/* * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon * * Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel De Graaf * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Craig Edwards * Copyright (C) 2008 Robin Burchell * Copyright (C) 2007 Dennis Friis * * This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "inspircd.h" #include "main.h" #include "utils.h" #include "treeserver.h" #include "treesocket.h" #include "resolvers.h" SpanningTreeUtilities* Utils = NULL; /* Create server sockets off a listener. */ ModResult ModuleSpanningTree::OnAcceptConnection(int newsock, ListenSocket* from, irc::sockets::sockaddrs* client, irc::sockets::sockaddrs* server) { if (from->bind_tag->getString("type") != "servers") return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; std::string incomingip = client->addr(); for (std::vector::iterator i = Utils->ValidIPs.begin(); i != Utils->ValidIPs.end(); i++) { if (*i == "*" || *i == incomingip || irc::sockets::cidr_mask(*i).match(*client)) { /* we don't need to do anything with the pointer, creating it stores it in the necessary places */ new TreeSocket(newsock, from, client, server); return MOD_RES_ALLOW; } } ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l', "Server connection from %s denied (no link blocks with that IP address)", incomingip.c_str()); return MOD_RES_DENY; } /** Yay for fast searches! * This is hundreds of times faster than recursion * or even scanning a linked list, especially when * there are more than a few servers to deal with. * (read as: lots). */ TreeServer* SpanningTreeUtilities::FindServer(const std::string &ServerName) { if (InspIRCd::IsSID(ServerName)) return this->FindServerID(ServerName); server_hash::iterator iter = serverlist.find(ServerName); if (iter != serverlist.end()) { return iter->second; } else { return NULL; } } /** Returns the locally connected server we must route a * message through to reach server 'ServerName'. This * only applies to one-to-one and not one-to-many routing. * See the comments for the constructor of TreeServer * for more details. */ TreeServer* SpanningTreeUtilities::BestRouteTo(const std::string &ServerName) { if (ServerName == TreeRoot->GetName() || ServerName == ServerInstance->Config->GetSID()) return NULL; TreeServer* Found = FindServer(ServerName); if (Found) { return Found->GetRoute(); } else { // Cheat a bit. This allows for (better) working versions of routing commands with nick based prefixes, without hassle User *u = ServerInstance->FindNick(ServerName); if (u) { Found = FindServer(u->server); if (Found) return Found->GetRoute(); } return NULL; } } /** Find the first server matching a given glob mask. * Theres no find-using-glob method of hash_map [awwww :-(] * so instead, we iterate over the list using an iterator * and match each one until we get a hit. Yes its slow, * deal with it. */ TreeServer* SpanningTreeUtilities::FindServerMask(const std::string &ServerName) { for (server_hash::iterator i = serverlist.begin(); i != serverlist.end(); i++) { if (InspIRCd::Match(i->first,ServerName)) return i->second; } return NULL; } TreeServer* SpanningTreeUtilities::FindServerID(const std::string &id) { server_hash::iterator iter = sidlist.find(id); if (iter != sidlist.end()) return iter->second; else return NULL; } SpanningTreeUtilities::SpanningTreeUtilities(ModuleSpanningTree* C) : Creator(C), TreeRoot(NULL) { ServerInstance->Timers->AddTimer(&RefreshTimer); this->ReadConfiguration(); } CullResult SpanningTreeUtilities::cull() { while (TreeRoot->ChildCount()) { TreeServer* child_server = TreeRoot->GetChild(0); if (child_server) { TreeSocket* sock = child_server->GetSocket(); sock->Close(); } } for(std::map >::iterator i = timeoutlist.begin(); i != timeoutlist.end(); ++i) { TreeSocket* s = i->first; s->Close(); } TreeRoot->cull(); return classbase::cull(); } SpanningTreeUtilities::~SpanningTreeUtilities() { delete TreeRoot; } /* returns a list of DIRECT servernames for a specific channel */ void SpanningTreeUtilities::GetListOfServersForChannel(Channel* c, TreeServerList &list, char status, const CUList &exempt_list) { unsigned int minrank = 0; if (status) { ModeHandler* mh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindPrefix(status); if (mh) minrank = mh->GetPrefixRank(); } const UserMembList *ulist = c->GetUsers(); for (UserMembCIter i = ulist->begin(); i != ulist->end(); i++) { if (IS_LOCAL(i->first)) continue; if (minrank && i->second->getRank() < minrank) continue; if (exempt_list.find(i->first) == exempt_list.end()) { TreeServer* best = this->BestRouteTo(i->first->server); if (best) list.insert(best); } } return; } std::string SpanningTreeUtilities::ConstructLine(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& command, const parameterlist& params) { std::string FullLine; FullLine.reserve(1024); FullLine = ":" + prefix + " " + command; for (parameterlist::const_iterator x = params.begin(); x != params.end(); ++x) { FullLine.push_back(' '); FullLine.append(*x); } return FullLine; } void SpanningTreeUtilities::DoOneToAllButSender(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& command, const parameterlist& params, const std::string& omit) { TreeServer* omitroute = this->BestRouteTo(omit); std::string FullLine = ConstructLine(prefix, command, params); unsigned int items = this->TreeRoot->ChildCount(); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < items; x++) { TreeServer* Route = this->TreeRoot->GetChild(x); // Send the line IF: // The route has a socket (its a direct connection) // The route isnt the one to be omitted // The route isnt the path to the one to be omitted if ((Route) && (Route->GetSocket()) && (Route->GetName() != omit) && (omitroute != Route)) { TreeSocket* Sock = Route->GetSocket(); if (Sock) Sock->WriteLine(FullLine); } } } void SpanningTreeUtilities::DoOneToMany(const std::string &prefix, const std::string &command, const parameterlist ¶ms) { std::string FullLine = ConstructLine(prefix, command, params); unsigned int items = this->TreeRoot->ChildCount(); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < items; x++) { TreeServer* Route = this->TreeRoot->GetChild(x); if (Route && Route->GetSocket()) { TreeSocket* Sock = Route->GetSocket(); if (Sock) Sock->WriteLine(FullLine); } } } bool SpanningTreeUtilities::DoOneToOne(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& command, const parameterlist& params, const std::string& target) { TreeServer* Route = this->BestRouteTo(target); if (Route) { if (Route && Route->GetSocket()) { TreeSocket* Sock = Route->GetSocket(); if (Sock) Sock->WriteLine(ConstructLine(prefix, command, params)); } return true; } else { return false; } } void SpanningTreeUtilities::RefreshIPCache() { ValidIPs.clear(); for (std::vector >::iterator i = LinkBlocks.begin(); i != LinkBlocks.end(); ++i) { Link* L = *i; if (!L->Port) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Ignoring a link block without a port."); /* Invalid link block */ continue; } if (L->AllowMask.length()) ValidIPs.push_back(L->AllowMask); irc::sockets::sockaddrs dummy; bool ipvalid = irc::sockets::aptosa(L->IPAddr, L->Port, dummy); if ((L->IPAddr == "*") || (ipvalid)) ValidIPs.push_back(L->IPAddr); else if (this->Creator->DNS) { SecurityIPResolver* sr = new SecurityIPResolver(Creator, *this->Creator->DNS, L->IPAddr, L, DNS::QUERY_AAAA); try { this->Creator->DNS->Process(sr); } catch (DNS::Exception &) { delete sr; } } } } void SpanningTreeUtilities::ReadConfiguration() { ConfigTag* security = ServerInstance->Config->ConfValue("security"); ConfigTag* options = ServerInstance->Config->ConfValue("options"); FlatLinks = security->getBool("flatlinks"); HideULines = security->getBool("hideulines"); AnnounceTSChange = options->getBool("announcets"); AllowOptCommon = options->getBool("allowmismatch"); ChallengeResponse = !security->getBool("disablehmac"); quiet_bursts = ServerInstance->Config->ConfValue("performance")->getBool("quietbursts"); PingWarnTime = options->getInt("pingwarning"); PingFreq = options->getInt("serverpingfreq"); if (PingFreq == 0) PingFreq = 60; if (PingWarnTime < 0 || PingWarnTime > PingFreq - 1) PingWarnTime = 0; AutoconnectBlocks.clear(); LinkBlocks.clear(); ConfigTagList tags = ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("link"); for(ConfigIter i = tags.first; i != tags.second; ++i) { ConfigTag* tag = i->second; reference L = new Link(tag); std::string linkname = tag->getString("name"); L->Name = linkname.c_str(); L->AllowMask = tag->getString("allowmask"); L->IPAddr = tag->getString("ipaddr"); L->Port = tag->getInt("port"); L->SendPass = tag->getString("sendpass", tag->getString("password")); L->RecvPass = tag->getString("recvpass", tag->getString("password")); L->Fingerprint = tag->getString("fingerprint"); L->HiddenFromStats = tag->getBool("statshidden"); L->Timeout = tag->getDuration("timeout", 30); L->Hook = tag->getString("ssl"); L->Bind = tag->getString("bind"); L->Hidden = tag->getBool("hidden"); if (L->Name.empty()) throw ModuleException("Invalid configuration, found a link tag without a name!" + (!L->IPAddr.empty() ? " IP address: "+L->IPAddr : "")); if (L->Name.find('.') == std::string::npos) throw ModuleException("The link name '"+assign(L->Name)+"' is invalid as it must contain at least one '.' character"); if (L->Name.length() > 64) throw ModuleException("The link name '"+assign(L->Name)+"' is invalid as it is longer than 64 characters"); if (L->RecvPass.empty()) throw ModuleException("Invalid configuration for server '"+assign(L->Name)+"', recvpass not defined"); if (L->SendPass.empty()) throw ModuleException("Invalid configuration for server '"+assign(L->Name)+"', sendpass not defined"); if ((L->SendPass.find(' ') != std::string::npos) || (L->RecvPass.find(' ') != std::string::npos)) throw ModuleException("Link block '" + assign(L->Name) + "' has a password set that contains a space character which is invalid"); if ((L->SendPass[0] == ':') || (L->RecvPass[0] == ':')) throw ModuleException("Link block '" + assign(L->Name) + "' has a password set that begins with a colon (:) which is invalid"); if (L->IPAddr.empty()) { L->IPAddr = "*"; ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Configuration warning: Link block '" + assign(L->Name) + "' has no IP defined! This will allow any IP to connect as this server, and MAY not be what you want."); } if (!L->Port) ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Configuration warning: Link block '" + assign(L->Name) + "' has no port defined, you will not be able to /connect it."); L->Fingerprint.erase(std::remove(L->Fingerprint.begin(), L->Fingerprint.end(), ':'), L->Fingerprint.end()); LinkBlocks.push_back(L); } tags = ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("autoconnect"); for(ConfigIter i = tags.first; i != tags.second; ++i) { ConfigTag* tag = i->second; reference A = new Autoconnect(tag); A->Period = tag->getDuration("period", 60, 1); A->NextConnectTime = ServerInstance->Time() + A->Period; A->position = -1; irc::spacesepstream ss(tag->getString("server")); std::string server; while (ss.GetToken(server)) { A->servers.push_back(server); } if (A->servers.empty()) { throw ModuleException("Invalid configuration for autoconnect, server cannot be empty!"); } AutoconnectBlocks.push_back(A); } RefreshIPCache(); } Link* SpanningTreeUtilities::FindLink(const std::string& name) { for (std::vector >::iterator i = LinkBlocks.begin(); i != LinkBlocks.end(); ++i) { Link* x = *i; if (InspIRCd::Match(x->Name.c_str(), name.c_str())) { return x; } } return NULL; } void SpanningTreeUtilities::SendChannelMessage(const std::string& prefix, Channel* target, const std::string &text, char status, const CUList& exempt_list, const char* message_type) { std::string raw(":"); raw.append(prefix).append(1, ' ').append(message_type).push_back(' '); if (status) raw.push_back(status); raw.append(target->name).append(" :").append(text); TreeServerList list; this->GetListOfServersForChannel(target, list, status, exempt_list); for (TreeServerList::iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i) { TreeSocket* Sock = (*i)->GetSocket(); if (Sock) Sock->WriteLine(raw); } }