/* * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon * * Copyright (C) 2016 Attila Molnar * * This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /// $LinkerFlags: -lmbedtls /// $PackageInfo: require_system("arch") mbedtls /// $PackageInfo: require_system("darwin") mbedtls /// $PackageInfo: require_system("debian" "9.0") libmbedtls-dev /// $PackageInfo: require_system("ubuntu" "16.04") libmbedtls-dev #include "inspircd.h" #include "modules/ssl.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef INSPIRCD_MBEDTLS_LIBRARY_DEBUG #include #endif namespace mbedTLS { class Exception : public ModuleException { public: Exception(const std::string& reason) : ModuleException(reason) { } }; std::string ErrorToString(int errcode) { char buf[256]; mbedtls_strerror(errcode, buf, sizeof(buf)); return buf; } void ThrowOnError(int errcode, const char* msg) { if (errcode != 0) { std::string reason = msg; reason.append(" :").append(ErrorToString(errcode)); throw Exception(reason); } } template class RAIIObj { T obj; public: RAIIObj() { init(&obj); } ~RAIIObj() { deinit(&obj); } T* get() { return &obj; } const T* get() const { return &obj; } }; typedef RAIIObj Entropy; class CTRDRBG : private RAIIObj { public: bool Seed(Entropy& entropy) { return (mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed(get(), mbedtls_entropy_func, entropy.get(), NULL, 0) == 0); } void SetupConf(mbedtls_ssl_config* conf) { mbedtls_ssl_conf_rng(conf, mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random, get()); } }; class DHParams : public RAIIObj { public: void set(const std::string& dhstr) { // Last parameter is buffer size, must include the terminating null int ret = mbedtls_dhm_parse_dhm(get(), reinterpret_cast(dhstr.c_str()), dhstr.size()+1); ThrowOnError(ret, "Unable to import DH params"); } }; class X509Key : public RAIIObj { public: /** Import */ X509Key(const std::string& keystr) { int ret = mbedtls_pk_parse_key(get(), reinterpret_cast(keystr.c_str()), keystr.size()+1, NULL, 0); ThrowOnError(ret, "Unable to import private key"); } }; class Ciphersuites { std::vector list; public: Ciphersuites(const std::string& str) { // mbedTLS uses the ciphersuite format "TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256" internally. // This is a bit verbose, so we make life a bit simpler for admins by not requiring them to supply the static parts. irc::sepstream ss(str, ':'); for (std::string token; ss.GetToken(token); ) { // Prepend "TLS-" if not there if (token.compare(0, 4, "TLS-", 4)) token.insert(0, "TLS-"); const int id = mbedtls_ssl_get_ciphersuite_id(token.c_str()); if (!id) throw Exception("Unknown ciphersuite " + token); list.push_back(id); } list.push_back(0); } const int* get() const { return &list.front(); } bool empty() const { return (list.size() <= 1); } }; class Curves { std::vector list; public: Curves(const std::string& str) { irc::sepstream ss(str, ':'); for (std::string token; ss.GetToken(token); ) { const mbedtls_ecp_curve_info* curve = mbedtls_ecp_curve_info_from_name(token.c_str()); if (!curve) throw Exception("Unknown curve " + token); list.push_back(curve->grp_id); } list.push_back(MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_NONE); } const mbedtls_ecp_group_id* get() const { return &list.front(); } bool empty() const { return (list.size() <= 1); } }; class X509CertList : public RAIIObj { public: /** Import or create empty */ X509CertList(const std::string& certstr, bool allowempty = false) { if ((allowempty) && (certstr.empty())) return; int ret = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(get(), reinterpret_cast(certstr.c_str()), certstr.size()+1); ThrowOnError(ret, "Unable to load certificates"); } bool empty() const { return (get()->raw.p != NULL); } }; class X509CRL : public RAIIObj { public: X509CRL(const std::string& crlstr) { if (crlstr.empty()) return; int ret = mbedtls_x509_crl_parse(get(), reinterpret_cast(crlstr.c_str()), crlstr.size()+1); ThrowOnError(ret, "Unable to load CRL"); } }; class X509Credentials { /** Private key */ X509Key key; /** Certificate list, presented to the peer */ X509CertList certs; public: X509Credentials(const std::string& certstr, const std::string& keystr) : key(keystr) , certs(certstr) { // Verify that one of the certs match the private key bool found = false; for (mbedtls_x509_crt* cert = certs.get(); cert; cert = cert->next) { if (mbedtls_pk_check_pair(&cert->pk, key.get()) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) throw Exception("Public/private key pair does not match"); } mbedtls_pk_context* getkey() { return key.get(); } mbedtls_x509_crt* getcerts() { return certs.get(); } }; class Context { mbedtls_ssl_config conf; #ifdef INSPIRCD_MBEDTLS_LIBRARY_DEBUG static void DebugLogFunc(void* userptr, int level, const char* file, int line, const char* msg) { // Remove trailing \n size_t len = strlen(msg); if ((len > 0) && (msg[len-1] == '\n')) len--; ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "%s:%d %.*s", file, line, len, msg); } #endif public: Context(CTRDRBG& ctrdrbg, unsigned int endpoint) { mbedtls_ssl_config_init(&conf); #ifdef INSPIRCD_MBEDTLS_LIBRARY_DEBUG mbedtls_debug_set_threshold(INT_MAX); mbedtls_ssl_conf_dbg(&conf, DebugLogFunc, NULL); #endif // TODO: check ret of mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults(&conf, endpoint, MBEDTLS_SSL_TRANSPORT_STREAM, MBEDTLS_SSL_PRESET_DEFAULT); ctrdrbg.SetupConf(&conf); } ~Context() { mbedtls_ssl_config_free(&conf); } void SetMinDHBits(unsigned int mindh) { mbedtls_ssl_conf_dhm_min_bitlen(&conf, mindh); } void SetDHParams(DHParams& dh) { mbedtls_ssl_conf_dh_param_ctx(&conf, dh.get()); } void SetX509CertAndKey(X509Credentials& x509cred) { mbedtls_ssl_conf_own_cert(&conf, x509cred.getcerts(), x509cred.getkey()); } void SetCiphersuites(const Ciphersuites& ciphersuites) { mbedtls_ssl_conf_ciphersuites(&conf, ciphersuites.get()); } void SetCurves(const Curves& curves) { mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves(&conf, curves.get()); } void SetVersion(int minver, int maxver) { // SSL v3 support cannot be enabled if (minver) mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version(&conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3, minver); if (maxver) mbedtls_ssl_conf_max_version(&conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3, maxver); } void SetCA(X509CertList& certs, X509CRL& crl) { mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain(&conf, certs.get(), crl.get()); } void SetOptionalVerifyCert() { mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode(&conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_OPTIONAL); } const mbedtls_ssl_config* GetConf() const { return &conf; } }; class Hash { const mbedtls_md_info_t* md; /** Buffer where cert hashes are written temporarily */ mutable std::vector buf; public: Hash(std::string hashstr) { std::transform(hashstr.begin(), hashstr.end(), hashstr.begin(), ::toupper); md = mbedtls_md_info_from_string(hashstr.c_str()); if (!md) throw Exception("Unknown hash: " + hashstr); buf.resize(mbedtls_md_get_size(md)); } std::string hash(const unsigned char* input, size_t length) const { mbedtls_md(md, input, length, &buf.front()); return BinToHex(&buf.front(), buf.size()); } }; class Profile { /** Name of this profile */ const std::string name; X509Credentials x509cred; /** Ciphersuites to use */ Ciphersuites ciphersuites; /** Curves accepted for use in ECDHE and in the peer's end-entity certificate */ Curves curves; Context serverctx; Context clientctx; DHParams dhparams; X509CertList cacerts; X509CRL crl; /** Hashing algorithm to use when generating certificate fingerprints */ Hash hash; /** Rough max size of records to send */ const unsigned int outrecsize; public: struct Config { const std::string name; CTRDRBG& ctrdrbg; const std::string certstr; const std::string keystr; const std::string dhstr; const std::string ciphersuitestr; const std::string curvestr; const unsigned int mindh; const std::string hashstr; std::string crlstr; std::string castr; const int minver; const int maxver; const unsigned int outrecsize; const bool requestclientcert; Config(const std::string& profilename, ConfigTag* tag, CTRDRBG& ctr_drbg) : name(profilename) , ctrdrbg(ctr_drbg) , certstr(ReadFile(tag->getString("certfile", "cert.pem"))) , keystr(ReadFile(tag->getString("keyfile", "key.pem"))) , dhstr(ReadFile(tag->getString("dhfile", "dhparams.pem"))) , ciphersuitestr(tag->getString("ciphersuites")) , curvestr(tag->getString("curves")) , mindh(tag->getUInt("mindhbits", 2048)) , hashstr(tag->getString("hash", "sha256")) , castr(tag->getString("cafile")) , minver(tag->getUInt("minver", 0)) , maxver(tag->getUInt("maxver", 0)) , outrecsize(tag->getUInt("outrecsize", 2048, 512, 16384)) , requestclientcert(tag->getBool("requestclientcert", true)) { if (!castr.empty()) { castr = ReadFile(castr); crlstr = tag->getString("crlfile"); if (!crlstr.empty()) crlstr = ReadFile(crlstr); } } }; Profile(Config& config) : name(config.name) , x509cred(config.certstr, config.keystr) , ciphersuites(config.ciphersuitestr) , curves(config.curvestr) , serverctx(config.ctrdrbg, MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_SERVER) , clientctx(config.ctrdrbg, MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_CLIENT) , cacerts(config.castr, true) , crl(config.crlstr) , hash(config.hashstr) , outrecsize(config.outrecsize) { serverctx.SetX509CertAndKey(x509cred); clientctx.SetX509CertAndKey(x509cred); clientctx.SetMinDHBits(config.mindh); if (!ciphersuites.empty()) { serverctx.SetCiphersuites(ciphersuites); clientctx.SetCiphersuites(ciphersuites); } if (!curves.empty()) { serverctx.SetCurves(curves); clientctx.SetCurves(curves); } serverctx.SetVersion(config.minver, config.maxver); clientctx.SetVersion(config.minver, config.maxver); if (!config.dhstr.empty()) { dhparams.set(config.dhstr); serverctx.SetDHParams(dhparams); } clientctx.SetOptionalVerifyCert(); clientctx.SetCA(cacerts, crl); // The default for servers is to not request a client certificate from the peer if (config.requestclientcert) { serverctx.SetOptionalVerifyCert(); serverctx.SetCA(cacerts, crl); } } static std::string ReadFile(const std::string& filename) { FileReader reader(filename); std::string ret = reader.GetString(); if (ret.empty()) throw Exception("Cannot read file " + filename); return ret; } /** Set up the given session with the settings in this profile */ void SetupClientSession(mbedtls_ssl_context* sess) { mbedtls_ssl_setup(sess, clientctx.GetConf()); } void SetupServerSession(mbedtls_ssl_context* sess) { mbedtls_ssl_setup(sess, serverctx.GetConf()); } const std::string& GetName() const { return name; } X509Credentials& GetX509Credentials() { return x509cred; } unsigned int GetOutgoingRecordSize() const { return outrecsize; } const Hash& GetHash() const { return hash; } }; } class mbedTLSIOHook : public SSLIOHook { enum Status { ISSL_NONE, ISSL_HANDSHAKING, ISSL_HANDSHAKEN }; mbedtls_ssl_context sess; Status status; void CloseSession() { if (status == ISSL_NONE) return; mbedtls_ssl_close_notify(&sess); mbedtls_ssl_free(&sess); certificate = NULL; status = ISSL_NONE; } // Returns 1 if handshake succeeded, 0 if it is still in progress, -1 if it failed int Handshake(StreamSocket* sock) { int ret = mbedtls_ssl_handshake(&sess); if (ret == 0) { // Change the seesion state this->status = ISSL_HANDSHAKEN; VerifyCertificate(); // Finish writing, if any left SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WANT_POLL_READ | FD_WANT_NO_WRITE | FD_ADD_TRIAL_WRITE); return 1; } this->status = ISSL_HANDSHAKING; if (ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WANT_POLL_READ | FD_WANT_NO_WRITE); return 0; } else if (ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WANT_NO_READ | FD_WANT_SINGLE_WRITE); return 0; } sock->SetError("Handshake Failed - " + mbedTLS::ErrorToString(ret)); CloseSession(); return -1; } // Returns 1 if application I/O should proceed, 0 if it must wait for the underlying protocol to progress, -1 on fatal error int PrepareIO(StreamSocket* sock) { if (status == ISSL_HANDSHAKEN) return 1; else if (status == ISSL_HANDSHAKING) { // The handshake isn't finished, try to finish it return Handshake(sock); } CloseSession(); sock->SetError("No SSL session"); return -1; } void VerifyCertificate() { this->certificate = new ssl_cert; const mbedtls_x509_crt* const cert = mbedtls_ssl_get_peer_cert(&sess); if (!cert) { certificate->error = "No client certificate sent"; return; } // If there is a certificate we can always generate a fingerprint certificate->fingerprint = GetProfile().GetHash().hash(cert->raw.p, cert->raw.len); // At this point mbedTLS verified the cert already, we just need to check the results const uint32_t flags = mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result(&sess); if (flags == 0xFFFFFFFF) { certificate->error = "Internal error during verification"; return; } if (flags == 0) { // Verification succeeded certificate->trusted = true; } else { // Verification failed certificate->trusted = false; if ((flags & MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_EXPIRED) || (flags & MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_FUTURE)) certificate->error = "Not activated, or expired certificate"; } certificate->unknownsigner = (flags & MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_NOT_TRUSTED); certificate->revoked = (flags & MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_REVOKED); certificate->invalid = ((flags & MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_BAD_KEY) || (flags & MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_BAD_MD) || (flags & MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_BAD_PK)); GetDNString(&cert->subject, certificate->dn); GetDNString(&cert->issuer, certificate->issuer); } static void GetDNString(const mbedtls_x509_name* x509name, std::string& out) { char buf[512]; const int ret = mbedtls_x509_dn_gets(buf, sizeof(buf), x509name); if (ret <= 0) return; out.assign(buf, ret); } static int Pull(void* userptr, unsigned char* buffer, size_t size) { StreamSocket* const sock = reinterpret_cast(userptr); if (sock->GetEventMask() & FD_READ_WILL_BLOCK) return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ; const int ret = SocketEngine::Recv(sock, reinterpret_cast(buffer), size, 0); if (ret < (int)size) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_READ_WILL_BLOCK); if ((ret == -1) && (SocketEngine::IgnoreError())) return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ; } return ret; } static int Push(void* userptr, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t size) { StreamSocket* const sock = reinterpret_cast(userptr); if (sock->GetEventMask() & FD_WRITE_WILL_BLOCK) return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE; const int ret = SocketEngine::Send(sock, buffer, size, 0); if (ret < (int)size) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WRITE_WILL_BLOCK); if ((ret == -1) && (SocketEngine::IgnoreError())) return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE; } return ret; } public: mbedTLSIOHook(IOHookProvider* hookprov, StreamSocket* sock, bool isserver) : SSLIOHook(hookprov) , status(ISSL_NONE) { mbedtls_ssl_init(&sess); if (isserver) GetProfile().SetupServerSession(&sess); else GetProfile().SetupClientSession(&sess); mbedtls_ssl_set_bio(&sess, reinterpret_cast(sock), Push, Pull, NULL); sock->AddIOHook(this); Handshake(sock); } void OnStreamSocketClose(StreamSocket* sock) CXX11_OVERRIDE { CloseSession(); } int OnStreamSocketRead(StreamSocket* sock, std::string& recvq) CXX11_OVERRIDE { // Finish handshake if needed int prepret = PrepareIO(sock); if (prepret <= 0) return prepret; // If we resumed the handshake then this->status will be ISSL_HANDSHAKEN. char* const readbuf = ServerInstance->GetReadBuffer(); const size_t readbufsize = ServerInstance->Config->NetBufferSize; int ret = mbedtls_ssl_read(&sess, reinterpret_cast(readbuf), readbufsize); if (ret > 0) { recvq.append(readbuf, ret); // Schedule a read if there is still data in the mbedTLS buffer if (mbedtls_ssl_get_bytes_avail(&sess) > 0) SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_ADD_TRIAL_READ); return 1; } else if (ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WANT_POLL_READ); return 0; } else if (ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WANT_NO_READ | FD_WANT_SINGLE_WRITE); return 0; } else if (ret == 0) { sock->SetError("Connection closed"); CloseSession(); return -1; } else // error or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CLIENT_RECONNECT which we treat as an error { sock->SetError(mbedTLS::ErrorToString(ret)); CloseSession(); return -1; } } int OnStreamSocketWrite(StreamSocket* sock, StreamSocket::SendQueue& sendq) CXX11_OVERRIDE { // Finish handshake if needed int prepret = PrepareIO(sock); if (prepret <= 0) return prepret; // Session is ready for transferring application data while (!sendq.empty()) { FlattenSendQueue(sendq, GetProfile().GetOutgoingRecordSize()); const StreamSocket::SendQueue::Element& buffer = sendq.front(); int ret = mbedtls_ssl_write(&sess, reinterpret_cast(buffer.data()), buffer.length()); if (ret == (int)buffer.length()) { // Wrote entire record, continue sending sendq.pop_front(); } else if (ret > 0) { sendq.erase_front(ret); SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WANT_SINGLE_WRITE); return 0; } else if (ret == 0) { sock->SetError("Connection closed"); CloseSession(); return -1; } else if (ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WANT_SINGLE_WRITE); return 0; } else if (ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ) { SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WANT_POLL_READ); return 0; } else { sock->SetError(mbedTLS::ErrorToString(ret)); CloseSession(); return -1; } } SocketEngine::ChangeEventMask(sock, FD_WANT_NO_WRITE); return 1; } void GetCiphersuite(std::string& out) const CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (!IsHandshakeDone()) return; out.append(mbedtls_ssl_get_version(&sess)).push_back('-'); // All mbedTLS ciphersuite names currently begin with "TLS-" which provides no useful information so skip it, but be prepared if it changes const char* const ciphersuitestr = mbedtls_ssl_get_ciphersuite(&sess); const char prefix[] = "TLS-"; unsigned int skip = sizeof(prefix)-1; if (strncmp(ciphersuitestr, prefix, sizeof(prefix)-1)) skip = 0; out.append(ciphersuitestr + skip); } bool GetServerName(std::string& out) const CXX11_OVERRIDE { // TODO: Implement SNI support. return false; } mbedTLS::Profile& GetProfile(); bool IsHandshakeDone() const { return (status == ISSL_HANDSHAKEN); } }; class mbedTLSIOHookProvider : public IOHookProvider { mbedTLS::Profile profile; public: mbedTLSIOHookProvider(Module* mod, mbedTLS::Profile::Config& config) : IOHookProvider(mod, "ssl/" + config.name, IOHookProvider::IOH_SSL) , profile(config) { ServerInstance->Modules->AddService(*this); } ~mbedTLSIOHookProvider() { ServerInstance->Modules->DelService(*this); } void OnAccept(StreamSocket* sock, irc::sockets::sockaddrs* client, irc::sockets::sockaddrs* server) CXX11_OVERRIDE { new mbedTLSIOHook(this, sock, true); } void OnConnect(StreamSocket* sock) CXX11_OVERRIDE { new mbedTLSIOHook(this, sock, false); } mbedTLS::Profile& GetProfile() { return profile; } }; mbedTLS::Profile& mbedTLSIOHook::GetProfile() { IOHookProvider* hookprov = prov; return static_cast(hookprov)->GetProfile(); } class ModuleSSLmbedTLS : public Module { typedef std::vector > ProfileList; mbedTLS::Entropy entropy; mbedTLS::CTRDRBG ctr_drbg; ProfileList profiles; void ReadProfiles() { // First, store all profiles in a new, temporary container. If no problems occur, swap the two // containers; this way if something goes wrong we can go back and continue using the current profiles, // avoiding unpleasant situations where no new SSL connections are possible. ProfileList newprofiles; ConfigTagList tags = ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("sslprofile"); if (tags.first == tags.second) { // No tags found, create a profile named "mbedtls" from settings in the block const std::string defname = "mbedtls"; ConfigTag* tag = ServerInstance->Config->ConfValue(defname); ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "No tags found; using settings from the tag"); try { mbedTLS::Profile::Config profileconfig(defname, tag, ctr_drbg); newprofiles.push_back(new mbedTLSIOHookProvider(this, profileconfig)); } catch (CoreException& ex) { throw ModuleException("Error while initializing the default SSL profile - " + ex.GetReason()); } } for (ConfigIter i = tags.first; i != tags.second; ++i) { ConfigTag* tag = i->second; if (!stdalgo::string::equalsci(tag->getString("provider"), "mbedtls")) continue; std::string name = tag->getString("name"); if (name.empty()) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Ignoring tag without name at " + tag->getTagLocation()); continue; } reference prov; try { mbedTLS::Profile::Config profileconfig(name, tag, ctr_drbg); prov = new mbedTLSIOHookProvider(this, profileconfig); } catch (CoreException& ex) { throw ModuleException("Error while initializing SSL profile \"" + name + "\" at " + tag->getTagLocation() + " - " + ex.GetReason()); } newprofiles.push_back(prov); } // New profiles are ok, begin using them // Old profiles are deleted when their refcount drops to zero for (ProfileList::iterator i = profiles.begin(); i != profiles.end(); ++i) { mbedTLSIOHookProvider& prov = **i; ServerInstance->Modules.DelService(prov); } profiles.swap(newprofiles); } public: void init() CXX11_OVERRIDE { char verbuf[16]; // Should be at least 9 bytes in size mbedtls_version_get_string(verbuf); ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "mbedTLS lib version %s module was compiled for " MBEDTLS_VERSION_STRING, verbuf); if (!ctr_drbg.Seed(entropy)) throw ModuleException("CTR DRBG seed failed"); ReadProfiles(); } void OnModuleRehash(User* user, const std::string ¶m) CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (!irc::equals(param, "ssl")) return; try { ReadProfiles(); ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('a', "SSL module %s rehashed.", MODNAME); } catch (ModuleException& ex) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, ex.GetReason() + " Not applying settings."); } } void OnCleanup(ExtensionItem::ExtensibleType type, Extensible* item) CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (type != ExtensionItem::EXT_USER) return; LocalUser* user = IS_LOCAL(static_cast(item)); if ((user) && (user->eh.GetModHook(this))) { // User is using SSL, they're a local user, and they're using our IOHook. // Potentially there could be multiple SSL modules loaded at once on different ports. ServerInstance->Users.QuitUser(user, "SSL module unloading"); } } ModResult OnCheckReady(LocalUser* user) CXX11_OVERRIDE { const mbedTLSIOHook* const iohook = static_cast(user->eh.GetModHook(this)); if ((iohook) && (!iohook->IsHandshakeDone())) return MOD_RES_DENY; return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; } Version GetVersion() CXX11_OVERRIDE { return Version("Provides SSL support via mbedTLS (PolarSSL)", VF_VENDOR); } }; MODULE_INIT(ModuleSSLmbedTLS)