/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2007 InspIRCd Development Team * See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits * * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ #include "inspircd.h" /* $ModDesc: Provides channel mode +F (nick flood protection) */ /** Holds settings and state associated with channel mode +F */ class nickfloodsettings : public classbase { public: int secs; int nicks; time_t reset; time_t unlocktime; int counter; bool locked; InspIRCd* ServerInstance; nickfloodsettings() : secs(0), nicks(0) {}; nickfloodsettings(int b, int c) : secs(b), nicks(c) { reset = time(NULL) + secs; counter = 0; locked = false; }; void addnick() { counter++; if (time(NULL) > reset) { counter = 0; reset = time(NULL) + secs; } } bool shouldlock() { return (counter >= this->nicks); } void clear() { counter = 0; } bool islocked() { if (locked) { if (time(NULL) > unlocktime) { locked = false; return false; } else { return true; } } return false; } void lock() { locked = true; unlocktime = time(NULL) + 60; } }; /** Handles channel mode +j */ class NickFlood : public ModeHandler { public: NickFlood(InspIRCd* Instance) : ModeHandler(Instance, 'F', 1, 0, false, MODETYPE_CHANNEL, false) { } ModePair ModeSet(userrec* source, userrec* dest, chanrec* channel, const std::string ¶meter) { nickfloodsettings* x; if (channel->GetExt("nickflood",x)) return std::make_pair(true, ConvToStr(x->nicks)+":"+ConvToStr(x->secs)); else return std::make_pair(false, parameter); } bool CheckTimeStamp(time_t theirs, time_t ours, const std::string &their_param, const std::string &our_param, chanrec* channel) { /* When TS is equal, the alphabetically later one wins */ return (their_param < our_param); } ModeAction OnModeChange(userrec* source, userrec* dest, chanrec* channel, std::string ¶meter, bool adding) { nickfloodsettings* dummy; if (adding) { char ndata[MAXBUF]; char* data = ndata; strlcpy(ndata,parameter.c_str(),MAXBUF); char* nicks = data; char* secs = NULL; while (*data) { if (*data == ':') { *data = 0; data++; secs = data; break; } else data++; } if (secs) { /* Set up the flood parameters for this channel */ int nnicks = atoi(nicks); int nsecs = atoi(secs); if ((nnicks<1) || (nsecs<1)) { source->WriteServ("608 %s %s :Invalid flood parameter",source->nick,channel->name); parameter.clear(); return MODEACTION_DENY; } else { if (!channel->GetExt("nickflood", dummy)) { parameter = ConvToStr(nnicks) + ":" +ConvToStr(nsecs); nickfloodsettings *f = new nickfloodsettings(nsecs,nnicks); channel->Extend("nickflood", f); channel->SetMode('F', true); channel->SetModeParam('F', parameter.c_str(), true); return MODEACTION_ALLOW; } else { std::string cur_param = channel->GetModeParameter('F'); parameter = ConvToStr(nnicks) + ":" +ConvToStr(nsecs); if (cur_param == parameter) { // mode params match return MODEACTION_DENY; } else { // new mode param, replace old with new if ((nsecs > 0) && (nnicks > 0)) { nickfloodsettings* f; channel->GetExt("nickflood", f); delete f; f = new nickfloodsettings(nsecs, nnicks); channel->Shrink("nickflood"); channel->Extend("nickflood", f); channel->SetModeParam('F', cur_param.c_str(), false); channel->SetModeParam('F', parameter.c_str(), true); return MODEACTION_ALLOW; } else { return MODEACTION_DENY; } } } } } else { source->WriteServ("608 %s %s :Invalid flood parameter",source->nick,channel->name); return MODEACTION_DENY; } } else { if (channel->GetExt("nickflood", dummy)) { nickfloodsettings *f; channel->GetExt("nickflood", f); DELETE(f); channel->Shrink("nickflood"); channel->SetMode('F', false); return MODEACTION_ALLOW; } } return MODEACTION_DENY; } }; class ModuleNickFlood : public Module { NickFlood* jf; public: ModuleNickFlood(InspIRCd* Me) : Module(Me) { jf = new NickFlood(ServerInstance); if (!ServerInstance->AddMode(jf, 'F')) throw ModuleException("Could not add new modes!"); } virtual int OnUserPreNick(userrec* user, const std::string &newnick) { for (UCListIter i = user->chans.begin(); i != user->chans.end(); i++) { chanrec *channel = i->first; nickfloodsettings *f; if (channel->GetExt("nickflood", f)) { if (CHANOPS_EXEMPT(ServerInstance, 'F') && channel->GetStatus(user) == STATUS_OP) continue; if (f->islocked()) { user->WriteServ("447 %s :%s has been locked for nickchanges for 60 seconds because there have been more than %d nick changes in %d seconds", user->nick, channel->name, f->nicks, f->secs); return 1; } f->addnick(); if (f->shouldlock()) { f->clear(); f->lock(); channel->WriteChannelWithServ((char*)ServerInstance->Config->ServerName, "NOTICE %s :No nick changes are allowed for 60 seconds because there have been more than %d nick changes in %d seconds.", channel->name, f->nicks, f->secs); return 1; } } } return 0; } void OnChannelDelete(chanrec* chan) { nickfloodsettings *f; if (chan->GetExt("nickflood",f)) { DELETE(f); chan->Shrink("nickflood"); } } void Implements(char* List) { List[I_OnChannelDelete] = List[I_OnUserPreNick] = 1; } virtual ~ModuleNickFlood() { ServerInstance->Modes->DelMode(jf); DELETE(jf); } virtual Version GetVersion() { return Version(1, 1, 0, 0, VF_COMMON | VF_VENDOR, API_VERSION); } }; MODULE_INIT(ModuleNickFlood)