/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2008 InspIRCd Development Team * See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits * * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ #include "inspircd.h" #include #include "users.h" #include "channels.h" #include "modules.h" #include "m_sqlv2.h" /* $ModDesc: sqlite3 provider */ /* $CompileFlags: pkgconfversion("sqlite3","3.3") pkgconfincludes("sqlite3","/sqlite3.h","") */ /* $LinkerFlags: pkgconflibs("sqlite3","/libsqlite3.so","-lsqlite3") */ /* $ModDep: m_sqlv2.h */ /* $NoPedantic */ class SQLConn; class SQLite3Result; class ResultNotifier; class SQLiteListener; class ModuleSQLite3; typedef std::map ConnMap; typedef std::deque paramlist; typedef std::deque ResultQueue; ResultNotifier* notifier = NULL; SQLiteListener* listener = NULL; int QueueFD = -1; class ResultNotifier : public BufferedSocket { ModuleSQLite3* mod; public: ResultNotifier(ModuleSQLite3* m, InspIRCd* SI, int newfd, char* ip) : BufferedSocket(SI, newfd, ip), mod(m) { } virtual bool OnDataReady() { char data = 0; if (ServerInstance->SE->Recv(this, &data, 1, 0) > 0) { Dispatch(); return true; } return false; } void Dispatch(); }; class SQLiteListener : public ListenSocketBase { ModuleSQLite3* Parent; irc::sockets::insp_sockaddr sock_us; socklen_t uslen; FileReader* index; public: SQLiteListener(ModuleSQLite3* P, InspIRCd* Instance, int port, const std::string &addr) : ListenSocketBase(Instance, port, addr), Parent(P) { uslen = sizeof(sock_us); if (getsockname(this->fd,(sockaddr*)&sock_us,&uslen)) { throw ModuleException("Could not getsockname() to find out port number for ITC port"); } } virtual void OnAcceptReady(const std::string &ipconnectedto, int nfd, const std::string &incomingip) { new ResultNotifier(this->Parent, this->ServerInstance, nfd, (char *)ipconnectedto.c_str()); // XXX unsafe casts suck } /* Using getsockname and ntohs, we can determine which port number we were allocated */ int GetPort() { #ifdef IPV6 return ntohs(sock_us.sin6_port); #else return ntohs(sock_us.sin_port); #endif } }; class SQLite3Result : public SQLresult { private: int currentrow; int rows; int cols; std::vector colnames; std::vector fieldlists; SQLfieldList emptyfieldlist; SQLfieldList* fieldlist; SQLfieldMap* fieldmap; public: SQLite3Result(Module* self, Module* to, unsigned int rid) : SQLresult(self, to, rid), currentrow(0), rows(0), cols(0), fieldlist(NULL), fieldmap(NULL) { } ~SQLite3Result() { } void AddRow(int colsnum, char **dat, char **colname) { colnames.clear(); cols = colsnum; for (int i = 0; i < colsnum; i++) { fieldlists.resize(fieldlists.size()+1); colnames.push_back(colname[i]); SQLfield sf(dat[i] ? dat[i] : "", dat[i] ? false : true); fieldlists[rows].push_back(sf); } rows++; } void UpdateAffectedCount() { rows++; } virtual int Rows() { return rows; } virtual int Cols() { return cols; } virtual std::string ColName(int column) { if (column < (int)colnames.size()) { return colnames[column]; } else { throw SQLbadColName(); } return ""; } virtual int ColNum(const std::string &column) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < colnames.size(); i++) { if (column == colnames[i]) return i; } throw SQLbadColName(); return 0; } virtual SQLfield GetValue(int row, int column) { if ((row >= 0) && (row < rows) && (column >= 0) && (column < Cols())) { return fieldlists[row][column]; } throw SQLbadColName(); /* XXX: We never actually get here because of the throw */ return SQLfield("",true); } virtual SQLfieldList& GetRow() { if (currentrow < rows) return fieldlists[currentrow]; else return emptyfieldlist; } virtual SQLfieldMap& GetRowMap() { /* In an effort to reduce overhead we don't actually allocate the map * until the first time it's needed...so... */ if(fieldmap) { fieldmap->clear(); } else { fieldmap = new SQLfieldMap; } if (currentrow < rows) { for (int i = 0; i < Cols(); i++) { fieldmap->insert(std::make_pair(ColName(i), GetValue(currentrow, i))); } currentrow++; } return *fieldmap; } virtual SQLfieldList* GetRowPtr() { fieldlist = new SQLfieldList(); if (currentrow < rows) { for (int i = 0; i < Rows(); i++) { fieldlist->push_back(fieldlists[currentrow][i]); } currentrow++; } return fieldlist; } virtual SQLfieldMap* GetRowMapPtr() { fieldmap = new SQLfieldMap(); if (currentrow < rows) { for (int i = 0; i < Cols(); i++) { fieldmap->insert(std::make_pair(colnames[i],GetValue(currentrow, i))); } currentrow++; } return fieldmap; } virtual void Free(SQLfieldMap* fm) { delete fm; } virtual void Free(SQLfieldList* fl) { delete fl; } }; class SQLConn : public classbase { private: ResultQueue results; InspIRCd* ServerInstance; Module* mod; SQLhost host; sqlite3* conn; public: SQLConn(InspIRCd* SI, Module* m, const SQLhost& hi) : ServerInstance(SI), mod(m), host(hi) { if (OpenDB() != SQLITE_OK) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_sqlite3",DEFAULT, "WARNING: Could not open DB with id: " + host.id); CloseDB(); } } ~SQLConn() { CloseDB(); } SQLerror Query(SQLrequest &req) { /* Pointer to the buffer we screw around with substitution in */ char* query; /* Pointer to the current end of query, where we append new stuff */ char* queryend; /* Total length of the unescaped parameters */ unsigned long paramlen; /* Total length of query, used for binary-safety */ unsigned long querylength = 0; paramlen = 0; for(ParamL::iterator i = req.query.p.begin(); i != req.query.p.end(); i++) { paramlen += i->size(); } /* To avoid a lot of allocations, allocate enough memory for the biggest the escaped query could possibly be. * sizeofquery + (totalparamlength*2) + 1 * * The +1 is for null-terminating the string */ query = new char[req.query.q.length() + (paramlen*2) + 1]; queryend = query; for(unsigned long i = 0; i < req.query.q.length(); i++) { if(req.query.q[i] == '?') { if(req.query.p.size()) { char* escaped; escaped = sqlite3_mprintf("%q", req.query.p.front().c_str()); for (char* n = escaped; *n; n++) { *queryend = *n; queryend++; } sqlite3_free(escaped); req.query.p.pop_front(); } else break; } else { *queryend = req.query.q[i]; queryend++; } querylength++; } *queryend = 0; req.query.q = query; SQLite3Result* res = new SQLite3Result(mod, req.GetSource(), req.id); res->dbid = host.id; res->query = req.query.q; paramlist params; params.push_back(this); params.push_back(res); char *errmsg = 0; sqlite3_update_hook(conn, QueryUpdateHook, ¶ms); if (sqlite3_exec(conn, req.query.q.data(), QueryResult, ¶ms, &errmsg) != SQLITE_OK) { std::string error(errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); delete[] query; delete res; return SQLerror(SQL_QSEND_FAIL, error); } delete[] query; results.push_back(res); SendNotify(); return SQLerror(); } static int QueryResult(void *params, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName) { paramlist* p = (paramlist*)params; ((SQLConn*)(*p)[0])->ResultReady(((SQLite3Result*)(*p)[1]), argc, argv, azColName); return 0; } static void QueryUpdateHook(void *params, int eventid, char const * azSQLite, char const * azColName, sqlite_int64 rowid) { paramlist* p = (paramlist*)params; ((SQLConn*)(*p)[0])->AffectedReady(((SQLite3Result*)(*p)[1])); } void ResultReady(SQLite3Result *res, int cols, char **data, char **colnames) { res->AddRow(cols, data, colnames); } void AffectedReady(SQLite3Result *res) { res->UpdateAffectedCount(); } int OpenDB() { return sqlite3_open(host.host.c_str(), &conn); } void CloseDB() { sqlite3_interrupt(conn); sqlite3_close(conn); } SQLhost GetConfHost() { return host; } void SendResults() { while (results.size()) { SQLite3Result* res = results[0]; if (res->GetDest()) { res->Send(); } else { /* If the client module is unloaded partway through a query then the provider will set * the pointer to NULL. We cannot just cancel the query as the result will still come * through at some point...and it could get messy if we play with invalid pointers... */ delete res; } results.pop_front(); } } void ClearResults() { while (results.size()) { SQLite3Result* res = results[0]; delete res; results.pop_front(); } } void SendNotify() { if (QueueFD < 0) { if ((QueueFD = socket(AF_FAMILY, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { /* crap, we're out of sockets... */ return; } irc::sockets::insp_sockaddr addr; #ifdef IPV6 irc::sockets::insp_aton("::1", &addr.sin6_addr); addr.sin6_family = AF_FAMILY; addr.sin6_port = htons(listener->GetPort()); #else irc::sockets::insp_inaddr ia; irc::sockets::insp_aton("", &ia); addr.sin_family = AF_FAMILY; addr.sin_addr = ia; addr.sin_port = htons(listener->GetPort()); #endif if (connect(QueueFD, (sockaddr*)&addr,sizeof(addr)) == -1) { /* wtf, we cant connect to it, but we just created it! */ return; } } char id = 0; send(QueueFD, &id, 1, 0); } }; class ModuleSQLite3 : public Module { private: ConnMap connections; unsigned long currid; public: ModuleSQLite3(InspIRCd* Me) : Module(Me), currid(0) { ServerInstance->Modules->UseInterface("SQLutils"); if (!ServerInstance->Modules->PublishFeature("SQL", this)) { throw ModuleException("m_sqlite3: Unable to publish feature 'SQL'"); } /* Create a socket on a random port. Let the tcp stack allocate us an available port */ #ifdef IPV6 listener = new SQLiteListener(this, ServerInstance, 0, "::1"); #else listener = new SQLiteListener(this, ServerInstance, 0, ""); #endif if (listener->GetFd() == -1) { ServerInstance->Modules->DoneWithInterface("SQLutils"); throw ModuleException("m_sqlite3: unable to create ITC pipe"); } else { ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_sqlite3", DEBUG, "SQLite: Interthread comms port is %d", listener->GetPort()); } ReadConf(); ServerInstance->Modules->PublishInterface("SQL", this); Implementation eventlist[] = { I_OnRequest, I_OnRehash }; ServerInstance->Modules->Attach(eventlist, this, 2); } virtual ~ModuleSQLite3() { ClearQueue(); ClearAllConnections(); ServerInstance->SE->DelFd(listener); ServerInstance->BufferedSocketCull(); if (QueueFD >= 0) { shutdown(QueueFD, 2); close(QueueFD); } if (notifier) { ServerInstance->SE->DelFd(notifier); notifier->Close(); ServerInstance->BufferedSocketCull(); } ServerInstance->Modules->UnpublishInterface("SQL", this); ServerInstance->Modules->UnpublishFeature("SQL"); ServerInstance->Modules->DoneWithInterface("SQLutils"); } void SendQueue() { for (ConnMap::iterator iter = connections.begin(); iter != connections.end(); iter++) { iter->second->SendResults(); } } void ClearQueue() { for (ConnMap::iterator iter = connections.begin(); iter != connections.end(); iter++) { iter->second->ClearResults(); } } bool HasHost(const SQLhost &host) { for (ConnMap::iterator iter = connections.begin(); iter != connections.end(); iter++) { if (host == iter->second->GetConfHost()) return true; } return false; } bool HostInConf(const SQLhost &h) { ConfigReader conf(ServerInstance); for(int i = 0; i < conf.Enumerate("database"); i++) { SQLhost host; host.id = conf.ReadValue("database", "id", i); host.host = conf.ReadValue("database", "hostname", i); host.port = conf.ReadInteger("database", "port", i, true); host.name = conf.ReadValue("database", "name", i); host.user = conf.ReadValue("database", "username", i); host.pass = conf.ReadValue("database", "password", i); if (h == host) return true; } return false; } void ReadConf() { ClearOldConnections(); ConfigReader conf(ServerInstance); for(int i = 0; i < conf.Enumerate("database"); i++) { SQLhost host; host.id = conf.ReadValue("database", "id", i); host.host = conf.ReadValue("database", "hostname", i); host.port = conf.ReadInteger("database", "port", i, true); host.name = conf.ReadValue("database", "name", i); host.user = conf.ReadValue("database", "username", i); host.pass = conf.ReadValue("database", "password", i); if (HasHost(host)) continue; this->AddConn(host); } } void AddConn(const SQLhost& hi) { if (HasHost(hi)) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_sqlite3",DEFAULT, "WARNING: A sqlite connection with id: %s already exists. Aborting database open attempt.", hi.id.c_str()); return; } SQLConn* newconn; newconn = new SQLConn(ServerInstance, this, hi); connections.insert(std::make_pair(hi.id, newconn)); } void ClearOldConnections() { ConnMap::iterator iter,safei; for (iter = connections.begin(); iter != connections.end(); iter++) { if (!HostInConf(iter->second->GetConfHost())) { delete iter->second; safei = iter; --iter; connections.erase(safei); } } } void ClearAllConnections() { ConnMap::iterator i; while ((i = connections.begin()) != connections.end()) { connections.erase(i); delete i->second; } } virtual void OnRehash(User* user, const std::string ¶meter) { ReadConf(); } virtual const char* OnRequest(Request* request) { if(strcmp(SQLREQID, request->GetId()) == 0) { SQLrequest* req = (SQLrequest*)request; ConnMap::iterator iter; if((iter = connections.find(req->dbid)) != connections.end()) { req->id = NewID(); req->error = iter->second->Query(*req); return SQLSUCCESS; } else { req->error.Id(SQL_BAD_DBID); return NULL; } } return NULL; } unsigned long NewID() { if (currid+1 == 0) currid++; return ++currid; } virtual Version GetVersion() { return Version("$Id$", VF_VENDOR | VF_SERVICEPROVIDER, API_VERSION); } }; void ResultNotifier::Dispatch() { mod->SendQueue(); } MODULE_INIT(ModuleSQLite3)