diff options
authorGiuseppe Bilotta <>2007-01-30 01:35:09 +0000
committerGiuseppe Bilotta <>2007-01-30 01:35:09 +0000
commit1cdc30f08ef77d2719ad60b26def738cb1fd5872 (patch)
parent3569f75d893d43ce83369edd59948a45a758afb6 (diff)
Improved bans plugin, thanks to kamu (reworked)
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/data/rbot/plugins/bans.rb b/data/rbot/plugins/bans.rb
index bbcf0f39..03fe2f34 100644
--- a/data/rbot/plugins/bans.rb
+++ b/data/rbot/plugins/bans.rb
@@ -1,205 +1,469 @@
-# Plugin for the Ruby IRC bot (
-# Managing kick and bans, automatically removing bans after timeouts, quiet bans, and kickban/quietban based on regexp
-# Commands are little Ruby programs that run in the context of the command plugin. You
-# can create them directly in an IRC channel, and invoke them just like normal rbot plugins.
-# (c) 2006 Marco Gulino <>
-# Licensed under GPL V2.
-class BansPlugin < Plugin
- def initialize
- super
- if @registry.has_key?(:bans)
- @bansregexps = @registry[:bans]
- else
- @bansregexps =
- end
- if @registry.has_key?(:bansmasks)
- @whitelist = @registry[:bansmasks]
- else
- @whitelist =
- end
- end
- def save
- @registry[:bans] = @bansregexps
- @registry[:bansmasks] = @whitelist
- end
- def help(plugin, topic="")
- case topic
- when "kickbans"
- return "bans ban|quietban nick [channel] [timer]: bans|quietbans a nick from the channel for a specified time. bans kick nick [channel] [message]: kicks <nick> from <channel> with kick <message>. bans kickban nick [channel] [timer] [message]: kick+ban, same parameters as before. timer is always specified as <number><unit>, like 3m, 10s, 1h."
- when "whitelist"
- return "bans addwhitelist <mask>: adds <mask> to whitelist (NEVER regexp ban this). bans whitelist: shows current whitelist. bans delwhitelist <key>: delete whitelist entry <key>."
- when "regexpbans"
- return "bans addregexp type [timer] regexp: listens for <regexp>, then do actions depending on <type> (\"quietban\" or \"kickban\", currently). If timer if specified, it removes the ban after timer expires. timer is always specified as <number><unit>, like 3m, 10s, 1h. bans delregexp <key>: remove watching for regexp <key>. bans listregexps: show current regexp watching list."
- else
- return "Topics: \"kickbans\", \"whitelist\", \"regexpbans\""
- end
-# return "Channel administration plugin. bans ban nick [channel] [timer]: bans a nick from the channel for a specified time; bans unban nick [channel]: removes the ban on <nick>; bans quiet nick [channel] [timer] and bans unquiet nick [channel]: same as ban and unban, but uses quiet ban instead. Timer is specified as 6s, 10m, 2h. If channel is not specified will use current channel.\nbans listregexps|addregexp type timeout regexp|delregexp: regexp banning management. Type can be quietban or kickban"
- end
- def cmd_setmode(m, nick, channel, smode, time, umode )
- channel=channel != '####currentchannel' ? channel :
- timercnt=/^(\d+)([smh])$/.match(time)[1]
- timeru=/^(\d+)([smh])$/.match(time)[2]
- timer = timercnt.to_i if timeru == "s"
- timer = timercnt.to_i*60 if timeru == "m"
- timer = timercnt.to_i*3600 if timeru == "h"
- if timer > 0 then @bot.timer.add_once(timer, m ) {|m|
- @bot.sendq("MODE #{channel} #{umode} #{nick}")
- # m.reply("Undo mode")
- } end
- @bot.sendq("MODE #{channel} #{smode} #{nick}")
- # m.reply "ban cmd nick=#{nick} channel=#{channel} timer=#{timercnt} #{timeru} #{timer}"
- end
- def cmd_dokick(m, nick, channel, message)
- channel=channel != '####currentchannel' ? channel :
- @bot.sendq("KICK #{channel} #{nick} :#{message}")
- end
- def cmd_kick(m,params)
- cmd_dokick(m,params[:nick], params[:channel], params[:message])
- end
- def cmd_ban(m, params)
- cmd_setmode(m, params[:nick], params[:channel], "+b", params[:timer], "-b")
- end
- def cmd_kickban(m,params)
- cmd_setmode(m, params[:nick], params[:channel], "+b", params[:timer], "-b")
- cmd_dokick(m,params[:nick], params[:channel], params[:message])
- end
- def cmd_quietban(m, params)
- cmd_setmode(m, params[:nick], params[:channel], "+q", params[:timer], "-q")
- end
- def cmd_unban(m, params)
- cmd_setmode(m, params[:nick], params[:channel], "-b", "0s", "")
- end
- def cmd_unquiet(m, params)
- cmd_setmode(m, params[:nick], params[:channel], "-q", "0s", "")
- end
- def listen(m)
- if @bansregexps.length <= 0 then return end
- @whitelist.each_key do |key|
- if Irc.netmaskmatch(@whitelist[key], m.source) then
- return
- end
- next
- end
- @bansregexps.each_key do |key|
- match=@bansregexps[key][2]
- if m.message =~ /^.*#{match}.*$/i then
- case @bansregexps[key][0]
- when "quietban"
- cmd_setmode(m, m.sourcenick,, "+q", @bansregexps[key][1], "-q")
- return
- when "kickban"
- cmd_setmode(m, m.sourcenick,, "+b", @bansregexps[key][1], "-b")
- cmd_dokick(m, m.sourcenick,, "Autokick")
- return
- end
- end
- next
- end
- end
- def cmd_addregexp(m, params)
- toadd=Array[ params[:type], params[:timeout], "#{params[:regexp]}" ]
- regsize=@bansregexps.length+1
-# m.reply("Current registry size: #{regsize}")
- @bansregexps[regsize]=toadd
- regsize=@bansregexps.length
-# m.reply("New registry size: #{regsize}")
- m.reply("Done.")
- end
- def cmd_listregexp(m, params)
- if @bansregexps.length == 0
- m.reply("No regexps stored."); return
- end
- @bansregexps.each_key do |key|
- m.reply("Key: #{key}, type: #{@bansregexps[key][0]}, timeout: #{@bansregexps[key][1]}, pattern: #{@bansregexps[key][2]}")
- sleep 1
- next
- end
- end
- def cmd_delregexp(m, params)
- index=params[:index]
- @bansregexps.each_key do |key|
- if ( "#{key}" == "#{index}" ) then
- @bansregexps.delete(key)
- m.reply("Done.")
- return
- end
- next
-m.reply("Key #{index} not found.")
- end
- def cmd_whitelistadd(m, params)
- regsize=@whitelist.length+1
- @whitelist[regsize]=params[:netmask]
- m.reply("Done.")
- end
- def cmd_whitelist(m, params)
- if @whitelist.length == 0
- m.reply("Whitelist is empty."); return
- end
- @whitelist.each_key do |key|
- m.reply("Key: #{key}, netmask: #{@whitelist[key]}")
- sleep 1
- next
- end
- end
- def cmd_whitelistdel(m, params)
- index=params[:index]
- @whitelist.each_key do |key|
- if ( "#{key}" == "#{index}" ) then
- @whitelist.delete(key)
- m.reply("Done.")
- return
- end
- next
- end
- m.reply("Key #{index} not found.")
- end
-plugin =
- 'bans whitelist', :action => 'cmd_whitelist', :auth => 'bans' 'bans delwhitelist :index', :action => 'cmd_whitelistdel', :auth => 'bans', :requirements => { :index => /^\d+$/ } 'bans addwhitelist :netmask', :action => 'cmd_whitelistadd', :auth => 'bans' 'bans delregexp :index', :action => 'cmd_delregexp', :auth => 'bans', :requirements => { :index => /^\d+$/ } 'bans addregexp :type :timeout *regexp', :action => 'cmd_addregexp', :auth => 'bans', :requirements => {:timeout => /^\d+[smh]$/, :type => /(quietban)|(kickban)/ }, :defaults => { :timeout => "0s" } 'bans listregexps', :action => 'cmd_listregexp', :auth => 'bans' 'bans ban :nick :channel :timer', :action => 'cmd_ban', :auth => 'bans', :requirements => {:timer => /^\d+[smh]$/, :channel => /^#+[^\s]+$/}, :defaults => {:channel => '####currentchannel', :timer => '0s'} 'bans quiet :nick :channel :timer', :action => 'cmd_quietban', :auth => 'bans', :requirements => {:timer => /^\d+[smh]$/, :channel => /^#+[^\s]+$/}, :defaults => {:channel => '####currentchannel', :timer => '0s'}
- 'bans kick :nick :channel *message', :action => 'cmd_kick', :auth => 'bans', :requirements => {:channel => /^#+[^\s]+$/}, :defaults => {:channel => '####currentchannel', :message => 'Au revoir.'} 'bans kickban :nick :channel :timer *message', :action => 'cmd_kickban', :auth => 'bans', :requirements => {:channel => /^#+[^\s]+$/, :timer => /^\d+[smh]$/ }, :defaults => {:channel => '####currentchannel', :message => 'Au revoir.', :timer => '0s'}
- 'bans unban :nick :channel', :action => 'cmd_unban', :auth => 'bans', :requirements => { :channel => /^#+[^\s]+$/}, :defaults => {:channel => '####currentchannel'} 'bans unquiet :nick :channel', :action => 'cmd_unquiet', :auth => 'bans', :requirements => { :channel => /^#+[^\s]+$/}, :defaults => {:channel => '####currentchannel'}
- 'admin kick :nick :channel *message', :action => 'cmd_kick', :auth => 'admin' 'admin kickban :nick :channel *message', :action => 'cmd_kickban' :auth => 'admin'
+# BansPlugin v3 for 0.9.11
+# Managing kick and bans, automatically removing bans after timeouts, quiet bans, and kickban/quietban based on regexp
+# (c) 2006 Marco Gulino <>
+# (c) 2007 kamu <>
+# (c) 2007 Giuseppe Bilotta <>
+# v1 -> v2 (kamu's version, never released)
+# * reworked
+# * autoactions triggered on join
+# * action on join or badword can be anything: kick, ban, kickban, quiet
+# v2 -> v3 (GB)
+# * remove the 'bans' prefix from most of the commands
+# * (un)quiet has been renamed to (un)silence because 'quiet' was used to tell the bot to keep quiet
+# * both (un)quiet and (un)silence are accepted as actions
+# * use the more descriptive 'onjoin' term for autoactions
+# * convert v1's (0.9.10) :bans and :bansmasks to BadWordActions and WhitelistEntries
+# * enhanced list manipulation facilities
+# * fixed regexp usage in requirements for plugin map
+# * add proper auth management
+# Licensed under GPL V2.
+OnJoinAction ="OnJoinAction", :host, :action, :channel, :reason)
+BadWordAction ="BadWordAction", :regexp, :action, :channel, :timer, :reason)
+WhitelistEntry ="WhitelistEntry", :host, :channel)
+class BansPlugin < Plugin
+ IdxRe = /^\d+$/
+ TimerRe = /^\d+[smhd]$/
+ ChannelRe = /^#+[^\s]+$/
+ ChannelAllRe = /^(?:all|#+[^\s]+)$/
+ ActionRe = /(?:ban|kick|kickban|silence|quiet)/
+ def name
+ "bans"
+ end
+ def make_badword_rx(txt)
+ return /\b#{txt}\b/i
+ end
+ def initialize
+ super
+ # Convert old BadWordActions, which were simpler and labelled :bans
+ if @registry.has_key? :bans
+ badwords =
+ bans = @registry[:bans]
+ @registry[:bans].each { |ar|
+ case ar[0]
+ when "quietban"
+ action = :silence
+ when "kickban"
+ action = :kickban
+ else
+ # Shouldn't happen
+ warn "Unknown action in old data #{ar.inspect} -- entry ignored"
+ next
+ end
+ bans.delete(ar)
+ chan = ar[1]
+ regexp = make_badword_rx(ar[2])
+ badwords <<, action, chan, "0s", "")
+ }
+ @registry[:badwords] = badwords
+ if bans.length > 0
+ # Store the ones we couldn't convert
+ @registry[:bans] = bans
+ else
+ @registry.delete(:bans)
+ end
+ else
+ @registry[:badwords] = unless @registry.has_key? :badwords
+ end
+ # Convert old WhitelistEntries, which were simpler and labelled :bansmasks
+ if @registry.has_key? :bans
+ wl =
+ @registry[:bansmasks].each { |mask|
+ badwords <<, "all")
+ }
+ @registry[:whitelist] = wl
+ @registry.delete(:bansmasks)
+ else
+ @registry[:whitelist] = unless @registry.has_key? :whitelist
+ end
+ @registry[:onjoin] = unless @registry.has_key? :onjoin
+ end
+ def help(plugin, topic="")
+ case plugin
+ when "ban"
+ return "ban <nick/hostmask> [Xs/m/h/d] [#channel]: ban a user from the given channel for the given amount of time. default is forever, on the current channel"
+ when "unban"
+ return "unban <nick/hostmask> [#channel]: unban a user from the given channel. defaults to the current channel"
+ when "kick"
+ return "kick <nick> [#channel] [reason ...]: kick a user from the given channel with the given reason. defaults to the current channel, no reason"
+ when "kickban"
+ return "kickban <nick> [Xs/m/h/d] [#channel] [reason ...]: kicks and bans a user from the given channel for the given amount of time, with the given reason. default is forever, on the current channel, with no reason"
+ when "silence"
+ return "silence <nick/hostmask> [Xs/m/h/d] [#channel]: silence a user on the given channel for the given time. default is forever, on the current channel. not all servers support silencing users"
+ when "unsilence"
+ return "unsilence <nick/hostmask> [#channel]: allow the given user to talk on the given channel. defaults to the current channel"
+ when "bans"
+ case topic
+ when "add"
+ return "bans add <onjoin|badword|whitelist>: add an automatic action for people that join or say some bad word, or a whitelist entry. further help available"
+ when "add onjoin"
+ return "bans add onjoin <hostmask> [action] [#channel] [reason ...]: will add an autoaction for any one who joins with hostmask. default action is silence, default channel is all"
+ when "add badword"
+ return "bans add badword <regexp> [action] [Xs/m/h/d] [#channel|all] [reason ...]: adds a badword regexp, if a user sends a message that matches regexp, the action will be invoked. default action is silence, default channel is all"
+ when "add whitelist"
+ return "bans add whitelist <hostmask> [#channel|all]: add the given hostmask to the whitelist. no autoaction will be triggered by users on the whitelist"
+ when "rm"
+ return "bans rm <onjoin|badword|whitelist> <hostmask/regexp> [#channel], or bans rm <onjoin|badword|whitelist> index <num>: removes the specified onjoin or badword rule or whitelist entry."
+ when "list"
+ return"bans list <onjoin|badword|whitelist>: lists all onjoin or badwords or whitelist entries"
+ end
+ end
+ return "bans <command>: allows a user of the bot to do a range of bans and unbans. commands are: [un]ban, kick[ban], [un]silence, add, rm and list"
+ end
+ def listen(m)
+ return unless m.respond_to?(:public?) and m.public?
+ @registry[:whitelist].each { |white|
+ next unless ['all',].include?(
+ return if m.source.matches?(
+ }
+ @registry[:badwords].each { |badword|
+ next unless ['all',].include?(
+ next unless badword.regexp.match(m.message)
+ do_cmd(badword.action.to_sym, m.source.nick,, badword.timer, badword.reason)
+ m.reply "bad word detected! #{badword.action} for #{badword.timer} because: #{badword.reason}"
+ return
+ }
+ end
+ def join(m)
+ @registry[:whitelist].each { |white|
+ next unless ['all',].include?(
+ return if m.source.matches?(
+ }
+ @registry[:onjoin].each { |auto|
+ next unless ['all',].include?(
+ next unless m.source.matches?
+ do_cmd(auto.action.to_sym, m.source.nick,, "0s", auto.reason)
+ return
+ }
+ end
+ def ban_user(m, params=nil)
+ nick, channel = params[:nick], check_channel(m, params[:channel])
+ timer = params[:timer]
+ do_cmd(:ban, nick, channel, timer)
+ end
+ def unban_user(m, params=nil)
+ nick, channel = params[:nick], check_channel(m, params[:channel])
+ do_cmd(:unban, nick, channel)
+ end
+ def kick_user(m, params=nil)
+ nick, channel = params[:nick], check_channel(m, params[:channel])
+ reason = params[:reason].to_s
+ do_cmd(:kick, nick, channel, "0s", reason)
+ end
+ def kickban_user(m, params=nil)
+ nick, channel, reason = params[:nick], check_channel(m, params[:channel])
+ timer, reason = params[:timer], params[:reason].to_s
+ do_cmd(:kickban, nick, channel, timer, reason)
+ end
+ def silence_user(m, params=nil)
+ nick, channel = params[:nick], check_channel(m, params[:channel])
+ timer = params[:timer]
+ do_cmd(:silence, nick, channel, timer)
+ end
+ def unsilence_user(m, params=nil)
+ nick, channel = params[:nick], check_channel(m, params[:channel])
+ do_cmd(:unsilence, nick, channel)
+ end
+ def add_onjoin(m, params=nil)
+ begin
+ host, channel = m.server.new_netmask(params[:host]), params[:channel].downcase
+ action, reason = params[:action], params[:reason].to_s
+ autos = @registry[:onjoin]
+ autos <<, action, channel, reason.dup)
+ @registry[:onjoin] = autos
+ m.okay
+ rescue
+ m.reply $!
+ end
+ end
+ def list_onjoin(m, params=nil)
+ m.reply "onjoin rules: #{@registry[:onjoin].length}"
+ @registry[:onjoin].each_with_index { |auto, idx|
+ m.reply "\##{idx+1}: #{} | #{auto.action} | #{} | '#{auto.reason}'"
+ }
+ end
+ def rm_onjoin(m, params=nil)
+ autos = @registry[:onjoin]
+ count = autos.length
+ idx = params[:idx].to_i
+ if idx
+ if idx > count
+ m.reply "No such onjoin \##{idx}"
+ return
+ end
+ autos.delete_at(idx-1)
+ else
+ begin
+ host = m.server.new_netmask(params[:host])
+ channel = params[:channel].downcase
+ autos.each { |rule|
+ next unless ['all',].include?(channel)
+ autos.delete rule if == host
+ }
+ rescue
+ m.reply $!
+ end
+ end
+ @registry[:onjoin] = autos
+ m.okay if count > autos.length
+ end
+ def add_badword(m, params=nil)
+ regexp, channel = make_badword_rx(params[:regexp]), params[:channel].dup
+ action, timer, reason = params[:action], params[:timer].dup, params[:reason].to_s
+ badwords = @registry[:badwords]
+ badwords <<, action, channel, timer, reason)
+ @registry[:badwords] = badwords
+ m.okay
+ end
+ def list_badword(m, params=nil)
+ m.reply "badword rules: #{@registry[:badwords].length}"
+ @registry[:badwords].each_with_index { |badword, idx|
+ m.reply "\##{idx+1}: #{badword.regexp.source} | #{badword.action} | #{} | #{badword.timer} | #{badword.reason}"
+ }
+ end
+ def rm_badword(m, params=nil)
+ badwords = @registry[:badwords]
+ count = badwords.length
+ idx = params[:idx].to_i
+ if idx
+ if idx > count
+ m.reply "No such badword \##{idx}"
+ return
+ end
+ badwords.delete_at(idx-1)
+ else
+ channel = params[:channel].downcase
+ regexp = make_badword_rx(params[:regexp])
+ debug "Trying to remove #{regexp.inspect} from #{badwords.inspect}"
+ badwords.each { |badword|
+ next unless ['all',].include?(channel)
+ badwords.delete(badword) if badword == regexp
+ }
+ end
+ @registry[:badwords] = badwords
+ m.okay if count > badwords.length
+ end
+ def add_whitelist(m, params=nil)
+ begin
+ host, channel = m.server.new_netmask(params[:host]), params[:channel].downcase
+ # TODO check if a whitelist entry for this host already exists
+ whitelist = @registry[:whitelist]
+ whitelist <<, channel)
+ @registry[:whitelist] = whitelist
+ m.okay
+ rescue
+ m.reply $!
+ end
+ end
+ def list_whitelist(m, params=nil)
+ m.reply "whitelist entries: #{@registry[:whitelist].length}"
+ @registry[:whitelist].each_with_index { |auto, idx|
+ m.reply "\##{idx+1}: #{} | #{}"
+ }
+ end
+ def rm_whitelist(m, params=nil)
+ wl = @registry[:whitelist]
+ count = wl.length
+ idx = params[:idx].to_i
+ if idx
+ if idx > count
+ m.reply "No such whitelist entry \##{idx}"
+ return
+ end
+ wl.delete_at(idx-1)
+ else
+ begin
+ host = m.server.new_netmask(params[:host])
+ channel = params[:channel].downcase
+ wl.each { |rule|
+ next unless ['all',].include?(channel)
+ wl.delete rule if == host
+ }
+ rescue
+ m.reply $!
+ end
+ end
+ @registry[:whitelist] = wl
+ m.okay if count > whitelist.length
+ end
+ private
+ def check_channel(m, strchannel)
+ begin
+ raise "must specify channel if using privmsg" if strchannel.empty? and m.private?
+ channel = strchannel.empty? ? :
+ raise "I am not in that channel" unless channel.has_user?(@bot)
+ return channel
+ rescue
+ m.reply $!
+ end
+ end
+ def do_cmd(action, nick, channel, timer="0s", reason="")
+ if timer.eql? "0s"
+ timer = 0
+ else
+ timer = $1.to_i if timer =~ /^(\d+)s$/
+ timer = $1.to_i * 60 if timer =~ /^(\d+)m$/
+ timer = $1.to_i * 60 * 60 if timer =~ /^(\d+)h$/
+ timer = $1.to_i * 60 * 60 * 24 if timer =~ /^(\d+)d$/
+ end
+ case action
+ when :ban
+ set_mode(channel, "+b", nick)
+ @bot.timer.add_once(timer) { set_mode(channel, "-b", nick) } if timer > 0
+ when :unban
+ set_mode(channel, "-b", nick)
+ when :kick
+ do_kick(channel, nick, reason)
+ when :kickban
+ set_mode(channel, "+b", nick)
+ @bot.timer.add_once(timer) { set_mode(channel, "-b", nick) } if timer > 0
+ do_kick(channel, nick, reason)
+ when :silence, :quiet
+ set_mode(channel, "+q", nick)
+ @bot.timer.add_once(timer) { set_mode(channel, "-q", nick) } if timer > 0
+ when :unsilence, :unquiet
+ set_mode(channel, "-q", nick)
+ end
+ end
+ def set_mode(channel, mode, nick)
+ host = channel.has_user?(nick) ? "*!*@" + channel.get_user(nick).host : nick
+ @bot.mode(channel, mode, host)
+ end
+ def do_kick(channel, nick, reason="")
+ @bot.kick(channel, nick, reason)
+ end
+plugin =
+plugin.default_auth( 'act', false )
+plugin.default_auth( 'edit', false )
+plugin.default_auth( 'list', true )
+ 'ban :nick :timer :channel', :action => 'ban_user',
+ :requirements => {:timer => BansPlugin::TimerRe, :channel => BansPlugin::ChannelRe},
+ :defaults => {:timer => '0s', :channel => ''},
+ :auth_path => 'act' 'unban :nick :channel', :action => 'unban_user',
+ :requirements => {:channel => BansPlugin::ChannelRe},
+ :defaults => {:channel => ''},
+ :auth_path => 'act' 'kick :nick :channel *reason', :action => 'kick_user',
+ :requirements => {:channel => BansPlugin::ChannelRe},
+ :defaults => {:channel => '', :reason => ''},
+ :auth_path => 'act' 'kickban :nick :timer :channel *reason', :action => 'kickban_user',
+ :requirements => {:timer => BansPlugin::TimerRe, :channel => BansPlugin::ChannelRe},
+ :defaults => {:timer => '0s', :channel => '', :reason => ''},
+ :auth_path => 'act' 'silence :nick :timer :channel', :action => 'silence_user',
+ :requirements => {:timer => BansPlugin::TimerRe, :channel => BansPlugin::ChannelRe},
+ :defaults => {:timer => '0s', :channel => ''},
+ :auth_path => 'act' 'unsilence :nick :channel', :action => 'unsilence_user',
+ :requirements => {:channel => BansPlugin::ChannelRe},
+ :defaults => {:channel => ''},
+ :auth_path => 'act'
+ 'bans add onjoin :host :action :channel *reason', :action => 'add_onjoin',
+ :requirements => {:action => BansPlugin::ActionRe, :channel => BansPlugin::ChannelAllRe},
+ :defaults => {:action => 'kickban', :channel => 'all', :reason => 'netmask not welcome'},
+ :auth_path => 'edit::onjoin' 'bans rm onjoin index :idx', :action => 'rm_onjoin',
+ :requirements => {:num => BansPlugin::IdxRe},
+ :auth_path => 'edit::onjoin' 'bans rm onjoin :host :channel', :action => 'rm_onjoin',
+ :requirements => {:channel => BansPlugin::ChannelAllRe},
+ :defaults => {:channel => 'all'},
+ :auth_path => 'edit::onjoin' 'bans list onjoin[s]', :action => 'list_onjoin',
+ :auth_path => 'list::onjoin'
+ 'bans add badword :regexp :action :timer :channel *reason', :action => 'add_badword',
+ :requirements => {:action => BansPlugin::ActionRe, :timer => BansPlugin::TimerRe, :channel => BansPlugin::ChannelAllRe},
+ :defaults => {:action => 'silence', :timer => "0s", :channel => 'all', :reason => 'bad word'},
+ :auth_path => 'edit::badword' 'bans rm badword index :idx', :action => 'rm_badword',
+ :requirements => {:num => BansPlugin::IdxRe},
+ :auth_path => 'edit::badword' 'bans rm badword :regexp :channel', :action => 'rm_badword',
+ :requirements => {:channel => BansPlugin::ChannelAllRe},
+ :defaults => {:channel => 'all'},
+ :auth_path => 'edit::badword' 'bans list badword[s]', :action => 'list_badword',
+ :auth_path => 'list::badword'
+ 'bans add whitelist :host :channel', :action => 'add_whitelist',
+ :requirements => {:channel => BansPlugin::ChannelAllRe},
+ :defaults => {:channel => 'all'},
+ :auth_path => 'edit::whitelist' 'bans rm whitelist index :idx', :action => 'rm_whitelist',
+ :requirements => {:num => BansPlugin::IdxRe},
+ :auth_path => 'edit::whitelist' 'bans rm whitelist :host :channel', :action => 'rm_whitelist',
+ :requirements => {:channel => BansPlugin::ChannelAllRe},
+ :defaults => {:channel => 'all'},
+ :auth_path => 'edit::whitelist' 'bans list whitelist', :action => 'list_whitelist',
+ :auth_path => 'list::whitelist'