/*       +------------------------------------+
 *       | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
 *       +------------------------------------+
 *  InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2010 InspIRCd Development Team
 * See: http://wiki.inspircd.org/Credits
 * This program is free but copyrighted software; see
 *            the file COPYING for details.
 * ---------------------------------------------------

#include "inspircd.h"

#include "filelogger.h"

 * Suggested implementation...
 *	class LogManager
 *		bool AddLogType(const std::string &type, enum loglevel, LogStream *)
 *		bool DelLogType(const std::string &type, LogStream *)
 *		Log(const std::string &type, enum loglevel, const std::string &msg)
 *		std::map<std::string, std::vector<LogStream *> > logstreams (holds a 'chain' of logstreams for each type that are all notified when a log happens)
 *  class LogStream
 *		std::string type
 *      virtual void OnLog(enum loglevel, const std::string &msg)
 * How it works:
 *  Modules create their own logstream types (core will create one for 'file logging' for example) and create instances of these logstream types
 *  and register interest in a certain logtype. Globbing is not here, with the exception of * - for all events.. loglevel is used to drop
 *  events that are of no interest to a logstream.
 *  When Log is called, the vector of logstreams for that type is iterated (along with the special vector for "*"), and all registered logstreams
 *  are called back ("OnLog" or whatever) to do whatever they like with the message. In the case of the core, this will write to a file.
 *  In the case of the module I plan to write (m_logtochannel or something), it will log to the channel(s) for that logstream, etc.
 * NOTE: Somehow we have to let LogManager manage the non-blocking file streams and provide an interface to share them with various LogStreams,
 *       as, for example, a user may want to let 'KILL' and 'XLINE' snotices go to /home/ircd/inspircd/logs/operactions.log, or whatever. How
 *       can we accomplish this easily? I guess with a map of pre-loved logpaths, and a pointer of FILE *..

	Logging = false;


void LogManager::OpenFileLogs()
	/* Skip rest of logfile opening if we are running -nolog. */
	if (!ServerInstance->Config->cmdline.writelog)
	std::map<std::string, FileWriter*> logmap;
	ConfigTagList tags = ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("log");
	for(ConfigIter i = tags.first; i != tags.second; ++i)
		ConfigTag* tag = i->second;
		std::string method = tag->getString("method");
		if (method != "file")
		std::string type = tag->getString("type");
		std::string level = tag->getString("level");
		int loglevel = DEFAULT;
		if (level == "debug")
			loglevel = DEBUG;
		else if (level == "verbose")
			loglevel = VERBOSE;
		else if (level == "default")
			loglevel = DEFAULT;
		else if (level == "sparse")
			loglevel = SPARSE;
		else if (level == "none")
			loglevel = NONE;
		FileWriter* fw;
		std::string target = tag->getString("target");
		std::map<std::string, FileWriter*>::iterator fwi = logmap.find(target);
		if (fwi == logmap.end())
			char realtarget[MAXBUF];
			time_t time = ServerInstance->Time();
			struct tm *mytime = gmtime(&time);
			strftime(realtarget, MAXBUF, target.c_str(), mytime);
			FILE* f = fopen(realtarget, "a");
			fw = new FileWriter(f);
			logmap.insert(std::make_pair(target, fw));
			fw = fwi->second;
		FileLogStream* fls = new FileLogStream(loglevel, fw);
		AddLogTypes(type, fls, true);

void LogManager::CloseLogs()
	std::map<std::string, std::vector<LogStream*> >().swap(LogStreams); /* Clear it */
	std::map<LogStream*, std::vector<std::string> >().swap(GlobalLogStreams); /* Clear it */
	for (std::map<LogStream*, int>::iterator i = AllLogStreams.begin(); i != AllLogStreams.end(); ++i)
		delete i->first;
	std::map<LogStream*, int>().swap(AllLogStreams); /* And clear it */

void LogManager::AddLogTypes(const std::string &types, LogStream* l, bool autoclose)
	irc::spacesepstream css(types);
	std::string tok;
	std::vector<std::string> excludes;
	while (css.GetToken(tok))
		if (tok.empty())
		if (tok.at(0) == '-')
			/* Exclude! */
			AddLogType(tok, l, autoclose);
	// Handle doing things like: USERINPUT USEROUTPUT -USERINPUT should be the same as saying just USEROUTPUT.
	// (This is so modules could, for example, inject exclusions for logtypes they can't handle.)
	for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = excludes.begin(); i != excludes.end(); ++i)
		if (*i == "*")
			/* -* == Exclude all. Why someone would do this, I dunno. */
		DelLogType(*i, l);
	// Now if it's registered as a global, add the exclusions there too.
	std::map<LogStream *, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator gi = GlobalLogStreams.find(l);
	if (gi != GlobalLogStreams.end())
		gi->second.swap(excludes); // Swap with the vector in the hash.

bool LogManager::AddLogType(const std::string &type, LogStream *l, bool autoclose)
	std::map<std::string, std::vector<LogStream *> >::iterator i = LogStreams.find(type);

	if (i != LogStreams.end())
		std::vector<LogStream *> v;
		LogStreams[type] = v;

	if (type == "*")
		GlobalLogStreams.insert(std::make_pair(l, std::vector<std::string>()));

	if (autoclose)
		std::map<LogStream*, int>::iterator ai = AllLogStreams.find(l);
		if (ai == AllLogStreams.end())
			AllLogStreams.insert(std::make_pair(l, 1));

	return true;

void LogManager::DelLogStream(LogStream* l)
	for (std::map<std::string, std::vector<LogStream*> >::iterator i = LogStreams.begin(); i != LogStreams.end(); ++i)
		std::vector<LogStream*>::iterator it;
		while ((it = std::find(i->second.begin(), i->second.end(), l)) != i->second.end())
			if (it == i->second.end())
	std::map<LogStream *, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator gi = GlobalLogStreams.find(l);
	if (gi != GlobalLogStreams.end())
	std::map<LogStream*, int>::iterator ai = AllLogStreams.begin();
	if (ai == AllLogStreams.end())
		return; /* Done. */
	delete ai->first;

bool LogManager::DelLogType(const std::string &type, LogStream *l)
	std::map<std::string, std::vector<LogStream *> >::iterator i = LogStreams.find(type);
	if (type == "*")
		std::map<LogStream *, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator gi = GlobalLogStreams.find(l);
		if (gi != GlobalLogStreams.end()) GlobalLogStreams.erase(gi);

	if (i != LogStreams.end())
		std::vector<LogStream *>::iterator it = std::find(i->second.begin(), i->second.end(), l);

		if (it != i->second.end())
			if (i->second.size() == 0)
			return false;
		return false;

	std::map<LogStream*, int>::iterator ai = AllLogStreams.find(l);
	if (ai == AllLogStreams.end())
		return true;

	if ((--ai->second) < 1)
		delete l;

	return true;

void LogManager::Log(const std::string &type, int loglevel, const char *fmt, ...)
	if (Logging)

	va_list a;
	static char buf[65536];

	va_start(a, fmt);
	vsnprintf(buf, 65536, fmt, a);

	this->Log(type, loglevel, std::string(buf));

void LogManager::Log(const std::string &type, int loglevel, const std::string &msg)
	if (Logging)

	Logging = true;

	for (std::map<LogStream *, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator gi = GlobalLogStreams.begin(); gi != GlobalLogStreams.end(); ++gi)
		if (std::find(gi->second.begin(), gi->second.end(), type) != gi->second.end())
		gi->first->OnLog(loglevel, type, msg);

	std::map<std::string, std::vector<LogStream *> >::iterator i = LogStreams.find(type);

	if (i != LogStreams.end())
		for (std::vector<LogStream *>::iterator it = i->second.begin(); it != i->second.end(); ++it)
			(*it)->OnLog(loglevel, type, msg);

	Logging = false;

FileWriter::FileWriter(FILE* logfile)
: log(logfile), writeops(0)

void FileWriter::WriteLogLine(const std::string &line)
	if (log == NULL)
// XXX: For now, just return. Don't throw an exception. It'd be nice to find out if this is happening, but I'm terrified of breaking so close to final release. -- w00t
//		throw CoreException("FileWriter::WriteLogLine called with a closed logfile");

	if (writeops++ % 20)

	if (log)
		log = NULL;