/*       +------------------------------------+
 *       | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
 *       +------------------------------------+
 *  Inspire is copyright (C) 2002-2004 ChatSpike-Dev.
 *                       E-mail:
 *                <brain@chatspike.net>
 *           	  <Craig@chatspike.net>
 * Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others.
 * This program is free but copyrighted software; see
 *            the file COPYING for details.
 * ---------------------------------------------------

using namespace std;

#include <stdio.h>
#include "users.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include <string>

/* $ModDesc: Povides support for services +r user/chan modes and more */

class ModuleServices : public Module
	Server *Srv; 
		Srv = new Server;


        virtual void On005Numeric(std::string &output)
                std::stringstream line(output);
                std::string temp1, temp2;
                while (!line.eof())
                        line >> temp1;
                        if (temp1.substr(0,10) == "CHANMODES=")
                                // append the chanmode to the end
                                temp1 = temp1.substr(10,temp1.length());
                                temp1 = "CHANMODES=" + temp1 + "rRM";
                        temp2 = temp2 + temp1 + " ";
		if (temp2.length())
	                output = temp2.substr(0,temp2.length()-1);
	virtual int OnExtendedMode(userrec* user, void* target, char modechar, int type, bool mode_on, string_list &params)
		if (modechar == 'r')
			if (type == MT_CHANNEL)
				// only a u-lined server may add or remove the +r mode.
				if ((Srv->IsUlined(user->nick)) || (Srv->IsUlined(user->server)) || (!strcmp(user->server,"")))
					return 1;
					Srv->SendServ(user->fd,"500 "+std::string(user->nick)+" :Only a U-Lined server may modify the +r channel mode");
				if ((Srv->IsUlined(user->nick)) || (Srv->IsUlined(user->server)) || (!strcmp(user->server,"")))
					return 1;
					Srv->SendServ(user->fd,"500 "+std::string(user->nick)+" :Only a U-Lined server may modify the +r user mode");
		else if (modechar == 'R')
			if (type == MT_CHANNEL)
				return 1;
		else if (modechar == 'M')
			if (type == MT_CHANNEL)
				return 1;

		return 0;

	virtual int OnUserPreMessage(userrec* user,void* dest,int target_type, std::string &text)
		if (target_type == TYPE_CHANNEL)
			chanrec* c = (chanrec*)dest;
			if ((c->IsCustomModeSet('M')) && (!strchr(user->modes,'r')))
				if ((Srv->IsUlined(user->nick)) || (Srv->IsUlined(user->server)) || (!strcmp(user->server,"")))
					// user is ulined, can speak regardless
					return 0;
				// user messaging a +M channel and is not registered
				Srv->SendServ(user->fd,"477 "+std::string(user->nick)+" "+std::string(c->name)+" :You need a registered nickname to speak on this channel");
				return 1;
		if (target_type == TYPE_USER)
			userrec* u = (userrec*)dest;
			if ((strchr(u->modes,'R')) && (!strchr(user->modes,'r')))
				if ((Srv->IsUlined(user->nick)) || (Srv->IsUlined(user->server)))
					// user is ulined, can speak regardless
					return 0;
				// user messaging a +R user and is not registered
				Srv->SendServ(user->fd,"477 "+std::string(user->nick)+" "+std::string(u->nick)+" :You need a registered nickname to message this user");
				return 1;
		return 0;
	virtual int OnUserPreNotice(userrec* user,void* dest,int target_type, std::string &text)
		if (target_type == TYPE_CHANNEL)
			chanrec* c = (chanrec*)dest;
			if ((c->IsCustomModeSet('M')) && (!strchr(user->modes,'r')))
				if ((Srv->IsUlined(user->nick)) || (Srv->IsUlined(user->server)))
					// user is ulined, can speak regardless
					return 0;
				// user noticing a +M channel and is not registered
				Srv->SendServ(user->fd,"477 "+std::string(user->nick)+" "+std::string(c->name)+" :You need a registered nickname to speak on this channel");
				return 1;
		if (target_type == TYPE_USER)
			userrec* u = (userrec*)dest;
			if ((strchr(u->modes,'R')) && (!strchr(user->modes,'r')))
				if ((Srv->IsUlined(user->nick)) || (Srv->IsUlined(user->server)))
					// user is ulined, can speak regardless
					return 0;
				// user noticing a +R user and is not registered
				Srv->SendServ(user->fd,"477 "+std::string(user->nick)+" "+std::string(u->nick)+" :You need a registered nickname to message this user");
				return 1;
		return 0;
	virtual int OnUserPreJoin(userrec* user, chanrec* chan, const char* cname)
		if (chan)
			if (chan->IsCustomModeSet('R'))
				if (!strchr(user->modes,'r'))
					if ((Srv->IsUlined(user->nick)) || (Srv->IsUlined(user->server)))
						// user is ulined, won't be stopped from joining
						return 0;
					// joining a +R channel and not identified
					Srv->SendServ(user->fd,"477 "+std::string(user->nick)+" "+std::string(chan->name)+" :You need a registered nickname to join this channel");
					return 1;
		return 0;

	virtual ~ModuleServices()
		delete Srv;
	virtual Version GetVersion()
		return Version(1,0,0,0,VF_STATIC|VF_VENDOR);
	virtual void OnUserConnect(userrec* user)


class ModuleServicesFactory : public ModuleFactory
	virtual Module * CreateModule()
		return new ModuleServices;

extern "C" void * init_module( void )
	return new ModuleServicesFactory;