/* * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon * * Copyright (C) 2011 Adam * Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Dennis Friis * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Craig Edwards * Copyright (C) 2008 Eric Dietz * Copyright (C) 2007 Burlex * Copyright (C) 2007 Robin Burchell * * This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #define CONFIGURE_BUILD #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "inspircd_win32wrapper.h" #include "colours.h" using namespace std; void Run(); void Banner(); void WriteCompileModules(const vector &, const vector &); void WriteCompileCommands(); void Rebase(); void CopyExtras(); /* detects if we are running windows xp or higher (5.1) */ bool iswinxp() { OSVERSIONINFO vi; vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&vi); if(vi.dwMajorVersion >= 5) return true; return false; } int get_int_option(const char * text, int def) { static char buffer[500]; int ret; printf_c("%s\n[\033[1;32m%u\033[0m] -> ", text, def); fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin); if(sscanf(buffer, "%u", &ret) != 1) ret = def; printf("\n"); return ret; } bool get_bool_option(const char * text, bool def) { static char buffer[500]; char ret[100]; printf_c("%s [\033[1;32m%c\033[0m] -> ", text, def ? 'y' : 'n'); fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin); if(sscanf(buffer, "%s", ret) != 1) strcpy(ret, def ? "y" : "n"); printf("\n"); return !strncmp(ret, "y", 1); } string get_string_option(const char * text, char * def) { if (def && *def) printf_c("%s\n[\033[1;32m%s\033[0m] -> ", text, def); else printf_c("%s\n[] -> ", text); char buffer[1000], buf[1000]; fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin); if (sscanf(buffer, "%s", buf) != 1) strcpy(buf, def); printf("\n"); return buf; } // escapes a string for use in a c++ file void escape_string(string &str) { string copy = str; str.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < copy.size(); ++i) { str += copy[i]; if (copy[i] == '\\') str += '\\'; } } string get_git_commit() { char buf[128]; char *ref = NULL, *commit = NULL; FILE *f = fopen("../.git/HEAD", "r"); if (f) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { while (isspace(buf[strlen(buf) - 1])) buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0; char *p = strchr(buf, ' '); if (p) ref = ++p; } fclose(f); } if (ref == NULL) return ""; string ref_file = string("../.git/") + string(ref); f = fopen(ref_file.c_str(), "r"); if (f) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { while (isspace(buf[strlen(buf) - 1])) buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0; commit = buf; } fclose(f); } return commit != NULL ? commit : ""; } void get_machine_info(char * buffer, size_t len) { char buf[500]; char buf2[500]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(buf); if (!GetComputerNameEx((COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT)ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified, buf, &dwSize)) sprintf(buf, "%s", "unknown"); FILE * f = fopen("ver.txt.tmp", "r"); if (f) { while (fgets(buf2, sizeof(buf2), f)) { } fclose(f); unlink("ver.txt.tmp"); } else sprintf(buf2, "%s", "unknown"); sprintf(buffer, "%s ", buf); //strip newlines char* b = buffer + strlen(buf)+1; char *b2 = buf2; while (*b2) { if (*b2 != 10 && *b2 != 13) { *b = *b2; b++; } *b2++; } *b = 0; } vector get_dir_list(const string &path_list) { char *paths = strdup(path_list.c_str()); char *paths_save = paths; char *p = paths; vector paths_return; while ((p = strchr(paths, ';'))) { *p++ = 0; paths_return.push_back(paths); paths = p; } if (paths != NULL) paths_return.push_back(paths); free(paths_save); return paths_return; } int __stdcall WinMain(IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, IN LPSTR lpCmdLine, IN int nShowCmd ) { if (!strcmp(lpCmdLine, "/rebase")) { Rebase(); return 0; } FILE * j = fopen("inspircd_config.h", "r"); if (j) { if (MessageBox(0, "inspircd_config.h already exists. Remove it and build from clean?", "Configure program", MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2) != IDYES) { fclose(j); exit(0); } } // call before we hook console handles system("ver > ver.txt.tmp"); AllocConsole(); // pipe standard handles to this console freopen("CONIN$", "r", stdin); freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout); freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr); Banner(); Run(); FreeConsole(); return 0; } void Banner() { printf_c("\nWelcome to the \033[1mInspIRCd\033[0m Configuration program! (\033[1minteractive mode\033[0m)\n" "\033[1mPackage maintainers: Type ./configure --help for non-interactive help\033[0m\n\n"); printf_c("*** If you are unsure of any of these values, leave it blank for ***\n" "*** standard settings that will work, and your server will run ***\n" "*** using them. Please consult your IRC network admin if in doubt. ***\n\n" "Press \033[1m\033[0m to accept the default for any option, or enter\n" "a new value. Please note: You will \033[1mHAVE\033[0m to read the docs\n" "dir, otherwise you won't have a config file!\n\n"); } void Run() { vector extra_include_paths, extra_lib_paths; string revision = get_git_commit(); char version[514]; char machine_text[MAX_PATH]; get_machine_info(machine_text, MAX_PATH); // grab version FILE * fI = fopen("..\\src\\version.sh", "r"); if(fI) { fgets(version, sizeof(version), fI); fgets(version, sizeof(version), fI); char * p2 = version; while(*p2 != '\"') ++p2; ++p2; strcpy(version, p2); p2 = version; while(*p2 != '\"') ++p2; *p2 = 0; fclose(fI); } else strcpy(version, "InspIRCD-Unknown"); #ifdef WIN64 printf_c("Your operating system is: \033[1;32mwindows_x64 \033[0m\n"); #else printf_c("Your operating system is: \033[1;32mwindows_x32 \033[0m\n"); #endif printf_c("InspIRCd revision ID: \033[1;32m%s \033[0m\n\n", !revision.empty() ? revision.c_str() : "(Non-GIT build)"); printf_c("\033[1mExtra modules.\033[0m\n"); if (get_bool_option("Do you want to compile any extra non-core modules?", false)) { string extra_i_path = get_string_option("Extra include search paths separate by \";\"", "."); string extra_l_path = get_string_option("Extra library search paths, separate by \";\"", "."); extra_include_paths = get_dir_list(extra_i_path); extra_lib_paths = get_dir_list(extra_l_path); } printf_c("\033[1mAll paths are relative to the binary directory.\033[0m\n"); string base_path = get_string_option("In what directory do you wish to install the InspIRCd base?", ".."); string config_file = get_string_option("In what directory are the configuration files?", "conf"); string mod_path = get_string_option("In what directory are the modules to be compiled to?", "modules"); string bin_dir = get_string_option("In what directory is the IRCd binary to be placed?", "."); printf_c("\n\033[1;32mPre-build configuration is complete!\n\n"); sc(TNORMAL); CopyExtras(); // dump all the options back out printf_c("\033[0mBase install path:\033[1;32m %s\n", base_path.c_str()); printf_c("\033[0mConfig path:\033[1;32m %s\n", config_file.c_str()); printf_c("\033[0mModule path:\033[1;32m %s\n", mod_path.c_str()); printf_c("\033[0mSocket Engine:\033[1;32m %s\n", "select"); printf("\n"); sc(TNORMAL); if(get_bool_option("Are these settings correct?", true) == false) { Run(); return; } printf("\n"); // escape the pathes escape_string(config_file); escape_string(mod_path); printf("\nWriting inspircd_config.h..."); FILE * f = fopen("inspircd_config.h", "w"); fprintf(f, "/* Auto generated by configure, do not modify! */\n"); fprintf(f, "#ifndef __CONFIGURATION_AUTO__\n"); fprintf(f, "#define __CONFIGURATION_AUTO__\n\n"); fprintf(f, "#define MOD_PATH \"%s\"\n", mod_path.c_str()); fprintf(f, "#define SOMAXCONN_S \"128\"\n"); fprintf(f, "#define MAXBUF 514\n"); fprintf(f, "\n#include \"inspircd_win32wrapper.h\""); fprintf(f, "\n#include \"inspircd_namedpipe.h\""); fprintf(f, "\n#include \"threadengines/threadengine_win32.h\"\n\n"); fprintf(f, "#endif\n\n"); fclose(f); sc(TGREEN); printf(" done\n"); sc(TNORMAL); printf("Writing inspircd_se_config.h..."); f = fopen("inspircd_se_config.h", "w"); fprintf(f, "/* Auto generated by configure, do not modify or commit to Git! */\n"); fprintf(f, "#ifndef __CONFIGURATION_SOCKETENGINE__\n"); fprintf(f, "#define __CONFIGURATION_SOCKETENGINE__\n\n"); fprintf(f, "#include \"socketengines/socketengine_%s.h\"\n\n", "select"); fprintf(f, "#endif\n\n"); fclose(f); sc(TGREEN); printf(" done\n"); sc(TNORMAL); printf("Writing inspircd_version.h..."); f = fopen("inspircd_version.h", "w"); fprintf(f, "#define VERSION \"%s\"\n", version); fprintf(f, "#define REVISION \"%s\"\n", revision.c_str()); fprintf(f, "#define SYSTEM \"%s\"\n", machine_text); fclose(f); sc(TGREEN); printf(" done\n"); sc(TNORMAL); printf("Writing command and module compilation scripts..."); WriteCompileCommands(); WriteCompileModules(extra_include_paths, extra_lib_paths); sc(TGREEN); printf(" done\n"); sc(TNORMAL); printf("\nconfigure is done.. exiting!\n"); } /* Keeps files from modules/extra up to date if theyre copied into modules/ */ void CopyExtras() { char dest[65535]; char src[65535]; printf("\nUpdating extra modules in src/modules...\n"); WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile("..\\src\\modules\\extra\\*.*", &fd); if(fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; do { strcpy(dest, "..\\src\\modules\\"); strcat(dest, fd.cFileName); strcpy(src, "..\\src\\modules\\extra\\"); strcat(src, fd.cFileName); FILE* x = fopen(dest, "r"); if (x) { fclose(x); CopyFile(src, dest, false); sc(TGREEN); printf(" %s", fd.cFileName); sc(TNORMAL); printf("...\n"); } } while (FindNextFile(fh, &fd)); FindClose(fh); printf("\n\n"); } void Rebase() { char dest[65535]; char command[65535]; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; #ifdef _DEBUG HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile("..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\*.so", &fd); #else HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile("..\\bin\\release\\modules\\*.so", &fd); #endif if(fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; *dest = 0; do { #ifdef _DEBUG strcat(dest, " ..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\"); #else strcat(dest, " ..\\bin\\release\\modules\\"); #endif strcat(dest, fd.cFileName); } while (FindNextFile(fh, &fd)); sprintf(command, "rebase.exe -v -b 11000000 -c baseaddr_modules.txt %s", dest); printf("%s\n", command); system(command); FindClose(fh); } void WriteCompileCommands() { char commands[300][100]; int command_count = 0; printf("\n Finding Command Sources...\n"); WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile("..\\src\\commands\\cmd_*.cpp", &fd); if(fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) printf_c("\033[1;32m No command sources could be found! This \033[1m*could*\033[1;32m be a bad thing.. :P\033[0m"); else { sc(TGREEN); do { strcpy(commands[command_count], fd.cFileName); commands[command_count][strlen(fd.cFileName) - 4] = 0; printf(" %s\n", commands[command_count]); ++command_count; } while(FindNextFile(fh, &fd)); sc(TNORMAL); } // Write our spiffy new makefile :D // I am such a lazy fucker :P FILE * f = fopen("..\\src\\commands\\commands.mak", "w"); time_t t = time(NULL); fprintf(f, "# Generated at %s\n", ctime(&t)); fprintf(f, "all: makedir "); // dump modules.. first time :) for(int i = 0; i < command_count; ++i) fprintf(f, "%s.so ", commands[i]); fprintf(f, "\n.cpp.obj:\n"); #ifdef WIN64 // /MACHINE:X64 #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/commands\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo\"Debug/\" /Fd\"Debug/vc90.pdb\" /W2 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\inspircd.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /MACHINE:X64 /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n"); CreateDirectory("..\\src\\commands\\debug", NULL); CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\debug\\modules", NULL); #else fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/commands\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /GL /MD /Fo\"Release/\" /Fd\"Release/vc90.pdb\" /W2 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\inspircd.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /MACHINE:X64 /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n"); CreateDirectory("..\\src\\commands\\release", NULL); CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\release\\modules", NULL); #endif #else #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/commands\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo\"Debug/\" /Fd\"Debug/vc90.pdb\" /W2 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\inspircd.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n"); CreateDirectory("..\\src\\commands\\debug", NULL); CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\debug\\modules", NULL); #else fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/commands\" /I \"../../win\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /GL /MD /Fo\"Release/\" /Fd\"Release/vc90.pdb\" /W2 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link ..\\..\\bin\\release\\inspircd.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n"); CreateDirectory("..\\src\\commands\\release", NULL); CreateDirectory("..\\bin\\release\\modules", NULL); #endif #endif fprintf(f, "makedir:\n"); #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(f, " if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\debug mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\debug\n"); fprintf(f, " if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\n"); fprintf(f, " if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\data mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\data\n"); fprintf(f, " if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\logs mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\logs\n"); #else fprintf(f, " if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\release mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\release\n"); fprintf(f, " if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\n"); fprintf(f, " if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\release\\data mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\release\\data\n"); fprintf(f, " if not exist ..\\..\\bin\\release\\logs mkdir ..\\..\\bin\\release\\logs\n"); #endif // dump modules.. again the second and last time :) for(int i = 0; i < command_count; ++i) fprintf(f, "%s.so : %s.obj\n", commands[i], commands[i]); fprintf(f, "\n"); fclose(f); } void WriteCompileModules(const vector &includes, const vector &libs) { char modules[300][100]; int module_count = 0; printf("Finding Modules...\n"); WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile("..\\src\\modules\\m_*.cpp", &fd); if(fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) printf_c("\033[1;32m No module sources could be found! This \033[1m*could*\033[1;32m be a bad thing.. :P\033[0m"); else { sc(TGREEN); do { strcpy(modules[module_count], fd.cFileName); modules[module_count][strlen(fd.cFileName) - 4] = 0; printf(" %s\n", modules[module_count]); ++module_count; } while(FindNextFile(fh, &fd)); sc(TNORMAL); } string extra_include, extra_lib; for (unsigned i = 0; i < includes.size(); ++i) extra_include += " /I \"" + includes[i] + "\" "; for (unsigned i = 0; i < libs.size(); ++i) extra_lib += " /LIBPATH:\"" + libs[i] + "\" "; // Write our spiffy new makefile :D // I am such a lazy fucker :P FILE * f = fopen("..\\src\\modules\\modules.mak", "w"); time_t t = time(NULL); fprintf(f, "# Generated at %s\n", ctime(&t)); fprintf(f, "all: makedir "); // dump modules.. first time :) for(int i = 0; i < module_count; ++i) fprintf(f, "%s.so ", modules[i]); fprintf(f, "\n.cpp.obj:\n"); #ifdef WIN64 // /MACHINE:X64 #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/modules\" /I \"../../win\" %s /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo\"Debug/\" /Fd\"Debug/vc90.pdb\" /W2 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link %s ..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\inspircd.lib ws2_32.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /MACHINE:X64 /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug_x64\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n", extra_include.c_str(), extra_lib.c_str()); CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\debug_x64", NULL); #else fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/modules\" /I \"../../win\" %s /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /GL /MD /Fo\"Release/\" /Fd\"Release/vc90.pdb\" /W2 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link %s ..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\inspircd.lib ws2_32.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /MACHINE:X64 /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release_x64\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n", extra_include.c_str(), extra_lib.c_str()); CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\release_x64", NULL); #endif #else #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/modules\" /I \"../../win\" %s /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo\"Debug/\" /Fd\"Debug/vc90.pdb\" /W2 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link %s ..\\..\\bin\\debug\\inspircd.lib ws2_32.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\debug\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n", extra_include.c_str(), extra_lib.c_str()); CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\debug", NULL); #else fprintf(f, " cl /nologo /LD /Od /I \".\" /I \"../../include\" /I \"../../include/modes\" /I \"../../include/modules\" /I \"../../win\" %s /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_CONSOLE\" /D \"_MBCS\" /D \"DLL_BUILD\" /Gm /EHsc /GL /MD /Fo\"Release/\" /Fd\"Release/vc90.pdb\" /W2 /Zi /TP $*.cpp ..\\..\\win\\inspircd_memory_functions.cpp /link %s ..\\..\\bin\\release\\inspircd.lib ws2_32.lib /OUT:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\$*.so\" /PDB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\$*.pdb\" /IMPLIB:\"..\\..\\bin\\release\\modules\\$*.lib\"\n\n", extra_include.c_str(), extra_lib.c_str()); CreateDirectory("..\\src\\modules\\release", NULL); #endif #endif #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(f, "makedir:\n if not exist debug mkdir debug\n\n"); #else fprintf(f, "makedir:\n if not exist release mkdir release\n\n"); #endif // dump modules.. again the second and last time :) for(int i = 0; i < module_count; ++i) fprintf(f, "%s.so : %s.obj\n", modules[i], modules[i]); fprintf(f, "\n"); fclose(f); }