path: root/data
diff options
authorRaine Virta <>2009-02-16 19:49:35 +0200
committerGiuseppe Bilotta <>2009-02-16 20:50:11 +0100
commit909ebc3ca68e4fbfa0fc673e8109cd8131d55a5b (patch)
treeb83fcff3f9bdad253e71af26bd6e88364ffedf12 /data
parent0d7db1134621991016be58af3ec44c910abc7958 (diff) plugin: rewrote the user-related info retrieval action to API 2.0
Diffstat (limited to 'data')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb
index a9a0a582..d2e43fa0 100644
--- a/data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/lastfm.rb
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class ::LastFmEvent
def compact_display
- if @attendance
+ unless
return "%s %s @ %s (%s attending) %s" % [@date.strftime("%a, %b %d"), @artist_string, @location, @attendance, @url]
return "%s %s @ %s %s" % [@date.strftime("%a, %b %d"), @artist_string, @location, @url]
@@ -96,17 +96,19 @@ class LastFmPlugin < Plugin
num = params[:num] || @bot.config['lastfm.default_events']
num = num.to_i.clip(1, @bot.config['lastfm.max_events'])
- location = artist = nil
- location = params[:location].to_s if params[:location]
- artist = params[:who].to_s if params[:who]
+ location = params[:location]
+ artist = params[:who]
+ user = resolve_username(m, params[:user])
- uri = nil
- if artist == nil
- uri = "#{APIURL}method=geo.getevents&location=#{CGI.escape location}"
- emptymsg = _("no events found in %{location}") % {:location => location}
- else
- uri = "#{APIURL}method=artist.getevents&artist=#{CGI.escape artist}"
- emptymsg = _("no events found by %{artist}") % {:artist => artist}
+ if location
+ uri = "#{APIURL}method=geo.getevents&location=#{CGI.escape location.to_s}"
+ emptymsg = _("no events found in %{location}") % {:location => location.to_s}
+ elsif artist
+ uri = "#{APIURL}method=artist.getevents&artist=#{CGI.escape artist.to_s}"
+ emptymsg = _("no events found by %{artist}") % {:artist => artist.to_s}
+ elsif user
+ uri = "#{APIURL}method=user.getevents&user=#{CGI.escape user}"
+ emptymsg = _("%{user} is not attending any events") % {:user => user}
xml = @bot.httputil.get_response(uri)
@@ -131,11 +133,7 @@ class LastFmPlugin < Plugin
h[:date] = Time.utc(date[3].to_i, date[2], date[1].to_i)
h[:desc] = e.elements["description"].text
h[:url] = e.elements["url"].text
- e.detect {|node|
- if node.kind_of? Element and node.attributes["name"] == "attendance" then
- h[:attendance] = node.text
- end
- }
+ h[:attendance] = e.elements["attendance"].text.to_i
artists =
e.elements.each("artists/artist"){ |a|
artists << a.text
@@ -219,7 +217,7 @@ class LastFmPlugin < Plugin
if xml.class == Net::HTTPBadRequest
if doc.root.elements["error"].text == "Invalid user name supplied" then
- m.reply _("%{user} doesn't exist on, perhaps they need to: lastfm 2 <username>") % {
+ m.reply _("%{user} doesn't exist on, perhaps they need to: lastfm user <username>") % {
:user => user
@@ -387,22 +385,135 @@ class LastFmPlugin < Plugin
- # TODO this user data retrieval should be upgraded to API 2.0 but it would need separate parsing
- # for each dataset, or almost
def lastfm(m, params)
- action = params[:action].intern
- action = :neighbours if action == :neighbors
- action = :recenttracks if action == :recentracks
- action = :topalbums if action == :topalbum
- action = :topartists if action == :topartist
- action = :toptags if action == :toptag
+ action = case params[:action]
+ when "neighbors" then "neighbours"
+ when "recentracks" then "recenttracks"
+ when /^weekly(track|album|artist)s$/
+ "weekly#{$1}chart"
+ when "events"
+ find_events(m, params)
+ return
+ else
+ params[:action]
+ end.to_sym
user = resolve_username(m, params[:user])
- begin
- data = @bot.httputil.get("{user}/#{action}.txt")
- m.reply "#{action} for #{user}:"
- m.reply data.to_a[0..3].map{|l| l.split(',',2)[-1].chomp}.join(", ")
- rescue
- m.reply "could not find #{action} for #{user} (is #{user} a user?). perhaps you need to: lastfm set <username>"
+ uri = "#{APIURL}method=user.get#{action}&user=#{CGI.escape user}"
+ if period = params[:period]
+ period_uri = (period.last == "year" ? "12month" : period.first + "month")
+ uri << "&period=#{period_uri}"
+ end
+ res = @bot.httputil.get_response(uri)
+ unless res.body
+ m.reply _("I had problems accessing")
+ return
+ end
+ doc =
+ unless doc
+ m.reply _(" parsing failed")
+ return
+ end
+ case res
+ when Net::HTTPBadRequest
+ if doc.root and doc.root.attributes["status"] == "failed"
+ m.reply "error: " << doc.root.elements["error"].text.downcase
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ case action
+ when :friends
+ friends = doc.root.get_elements("friends/user").map do |u|
+ u.elements["name"].text
+ end
+ unless friends.empty?
+ m.reply _("%{user} has %{total} friends; %{friends}") %
+ { :user => user, :total => friends.size, :friends => friends.join(", ") }
+ else
+ m.reply _("%{user} has no friends :(") % { :user => user }
+ end
+ when :lovedtracks
+ loved = doc.root.get_elements("lovedtracks/track").map do |track|
+ [track.elements["artist/name"].text, track.elements["name"].text].join(" - ")
+ end
+ loved_prep = loved.shuffle[0..4].to_enum(:each_with_index).collect { |e,i| (i % 2).zero? ? Underline+e+Underline : e }
+ unless loved.empty?
+ m.reply _("%{user} has loved %{total} tracks, including %{tracks} %{uri}") % {
+ :user => user,
+ :total => loved.size,
+ :tracks => loved_prep.join(", "),
+ :uri => "{CGI.escape user}/library/loved"
+ }
+ else
+ m.reply _("%{user} has not loved any tracks") % { :user => user }
+ end
+ when :neighbours
+ nbrs = doc.root.get_elements("neighbours/user").map do |u|
+ u.elements["name"].text
+ end
+ unless nbrs.empty?
+ m.reply _("%{user}'s musical neighbors include %{nbrs} %{uri}") % {
+ :user => user,
+ :nbrs => nbrs.shuffle[0..9].join(", "),
+ :uri => "{CGI.escape user}/neighbours"
+ }
+ else
+ m.reply _("no one seems to share %{user}'s musical taste") % { :user => user }
+ end
+ when :recenttracks
+ tracks = doc.root.get_elements("recenttracks/track").map do |track|
+ [track.elements["artist"].text, track.elements["name"].text].join(" - ")
+ end
+ tracks_prep = tracks.to_enum(:each_with_index).collect { |e,i| (i % 2).zero? ? Underline+e+Underline : e }
+ unless tracks.empty?
+ m.reply _("%{user} has recently played %{tracks}") %
+ { :user => user, :tracks => tracks_prep.join(", ") }
+ else
+ m.reply _("%{user} hasn't played anything recently") % { :user => user }
+ end
+ when :shouts
+ shouts = doc.root.get_elements("shouts/shout")
+ unless shouts.empty?
+ shouts[0..4].each do |shout|
+ m.reply _("<%{author}> %{body}") % {
+ :body => shout.elements["body"].text,
+ :author => shout.elements["author"].text,
+ }
+ end
+ else
+ m.reply _("there are no shouts for %{user}") % { :user => user }
+ end
+ when :toptracks, :topalbums, :topartists, :weeklytrackchart, :weeklyalbumchart, :weeklyartistchart
+ type = action.to_s.scan(/track|album|artist/).to_s
+ items = doc.root.get_elements("#{action}/#{type}").map do |item|
+ case action
+ when :weeklytrackchart, :weeklyalbumchart
+ format = "%{artist} - %{title} (%{bold}%{plays}%{bold})"
+ artist = item.elements["artist"].text
+ when :weeklyartistchart, :topartists
+ format = "%{artist} (%{bold}%{plays}%{bold})"
+ artist = item.elements["name"].text
+ when :toptracks, :topalbums
+ format = "%{artist} - (%{title} %{bold}%{plays}%{bold})"
+ artist = item.elements["artist/name"].text
+ end
+ _(format) % {
+ :artist => artist,
+ :title => item.elements["name"].text,
+ :plays => item.elements["playcount"].text,
+ :bold => Bold
+ }
+ end
+ m.reply items[0..9].join(", ")
@@ -426,7 +537,12 @@ 'lastfm compare to :user2', :action => :tasteometer, :thread => true 'lastfm compare [:user1] [to] :user2', :action => :tasteometer, :thread => true "lastfm [user] :action [:user]", :thread => true,
:requirements => { :action =>
- /^(?:events|friends|neighbou?rs|playlists|recent?tracks|top(?:album|artist|tag)s?|weekly(?:album|artist|track)chart|weeklychartlist)$/
+ /^(?:events|shouts|friends|neighbou?rs|(?:loved|recent?)tracks|top(?:album|artist|track)s?|weekly(?:albums?|artists?|tracks?)(?:chart)?)$/
+} 'lastfm [user] :action [:user] over [*period]', :thread => true,
+ :requirements => {
+ :action => /^(?:top(?:album|artist|track)s?)$/,
+ :period => /^(?:(?:3|6|12) months)|(?:a\s|1\s)?year$/
} 'lastfm [now] [:who]', :action => :now_playing, :thread => true 'np [:who]', :action => :now_playing, :thread => true