/* * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon * * Copyright (C) 2019 linuxdaemon * Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Vassdal * Copyright (C) 2014, 2016 Adam * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Attila Molnar * Copyright (C) 2013, 2016-2020 Sadie Powell * Copyright (C) 2012 Robby * Copyright (C) 2012 ChrisTX * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel De Graaf * Copyright (C) 2009 Uli Schlachter * Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Dennis Friis * Copyright (C) 2005, 2008-2010 Craig Edwards * * This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /// $CompilerFlags: execute("mysql_config --include" "MYSQL_CXXFLAGS") /// $LinkerFlags: execute("mysql_config --libs_r" "MYSQL_LDFLAGS" "-lmysqlclient") /// $PackageInfo: require_system("arch") mariadb-libs /// $PackageInfo: require_system("centos" "6.0" "6.99") mysql-devel /// $PackageInfo: require_system("centos" "7.0") mariadb-devel /// $PackageInfo: require_system("darwin") mysql-connector-c /// $PackageInfo: require_system("debian") libmysqlclient-dev /// $PackageInfo: require_system("ubuntu") libmysqlclient-dev #ifdef __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic push #endif // Fix warnings about the use of `long long` on C++03. #if defined __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++11-long-long" #elif defined __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wlong-long" #endif #include "inspircd.h" #include #include "modules/sql.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #ifdef _WIN32 # pragma comment(lib, "libmysql.lib") #endif /* VERSION 3 API: With nonblocking (threaded) requests */ /* THE NONBLOCKING MYSQL API! * * MySQL provides no nonblocking (asyncronous) API of its own, and its developers recommend * that instead, you should thread your program. This is what i've done here to allow for * asyncronous SQL requests via mysql. The way this works is as follows: * * The module spawns a thread via class Thread, and performs its mysql queries in this thread, * using a queue with priorities. There is a mutex on either end which prevents two threads * adjusting the queue at the same time, and crashing the ircd. Every 50 milliseconds, the * worker thread wakes up, and checks if there is a request at the head of its queue. * If there is, it processes this request, blocking the worker thread but leaving the ircd * thread to go about its business as usual. During this period, the ircd thread is able * to insert further pending requests into the queue. * * Once the processing of a request is complete, it is removed from the incoming queue to * an outgoing queue, and initialized as a 'response'. The worker thread then signals the * ircd thread (via a loopback socket) of the fact a result is available, by sending the * connection ID through the connection. * * The ircd thread then mutexes the queue once more, reads the outbound response off the head * of the queue, and sends it on its way to the original calling module. * * XXX: You might be asking "why doesnt it just send the response from within the worker thread?" * The answer to this is simple. The majority of InspIRCd, and in fact most ircd's are not * threadsafe. This module is designed to be threadsafe and is careful with its use of threads, * however, if we were to call a module's OnRequest even from within a thread which was not the * one the module was originally instantiated upon, there is a chance of all hell breaking loose * if a module is ever put in a re-enterant state (stack corruption could occur, crashes, data * corruption, and worse, so DONT think about it until the day comes when InspIRCd is 100% * guaranteed threadsafe!) */ class SQLConnection; class MySQLresult; class DispatcherThread; struct QueryQueueItem { // An SQL database which this query is executed on. SQLConnection* connection; // An object which handles the result of the query. SQL::Query* query; // The SQL query which is to be executed. std::string querystr; QueryQueueItem(SQL::Query* q, const std::string& s, SQLConnection* c) : connection(c) , query(q) , querystr(s) { } }; struct ResultQueueItem { // An object which handles the result of the query. SQL::Query* query; // The result returned from executing the MySQL query. MySQLresult* result; ResultQueueItem(SQL::Query* q, MySQLresult* r) : query(q) , result(r) { } }; typedef insp::flat_map ConnMap; typedef std::deque QueryQueue; typedef std::deque ResultQueue; /** MySQL module * */ class ModuleSQL : public Module { public: DispatcherThread* Dispatcher; QueryQueue qq; // MUST HOLD MUTEX ResultQueue rq; // MUST HOLD MUTEX ConnMap connections; // main thread only ModuleSQL(); void init() CXX11_OVERRIDE; ~ModuleSQL(); void ReadConfig(ConfigStatus& status) CXX11_OVERRIDE; void OnUnloadModule(Module* mod) CXX11_OVERRIDE; Version GetVersion() CXX11_OVERRIDE; }; class DispatcherThread : public SocketThread { private: ModuleSQL* const Parent; public: DispatcherThread(ModuleSQL* CreatorModule) : Parent(CreatorModule) { } ~DispatcherThread() { } void Run() CXX11_OVERRIDE; void OnNotify() CXX11_OVERRIDE; }; /** Represents a mysql result set */ class MySQLresult : public SQL::Result { public: SQL::Error err; int currentrow; int rows; std::vector colnames; std::vector fieldlists; MySQLresult(MYSQL_RES* res, int affected_rows) : err(SQL::SUCCESS) , currentrow(0) , rows(0) { if (affected_rows >= 1) { rows = affected_rows; fieldlists.resize(rows); } unsigned int field_count = 0; if (res) { MYSQL_ROW row; int n = 0; while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { if (fieldlists.size() < (unsigned int)rows+1) { fieldlists.resize(fieldlists.size()+1); } field_count = 0; MYSQL_FIELD *fields = mysql_fetch_fields(res); if(mysql_num_fields(res) == 0) break; if (fields && mysql_num_fields(res)) { colnames.clear(); while (field_count < mysql_num_fields(res)) { std::string a = (fields[field_count].name ? fields[field_count].name : ""); if (row[field_count]) fieldlists[n].push_back(SQL::Field(row[field_count])); else fieldlists[n].push_back(SQL::Field()); colnames.push_back(a); field_count++; } n++; } rows++; } mysql_free_result(res); } } MySQLresult(SQL::Error& e) : err(e) , currentrow(0) , rows(0) { } int Rows() CXX11_OVERRIDE { return rows; } void GetCols(std::vector& result) CXX11_OVERRIDE { result.assign(colnames.begin(), colnames.end()); } bool HasColumn(const std::string& column, size_t& index) CXX11_OVERRIDE { for (size_t i = 0; i < colnames.size(); ++i) { if (colnames[i] == column) { index = i; return true; } } return false; } SQL::Field GetValue(int row, int column) { if ((row >= 0) && (row < rows) && (column >= 0) && (column < (int)fieldlists[row].size())) { return fieldlists[row][column]; } return SQL::Field(); } bool GetRow(SQL::Row& result) CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (currentrow < rows) { result.assign(fieldlists[currentrow].begin(), fieldlists[currentrow].end()); currentrow++; return true; } else { result.clear(); return false; } } }; /** Represents a connection to a mysql database */ class SQLConnection : public SQL::Provider { private: bool EscapeString(SQL::Query* query, const std::string& in, std::string& out) { // In the worst case each character may need to be encoded as using two bytes and one // byte is the NUL terminator. std::vector buffer(in.length() * 2 + 1); // The return value of mysql_escape_string() is either an error or the length of the // encoded string not including the NUL terminator. // // Unfortunately, someone genius decided that mysql_escape_string should return an // unsigned type even though -1 is returned on error so checking whether an error // happened is a bit cursed. unsigned long escapedsize = mysql_escape_string(&buffer[0], in.c_str(), in.length()); if (escapedsize == static_cast(-1)) { SQL::Error err(SQL::QSEND_FAIL, InspIRCd::Format("%u: %s", mysql_errno(connection), mysql_error(connection))); query->OnError(err); return false; } out.append(&buffer[0], escapedsize); return true; } public: reference config; MYSQL *connection; Mutex lock; // This constructor creates an SQLConnection object with the given credentials, but does not connect yet. SQLConnection(Module* p, ConfigTag* tag) : SQL::Provider(p, tag->getString("id")) , config(tag) , connection(NULL) { } ~SQLConnection() { mysql_close(connection); } // This method connects to the database using the credentials supplied to the constructor, and returns // true upon success. bool Connect() { connection = mysql_init(connection); // Set the connection timeout. unsigned int timeout = config->getDuration("timeout", 5, 1, 30); mysql_options(connection, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, &timeout); // Attempt to connect to the database. const std::string host = config->getString("host"); const std::string user = config->getString("user"); const std::string pass = config->getString("pass"); const std::string dbname = config->getString("name"); unsigned int port = config->getUInt("port", 3306, 1, 65535); if (!mysql_real_connect(connection, host.c_str(), user.c_str(), pass.c_str(), dbname.c_str(), port, NULL, CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE)) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Unable to connect to the %s MySQL server: %s", GetId().c_str(), mysql_error(connection)); return false; } // Set the default character set. const std::string charset = config->getString("charset"); if (!charset.empty() && mysql_set_character_set(connection, charset.c_str())) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Could not set character set for %s to \"%s\": %s", GetId().c_str(), charset.c_str(), mysql_error(connection)); return false; } // Execute the initial SQL query. const std::string initialquery = config->getString("initialquery"); if (!initialquery.empty() && mysql_real_query(connection, initialquery.data(), initialquery.length())) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Could not execute initial query \"%s\" for %s: %s", initialquery.c_str(), name.c_str(), mysql_error(connection)); return false; } return true; } ModuleSQL* Parent() { return (ModuleSQL*)(Module*)creator; } MySQLresult* DoBlockingQuery(const std::string& query) { /* Parse the command string and dispatch it to mysql */ if (CheckConnection() && !mysql_real_query(connection, query.data(), query.length())) { /* Successful query */ MYSQL_RES* res = mysql_use_result(connection); unsigned long rows = mysql_affected_rows(connection); return new MySQLresult(res, rows); } else { /* XXX: See /usr/include/mysql/mysqld_error.h for a list of * possible error numbers and error messages */ SQL::Error e(SQL::QREPLY_FAIL, InspIRCd::Format("%u: %s", mysql_errno(connection), mysql_error(connection))); return new MySQLresult(e); } } bool CheckConnection() { if (!connection || mysql_ping(connection) != 0) return Connect(); return true; } void Submit(SQL::Query* q, const std::string& qs) CXX11_OVERRIDE { ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "Executing MySQL query: " + qs); Parent()->Dispatcher->LockQueue(); Parent()->qq.push_back(QueryQueueItem(q, qs, this)); Parent()->Dispatcher->UnlockQueueWakeup(); } void Submit(SQL::Query* call, const std::string& q, const SQL::ParamList& p) CXX11_OVERRIDE { std::string res; unsigned int param = 0; for(std::string::size_type i = 0; i < q.length(); i++) { if (q[i] != '?') res.push_back(q[i]); else if (param < p.size() && !EscapeString(call, p[param++], res)) return; } Submit(call, res); } void Submit(SQL::Query* call, const std::string& q, const SQL::ParamMap& p) CXX11_OVERRIDE { std::string res; for(std::string::size_type i = 0; i < q.length(); i++) { if (q[i] != '$') res.push_back(q[i]); else { std::string field; i++; while (i < q.length() && isalnum(q[i])) field.push_back(q[i++]); i--; SQL::ParamMap::const_iterator it = p.find(field); if (it != p.end() && !EscapeString(call, it->second, res)) return; } } Submit(call, res); } }; ModuleSQL::ModuleSQL() : Dispatcher(NULL) { } void ModuleSQL::init() { if (mysql_library_init(0, NULL, NULL)) throw ModuleException("Unable to initialise the MySQL library!"); Dispatcher = new DispatcherThread(this); ServerInstance->Threads.Start(Dispatcher); } ModuleSQL::~ModuleSQL() { if (Dispatcher) { Dispatcher->join(); Dispatcher->OnNotify(); delete Dispatcher; } for(ConnMap::iterator i = connections.begin(); i != connections.end(); i++) { delete i->second; } mysql_library_end(); } void ModuleSQL::ReadConfig(ConfigStatus& status) { ConnMap conns; ConfigTagList tags = ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("database"); for(ConfigIter i = tags.first; i != tags.second; i++) { if (!stdalgo::string::equalsci(i->second->getString("module"), "mysql")) continue; std::string id = i->second->getString("id"); ConnMap::iterator curr = connections.find(id); if (curr == connections.end()) { SQLConnection* conn = new SQLConnection(this, i->second); conns.insert(std::make_pair(id, conn)); ServerInstance->Modules->AddService(*conn); } else { conns.insert(*curr); connections.erase(curr); } } // now clean up the deleted databases Dispatcher->LockQueue(); SQL::Error err(SQL::BAD_DBID); for(ConnMap::iterator i = connections.begin(); i != connections.end(); i++) { ServerInstance->Modules->DelService(*i->second); // it might be running a query on this database. Wait for that to complete i->second->lock.Lock(); i->second->lock.Unlock(); // now remove all active queries to this DB for (size_t j = qq.size(); j > 0; j--) { size_t k = j - 1; if (qq[k].connection == i->second) { qq[k].query->OnError(err); delete qq[k].query; qq.erase(qq.begin() + k); } } // finally, nuke the connection delete i->second; } Dispatcher->UnlockQueue(); connections.swap(conns); } void ModuleSQL::OnUnloadModule(Module* mod) { SQL::Error err(SQL::BAD_DBID); Dispatcher->LockQueue(); unsigned int i = qq.size(); while (i > 0) { i--; if (qq[i].query->creator == mod) { if (i == 0) { // need to wait until the query is done // (the result will be discarded) qq[i].connection->lock.Lock(); qq[i].connection->lock.Unlock(); } qq[i].query->OnError(err); delete qq[i].query; qq.erase(qq.begin() + i); } } Dispatcher->UnlockQueue(); // clean up any result queue entries Dispatcher->OnNotify(); } Version ModuleSQL::GetVersion() { return Version("Provides the ability for SQL modules to query a MySQL database.", VF_VENDOR); } void DispatcherThread::Run() { this->LockQueue(); while (!this->GetExitFlag()) { if (!Parent->qq.empty()) { QueryQueueItem i = Parent->qq.front(); i.connection->lock.Lock(); this->UnlockQueue(); MySQLresult* res = i.connection->DoBlockingQuery(i.querystr); i.connection->lock.Unlock(); /* * At this point, the main thread could be working on: * Rehash - delete i.connection out from under us. We don't care about that. * UnloadModule - delete i.query and the qq item. Need to avoid reporting results. */ this->LockQueue(); if (!Parent->qq.empty() && Parent->qq.front().query == i.query) { Parent->qq.pop_front(); Parent->rq.push_back(ResultQueueItem(i.query, res)); NotifyParent(); } else { // UnloadModule ate the query delete res; } } else { /* We know the queue is empty, we can safely hang this thread until * something happens */ this->WaitForQueue(); } } this->UnlockQueue(); } void DispatcherThread::OnNotify() { // this could unlock during the dispatch, but OnResult isn't expected to take that long this->LockQueue(); for(ResultQueue::iterator i = Parent->rq.begin(); i != Parent->rq.end(); i++) { MySQLresult* res = i->result; if (res->err.code == SQL::SUCCESS) i->query->OnResult(*res); else i->query->OnError(res->err); delete i->query; delete i->result; } Parent->rq.clear(); this->UnlockQueue(); } MODULE_INIT(ModuleSQL)