/*       +------------------------------------+
 *       | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
 *       +------------------------------------+
 *  Inspire is copyright (C) 2002-2004 ChatSpike-Dev.
 *                       E-mail:
 *                <brain@chatspike.net>
 *           	  <Craig@chatspike.net>
 * Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others.
 * This program is free but copyrighted software; see
 *            the file COPYING for details.
 * ---------------------------------------------------

#include "users.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "modules.h"

// Global Vars
ConfigReader *helpop;
Server *Srv;

void handle_helpop(char**, int, userrec*);
bool do_helpop(char**, int, userrec*);
void sendtohelpop(userrec*, int, char**);

/* $ModDesc: /helpop Command, Works like Unreal helpop */

void handle_helpop(char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user)
	char a[MAXBUF];
	std::string output = " ";

	if (pcnt < 1) {

	if (parameters[0][0] == '!')
		// Force send to all +h users
		sendtohelpop(user, pcnt, parameters);
	} else if (parameters[0][0] == '?') {
		// Force to the helpop system with no forward if not found.
                if (do_helpop(parameters, pcnt, user) == false) {
                        // Not handled by the Database, Tell the user, and forward.
                        for (int i = 1; output != ""; i++)
                                output = helpop->ReadValue("nohelp", std::string(a), 0);
				if(output != "") {
	                                Srv->SendTo(NULL,user,"290 "+std::string(user->nick)+" :"+output);
	} else {
		// Check with the helpop database, if not found send to +h
		if (do_helpop(parameters, pcnt, user) == false) {
			// Not handled by the Database, Tell the user, and forward.
		        for (int i = 1; output != ""; i++)
               			output = helpop->ReadValue("nohelpo", std::string(a), 0);
        			if (output != "") {        		
	                		Srv->SendTo(NULL,user,"290 "+std::string(user->nick)+" :"+output);
			// Forward.
			sendtohelpop(user, pcnt, parameters);

bool do_helpop(char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *src)
	char *search;
	std::string output = " "; // a fix bought to you by brain :p
	char a[MAXBUF];

	if (!parameters) {
 		search = "start";
	else {
 		search = parameters[0];

	if (search[0] == '?') {

        // FIX by brain: make the string lowercase, ConfigReader is
        // case sensitive
        char lower[MAXBUF];
        for (int t = 0; t < strlen(lower); t++)
                lower[t] = tolower(lower[t]);

	int nlines = 0;
	for (int i = 1; output != ""; i++)
		output = helpop->ReadValue(lower, a, 0);
		if (output != "") {
			Srv->SendTo(NULL,src,"290 "+std::string(src->nick)+" :"+output);
	return (nlines>0);

void sendtohelpop(userrec *src, int pcnt, char **params)
	char* first = params[0];
	if (first[0] == '!') { first++; }
	std::string line = "*** HELPOPS - From "+std::string(src->nick)+": "+std::string(first)+" ";
	for (int i = 1; i < pcnt; i++)
		line = line + std::string(params[i]) + " ";

class ModuleHelpop : public Module
	ConfigReader *conf;
	std::string  h_file;

		Srv  = new Server;
		conf = new ConfigReader;

		h_file = conf->ReadValue("helpop", "file", 0);

		if (h_file == "") {
			printf("m_helpop: Helpop file not Specified.");

		helpop = new ConfigReader(h_file);

		if ((helpop->ReadValue("nohelp",  "line1", 0) == "") || 
                    (helpop->ReadValue("nohelpo", "line1", 0) == "") ||
                    (helpop->ReadValue("start",   "line1", 0) == ""))
			printf("m_helpop: Helpop file is missing important entries. Please check the example conf.");

		if (!Srv->AddExtendedMode('h',MT_CLIENT,true,0,0))
			Srv->Log(DEFAULT,"Unable to claim the +h usermode.");
			printf("m_helpop: Unable to claim the +h usermode!");

		// Loads of comments, untill supported properly.


	virtual int OnExtendedMode(userrec* user, void* target, char modechar, int type, bool mode_on, string_list &params)
		if ((modechar == 'h') && (type == MT_CLIENT))
			return 1;
		return 0;

	virtual void OnWhois(userrec* src, userrec* dst)
		if (strchr(dst->modes,'h'))
			Srv->SendTo(NULL,src,"310 "+std::string(src->nick)+" "+std::string(dst->nick)+" :is available for help.");

	virtual void OnOper(userrec* user)
		char* modes[2];			// only two parameters
		modes[0] = user->nick;		// first parameter is the nick
		modes[1] = "+h";		// second parameter is the mode
		Srv->SendMode(modes,2,user);	// send these, forming the command "MODE <nick> +h"
	virtual ~ModuleHelpop()
		delete Srv;
		delete conf;
		delete helpop;
	virtual Version GetVersion()
		return Version(0,0,0,1);

class ModuleHelpopFactory : public ModuleFactory
	virtual Module * CreateModule()
		return new ModuleHelpop;

extern "C" void * init_module( void )
	return new ModuleHelpopFactory;