/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * Inspire is copyright (C) 2002-2005 ChatSpike-Dev. * E-mail: * * * * Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others. * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ using namespace std; #include #include "users.h" #include "channels.h" #include "modules.h" #include "helperfuncs.h" /* $ModDesc: Gives /cban, aka C:lines. Think Q:lines, for channels. */ extern time_t TIME; class CBan { private: unsigned long expiry; std::string chname; std::string reason; public: CBan(std::string cn, std::string rs, unsigned long ex) { chname = cn; reason = rs; expiry = ex; } std::string GetName() { return this->chname; } std::string GetReason() { return this->reason; } unsigned long GetExpiry() { return this->expiry; } }; /* cbans is declared here, as our type is right above. Don't try move it. */ vector cbans; class cmd_cban : public command_t { private: Server *Srv; public: cmd_cban (Server* Me) : command_t("CBAN", 'o', 1) { this->source = "m_cban.so"; this->Srv = Me; } void Handle(char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user) { /* syntax: CBAN #channel time :reason goes here */ /* 'time' is a human-readable timestring, like 2d3h2s. */ std::string chname; std::string reason; unsigned long expiry; if (pcnt == 1) { /* form: CBAN #channel removes a CBAN */ for (vector::iterator myiter; myiter < cbans.end(); myiter++) { if (parameters[0] == (*myiter).GetName()) { cbans.erase(myiter); break; } } } else if (pcnt >= 2) { /* full form to add a CBAN */ /* XXX - checking on chnames */ chname = parameters[0]; expiry = TIME + Srv->CalcDuration(parameters[1]); reason = parameters[2]; CBan meow(chname, reason, expiry); cbans.push_back(meow); } } }; class ModuleCBan : public Module { cmd_cban* mycommand; Server* Srv; public: ModuleCBan(Server* Me) : Module::Module(Me) { Srv = Me; mycommand = new cmd_cban(Srv); Srv->AddCommand(mycommand); } virtual int OnUserPreJoin(userrec *user, chanrec *chan, const char *cname) { /* check cbans in here, and apply as necessary. */ log(DEBUG,"In OnUserPreJoin cbans.size() == %d",cbans.size()); std::string chname = cname; for (unsigned int a = 0; a < cbans.size(); a++) { log(DEBUG,"m_cban: DEBUG: checking %s against %s in OnPreUserJoin()", chname.c_str(), cbans[a].GetName().c_str()); if (chname == cbans[a].GetName()) { /* matches CBAN */ WriteOpers("DENY join"); return 1; } } log(DEBUG,"DONE checking, allowed"); /* Allow the change. */ return 0; } virtual ~ModuleCBan() { } virtual Version GetVersion() { return Version(1,0,0,0,VF_VENDOR); } }; class ModuleCBanFactory : public ModuleFactory { public: ModuleCBanFactory() { } ~ModuleCBanFactory() { } virtual Module * CreateModule(Server* Me) { return new ModuleCBan(Me); } }; extern "C" void * init_module( void ) { return new ModuleCBanFactory; }