path: root/lib/rbot/core/utils/httputil.rb
diff options
authorGiuseppe Bilotta <>2007-02-06 11:27:38 +0000
committerGiuseppe Bilotta <>2007-02-06 11:27:38 +0000
commite935773b3e115d2d33e6d32f488578c650428ed2 (patch)
treea0041515250b3ae35864d01d0469246c001e88e5 /lib/rbot/core/utils/httputil.rb
parent15dc6104fe577661a103ad2e66996f7ced61d155 (diff)
Create an utils subdir in core, which will store all utility files that can be reloaded without quitting the bot, and move httputil and utils to it
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rbot/core/utils/httputil.rb')
1 files changed, 404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rbot/core/utils/httputil.rb b/lib/rbot/core/utils/httputil.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42b7fdb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rbot/core/utils/httputil.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+module ::Irc
+module Utils
+require 'resolv'
+require 'net/http'
+require 'net/https'
+# class for making http requests easier (mainly for plugins to use)
+# this class can check the bot proxy configuration to determine if a proxy
+# needs to be used, which includes support for per-url proxy configuration.
+class HttpUtil
+ BotConfig.register'http.use_proxy',
+ :default => false, :desc => "should a proxy be used for HTTP requests?")
+ BotConfig.register'http.proxy_uri', :default => false,
+ :desc => "Proxy server to use for HTTP requests (URI, e.g")
+ BotConfig.register'http.proxy_user',
+ :default => nil,
+ :desc => "User for authenticating with the http proxy (if required)")
+ BotConfig.register'http.proxy_pass',
+ :default => nil,
+ :desc => "Password for authenticating with the http proxy (if required)")
+ BotConfig.register'http.proxy_include',
+ :default => [],
+ :desc => "List of regexps to check against a URI's hostname/ip to see if we should use the proxy to access this URI. All URIs are proxied by default if the proxy is set, so this is only required to re-include URIs that might have been excluded by the exclude list. e.g. exclude /.*\.foo\.com/, include bar\.foo\.com")
+ BotConfig.register'http.proxy_exclude',
+ :default => [],
+ :desc => "List of regexps to check against a URI's hostname/ip to see if we should use avoid the proxy to access this URI and access it directly")
+ BotConfig.register'http.max_redir',
+ :default => 5,
+ :desc => "Maximum number of redirections to be used when getting a document")
+ BotConfig.register'http.expire_time',
+ :default => 60,
+ :desc => "After how many minutes since last use a cached document is considered to be expired")
+ BotConfig.register'http.max_cache_time',
+ :default => 60*24,
+ :desc => "After how many minutes since first use a cached document is considered to be expired")
+ BotConfig.register'http.no_expire_cache',
+ :default => false,
+ :desc => "Set this to true if you want the bot to never expire the cached pages")
+ def initialize(bot)
+ @bot = bot
+ @cache =
+ @headers = {
+ 'User-Agent' => "rbot http util #{$version} (",
+ }
+ @last_response = nil
+ end
+ attr_reader :last_response
+ attr_reader :headers
+ # if http_proxy_include or http_proxy_exclude are set, then examine the
+ # uri to see if this is a proxied uri
+ # the in/excludes are a list of regexps, and each regexp is checked against
+ # the server name, and its IP addresses
+ def proxy_required(uri)
+ use_proxy = true
+ if @bot.config["http.proxy_exclude"].empty? && @bot.config["http.proxy_include"].empty?
+ return use_proxy
+ end
+ list = []
+ begin
+ list.concat Resolv.getaddresses(
+ rescue StandardError => err
+ warning "couldn't resolve host"
+ end
+ unless @bot.config["http.proxy_exclude"].empty?
+ re = @bot.config["http.proxy_exclude"].collect{|r|}
+ re.each do |r|
+ list.each do |item|
+ if r.match(item)
+ use_proxy = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ unless @bot.config["http.proxy_include"].empty?
+ re = @bot.config["http.proxy_include"].collect{|r|}
+ re.each do |r|
+ list.each do |item|
+ if r.match(item)
+ use_proxy = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ debug "using proxy for uri #{uri}?: #{use_proxy}"
+ return use_proxy
+ end
+ # uri:: Uri to create a proxy for
+ #
+ # return a net/http Proxy object, which is configured correctly for
+ # proxying based on the bot's proxy configuration.
+ # This will include per-url proxy configuration based on the bot config
+ # +http_proxy_include/exclude+ options.
+ def get_proxy(uri)
+ proxy = nil
+ proxy_host = nil
+ proxy_port = nil
+ proxy_user = nil
+ proxy_pass = nil
+ if @bot.config["http.use_proxy"]
+ if (ENV['http_proxy'])
+ proxy = URI.parse ENV['http_proxy'] rescue nil
+ end
+ if (@bot.config["http.proxy_uri"])
+ proxy = URI.parse @bot.config["http.proxy_uri"] rescue nil
+ end
+ if proxy
+ debug "proxy is set to #{} port #{proxy.port}"
+ if proxy_required(uri)
+ proxy_host =
+ proxy_port = proxy.port
+ proxy_user = @bot.config["http.proxy_user"]
+ proxy_pass = @bot.config["http.proxy_pass"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ h =, uri.port, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_port)
+ h.use_ssl = true if uri.scheme == "https"
+ return h
+ end
+ # uri:: uri to query (Uri object)
+ # readtimeout:: timeout for reading the response
+ # opentimeout:: timeout for opening the connection
+ #
+ # simple get request, returns (if possible) response body following redirs
+ # and caching if requested
+ # if a block is given, it yields the urls it gets redirected to
+ # TODO we really need something to implement proper caching
+ def get(uri_or_str, readtimeout=10, opentimeout=5, max_redir=@bot.config["http.max_redir"], cache=false)
+ if uri_or_str.kind_of?(URI)
+ uri = uri_or_str
+ else
+ uri = URI.parse(uri_or_str.to_s)
+ end
+ debug "Getting #{uri}"
+ proxy = get_proxy(uri)
+ proxy.open_timeout = opentimeout
+ proxy.read_timeout = readtimeout
+ begin
+ proxy.start() {|http|
+ yield uri.request_uri() if block_given?
+ req =, @headers)
+ if uri.user and uri.password
+ req.basic_auth(uri.user, uri.password)
+ end
+ resp = http.request(req)
+ case resp
+ when Net::HTTPSuccess
+ if cache
+ debug "Caching #{uri.to_s}"
+ cache_response(uri.to_s, resp)
+ end
+ return resp.body
+ when Net::HTTPRedirection
+ if resp.key?('location')
+ new_loc = URI.join(uri, resp['location'])
+ debug "Redirecting #{uri} to #{new_loc}"
+ yield new_loc if block_given?
+ if max_redir > 0
+ # If cache is an Array, we assume get was called by get_cached
+ # because of a cache miss and that the first value of the Array
+ # was the noexpire value. Since the cache miss might have been
+ # caused by a redirection, we want to try get_cached again
+ # TODO FIXME look at Python's httplib2 for a most likely
+ # better way to handle all this mess
+ if cache.kind_of?(Array)
+ return get_cached(new_loc, readtimeout, opentimeout, max_redir-1, cache[0])
+ else
+ return get(new_loc, readtimeout, opentimeout, max_redir-1, cache)
+ end
+ else
+ warning "Max redirection reached, not going to #{new_loc}"
+ end
+ else
+ warning "Unknown HTTP redirection #{resp.inspect}"
+ end
+ else
+ debug "HttpUtil.get return code #{resp.code} #{resp.body}"
+ end
+ @last_response = resp
+ return nil
+ }
+ rescue StandardError, Timeout::Error => e
+ error "HttpUtil.get exception: #{e.inspect}, while trying to get #{uri}"
+ debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
+ end
+ @last_response = nil
+ return nil
+ end
+ # just like the above, but only gets the head
+ def head(uri_or_str, readtimeout=10, opentimeout=5, max_redir=@bot.config["http.max_redir"])
+ if uri_or_str.kind_of?(URI)
+ uri = uri_or_str
+ else
+ uri = URI.parse(uri_or_str.to_s)
+ end
+ proxy = get_proxy(uri)
+ proxy.open_timeout = opentimeout
+ proxy.read_timeout = readtimeout
+ begin
+ proxy.start() {|http|
+ yield uri.request_uri() if block_given?
+ req =, @headers)
+ if uri.user and uri.password
+ req.basic_auth(uri.user, uri.password)
+ end
+ resp = http.request(req)
+ case resp
+ when Net::HTTPSuccess
+ return resp
+ when Net::HTTPRedirection
+ debug "Redirecting #{uri} to #{resp['location']}"
+ yield resp['location'] if block_given?
+ if max_redir > 0
+ return head( URI.parse(resp['location']), readtimeout, opentimeout, max_redir-1)
+ else
+ warning "Max redirection reached, not going to #{resp['location']}"
+ end
+ else
+ debug "HttpUtil.head return code #{resp.code}"
+ end
+ @last_response = resp
+ return nil
+ }
+ rescue StandardError, Timeout::Error => e
+ error "HttpUtil.head exception: #{e.inspect}, while trying to get #{uri}"
+ debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
+ end
+ @last_response = nil
+ return nil
+ end
+ def cache_response(k, resp)
+ begin
+ if resp.key?('pragma') and resp['pragma'] == 'no-cache'
+ debug "Not caching #{k}, it has Pragma: no-cache"
+ return
+ end
+ # TODO should we skip caching if neither last-modified nor etag are present?
+ now =
+ u =
+ u =
+ u[:body] = resp.body
+ u[:last_modified] = nil
+ u[:last_modified] = Time.httpdate(resp['date']) if resp.key?('date')
+ u[:last_modified] = Time.httpdate(resp['last-modified']) if resp.key?('last-modified')
+ u[:expires] = now
+ u[:expires] = Time.httpdate(resp['expires']) if resp.key?('expires')
+ u[:revalidate] = false
+ if resp.key?('cache-control')
+ # TODO max-age
+ case resp['cache-control']
+ when /no-cache|must-revalidate/
+ u[:revalidate] = true
+ end
+ end
+ u[:etag] = ""
+ u[:etag] = resp['etag'] if resp.key?('etag')
+ u[:count] = 1
+ u[:first_use] = now
+ u[:last_use] = now
+ rescue => e
+ error "Failed to cache #{k}/#{resp.to_hash.inspect}: #{e.inspect}"
+ return
+ end
+ @cache[k] = u
+ debug "Cached #{k}/#{resp.to_hash.inspect}: #{u.inspect_no_body}"
+ debug "#{@cache.size} pages (#{@cache.keys.join(', ')}) cached up to now"
+ end
+ # For debugging purposes
+ class ::Hash
+ def inspect_no_body
+ temp = self.dup
+ temp.delete(:body)
+ temp.inspect
+ end
+ end
+ def expired?(uri, readtimeout, opentimeout)
+ k = uri.to_s
+ debug "Checking cache validity for #{k}"
+ begin
+ return true unless @cache.key?(k)
+ u = @cache[k]
+ # TODO we always revalidate for the time being
+ if u[:etag].empty? and u[:last_modified].nil?
+ # TODO max-age
+ return true
+ end
+ proxy = get_proxy(uri)
+ proxy.open_timeout = opentimeout
+ proxy.read_timeout = readtimeout
+ proxy.start() {|http|
+ yield uri.request_uri() if block_given?
+ headers = @headers.dup
+ headers['If-None-Match'] = u[:etag] unless u[:etag].empty?
+ headers['If-Modified-Since'] = u[:last_modified].rfc2822 if u[:last_modified]
+ debug "Cache HEAD request headers: #{headers.inspect}"
+ # FIXME TODO We might want to use a Get here
+ # because if a 200 OK is returned we would get the new body
+ # with one connection less ...
+ req =, headers)
+ if uri.user and uri.password
+ req.basic_auth(uri.user, uri.password)
+ end
+ resp = http.request(req)
+ debug "Checking cache validity of #{u.inspect_no_body} against #{resp.inspect}/#{resp.to_hash.inspect}"
+ case resp
+ when Net::HTTPNotModified
+ return false
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ }
+ rescue => e
+ error "Failed to check cache validity for #{uri}: #{e.inspect}"
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ # gets a page from the cache if it's still (assumed to be) valid
+ # TODO remove stale cached pages, except when called with noexpire=true
+ def get_cached(uri_or_str, readtimeout=10, opentimeout=5,
+ max_redir=@bot.config['http.max_redir'],
+ noexpire=@bot.config['http.no_expire_cache'])
+ if uri_or_str.kind_of?(URI)
+ uri = uri_or_str
+ else
+ uri = URI.parse(uri_or_str.to_s)
+ end
+ debug "Getting cached #{uri}"
+ if expired?(uri, readtimeout, opentimeout)
+ debug "Cache expired"
+ bod = get(uri, readtimeout, opentimeout, max_redir, [noexpire])
+ bod.instance_variable_set(:@cached,false)
+ else
+ k = uri.to_s
+ debug "Using cache"
+ @cache[k][:count] += 1
+ @cache[k][:last_use] =
+ bod = @cache[k][:body]
+ bod.instance_variable_set(:@cached,true)
+ end
+ unless noexpire
+ remove_stale_cache
+ end
+ unless bod.respond_to?(:cached?)
+ def bod.cached?
+ return @cached
+ end
+ end
+ return bod
+ end
+ # We consider a page to be manually expired if it has no
+ # etag and no last-modified and if any of the expiration
+ # conditions are met (expire_time, max_cache_time, Expires)
+ def manually_expired?(hash, time)
+ auto = hash[:etag].empty? and hash[:last_modified].nil?
+ # TODO max-age
+ manual = (time - hash[:last_use] > @bot.config['http.expire_time']*60) or
+ (time - hash[:first_use] > @bot.config['http.max_cache_time']*60) or
+ (hash[:expires] < time)
+ return (auto and manual)
+ end
+ def remove_stale_cache
+ debug "Removing stale cache"
+ debug "#{@cache.size} pages before"
+ begin
+ now =
+ @cache.reject! { |k, val|
+ manually_expired?(val, now)
+ }
+ rescue => e
+ error "Failed to remove stale cache: #{e.inspect}"
+ end
+ debug "#{@cache.size} pages after"
+ end