/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * InspIRCd is copyright (C) 2002-2006 ChatSpike-Dev. * E-mail: * * * * Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others. * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ using namespace std; #include #include "users.h" #include "channels.h" #include "modules.h" #include "inspsocket.h" #include "inspircd.h" #include "httpd.h" /* $ModDesc: Provides HTTP serving facilities to modules */ class ModuleHttp; static ModuleHttp* HttpModule; static bool claimed; enum HttpState { HTTP_LISTEN = 0, HTTP_SERVE_WAIT_REQUEST = 1, HTTP_SERVE_SEND_DATA = 2 }; class HttpSocket : public InspSocket { FileReader* index; HttpState InternalState; std::stringstream headers; public: HttpSocket(InspIRCd* SI, std::string host, int port, bool listening, unsigned long maxtime, FileReader* index_page) : InspSocket(SI, host, port, listening, maxtime), index(index_page) { SI->Log(DEBUG,"HttpSocket constructor"); InternalState = HTTP_LISTEN; } HttpSocket(InspIRCd* SI, int newfd, char* ip, FileReader* ind) : InspSocket(SI, newfd, ip), index(ind) { InternalState = HTTP_SERVE_WAIT_REQUEST; } virtual int OnIncomingConnection(int newsock, char* ip) { if (InternalState == HTTP_LISTEN) { HttpSocket* s = new HttpSocket(this->Instance, newsock, ip, index); s = s; /* Stop GCC whining */ } return true; } virtual void OnClose() { } std::string Response(int response) { switch (response) { case 100: return "CONTINUE"; case 101: return "SWITCHING PROTOCOLS"; case 200: return "OK"; case 201: return "CREATED"; case 202: return "ACCEPTED"; case 203: return "NON-AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION"; case 204: return "NO CONTENT"; case 205: return "RESET CONTENT"; case 206: return "PARTIAL CONTENT"; case 300: return "MULTIPLE CHOICES"; case 301: return "MOVED PERMENANTLY"; case 302: return "FOUND"; case 303: return "SEE OTHER"; case 304: return "NOT MODIFIED"; case 305: return "USE PROXY"; case 307: return "TEMPORARY REDIRECT"; case 400: return "BAD REQUEST"; case 401: return "UNAUTHORIZED"; case 402: return "PAYMENT REQUIRED"; case 403: return "FORBIDDEN"; case 404: return "NOT FOUND"; case 405: return "METHOD NOT ALLOWED"; case 406: return "NOT ACCEPTABLE"; case 407: return "PROXY AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED"; case 408: return "REQUEST TIMEOUT"; case 409: return "CONFLICT"; case 410: return "GONE"; case 411: return "LENGTH REQUIRED"; case 412: return "PRECONDITION FAILED"; case 413: return "REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE"; case 414: return "REQUEST-URI TOO LONG"; case 415: return "UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE"; case 416: return "REQUESTED RANGE NOT SATISFIABLE"; case 417: return "EXPECTATION FAILED"; case 500: return "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR"; case 501: return "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; case 502: return "BAD GATEWAY"; case 503: return "SERVICE UNAVAILABLE"; case 504: return "GATEWAY TIMEOUT"; case 505: return "HTTP VERSION NOT SUPPORTED"; default: return "WTF"; break; } } void SendHeaders(unsigned long size, int response, const std::string &extraheaders) { time_t local = this->Instance->Time(); struct tm *timeinfo = localtime(&local); this->Write("HTTP/1.1 "+ConvToStr(response)+" "+Response(response)+"\r\nDate: "); this->Write(asctime(timeinfo)); if (extraheaders.empty()) { this->Write("Content-Type: text/html\r\n"); } else { this->Write(extraheaders); } this->Write("Server: InspIRCd/m_httpd.so/1.1\r\nContent-Length: "+ConvToStr(size)+ "\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"); } virtual bool OnDataReady() { char* data = this->Read(); std::string request_type; std::string uri; std::string http_version; /* Check that the data read is a valid pointer and it has some content */ if (data && *data) { headers << data; if (headers.str().find("\r\n\r\n") != std::string::npos) { /* Headers are complete */ InternalState = HTTP_SERVE_SEND_DATA; headers >> request_type; headers >> uri; headers >> http_version; if ((http_version != "HTTP/1.1") && (http_version != "HTTP/1.0")) { SendHeaders(0, 505, ""); } else { if ((request_type == "GET") && (uri == "/")) { SendHeaders(index->ContentSize(), 200, ""); this->Write(index->Contents()); } else { claimed = false; HTTPRequest httpr(request_type,uri,&headers,this,this->GetIP()); Event e((char*)&httpr, (Module*)HttpModule, "httpd_url"); e.Send(this->Instance); if (!claimed) { SendHeaders(0, 404, ""); Instance->Log(DEBUG,"Page not claimed, 404"); } } } return false; } return true; } else { /* Bastard client closed the socket on us! * Oh wait, theyre SUPPOSED to do that! */ return false; } } void Page(std::stringstream* n, int response, std::string& extraheaders) { Instance->Log(DEBUG,"Sending page"); SendHeaders(n->str().length(), response, extraheaders); this->Write(n->str()); } }; class ModuleHttp : public Module { int port; std::string host; std::string bindip; std::string indexfile; FileReader* index; HttpSocket* http; public: void ReadConfig() { ConfigReader c(ServerInstance); this->host = c.ReadValue("http", "host", 0); this->bindip = c.ReadValue("http", "ip", 0); this->port = c.ReadInteger("http", "port", 0, true); this->indexfile = c.ReadValue("http", "index", 0); if (index) { delete index; index = NULL; } index = new FileReader(ServerInstance, this->indexfile); } void CreateListener() { http = new HttpSocket(ServerInstance, this->bindip, this->port, true, 0, index); } ModuleHttp(InspIRCd* Me) : Module::Module(Me) { index = NULL; ReadConfig(); CreateListener(); } void OnEvent(Event* event) { } char* OnRequest(Request* request) { ServerInstance->Log(DEBUG,"Got HTTPDocument object"); claimed = true; HTTPDocument* doc = (HTTPDocument*)request->GetData(); HttpSocket* sock = (HttpSocket*)doc->sock; sock->Page(doc->GetDocument(), doc->GetResponseCode(), doc->GetExtraHeaders()); return NULL; } void Implements(char* List) { List[I_OnEvent] = List[I_OnRequest] = 1; } virtual ~ModuleHttp() { ServerInstance->SE->DelFd(http); } virtual Version GetVersion() { return Version(1,0,0,0,VF_STATIC|VF_VENDOR|VF_SERVICEPROVIDER); } }; class ModuleHttpFactory : public ModuleFactory { public: ModuleHttpFactory() { } ~ModuleHttpFactory() { } virtual Module * CreateModule(InspIRCd* Me) { HttpModule = new ModuleHttp(Me); return HttpModule; } }; extern "C" void * init_module( void ) { return new ModuleHttpFactory; }