/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * Inspire is copyright (C) 2002-2004 ChatSpike-Dev. * E-mail: * * * * Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others. * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ using namespace std; #include "inspircd_config.h" #include "inspircd.h" #include "inspircd_io.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef GCC3 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "users.h" #include "ctables.h" #include "globals.h" #include "modules.h" #include "dynamic.h" #include "wildcard.h" #include "commands.h" #include "message.h" #include "inspstring.h" #include "dns.h" #include "helperfuncs.h" extern int MODCOUNT; extern std::vector modules; extern std::vector factory; extern time_t TIME; extern ServerConfig* Config; /* return 0 or 1 depending if users u and u2 share one or more common channels * (used by QUIT, NICK etc which arent channel specific notices) */ int common_channels(userrec *u, userrec *u2) { if ((!u) || (!u2)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** common_channels was given an invalid parameter"); return 0; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < u->chans.size(); i++) { for (unsigned int z = 0; z != u2->chans.size(); z++) { if ((u->chans[i].channel != NULL) && (u2->chans[z].channel != NULL)) { if ((!strcasecmp(u->chans[i].channel->name,u2->chans[z].channel->name)) && (u->chans[i].channel) && (u2->chans[z].channel) && (u->registered == 7) && (u2->registered == 7)) { if ((c_count(u)) && (c_count(u2))) { return 1; } } } } } return 0; } void tidystring(char* str) { // strips out double spaces before a : parameter char temp[MAXBUF]; bool go_again = true; if (!str) return; // pointer voodoo++ --w00t while ((*str) && (*str == ' ')) str++; while (go_again) { bool noparse = false; int t = 0, a = 0; go_again = false; const int lenofstr = strlen(str); /* * by caching strlen() of str, we theoretically avoid 3 expensive calls each time this loop * rolls around.. should speed things up a nanosecond or two. ;) */ while (a < lenofstr) { if ((a < lenofstr - 1) && (noparse == false)) { if ((str[a] == ' ') && (str[a+1] == ' ')) { log(DEBUG,"Tidied extra space out of string: %s",str); go_again = true; a++; } } if (a < lenofstr - 1) { if ((str[a] == ' ') && (str[a+1] == ':')) { noparse = true; } } temp[t++] = str[a++]; } temp[t] = '\0'; strlcpy(str,temp,MAXBUF); } } /* chop a string down to 512 characters and preserve linefeed (irc max * line length) */ void chop(char* str) { if (!str) { log(DEBUG,"ERROR! Null string passed to chop()!"); return; } string temp = str; FOREACH_MOD OnServerRaw(temp,false,NULL); const char* str2 = temp.c_str(); snprintf(str,MAXBUF,"%s",str2); if (strlen(str) >= 511) { str[510] = '\r'; str[511] = '\n'; str[512] = '\0'; log(DEBUG,"Excess line chopped."); } } void Blocking(int s) { int flags; log(DEBUG,"Blocking: %d",s); flags = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(s, F_SETFL, flags ^ O_NONBLOCK); } void NonBlocking(int s) { int flags; log(DEBUG,"NonBlocking: %d",s); flags = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(s, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); } int CleanAndResolve (char *resolvedHost, const char *unresolvedHost) { DNS d(Config->DNSServer); int fd = d.ReverseLookup(unresolvedHost); if (fd < 0) return 0; time_t T = time(NULL)+1; while ((!d.HasResult()) && (time(NULL)chans.size(); i++) if (u->chans[i].channel != NULL) z++; return z; } bool hasumode(userrec* user, char mode) { if (user) { return (strchr(user->modes,mode)>0); } else return false; } void ChangeName(userrec* user, const char* gecos) { if (user->fd > -1) { int MOD_RESULT = 0; FOREACH_RESULT(OnChangeLocalUserGECOS(user,gecos)); if (MOD_RESULT) return; FOREACH_MOD OnChangeName(user,gecos); } strlcpy(user->fullname,gecos,MAXBUF); } void ChangeDisplayedHost(userrec* user, const char* host) { if (user->fd > -1) { int MOD_RESULT = 0; FOREACH_RESULT(OnChangeLocalUserHost(user,host)); if (MOD_RESULT) return; FOREACH_MOD OnChangeHost(user,host); } strlcpy(user->dhost,host,160); } /* verify that a user's ident and nickname is valid */ int isident(const char* n) { if (!n) { return 0; } if (!strcmp(n,"")) { return 0; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(n); i++) { if ((n[i] < 33) || (n[i] > 125)) { return 0; } /* can't occur ANYWHERE in an Ident! */ if (strchr("<>,/?:;@'~#=+()*&%$£ \"!",n[i])) { return 0; } } return 1; } int isnick(const char* n) { if (!n) { return 0; } if (!strcmp(n,"")) { return 0; } if (strlen(n) > NICKMAX) { return 0; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i != strlen(n); i++) { if ((n[i] < 33) || (n[i] > 125)) { return 0; } /* can't occur ANYWHERE in a nickname! */ if (strchr("<>,./?:;@'~#=+()*&%$£ \"!",n[i])) { return 0; } /* can't occur as the first char of a nickname... */ if ((strchr("0123456789",n[i])) && (!i)) { return 0; } } return 1; } /* returns the status character for a given user on a channel, e.g. @ for op, * % for halfop etc. If the user has several modes set, the highest mode * the user has must be returned. */ char* cmode(userrec *user, chanrec *chan) { if ((!user) || (!chan)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** cmode was given an invalid parameter"); return ""; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < user->chans.size(); i++) { if (user->chans[i].channel) { if ((!strcasecmp(user->chans[i].channel->name,chan->name)) && (chan != NULL)) { if ((user->chans[i].uc_modes & UCMODE_OP) > 0) { return "@"; } if ((user->chans[i].uc_modes & UCMODE_HOP) > 0) { return "%"; } if ((user->chans[i].uc_modes & UCMODE_VOICE) > 0) { return "+"; } return ""; } } } return ""; } /* returns the status value for a given user on a channel, e.g. STATUS_OP for * op, STATUS_VOICE for voice etc. If the user has several modes set, the * highest mode the user has must be returned. */ int cstatus(userrec *user, chanrec *chan) { if ((!chan) || (!user)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** cstatus was given an invalid parameter"); return 0; } if (is_uline(user->server)) return STATUS_OP; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < user->chans.size(); i++) { if (user->chans[i].channel) { if ((!strcasecmp(user->chans[i].channel->name,chan->name)) && (chan != NULL)) { if ((user->chans[i].uc_modes & UCMODE_OP) > 0) { return STATUS_OP; } if ((user->chans[i].uc_modes & UCMODE_HOP) > 0) { return STATUS_HOP; } if ((user->chans[i].uc_modes & UCMODE_VOICE) > 0) { return STATUS_VOICE; } return STATUS_NORMAL; } } } return STATUS_NORMAL; } /* returns 1 if user u has channel c in their record, 0 if not */ int has_channel(userrec *u, chanrec *c) { if ((!u) || (!c)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** has_channel was given an invalid parameter"); return 0; } for (unsigned int i =0; i < u->chans.size(); i++) { if (u->chans[i].channel) { if (!strcasecmp(u->chans[i].channel->name,c->name)) { return 1; } } } return 0; } void TidyBan(char *ban) { if (!ban) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** TidyBan was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char temp[MAXBUF],NICK[MAXBUF],IDENT[MAXBUF],HOST[MAXBUF]; strlcpy(temp,ban,MAXBUF); char* pos_of_pling = strchr(temp,'!'); char* pos_of_at = strchr(temp,'@'); pos_of_pling[0] = '\0'; pos_of_at[0] = '\0'; pos_of_pling++; pos_of_at++; strlcpy(NICK,temp,NICKMAX); strlcpy(IDENT,pos_of_pling,IDENTMAX+1); strlcpy(HOST,pos_of_at,160); snprintf(ban,MAXBUF,"%s!%s@%s",NICK,IDENT,HOST); } char lst[MAXBUF]; std::string chlist(userrec *user,userrec* source) { std::string cmp = ""; std::string lst = ""; log(DEBUG,"chlist: %s",user->nick); if (!user) { return lst; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < user->chans.size(); i++) { if (user->chans[i].channel != NULL) { if (user->chans[i].channel->name) { cmp = std::string(user->chans[i].channel->name) + " "; if (!strstr(lst.c_str(),cmp.c_str())) { // if the channel is NOT private/secret, OR the source user is on the channel if (((!(user->chans[i].channel->binarymodes & CM_PRIVATE)) && (!(user->chans[i].channel->binarymodes & CM_SECRET))) || (has_channel(source,user->chans[i].channel))) { lst = lst + std::string(cmode(user,user->chans[i].channel)) + std::string(user->chans[i].channel->name) + " "; } } } } } return lst; }