/* * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon * * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Adam * Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Anope Team * * This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /// $LinkerFlags: -llber -lldap_r /// $PackageInfo: require_system("arch") libldap /// $PackageInfo: require_system("centos") openldap-devel /// $PackageInfo: require_system("debian") libldap2-dev /// $PackageInfo: require_system("ubuntu") libldap2-dev #include "inspircd.h" #include "modules/ldap.h" // Ignore OpenLDAP deprecation warnings on OS X Yosemite and newer. #if defined __APPLE__ # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif #include #ifdef __APPLE__ # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #ifdef _WIN32 # pragma comment(lib, "libldap_r.lib") # pragma comment(lib, "liblber.lib") #endif class LDAPService; class LDAPRequest { public: LDAPService* service; LDAPInterface* inter; LDAPMessage* message; /* message returned by ldap_ */ LDAPResult* result; /* final result */ struct timeval tv; QueryType type; LDAPRequest(LDAPService* s, LDAPInterface* i) : service(s) , inter(i) , message(NULL) , result(NULL) { type = QUERY_UNKNOWN; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 100000; } virtual ~LDAPRequest() { delete result; if (message != NULL) ldap_msgfree(message); } virtual int run() = 0; }; class LDAPBind : public LDAPRequest { std::string who, pass; public: LDAPBind(LDAPService* s, LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& w, const std::string& p) : LDAPRequest(s, i) , who(w) , pass(p) { type = QUERY_BIND; } int run() CXX11_OVERRIDE; }; class LDAPSearch : public LDAPRequest { std::string base; int searchscope; std::string filter; public: LDAPSearch(LDAPService* s, LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& b, int se, const std::string& f) : LDAPRequest(s, i) , base(b) , searchscope(se) , filter(f) { type = QUERY_SEARCH; } int run() CXX11_OVERRIDE; }; class LDAPAdd : public LDAPRequest { std::string dn; LDAPMods attributes; public: LDAPAdd(LDAPService* s, LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& d, const LDAPMods& attr) : LDAPRequest(s, i) , dn(d) , attributes(attr) { type = QUERY_ADD; } int run() CXX11_OVERRIDE; }; class LDAPDel : public LDAPRequest { std::string dn; public: LDAPDel(LDAPService* s, LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& d) : LDAPRequest(s, i) , dn(d) { type = QUERY_DELETE; } int run() CXX11_OVERRIDE; }; class LDAPModify : public LDAPRequest { std::string base; LDAPMods attributes; public: LDAPModify(LDAPService* s, LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& b, const LDAPMods& attr) : LDAPRequest(s, i) , base(b) , attributes(attr) { type = QUERY_MODIFY; } int run() CXX11_OVERRIDE; }; class LDAPCompare : public LDAPRequest { std::string dn, attr, val; public: LDAPCompare(LDAPService* s, LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& d, const std::string& a, const std::string& v) : LDAPRequest(s, i) , dn(d) , attr(a) , val(v) { type = QUERY_COMPARE; } int run() CXX11_OVERRIDE; }; class LDAPService : public LDAPProvider, public SocketThread { LDAP* con; reference config; time_t last_connect; int searchscope; time_t timeout; public: static LDAPMod** BuildMods(const LDAPMods& attributes) { LDAPMod** mods = new LDAPMod*[attributes.size() + 1]; memset(mods, 0, sizeof(LDAPMod*) * (attributes.size() + 1)); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < attributes.size(); ++x) { const LDAPModification& l = attributes[x]; LDAPMod* mod = new LDAPMod; mods[x] = mod; if (l.op == LDAPModification::LDAP_ADD) mod->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; else if (l.op == LDAPModification::LDAP_DEL) mod->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_DELETE; else if (l.op == LDAPModification::LDAP_REPLACE) mod->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; else if (l.op != 0) { FreeMods(mods); throw LDAPException("Unknown LDAP operation"); } mod->mod_type = strdup(l.name.c_str()); mod->mod_values = new char*[l.values.size() + 1]; memset(mod->mod_values, 0, sizeof(char*) * (l.values.size() + 1)); for (unsigned int j = 0, c = 0; j < l.values.size(); ++j) if (!l.values[j].empty()) mod->mod_values[c++] = strdup(l.values[j].c_str()); } return mods; } static void FreeMods(LDAPMod** mods) { for (unsigned int i = 0; mods[i] != NULL; ++i) { LDAPMod* mod = mods[i]; if (mod->mod_type != NULL) free(mod->mod_type); if (mod->mod_values != NULL) { for (unsigned int j = 0; mod->mod_values[j] != NULL; ++j) free(mod->mod_values[j]); delete[] mod->mod_values; } } delete[] mods; } private: void Reconnect() { // Only try one connect a minute. It is an expensive blocking operation if (last_connect > ServerInstance->Time() - 60) throw LDAPException("Unable to connect to LDAP service " + this->name + ": reconnecting too fast"); last_connect = ServerInstance->Time(); ldap_unbind_ext(this->con, NULL, NULL); Connect(); } int SetOption(int option, const void* value) { int ret = ldap_set_option(this->con, option, value); if (ret != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS) { ldap_unbind_ext(this->con, NULL, NULL); this->con = NULL; } return ret; } void QueueRequest(LDAPRequest* r) { this->LockQueue(); this->queries.push_back(r); this->UnlockQueueWakeup(); } public: typedef std::vector query_queue; query_queue queries, results; Mutex process_mutex; /* held when processing requests not in either queue */ LDAPService(Module* c, ConfigTag* tag) : LDAPProvider(c, "LDAP/" + tag->getString("id")) , con(NULL), config(tag), last_connect(0) { std::string scope = config->getString("searchscope"); if (stdalgo::string::equalsci(scope, "base")) searchscope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; else if (stdalgo::string::equalsci(scope, "onelevel")) searchscope = LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL; else searchscope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; timeout = config->getDuration("timeout", 5); Connect(); } ~LDAPService() { this->LockQueue(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->queries.size(); ++i) { LDAPRequest* req = this->queries[i]; /* queries have no results yet */ req->result = new LDAPResult(); req->result->type = req->type; req->result->error = "LDAP Interface is going away"; req->inter->OnError(*req->result); delete req; } this->queries.clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->results.size(); ++i) { LDAPRequest* req = this->results[i]; /* even though this may have already finished successfully we return that it didn't */ req->result->error = "LDAP Interface is going away"; req->inter->OnError(*req->result); delete req; } this->results.clear(); this->UnlockQueue(); ldap_unbind_ext(this->con, NULL, NULL); } void Connect() { std::string server = config->getString("server"); int i = ldap_initialize(&this->con, server.c_str()); if (i != LDAP_SUCCESS) throw LDAPException("Unable to connect to LDAP service " + this->name + ": " + ldap_err2string(i)); const int version = LDAP_VERSION3; i = SetOption(LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version); if (i != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS) throw LDAPException("Unable to set protocol version for " + this->name + ": " + ldap_err2string(i)); const struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 }; i = SetOption(LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, &tv); if (i != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS) throw LDAPException("Unable to set timeout for " + this->name + ": " + ldap_err2string(i)); } void BindAsManager(LDAPInterface* i) CXX11_OVERRIDE { std::string binddn = config->getString("binddn"); std::string bindauth = config->getString("bindauth"); this->Bind(i, binddn, bindauth); } void Bind(LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& who, const std::string& pass) CXX11_OVERRIDE { LDAPBind* b = new LDAPBind(this, i, who, pass); QueueRequest(b); } void Search(LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& base, const std::string& filter) CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (i == NULL) throw LDAPException("No interface"); LDAPSearch* s = new LDAPSearch(this, i, base, searchscope, filter); QueueRequest(s); } void Add(LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& dn, LDAPMods& attributes) CXX11_OVERRIDE { LDAPAdd* add = new LDAPAdd(this, i, dn, attributes); QueueRequest(add); } void Del(LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& dn) CXX11_OVERRIDE { LDAPDel* del = new LDAPDel(this, i, dn); QueueRequest(del); } void Modify(LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& base, LDAPMods& attributes) CXX11_OVERRIDE { LDAPModify* mod = new LDAPModify(this, i, base, attributes); QueueRequest(mod); } void Compare(LDAPInterface* i, const std::string& dn, const std::string& attr, const std::string& val) CXX11_OVERRIDE { LDAPCompare* comp = new LDAPCompare(this, i, dn, attr, val); QueueRequest(comp); } private: void BuildReply(int res, LDAPRequest* req) { LDAPResult* ldap_result = req->result = new LDAPResult(); req->result->type = req->type; if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_result->error = ldap_err2string(res); return; } if (req->message == NULL) { return; } /* a search result */ for (LDAPMessage* cur = ldap_first_message(this->con, req->message); cur; cur = ldap_next_message(this->con, cur)) { LDAPAttributes attributes; char* dn = ldap_get_dn(this->con, cur); if (dn != NULL) { attributes["dn"].push_back(dn); ldap_memfree(dn); dn = NULL; } BerElement* ber = NULL; for (char* attr = ldap_first_attribute(this->con, cur, &ber); attr; attr = ldap_next_attribute(this->con, cur, ber)) { berval** vals = ldap_get_values_len(this->con, cur, attr); int count = ldap_count_values_len(vals); std::vector attrs; for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) attrs.push_back(vals[j]->bv_val); attributes[attr] = attrs; ldap_value_free_len(vals); ldap_memfree(attr); } if (ber != NULL) ber_free(ber, 0); ldap_result->messages.push_back(attributes); } } void SendRequests() { process_mutex.Lock(); query_queue q; this->LockQueue(); queries.swap(q); this->UnlockQueue(); if (q.empty()) { process_mutex.Unlock(); return; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < q.size(); ++i) { LDAPRequest* req = q[i]; int ret = req->run(); if (ret == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || ret == LDAP_TIMEOUT) { /* try again */ try { Reconnect(); } catch (const LDAPException &) { } ret = req->run(); } BuildReply(ret, req); this->LockQueue(); this->results.push_back(req); this->UnlockQueue(); } this->NotifyParent(); process_mutex.Unlock(); } public: void Run() CXX11_OVERRIDE { while (!this->GetExitFlag()) { this->LockQueue(); if (this->queries.empty()) this->WaitForQueue(); this->UnlockQueue(); SendRequests(); } } void OnNotify() CXX11_OVERRIDE { query_queue r; this->LockQueue(); this->results.swap(r); this->UnlockQueue(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i) { LDAPRequest* req = r[i]; LDAPInterface* li = req->inter; LDAPResult* res = req->result; if (!res->error.empty()) li->OnError(*res); else li->OnResult(*res); delete req; } } LDAP* GetConnection() { return con; } }; class ModuleLDAP : public Module { typedef insp::flat_map ServiceMap; ServiceMap LDAPServices; public: void ReadConfig(ConfigStatus& status) CXX11_OVERRIDE { ServiceMap conns; ConfigTagList tags = ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("database"); for (ConfigIter i = tags.first; i != tags.second; i++) { const reference& tag = i->second; if (!stdalgo::string::equalsci(tag->getString("module"), "ldap")) continue; std::string id = tag->getString("id"); ServiceMap::iterator curr = LDAPServices.find(id); if (curr == LDAPServices.end()) { LDAPService* conn = new LDAPService(this, tag); conns[id] = conn; ServerInstance->Modules->AddService(*conn); ServerInstance->Threads.Start(conn); } else { conns.insert(*curr); LDAPServices.erase(curr); } } for (ServiceMap::iterator i = LDAPServices.begin(); i != LDAPServices.end(); ++i) { LDAPService* conn = i->second; ServerInstance->Modules->DelService(*conn); conn->join(); conn->OnNotify(); delete conn; } LDAPServices.swap(conns); } void OnUnloadModule(Module* m) CXX11_OVERRIDE { for (ServiceMap::iterator it = this->LDAPServices.begin(); it != this->LDAPServices.end(); ++it) { LDAPService* s = it->second; s->process_mutex.Lock(); s->LockQueue(); for (unsigned int i = s->queries.size(); i > 0; --i) { LDAPRequest* req = s->queries[i - 1]; LDAPInterface* li = req->inter; if (li->creator == m) { s->queries.erase(s->queries.begin() + i - 1); delete req; } } for (unsigned int i = s->results.size(); i > 0; --i) { LDAPRequest* req = s->results[i - 1]; LDAPInterface* li = req->inter; if (li->creator == m) { s->results.erase(s->results.begin() + i - 1); delete req; } } s->UnlockQueue(); s->process_mutex.Unlock(); } } ~ModuleLDAP() { for (ServiceMap::iterator i = LDAPServices.begin(); i != LDAPServices.end(); ++i) { LDAPService* conn = i->second; conn->join(); conn->OnNotify(); delete conn; } } Version GetVersion() CXX11_OVERRIDE { return Version("Provides LDAP support", VF_VENDOR); } }; int LDAPBind::run() { berval cred; cred.bv_val = strdup(pass.c_str()); cred.bv_len = pass.length(); int i = ldap_sasl_bind_s(service->GetConnection(), who.c_str(), LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &cred, NULL, NULL, NULL); free(cred.bv_val); return i; } int LDAPSearch::run() { return ldap_search_ext_s(service->GetConnection(), base.c_str(), searchscope, filter.c_str(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &tv, 0, &message); } int LDAPAdd::run() { LDAPMod** mods = LDAPService::BuildMods(attributes); int i = ldap_add_ext_s(service->GetConnection(), dn.c_str(), mods, NULL, NULL); LDAPService::FreeMods(mods); return i; } int LDAPDel::run() { return ldap_delete_ext_s(service->GetConnection(), dn.c_str(), NULL, NULL); } int LDAPModify::run() { LDAPMod** mods = LDAPService::BuildMods(attributes); int i = ldap_modify_ext_s(service->GetConnection(), base.c_str(), mods, NULL, NULL); LDAPService::FreeMods(mods); return i; } int LDAPCompare::run() { berval cred; cred.bv_val = strdup(val.c_str()); cred.bv_len = val.length(); int ret = ldap_compare_ext_s(service->GetConnection(), dn.c_str(), attr.c_str(), &cred, NULL, NULL); free(cred.bv_val); return ret; } MODULE_INIT(ModuleLDAP)