/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * InspIRCd is copyright (C) 2002-2006 ChatSpike-Dev. * E-mail: * * * * Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others. * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ using namespace std; #include "inspircd_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "inspircd.h" #include "inspircd_io.h" #include "inspstring.h" #include "helperfuncs.h" #include "userprocess.h" #include "xline.h" extern ServerConfig *Config; extern InspIRCd* ServerInstance; extern int openSockfd[MAXSOCKS]; extern time_t TIME; extern int MODCOUNT; extern std::vector modules; extern std::vector factory; ServerConfig::ServerConfig() { this->ClearStack(); *TempDir = *ServerName = *Network = *ServerDesc = *AdminName = '\0'; *HideWhoisServer = *AdminEmail = *AdminNick = *diepass = *restartpass = '\0'; *CustomVersion = *motd = *rules = *PrefixQuit = *DieValue = *DNSServer = '\0'; *OperOnlyStats = *ModPath = *MyExecutable = *DisabledCommands = *PID = '\0'; log_file = NULL; nofork = HideBans = HideSplits = unlimitcore = false; AllowHalfop = true; dns_timeout = DieDelay = 5; MaxTargets = 20; NetBufferSize = 10240; SoftLimit = MAXCLIENTS; MaxConn = SOMAXCONN; MaxWhoResults = 100; debugging = 0; LogLevel = DEFAULT; maxbans.clear(); } void ServerConfig::ClearStack() { include_stack.clear(); } Module* ServerConfig::GetIOHook(int port) { std::map::iterator x = IOHookModule.find(port); return (x != IOHookModule.end() ? x->second : NULL); } bool ServerConfig::AddIOHook(int port, Module* iomod) { if (!GetIOHook(port)) { IOHookModule[port] = iomod; return true; } else { ModuleException err("Port already hooked by another module"); throw(err); return false; } } bool ServerConfig::DelIOHook(int port) { std::map::iterator x = IOHookModule.find(port); if (x != IOHookModule.end()) { IOHookModule.erase(x); return true; } return false; } bool ServerConfig::CheckOnce(char* tag, bool bail, userrec* user) { int count = ConfValueEnum(tag,&Config->config_f); if (count > 1) { if (bail) { printf("There were errors in your configuration:\nYou have more than one <%s> tag, this is not permitted.\n",tag); Exit(0); } else { if (user) { WriteServ(user->fd,"There were errors in your configuration:"); WriteServ(user->fd,"You have more than one <%s> tag, this is not permitted.\n",tag); } else { WriteOpers("There were errors in the configuration file:"); WriteOpers("You have more than one <%s> tag, this is not permitted.\n",tag); } } return false; } if (count < 1) { if (bail) { printf("There were errors in your configuration:\nYou have not defined a <%s> tag, this is required.\n",tag); Exit(0); } else { if (user) { WriteServ(user->fd,"There were errors in your configuration:"); WriteServ(user->fd,"You have not defined a <%s> tag, this is required.",tag); } else { WriteOpers("There were errors in the configuration file:"); WriteOpers("You have not defined a <%s> tag, this is required.",tag); } } return false; } return true; } bool NoValidation(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { log(DEBUG,"No validation for <%s:%s>",tag,value); return true; } bool ValidateTempDir(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { char* x = (char*)data; if (!*x) strlcpy(x,"/tmp",1024); return true; } bool ValidateMaxTargets(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { int* x = (int*)data; if ((*x < 0) || (*x > 31)) { log(DEFAULT,"WARNING: value is greater than 31 or less than 0, set to 20."); *x = 20; } return true; } bool ValidateSoftLimit(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { int* x = (int*)data; if ((*x < 1) || (*x > MAXCLIENTS)) { log(DEFAULT,"WARNING: value is greater than %d or less than 0, set to %d.",MAXCLIENTS,MAXCLIENTS); *x = MAXCLIENTS; } return true; } bool ValidateMaxConn(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { int* x = (int*)data; if (*x > SOMAXCONN) log(DEFAULT,"WARNING: value may be higher than the system-defined SOMAXCONN value!"); if (!*x) *x = SOMAXCONN; return true; } bool ValidateDnsTimeout(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { int* x = (int*)data; if (!*x) *x = 5; return true; } bool ValidateDnsServer(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { char* x = (char*)data; if (!*x) { // attempt to look up their nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf log(DEFAULT,"WARNING: not defined, attempting to find working server in /etc/resolv.conf..."); ifstream resolv("/etc/resolv.conf"); std::string nameserver; bool found_server = false; if (resolv.is_open()) { while (resolv >> nameserver) { if ((nameserver == "nameserver") && (!found_server)) { resolv >> nameserver; strlcpy(x,nameserver.c_str(),MAXBUF); found_server = true; log(DEFAULT," set to '%s' as first resolver in /etc/resolv.conf.",nameserver.c_str()); } } if (!found_server) { log(DEFAULT,"/etc/resolv.conf contains no viable nameserver entries! Defaulting to nameserver ''!"); strlcpy(x,"",MAXBUF); } } else { log(DEFAULT,"/etc/resolv.conf can't be opened! Defaulting to nameserver ''!"); strlcpy(x,"",MAXBUF); } } return true; } bool ValidateModPath(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { char* x = (char*)data; if (!*x) strlcpy(x,MOD_PATH,MAXBUF); return true; } bool ValidateServerName(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { char* x = (char*)data; if (!strchr(x,'.')) { log(DEFAULT,"WARNING: '%s' is not a fully-qualified domain name. Changed to '%s%c'",x,x,'.'); charlcat(x,'.',MAXBUF); } strlower(x); return true; } bool ValidateNetBufferSize(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { if ((!Config->NetBufferSize) || (Config->NetBufferSize > 65535) || (Config->NetBufferSize < 1024)) { log(DEFAULT,"No NetBufferSize specified or size out of range, setting to default of 10240."); Config->NetBufferSize = 10240; } return true; } bool ValidateMaxWho(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { if ((!Config->MaxWhoResults) || (Config->MaxWhoResults > 65535) || (Config->MaxWhoResults < 1)) { log(DEFAULT,"No MaxWhoResults specified or size out of range, setting to default of 128."); Config->MaxWhoResults = 128; } return true; } bool ValidateLogLevel(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { const char* dbg = (const char*)data; Config->LogLevel = DEFAULT; if (!strcmp(dbg,"debug")) { Config->LogLevel = DEBUG; Config->debugging = 1; } else if (!strcmp(dbg,"verbose")) Config->LogLevel = VERBOSE; else if (!strcmp(dbg,"default")) Config->LogLevel = DEFAULT; else if (!strcmp(dbg,"sparse")) Config->LogLevel = SPARSE; else if (!strcmp(dbg,"none")) Config->LogLevel = NONE; return true; } bool ValidateMotd(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { readfile(Config->MOTD,Config->motd); return true; } bool ValidateRules(const char* tag, const char* value, void* data) { readfile(Config->RULES,Config->rules); return true; } void ServerConfig::Read(bool bail, userrec* user) { char debug[MAXBUF]; char CM1[MAXBUF],CM2[MAXBUF]; char ServName[MAXBUF],Value[MAXBUF]; char dataline[1024]; ConnectClass c; std::stringstream errstr; static InitialConfig Values[] = { {"options", "softlimit", &this->SoftLimit, DT_INTEGER, ValidateSoftLimit}, {"options", "somaxconn", &this->MaxConn, DT_INTEGER, ValidateMaxConn}, {"server", "name", &this->ServerName, DT_CHARPTR, ValidateServerName}, {"server", "description", &this->ServerDesc, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"server", "network", &this->Network, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"admin", "name", &this->AdminName, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"admin", "email", &this->AdminEmail, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"admin", "nick", &this->AdminNick, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"files", "motd", &this->motd, DT_CHARPTR, ValidateMotd}, {"files", "rules", &this->rules, DT_CHARPTR, ValidateRules}, {"power", "diepass", &this->diepass, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"power", "pauseval", &this->DieDelay, DT_INTEGER, NoValidation}, {"power", "restartpass", &this->restartpass, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"options", "prefixquit", &this->PrefixQuit, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"die", "value", &this->DieValue, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"options", "loglevel", &debug, DT_CHARPTR, ValidateLogLevel}, {"options", "netbuffersize", &this->NetBufferSize, DT_INTEGER, ValidateNetBufferSize}, {"options", "maxwho", &this->MaxWhoResults, DT_INTEGER, ValidateMaxWho}, {"options", "allowhalfop", &this->AllowHalfop, DT_BOOLEAN, NoValidation}, {"dns", "server", &this->DNSServer, DT_CHARPTR, ValidateDnsServer}, {"dns", "timeout", &this->dns_timeout, DT_INTEGER, ValidateDnsTimeout}, {"options", "moduledir", &this->ModPath, DT_CHARPTR, ValidateModPath}, {"disabled", "commands", &this->DisabledCommands, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"options", "operonlystats", &this->OperOnlyStats, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"options", "customversion", &this->CustomVersion, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"options", "hidesplits", &this->HideSplits, DT_BOOLEAN, NoValidation}, {"options", "hidebans", &this->HideBans, DT_BOOLEAN, NoValidation}, {"options", "hidewhois", &this->HideWhoisServer, DT_CHARPTR, NoValidation}, {"options", "tempdir", &this->TempDir, DT_CHARPTR, ValidateTempDir}, {NULL} }; include_stack.clear(); if (!LoadConf(CONFIG_FILE,&Config->config_f,&errstr)) { errstr.seekg(0); log(DEFAULT,"There were errors in your configuration:\n%s",errstr.str().c_str()); if (bail) { printf("There were errors in your configuration:\n%s",errstr.str().c_str()); Exit(0); } else { if (user) { WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :There were errors in the configuration file:",user->nick); while (!errstr.eof()) { errstr.getline(dataline,1024); WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :%s",user->nick,dataline); } } else { WriteOpers("There were errors in the configuration file:"); while (!errstr.eof()) { errstr.getline(dataline,1024); WriteOpers(dataline); } } return; } } /* Check we dont have more than one of singular tags */ if (!CheckOnce("server",bail,user) || !CheckOnce("admin",bail,user) || !CheckOnce("files",bail,user) || !CheckOnce("power",bail,user) || !CheckOnce("options",bail,user) || !CheckOnce("pid",bail,user)) { return; } char* convert; for (int Index = 0; Values[Index].tag; Index++) { int* val_i = (int*) Values[Index].val; char* val_c = (char*) Values[Index].val; switch (Values[Index].datatype) { case DT_CHARPTR: ConfValue(Values[Index].tag, Values[Index].value, 0, val_c, &this->config_f); break; case DT_INTEGER: convert = new char[MAXBUF]; ConfValue(Values[Index].tag, Values[Index].value, 0, convert, &this->config_f); *val_i = atoi(convert); delete[] convert; break; case DT_BOOLEAN: convert = new char[MAXBUF]; ConfValue(Values[Index].tag, Values[Index].value, 0, convert, &this->config_f); *val_i = ((*convert == tolower('y')) || (*convert == tolower('t')) || (*convert == '1')); delete[] convert; break; case DT_NOTHING: break; } Values[Index].validation_function(Values[Index].tag, Values[Index].value, Values[Index].val); } log(DEFAULT,"Reading connect classes..."); Classes.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ConfValueEnum("connect",&Config->config_f); i++) { *Value = 0; ConfValue("connect","allow",i,Value,&Config->config_f); if (*Value) { c.host = Value; c.type = CC_ALLOW; *Value = 0; ConfValue("connect","password",i,Value,&Config->config_f); c.pass = Value; c.registration_timeout = ConfValueInteger("connect","timeout",i,&Config->config_f); // default is 2 minutes c.pingtime = ConfValueInteger("connect","pingfreq",i,&Config->config_f); c.flood = ConfValueInteger("connect","flood",i,&Config->config_f); c.threshold = ConfValueInteger("connect","threshold",i,&Config->config_f); c.sendqmax = ConfValueInteger("connect","sendq",i,&Config->config_f); c.recvqmax = ConfValueInteger("connect","recvq",i,&Config->config_f); c.maxlocal = ConfValueInteger("connect","localmax",i,&Config->config_f); c.maxglobal = ConfValueInteger("connect","globalmax",i,&Config->config_f); if (c.maxlocal == 0) { c.maxlocal = 3; } if (c.maxglobal == 0) { c.maxglobal = 3; } if (c.threshold == 0) { c.threshold = 1; c.flood = 999; log(DEFAULT,"Warning: Connect allow line '%s' has no flood/threshold settings. Setting this tag to 999 lines in 1 second.",c.host.c_str()); } if (c.sendqmax == 0) { c.sendqmax = 262114; } if (c.recvqmax == 0) { c.recvqmax = 4096; } if (c.registration_timeout == 0) { c.registration_timeout = 90; } if (c.pingtime == 0) { c.pingtime = 120; } Classes.push_back(c); } else { ConfValue("connect","deny",i,Value,&Config->config_f); c.host = Value; c.type = CC_DENY; Classes.push_back(c); log(DEBUG,"Read connect class type DENY, host=%s",c.host.c_str()); } } Config->ulines.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ConfValueEnum("uline",&Config->config_f); i++) { ConfValue("uline","server",i,ServName,&Config->config_f); { log(DEBUG,"Read ULINE '%s'",ServName); Config->ulines.push_back(ServName); } } maxbans.clear(); for (int count = 0; count < Config->ConfValueEnum("banlist",&Config->config_f); count++) { Config->ConfValue("banlist","chan",count,CM1,&Config->config_f); Config->ConfValue("banlist","limit",count,CM2,&Config->config_f); maxbans[CM1] = atoi(CM2); } ReadClassesAndTypes(); log(DEFAULT,"Reading K lines,Q lines and Z lines from config..."); read_xline_defaults(); log(DEFAULT,"Applying K lines, Q lines and Z lines..."); apply_lines(APPLY_ALL); ConfValue("pid","file",0,Config->PID,&Config->config_f); // write once here, to try it out and make sure its ok WritePID(Config->PID); log(DEFAULT,"Done reading configuration file, InspIRCd is now starting."); if (!bail) { log(DEFAULT,"Adding and removing modules due to rehash..."); std::vector old_module_names, new_module_names, added_modules, removed_modules; // store the old module names for (std::vector::iterator t = module_names.begin(); t != module_names.end(); t++) { old_module_names.push_back(*t); } // get the new module names for (int count2 = 0; count2 < ConfValueEnum("module",&Config->config_f); count2++) { ConfValue("module","name",count2,Value,&Config->config_f); new_module_names.push_back(Value); } // now create a list of new modules that are due to be loaded // and a seperate list of modules which are due to be unloaded for (std::vector::iterator _new = new_module_names.begin(); _new != new_module_names.end(); _new++) { bool added = true; for (std::vector::iterator old = old_module_names.begin(); old != old_module_names.end(); old++) { if (*old == *_new) added = false; } if (added) added_modules.push_back(*_new); } for (std::vector::iterator oldm = old_module_names.begin(); oldm != old_module_names.end(); oldm++) { bool removed = true; for (std::vector::iterator newm = new_module_names.begin(); newm != new_module_names.end(); newm++) { if (*newm == *oldm) removed = false; } if (removed) removed_modules.push_back(*oldm); } /* * now we have added_modules, a vector of modules to be loaded, * and removed_modules, a vector of modules * to be removed. */ int rem = 0, add = 0; if (!removed_modules.empty()) for (std::vector::iterator removing = removed_modules.begin(); removing != removed_modules.end(); removing++) { if (ServerInstance->UnloadModule(removing->c_str())) { WriteOpers("*** REHASH UNLOADED MODULE: %s",removing->c_str()); if (user) WriteServ(user->fd,"973 %s %s :Module %s successfully unloaded.",user->nick, removing->c_str(), removing->c_str()); rem++; } else { if (user) WriteServ(user->fd,"972 %s %s :Failed to unload module %s: %s",user->nick, removing->c_str(), removing->c_str(), ServerInstance->ModuleError()); } } if (!added_modules.empty()) for (std::vector::iterator adding = added_modules.begin(); adding != added_modules.end(); adding++) { if (ServerInstance->LoadModule(adding->c_str())) { WriteOpers("*** REHASH LOADED MODULE: %s",adding->c_str()); if (user) WriteServ(user->fd,"975 %s %s :Module %s successfully loaded.",user->nick, adding->c_str(), adding->c_str()); add++; } else { if (user) WriteServ(user->fd,"974 %s %s :Failed to load module %s: %s",user->nick, adding->c_str(), adding->c_str(), ServerInstance->ModuleError()); } } log(DEFAULT,"Successfully unloaded %lu of %lu modules and loaded %lu of %lu modules.",(unsigned long)rem,(unsigned long)removed_modules.size(),(unsigned long)add,(unsigned long)added_modules.size()); } } void Exit (int status) { if (Config->log_file) fclose(Config->log_file); send_error("Server shutdown."); exit (status); } void Killed(int status) { if (Config->log_file) fclose(Config->log_file); send_error("Server terminated."); exit(status); } char* CleanFilename(char* name) { char* p = name + strlen(name); while ((p != name) && (*p != '/')) p--; return (p != name ? ++p : p); } void Rehash(int status) { WriteOpers("Rehashing config file %s due to SIGHUP",CleanFilename(CONFIG_FILE)); fclose(Config->log_file); OpenLog(NULL,0); Config->Read(false,NULL); FOREACH_MOD(I_OnRehash,OnRehash("")); } void Start (void) { printf("\033[1;32mInspire Internet Relay Chat Server, compiled %s at %s\n",__DATE__,__TIME__); printf("(C) ChatSpike Development team.\033[0m\n\n"); printf("Developers:\033[1;32m Brain, FrostyCoolSlug, w00t, Om\033[0m\n"); printf("Others:\033[1;32m See /INFO Output\033[0m\n"); printf("Name concept:\033[1;32m Lord_Zathras\033[0m\n\n"); } void WritePID(std::string filename) { ofstream outfile(filename.c_str()); if (outfile.is_open()) { outfile << getpid(); outfile.close(); } else { printf("Failed to write PID-file '%s', exiting.\n",filename.c_str()); log(DEFAULT,"Failed to write PID-file '%s', exiting.",filename.c_str()); Exit(0); } } void SetSignals() { signal (SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGHUP, Rehash); signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGTERM, Exit); signal (SIGSEGV, Error); } int DaemonSeed (void) { int childpid; if ((childpid = fork ()) < 0) return (ERROR); else if (childpid > 0) { /* We wait a few seconds here, so that the shell prompt doesnt come back over the output */ sleep(6); exit (0); } setsid (); umask (007); printf("InspIRCd Process ID: \033[1;32m%lu\033[0m\n",(unsigned long)getpid()); if (Config->unlimitcore) { rlimit rl; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rl) == -1) { log(DEFAULT,"Failed to getrlimit()!"); return(FALSE); } else { rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rl) == -1) log(DEFAULT,"setrlimit() failed, cannot increase coredump size."); } } return (TRUE); } /* Make Sure Modules Are Avaliable! * (BugFix By Craig.. See? I do work! :p) * Modified by brain, requires const char* * to work with other API functions */ bool FileExists (const char* file) { FILE *input; if ((input = fopen (file, "r")) == NULL) { return(false); } else { fclose (input); return(true); } } /* ConfProcess does the following things to a config line in the following order: * * Processes the line for syntax errors as shown below * (1) Line void of quotes or equals (a malformed, illegal tag format) * (2) Odd number of quotes on the line indicating a missing quote * (3) number of equals signs not equal to number of quotes / 2 (missing an equals sign) * (4) Spaces between the opening bracket (<) and the keyword * (5) Spaces between a keyword and an equals sign * (6) Spaces between an equals sign and a quote * Removes trailing spaces * Removes leading spaces * Converts tabs to spaces * Turns multiple spaces that are outside of quotes into single spaces */ std::string ServerConfig::ConfProcess(char* buffer, long linenumber, std::stringstream* errorstream, bool &error, std::string filename) { long number_of_quotes = 0; long number_of_equals = 0; bool has_open_bracket = false; bool in_quotes = false; error = false; if (!buffer) { return ""; } // firstly clean up the line by stripping spaces from the start and end and converting tabs to spaces for (char* d = buffer; *d; d++) if (*d == 9) *d = ' '; while (*buffer == ' ') buffer++; while ((buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] == ' ') && (*buffer)) buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; // empty lines are syntactically valid, as are comments if (!(*buffer) || buffer[0] == '#') return ""; for (unsigned int c = 0; c < strlen(buffer); c++) { // convert all spaces that are OUTSIDE quotes into hardspace (0xA0) as this will make them easier to // search and replace later :) if ((!in_quotes) && (buffer[c] == ' ')) buffer[c] = '\xA0'; if ((buffer[c] == '<') && (!in_quotes)) { has_open_bracket = true; if (strlen(buffer) == 1) { *errorstream << "Tag without identifier at " << filename << ":" << linenumber << endl; error = true; return ""; } else if ((tolower(buffer[c+1]) < 'a') || (tolower(buffer[c+1]) > 'z')) { *errorstream << "Invalid characters in identifier at " << filename << ":" << linenumber << endl; error = true; return ""; } } if (buffer[c] == '"') { number_of_quotes++; in_quotes = (!in_quotes); } if ((buffer[c] == '=') && (!in_quotes)) { number_of_equals++; if (strlen(buffer) == c) { *errorstream << "Variable without a value at " << filename << ":" << linenumber << endl; error = true; return ""; } else if (buffer[c+1] != '"') { *errorstream << "Variable name not followed immediately by its value at " << filename << ":" << linenumber << endl; error = true; return ""; } else if (!c) { *errorstream << "Value without a variable (line starts with '=') at " << filename << ":" << linenumber << endl; error = true; return ""; } else if (buffer[c-1] == '\xA0') { *errorstream << "Variable name not followed immediately by its value at " << filename << ":" << linenumber << endl; error = true; return ""; } } } // no quotes, and no equals. something freaky. if ((!number_of_quotes) || (!number_of_equals) && (strlen(buffer)>2) && (buffer[0]=='<')) { *errorstream << "Malformed tag at " << filename << ":" << linenumber << endl; error = true; return ""; } // odd number of quotes. thats just wrong. if ((number_of_quotes % 2) != 0) { *errorstream << "Missing \" at " << filename << ":" << linenumber << endl; error = true; return ""; } if (number_of_equals < (number_of_quotes/2)) { *errorstream << "Missing '=' at " << filename << ":" << linenumber << endl; } if (number_of_equals > (number_of_quotes/2)) { *errorstream << "Too many '=' at " << filename << ":" << linenumber << endl; } std::string parsedata = buffer; // turn multispace into single space while (parsedata.find("\xA0\xA0") != std::string::npos) { parsedata.erase(parsedata.find("\xA0\xA0"),1); } // turn our hardspace back into softspace for (unsigned int d = 0; d < parsedata.length(); d++) { if (parsedata[d] == '\xA0') parsedata[d] = ' '; } // and we're done, the line is fine! return parsedata; } int ServerConfig::fgets_safe(char* buffer, size_t maxsize, FILE* &file) { char c_read = '\0'; unsigned int bufptr = 0; while ((!feof(file)) && (c_read != '\n') && (c_read != '\r') && (bufptr < maxsize)) { c_read = fgetc(file); if ((c_read != '\n') && (c_read != '\r')) buffer[bufptr++] = c_read; } buffer[bufptr] = '\0'; return bufptr; } bool ServerConfig::LoadConf(const char* filename, std::stringstream *target, std::stringstream* errorstream) { target->str(""); errorstream->str(""); long linenumber = 1; // first, check that the file exists before we try to do anything with it if (!FileExists(filename)) { *errorstream << "File " << filename << " not found." << endl; return false; } // Fix the chmod of the file to restrict it to the current user and group chmod(filename,0600); for (unsigned int t = 0; t < include_stack.size(); t++) { if (std::string(filename) == include_stack[t]) { *errorstream << "File " << filename << " is included recursively (looped inclusion)." << endl; return false; } } include_stack.push_back(filename); // now open it FILE* conf = fopen(filename,"r"); char buffer[MAXBUF]; if (conf) { while (!feof(conf)) { if (fgets_safe(buffer, MAXBUF, conf)) { if ((!feof(conf)) && (buffer) && (strlen(buffer))) { if ((buffer[0] != '#') && (buffer[0] != '\r') && (buffer[0] != '\n')) { if (!strncmp(buffer,"ConfProcess(buffer,linenumber++,errorstream,error,filename); if (error) { return false; } *target << data; } } else linenumber++; } } } fclose(conf); } target->seekg(0); return true; } /* Counts the number of tags of a certain type within the config file, e.g. to enumerate opers */ int ServerConfig::EnumConf(std::stringstream *config, const char* tag) { int ptr = 0; char buffer[MAXBUF], c_tag[MAXBUF], c, lastc; int in_token, in_quotes, tptr, idx = 0; std::string x = config->str(); const char* buf = x.c_str(); long bptr = 0; long len = config->str().length(); ptr = 0; in_token = 0; in_quotes = 0; lastc = '\0'; while (bptr') && (!in_quotes)) { in_token = 0; if (!strcmp(c_tag,tag)) { /* correct tag, but wrong index */ idx++; } c_tag[0] = '\0'; buffer[0] = '\0'; ptr = 0; tptr = 0; } if (c != '>') { if ((in_token) && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) { buffer[ptr++] = c; buffer[ptr] = '\0'; } } } return idx; } /* Counts the number of values within a certain tag */ int ServerConfig::EnumValues(std::stringstream *config, const char* tag, int index) { int ptr = 0; char buffer[MAXBUF], c_tag[MAXBUF], c, lastc; int in_token, in_quotes, tptr, idx = 0; bool correct_tag = false; int num_items = 0; const char* buf = config->str().c_str(); long bptr = 0; long len = strlen(buf); ptr = 0; in_token = 0; in_quotes = 0; lastc = '\0'; while (bptr') && (!in_quotes)) { in_token = 0; if (correct_tag) correct_tag = false; if (!strcmp(c_tag,tag)) { /* correct tag, but wrong index */ idx++; } c_tag[0] = '\0'; buffer[0] = '\0'; ptr = 0; tptr = 0; } if (c != '>') { if ((in_token) && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) { buffer[ptr++] = c; buffer[ptr] = '\0'; } } } return num_items+1; } int ServerConfig::ConfValueEnum(char* tag, std::stringstream* config) { return EnumConf(config,tag); } /* Retrieves a value from the config file. If there is more than one value of the specified * key and section (e.g. for opers etc) then the index value specifies which to retreive, e.g. * * ConfValue("oper","name",2,result); */ int ServerConfig::ReadConf(std::stringstream *config, const char* tag, const char* var, int index, char *result) { int ptr = 0; char buffer[65535], c_tag[MAXBUF], c, lastc; int in_token, in_quotes, tptr, idx = 0; char* key; std::string x = config->str(); const char* buf = x.c_str(); long bptr = 0; long len = config->str().length(); ptr = 0; in_token = 0; in_quotes = 0; lastc = '\0'; c_tag[0] = '\0'; buffer[0] = '\0'; while (bptr') && (!in_quotes)) { in_token = 0; if (idx == index) { if (!strcmp(c_tag,tag)) { if ((buffer) && (c_tag) && (var)) { key = strstr(buffer,var); if (!key) { /* value not found in tag */ *result = 0; return 0; } else { key+=strlen(var); while (*key !='"') { if (!*key) { /* missing quote */ *result = 0; return 0; } key++; } key++; for (unsigned j = 0; j < strlen(key); j++) { if (key[j] == '"') { key[j] = '\0'; } } strlcpy(result,key,MAXBUF); return 1; } } } } if (!strcmp(c_tag,tag)) { /* correct tag, but wrong index */ idx++; } c_tag[0] = '\0'; buffer[0] = '\0'; ptr = 0; tptr = 0; } if (c != '>') { if ((in_token) && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) { buffer[ptr++] = c; buffer[ptr] = '\0'; } } } *result = 0; // value or its tag not found at all return 0; } int ServerConfig::ConfValue(char* tag, char* var, int index, char *result,std::stringstream *config) { ReadConf(config, tag, var, index, result); return 0; } int ServerConfig::ConfValueInteger(char* tag, char* var, int index, std::stringstream *config) { char result[MAXBUF]; ReadConf(config, tag, var, index, result); return atoi(result); } // This will bind a socket to a port. It works for UDP/TCP int BindSocket (int sockfd, struct sockaddr_in client, struct sockaddr_in server, int port, char* addr) { memset((char *)&server,0,sizeof(server)); struct in_addr addy; inet_aton(addr,&addy); server.sin_family = AF_INET; if (!*addr) { server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); } else { server.sin_addr = addy; } server.sin_port = htons(port); if (bind(sockfd,(struct sockaddr*)&server,sizeof(server))<0) { return(ERROR); } else { listen(sockfd, Config->MaxConn); return(TRUE); } } // Open a TCP Socket int OpenTCPSocket (void) { int sockfd; int on = 1; struct linger linger = { 0 }; if ((sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) return (ERROR); else { setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&on, sizeof(on)); /* This is BSD compatible, setting l_onoff to 0 is *NOT* http://web.irc.org/mla/ircd-dev/msg02259.html */ linger.l_onoff = 1; linger.l_linger = 1; setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (const char*)&linger,sizeof(linger)); return (sockfd); } } int BindPorts() { char configToken[MAXBUF], Addr[MAXBUF], Type[MAXBUF]; sockaddr_in client,server; int clientportcount = 0; int BoundPortCount = 0; for (int count = 0; count < Config->ConfValueEnum("bind",&Config->config_f); count++) { Config->ConfValue("bind","port",count,configToken,&Config->config_f); Config->ConfValue("bind","address",count,Addr,&Config->config_f); Config->ConfValue("bind","type",count,Type,&Config->config_f); if ((!*Type) || (!strcmp(Type,"clients"))) { // modules handle server bind types now Config->ports[clientportcount] = atoi(configToken); // If the client put bind "*", this is an unrealism. // We don't actually support this as documented, but // i got fed up of people trying it, so now it converts // it to an empty string meaning the same 'bind to all'. if (*Addr == '*') *Addr = 0; strlcpy(Config->addrs[clientportcount],Addr,256); clientportcount++; log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: read binding %s:%s [%s] from config",Addr,configToken, Type); } } int PortCount = clientportcount; for (int count = 0; count < PortCount; count++) { if ((openSockfd[BoundPortCount] = OpenTCPSocket()) == ERROR) { log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: bad fd %lu binding port [%s:%d]",(unsigned long)openSockfd[BoundPortCount],Config->addrs[count],(unsigned long)Config->ports[count]); return(ERROR); } if (BindSocket(openSockfd[BoundPortCount],client,server,Config->ports[count],Config->addrs[count]) == ERROR) { log(DEFAULT,"InspIRCd: startup: failed to bind port [%s:%lu]: %s",Config->addrs[count],(unsigned long)Config->ports[count],strerror(errno)); } else { /* well we at least bound to one socket so we'll continue */ BoundPortCount++; } } /* if we didn't bind to anything then abort */ if (!BoundPortCount) { log(DEFAULT,"InspIRCd: startup: no ports bound, bailing!"); printf("\nERROR: Was not able to bind any of %lu ports! Please check your configuration.\n\n", (unsigned long)PortCount); return (ERROR); } return BoundPortCount; }