/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2010 InspIRCd Development Team * See: http://wiki.inspircd.org/Credits * * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ #include "inspircd.h" #include "xline.h" #include "commands/cmd_whowas.h" void InspIRCd::DoStats(char statschar, User* user, string_list &results) { std::string sn(this->Config->ServerName); if (!user->HasPrivPermission("servers/auspex") && Config->UserStats.find(statschar) == std::string::npos) { this->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('t', "%s '%c' denied for %s (%s@%s)", (IS_LOCAL(user) ? "Stats" : "Remote stats"), statschar, user->nick.c_str(), user->ident.c_str(), user->host.c_str()); results.push_back(sn + " 481 " + user->nick + " :Permission denied - STATS " + statschar + " requires the servers/auspex priv."); return; } ModResult MOD_RESULT; FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnStats, MOD_RESULT, (statschar, user, results)); if (MOD_RESULT == MOD_RES_DENY) { results.push_back(sn+" 219 "+user->nick+" "+statschar+" :End of /STATS report"); this->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('t',"%s '%c' requested by %s (%s@%s)", (IS_LOCAL(user) ? "Stats" : "Remote stats"), statschar, user->nick.c_str(), user->ident.c_str(), user->host.c_str()); return; } switch (statschar) { /* stats p (show listening ports) */ case 'p': { for (size_t i = 0; i < this->ports.size(); i++) { std::string ip = this->ports[i]->bind_addr; if (ip.empty()) ip.assign("*"); std::string type = ports[i]->bind_tag->getString("type", "clients"); std::string hook = ports[i]->bind_tag->getString("ssl", "plaintext"); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :"+ ip + ":"+ConvToStr(ports[i]->bind_port)+ " (" + type + ", " + hook + ")"); } } break; /* These stats symbols must be handled by a linking module */ case 'n': case 'c': break; case 'i': { for (ClassVector::iterator i = this->Config->Classes.begin(); i != this->Config->Classes.end(); i++) { ConnectClass* c = *i; std::stringstream res; res << sn << " 215 " << user->nick << " I " << c->name << ' '; if (c->type == CC_ALLOW) res << '+'; if (c->type == CC_DENY) res << '-'; if (c->type == CC_NAMED) res << '*'; else res << c->host; res << ' ' << c->config->getString("port", "*") << ' '; res << c->GetRecvqMax() << ' ' << c->GetSendqSoftMax() << ' ' << c->GetSendqHardMax() << ' ' << c->GetCommandRate() << ' ' << c->GetPenaltyThreshold(); if (c->fakelag) res << '*'; results.push_back(res.str()); } } break; case 'Y': { int idx = 0; for (ClassVector::iterator i = this->Config->Classes.begin(); i != this->Config->Classes.end(); i++) { ConnectClass* c = *i; results.push_back(sn+" 215 "+user->nick+" i NOMATCH * "+c->GetHost()+" "+ConvToStr(c->limit ? c->limit : this->SE->GetMaxFds())+" "+ConvToStr(idx)+" "+this->Config->ServerName+" *"); results.push_back(sn+" 218 "+user->nick+" Y "+ConvToStr(idx)+" "+ConvToStr(c->GetPingTime())+" 0 "+ConvToStr(c->GetSendqHardMax())+" :"+ ConvToStr(c->GetRecvqMax())+" "+ConvToStr(c->GetRegTimeout())); idx++; } } break; case 'U': { for(std::map::iterator i = Config->ulines.begin(); i != Config->ulines.end(); ++i) { results.push_back(sn+" 248 "+user->nick+" U "+std::string(i->first.c_str())); } } break; case 'P': { int idx = 0; for (user_hash::iterator i = this->Users->clientlist->begin(); i != this->Users->clientlist->end(); i++) { if (IS_OPER(i->second) && !this->ULine(i->second->server)) { results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :"+i->second->nick+" ("+i->second->ident+"@"+i->second->dhost+") Idle: "+ (IS_LOCAL(i->second) ? ConvToStr(this->Time() - i->second->idle_lastmsg) + " secs" : "unavailable")); idx++; } } results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :"+ConvToStr(idx)+" OPER(s)"); } break; case 'k': this->XLines->InvokeStats("K",216,user,results); break; case 'g': this->XLines->InvokeStats("G",223,user,results); break; case 'q': this->XLines->InvokeStats("Q",217,user,results); break; case 'Z': this->XLines->InvokeStats("Z",223,user,results); break; case 'e': this->XLines->InvokeStats("E",223,user,results); break; case 'E': results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Total events: "+ConvToStr(this->SE->TotalEvents)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Read events: "+ConvToStr(this->SE->ReadEvents)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Write events: "+ConvToStr(this->SE->WriteEvents)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Error events: "+ConvToStr(this->SE->ErrorEvents)); break; /* stats m (list number of times each command has been used, plus bytecount) */ case 'm': for (Commandtable::iterator i = this->Parser->cmdlist.begin(); i != this->Parser->cmdlist.end(); i++) { if (i->second->use_count) { /* RPL_STATSCOMMANDS */ results.push_back(sn+" 212 "+user->nick+" "+i->second->name+" "+ConvToStr(i->second->use_count)+" "+ConvToStr(i->second->total_bytes)); } } break; /* stats z (debug and memory info) */ case 'z': { results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Users: "+ConvToStr(this->Users->clientlist->size())); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Channels: "+ConvToStr(this->chanlist->size())); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Commands: "+ConvToStr(this->Parser->cmdlist.size())); if (!this->Config->WhoWasGroupSize == 0 && !this->Config->WhoWasMaxGroups == 0) { Module* whowas = Modules->Find("cmd_whowas.so"); if (whowas) { WhowasRequest req(NULL, whowas, WhowasRequest::WHOWAS_STATS); req.user = user; req.Send(); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :"+req.value); } } float kbitpersec_in, kbitpersec_out, kbitpersec_total; char kbitpersec_in_s[30], kbitpersec_out_s[30], kbitpersec_total_s[30]; this->SE->GetStats(kbitpersec_in, kbitpersec_out, kbitpersec_total); snprintf(kbitpersec_total_s, 30, "%03.5f", kbitpersec_total); snprintf(kbitpersec_out_s, 30, "%03.5f", kbitpersec_out); snprintf(kbitpersec_in_s, 30, "%03.5f", kbitpersec_in); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Bandwidth total: "+ConvToStr(kbitpersec_total_s)+" kilobits/sec"); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Bandwidth out: "+ConvToStr(kbitpersec_out_s)+" kilobits/sec"); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Bandwidth in: "+ConvToStr(kbitpersec_in_s)+" kilobits/sec"); #ifndef WIN32 /* Moved this down here so all the not-windows stuff (look w00tie, I didn't say win32!) is in one ifndef. * Also cuts out some identical code in both branches of the ifndef. -- Om */ rusage R; /* Not sure why we were doing '0' with a RUSAGE_SELF comment rather than just using RUSAGE_SELF -- Om */ if (!getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF,&R)) /* RUSAGE_SELF */ { results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Total allocation: "+ConvToStr(R.ru_maxrss)+"K"); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Signals: "+ConvToStr(R.ru_nsignals)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Page faults: "+ConvToStr(R.ru_majflt)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Swaps: "+ConvToStr(R.ru_nswap)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Context Switches: Voluntary; "+ConvToStr(R.ru_nvcsw)+" Involuntary; "+ConvToStr(R.ru_nivcsw)); char percent[30]; float n_elapsed = (ServerInstance->Time() - this->stats->LastSampled.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (ServerInstance->Time_ns() - this->stats->LastSampled.tv_nsec) / 1000; float n_eaten = ((R.ru_utime.tv_sec - this->stats->LastCPU.tv_sec) * 1000000 + R.ru_utime.tv_usec - this->stats->LastCPU.tv_usec); float per = (n_eaten / n_elapsed) * 100; snprintf(percent, 30, "%03.5f%%", per); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :CPU Use (now): "+percent); n_elapsed = ServerInstance->Time() - ServerInstance->startup_time; n_eaten = (float)R.ru_utime.tv_sec + R.ru_utime.tv_usec / 100000.0; per = (n_eaten / n_elapsed) * 100; snprintf(percent, 30, "%03.5f%%", per); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :CPU Use (total): "+percent); } #else PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS MemCounters; if (GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &MemCounters, sizeof(MemCounters))) { results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Total allocation: "+ConvToStr((MemCounters.WorkingSetSize + MemCounters.PagefileUsage) / 1024)+"K"); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Pagefile usage: "+ConvToStr(MemCounters.PagefileUsage / 1024)+"K"); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :Page faults: "+ConvToStr(MemCounters.PageFaultCount)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :CPU Usage: " + ConvToStr(getcpu()) + "%"); } #endif } break; case 'T': { char buffer[MAXBUF]; results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :accepts "+ConvToStr(this->stats->statsAccept)+" refused "+ConvToStr(this->stats->statsRefused)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :unknown commands "+ConvToStr(this->stats->statsUnknown)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :nick collisions "+ConvToStr(this->stats->statsCollisions)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :dns requests "+ConvToStr(this->stats->statsDnsGood+this->stats->statsDnsBad)+" succeeded "+ConvToStr(this->stats->statsDnsGood)+" failed "+ConvToStr(this->stats->statsDnsBad)); results.push_back(sn+" 249 "+user->nick+" :connection count "+ConvToStr(this->stats->statsConnects)); snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF," 249 %s :bytes sent %5.2fK recv %5.2fK", user->nick.c_str(),this->stats->statsSent / 1024.0,this->stats->statsRecv / 1024.0); results.push_back(sn+buffer); } break; /* stats o */ case 'o': { ConfigTagList tags = ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("oper"); for(ConfigIter i = tags.first; i != tags.second; ++i) { ConfigTag* tag = i->second; results.push_back(sn+" 243 "+user->nick+" O "+tag->getString("host")+" * "+ tag->getString("name") + " " + tag->getString("type")+" 0"); } } break; case 'O': { for(OperIndex::iterator i = ServerInstance->Config->oper_blocks.begin(); i != ServerInstance->Config->oper_blocks.end(); i++) { // just the types, not the actual oper blocks... if (i->first[0] != ' ') continue; OperInfo* tag = i->second; tag->init(); std::string umodes; std::string cmodes; for(char c='A'; c < 'z'; c++) { ModeHandler* mh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindMode(c, MODETYPE_USER); if (mh && mh->NeedsOper() && tag->AllowedUserModes[c - 'A']) umodes.push_back(c); mh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindMode(c, MODETYPE_CHANNEL); if (mh && mh->NeedsOper() && tag->AllowedChanModes[c - 'A']) cmodes.push_back(c); } results.push_back(sn+" 243 "+user->nick+" O "+tag->NameStr() + " " + umodes + " " + cmodes); } } break; /* stats l (show user I/O stats) */ case 'l': results.push_back(sn+" 211 "+user->nick+" :nick[ident@host] sendq cmds_out bytes_out cmds_in bytes_in time_open"); for (std::vector::iterator n = this->Users->local_users.begin(); n != this->Users->local_users.end(); n++) { LocalUser* i = *n; results.push_back(sn+" 211 "+user->nick+" "+i->nick+"["+i->ident+"@"+i->dhost+"] "+ConvToStr(i->eh.getSendQSize())+" "+ConvToStr(i->cmds_out)+" "+ConvToStr(i->bytes_out)+" "+ConvToStr(i->cmds_in)+" "+ConvToStr(i->bytes_in)+" "+ConvToStr(this->Time() - i->age)); } break; /* stats L (show user I/O stats with IP addresses) */ case 'L': results.push_back(sn+" 211 "+user->nick+" :nick[ident@ip] sendq cmds_out bytes_out cmds_in bytes_in time_open"); for (std::vector::iterator n = this->Users->local_users.begin(); n != this->Users->local_users.end(); n++) { LocalUser* i = *n; results.push_back(sn+" 211 "+user->nick+" "+i->nick+"["+i->ident+"@"+i->GetIPString()+"] "+ConvToStr(i->eh.getSendQSize())+" "+ConvToStr(i->cmds_out)+" "+ConvToStr(i->bytes_out)+" "+ConvToStr(i->cmds_in)+" "+ConvToStr(i->bytes_in)+" "+ConvToStr(this->Time() - i->age)); } break; /* stats u (show server uptime) */ case 'u': { time_t current_time = 0; current_time = this->Time(); time_t server_uptime = current_time - this->startup_time; struct tm* stime; stime = gmtime(&server_uptime); /* i dont know who the hell would have an ircd running for over a year nonstop, but * Craig suggested this, and it seemed a good idea so in it went */ if (stime->tm_year > 70) { char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF," 242 %s :Server up %d years, %d days, %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",user->nick.c_str(),(stime->tm_year-70),stime->tm_yday,stime->tm_hour,stime->tm_min,stime->tm_sec); results.push_back(sn+buffer); } else { char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF," 242 %s :Server up %d days, %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",user->nick.c_str(),stime->tm_yday,stime->tm_hour,stime->tm_min,stime->tm_sec); results.push_back(sn+buffer); } } break; default: break; } results.push_back(sn+" 219 "+user->nick+" "+statschar+" :End of /STATS report"); this->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('t',"%s '%c' requested by %s (%s@%s)", (IS_LOCAL(user) ? "Stats" : "Remote stats"), statschar, user->nick.c_str(), user->ident.c_str(), user->host.c_str()); return; }