/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2009 InspIRCd Development Team * See: http://wiki.inspircd.org/Credits * * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ /* Stop mysql wanting to use long long */ #define NO_CLIENT_LONG_LONG #include "inspircd.h" #include #include "m_sqlv2.h" #ifdef WINDOWS #pragma comment(lib, "mysqlclient.lib") #endif /* VERSION 2 API: With nonblocking (threaded) requests */ /* $ModDesc: SQL Service Provider module for all other m_sql* modules */ /* $CompileFlags: exec("mysql_config --include") */ /* $LinkerFlags: exec("mysql_config --libs_r") rpath("mysql_config --libs_r") */ /* $ModDep: m_sqlv2.h */ /* THE NONBLOCKING MYSQL API! * * MySQL provides no nonblocking (asyncronous) API of its own, and its developers recommend * that instead, you should thread your program. This is what i've done here to allow for * asyncronous SQL requests via mysql. The way this works is as follows: * * The module spawns a thread via class Thread, and performs its mysql queries in this thread, * using a queue with priorities. There is a mutex on either end which prevents two threads * adjusting the queue at the same time, and crashing the ircd. Every 50 milliseconds, the * worker thread wakes up, and checks if there is a request at the head of its queue. * If there is, it processes this request, blocking the worker thread but leaving the ircd * thread to go about its business as usual. During this period, the ircd thread is able * to insert futher pending requests into the queue. * * Once the processing of a request is complete, it is removed from the incoming queue to * an outgoing queue, and initialized as a 'response'. The worker thread then signals the * ircd thread (via a loopback socket) of the fact a result is available, by sending the * connection ID through the connection. * * The ircd thread then mutexes the queue once more, reads the outbound response off the head * of the queue, and sends it on its way to the original calling module. * * XXX: You might be asking "why doesnt he just send the response from within the worker thread?" * The answer to this is simple. The majority of InspIRCd, and in fact most ircd's are not * threadsafe. This module is designed to be threadsafe and is careful with its use of threads, * however, if we were to call a module's OnRequest even from within a thread which was not the * one the module was originally instantiated upon, there is a chance of all hell breaking loose * if a module is ever put in a re-enterant state (stack corruption could occur, crashes, data * corruption, and worse, so DONT think about it until the day comes when InspIRCd is 100% * gauranteed threadsafe!) * * For a diagram of this system please see http://wiki.inspircd.org/Mysql2 */ class SQLConnection; class DispatcherThread; typedef std::map ConnMap; typedef std::deque ResultQueue; unsigned long count(const char * const str, char a) { unsigned long n = 0; for (const char *p = str; *p; ++p) { if (*p == '?') ++n; } return n; } /** MySQL module * */ class ModuleSQL : public Module { public: ConfigReader *Conf; InspIRCd* PublicServerInstance; int currid; bool rehashing; DispatcherThread* Dispatcher; Mutex ResultsMutex; Mutex LoggingMutex; Mutex ConnMutex; ModuleSQL(InspIRCd* Me); ~ModuleSQL(); unsigned long NewID(); const char* OnRequest(Request* request); void OnRehash(User* user); Version GetVersion(); }; #if !defined(MYSQL_VERSION_ID) || MYSQL_VERSION_ID<32224 #define mysql_field_count mysql_num_fields #endif /** Represents a mysql result set */ class MySQLresult : public SQLresult { int currentrow; std::vector colnames; std::vector fieldlists; SQLfieldMap* fieldmap; SQLfieldMap fieldmap2; SQLfieldList emptyfieldlist; int rows; public: MySQLresult(Module* self, Module* to, MYSQL_RES* res, int affected_rows, unsigned int rid) : SQLresult(self, to, rid), currentrow(0), fieldmap(NULL) { /* A number of affected rows from from mysql_affected_rows. */ fieldlists.clear(); rows = 0; if (affected_rows >= 1) { rows = affected_rows; fieldlists.resize(rows); } unsigned int field_count = 0; if (res) { MYSQL_ROW row; int n = 0; while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { if (fieldlists.size() < (unsigned int)rows+1) { fieldlists.resize(fieldlists.size()+1); } field_count = 0; MYSQL_FIELD *fields = mysql_fetch_fields(res); if(mysql_num_fields(res) == 0) break; if (fields && mysql_num_fields(res)) { colnames.clear(); while (field_count < mysql_num_fields(res)) { std::string a = (fields[field_count].name ? fields[field_count].name : ""); std::string b = (row[field_count] ? row[field_count] : ""); SQLfield sqlf(b, !row[field_count]); colnames.push_back(a); fieldlists[n].push_back(sqlf); field_count++; } n++; } rows++; } mysql_free_result(res); res = NULL; } } MySQLresult(Module* self, Module* to, SQLerror e, unsigned int rid) : SQLresult(self, to, rid), currentrow(0) { rows = 0; error = e; } ~MySQLresult() { } virtual int Rows() { return rows; } virtual int Cols() { return colnames.size(); } virtual std::string ColName(int column) { if (column < (int)colnames.size()) { return colnames[column]; } else { throw SQLbadColName(); } return ""; } virtual int ColNum(const std::string &column) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < colnames.size(); i++) { if (column == colnames[i]) return i; } throw SQLbadColName(); return 0; } virtual SQLfield GetValue(int row, int column) { if ((row >= 0) && (row < rows) && (column >= 0) && (column < Cols())) { return fieldlists[row][column]; } throw SQLbadColName(); /* XXX: We never actually get here because of the throw */ return SQLfield("",true); } virtual SQLfieldList& GetRow() { if (currentrow < rows) return fieldlists[currentrow++]; else return emptyfieldlist; } virtual SQLfieldMap& GetRowMap() { fieldmap2.clear(); if (currentrow < rows) { for (int i = 0; i < Cols(); i++) { fieldmap2.insert(std::make_pair(colnames[i],GetValue(currentrow, i))); } currentrow++; } return fieldmap2; } virtual SQLfieldList* GetRowPtr() { SQLfieldList* fieldlist = new SQLfieldList(); if (currentrow < rows) { for (int i = 0; i < Rows(); i++) { fieldlist->push_back(fieldlists[currentrow][i]); } currentrow++; } return fieldlist; } virtual SQLfieldMap* GetRowMapPtr() { fieldmap = new SQLfieldMap(); if (currentrow < rows) { for (int i = 0; i < Cols(); i++) { fieldmap->insert(std::make_pair(colnames[i],GetValue(currentrow, i))); } currentrow++; } return fieldmap; } virtual void Free(SQLfieldMap* fm) { delete fm; } virtual void Free(SQLfieldList* fl) { delete fl; } }; /** Represents a connection to a mysql database */ class SQLConnection : public classbase { protected: MYSQL *connection; MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW *row; SQLhost host; std::map thisrow; bool Enabled; ModuleSQL* Parent; std::string initquery; public: QueryQueue queue; ResultQueue rq; // This constructor creates an SQLConnection object with the given credentials, but does not connect yet. SQLConnection(const SQLhost &hi, ModuleSQL* Creator) : connection(NULL), host(hi), Enabled(false), Parent(Creator) { } ~SQLConnection() { Close(); } // This method connects to the database using the credentials supplied to the constructor, and returns // true upon success. bool Connect() { unsigned int timeout = 1; connection = mysql_init(connection); mysql_options(connection,MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,(char*)&timeout); return mysql_real_connect(connection, host.host.c_str(), host.user.c_str(), host.pass.c_str(), host.name.c_str(), host.port, NULL, 0); } void DoLeadingQuery() { if (!CheckConnection()) return; if( !initquery.empty() ) mysql_query(connection,initquery.c_str()); /* Parse the command string and dispatch it to mysql */ SQLrequest& req = queue.front(); /* Pointer to the buffer we screw around with substitution in */ char* query; /* Pointer to the current end of query, where we append new stuff */ char* queryend; /* Total length of the unescaped parameters */ unsigned long maxparamlen, paramcount; /* The length of the longest parameter */ maxparamlen = 0; for(ParamL::iterator i = req.query.p.begin(); i != req.query.p.end(); i++) { if (i->size() > maxparamlen) maxparamlen = i->size(); } /* How many params are there in the query? */ paramcount = count(req.query.q.c_str(), '?'); /* This stores copy of params to be inserted with using numbered params 1;3B*/ ParamL paramscopy(req.query.p); /* To avoid a lot of allocations, allocate enough memory for the biggest the escaped query could possibly be. * sizeofquery + (maxtotalparamlength*2) + 1 * * The +1 is for null-terminating the string for mysql_real_escape_string */ query = new char[req.query.q.length() + (maxparamlen*paramcount*2) + 1]; queryend = query; /* Okay, now we have a buffer large enough we need to start copying the query into it and escaping and substituting * the parameters into it... */ for(unsigned long i = 0; i < req.query.q.length(); i++) { if(req.query.q[i] == '?') { /* We found a place to substitute..what fun. * use mysql calls to escape and write the * escaped string onto the end of our query buffer, * then we "just" need to make sure queryend is * pointing at the right place. */ /* Is it numbered parameter? */ bool numbered; numbered = false; /* Numbered parameter number :| */ unsigned int paramnum; paramnum = 0; /* Let's check if it's a numbered param. And also calculate it's number. */ while ((i < req.query.q.length() - 1) && (req.query.q[i+1] >= '0') && (req.query.q[i+1] <= '9')) { numbered = true; ++i; paramnum = paramnum * 10 + req.query.q[i] - '0'; } if (paramnum > paramscopy.size() - 1) { /* index is out of range! */ numbered = false; } if (numbered) { unsigned long len = mysql_real_escape_string(connection, queryend, paramscopy[paramnum].c_str(), paramscopy[paramnum].length()); queryend += len; } else if (req.query.p.size()) { unsigned long len = mysql_real_escape_string(connection, queryend, req.query.p.front().c_str(), req.query.p.front().length()); queryend += len; req.query.p.pop_front(); } else break; } else { *queryend = req.query.q[i]; queryend++; } } *queryend = 0; req.query.q = query; if (!mysql_real_query(connection, req.query.q.data(), req.query.q.length())) { /* Successfull query */ res = mysql_use_result(connection); unsigned long rows = mysql_affected_rows(connection); MySQLresult* r = new MySQLresult(Parent, req.GetSource(), res, rows, req.id); r->dbid = this->GetID(); r->query = req.query.q; /* Put this new result onto the results queue. * XXX: Remember to mutex the queue! */ Parent->ResultsMutex.Lock(); rq.push_back(r); Parent->ResultsMutex.Unlock(); } else { /* XXX: See /usr/include/mysql/mysqld_error.h for a list of * possible error numbers and error messages */ SQLerror e(SQL_QREPLY_FAIL, ConvToStr(mysql_errno(connection)) + std::string(": ") + mysql_error(connection)); MySQLresult* r = new MySQLresult(Parent, req.GetSource(), e, req.id); r->dbid = this->GetID(); r->query = req.query.q; Parent->ResultsMutex.Lock(); rq.push_back(r); Parent->ResultsMutex.Unlock(); } delete[] query; } bool ConnectionLost() { if (&connection) { return (mysql_ping(connection) != 0); } else return false; } bool CheckConnection() { if (ConnectionLost()) { return Connect(); } else return true; } std::string GetError() { return mysql_error(connection); } const std::string& GetID() { return host.id; } std::string GetHost() { return host.host; } void setInitialQuery(std::string init) { initquery = init; } void SetEnable(bool Enable) { Enabled = Enable; } bool IsEnabled() { return Enabled; } void Close() { mysql_close(connection); } const SQLhost& GetConfHost() { return host; } }; ConnMap Connections; bool HasHost(const SQLhost &host) { for (ConnMap::iterator iter = Connections.begin(); iter != Connections.end(); iter++) { if (host == iter->second->GetConfHost()) return true; } return false; } bool HostInConf(ConfigReader* conf, const SQLhost &h) { for(int i = 0; i < conf->Enumerate("database"); i++) { SQLhost host; host.id = conf->ReadValue("database", "id", i); host.host = conf->ReadValue("database", "hostname", i); host.port = conf->ReadInteger("database", "port", i, true); host.name = conf->ReadValue("database", "name", i); host.user = conf->ReadValue("database", "username", i); host.pass = conf->ReadValue("database", "password", i); host.ssl = conf->ReadFlag("database", "ssl", i); if (h == host) return true; } return false; } void ClearOldConnections(ConfigReader* conf) { ConnMap::iterator i,safei; for (i = Connections.begin(); i != Connections.end(); i++) { if (!HostInConf(conf, i->second->GetConfHost())) { delete i->second; safei = i; --i; Connections.erase(safei); } } } void ClearAllConnections() { ConnMap::iterator i; while ((i = Connections.begin()) != Connections.end()) { Connections.erase(i); delete i->second; } } void ConnectDatabases(InspIRCd* ServerInstance, ModuleSQL* Parent) { for (ConnMap::iterator i = Connections.begin(); i != Connections.end(); i++) { if (i->second->IsEnabled()) continue; i->second->SetEnable(true); if (!i->second->Connect()) { /* XXX: MUTEX */ Parent->LoggingMutex.Lock(); ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_mysql",DEFAULT,"SQL: Failed to connect database "+i->second->GetHost()+": Error: "+i->second->GetError()); i->second->SetEnable(false); Parent->LoggingMutex.Unlock(); } } } void LoadDatabases(ConfigReader* conf, InspIRCd* ServerInstance, ModuleSQL* Parent) { Parent->ConnMutex.Lock(); ClearOldConnections(conf); for (int j =0; j < conf->Enumerate("database"); j++) { SQLhost host; host.id = conf->ReadValue("database", "id", j); host.host = conf->ReadValue("database", "hostname", j); host.port = conf->ReadInteger("database", "port", j, true); host.name = conf->ReadValue("database", "name", j); host.user = conf->ReadValue("database", "username", j); host.pass = conf->ReadValue("database", "password", j); host.ssl = conf->ReadFlag("database", "ssl", j); std::string initquery = conf->ReadValue("database", "initialquery", j); if (HasHost(host)) continue; if (!host.id.empty() && !host.host.empty() && !host.name.empty() && !host.user.empty() && !host.pass.empty()) { SQLConnection* ThisSQL = new SQLConnection(host, Parent); Connections[host.id] = ThisSQL; ThisSQL->setInitialQuery(initquery); } } ConnectDatabases(ServerInstance, Parent); Parent->ConnMutex.Unlock(); } char FindCharId(const std::string &id) { char i = 1; for (ConnMap::iterator iter = Connections.begin(); iter != Connections.end(); ++iter, ++i) { if (iter->first == id) { return i; } } return 0; } ConnMap::iterator GetCharId(char id) { char i = 1; for (ConnMap::iterator iter = Connections.begin(); iter != Connections.end(); ++iter, ++i) { if (i == id) return iter; } return Connections.end(); } class ModuleSQL; class DispatcherThread : public SocketThread { private: ModuleSQL* Parent; InspIRCd* ServerInstance; public: DispatcherThread(InspIRCd* Instance, ModuleSQL* CreatorModule) : SocketThread(Instance), Parent(CreatorModule), ServerInstance(Instance) { } ~DispatcherThread() { } virtual void Run(); virtual void OnNotify(); }; ModuleSQL::ModuleSQL(InspIRCd* Me) : Module(Me), rehashing(false) { ServerInstance->Modules->UseInterface("SQLutils"); Conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance); PublicServerInstance = ServerInstance; currid = 0; Dispatcher = new DispatcherThread(ServerInstance, this); ServerInstance->Threads->Start(Dispatcher); if (!ServerInstance->Modules->PublishFeature("SQL", this)) { Dispatcher->join(); delete Dispatcher; ServerInstance->Modules->DoneWithInterface("SQLutils"); throw ModuleException("m_mysql: Unable to publish feature 'SQL'"); } ServerInstance->Modules->PublishInterface("SQL", this); Implementation eventlist[] = { I_OnRehash, I_OnRequest }; ServerInstance->Modules->Attach(eventlist, this, 2); } ModuleSQL::~ModuleSQL() { delete Dispatcher; ClearAllConnections(); delete Conf; ServerInstance->Modules->UnpublishInterface("SQL", this); ServerInstance->Modules->UnpublishFeature("SQL"); ServerInstance->Modules->DoneWithInterface("SQLutils"); } unsigned long ModuleSQL::NewID() { if (currid+1 == 0) currid++; return ++currid; } const char* ModuleSQL::OnRequest(Request* request) { if(strcmp(SQLREQID, request->GetId()) == 0) { SQLrequest* req = (SQLrequest*)request; ConnMap::iterator iter; const char* returnval = NULL; Dispatcher->LockQueue(); ConnMutex.Lock(); if((iter = Connections.find(req->dbid)) != Connections.end()) { req->id = NewID(); iter->second->queue.push(*req); returnval = SQLSUCCESS; } else { req->error.Id(SQL_BAD_DBID); } ConnMutex.Unlock(); Dispatcher->UnlockQueueWakeup(); /* Yes, it's possible this will generate a spurious wakeup. * That's fine, it'll just get ignored. */ return returnval; } return NULL; } void ModuleSQL::OnRehash(User* user) { Dispatcher->LockQueue(); rehashing = true; Dispatcher->UnlockQueueWakeup(); } Version ModuleSQL::GetVersion() { return Version("$Id$", VF_VENDOR | VF_SERVICEPROVIDER, API_VERSION); } void DispatcherThread::Run() { LoadDatabases(Parent->Conf, Parent->PublicServerInstance, Parent); SQLConnection* conn = NULL; this->LockQueue(); while (!this->GetExitFlag()) { if (Parent->rehashing) { Parent->rehashing = false; LoadDatabases(Parent->Conf, Parent->PublicServerInstance, Parent); } conn = NULL; Parent->ConnMutex.Lock(); for (ConnMap::iterator i = Connections.begin(); i != Connections.end(); i++) { if (i->second->queue.totalsize()) { conn = i->second; break; } } Parent->ConnMutex.Unlock(); if (conn) { /* There's an item! */ this->UnlockQueue(); conn->DoLeadingQuery(); this->NotifyParent(); this->LockQueue(); conn->queue.pop(); } else { /* We know the queue is empty, we can safely hang this thread until * something happens */ this->WaitForQueue(); } } this->UnlockQueue(); } void DispatcherThread::OnNotify() { SQLConnection* conn; while (1) { conn = NULL; Parent->ConnMutex.Lock(); for (ConnMap::iterator iter = Connections.begin(); iter != Connections.end(); iter++) { if (!iter->second->rq.empty()) { conn = iter->second; break; } } Parent->ConnMutex.Unlock(); if (!conn) break; Parent->ResultsMutex.Lock(); ResultQueue::iterator n = conn->rq.begin(); Parent->ResultsMutex.Unlock(); (*n)->Send(); delete (*n); Parent->ResultsMutex.Lock(); conn->rq.pop_front(); Parent->ResultsMutex.Unlock(); } } MODULE_INIT(ModuleSQL)