/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * Inspire is copyright (C) 2002-2004 ChatSpike-Dev. * E-mail: * * * * Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others. * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include "users.h" #include "channels.h" #include "modules.h" /* $ModDesc: m_filter with regexps */ /* $CompileFlags: -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -L/usr/local/lib/mysql -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient */ /** SQLConnection represents one mysql session. * Each session has its own persistent connection to the database. */ class SQLConnection { protected: MYSQL connection; MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; std::string host; std::string user; std::string pass; std::string db; std::map thisrow; bool Enabled; long id; public: // This constructor creates an SQLConnection object with the given credentials, and creates the underlying // MYSQL struct, but does not connect yet. SQLConnection(std::string thishost, std::string thisuser, std::string thispass, std::string thisdb, long myid) { this->Enabled = true; this->host = thishost; this->user = thisuser; this->pass = thispass; this->db = thisdb; this->id = myid; mysql_init(&connection); } // This method connects to the database using the credentials supplied to the constructor, and returns // true upon success. bool Connect() { return mysql_real_connect(&connection, host.c_str(), user.c_str(), pass.c_str(), db.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0); } // This method issues a query that expects multiple rows of results. Use GetRow() and QueryDone() to retrieve // multiple rows. bool QueryResult(std::string query) { char escaped_query[query.length()+1]; mysql_real_escape_string(&connection, escaped_query, query.c_str(), query.length()); int r = mysql_query(&connection, escaped_query); if (!r) { res = mysql_use_result(&connection); } return (!r); } // This method issues a query that just expects a number of 'effected' rows (e.g. UPDATE or DELETE FROM). // the number of effected rows is returned in the return value. unsigned long QueryCount(std::string query) { char escaped_query[query.length()+1]; mysql_real_escape_string(&connection, escaped_query, query.c_str(), query.length()); int r = mysql_query(&connection, escaped_query); if (!r) { res = mysql_store_result(&connection); unsigned long rows = mysql_affected_rows(&connection); mysql_free_result(res); return rows; } return 0; } // This method fetches a row, if available from the database. You must issue a query // using QueryResult() first! The row's values are returned as a map of std::string // where each item is keyed by the column name. std::map GetRow() { thisrow.clear(); if (res) { row = mysql_fetch_row(res); if (row) { unsigned int field_count = 0; if(mysql_field_count(&connection) == 0) return thisrow; MYSQL_FIELD *fields = mysql_fetch_fields(res); while (field_count < mysql_field_count(&connection)) { thisrow[std::string(fields[field_count].name)] = std::string(row[field_count]); field_count++; } return thisrow; } } return thisrow; } bool QueryDone() { if (res) { mysql_free_result(res); return true; } else return false; } std::string GetError() { return mysql_error(&connection); } long GetID() { return id; } std::string GetHost() { return host; } void Enable() { Enabled = true; } void Disable() { Enabled = false; } bool IsEnabled() { return Enabled; } ~SQLConnection() { mysql_close(&connection); } }; typedef std::vector ConnectionList; class ModuleSQL : public Module { Server *Srv; ConfigReader *Conf; ConnectionList Connections; public: void ConnectDatabases() { for (ConnectionList::iterator i = Connections.begin(); i != Connections.end(); i++) { i->Enable(); if (i->Connect()) { Srv->Log(DEFAULT,"SQL: Successfully connected database "+i->GetHost()); } else { Srv->Log(DEFAULT,"SQL: Failed to connect database "+i->GetHost()+": Error: "+i->GetError()); i->Disable(); } } } void LoadDatabases(ConfigReader* Conf) { Srv->Log(DEFAULT,"SQL: Loading database settings"); Connections.clear(); for (int j =0; j < Conf->Enumerate("database"); j++) { std::string db = Conf->ReadValue("database","name",j); std::string user = Conf->ReadValue("database","username",j); std::string pass = Conf->ReadValue("database","password",j); std::string host = Conf->ReadValue("database","hostname",j); std::string id = Conf->ReadValue("database","id",j); if ((db != "") && (host != "") && (user != "") && (id != "") && (pass != "")) { SQLConnection ThisSQL(host,user,pass,db,atoi(id.c_str())); Srv->Log(DEFAULT,"Loaded database: "+ThisSQL.GetHost()); Connections.push_back(ThisSQL); } } ConnectDatabases(); } ModuleSQL() { Srv = new Server(); Conf = new ConfigReader(); LoadDatabases(Conf); } virtual ~ModuleSQL() { Connections.clear(); delete Conf; delete Srv; } virtual void OnRehash() { delete Conf; Conf = new ConfigReader(); LoadDatabases(Conf); } virtual Version GetVersion() { return Version(1,0,0,0,VF_VENDOR|VF_SERVICEPROVIDER); } }; // stuff down here is the module-factory stuff. For basic modules you can ignore this. class ModuleSQLFactory : public ModuleFactory { public: ModuleSQLFactory() { } ~ModuleSQLFactory() { } virtual Module * CreateModule() { return new ModuleSQL; } }; extern "C" void * init_module( void ) { return new ModuleSQLFactory; }