+ has_to = what[-2] == "to"
+ if has_to
+ exportfile = "#{@bot.botclass}/#{what[-1]}"
+ what.slice!(-2,2)
+ end
+ what.delete("all")
+ m.reply _("selecting data to export ...")
+ buser_array = @bot.auth.save_array
+ buser_hash = buser_array.inject({}) { |h, u|
+ h[u[:username]] = u
+ h
+ }
+ if what.empty?
+ we_want = buser_hash
+ else
+ we_want = buser_hash.delete_if { |key, val|
+ not what.include?(key)
+ }
+ end
+ m.reply _("preparing data for export ...")
+ begin
+ yaml_hash = {}
+ we_want.each { |k, val|
+ yaml_hash[k] = {}
+ val.each { |kk, v|
+ case kk
+ when :username
+ next
+ when :netmasks
+ yaml_hash[k][kk] = []
+ v.each { |nm|
+ yaml_hash[k][kk] << {
+ :fullform => nm.fullform,
+ :casemap => nm.casemap.to_s
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ yaml_hash[k][kk] = v
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply _("failed to prepare data: %{exception}") % {:exception=>e}
+ debug e.backtrace.dup.unshift(e.inspect).join("\n")
+ return
+ end
+ m.reply _("exporting to %{file} ...") % {:file=>exportfile}
+ begin
+ # m.reply yaml_hash.inspect
+, "w") do |file|
+ file.puts YAML::dump(yaml_hash)
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply _("failed to export users: %{exception}") % {:exception=>e}
+ debug e.backtrace.dup.unshift(e.inspect).join("\n")
+ return
+ end
+ m.reply _("done")
+ end
+ def auth_import(m, params)
+ importfile = "#{@bot.botclass}/new-auth.users"
+ what = params[:things]
+ has_from = what[-2] == "from"
+ if has_from
+ importfile = "#{@bot.botclass}/#{what[-1]}"
+ what.slice!(-2,2)
+ end
+ what.delete("all")
+ m.reply _("reading %{file} ...") % {:file=>importfile}
+ begin
+ yaml_hash = YAML::load_file(importfile)
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply _("failed to import from: %{exception}") % {:exception=>e}
+ debug e.backtrace.dup.unshift(e.inspect).join("\n")
+ return
+ end
+ # m.reply yaml_hash.inspect
+ m.reply _("selecting data to import ...")
+ if what.empty?
+ we_want = yaml_hash
+ else
+ we_want = yaml_hash.delete_if { |key, val|
+ not what.include?(key)
+ }
+ end
+ m.reply _("parsing data from import ...")
+ buser_hash = {}
+ begin
+ yaml_hash.each { |k, val|
+ buser_hash[k] = { :username => k }
+ val.each { |kk, v|
+ case kk
+ when :netmasks
+ buser_hash[k][kk] = []
+ v.each { |nm|
+ buser_hash[k][kk] << nm[:fullform].to_irc_netmask(:casemap => nm[:casemap].to_irc_casemap).to_irc_netmask(:server => @bot.server)
+ }
+ else
+ buser_hash[k][kk] = v
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ rescue => e
+ m.reply _("failed to parse data: %{exception}") % {:exception=>e}
+ debug e.backtrace.dup.unshift(e.inspect).join("\n")
+ return
+ end
+ # m.reply buser_hash.inspect
+ org_buser_array = @bot.auth.save_array
+ org_buser_hash = org_buser_array.inject({}) { |h, u|
+ h[u[:username]] = u
+ h
+ }
+ # TODO we may want to do a(n optional) key-by-key merge
+ #
+ org_buser_hash.merge!(buser_hash)
+ new_buser_array = org_buser_hash.values
+ @bot.auth.load_array(new_buser_array, true)
+ @bot.auth.set_changed
+ m.reply _("done")
+ end
+auth =
+ "user export *things",
+ :action => 'auth_export',
+ :defaults => { :things => ['all'] },
+ :auth_path => ':manage:fedex:'
+ "user import *things",
+ :action => 'auth_import',
+ :auth_path => ':manage:fedex:'
+ "user create :name :password",
+ :action => 'auth_create_user',
+ :defaults => {:password => nil},
+ :auth_path => ':manage:'
+ "user [:modifier] destroy :name",
+ :action => 'auth_destroy_user',
+ :requirements => { :modifier => /^(cancel|confirm)?$/ },
+ :defaults => { :modifier => '' },
+ :auth_path => ':manage::destroy!'
+ "user copy :source [to] :dest",
+ :action => 'auth_copy_ren_user',
+ :auth_path => ':manage:'
+ "user rename :source [to] :dest",
+ :action => 'auth_copy_ren_user',
+ :auth_path => ':manage:'
+ "meet :nick [as :user]",
+ :action => 'auth_meet',
+ :auth_path => 'user::manage', :private => false
+ "hello",
+ :action => 'auth_meet',
+ :auth_path => 'user::manage::meet'
+auth.default_auth("user::manage", false)
+auth.default_auth("user::manage::meet::hello", true)
+ "user tell :user the password for :botuser",
+ :action => 'auth_tell_password',
+ :auth_path => ':manage:'
+ "user list",
+ :action => 'auth_list_users',
+ :auth_path => '::'
+ "user *data",
+ :action => 'auth_manage_user'
+auth.default_auth("user", true)
+auth.default_auth("edit::other", false)
+ "whoami",
+ :action => 'auth_whoami',
+ :auth_path => '!*!'
+ "who is :user",
+ :action => 'auth_whois',
+ :auth_path => '!*!'
+ "auth :password",
+ :action => 'auth_auth',
+ :public => false,
+ :auth_path => '!login!'
+ "login :botuser :password",
+ :action => 'auth_login',
+ :public => false,
+ :defaults => { :password => nil },
+ :auth_path => '!login!'
+ "login :botuser",
+ :action => 'auth_login',
+ :auth_path => '!login!'
+ "login",
+ :action => 'auth_autologin',
+ :auth_path => '!login!'
+ "permissions set *args",
+ :action => 'auth_edit_perm',
+ :auth_path => ':edit::set:'
+ "permissions reset *args",
+ :action => 'auth_edit_perm',
+ :auth_path => ':edit::set:'
+ "permissions view [for :user]",
+ :action => 'auth_view_perm',
+ :auth_path => '::'
+ "permissions search *pattern",
+ :action => 'auth_search_perm',
+ :auth_path => '::'
+auth.default_auth('*', false)
diff --git a/lib/rbot/core/basics.rb b/lib/rbot/core/basics.rb
index 4b5ab7d3..7a5d82c1 100644
--- a/lib/rbot/core/basics.rb
+++ b/lib/rbot/core/basics.rb
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
-#-- vim:sw=2:et
-# :title: rbot basic management from IRC
-# Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta <>
-# Copyright:: (C) 2006,2007 Giuseppe Bilotta
-# License:: GPL v2
-class BasicsModule < CoreBotModule
- def ctcp_listen(m)
- who = m.private? ? "me" :
- case m.ctcp.intern
- when :PING
- m.ctcp_reply m.message
- @bot.irclog "@ #{m.source} pinged #{who}"
- when :TIME
- m.ctcp_reply
- @bot.irclog "@ #{m.source} asked #{who} what time it is"
- end
- end
- def bot_join(m, param)
- if param[:pass]
- @bot.join param[:chan], param[:pass]
- else
- @bot.join param[:chan]
- end
- end
- def bot_part(m, param)
- if param[:chan]
- @bot.part param[:chan]
- else
- @bot.part if m.public?
- end
- end
- def bot_quit(m, param)
- @bot.quit param[:msg].to_s
- end
- def bot_restart(m, param)
- @bot.restart param[:msg].to_s
- end
- def bot_hide(m, param)
- @bot.join 0
- end
- def bot_say(m, param)
- @bot.say param[:where], param[:what].to_s
- end
- def bot_action(m, param)
- @bot.action param[:where], param[:what].to_s
- end
- def bot_mode(m, param)
- @bot.mode param[:where], param[:what], param[:who].join(" ")
- end
- def bot_ping(m, param)
- m.reply "pong"
- end
- def bot_quiet(m, param)
- if param.has_key?(:where)
- @bot.set_quiet param[:where].sub(/^here$/,
- else
- @bot.set_quiet
- end
- # Make sense when the commmand is given in private or in a non-quieted
- # channel
- m.okay
- end
- def bot_talk(m, param)
- if param.has_key?(:where)
- @bot.reset_quiet param[:where].sub(/^here$/,
- else
- @bot.reset_quiet
- end
- # Make sense when the commmand is given in private or in a non-quieted
- # channel
- m.okay
- end
- def bot_help(m, param)
- m.reply[:topic].join(" "))
- end
- #TODO move these to a "chatback" plugin
- # when (/^(botsnack|ciggie)$/i)
- # @bot.say m.replyto, @lang.get("thanks_X") % m.sourcenick if(m.public?)
- # @bot.say m.replyto, @lang.get("thanks") if(m.private?)
- # when (/^#{Regexp.escape(@bot.nick)}!*$/)
- # @bot.say m.replyto, @lang.get("hello_X") % m.sourcenick
- # handle help requests for "core" topics
- def help(cmd, topic="")
- case cmd
- when "quit"
- _("quit [<message>] => quit IRC with message <message>")
- when "restart"
- _("restart => completely stop and restart the bot (including reconnect)")
- when "join"
- _("join <channel> [<key>] => join channel <channel> with secret key <key> if specified. #{@bot.myself} also responds to invites if you have the required access level")
- when "part"
- _("part <channel> => part channel <channel>")
- when "hide"
- _("hide => part all channels")
- when "nick"
- _("nick <nick> => attempt to change nick to <nick>")
- when "say"
- _("say <channel>|<nick> <message> => say <message> to <channel> or in private message to <nick>")
- when "action"
- _("action <channel>|<nick> <message> => does a /me <message> to <channel> or in private message to <nick>")
- when "quiet"
- _("quiet [in here|<channel>] => with no arguments, stop speaking in all channels, if \"in here\", stop speaking in this channel, or stop speaking in <channel>")
- when "talk"
- _("talk [in here|<channel>] => with no arguments, resume speaking in all channels, if \"in here\", resume speaking in this channel, or resume speaking in <channel>")
- when "ping"
- _("ping => replies with a pong")
- when "mode"
- _("mode <channel> <mode> <nicks> => set channel modes for <nicks> on <channel> to <mode>")
- # when "botsnack"
- # return "botsnack => reward #{@bot.myself} for being good"
- # when "hello"
- # return "hello|hi|hey|yo [#{@bot.myself}] => greet the bot"
- else
- _("%{name}: quit, restart, join, part, hide, save, nick, say, action, topic, quiet, talk, ping, mode") % {:name=>name}
- #, botsnack, hello
- end
- end
-basics =
- "quit *msg",
- :action => 'bot_quit',
- :defaults => { :msg => nil },
- :auth_path => 'quit' "restart *msg",
- :action => 'bot_restart',
- :defaults => { :msg => nil },
- :auth_path => 'quit'
- "quiet [in] [:where]",
- :action => 'bot_quiet',
- :auth_path => 'talk::set' "talk [in] [:where]",
- :action => 'bot_talk',
- :auth_path => 'talk::set'
- "say :where *what",
- :action => 'bot_say',
- :auth_path => 'talk::do' "action :where *what",
- :action => 'bot_action',
- :auth_path => 'talk::do' "mode :where :what *who",
- :action => 'bot_mode',
- :auth_path => 'talk::do'
- "join :chan :pass",
- :action => 'bot_join',
- :defaults => {:pass => nil},
- :auth_path => 'move' "part :chan",
- :action => 'bot_part',
- :defaults => {:chan => nil},
- :auth_path => 'move' "hide",
- :action => 'bot_hide',
- :auth_path => 'move'
- "ping",
- :action => 'bot_ping',
- :auth_path => '!ping!' "help *topic",
- :action => 'bot_help',
- :defaults => { :topic => [""] },
- :auth_path => '!help!'
-basics.default_auth('*', false)
+#-- vim:sw=2:et
+# :title: rbot basic management from IRC
+# Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta <>
+# Copyright:: (C) 2006,2007 Giuseppe Bilotta
+# License:: GPL v2
+class BasicsModule < CoreBotModule
+ def ctcp_listen(m)
+ who = m.private? ? "me" :
+ case m.ctcp.intern
+ when :PING
+ m.ctcp_reply m.message
+ @bot.irclog "@ #{m.source} pinged #{who}"
+ when :TIME
+ m.ctcp_reply
+ @bot.irclog "@ #{m.source} asked #{who} what time it is"
+ end
+ end
+ def bot_join(m, param)
+ if param[:pass]
+ @bot.join param[:chan], param[:pass]
+ else
+ @bot.join param[:chan]
+ end
+ end
+ def bot_part(m, param)
+ if param[:chan]
+ @bot.part param[:chan]
+ else
+ @bot.part if m.public?
+ end
+ end
+ def bot_quit(m, param)
+ @bot.quit param[:msg].to_s
+ end
+ def bot_restart(m, param)
+ @bot.restart param[:msg].to_s
+ end
+ def bot_hide(m, param)
+ @bot.join 0
+ end
+ def bot_say(m, param)
+ @bot.say param[:where], param[:what].to_s
+ end
+ def bot_action(m, param)
+ @bot.action param[:where], param[:what].to_s
+ end
+ def bot_mode(m, param)
+ @bot.mode param[:where], param[:what], param[:who].join(" ")
+ end
+ def bot_ping(m, param)
+ m.reply "pong"
+ end
+ def bot_quiet(m, param)
+ if param.has_key?(:where)
+ @bot.set_quiet param[:where].sub(/^here$/,
+ else
+ @bot.set_quiet
+ end
+ # Make sense when the commmand is given in private or in a non-quieted
+ # channel
+ m.okay
+ end
+ def bot_talk(m, param)
+ if param.has_key?(:where)
+ @bot.reset_quiet param[:where].sub(/^here$/,
+ else
+ @bot.reset_quiet
+ end
+ # Make sense when the commmand is given in private or in a non-quieted
+ # channel
+ m.okay
+ end
+ def bot_help(m, param)
+ m.reply[:topic].join(" "))
+ end
+ #TODO move these to a "chatback" plugin
+ # when (/^(botsnack|ciggie)$/i)
+ # @bot.say m.replyto, @lang.get("thanks_X") % m.sourcenick if(m.public?)
+ # @bot.say m.replyto, @lang.get("thanks") if(m.private?)
+ # when (/^#{Regexp.escape(@bot.nick)}!*$/)
+ # @bot.say m.replyto, @lang.get("hello_X") % m.sourcenick
+ # handle help requests for "core" topics
+ def help(cmd, topic="")
+ case cmd
+ when "quit"
+ _("quit [<message>] => quit IRC with message <message>")
+ when "restart"
+ _("restart => completely stop and restart the bot (including reconnect)")
+ when "join"
+ _("join <channel> [<key>] => join channel <channel> with secret key <key> if specified. #{@bot.myself} also responds to invites if you have the required access level")
+ when "part"
+ _("part <channel> => part channel <channel>")
+ when "hide"
+ _("hide => part all channels")
+ when "nick"
+ _("nick <nick> => attempt to change nick to <nick>")
+ when "say"
+ _("say <channel>|<nick> <message> => say <message> to <channel> or in private message to <nick>")
+ when "action"
+ _("action <channel>|<nick> <message> => does a /me <message> to <channel> or in private message to <nick>")
+ when "quiet"
+ _("quiet [in here|<channel>] => with no arguments, stop speaking in all channels, if \"in here\", stop speaking in this channel, or stop speaking in <channel>")
+ when "talk"
+ _("talk [in here|<channel>] => with no arguments, resume speaking in all channels, if \"in here\", resume speaking in this channel, or resume speaking in <channel>")
+ when "ping"
+ _("ping => replies with a pong")
+ when "mode"
+ _("mode <channel> <mode> <nicks> => set channel modes for <nicks> on <channel> to <mode>")
+ # when "botsnack"
+ # return "botsnack => reward #{@bot.myself} for being good"
+ # when "hello"
+ # return "hello|hi|hey|yo [#{@bot.myself}] => greet the bot"
+ else
+ _("%{name}: quit, restart, join, part, hide, save, nick, say, action, topic, quiet, talk, ping, mode") % {:name=>name}
+ #, botsnack, hello
+ end
+ end
+basics =
+ "quit *msg",
+ :action => 'bot_quit',
+ :defaults => { :msg => nil },
+ :auth_path => 'quit' "restart *msg",
+ :action => 'bot_restart',
+ :defaults => { :msg => nil },
+ :auth_path => 'quit'
+ "quiet [in] [:where]",
+ :action => 'bot_quiet',
+ :auth_path => 'talk::set' "talk [in] [:where]",
+ :action => 'bot_talk',
+ :auth_path => 'talk::set'
+ "say :where *what",
+ :action => 'bot_say',
+ :auth_path => 'talk::do' "action :where *what",
+ :action => 'bot_action',
+ :auth_path => 'talk::do' "mode :where :what *who",
+ :action => 'bot_mode',
+ :auth_path => 'talk::do'
+ "join :chan :pass",
+ :action => 'bot_join',
+ :defaults => {:pass => nil},
+ :auth_path => 'move' "part :chan",
+ :action => 'bot_part',
+ :defaults => {:chan => nil},
+ :auth_path => 'move' "hide",
+ :action => 'bot_hide',
+ :auth_path => 'move'
+ "ping",
+ :action => 'bot_ping',
+ :auth_path => '!ping!' "help *topic",
+ :action => 'bot_help',
+ :defaults => { :topic => [""] },
+ :auth_path => '!help!'
+basics.default_auth('*', false)
diff --git a/lib/rbot/core/config.rb b/lib/rbot/core/config.rb
index ad9b7c74..1b14ebd8 100644
--- a/lib/rbot/core/config.rb
+++ b/lib/rbot/core/config.rb
@@ -1,325 +1,325 @@
-#-- vim:sw=2:et
-# :title: rbot config management from IRC
-# Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta <>
-# Copyright:: (C) 2006,2007 Giuseppe Bilotta
-# License:: GPL v2
-class ConfigModule < CoreBotModule
- def version_string
- _("I'm a v. %{version} rubybot%{copyright}%{url}") % {
- :version => $version,
- :copyright => ", #{Irc::Bot::COPYRIGHT_NOTICE}",
- :url => " - #{Irc::Bot::SOURCE_URL}"
- }
- end
- def save
- end
- def handle_list(m, params)
- modules = []
- if params[:module]
- @bot.config.items.each_key do |key|
- mod, name = key.to_s.split('.')
- next unless mod == params[:module]
- modules.push key unless modules.include?(name)
- end
- if modules.empty?
- m.reply _("no such module %{module}") % {:module => params[:module]}
- else
- m.reply modules.join(", ")
- end
- else
- @bot.config.items.each_key do |key|
- name = key.to_s.split('.').first
- modules.push name unless modules.include?(name)
- end
- m.reply "modules: " + modules.join(", ")
- end
- end
- def handle_get(m, params)
- key = params[:key].to_s.intern
- unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
- m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key}
- return
- end
- return if !@bot.auth.allow?(@bot.config.items[key].auth_path, m.source, m.replyto)
- value = @bot.config.items[key].to_s
- m.reply "#{key}: #{value}"
- end
- def handle_desc(m, params)
- key = params[:key].to_s.intern
- unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
- m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key}
- end
- m.reply "#{key}: #{@bot.config.items[key].desc}"
- end
- def handle_search(m, params)
- rx =[:rx].to_s, true)
- cfs = []
- @bot.config.items.each do |k, v|
- cfs << v if k.to_s.match(rx) or (v.desc.match(rx) rescue false)
- end
- if cfs.empty?
- m.reply _("no config key found matching %{r}") % { :r => params[:rx].to_s}
- else
- m.reply _("possible keys: %{kl}") % { :kl => { |c| c.key}.join(', ') }
- m.reply { |c| [c.key, c.desc].join(': ') }.join("\n")
- end
- end
- def handle_unset(m, params)
- key = params[:key].to_s.intern
- unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
- m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key}
- end
- return if !@bot.auth.allow?(@bot.config.items[key].auth_path, m.source, m.replyto)
- @bot.config.items[key].unset
- handle_get(m, params)
- m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next restart") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_restart
- m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next rescan") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_rescan
- end
- def handle_set(m, params)
- key = params[:key].to_s.intern
- value = params[:value].join(" ")
- unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
- m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key} unless params[:silent]
- return false
- end
- return false if !@bot.auth.allow?(@bot.config.items[key].auth_path, m.source, m.replyto)
- begin
- @bot.config.items[key].set_string(value)
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- m.reply _("failed to set %{key}: %{error}") % {:key => key, :error => e.message} unless params[:silent]
- return false
- end
- if @bot.config.items[key].requires_restart
- m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next restart") unless params[:silent]
- return :restart
- elsif @bot.config.items[key].requires_rescan
- m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next rescan") unless params[:silent]
- return :rescan
- else
- m.okay unless params[:silent]
- return true
- end
- end
- def handle_add(m, params)
- key = params[:key].to_s.intern
- value = params[:value]
- unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
- m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key}
- return
- end
- unless @bot.config.items[key].kind_of?(Config::ArrayValue)
- m.reply _("config key %{key} is not an array") % {:key => key}
- return
- end
- return if !@bot.auth.allow?(@bot.config.items[key].auth_path, m.source, m.replyto)
- begin
- @bot.config.items[key].add(value)
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- m.reply _("failed to add %{value} to %{key}: %{error}") % {:value => value, :key => key, :error => e.message}
- return
- end
- handle_get(m,{:key => key})
- m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next restart") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_restart
- m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next rescan") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_rescan
- end
- def handle_rm(m, params)
- key = params[:key].to_s.intern
- value = params[:value]
- unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
- m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key}
- return
- end
- unless @bot.config.items[key].kind_of?(Config::ArrayValue)
- m.reply _("config key %{key} is not an array") % {:key => key}
- return
- end
- return if !@bot.auth.allow?(@bot.config.items[key].auth_path, m.source, m.replyto)
- begin
- @bot.config.items[key].rm(value)
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- m.reply _("failed to remove %{value} from %{key}: %{error}") % {:value => value, :key => key, :error => e.message}
- return
- end
- handle_get(m,{:key => key})
- m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next restart") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_restart
- m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next rescan") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_rescan
- end
- def bot_save(m, param)
- m.okay
- end
- def bot_rescan(m, param)
- m.reply _("saving ...")
- m.reply _("rescanning ...")
- @bot.rescan
- m.reply _("done. %{plugin_status}") % {:plugin_status => @bot.plugins.status(true)}
- end
- def bot_nick(m, param)
- @bot.nickchg(param[:nick])
- end
- def bot_status(m, param)
- m.reply @bot.status
- end
- # TODO is this one of the methods that disappeared when the bot was moved
- # from the single-file to the multi-file registry?
- #
- # def bot_reg_stat(m, param)
- # m.reply @registry.stat.inspect
- # end
- def bot_version(m, param)
- m.reply version_string
- end
- def ctcp_listen(m)
- who = m.private? ? "me" :
- case m.ctcp.intern
- when :VERSION
- m.ctcp_reply version_string
- @bot.irclog "@ #{m.source} asked #{who} about version info"
- when :SOURCE
- m.ctcp_reply Irc::Bot::SOURCE_URL
- @bot.irclog "@ #{m.source} asked #{who} about source info"
- end
- end
- def handle_help(m, params)
- m.reply help(params[:topic])
- end
- def help(plugin, topic="")
- case plugin
- when "config"
- case topic
- when "list"
- _("config list => list configuration modules, config list <module> => list configuration keys for module <module>")
- when "get"
- _("config get <key> => get configuration value for key <key>")
- when "unset"
- _("reset key <key> to the default")
- when "set"
- _("config set <key> <value> => set configuration value for key <key> to <value>")
- when "desc"
- _("config desc <key> => describe what key <key> configures")
- when "add"
- _("config add <value> to <key> => add value <value> to key <key> if <key> is an array")
- when "rm"
- _("config rm <value> from <key> => remove value <value> from key <key> if <key> is an array")
- else
- _("config module - bot configuration. usage: list, desc, get, set, unset, add, rm")
- # else
- # "no help for config #{topic}"
- end
- when "nick"
- _("nick <newnick> => change the bot nick to <newnick>, if possible")
- when "status"
- _("status => display some information on the bot's status")
- when "save"
- _("save => save current dynamic data and configuration")
- when "rescan"
- _("rescan => reload modules and static facts")
- when "version"
- _("version => describes software version")
- else
- _("config-related tasks: config, save, rescan, version, nick, status")
- end
- end
-conf =
- 'config list :module',
- :action => 'handle_list',
- :defaults => {:module => false},
- :auth_path => 'show'
-# TODO this one is presently a security risk, since the bot
-# stores the master password in the config. Do we need auth levels
-# on the Bot::Config keys too? 'config get :key',
- :action => 'handle_get',
- :auth_path => 'show' 'config desc :key',
- :action => 'handle_desc',
- :auth_path => 'show' 'config describe :key',
- :action => 'handle_desc',
- :auth_path => 'show::desc!' 'config search *rx',
- :action => 'handle_search',
- :auth_path => 'show'
- "save",
- :action => 'bot_save' "rescan",
- :action => 'bot_rescan' "nick :nick",
- :action => 'bot_nick' "status",
- :action => 'bot_status',
- :auth_path => 'show::status'
-# TODO see above
-# "registry stats",
-# :action => 'bot_reg_stat',
-# :auth_path => '!config::status' "version",
- :action => 'bot_version',
- :auth_path => 'show::status'
- 'config set :key *value',
- :action => 'handle_set',
- :auth_path => 'edit' 'config add :value to :key',
- :action => 'handle_add',
- :auth_path => 'edit' 'config rm :value from :key',
- :action => 'handle_rm',
- :auth_path => 'edit' 'config del :value from :key',
- :action => 'handle_rm',
- :auth_path => 'edit' 'config delete :value from :key',
- :action => 'handle_rm',
- :auth_path => 'edit' 'config unset :key',
- :action => 'handle_unset',
- :auth_path => 'edit' 'config reset :key',
- :action => 'handle_unset',
- :auth_path => 'edit'
- 'config help :topic',
- :action => 'handle_help',
- :defaults => {:topic => false},
- :auth_path => '!help!'
-conf.default_auth('*', false)
-conf.default_auth('show', true)
-conf.default_auth('show::get', false)
-# TODO these shouldn't be set here, we need a way to let the default
-# permission be specified together with the ConfigValue
-conf.default_auth('key', true)
-conf.default_auth('key::auth::password', false)
+#-- vim:sw=2:et
+# :title: rbot config management from IRC
+# Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta <>
+# Copyright:: (C) 2006,2007 Giuseppe Bilotta
+# License:: GPL v2
+class ConfigModule < CoreBotModule
+ def version_string
+ _("I'm a v. %{version} rubybot%{copyright}%{url}") % {
+ :version => $version,
+ :copyright => ", #{Irc::Bot::COPYRIGHT_NOTICE}",
+ :url => " - #{Irc::Bot::SOURCE_URL}"
+ }
+ end
+ def save
+ end
+ def handle_list(m, params)
+ modules = []
+ if params[:module]
+ @bot.config.items.each_key do |key|
+ mod, name = key.to_s.split('.')
+ next unless mod == params[:module]
+ modules.push key unless modules.include?(name)
+ end
+ if modules.empty?
+ m.reply _("no such module %{module}") % {:module => params[:module]}
+ else
+ m.reply modules.join(", ")
+ end
+ else
+ @bot.config.items.each_key do |key|
+ name = key.to_s.split('.').first
+ modules.push name unless modules.include?(name)
+ end
+ m.reply "modules: " + modules.join(", ")
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_get(m, params)
+ key = params[:key].to_s.intern
+ unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
+ m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key}
+ return
+ end
+ return if !@bot.auth.allow?(@bot.config.items[key].auth_path, m.source, m.replyto)
+ value = @bot.config.items[key].to_s
+ m.reply "#{key}: #{value}"
+ end
+ def handle_desc(m, params)
+ key = params[:key].to_s.intern
+ unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
+ m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key}
+ end
+ m.reply "#{key}: #{@bot.config.items[key].desc}"
+ end
+ def handle_search(m, params)
+ rx =[:rx].to_s, true)
+ cfs = []
+ @bot.config.items.each do |k, v|
+ cfs << v if k.to_s.match(rx) or (v.desc.match(rx) rescue false)
+ end
+ if cfs.empty?
+ m.reply _("no config key found matching %{r}") % { :r => params[:rx].to_s}
+ else
+ m.reply _("possible keys: %{kl}") % { :kl => { |c| c.key}.join(', ') }
+ m.reply { |c| [c.key, c.desc].join(': ') }.join("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_unset(m, params)
+ key = params[:key].to_s.intern
+ unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
+ m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key}
+ end
+ return if !@bot.auth.allow?(@bot.config.items[key].auth_path, m.source, m.replyto)
+ @bot.config.items[key].unset
+ handle_get(m, params)
+ m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next restart") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_restart
+ m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next rescan") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_rescan
+ end
+ def handle_set(m, params)
+ key = params[:key].to_s.intern
+ value = params[:value].join(" ")
+ unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
+ m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key} unless params[:silent]
+ return false
+ end
+ return false if !@bot.auth.allow?(@bot.config.items[key].auth_path, m.source, m.replyto)
+ begin
+ @bot.config.items[key].set_string(value)
+ rescue ArgumentError => e
+ m.reply _("failed to set %{key}: %{error}") % {:key => key, :error => e.message} unless params[:silent]
+ return false
+ end
+ if @bot.config.items[key].requires_restart
+ m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next restart") unless params[:silent]
+ return :restart
+ elsif @bot.config.items[key].requires_rescan
+ m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next rescan") unless params[:silent]
+ return :rescan
+ else
+ m.okay unless params[:silent]
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_add(m, params)
+ key = params[:key].to_s.intern
+ value = params[:value]
+ unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
+ m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key}
+ return
+ end
+ unless @bot.config.items[key].kind_of?(Config::ArrayValue)
+ m.reply _("config key %{key} is not an array") % {:key => key}
+ return
+ end
+ return if !@bot.auth.allow?(@bot.config.items[key].auth_path, m.source, m.replyto)
+ begin
+ @bot.config.items[key].add(value)
+ rescue ArgumentError => e
+ m.reply _("failed to add %{value} to %{key}: %{error}") % {:value => value, :key => key, :error => e.message}
+ return
+ end
+ handle_get(m,{:key => key})
+ m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next restart") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_restart
+ m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next rescan") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_rescan
+ end
+ def handle_rm(m, params)
+ key = params[:key].to_s.intern
+ value = params[:value]
+ unless @bot.config.items.has_key?(key)
+ m.reply _("no such config key %{key}") % {:key => key}
+ return
+ end
+ unless @bot.config.items[key].kind_of?(Config::ArrayValue)
+ m.reply _("config key %{key} is not an array") % {:key => key}
+ return
+ end
+ return if !@bot.auth.allow?(@bot.config.items[key].auth_path, m.source, m.replyto)
+ begin
+ @bot.config.items[key].rm(value)
+ rescue ArgumentError => e
+ m.reply _("failed to remove %{value} from %{key}: %{error}") % {:value => value, :key => key, :error => e.message}
+ return
+ end
+ handle_get(m,{:key => key})
+ m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next restart") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_restart
+ m.reply _("this config change will take effect on the next rescan") if @bot.config.items[key].requires_rescan
+ end
+ def bot_save(m, param)
+ m.okay
+ end
+ def bot_rescan(m, param)
+ m.reply _("saving ...")
+ m.reply _("rescanning ...")
+ @bot.rescan
+ m.reply _("done. %{plugin_status}") % {:plugin_status => @bot.plugins.status(true)}
+ end
+ def bot_nick(m, param)
+ @bot.nickchg(param[:nick])
+ end
+ def bot_status(m, param)
+ m.reply @bot.status
+ end
+ # TODO is this one of the methods that disappeared when the bot was moved
+ # from the single-file to the multi-file registry?
+ #
+ # def bot_reg_stat(m, param)
+ # m.reply @registry.stat.inspect
+ # end
+ def bot_version(m, param)
+ m.reply version_string
+ end
+ def ctcp_listen(m)
+ who = m.private? ? "me" :
+ case m.ctcp.intern
+ when :VERSION
+ m.ctcp_reply version_string
+ @bot.irclog "@ #{m.source} asked #{who} about version info"
+ when :SOURCE
+ m.ctcp_reply Irc::Bot::SOURCE_URL
+ @bot.irclog "@ #{m.source} asked #{who} about source info"
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_help(m, params)
+ m.reply help(params[:topic])
+ end
+ def help(plugin, topic="")
+ case plugin
+ when "config"
+ case topic
+ when "list"
+ _("config list => list configuration modules, config list <module> => list configuration keys for module <module>")
+ when "get"
+ _("config get <key> => get configuration value for key <key>")
+ when "unset"
+ _("reset key <key> to the default")
+ when "set"
+ _("config set <key> <value> => set configuration value for key <key> to <value>")
+ when "desc"
+ _("config desc <key> => describe what key <key> configures")
+ when "add"
+ _("config add <value> to <key> => add value <value> to key <key> if <key> is an array")
+ when "rm"
+ _("config rm <value> from <key> => remove value <value> from key <key> if <key> is an array")
+ else
+ _("config module - bot configuration. usage: list, desc, get, set, unset, add, rm")
+ # else
+ # "no help for config #{topic}"
+ end
+ when "nick"
+ _("nick <newnick> => change the bot nick to <newnick>, if possible")
+ when "status"
+ _("status => display some information on the bot's status")
+ when "save"
+ _("save => save current dynamic data and configuration")
+ when "rescan"
+ _("rescan => reload modules and static facts")
+ when "version"
+ _("version => describes software version")
+ else
+ _("config-related tasks: config, save, rescan, version, nick, status")
+ end
+ end
+conf =
+ 'config list :module',
+ :action => 'handle_list',
+ :defaults => {:module => false},
+ :auth_path => 'show'
+# TODO this one is presently a security risk, since the bot
+# stores the master password in the config. Do we need auth levels
+# on the Bot::Config keys too? 'config get :key',
+ :action => 'handle_get',
+ :auth_path => 'show' 'config desc :key',
+ :action => 'handle_desc',
+ :auth_path => 'show' 'config describe :key',
+ :action => 'handle_desc',
+ :auth_path => 'show::desc!' 'config search *rx',
+ :action => 'handle_search',
+ :auth_path => 'show'
+ "save",
+ :action => 'bot_save' "rescan",
+ :action => 'bot_rescan' "nick :nick",
+ :action => 'bot_nick' "status",
+ :action => 'bot_status',
+ :auth_path => 'show::status'
+# TODO see above
+# "registry stats",
+# :action => 'bot_reg_stat',
+# :auth_path => '!config::status' "version",
+ :action => 'bot_version',
+ :auth_path => 'show::status'
+ 'config set :key *value',
+ :action => 'handle_set',
+ :auth_path => 'edit' 'config add :value to :key',
+ :action => 'handle_add',
+ :auth_path => 'edit' 'config rm :value from :key',
+ :action => 'handle_rm',
+ :auth_path => 'edit' 'config del :value from :key',
+ :action => 'handle_rm',
+ :auth_path => 'edit' 'config delete :value from :key',
+ :action => 'handle_rm',
+ :auth_path => 'edit' 'config unset :key',
+ :action => 'handle_unset',
+ :auth_path => 'edit' 'config reset :key',
+ :action => 'handle_unset',
+ :auth_path => 'edit'
+ 'config help :topic',
+ :action => 'handle_help',
+ :defaults => {:topic => false},
+ :auth_path => '!help!'
+conf.default_auth('*', false)
+conf.default_auth('show', true)
+conf.default_auth('show::get', false)
+# TODO these shouldn't be set here, we need a way to let the default
+# permission be specified together with the ConfigValue
+conf.default_auth('key', true)
+conf.default_auth('key::auth::password', false)