/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2009 InspIRCd Development Team * See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits * * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ #include "inspircd.h" #include "xline.h" /* $ModDesc: Provides the /shun command, which stops a user executing all commands except PING and PONG. */ class Shun : public XLine { public: std::string matchtext; Shun(InspIRCd* Instance, time_t s_time, long d, const char* src, const char* re, const char *shunmask) : XLine(Instance, s_time, d, src, re, "SHUN") { this->matchtext = shunmask; } ~Shun() { } bool Matches(User *u) { if (InspIRCd::Match(u->GetFullHost(), matchtext) || InspIRCd::Match(u->GetFullRealHost(), matchtext)) return true; return false; } bool Matches(const std::string &s) { if (matchtext == s) return true; return false; } void Apply(User *u) { if (!u->GetExt("shunned")) u->Extend("shunned"); } void DisplayExpiry() { ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('x',"Removing expired shun %s (set by %s %ld seconds ago)", this->matchtext.c_str(), this->source, (long int)(ServerInstance->Time() - this->set_time)); } const char* Displayable() { return matchtext.c_str(); } }; /** An XLineFactory specialized to generate shun pointers */ class ShunFactory : public XLineFactory { public: ShunFactory(InspIRCd* Instance) : XLineFactory(Instance, "SHUN") { } /** Generate a shun */ XLine* Generate(time_t set_time, long duration, const char* source, const char* reason, const char* xline_specific_mask) { return new Shun(ServerInstance, set_time, duration, source, reason, xline_specific_mask); } }; //typedef std::vector shunlist; class CommandShun : public Command { private: InspIRCd *Srv; public: CommandShun(InspIRCd* Me) : Command(Me, "SHUN", "o", 1, 3), Srv(Me) { this->source = "m_shun.so"; this->syntax = " [] :"; } CmdResult Handle(const std::vector& parameters, User *user) { /* syntax: SHUN nick!user@host time :reason goes here */ /* 'time' is a human-readable timestring, like 2d3h2s. */ if (parameters.size() == 1) { if (ServerInstance->XLines->DelLine(parameters[0].c_str(), "SHUN", user)) { ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('x',"%s Removed shun on %s.",user->nick.c_str(),parameters[0].c_str()); } else { // XXX todo implement stats user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :*** Shun %s not found in list, try /stats S.",user->nick.c_str(),parameters[0].c_str()); } return CMD_SUCCESS; } else if (parameters.size() >= 2) { // Adding - XXX todo make this respect tag perhaps.. long duration; std::string expr; if (parameters.size() > 2) { duration = ServerInstance->Duration(parameters[1]); expr = parameters[2]; } else { duration = 0; expr = parameters[1]; } Shun *r = NULL; try { r = new Shun(ServerInstance, ServerInstance->Time(), duration, user->nick.c_str(), expr.c_str(), parameters[0].c_str()); } catch (...) { ; // Do nothing. If we get here, the regex was fucked up, and they already got told it fucked up. } if (r) { if (ServerInstance->XLines->AddLine(r, user)) { if (!duration) { ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('x',"%s added permanent shun for %s: %s", user->nick.c_str(), parameters[0].c_str(), expr.c_str()); } else { time_t c_requires_crap = duration + ServerInstance->Time(); ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('x', "%s added timed shun for %s, expires on %s: %s", user->nick.c_str(), parameters[0].c_str(), ServerInstance->TimeString(c_requires_crap).c_str(), expr.c_str()); } ServerInstance->XLines->ApplyLines(); } else { delete r; user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :*** Shun for %s already exists", user->nick.c_str(), expr.c_str()); } } } return CMD_FAILURE; } }; class ModuleShun : public Module { CommandShun* mycommand; ShunFactory *f; std::set ShunEnabledCommands; bool NotifyOfShun; bool affectopers; public: ModuleShun(InspIRCd* Me) : Module(Me) { f = new ShunFactory(ServerInstance); ServerInstance->XLines->RegisterFactory(f); mycommand = new CommandShun(ServerInstance); ServerInstance->AddCommand(mycommand); Implementation eventlist[] = { I_OnStats, I_OnPreCommand, I_OnUserConnect, I_OnRehash }; ServerInstance->Modules->Attach(eventlist, this, 4); OnRehash(NULL, ""); } virtual ~ModuleShun() { ServerInstance->XLines->DelAll("SHUN"); ServerInstance->XLines->UnregisterFactory(f); } virtual int OnStats(char symbol, User* user, string_list& out) { if (symbol != 'S') return 0; ServerInstance->XLines->InvokeStats("SHUN", 223, user, out); return 1; } virtual void OnRehash(User* user, const std::string ¶meter) { ConfigReader MyConf(ServerInstance); std::string cmds = MyConf.ReadValue("shun", "enabledcommands", 0); if (cmds.empty()) cmds = "PING PONG QUIT"; ShunEnabledCommands.clear(); NotifyOfShun = true; affectopers = false; std::stringstream dcmds(cmds); std::string thiscmd; while (dcmds >> thiscmd) { ShunEnabledCommands.insert(thiscmd); } NotifyOfShun = MyConf.ReadFlag("shun", "notifyuser", "yes", 0); affectopers = MyConf.ReadFlag("shun", "affectopers", "no", 0); } virtual void OnUserConnect(User* user) { if (!IS_LOCAL(user)) return; // Apply lines on user connect XLine *rl = ServerInstance->XLines->MatchesLine("SHUN", user); if (rl) { // Bang. :P rl->Apply(user); } } virtual int OnPreCommand(std::string &command, std::vector& parameters, User* user, bool validated, const std::string &original_line) { if (validated || !user->GetExt("shunned")) return 0; if (!ServerInstance->XLines->MatchesLine("SHUN", user)) { /* The shun previously set on this user has expired or been removed */ user->Shrink("shunned"); return 0; } if (!affectopers && IS_OPER(user)) { /* Don't do anything if the user is an operator and affectopers isn't set */ return 0; } std::set::iterator i = ShunEnabledCommands.find(command); if (i == ShunEnabledCommands.end()) { if (NotifyOfShun) user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :*** Command %s not processed, as you have been blocked from issuing commands (SHUN)", user->nick.c_str(), command.c_str()); return 1; } if (command == "QUIT") { /* Allow QUIT but dont show any quit message */ parameters.clear(); } else if (command == "PART") { /* same for PART */ parameters.clear(); } return 1; } virtual Version GetVersion() { return Version("$Id$",VF_VENDOR|VF_COMMON,API_VERSION); } }; MODULE_INIT(ModuleShun)