/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * Inspire is copyright (C) 2002-2005 ChatSpike-Dev. * E-mail: * * * * Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others. * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ using namespace std; #include #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "inspircd_config.h" #ifdef GCC3 #include #else #include #endif #include "users.h" #include "channels.h" #include "modules.h" #include "socket.h" #include "helperfuncs.h" #include "inspircd.h" #include "inspstring.h" #include "hashcomp.h" #include "message.h" #ifdef GCC3 #define nspace __gnu_cxx #else #define nspace std #endif class ModuleSpanningTree; static ModuleSpanningTree* TreeProtocolModule; extern std::vector modules; extern std::vector factory; extern int MODCOUNT; enum ServerState { LISTENER, CONNECTING, WAIT_AUTH_1, WAIT_AUTH_2, CONNECTED }; typedef nspace::hash_map, irc::StrHashComp> user_hash; typedef nspace::hash_map, irc::StrHashComp> chan_hash; extern user_hash clientlist; extern chan_hash chanlist; class TreeServer; class TreeSocket; bool DoOneToOne(std::string prefix, std::string command, std::deque params, std::string target); bool DoOneToAllButSender(std::string prefix, std::string command, std::deque params, std::string omit); bool DoOneToMany(std::string prefix, std::string command, std::deque params); bool DoOneToAllButSenderRaw(std::string data,std::string omit, std::string prefix,std::string command,std::deque params); void ReadConfiguration(bool rebind); class TreeServer { TreeServer* Parent; std::vector Children; std::string ServerName; std::string ServerDesc; std::string VersionString; int UserCount; int OperCount; TreeSocket* Socket; // for directly connected servers this points at the socket object public: TreeServer() { Parent = NULL; ServerName = ""; ServerDesc = ""; VersionString = ""; UserCount = OperCount = 0; } TreeServer(std::string Name, std::string Desc) : ServerName(Name), ServerDesc(Desc) { Parent = NULL; VersionString = ""; UserCount = OperCount = 0; } TreeServer(std::string Name, std::string Desc, TreeServer* Above, TreeSocket* Sock) : Parent(Above), ServerName(Name), ServerDesc(Desc), Socket(Sock) { VersionString = ""; UserCount = OperCount = 0; } std::string GetName() { return this->ServerName; } std::string GetDesc() { return this->ServerDesc; } std::string GetVersion() { return this->VersionString; } int GetUserCount() { return this->UserCount; } int GetOperCount() { return this->OperCount; } TreeSocket* GetSocket() { return this->Socket; } TreeServer* GetParent() { return this->Parent; } unsigned int ChildCount() { return Children.size(); } TreeServer* GetChild(unsigned int n) { if (n < Children.size()) { return Children[n]; } else { return NULL; } } void AddChild(TreeServer* Child) { Children.push_back(Child); } bool DelChild(TreeServer* Child) { for (std::vector::iterator a = Children.begin(); a < Children.end(); a++) { if (*a == Child) { Children.erase(a); return true; } } return false; } // removes child nodes of this node, and of that node, etc etc bool Tidy() { bool stillchildren = true; while (stillchildren) { stillchildren = false; for (std::vector::iterator a = Children.begin(); a < Children.end(); a++) { TreeServer* s = (TreeServer*)*a; s->Tidy(); Children.erase(a); delete s; stillchildren = true; break; } } return true; } }; class Link { public: std::string Name; std::string IPAddr; int Port; std::string SendPass; std::string RecvPass; unsigned long AutoConnect; time_t NextConnectTime; }; /* $ModDesc: Povides a spanning tree server link protocol */ Server *Srv; ConfigReader *Conf; TreeServer *TreeRoot; std::vector LinkBlocks; TreeServer* RouteEnumerate(TreeServer* Current, std::string ServerName) { if (Current->GetName() == ServerName) return Current; for (unsigned int q = 0; q < Current->ChildCount(); q++) { TreeServer* found = RouteEnumerate(Current->GetChild(q),ServerName); if (found) { return found; } } return NULL; } // Returns the locally connected server we must route a // message through to reach server 'ServerName'. This // only applies to one-to-one and not one-to-many routing. TreeServer* BestRouteTo(std::string ServerName) { if (ServerName.c_str() == TreeRoot->GetName()) { return NULL; } // first, find the server by recursively walking the tree TreeServer* Found = RouteEnumerate(TreeRoot,ServerName); // did we find it? If not, they did something wrong, abort. if (!Found) { return NULL; } else { // The server exists, follow its parent nodes until // the parent of the current is 'TreeRoot', we know // then that this is a directly-connected server. while ((Found) && (Found->GetParent() != TreeRoot)) { Found = Found->GetParent(); } return Found; } } bool LookForServer(TreeServer* Current, std::string ServerName) { if (ServerName == Current->GetName()) return true; for (unsigned int q = 0; q < Current->ChildCount(); q++) { if (LookForServer(Current->GetChild(q),ServerName)) return true; } return false; } TreeServer* Found; void RFindServer(TreeServer* Current, std::string ServerName) { if ((ServerName == Current->GetName()) && (!Found)) { Found = Current; return; } if (!Found) { for (unsigned int q = 0; q < Current->ChildCount(); q++) { if (!Found) RFindServer(Current->GetChild(q),ServerName); } } return; } TreeServer* FindServer(std::string ServerName) { Found = NULL; RFindServer(TreeRoot,ServerName); return Found; } bool IsServer(std::string ServerName) { return LookForServer(TreeRoot,ServerName); } class TreeSocket : public InspSocket { std::string myhost; std::string in_buffer; ServerState LinkState; std::string InboundServerName; std::string InboundDescription; int num_lost_users; int num_lost_servers; public: TreeSocket(std::string host, int port, bool listening, unsigned long maxtime) : InspSocket(host, port, listening, maxtime) { myhost = host; this->LinkState = LISTENER; } TreeSocket(std::string host, int port, bool listening, unsigned long maxtime, std::string ServerName) : InspSocket(host, port, listening, maxtime) { myhost = ServerName; this->LinkState = CONNECTING; } TreeSocket(int newfd, char* ip) : InspSocket(newfd, ip) { this->LinkState = WAIT_AUTH_1; } virtual bool OnConnected() { if (this->LinkState == CONNECTING) { Srv->SendOpers("*** Connection to "+myhost+"["+this->GetIP()+"] established."); // we should send our details here. // if the other side is satisfied, they send theirs. // we do not need to change state here. for (std::vector::iterator x = LinkBlocks.begin(); x < LinkBlocks.end(); x++) { if (x->Name == this->myhost) { // found who we're supposed to be connecting to, send the neccessary gubbins. this->WriteLine("SERVER "+Srv->GetServerName()+" "+x->SendPass+" 0 :"+Srv->GetServerDescription()); return true; } } } return true; } virtual void OnError(InspSocketError e) { } virtual int OnDisconnect() { return true; } // recursively send the server tree with distances as hops void SendServers(TreeServer* Current, TreeServer* s, int hops) { char command[1024]; for (unsigned int q = 0; q < Current->ChildCount(); q++) { TreeServer* recursive_server = Current->GetChild(q); if (recursive_server != s) { // :source.server SERVER server.name hops :Description snprintf(command,1024,":%s SERVER %s * %d :%s",Current->GetName().c_str(),recursive_server->GetName().c_str(),hops,recursive_server->GetDesc().c_str()); this->WriteLine(command); // down to next level this->SendServers(recursive_server, s, hops+1); } } } void SquitServer(TreeServer* Current) { // recursively squit the servers attached to 'Current' for (unsigned int q = 0; q < Current->ChildCount(); q++) { TreeServer* recursive_server = Current->GetChild(q); this->SquitServer(recursive_server); } // Now we've whacked the kids, whack self num_lost_servers++; bool quittingpeople = true; while (quittingpeople) { quittingpeople = false; for (user_hash::iterator u = clientlist.begin(); u != clientlist.end(); u++) { if (!strcasecmp(u->second->server,Current->GetName().c_str())) { Srv->QuitUser(u->second,Current->GetName()+" "+std::string(Srv->GetServerName())); num_lost_users++; quittingpeople = true; break; } } } } void Squit(TreeServer* Current,std::string reason) { if (Current) { std::deque params; params.push_back(Current->GetName()); params.push_back(":"+reason); DoOneToAllButSender(Current->GetParent()->GetName(),"SQUIT",params,Current->GetName()); if (Current->GetParent() == TreeRoot) { Srv->SendOpers("Server \002"+Current->GetName()+"\002 split: "+reason); } else { Srv->SendOpers("Server \002"+Current->GetName()+"\002 split from server \002"+Current->GetParent()->GetName()+"\002 with reason: "+reason); } num_lost_servers = 0; num_lost_users = 0; SquitServer(Current); Current->Tidy(); Current->GetParent()->DelChild(Current); delete Current; WriteOpers("Netsplit complete, lost \002%d\002 users on \002%d\002 servers.", num_lost_users, num_lost_servers); } else { log(DEFAULT,"Squit from unknown server"); } } bool ForceMode(std::string source, std::deque params) { userrec* who = new userrec; who->fd = FD_MAGIC_NUMBER; if (params.size() < 2) return true; char* modelist[255]; for (unsigned int q = 0; q < params.size(); q++) { modelist[q] = (char*)params[q].c_str(); } Srv->SendMode(modelist,params.size(),who); DoOneToAllButSender(source,"FMODE",params,source); delete who; return true; } bool ForceTopic(std::string source, std::deque params) { // FTOPIC %s %lu %s :%s if (params.size() != 4) return true; std::string channel = params[0]; time_t ts = atoi(params[1].c_str()); std::string setby = params[2]; std::string topic = params[3]; chanrec* c = Srv->FindChannel(channel); if (c) { if ((ts >= c->topicset) || (!*c->topic)) { strlcpy(c->topic,topic.c_str(),MAXTOPIC); strlcpy(c->setby,setby.c_str(),NICKMAX); c->topicset = ts; WriteChannelWithServ((char*)source.c_str(), c, "TOPIC %s :%s", c->name, c->topic); } } // all done, send it on its way params[3] = ":" + params[3]; DoOneToAllButSender(source,"FTOPIC",params,source); return true; } bool ForceJoin(std::string source, std::deque params) { if (params.size() < 3) return true; char first[MAXBUF]; char modestring[MAXBUF]; char* mode_users[127]; mode_users[0] = first; mode_users[1] = modestring; strcpy(mode_users[1],"+"); unsigned int modectr = 2; userrec* who = NULL; std::string channel = params[0]; time_t TS = atoi(params[1].c_str()); char* key = ""; chanrec* chan = Srv->FindChannel(channel); if (chan) { key = chan->key; } strlcpy(mode_users[0],channel.c_str(),MAXBUF); // default is a high value, which if we dont have this // channel will let the other side apply their modes. time_t ourTS = time(NULL)+20; chanrec* us = Srv->FindChannel(channel); if (us) { ourTS = us->age; } log(DEBUG,"FJOIN detected, our TS=%lu, their TS=%lu",ourTS,TS); // do this first, so our mode reversals are correctly received by other servers // if there is a TS collision. DoOneToAllButSender(source,"FJOIN",params,source); for (unsigned int usernum = 2; usernum < params.size(); usernum++) { // process one channel at a time, applying modes. char* usr = (char*)params[usernum].c_str(); char permissions = *usr; switch (permissions) { case '@': usr++; mode_users[modectr++] = usr; strlcat(modestring,"o",MAXBUF); break; case '%': usr++; mode_users[modectr++] = usr; strlcat(modestring,"h",MAXBUF); break; case '+': usr++; mode_users[modectr++] = usr; strlcat(modestring,"v",MAXBUF); break; } who = Srv->FindNick(usr); if (who) { Srv->JoinUserToChannel(who,channel,key); if (modectr >= (MAXMODES-1)) { // theres a mode for this user. push them onto the mode queue, and flush it // if there are more than MAXMODES to go. if (ourTS >= TS) { log(DEBUG,"Our our channel newer than theirs, accepting their modes"); Srv->SendMode(mode_users,modectr,who); } else { log(DEBUG,"Their channel newer than ours, bouncing their modes"); // bouncy bouncy! std::deque params; // modes are now being UNSET... *mode_users[1] = '-'; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < modectr; x++) { params.push_back(mode_users[x]); } // tell everyone to bounce the modes. bad modes, bad! DoOneToMany(Srv->GetServerName(),"FMODE",params); } strcpy(mode_users[1],"+"); modectr = 2; } } } // there werent enough modes built up to flush it during FJOIN, // or, there are a number left over. flush them out. if ((modectr > 2) && (who)) { if (ourTS >= TS) { log(DEBUG,"Our our channel newer than theirs, accepting their modes"); Srv->SendMode(mode_users,modectr,who); } else { log(DEBUG,"Their channel newer than ours, bouncing their modes"); std::deque params; *mode_users[1] = '-'; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < modectr; x++) { params.push_back(mode_users[x]); } DoOneToMany(Srv->GetServerName(),"FMODE",params); } } return true; } bool IntroduceClient(std::string source, std::deque params) { if (params.size() < 8) return true; // NICK age nick host dhost ident +modes ip :gecos // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 std::string nick = params[1]; std::string host = params[2]; std::string dhost = params[3]; std::string ident = params[4]; time_t age = atoi(params[0].c_str()); std::string modes = params[5]; while (*(modes.c_str()) == '+') { char* m = (char*)modes.c_str(); m++; modes = m; } std::string ip = params[6]; std::string gecos = params[7]; char* tempnick = (char*)nick.c_str(); log(DEBUG,"Introduce client %s!%s@%s",tempnick,ident.c_str(),host.c_str()); user_hash::iterator iter; iter = clientlist.find(tempnick); if (iter != clientlist.end()) { // nick collision log(DEBUG,"Nick collision on %s!%s@%s: %lu %lu",tempnick,ident.c_str(),host.c_str(),(unsigned long)age,(unsigned long)iter->second->age); this->WriteLine(":"+Srv->GetServerName()+" KILL "+tempnick+" :Nickname collision"); return true; } clientlist[tempnick] = new userrec(); clientlist[tempnick]->fd = FD_MAGIC_NUMBER; strlcpy(clientlist[tempnick]->nick, tempnick,NICKMAX); strlcpy(clientlist[tempnick]->host, host.c_str(),160); strlcpy(clientlist[tempnick]->dhost, dhost.c_str(),160); clientlist[tempnick]->server = (char*)FindServerNamePtr(source.c_str()); strlcpy(clientlist[tempnick]->ident, ident.c_str(),IDENTMAX); strlcpy(clientlist[tempnick]->fullname, gecos.c_str(),MAXGECOS); clientlist[tempnick]->registered = 7; clientlist[tempnick]->signon = age; strlcpy(clientlist[tempnick]->modes, modes.c_str(),53); strlcpy(clientlist[tempnick]->ip,ip.c_str(),16); for (int i = 0; i < MAXCHANS; i++) { clientlist[tempnick]->chans[i].channel = NULL; clientlist[tempnick]->chans[i].uc_modes = 0; } params[7] = ":" + params[7]; DoOneToAllButSender(source,"NICK",params,source); return true; } void SendFJoins(TreeServer* Current, chanrec* c) { char list[MAXBUF]; snprintf(list,MAXBUF,":%s FJOIN %s %lu",Srv->GetServerName().c_str(),c->name,(unsigned long)c->age); std::vector *ulist = c->GetUsers(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ulist->size(); i++) { char* o = (*ulist)[i]; userrec* otheruser = (userrec*)o; strlcat(list," ",MAXBUF); strlcat(list,cmode(otheruser,c),MAXBUF); strlcat(list,otheruser->nick,MAXBUF); if (strlen(list)>(480-NICKMAX)) { this->WriteLine(list); snprintf(list,MAXBUF,":%s FJOIN %s %lu",Srv->GetServerName().c_str(),c->name,(unsigned long)c->age); } } if (list[strlen(list)-1] != ':') { this->WriteLine(list); } } void SendChannelModes(TreeServer* Current) { char data[MAXBUF]; for (chan_hash::iterator c = chanlist.begin(); c != chanlist.end(); c++) { SendFJoins(Current, c->second); snprintf(data,MAXBUF,":%s FMODE %s +%s",Srv->GetServerName().c_str(),c->second->name,chanmodes(c->second)); this->WriteLine(data); if (*c->second->topic) { snprintf(data,MAXBUF,":%s FTOPIC %s %lu %s :%s",Srv->GetServerName().c_str(),c->second->name,(unsigned long)c->second->topicset,c->second->setby,c->second->topic); this->WriteLine(data); } for (BanList::iterator b = c->second->bans.begin(); b != c->second->bans.end(); b++) { snprintf(data,MAXBUF,":%s FMODE %s +b %s",Srv->GetServerName().c_str(),c->second->name,b->data); this->WriteLine(data); } FOREACH_MOD OnSyncChannel(c->second,(Module*)TreeProtocolModule,(void*)this); } } // send all users and their channels void SendUsers(TreeServer* Current) { char data[MAXBUF]; for (user_hash::iterator u = clientlist.begin(); u != clientlist.end(); u++) { if (u->second->registered == 7) { snprintf(data,MAXBUF,":%s NICK %lu %s %s %s %s +%s %s :%s",u->second->server,(unsigned long)u->second->age,u->second->nick,u->second->host,u->second->dhost,u->second->ident,u->second->modes,u->second->ip,u->second->fullname); this->WriteLine(data); if (strchr(u->second->modes,'o')) { this->WriteLine(":"+std::string(u->second->nick)+" OPERTYPE "+std::string(u->second->oper)); } //char* chl = chlist(u->second,u->second); //if (*chl) //{ // this->WriteLine(":"+std::string(u->second->nick)+" FJOIN "+std::string(chl)); //} FOREACH_MOD OnSyncUser(u->second,(Module*)TreeProtocolModule,(void*)this); } } } void DoBurst(TreeServer* s) { Srv->SendOpers("*** Bursting to "+s->GetName()+"."); this->WriteLine("BURST"); // Send server tree this->SendServers(TreeRoot,s,1); // Send users and their channels this->SendUsers(s); // Send everything else (channel modes etc) this->SendChannelModes(s); this->WriteLine("ENDBURST"); } virtual bool OnDataReady() { char* data = this->Read(); if (data) { this->in_buffer += data; while (in_buffer.find("\n") != std::string::npos) { char* line = (char*)in_buffer.c_str(); std::string ret = ""; while ((*line != '\n') && (strlen(line))) { ret = ret + *line; line++; } if ((*line == '\n') || (*line == '\r')) line++; in_buffer = line; if (!this->ProcessLine(ret)) { return false; } } } return (data != NULL); } int WriteLine(std::string line) { return this->Write(line + "\r\n"); } bool Error(std::deque params) { if (params.size() < 1) return false; std::string Errmsg = params[0]; std::string SName = myhost; if (InboundServerName != "") { SName = InboundServerName; } Srv->SendOpers("*** ERROR from "+SName+": "+Errmsg); // we will return false to cause the socket to close. return false; } bool OperType(std::string prefix, std::deque params) { if (params.size() != 1) return true; std::string opertype = params[0]; userrec* u = Srv->FindNick(prefix); if (u) { strlcpy(u->oper,opertype.c_str(),NICKMAX); if (!strchr(u->modes,'o')) { strcat(u->modes,"o"); } DoOneToAllButSender(u->server,"OPERTYPE",params,u->server); } return true; } bool RemoteRehash(std::string prefix, std::deque params) { if (params.size() < 1) return true; std::string servermask = params[0]; if (Srv->MatchText(Srv->GetServerName(),servermask)) { Srv->SendOpers("*** Remote rehash initiated from server \002"+prefix+"\002."); Srv->RehashServer(); ReadConfiguration(false); } DoOneToAllButSender(prefix,"REHASH",params,prefix); return true; } bool RemoteKill(std::string prefix, std::deque params) { if (params.size() != 2) return true; std::string nick = params[0]; std::string reason = params[1]; userrec* u = Srv->FindNick(prefix); userrec* who = Srv->FindNick(nick); if (who) { std::string sourceserv = prefix; if (u) { sourceserv = u->server; } params[1] = ":" + params[1]; DoOneToAllButSender(prefix,"KILL",params,sourceserv); Srv->QuitUser(who,reason); } return true; } bool RemoteServer(std::string prefix, std::deque params) { if (params.size() < 4) return false; std::string servername = params[0]; std::string password = params[1]; // hopcount is not used for a remote server, we calculate this ourselves std::string description = params[3]; TreeServer* ParentOfThis = FindServer(prefix); if (!ParentOfThis) { this->WriteLine("ERROR :Protocol error - Introduced remote server from unknown server "+prefix); return false; } TreeServer* CheckDupe = FindServer(servername); if (CheckDupe) { this->WriteLine("ERROR :Server "+servername+" already exists on server "+CheckDupe->GetParent()->GetName()+"!"); return false; } TreeServer* Node = new TreeServer(servername,description,ParentOfThis,NULL); ParentOfThis->AddChild(Node); params[3] = ":" + params[3]; DoOneToAllButSender(prefix,"SERVER",params,prefix); Srv->SendOpers("*** Server \002"+prefix+"\002 introduced server \002"+servername+"\002 ("+description+")"); return true; } bool Outbound_Reply_Server(std::deque params) { if (params.size() < 4) return false; std::string servername = params[0]; std::string password = params[1]; int hops = atoi(params[2].c_str()); if (hops) { this->WriteLine("ERROR :Server too far away for authentication"); return false; } std::string description = params[3]; for (std::vector::iterator x = LinkBlocks.begin(); x < LinkBlocks.end(); x++) { if ((x->Name == servername) && (x->RecvPass == password)) { TreeServer* CheckDupe = FindServer(servername); if (CheckDupe) { this->WriteLine("ERROR :Server "+servername+" already exists on server "+CheckDupe->GetParent()->GetName()+"!"); return false; } // Begin the sync here. this kickstarts the // other side, waiting in WAIT_AUTH_2 state, // into starting their burst, as it shows // that we're happy. this->LinkState = CONNECTED; // we should add the details of this server now // to the servers tree, as a child of the root // node. TreeServer* Node = new TreeServer(servername,description,TreeRoot,this); TreeRoot->AddChild(Node); params[3] = ":" + params[3]; DoOneToAllButSender(TreeRoot->GetName(),"SERVER",params,servername); this->DoBurst(Node); return true; } } this->WriteLine("ERROR :Invalid credentials"); return false; } bool Inbound_Server(std::deque params) { if (params.size() < 4) return false; std::string servername = params[0]; std::string password = params[1]; int hops = atoi(params[2].c_str()); if (hops) { this->WriteLine("ERROR :Server too far away for authentication"); return false; } std::string description = params[3]; for (std::vector::iterator x = LinkBlocks.begin(); x < LinkBlocks.end(); x++) { if ((x->Name == servername) && (x->RecvPass == password)) { TreeServer* CheckDupe = FindServer(servername); if (CheckDupe) { this->WriteLine("ERROR :Server "+servername+" already exists on server "+CheckDupe->GetParent()->GetName()+"!"); return false; } Srv->SendOpers("*** Verified incoming server connection from \002"+servername+"\002["+this->GetIP()+"] ("+description+")"); this->InboundServerName = servername; this->InboundDescription = description; // this is good. Send our details: Our server name and description and hopcount of 0, // along with the sendpass from this block. this->WriteLine("SERVER "+Srv->GetServerName()+" "+x->SendPass+" 0 :"+Srv->GetServerDescription()); // move to the next state, we are now waiting for THEM. this->LinkState = WAIT_AUTH_2; return true; } } this->WriteLine("ERROR :Invalid credentials"); return false; } std::deque Split(std::string line, bool stripcolon) { std::deque n; if (!strchr(line.c_str(),' ')) { n.push_back(line); return n; } std::stringstream s(line); std::string param = ""; n.clear(); int item = 0; while (!s.eof()) { char c; s.get(c); if (c == ' ') { n.push_back(param); param = ""; item++; } else { if (!s.eof()) { param = param + c; } if ((param == ":") && (item > 0)) { param = ""; while (!s.eof()) { s.get(c); if (!s.eof()) { param = param + c; } } n.push_back(param); param = ""; } } } if (param != "") { n.push_back(param); } return n; } bool ProcessLine(std::string line) { char* l = (char*)line.c_str(); while ((strlen(l)) && (l[strlen(l)-1] == '\r') || (l[strlen(l)-1] == '\n')) l[strlen(l)-1] = '\0'; line = l; if (line == "") return true; Srv->Log(DEBUG,"IN: '"+line+"'"); std::deque params = this->Split(line,true); std::string command = ""; std::string prefix = ""; if (((params[0].c_str())[0] == ':') && (params.size() > 1)) { prefix = params[0]; command = params[1]; char* pref = (char*)prefix.c_str(); prefix = ++pref; params.pop_front(); params.pop_front(); } else { prefix = ""; command = params[0]; params.pop_front(); } switch (this->LinkState) { TreeServer* Node; case WAIT_AUTH_1: // Waiting for SERVER command from remote server. Server initiating // the connection sends the first SERVER command, listening server // replies with theirs if its happy, then if the initiator is happy, // it starts to send its net sync, which starts the merge, otherwise // it sends an ERROR. if (command == "SERVER") { return this->Inbound_Server(params); } else if (command == "ERROR") { return this->Error(params); } break; case WAIT_AUTH_2: // Waiting for start of other side's netmerge to say they liked our // password. if (command == "SERVER") { // cant do this, they sent it to us in the WAIT_AUTH_1 state! // silently ignore. return true; } else if (command == "BURST") { this->LinkState = CONNECTED; Node = new TreeServer(InboundServerName,InboundDescription,TreeRoot,this); TreeRoot->AddChild(Node); params.clear(); params.push_back(InboundServerName); params.push_back("*"); params.push_back("1"); params.push_back(":"+InboundDescription); DoOneToAllButSender(TreeRoot->GetName(),"SERVER",params,InboundServerName); this->DoBurst(Node); } else if (command == "ERROR") { return this->Error(params); } break; case LISTENER: this->WriteLine("ERROR :Internal error -- listening socket accepted its own descriptor!!!"); return false; break; case CONNECTING: if (command == "SERVER") { // another server we connected to, which was in WAIT_AUTH_1 state, // has just sent us their credentials. If we get this far, theyre // happy with OUR credentials, and they are now in WAIT_AUTH_2 state. // if we're happy with this, we should send our netburst which // kickstarts the merge. return this->Outbound_Reply_Server(params); } else if (command == "ERROR") { return this->Error(params); } break; case CONNECTED: // This is the 'authenticated' state, when all passwords // have been exchanged and anything past this point is taken // as gospel. std::string target = ""; if ((command == "NICK") && (params.size() > 1)) { return this->IntroduceClient(prefix,params); } else if (command == "FJOIN") { return this->ForceJoin(prefix,params); } else if (command == "SERVER") { return this->RemoteServer(prefix,params); } else if (command == "ERROR") { return this->Error(params); } else if (command == "OPERTYPE") { return this->OperType(prefix,params); } else if (command == "FMODE") { return this->ForceMode(prefix,params); } else if (command == "KILL") { return this->RemoteKill(prefix,params); } else if (command == "FTOPIC") { return this->ForceTopic(prefix,params); } else if (command == "REHASH") { return this->RemoteRehash(prefix,params); } else if (command == "SQUIT") { if (params.size() == 2) { this->Squit(FindServer(params[0]),params[1]); } return true; } else { // not a special inter-server command. // Emulate the actual user doing the command, // this saves us having a huge ugly parser. userrec* who = Srv->FindNick(prefix); std::string sourceserv = this->myhost; if (this->InboundServerName != "") { sourceserv = this->InboundServerName; } if (who) { // its a user target = who->server; char* strparams[127]; for (unsigned int q = 0; q < params.size(); q++) { strparams[q] = (char*)params[q].c_str(); } Srv->CallCommandHandler(command, strparams, params.size(), who); } else { // its not a user. Its either a server, or somethings screwed up. if (IsServer(prefix)) { target = Srv->GetServerName(); } else { log(DEBUG,"Command with unknown origin '%s'",prefix.c_str()); return true; } } return DoOneToAllButSenderRaw(line,sourceserv,prefix,command,params); } return true; break; } return true; } virtual std::string GetName() { std::string sourceserv = this->myhost; if (this->InboundServerName != "") { sourceserv = this->InboundServerName; } return sourceserv; } virtual void OnTimeout() { if (this->LinkState == CONNECTING) { Srv->SendOpers("*** CONNECT: Connection to \002"+myhost+"\002 timed out."); } } virtual void OnClose() { // Connection closed. // If the connection is fully up (state CONNECTED) // then propogate a netsplit to all peers. std::string quitserver = this->myhost; if (this->InboundServerName != "") { quitserver = this->InboundServerName; } TreeServer* s = FindServer(quitserver); if (s) { Squit(s,"Remote host closed the connection"); } } virtual int OnIncomingConnection(int newsock, char* ip) { TreeSocket* s = new TreeSocket(newsock, ip); Srv->AddSocket(s); return true; } }; void AddThisServer(TreeServer* server, std::deque &list) { for (unsigned int c = 0; c < list.size(); c++) { if (list[c] == server) { return; } } list.push_back(server); } // returns a list of DIRECT servernames for a specific channel std::deque GetListOfServersForChannel(chanrec* c) { std::deque list; std::vector *ulist = c->GetUsers(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ulist->size(); i++) { char* o = (*ulist)[i]; userrec* otheruser = (userrec*)o; if (std::string(otheruser->server) != Srv->GetServerName()) { TreeServer* best = BestRouteTo(otheruser->server); if (best) AddThisServer(best,list); } } return list; } bool DoOneToAllButSenderRaw(std::string data,std::string omit,std::string prefix,std::string command,std::deque params) { TreeServer* omitroute = BestRouteTo(omit); if ((command == "NOTICE") || (command == "PRIVMSG")) { if ((params.size() >= 2) && (*(params[0].c_str()) != '$')) { if (*(params[0].c_str()) != '#') { // special routing for private messages/notices userrec* d = Srv->FindNick(params[0]); if (d) { std::deque par; par.clear(); par.push_back(params[0]); par.push_back(":"+params[1]); DoOneToOne(prefix,command,par,d->server); return true; } } else { log(DEBUG,"Channel privmsg going to chan %s",params[0].c_str()); chanrec* c = Srv->FindChannel(params[0]); if (c) { std::deque list = GetListOfServersForChannel(c); log(DEBUG,"Got a list of %d servers",list.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { TreeSocket* Sock = list[i]->GetSocket(); if ((Sock) && (list[i]->GetName() != omit) && (omitroute != list[i])) { log(DEBUG,"Writing privmsg to server %s",list[i]->GetName().c_str()); Sock->WriteLine(data); } } return true; } } } } for (unsigned int x = 0; x < TreeRoot->ChildCount(); x++) { TreeServer* Route = TreeRoot->GetChild(x); if ((Route->GetSocket()) && (Route->GetName() != omit) && (omitroute != Route)) { TreeSocket* Sock = Route->GetSocket(); Sock->WriteLine(data); } } return true; } bool DoOneToAllButSender(std::string prefix, std::string command, std::deque params, std::string omit) { TreeServer* omitroute = BestRouteTo(omit); std::string FullLine = ":" + prefix + " " + command; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < params.size(); x++) { FullLine = FullLine + " " + params[x]; } for (unsigned int x = 0; x < TreeRoot->ChildCount(); x++) { TreeServer* Route = TreeRoot->GetChild(x); // Send the line IF: // The route has a socket (its a direct connection) // The route isnt the one to be omitted // The route isnt the path to the one to be omitted if ((Route->GetSocket()) && (Route->GetName() != omit) && (omitroute != Route)) { TreeSocket* Sock = Route->GetSocket(); Sock->WriteLine(FullLine); } } return true; } bool DoOneToMany(std::string prefix, std::string command, std::deque params) { std::string FullLine = ":" + prefix + " " + command; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < params.size(); x++) { FullLine = FullLine + " " + params[x]; } for (unsigned int x = 0; x < TreeRoot->ChildCount(); x++) { TreeServer* Route = TreeRoot->GetChild(x); if (Route->GetSocket()) { TreeSocket* Sock = Route->GetSocket(); Sock->WriteLine(FullLine); } } return true; } bool DoOneToOne(std::string prefix, std::string command, std::deque params, std::string target) { TreeServer* Route = BestRouteTo(target); if (Route) { std::string FullLine = ":" + prefix + " " + command; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < params.size(); x++) { FullLine = FullLine + " " + params[x]; } if (Route->GetSocket()) { TreeSocket* Sock = Route->GetSocket(); Sock->WriteLine(FullLine); } return true; } else { return true; } } std::vector Bindings; void ReadConfiguration(bool rebind) { if (rebind) { for (int j =0; j < Conf->Enumerate("bind"); j++) { std::string Type = Conf->ReadValue("bind","type",j); std::string IP = Conf->ReadValue("bind","address",j); long Port = Conf->ReadInteger("bind","port",j,true); if (Type == "servers") { if (IP == "*") { IP = ""; } TreeSocket* listener = new TreeSocket(IP.c_str(),Port,true,10); if (listener->GetState() == I_LISTENING) { Srv->AddSocket(listener); Bindings.push_back(listener); } else { log(DEFAULT,"m_spanningtree: Warning: Failed to bind server port %d",Port); listener->Close(); delete listener; } } } } LinkBlocks.clear(); for (int j =0; j < Conf->Enumerate("link"); j++) { Link L; L.Name = Conf->ReadValue("link","name",j); L.IPAddr = Conf->ReadValue("link","ipaddr",j); L.Port = Conf->ReadInteger("link","port",j,true); L.SendPass = Conf->ReadValue("link","sendpass",j); L.RecvPass = Conf->ReadValue("link","recvpass",j); L.AutoConnect = Conf->ReadInteger("link","autoconnect",j,true); L.NextConnectTime = time(NULL) + L.AutoConnect; LinkBlocks.push_back(L); log(DEBUG,"m_spanningtree: Read server %s with host %s:%d",L.Name.c_str(),L.IPAddr.c_str(),L.Port); } } class ModuleSpanningTree : public Module { std::vector Bindings; int line; int NumServers; public: ModuleSpanningTree() { Srv = new Server; Conf = new ConfigReader; Bindings.clear(); // Create the root of the tree TreeRoot = new TreeServer(Srv->GetServerName(),Srv->GetServerDescription()); ReadConfiguration(true); } void ShowLinks(TreeServer* Current, userrec* user, int hops) { std::string Parent = TreeRoot->GetName(); if (Current->GetParent()) { Parent = Current->GetParent()->GetName(); } for (unsigned int q = 0; q < Current->ChildCount(); q++) { ShowLinks(Current->GetChild(q),user,hops+1); } WriteServ(user->fd,"364 %s %s %s :%d %s",user->nick,Current->GetName().c_str(),Parent.c_str(),hops,Current->GetDesc().c_str()); } int CountLocalServs() { return TreeRoot->ChildCount(); } void CountServsRecursive(TreeServer* Current) { NumServers++; for (unsigned int q = 0; q < Current->ChildCount(); q++) { CountServsRecursive(Current->GetChild(q)); } } int CountServs() { NumServers = 0; CountServsRecursive(TreeRoot); return NumServers; } void HandleLinks(char** parameters, int pcnt, userrec* user) { ShowLinks(TreeRoot,user,0); WriteServ(user->fd,"365 %s * :End of /LINKS list.",user->nick); return; } void HandleLusers(char** parameters, int pcnt, userrec* user) { WriteServ(user->fd,"251 %s :There are %d users and %d invisible on %d servers",user->nick,usercnt()-usercount_invisible(),usercount_invisible(),this->CountServs()); WriteServ(user->fd,"252 %s %d :operator(s) online",user->nick,usercount_opers()); WriteServ(user->fd,"253 %s %d :unknown connections",user->nick,usercount_unknown()); WriteServ(user->fd,"254 %s %d :channels formed",user->nick,chancount()); WriteServ(user->fd,"254 %s :I have %d clients and %d servers",user->nick,local_count(),this->CountLocalServs()); return; } // WARNING: NOT THREAD SAFE - DONT GET ANY SMART IDEAS. void ShowMap(TreeServer* Current, userrec* user, int depth, char matrix[128][80]) { if (line < 128) { for (int t = 0; t < depth; t++) { matrix[line][t] = ' '; } strlcpy(&matrix[line][depth],Current->GetName().c_str(),80); line++; for (unsigned int q = 0; q < Current->ChildCount(); q++) { ShowMap(Current->GetChild(q),user,depth+2,matrix); } } } // Ok, prepare to be confused. // After much mulling over how to approach this, it struck me that // the 'usual' way of doing a /MAP isnt the best way. Instead of // keeping track of a ton of ascii characters, and line by line // under recursion working out where to place them using multiplications // and divisons, we instead render the map onto a backplane of characters // (a character matrix), then draw the branches as a series of "L" shapes // from the nodes. This is not only friendlier on CPU it uses less stack. void HandleMap(char** parameters, int pcnt, userrec* user) { // This array represents a virtual screen which we will // "scratch" draw to, as the console device of an irc // client does not provide for a proper terminal. char matrix[128][80]; for (unsigned int t = 0; t < 128; t++) { matrix[t][0] = '\0'; } line = 0; // The only recursive bit is called here. ShowMap(TreeRoot,user,0,matrix); // Process each line one by one. The algorithm has a limit of // 128 servers (which is far more than a spanning tree should have // anyway, so we're ok). This limit can be raised simply by making // the character matrix deeper, 128 rows taking 10k of memory. for (int l = 1; l < line; l++) { // scan across the line looking for the start of the // servername (the recursive part of the algorithm has placed // the servers at indented positions depending on what they // are related to) int first_nonspace = 0; while (matrix[l][first_nonspace] == ' ') { first_nonspace++; } first_nonspace--; // Draw the `- (corner) section: this may be overwritten by // another L shape passing along the same vertical pane, becoming // a |- (branch) section instead. matrix[l][first_nonspace] = '-'; matrix[l][first_nonspace-1] = '`'; int l2 = l - 1; // Draw upwards until we hit the parent server, causing possibly // other corners (`-) to become branches (|-) while ((matrix[l2][first_nonspace-1] == ' ') || (matrix[l2][first_nonspace-1] == '`')) { matrix[l2][first_nonspace-1] = '|'; l2--; } } // dump the whole lot to the user. This is the easy bit, honest. for (int t = 0; t < line; t++) { WriteServ(user->fd,"006 %s :%s",user->nick,&matrix[t][0]); } WriteServ(user->fd,"007 %s :End of /MAP",user->nick); return; } int HandleSquit(char** parameters, int pcnt, userrec* user) { TreeServer* s = FindServer(parameters[0]); if (s) { TreeSocket* sock = s->GetSocket(); if (sock) { WriteOpers("*** SQUIT: Server \002%s\002 removed from network by %s",parameters[0],user->nick); sock->Squit(s,"Server quit by "+std::string(user->nick)+"!"+std::string(user->ident)+"@"+std::string(user->host)); sock->Close(); } else { WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :*** SQUIT: The server \002%s\002 is not directly connected.",user->nick,parameters[0]); } } else { WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :*** SQUIT: The server \002%s\002 does not exist on the network.",user->nick,parameters[0]); } return 1; } void AutoConnectServers(time_t curtime) { for (std::vector::iterator x = LinkBlocks.begin(); x < LinkBlocks.end(); x++) { if (x->AutoConnect) { TreeServer* CheckDupe = FindServer(x->Name); if (!CheckDupe) { // an autoconnected server is not connected. Check if its time to connect it if (curtime >= x->NextConnectTime) { x->NextConnectTime = curtime + x->AutoConnect; WriteOpers("*** AUTOCONNECT: Auto-connecting server \002%s\002 (%lu seconds until next attempt)",x->Name.c_str(),x->AutoConnect); TreeSocket* newsocket = new TreeSocket(x->IPAddr,x->Port,false,10,x->Name); Srv->AddSocket(newsocket); } } } } } int HandleConnect(char** parameters, int pcnt, userrec* user) { for (std::vector::iterator x = LinkBlocks.begin(); x < LinkBlocks.end(); x++) { if (Srv->MatchText(x->Name.c_str(),parameters[0])) { TreeServer* CheckDupe = FindServer(x->Name); if (!CheckDupe) { WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :*** CONNECT: Connecting to server: \002%s\002 (%s:%d)",user->nick,x->Name.c_str(),x->IPAddr.c_str(),x->Port); TreeSocket* newsocket = new TreeSocket(x->IPAddr,x->Port,false,10,x->Name); Srv->AddSocket(newsocket); return 1; } else { WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :*** CONNECT: Server \002%s\002 already exists on the network and is connected via \002%s\002",user->nick,x->Name.c_str(),CheckDupe->GetParent()->GetName().c_str()); return 1; } } } WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :*** CONNECT: No server matching \002%s\002 could be found in the config file.",user->nick,parameters[0]); return 1; } virtual int OnPreCommand(std::string command, char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user) { if (command == "CONNECT") { return this->HandleConnect(parameters,pcnt,user); } else if (command == "SQUIT") { return this->HandleSquit(parameters,pcnt,user); } else if (command == "MAP") { this->HandleMap(parameters,pcnt,user); return 1; } else if (command == "LUSERS") { this->HandleLusers(parameters,pcnt,user); return 1; } else if (command == "LINKS") { this->HandleLinks(parameters,pcnt,user); return 1; } else if (Srv->IsValidModuleCommand(command, pcnt, user)) { // this bit of code cleverly routes all module commands // to all remote severs *automatically* so that modules // can just handle commands locally, without having // to have any special provision in place for remote // commands and linking protocols. std::deque params; params.clear(); for (int j = 0; j < pcnt; j++) { if (strchr(parameters[j],' ')) { params.push_back(":" + std::string(parameters[j])); } else { params.push_back(std::string(parameters[j])); } } DoOneToMany(user->nick,command,params); } return 0; } virtual void OnGetServerDescription(std::string servername,std::string &description) { TreeServer* s = FindServer(servername); if (s) { description = s->GetDesc(); } } virtual void OnUserInvite(userrec* source,userrec* dest,chanrec* channel) { if (std::string(source->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { std::deque params; params.push_back(dest->nick); params.push_back(channel->name); DoOneToMany(source->nick,"INVITE",params); } } virtual void OnPostLocalTopicChange(userrec* user, chanrec* chan, std::string topic) { std::deque params; params.push_back(chan->name); params.push_back(":"+topic); DoOneToMany(user->nick,"TOPIC",params); } virtual void OnWallops(userrec* user, std::string text) { if (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { std::deque params; params.push_back(":"+text); DoOneToMany(user->nick,"WALLOPS",params); } } virtual void OnUserNotice(userrec* user, void* dest, int target_type, std::string text) { if (target_type == TYPE_USER) { userrec* d = (userrec*)dest; if ((std::string(d->server) != Srv->GetServerName()) && (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName())) { std::deque params; params.clear(); params.push_back(d->nick); params.push_back(":"+text); DoOneToOne(user->nick,"NOTICE",params,d->server); } } else { if (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { chanrec *c = (chanrec*)dest; std::deque list = GetListOfServersForChannel(c); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { TreeSocket* Sock = list[i]->GetSocket(); if (Sock) Sock->WriteLine(":"+std::string(user->nick)+" NOTICE "+std::string(c->name)+" :"+text); } } } } virtual void OnUserMessage(userrec* user, void* dest, int target_type, std::string text) { if (target_type == TYPE_USER) { // route private messages which are targetted at clients only to the server // which needs to receive them userrec* d = (userrec*)dest; if ((std::string(d->server) != Srv->GetServerName()) && (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName())) { std::deque params; params.clear(); params.push_back(d->nick); params.push_back(":"+text); DoOneToOne(user->nick,"PRIVMSG",params,d->server); } } else { if (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { chanrec *c = (chanrec*)dest; std::deque list = GetListOfServersForChannel(c); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { TreeSocket* Sock = list[i]->GetSocket(); if (Sock) Sock->WriteLine(":"+std::string(user->nick)+" PRIVMSG "+std::string(c->name)+" :"+text); } } } } virtual void OnBackgroundTimer(time_t curtime) { AutoConnectServers(curtime); } virtual void OnUserJoin(userrec* user, chanrec* channel) { // Only do this for local users if (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { std::deque params; params.clear(); params.push_back(channel->name); if (*channel->key) { // if the channel has a key, force the join by emulating the key. params.push_back(channel->key); } if (channel->GetUserCounter() > 1) { // not the first in the channel DoOneToMany(user->nick,"JOIN",params); } else { // first in the channel, set up their permissions // and the channel TS with FJOIN. char ts[24]; snprintf(ts,24,"%lu",(unsigned long)channel->age); params.clear(); params.push_back(channel->name); params.push_back(ts); params.push_back("@"+std::string(user->nick)); DoOneToMany(Srv->GetServerName(),"FJOIN",params); } } } virtual void OnUserPart(userrec* user, chanrec* channel) { if (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { std::deque params; params.clear(); params.push_back(channel->name); DoOneToMany(user->nick,"PART",params); } } virtual void OnUserConnect(userrec* user) { char agestr[MAXBUF]; if (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { std::deque params; snprintf(agestr,MAXBUF,"%lu",(unsigned long)user->age); params.clear(); params.push_back(agestr); params.push_back(user->nick); params.push_back(user->host); params.push_back(user->dhost); params.push_back(user->ident); params.push_back("+"+std::string(user->modes)); params.push_back(user->ip); params.push_back(":"+std::string(user->fullname)); DoOneToMany(Srv->GetServerName(),"NICK",params); } } virtual void OnUserQuit(userrec* user, std::string reason) { if (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { std::deque params; params.push_back(":"+reason); DoOneToMany(user->nick,"QUIT",params); } } virtual void OnUserPostNick(userrec* user, std::string oldnick) { if (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { std::deque params; params.push_back(user->nick); DoOneToMany(oldnick,"NICK",params); } } virtual void OnUserKick(userrec* source, userrec* user, chanrec* chan, std::string reason) { if (std::string(source->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { std::deque params; params.push_back(chan->name); params.push_back(user->nick); params.push_back(":"+reason); DoOneToMany(source->nick,"KICK",params); } } virtual void OnRemoteKill(userrec* source, userrec* dest, std::string reason) { std::deque params; params.push_back(dest->nick); params.push_back(":"+reason); DoOneToMany(source->nick,"KILL",params); } virtual void OnRehash(std::string parameter) { if (parameter != "") { std::deque params; params.push_back(parameter); DoOneToMany(Srv->GetServerName(),"REHASH",params); // check for self if (Srv->MatchText(Srv->GetServerName(),parameter)) { Srv->SendOpers("*** Remote rehash initiated from server \002"+Srv->GetServerName()+"\002."); Srv->RehashServer(); } } ReadConfiguration(false); } // note: the protocol does not allow direct umode +o except // via NICK with 8 params. sending OPERTYPE infers +o modechange // locally. virtual void OnOper(userrec* user, std::string opertype) { if (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { std::deque params; params.push_back(opertype); DoOneToMany(user->nick,"OPERTYPE",params); } } virtual void OnMode(userrec* user, void* dest, int target_type, std::string text) { if (std::string(user->server) == Srv->GetServerName()) { if (target_type == TYPE_USER) { userrec* u = (userrec*)dest; std::deque params; params.push_back(u->nick); params.push_back(text); DoOneToMany(user->nick,"MODE",params); } else { chanrec* c = (chanrec*)dest; std::deque params; params.push_back(c->name); params.push_back(text); DoOneToMany(user->nick,"MODE",params); } } } virtual void ProtoSendMode(void* opaque, int target_type, void* target, std::string modeline) { TreeSocket* s = (TreeSocket*)opaque; if (target) { if (target_type == TYPE_USER) { userrec* u = (userrec*)target; s->WriteLine(":"+Srv->GetServerName()+" FMODE "+u->nick+" "+modeline); } else { chanrec* c = (chanrec*)target; s->WriteLine(":"+Srv->GetServerName()+" FMODE "+c->name+" "+modeline); } } } virtual ~ModuleSpanningTree() { delete Srv; } virtual Version GetVersion() { return Version(1,0,0,0,VF_STATIC|VF_VENDOR); } }; class ModuleSpanningTreeFactory : public ModuleFactory { public: ModuleSpanningTreeFactory() { } ~ModuleSpanningTreeFactory() { } virtual Module * CreateModule() { TreeProtocolModule = new ModuleSpanningTree; return TreeProtocolModule; } }; extern "C" void * init_module( void ) { return new ModuleSpanningTreeFactory; }