/*       +------------------------------------+
 *       | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
 *       +------------------------------------+
 *  InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2008 InspIRCd Development Team
 * See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits
 * This program is free but copyrighted software; see
 *            the file COPYING for details.
 * ---------------------------------------------------

#include "inspircd.h"

/* $ModDesc: Povides support for the /DCCALLOW command */

static ConfigReader *Conf;

class BannedFileList : public classbase
	std::string filemask;
	std::string action;

class DCCAllow : public classbase
	std::string nickname;
	std::string hostmask;
	time_t set_on;
	long length;

	DCCAllow() { }

	DCCAllow(const std::string &nick, const std::string &hm, const time_t so, const long ln) : nickname(nick), hostmask(hm), set_on(so), length(ln) { }

typedef std::vector<User *> userlist;
userlist ul;
typedef std::vector<DCCAllow> dccallowlist;
dccallowlist* dl;
typedef std::vector<BannedFileList> bannedfilelist;
bannedfilelist bfl;

class CommandDccallow : public Command
	CommandDccallow(InspIRCd* Me) : Command(Me, "DCCALLOW", 0, 0)
		this->source = "m_dccallow.so";
		syntax = "{[+|-]<nick> <time>|HELP|LIST}";
		/* XXX we need to fix this so it can work with translation stuff (i.e. move +- into a seperate param */

	CmdResult Handle(const char* const* parameters, int pcnt, User *user)
		/* syntax: DCCALLOW [+|-]<nick> (<time>) */
		if (!pcnt)
			// display current DCCALLOW list
			return CMD_FAILURE;
		else if (pcnt > 0)
			char action = *parameters[0];
			// if they didn't specify an action, this is probably a command
			if (action != '+' && action != '-')
				if (!strcasecmp(parameters[0], "LIST"))
					// list current DCCALLOW list
					return CMD_FAILURE;
				else if (!strcasecmp(parameters[0], "HELP"))
					// display help
					return CMD_FAILURE;
			std::string nick = parameters[0] + 1;
			User *target = ServerInstance->FindNick(nick);
			if (target)
				if (action == '-')
					// check if it contains any entries
					if (user->GetExt("dccallow_list", dl))
						for (dccallowlist::iterator i = dl->begin(); i != dl->end(); ++i)
							// search through list
							if (i->nickname == target->nick)
								user->WriteNumeric(995, "%s %s :Removed %s from your DCCALLOW list", user->nick, user->nick, target->nick);
						delete  dl;
						// remove from userlist
						for (userlist::iterator j = ul.begin(); j != ul.end(); ++j)
							User* u = (User*)(*j);
							if (u == user)
				else if (action == '+')
					if (!user->GetExt("dccallow_list", dl))
						dl = new dccallowlist;
						user->Extend("dccallow_list", dl);
						// add this user to the userlist
					for (dccallowlist::const_iterator k = dl->begin(); k != dl->end(); ++k)
						if (k->nickname == target->nick)
							user->WriteNumeric(996, "%s %s :%s is already on your DCCALLOW list", user->nick, user->nick, target->nick);
							return CMD_FAILURE;
						else if (ServerInstance->MatchText(user->GetFullHost(), k->hostmask))
							user->WriteNumeric(996, "%s %s :You cannot add yourself to your own DCCALLOW list!", user->nick, user->nick);
							return CMD_FAILURE;
					std::string mask = std::string(target->nick)+"!"+std::string(target->ident)+"@"+std::string(target->dhost);
					std::string default_length = Conf->ReadValue("dccallow", "length", 0);
					long length;
					if (pcnt < 2)
						length = ServerInstance->Duration(default_length);
					else if (!atoi(parameters[1]))
						length = 0;
						length = ServerInstance->Duration(parameters[1]);
					if (!ServerInstance->IsValidMask(mask.c_str()))
						return CMD_FAILURE;
					dl->push_back(DCCAllow(target->nick, mask, ServerInstance->Time(), length));
					if (length > 0)
						user->WriteNumeric(993, "%s %s :Added %s to DCCALLOW list for %ld seconds", user->nick, user->nick, target->nick, length);
						user->WriteNumeric(994, "%s %s :Added %s to DCCALLOW list for this session", user->nick, user->nick, target->nick);

					/* route it. */
					return CMD_SUCCESS;
				// nick doesn't exist
				user->WriteNumeric(401, "%s %s :No such nick/channel", user->nick, nick.c_str());
				return CMD_FAILURE;
		return CMD_FAILURE;

	void DisplayHelp(User* user)
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :DCCALLOW [<+|->nick [time]] [list] [help]", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :You may allow DCCs from specific users by specifying a", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :DCC allow for the user you want to receive DCCs from.", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :For example, to allow the user Brain to send you inspircd.exe", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :you would type:", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :/DCCALLOW +Brain", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :Brain would then be able to send you files. They would have to", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :resend the file again if the server gave them an error message", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :before you added them to your DCCALLOW list.", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :DCCALLOW entries will be temporary by default, if you want to add", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :them to your DCCALLOW list until you leave IRC, type:", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :/DCCALLOW +Brain 0", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :To remove the user from your DCCALLOW list, type:", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :/DCCALLOW -Brain", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :To see the users in your DCCALLOW list, type:", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :/DCCALLOW LIST", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :NOTE: If the user leaves IRC or changes their nickname", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :  they will be removed from your DCCALLOW list.", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(998, "%s :  your DCCALLOW list will be deleted when you leave IRC.", user->nick);
		user->WriteNumeric(999, "%s :End of DCCALLOW HELP", user->nick);
	void DisplayDCCAllowList(User* user)
		 // display current DCCALLOW list
		user->WriteNumeric(990, "%s :Users on your DCCALLOW list:", user->nick);
		if (user->GetExt("dccallow_list", dl))
			for (dccallowlist::const_iterator c = dl->begin(); c != dl->end(); ++c)
				user->WriteNumeric(991, "%s %s :%s (%s)", user->nick, user->nick, c->nickname.c_str(), c->hostmask.c_str());
		user->WriteNumeric(992, "%s :End of DCCALLOW list", user->nick);

class ModuleDCCAllow : public Module
	CommandDccallow* mycommand;

	ModuleDCCAllow(InspIRCd* Me)
		: Module(Me)
		Conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance);
		mycommand = new CommandDccallow(ServerInstance);
		Implementation eventlist[] = { I_OnUserPreMessage, I_OnUserPreNotice, I_OnUserQuit, I_OnUserPreNick, I_OnRehash };
		ServerInstance->Modules->Attach(eventlist, this, 5);

	virtual void OnRehash(User* user, const std::string &parameter)
		delete Conf;
		Conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance);

	virtual void OnUserQuit(User* user, const std::string &reason, const std::string &oper_message)
		dccallowlist* udl;
		// remove their DCCALLOW list if they have one
		if (user->GetExt("dccallow_list", udl))
			delete udl;
		// remove them from any DCCALLOW lists
		// they are currently on

	virtual int OnUserPreNick(User* user, const std::string &newnick)
		return 0;

	virtual int OnUserPreMessage(User* user, void* dest, int target_type, std::string &text, char status, CUList &exempt_list)
		return OnUserPreNotice(user, dest, target_type, text, status, exempt_list);

	virtual int OnUserPreNotice(User* user, void* dest, int target_type, std::string &text, char status, CUList &exempt_list)
		if (!IS_LOCAL(user))
			return 0;

		if (target_type == TYPE_USER)
			User* u = (User*)dest;

			/* Always allow a user to dcc themselves (although... why?) */
			if (user == u)
				return 0;
			if ((text.length()) && (text[0] == '\1'))

				// :jamie!jamie@test-D4457903BA652E0F.silverdream.org PRIVMSG eimaj :DCC SEND m_dnsbl.cpp 3232235786 52650 9676
				// :jamie!jamie@test-D4457903BA652E0F.silverdream.org PRIVMSG eimaj :VERSION
				if (strncmp(text.c_str(), "\1DCC ", 5) == 0)
					if (u->GetExt("dccallow_list", dl) && dl->size())
						for (dccallowlist::const_iterator iter = dl->begin(); iter != dl->end(); ++iter)
							if (ServerInstance->MatchText(user->GetFullHost(), iter->hostmask))
								return 0;
					// tokenize
					std::stringstream ss(text);
					std::string buf;
					std::vector<std::string> tokens;
					while (ss >> buf)
					irc::string type = tokens[1].c_str();
					bool blockchat = Conf->ReadFlag("dccallow", "blockchat", 0);
					if (type == "SEND")
						std::string defaultaction = Conf->ReadValue("dccallow", "action", 0);
						std::string filename = tokens[2];
						if (defaultaction == "allow") 
							return 0;
						for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bfl.size(); i++)
							if (ServerInstance->MatchText(filename, bfl[i].filemask))
								if (bfl[i].action == "allow")
									return 0;
								if (defaultaction == "allow")
									return 0;
							user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :The user %s is not accepting DCC SENDs from you. Your file %s was not sent.", user->nick, u->nick, filename.c_str());
							u->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :%s (%s@%s) attempted to send you a file named %s, which was blocked.", u->nick, user->nick, user->ident, user->dhost, filename.c_str());
							u->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :If you trust %s and were expecting this, you can type /DCCALLOW HELP for information on the DCCALLOW system.", u->nick, user->nick);
							return 1;
					else if ((type == "CHAT") && (blockchat))
						user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :The user %s is not accepting DCC CHAT requests from you.", user->nick, u->nick);
						u->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :%s (%s@%s) attempted to initiate a DCC CHAT session, which was blocked.", u->nick, user->nick, user->ident, user->dhost);
						u->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :If you trust %s and were expecting this, you can type /DCCALLOW HELP for information on the DCCALLOW system.", u->nick, user->nick);
						return 1;
		return 0;
	void Expire()
		for (userlist::iterator iter = ul.begin(); iter != ul.end(); ++iter)
			User* u = (User*)(*iter);
			if (u->GetExt("dccallow_list", dl))
				if (dl->size())
					dccallowlist::iterator iter2 = dl->begin();
					while (iter2 != dl->end())
						if (iter2->length != 0 && (iter2->set_on + iter2->length) <= ServerInstance->Time())
							u->WriteNumeric(997, "%s %s :DCCALLOW entry for %s has expired", u->nick, u->nick, iter2->nickname.c_str());
							iter2 = dl->erase(iter2);
	void RemoveNick(User* user)
		/* Iterate through all DCCALLOW lists and remove user */
		for (userlist::iterator iter = ul.begin(); iter != ul.end(); ++iter)
			User *u = (User*)(*iter);
			if (u->GetExt("dccallow_list", dl))
				if (dl->size())
					for (dccallowlist::iterator i = dl->begin(); i != dl->end(); ++i)
						if (i->nickname == user->nick)
							u->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :%s left the network or changed their nickname and has been removed from your DCCALLOW list", u->nick, i->nickname.c_str());
							u->WriteNumeric(995, "%s %s :Removed %s from your DCCALLOW list", u->nick, u->nick, i->nickname.c_str());

	void RemoveFromUserlist(User *user)
		// remove user from userlist
		for (userlist::iterator j = ul.begin(); j != ul.end(); ++j)
			User* u = (User*)(*j);
			if (u == user)

	void ReadFileConf()
		for (int i = 0; i < Conf->Enumerate("banfile"); i++)
			BannedFileList bf;
			std::string fileglob = Conf->ReadValue("banfile", "pattern", i);
			std::string action = Conf->ReadValue("banfile", "action", i);
			bf.filemask = fileglob;
			bf.action = action;

	virtual ~ModuleDCCAllow()

	virtual Version GetVersion()
		return Version(1, 2, 0, 0, VF_COMMON | VF_VENDOR, API_VERSION);