/* * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon * * Copyright (C) 2009 Robin Burchell * Copyright (C) 2008 Craig Edwards * Copyright (C) 2008 Dennis Friis * * This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Core */ #include "inspircd.h" #include "testsuite.h" #include "threadengine.h" #include class TestSuiteThread : public Thread { public: TestSuiteThread() : Thread() { } virtual ~TestSuiteThread() { } virtual void Run() { while (GetExitFlag() == false) { std::cout << "Test suite thread run...\n"; sleep(5); } } }; TestSuite::TestSuite() { std::cout << "\n\n*** STARTING TESTSUITE ***\n"; std::string modname; char choice; while (1) { std::cout << "(1) Call all module OnRunTestSuite() methods\n"; std::cout << "(2) Load a module\n"; std::cout << "(3) Unload a module\n"; std::cout << "(4) Threading tests\n"; std::cout << "(5) Wildcard and CIDR tests\n"; std::cout << "(6) Comma sepstream tests\n"; std::cout << "(7) Space sepstream tests\n"; std::cout << "(8) UID generation tests\n"; std::cout << std::endl << "(X) Exit test suite\n"; std::cout << "\nChoices (Enter one or more options as a list then press enter, e.g. 15X): "; std::cin >> choice; if (!choice) continue; switch (choice) { case '1': FOREACH_MOD(I_OnRunTestSuite, OnRunTestSuite()); break; case '2': std::cout << "Enter module filename to load: "; std::cin >> modname; std::cout << (ServerInstance->Modules->Load(modname.c_str()) ? "\nSUCCESS!\n" : "\nFAILURE\n"); break; case '3': std::cout << "Enter module filename to unload: "; std::cin >> modname; { Module* m = ServerInstance->Modules->Find(modname); std::cout << (ServerInstance->Modules->Unload(m) ? "\nSUCCESS!\n" : "\nFAILURE\n"); ServerInstance->AtomicActions.Run(); } break; case '4': std::cout << (DoThreadTests() ? "\nSUCCESS!\n" : "\nFAILURE\n"); break; case '5': std::cout << (DoWildTests() ? "\nSUCCESS!\n" : "\nFAILURE\n"); break; case '6': std::cout << (DoCommaSepStreamTests() ? "\nSUCCESS!\n" : "\nFAILURE\n"); break; case '7': std::cout << (DoSpaceSepStreamTests() ? "\nSUCCESS!\n" : "\nFAILURE\n"); break; case '8': std::cout << (DoGenerateUIDTests() ? "\nSUCCESS!\n" : "\nFAILURE\n"); break; case 'X': return; break; default: std::cout << "Invalid option\n"; break; } std::cout << std::endl; } } /* Test that x matches y with match() */ #define WCTEST(x, y) std::cout << "match(\"" << x << "\",\"" << y "\") " << ((passed = (InspIRCd::Match(x, y, NULL))) ? " SUCCESS!\n" : " FAILURE\n") /* Test that x does not match y with match() */ #define WCTESTNOT(x, y) std::cout << "!match(\"" << x << "\",\"" << y "\") " << ((passed = ((!InspIRCd::Match(x, y, NULL)))) ? " SUCCESS!\n" : " FAILURE\n") /* Test that x matches y with match() and cidr enabled */ #define CIDRTEST(x, y) std::cout << "match(\"" << x << "\",\"" << y "\", true) " << ((passed = (InspIRCd::MatchCIDR(x, y, NULL))) ? " SUCCESS!\n" : " FAILURE\n") /* Test that x does not match y with match() and cidr enabled */ #define CIDRTESTNOT(x, y) std::cout << "!match(\"" << x << "\",\"" << y "\", true) " << ((passed = ((!InspIRCd::MatchCIDR(x, y, NULL)))) ? " SUCCESS!\n" : " FAILURE\n") bool TestSuite::DoWildTests() { std::cout << "\n\nWildcard and CIDR tests\n\n"; bool passed = false; WCTEST("foobar", "*"); WCTEST("foobar", "foo*"); WCTEST("foobar", "*bar"); WCTEST("foobar", "foo??r"); WCTEST("foobar.test", "fo?bar.*t"); WCTEST("foobar.test", "fo?bar.t*t"); WCTEST("foobar.tttt", "fo?bar.**t"); WCTEST("foobar", "foobar"); WCTEST("foobar", "foo***bar"); WCTEST("foobar", "*foo***bar"); WCTEST("foobar", "**foo***bar"); WCTEST("foobar", "**foobar*"); WCTEST("foobar", "**foobar**"); WCTEST("foobar", "**foobar"); WCTEST("foobar", "**f?*?ar"); WCTEST("foobar", "**f?*b?r"); WCTEST("foofar", "**f?*f*r"); WCTEST("foofar", "**f?*f*?"); WCTEST("r", "*"); WCTEST("", ""); WCTEST("test@foo.bar.test", "*@*.bar.test"); WCTEST("test@foo.bar.test", "*test*@*.bar.test"); WCTEST("test@foo.bar.test", "*@*test"); WCTEST("a", "*a"); WCTEST("aa", "*a"); WCTEST("aaa", "*a"); WCTEST("aaaa", "*a"); WCTEST("aaaaa", "*a"); WCTEST("aaaaaa", "*a"); WCTEST("aaaaaaa", "*a"); WCTEST("aaaaaaaa", "*a"); WCTEST("aaaaaaaaa", "*a"); WCTEST("aaaaaaaaaa", "*a"); WCTEST("aaaaaaaaaaa", "*a"); WCTESTNOT("foobar", "bazqux"); WCTESTNOT("foobar", "*qux"); WCTESTNOT("foobar", "foo*x"); WCTESTNOT("foobar", "baz*"); WCTESTNOT("foobar", "foo???r"); WCTESTNOT("foobar", "foobars"); WCTESTNOT("foobar", "**foobar**h"); WCTESTNOT("foobar", "**foobar**h*"); WCTESTNOT("foobar", "**f??*bar?"); WCTESTNOT("foobar", ""); WCTESTNOT("", "foobar"); WCTESTNOT("OperServ", "O"); WCTESTNOT("O", "OperServ"); WCTESTNOT("foobar.tst", "fo?bar.*g"); WCTESTNOT("foobar.test", "fo?bar.*tt"); CIDRTEST("brain@", "*@"); CIDRTEST("brain@", "*@"); CIDRTEST("", ""); CIDRTESTNOT("brain@", "x*@"); CIDRTESTNOT("brain@", "*@"); CIDRTESTNOT("", ""); CIDRTESTNOT("brain@", "*@/24"); CIDRTESTNOT("brain@", "@"); CIDRTESTNOT("brain@", "@"); CIDRTESTNOT("brain@", ""); return true; } #define STREQUALTEST(x, y) std::cout << "==(\"" << x << ",\"" << y "\") " << ((passed = (x == y)) ? "SUCCESS\n" : "FAILURE\n") bool TestSuite::DoCommaSepStreamTests() { bool passed = false; irc::commasepstream items("this,is,a,comma,stream"); std::string item; int idx = 0; while (items.GetToken(item)) { idx++; switch (idx) { case 1: STREQUALTEST(item, "this"); break; case 2: STREQUALTEST(item, "is"); break; case 3: STREQUALTEST(item, "a"); break; case 4: STREQUALTEST(item, "comma"); break; case 5: STREQUALTEST(item, "stream"); break; default: std::cout << "COMMASEPSTREAM: FAILURE: Got an index too many! " << idx << " items\n"; break; } } return true; } bool TestSuite::DoSpaceSepStreamTests() { bool passed = false; irc::spacesepstream list("this is a space stream"); std::string item; int idx = 0; while (list.GetToken(item)) { idx++; switch (idx) { case 1: STREQUALTEST(item, "this"); break; case 2: STREQUALTEST(item, "is"); break; case 3: STREQUALTEST(item, "a"); break; case 4: STREQUALTEST(item, "space"); break; case 5: STREQUALTEST(item, "stream"); break; default: std::cout << "SPACESEPSTREAM: FAILURE: Got an index too many! " << idx << " items\n"; break; } } return true; } bool TestSuite::DoThreadTests() { std::string anything; ThreadEngine* te = NULL; std::cout << "Creating new ThreadEngine class...\n"; try { te = new ThreadEngine; } catch (...) { std::cout << "Creation failed, test failure.\n"; return false; } std::cout << "Creation success, type " << te->GetName() << "\n"; std::cout << "Allocate: new TestSuiteThread...\n"; TestSuiteThread* tst = new TestSuiteThread(); std::cout << "ThreadEngine::Create on TestSuiteThread...\n"; try { try { te->Start(tst); } catch (CoreException &ce) { std::cout << "Failure: " << ce.GetReason() << std::endl; } } catch (...) { std::cout << "Failure, unhandled exception\n"; } std::cout << "Type any line and press enter to end test.\n"; std::cin >> anything; /* Thread engine auto frees thread on delete */ std::cout << "Waiting for thread to exit... " << std::flush; delete tst; std::cout << "Done!\n"; std::cout << "Delete ThreadEngine... "; delete te; std::cout << "Done!\n"; return true; } bool TestSuite::DoGenerateUIDTests() { bool success = RealGenerateUIDTests(); // Reset the UID generation state so running the tests multiple times won't mess things up for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) ServerInstance->current_uid[i] = ServerInstance->Config->sid[i]; for (unsigned int i = 3; i < UUID_LENGTH-1; i++) ServerInstance->current_uid[i] = '9'; ServerInstance->current_uid[UUID_LENGTH-1] = '\0'; return success; } bool TestSuite::RealGenerateUIDTests() { std::string first_uid = ServerInstance->GetUID(); if (first_uid.length() != UUID_LENGTH-1) { std::cout << "GENERATEUID: Generated UID is " << first_uid.length() << " characters long instead of " << UUID_LENGTH-1 << std::endl; return false; } if (ServerInstance->current_uid[UUID_LENGTH-1] != '\0') { std::cout << "GENERATEUID: The null terminator is missing from the end of current_uid" << std::endl; return false; } // The correct UID when generating one for the first time is ...AAAAAA std::string correct_uid = ServerInstance->Config->sid + std::string(UUID_LENGTH - 4, 'A'); if (first_uid != correct_uid) { std::cout << "GENERATEUID: Generated an invalid first UID: " << first_uid << " instead of " << correct_uid << std::endl; return false; } // Set current_uid to be ...Z99999 ServerInstance->current_uid[3] = 'Z'; for (unsigned int i = 4; i < UUID_LENGTH-1; i++) ServerInstance->current_uid[i] = '9'; // Store the UID we'll be incrementing so we can display what's wrong later if necessary std::string before_increment(ServerInstance->current_uid); std::string generated_uid = ServerInstance->GetUID(); // Correct UID after incrementing ...Z99999 is ...0AAAAA correct_uid = ServerInstance->Config->sid + "0" + std::string(UUID_LENGTH - 5, 'A'); if (generated_uid != correct_uid) { std::cout << "GENERATEUID: Generated an invalid UID after incrementing " << before_increment << ": " << generated_uid << " instead of " << correct_uid << std::endl; return false; } // Set current_uid to be ...999999 to see if it rolls over correctly for (unsigned int i = 3; i < UUID_LENGTH-1; i++) ServerInstance->current_uid[i] = '9'; before_increment.assign(ServerInstance->current_uid); generated_uid = ServerInstance->GetUID(); // Correct UID after rolling over is the first UID we've generated (...AAAAAA) if (generated_uid != first_uid) { std::cout << "GENERATEUID: Generated an invalid UID after incrementing " << before_increment << ": " << generated_uid << " instead of " << first_uid << std::endl; return false; } return true; } TestSuite::~TestSuite() { std::cout << "\n\n*** END OF TEST SUITE ***\n"; }