/* +------------------------------------+ * | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | * +------------------------------------+ * * Inspire is copyright (C) 2002-2004 ChatSpike-Dev. * E-mail: * * * * Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others. * This program is free but copyrighted software; see * the file COPYING for details. * * --------------------------------------------------- */ /* Now with added unF! ;) */ using namespace std; #include "inspircd.h" #include "inspircd_io.h" #include "inspircd_util.h" #include "inspircd_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef GCC3 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "connection.h" #include "users.h" #include "servers.h" #include "ctables.h" #include "globals.h" #include "modules.h" #include "dynamic.h" #include "wildcard.h" #include "message.h" #include "mode.h" #include "commands.h" #include "xline.h" #include "inspstring.h" #include "dnsqueue.h" #ifdef GCC3 #define nspace __gnu_cxx #else #define nspace std #endif int LogLevel = DEFAULT; char ServerName[MAXBUF]; char Network[MAXBUF]; char ServerDesc[MAXBUF]; char AdminName[MAXBUF]; char AdminEmail[MAXBUF]; char AdminNick[MAXBUF]; char diepass[MAXBUF]; char restartpass[MAXBUF]; char motd[MAXBUF]; char rules[MAXBUF]; char list[MAXBUF]; char PrefixQuit[MAXBUF]; char DieValue[MAXBUF]; char DNSServer[MAXBUF]; int debugging = 0; int WHOWAS_STALE = 48; // default WHOWAS Entries last 2 days before they go 'stale' int WHOWAS_MAX = 100; // default 100 people maximum in the WHOWAS list int DieDelay = 5; time_t startup_time = time(NULL); int NetBufferSize = 10240; // NetBufferSize used as the buffer size for all read() ops extern int MaxWhoResults; time_t nb_start = 0; int dns_timeout = 5; char DisabledCommands[MAXBUF]; bool AllowHalfop = true; bool AllowProtect = true; bool AllowFounder = true; extern std::vector modules; std::vector module_names; extern std::vector factory; std::vector fd_reap; extern int MODCOUNT; int openSockfd[MAXSOCKS]; bool nofork = false; bool unlimitcore = false; time_t TIME = time(NULL); namespace nspace { #ifdef GCC34 template<> struct hash #else template<> struct nspace::hash #endif { size_t operator()(const struct in_addr &a) const { size_t q; memcpy(&q,&a,sizeof(size_t)); return q; } }; #ifdef GCC34 template<> struct hash #else template<> struct nspace::hash #endif { size_t operator()(const string &s) const { char a[MAXBUF]; static struct hash strhash; strlcpy(a,s.c_str(),MAXBUF); strlower(a); return strhash(a); } }; } struct StrHashComp { bool operator()(const string& s1, const string& s2) const { char a[MAXBUF],b[MAXBUF]; strlcpy(a,s1.c_str(),MAXBUF); strlcpy(b,s2.c_str(),MAXBUF); return (strcasecmp(a,b) == 0); } }; struct InAddr_HashComp { bool operator()(const in_addr &s1, const in_addr &s2) const { size_t q; size_t p; memcpy(&q,&s1,sizeof(size_t)); memcpy(&p,&s2,sizeof(size_t)); return (q == p); } }; typedef nspace::hash_map, StrHashComp> user_hash; typedef nspace::hash_map, StrHashComp> chan_hash; typedef nspace::hash_map, InAddr_HashComp> address_cache; typedef std::deque command_table; serverrec* me[32]; FILE *log_file; user_hash clientlist; chan_hash chanlist; user_hash whowas; command_table cmdlist; file_cache MOTD; file_cache RULES; address_cache IP; ClassVector Classes; struct linger linger = { 0 }; char MyExecutable[1024]; int boundPortCount = 0; int portCount = 0, UDPportCount = 0, ports[MAXSOCKS]; int defaultRoute = 0; char ModPath[MAXBUF]; connection C; long MyKey = C.GenKey(); /* prototypes */ int has_channel(userrec *u, chanrec *c); int usercount(chanrec *c); int usercount_i(chanrec *c); char* Passwd(userrec *user); bool IsDenied(userrec *user); void AddWhoWas(userrec* u); std::vector auth_cookies; std::stringstream config_f(stringstream::in | stringstream::out); long GetRevision() { char Revision[] = "$Revision$"; char *s1 = Revision; char *savept; char *v1 = strtok_r(s1," ",&savept); s1 = savept; char *v2 = strtok_r(s1," ",&savept); s1 = savept; return (long)(atof(v2)*10000); } std::string getservername() { return ServerName; } std::string getserverdesc() { return ServerDesc; } std::string getnetworkname() { return Network; } std::string getadminname() { return AdminName; } std::string getadminemail() { return AdminEmail; } std::string getadminnick() { return AdminNick; } void log(int level,char *text, ...) { char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; if (level < LogLevel) return; time(&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime (&rawtime); if (log_file) { char b[MAXBUF]; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); strlcpy(b,asctime(timeinfo),MAXBUF); b[strlen(b)-1] = ':'; fprintf(log_file,"%s %s\n",b,textbuffer); if (nofork) { // nofork enabled? display it on terminal too printf("%s %s\n",b,textbuffer); } } } void readfile(file_cache &F, const char* fname) { FILE* file; char linebuf[MAXBUF]; log(DEBUG,"readfile: loading %s",fname); F.clear(); file = fopen(fname,"r"); if (file) { while (!feof(file)) { fgets(linebuf,sizeof(linebuf),file); linebuf[strlen(linebuf)-1]='\0'; if (!strcmp(linebuf,"")) { strcpy(linebuf," "); } if (!feof(file)) { F.push_back(linebuf); } } fclose(file); } else { log(DEBUG,"readfile: failed to load file: %s",fname); } log(DEBUG,"readfile: loaded %s, %d lines",fname,F.size()); } void ReadConfig(bool bail, userrec* user) { char dbg[MAXBUF],pauseval[MAXBUF],Value[MAXBUF],timeout[MAXBUF],NB[MAXBUF],flood[MAXBUF],MW[MAXBUF]; char AH[MAXBUF],AP[MAXBUF],AF[MAXBUF],DNT[MAXBUF],pfreq[MAXBUF]; ConnectClass c; std::stringstream errstr; if (!LoadConf(CONFIG_FILE,&config_f,&errstr)) { errstr.seekg(0); if (bail) { printf("There were errors in your configuration:\n%s",errstr.str().c_str()); Exit(0); } else { char dataline[1024]; if (user) { WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :There were errors in the configuration file:",user->nick); while (!errstr.eof()) { errstr.getline(dataline,1024); WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :%s",user->nick,dataline); } } else { WriteOpers("There were errors in the configuration file:",user->nick); while (!errstr.eof()) { errstr.getline(dataline,1024); WriteOpers(dataline); } } return; } } ConfValue("server","name",0,ServerName,&config_f); ConfValue("server","description",0,ServerDesc,&config_f); ConfValue("server","network",0,Network,&config_f); ConfValue("admin","name",0,AdminName,&config_f); ConfValue("admin","email",0,AdminEmail,&config_f); ConfValue("admin","nick",0,AdminNick,&config_f); ConfValue("files","motd",0,motd,&config_f); ConfValue("files","rules",0,rules,&config_f); ConfValue("power","diepass",0,diepass,&config_f); ConfValue("power","pause",0,pauseval,&config_f); ConfValue("power","restartpass",0,restartpass,&config_f); ConfValue("options","prefixquit",0,PrefixQuit,&config_f); ConfValue("die","value",0,DieValue,&config_f); ConfValue("options","loglevel",0,dbg,&config_f); ConfValue("options","netbuffersize",0,NB,&config_f); ConfValue("options","maxwho",0,MW,&config_f); ConfValue("options","allowhalfop",0,AH,&config_f); ConfValue("options","allowprotect",0,AP,&config_f); ConfValue("options","allowfounder",0,AF,&config_f); ConfValue("dns","server",0,DNSServer,&config_f); ConfValue("dns","timeout",0,DNT,&config_f); ConfValue("options","moduledir",0,ModPath,&config_f); ConfValue("disabled","commands",0,DisabledCommands,&config_f); NetBufferSize = atoi(NB); MaxWhoResults = atoi(MW); dns_timeout = atoi(DNT); if (!dns_timeout) dns_timeout = 5; if (!strcmp(DNSServer,"")) strlcpy(DNSServer,"",MAXBUF); if (!strcmp(ModPath,"")) strlcpy(ModPath,MOD_PATH,MAXBUF); AllowHalfop = ((!strcasecmp(AH,"true")) || (!strcasecmp(AH,"1")) || (!strcasecmp(AH,"yes"))); AllowProtect = ((!strcasecmp(AP,"true")) || (!strcasecmp(AP,"1")) || (!strcasecmp(AP,"yes"))); AllowFounder = ((!strcasecmp(AF,"true")) || (!strcasecmp(AF,"1")) || (!strcasecmp(AF,"yes"))); if ((!NetBufferSize) || (NetBufferSize > 65535) || (NetBufferSize < 1024)) { log(DEFAULT,"No NetBufferSize specified or size out of range, setting to default of 10240."); NetBufferSize = 10240; } if ((!MaxWhoResults) || (MaxWhoResults > 65535) || (MaxWhoResults < 1)) { log(DEFAULT,"No MaxWhoResults specified or size out of range, setting to default of 128."); MaxWhoResults = 128; } if (!strcmp(dbg,"debug")) LogLevel = DEBUG; if (!strcmp(dbg,"verbose")) LogLevel = VERBOSE; if (!strcmp(dbg,"default")) LogLevel = DEFAULT; if (!strcmp(dbg,"sparse")) LogLevel = SPARSE; if (!strcmp(dbg,"none")) LogLevel = NONE; readfile(MOTD,motd); log(DEFAULT,"Reading message of the day..."); readfile(RULES,rules); log(DEFAULT,"Reading connect classes..."); Classes.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ConfValueEnum("connect",&config_f); i++) { strcpy(Value,""); ConfValue("connect","allow",i,Value,&config_f); ConfValue("connect","timeout",i,timeout,&config_f); ConfValue("connect","flood",i,flood,&config_f); ConfValue("connect","pingfreq",i,pfreq,&config_f); if (strcmp(Value,"")) { strlcpy(c.host,Value,MAXBUF); c.type = CC_ALLOW; strlcpy(Value,"",MAXBUF); ConfValue("connect","password",i,Value,&config_f); strlcpy(c.pass,Value,MAXBUF); c.registration_timeout = 90; // default is 2 minutes c.pingtime = 120; c.flood = atoi(flood); if (atoi(timeout)>0) { c.registration_timeout = atoi(timeout); } if (atoi(pfreq)>0) { c.pingtime = atoi(pfreq); } Classes.push_back(c); log(DEBUG,"Read connect class type ALLOW, host=%s password=%s timeout=%d flood=%d",c.host,c.pass,c.registration_timeout,c.flood); } else { ConfValue("connect","deny",i,Value,&config_f); strlcpy(c.host,Value,MAXBUF); c.type = CC_DENY; Classes.push_back(c); log(DEBUG,"Read connect class type DENY, host=%s",c.host); } } log(DEFAULT,"Reading K lines,Q lines and Z lines from config..."); read_xline_defaults(); log(DEFAULT,"Applying K lines, Q lines and Z lines..."); apply_lines(); log(DEFAULT,"Done reading configuration file, InspIRCd is now running."); if (!bail) { log(DEFAULT,"Adding and removing modules due to rehash..."); std::vector old_module_names, new_module_names, added_modules, removed_modules; // store the old module names for (std::vector::iterator t = module_names.begin(); t != module_names.end(); t++) { old_module_names.push_back(*t); } // get the new module names for (int count2 = 0; count2 < ConfValueEnum("module",&config_f); count2++) { ConfValue("module","name",count2,Value,&config_f); new_module_names.push_back(Value); } // now create a list of new modules that are due to be loaded // and a seperate list of modules which are due to be unloaded for (std::vector::iterator _new = new_module_names.begin(); _new != new_module_names.end(); _new++) { bool added = true; for (std::vector::iterator old = old_module_names.begin(); old != old_module_names.end(); old++) { if (*old == *_new) added = false; } if (added) added_modules.push_back(*_new); } for (std::vector::iterator oldm = old_module_names.begin(); oldm != old_module_names.end(); oldm++) { bool removed = true; for (std::vector::iterator newm = new_module_names.begin(); newm != new_module_names.end(); newm++) { if (*newm == *oldm) removed = false; } if (removed) removed_modules.push_back(*oldm); } // now we have added_modules, a vector of modules to be loaded, and removed_modules, a vector of modules // to be removed. int rem = 0, add = 0; if (!removed_modules.empty()) for (std::vector::iterator removing = removed_modules.begin(); removing != removed_modules.end(); removing++) { if (UnloadModule(removing->c_str())) { WriteOpers("*** REHASH UNLOADED MODULE: %s",removing->c_str()); WriteServ(user->fd,"973 %s %s :Module %s successfully unloaded.",user->nick, removing->c_str(), removing->c_str()); rem++; } else { WriteServ(user->fd,"972 %s %s :Failed to unload module %s: %s",user->nick, removing->c_str(), removing->c_str(), ModuleError()); } } if (!added_modules.empty()) for (std::vector::iterator adding = added_modules.begin(); adding != added_modules.end(); adding++) { if (LoadModule(adding->c_str())) { WriteOpers("*** REHASH LOADED MODULE: %s",adding->c_str()); WriteServ(user->fd,"975 %s %s :Module %s successfully loaded.",user->nick, adding->c_str(), adding->c_str()); add++; } else { WriteServ(user->fd,"974 %s %s :Failed to load module %s: %s",user->nick, adding->c_str(), adding->c_str(), ModuleError()); } } log(DEFAULT,"Successfully unloaded %d of %d modules and loaded %d of %d modules.",rem,removed_modules.size(),add,added_modules.size()); } } /* write formatted text to a socket, in same format as printf */ void Write(int sock,char *text, ...) { if (sock == FD_MAGIC_NUMBER) return; if (!text) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** Write was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; char tb[MAXBUF]; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); snprintf(tb,MAXBUF,"%s\r\n",textbuffer); chop(tb); if (sock != -1) { write(sock,tb,strlen(tb)); } } /* write a server formatted numeric response to a single socket */ void WriteServ(int sock, char* text, ...) { if (sock == FD_MAGIC_NUMBER) return; if (!text) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteServ was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF],tb[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); snprintf(tb,MAXBUF,":%s %s\r\n",ServerName,textbuffer); chop(tb); if (sock != -1) { write(sock,tb,strlen(tb)); } } /* write text from an originating user to originating user */ void WriteFrom(int sock, userrec *user,char* text, ...) { if (sock == FD_MAGIC_NUMBER) return; if ((!text) || (!user)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteFrom was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF],tb[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); snprintf(tb,MAXBUF,":%s!%s@%s %s\r\n",user->nick,user->ident,user->dhost,textbuffer); chop(tb); if (sock != -1) { write(sock,tb,strlen(tb)); } } /* write text to an destination user from a source user (e.g. user privmsg) */ void WriteTo(userrec *source, userrec *dest,char *data, ...) { if ((!dest) || (!data)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteTo was given an invalid parameter"); return; } if (dest->fd == FD_MAGIC_NUMBER) return; char textbuffer[MAXBUF],tb[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, data); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, data, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); chop(tb); // if no source given send it from the server. if (!source) { WriteServ(dest->fd,":%s %s",ServerName,textbuffer); } else { WriteFrom(dest->fd,source,"%s",textbuffer); } } /* write formatted text from a source user to all users on a channel * including the sender (NOT for privmsg, notice etc!) */ void WriteChannel(chanrec* Ptr, userrec* user, char* text, ...) { if ((!Ptr) || (!user) || (!text)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteChannel was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (has_channel(i->second,Ptr)) { if (i->second->fd != FD_MAGIC_NUMBER) WriteTo(user,i->second,"%s",textbuffer); } } } /* write formatted text from a source user to all users on a channel * including the sender (NOT for privmsg, notice etc!) doesnt send to * users on remote servers */ void WriteChannelLocal(chanrec* Ptr, userrec* user, char* text, ...) { if ((!Ptr) || (!text)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteChannel was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (has_channel(i->second,Ptr)) { if ((i->second->fd != -1) && (i->second->fd != FD_MAGIC_NUMBER)) { if (!user) { WriteServ(i->second->fd,"%s",textbuffer); } else { WriteTo(user,i->second,"%s",textbuffer); } } } } } void WriteChannelWithServ(char* ServerName, chanrec* Ptr, userrec* user, char* text, ...) { if ((!Ptr) || (!user) || (!text)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteChannelWithServ was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (i->second) { if ((has_channel(i->second,Ptr)) && (i->second->fd != FD_MAGIC_NUMBER)) { WriteServ(i->second->fd,"%s",textbuffer); } } } } /* write formatted text from a source user to all users on a channel except * for the sender (for privmsg etc) */ void ChanExceptSender(chanrec* Ptr, userrec* user, char* text, ...) { if ((!Ptr) || (!user) || (!text)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** ChanExceptSender was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (i->second) { if ((has_channel(i->second,Ptr)) && (user != i->second) && (i->second->fd != FD_MAGIC_NUMBER)) { WriteTo(user,i->second,"%s",textbuffer); } } } } std::string GetServerDescription(char* servername) { for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if (me[j] != NULL) { for (int k = 0; k < me[j]->connectors.size(); k++) { if (!strcasecmp(me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str(),servername)) { return me[j]->connectors[k].GetDescription(); } } } return ServerDesc; // not a remote server that can be found, it must be me. } } /* write a formatted string to all users who share at least one common * channel, including the source user e.g. for use in NICK */ void WriteCommon(userrec *u, char* text, ...) { if (!u) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteCommon was given an invalid parameter"); return; } if (u->registered != 7) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteCommon on an unregistered user"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); WriteFrom(u->fd,u,"%s",textbuffer); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (i->second) { if ((common_channels(u,i->second) && (i->second != u)) && (i->second->fd != FD_MAGIC_NUMBER)) { WriteFrom(i->second->fd,u,"%s",textbuffer); } } } } /* write a formatted string to all users who share at least one common * channel, NOT including the source user e.g. for use in QUIT */ void WriteCommonExcept(userrec *u, char* text, ...) { if (!u) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteCommon was given an invalid parameter"); return; } if (u->registered != 7) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteCommon on an unregistered user"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (i->second) { if ((common_channels(u,i->second)) && (u != i->second)) { WriteFrom(i->second->fd,u,"%s",textbuffer); } } } } void WriteOpers(char* text, ...) { if (!text) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteOpers was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if ((i->second) && (i->second->fd != FD_MAGIC_NUMBER)) { if (strchr(i->second->modes,'o')) { if (strchr(i->second->modes,'s')) { // send server notices to all with +s // (TODO: needs SNOMASKs) WriteServ(i->second->fd,"NOTICE %s :%s",i->second->nick,textbuffer); } } } } } // returns TRUE of any users on channel C occupy server 'servername'. bool ChanAnyOnThisServer(chanrec *c,char* servername) { log(DEBUG,"ChanAnyOnThisServer"); for (user_hash::iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (has_channel(i->second,c)) { if (!strcasecmp(i->second->server,servername)) { return true; } } } return false; } // returns true if user 'u' shares any common channels with any users on server 'servername' bool CommonOnThisServer(userrec* u,const char* servername) { log(DEBUG,"ChanAnyOnThisServer"); for (user_hash::iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if ((common_channels(u,i->second)) && (u != i->second)) { if (!strcasecmp(i->second->server,servername)) { log(DEBUG,"%s is common to %s sharing with %s",i->second->nick,servername,u->nick); return true; } } } return false; } void NetSendToCommon(userrec* u, char* s) { char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"%s",s); log(DEBUG,"NetSendToCommon: '%s' '%s'",u->nick,s); std::string msg = buffer; FOREACH_MOD OnPacketTransmit(msg,s); strlcpy(buffer,msg.c_str(),MAXBUF); for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if (me[j] != NULL) { for (int k = 0; k < me[j]->connectors.size(); k++) { if (CommonOnThisServer(u,me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str())) { me[j]->SendPacket(buffer,me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str()); } } } } } void NetSendToAll(char* s) { char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"%s",s); log(DEBUG,"NetSendToAll: '%s'",s); std::string msg = buffer; FOREACH_MOD OnPacketTransmit(msg,s); strlcpy(buffer,msg.c_str(),MAXBUF); for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if (me[j] != NULL) { for (int k = 0; k < me[j]->connectors.size(); k++) { me[j]->SendPacket(buffer,me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str()); } } } } void NetSendToAllAlive(char* s) { char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"%s",s); log(DEBUG,"NetSendToAllAlive: '%s'",s); std::string msg = buffer; FOREACH_MOD OnPacketTransmit(msg,s); strlcpy(buffer,msg.c_str(),MAXBUF); for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if (me[j] != NULL) { for (int k = 0; k < me[j]->connectors.size(); k++) { if (me[j]->connectors[k].GetState() != STATE_DISCONNECTED) { me[j]->SendPacket(buffer,me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str()); } else { log(DEBUG,"%s is dead, not sending to it.",me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str()); } } } } } void NetSendToOne(char* target,char* s) { char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"%s",s); log(DEBUG,"NetSendToOne: '%s' '%s'",target,s); std::string msg = buffer; FOREACH_MOD OnPacketTransmit(msg,s); strlcpy(buffer,msg.c_str(),MAXBUF); for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if (me[j] != NULL) { for (int k = 0; k < me[j]->connectors.size(); k++) { if (!strcasecmp(me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str(),target)) { me[j]->SendPacket(buffer,me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str()); } } } } } void NetSendToAllExcept(const char* target,char* s) { char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"%s",s); log(DEBUG,"NetSendToAllExcept: '%s' '%s'",target,s); std::string msg = buffer; FOREACH_MOD OnPacketTransmit(msg,s); strlcpy(buffer,msg.c_str(),MAXBUF); for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if (me[j] != NULL) { for (int k = 0; k < me[j]->connectors.size(); k++) { if (strcasecmp(me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str(),target)) { me[j]->SendPacket(buffer,me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str()); } } } } } void WriteMode(const char* modes, int flags, const char* text, ...) { if ((!text) || (!modes) || (!flags)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteMode was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if ((i->second) && (i->second->fd != FD_MAGIC_NUMBER)) { bool send_to_user = false; if (flags == WM_AND) { send_to_user = true; for (int n = 0; n < strlen(modes); n++) { if (!hasumode(i->second,modes[n])) { send_to_user = false; break; } } } else if (flags == WM_OR) { send_to_user = false; for (int n = 0; n < strlen(modes); n++) { if (hasumode(i->second,modes[n])) { send_to_user = true; break; } } } if (send_to_user) { WriteServ(i->second->fd,"NOTICE %s :%s",i->second->nick,textbuffer); } } } } void WriteWallOps(userrec *source, bool local_only, char* text, ...) { if ((!text) || (!source)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** WriteOpers was given an invalid parameter"); return; } int i = 0; char textbuffer[MAXBUF]; va_list argsPtr; va_start (argsPtr, text); vsnprintf(textbuffer, MAXBUF, text, argsPtr); va_end(argsPtr); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if ((i->second) && (i->second->fd != FD_MAGIC_NUMBER)) { if (strchr(i->second->modes,'w')) { WriteTo(source,i->second,"WALLOPS :%s",textbuffer); } } } if (!local_only) { char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"@ %s :%s",source->nick,textbuffer); NetSendToAll(buffer); } } /* convert a string to lowercase. Note following special circumstances * taken from RFC 1459. Many "official" server branches still hold to this * rule so i will too; * * Because of IRC's scandanavian origin, the characters {}| are * considered to be the lower case equivalents of the characters []\, * respectively. This is a critical issue when determining the * equivalence of two nicknames. */ void strlower(char *n) { if (!n) { return; } for (int i = 0; i != strlen(n); i++) { n[i] = tolower(n[i]); if (n[i] == '[') n[i] = '{'; if (n[i] == ']') n[i] = '}'; if (n[i] == '\\') n[i] = '|'; } } /* Find a user record by nickname and return a pointer to it */ userrec* Find(std::string nick) { user_hash::iterator iter = clientlist.find(nick); if (iter == clientlist.end()) /* Couldn't find it */ return NULL; return iter->second; } /* find a channel record by channel name and return a pointer to it */ chanrec* FindChan(const char* chan) { if (!chan) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** Findchan was given an invalid parameter"); return NULL; } chan_hash::iterator iter = chanlist.find(chan); if (iter == chanlist.end()) /* Couldn't find it */ return NULL; return iter->second; } long GetMaxBans(char* name) { char CM[MAXBUF]; for (int count = 0; count < ConfValueEnum("banlist",&config_f); count++) { ConfValue("banlist","chan",count,CM,&config_f); if (match(name,CM)) { ConfValue("banlist","limit",count,CM,&config_f); return atoi(CM); } } return 64; } void purge_empty_chans(void) { int go_again = 1, purge = 0; while (go_again) { go_again = 0; for (chan_hash::iterator i = chanlist.begin(); i != chanlist.end(); i++) { if (i->second) { if (!usercount(i->second)) { /* kill the record */ if (i != chanlist.end()) { log(DEBUG,"del_channel: destroyed: %s",i->second->name); if (i->second) delete i->second; chanlist.erase(i); go_again = 1; purge++; break; } } else { log(DEBUG,"skipped purge for %s",i->second->name); } } } } log(DEBUG,"completed channel purge, killed %d",purge); } char scratch[MAXBUF]; char sparam[MAXBUF]; char* chanmodes(chanrec *chan) { if (!chan) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** chanmodes was given an invalid parameter"); strcpy(scratch,""); return scratch; } strcpy(scratch,""); strcpy(sparam,""); if (chan->noexternal) { strlcat(scratch,"n",MAXMODES); } if (chan->topiclock) { strlcat(scratch,"t",MAXMODES); } if (strcmp(chan->key,"")) { strlcat(scratch,"k",MAXMODES); } if (chan->limit) { strlcat(scratch,"l",MAXMODES); } if (chan->inviteonly) { strlcat(scratch,"i",MAXMODES); } if (chan->moderated) { strlcat(scratch,"m",MAXMODES); } if (chan->secret) { strlcat(scratch,"s",MAXMODES); } if (chan->c_private) { strlcat(scratch,"p",MAXMODES); } if (strcmp(chan->key,"")) { strlcat(sparam," ",MAXBUF); strlcat(sparam,chan->key,MAXBUF); } if (chan->limit) { char foo[24]; sprintf(foo," %d",chan->limit); strlcat(sparam,foo,MAXBUF); } if (strlen(chan->custom_modes)) { strlcat(scratch,chan->custom_modes,MAXMODES); for (int z = 0; z < strlen(chan->custom_modes); z++) { std::string extparam = chan->GetModeParameter(chan->custom_modes[z]); if (extparam != "") { strlcat(sparam," ",MAXBUF); strlcat(sparam,extparam.c_str(),MAXBUF); } } } log(DEBUG,"chanmodes: %s %s%s",chan->name,scratch,sparam); strlcat(scratch,sparam,MAXMODES); return scratch; } /* compile a userlist of a channel into a string, each nick seperated by * spaces and op, voice etc status shown as @ and + */ void userlist(userrec *user,chanrec *c) { if ((!c) || (!user)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** userlist was given an invalid parameter"); return; } snprintf(list,MAXBUF,"353 %s = %s :", user->nick, c->name); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (has_channel(i->second,c)) { if (isnick(i->second->nick)) { if ((!has_channel(i->second,c)) && (strchr(i->second->modes,'i'))) { /* user is +i, and source not on the channel, does not show * nick in NAMES list */ continue; } strlcat(list,cmode(i->second,c),MAXBUF); strlcat(list,i->second->nick,MAXBUF); strlcat(list," ",MAXBUF); if (strlen(list)>(480-NICKMAX)) { /* list overflowed into * multiple numerics */ WriteServ(user->fd,"%s",list); snprintf(list,MAXBUF,"353 %s = %s :", user->nick, c->name); } } } } /* if whats left in the list isnt empty, send it */ if (list[strlen(list)-1] != ':') { WriteServ(user->fd,"%s",list); } } /* return a count of the users on a specific channel accounting for * invisible users who won't increase the count. e.g. for /LIST */ int usercount_i(chanrec *c) { int i = 0; int count = 0; if (!c) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** usercount_i was given an invalid parameter"); return 0; } strcpy(list,""); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (i->second) { if (has_channel(i->second,c)) { if (isnick(i->second->nick)) { if ((!has_channel(i->second,c)) && (strchr(i->second->modes,'i'))) { /* user is +i, and source not on the channel, does not show * nick in NAMES list */ continue; } count++; } } } } log(DEBUG,"usercount_i: %s %d",c->name,count); return count; } int usercount(chanrec *c) { int i = 0; int count = 0; if (!c) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** usercount was given an invalid parameter"); return 0; } strcpy(list,""); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (i->second) { if (has_channel(i->second,c)) { if ((isnick(i->second->nick)) && (i->second->registered == 7)) { count++; } } } } log(DEBUG,"usercount: %s %d",c->name,count); return count; } /* add a channel to a user, creating the record for it if needed and linking * it to the user record */ chanrec* add_channel(userrec *user, const char* cn, const char* key, bool override) { if ((!user) || (!cn)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** add_channel was given an invalid parameter"); return 0; } int i = 0; chanrec* Ptr; int created = 0; char cname[MAXBUF]; strncpy(cname,cn,MAXBUF); // we MUST declare this wherever we use FOREACH_RESULT int MOD_RESULT = 0; if (strlen(cname) > CHANMAX-1) { cname[CHANMAX-1] = '\0'; } log(DEBUG,"add_channel: %s %s",user->nick,cname); if ((FindChan(cname)) && (has_channel(user,FindChan(cname)))) { return NULL; // already on the channel! } if (!FindChan(cname)) { int MOD_RESULT = 0; FOREACH_RESULT(OnUserPreJoin(user,NULL,cname)); if (MOD_RESULT == 1) { return NULL; } /* create a new one */ log(DEBUG,"add_channel: creating: %s",cname); { chanlist[cname] = new chanrec(); strlcpy(chanlist[cname]->name, cname,CHANMAX); chanlist[cname]->topiclock = 1; chanlist[cname]->noexternal = 1; chanlist[cname]->created = TIME; strcpy(chanlist[cname]->topic, ""); strncpy(chanlist[cname]->setby, user->nick,NICKMAX); chanlist[cname]->topicset = 0; Ptr = chanlist[cname]; log(DEBUG,"add_channel: created: %s",cname); /* set created to 2 to indicate user * is the first in the channel * and should be given ops */ created = 2; } } else { /* channel exists, just fish out a pointer to its struct */ Ptr = FindChan(cname); if (Ptr) { log(DEBUG,"add_channel: joining to: %s",Ptr->name); // the override flag allows us to bypass channel modes // and bans (used by servers) if ((!override) || (!strcasecmp(user->server,ServerName))) { log(DEBUG,"Not overriding..."); int MOD_RESULT = 0; FOREACH_RESULT(OnUserPreJoin(user,Ptr,cname)); if (MOD_RESULT == 1) { return NULL; } log(DEBUG,"MOD_RESULT=%d",MOD_RESULT); if (!MOD_RESULT) { log(DEBUG,"add_channel: checking key, invite, etc"); if (strcmp(Ptr->key,"")) { log(DEBUG,"add_channel: %s has key %s",Ptr->name,Ptr->key); if (!key) { log(DEBUG,"add_channel: no key given in JOIN"); WriteServ(user->fd,"475 %s %s :Cannot join channel (Requires key)",user->nick, Ptr->name); return NULL; } else { log(DEBUG,"key at %p is %s",key,key); if (strcasecmp(key,Ptr->key)) { log(DEBUG,"add_channel: bad key given in JOIN"); WriteServ(user->fd,"475 %s %s :Cannot join channel (Incorrect key)",user->nick, Ptr->name); return NULL; } } } log(DEBUG,"add_channel: no key"); if (Ptr->inviteonly) { log(DEBUG,"add_channel: channel is +i"); if (user->IsInvited(Ptr->name)) { /* user was invited to channel */ /* there may be an optional channel NOTICE here */ } else { WriteServ(user->fd,"473 %s %s :Cannot join channel (Invite only)",user->nick, Ptr->name); return NULL; } } log(DEBUG,"add_channel: channel is not +i"); if (Ptr->limit) { if (usercount(Ptr) == Ptr->limit) { WriteServ(user->fd,"471 %s %s :Cannot join channel (Channel is full)",user->nick, Ptr->name); return NULL; } } log(DEBUG,"add_channel: about to walk banlist"); /* check user against the channel banlist */ if (Ptr) { if (Ptr->bans.size()) { for (BanList::iterator i = Ptr->bans.begin(); i != Ptr->bans.end(); i++) { if (match(user->GetFullHost(),i->data)) { WriteServ(user->fd,"474 %s %s :Cannot join channel (You're banned)",user->nick, Ptr->name); return NULL; } } } } log(DEBUG,"add_channel: bans checked"); } if ((Ptr) && (user)) { user->RemoveInvite(Ptr->name); } log(DEBUG,"add_channel: invites removed"); } else { log(DEBUG,"Overridden checks"); } } created = 1; } log(DEBUG,"Passed channel checks"); for (int i =0; i != MAXCHANS; i++) { log(DEBUG,"Check location %d",i); if (user->chans[i].channel == NULL) { log(DEBUG,"Adding into their channel list at location %d",i); if (created == 2) { /* first user in is given ops */ user->chans[i].uc_modes = UCMODE_OP; } else { user->chans[i].uc_modes = 0; } user->chans[i].channel = Ptr; WriteChannel(Ptr,user,"JOIN :%s",Ptr->name); if (!override) // we're not overriding... so this isnt part of a netburst, broadcast it. { // use the stamdard J token with no privilages. char buffer[MAXBUF]; if (created == 2) { snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"J %s @%s",user->nick,Ptr->name); } else { snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"J %s %s",user->nick,Ptr->name); } NetSendToAll(buffer); } log(DEBUG,"Sent JOIN to client"); if (Ptr->topicset) { WriteServ(user->fd,"332 %s %s :%s", user->nick, Ptr->name, Ptr->topic); WriteServ(user->fd,"333 %s %s %s %d", user->nick, Ptr->name, Ptr->setby, Ptr->topicset); } userlist(user,Ptr); WriteServ(user->fd,"366 %s %s :End of /NAMES list.", user->nick, Ptr->name); WriteServ(user->fd,"324 %s %s +%s",user->nick, Ptr->name,chanmodes(Ptr)); WriteServ(user->fd,"329 %s %s %d", user->nick, Ptr->name, Ptr->created); FOREACH_MOD OnUserJoin(user,Ptr); return Ptr; } } log(DEBUG,"add_channel: user channel max exceeded: %s %s",user->nick,cname); WriteServ(user->fd,"405 %s %s :You are on too many channels",user->nick, cname); return NULL; } /* remove a channel from a users record, and remove the record from memory * if the channel has become empty */ chanrec* del_channel(userrec *user, const char* cname, const char* reason, bool local) { if ((!user) || (!cname)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** del_channel was given an invalid parameter"); return NULL; } chanrec* Ptr; int created = 0; if ((!cname) || (!user)) { return NULL; } Ptr = FindChan(cname); if (!Ptr) { return NULL; } FOREACH_MOD OnUserPart(user,Ptr); log(DEBUG,"del_channel: removing: %s %s",user->nick,Ptr->name); for (int i =0; i != MAXCHANS; i++) { /* zap it from the channel list of the user */ if (user->chans[i].channel == Ptr) { if (reason) { WriteChannel(Ptr,user,"PART %s :%s",Ptr->name, reason); if (!local) { char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"L %s %s :%s",user->nick,Ptr->name,reason); NetSendToAll(buffer); } } else { if (!local) { char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"L %s %s :",user->nick,Ptr->name); NetSendToAll(buffer); } WriteChannel(Ptr,user,"PART :%s",Ptr->name); } user->chans[i].uc_modes = 0; user->chans[i].channel = NULL; log(DEBUG,"del_channel: unlinked: %s %s",user->nick,Ptr->name); break; } } /* if there are no users left on the channel */ if (!usercount(Ptr)) { chan_hash::iterator iter = chanlist.find(Ptr->name); log(DEBUG,"del_channel: destroying channel: %s",Ptr->name); /* kill the record */ if (iter != chanlist.end()) { log(DEBUG,"del_channel: destroyed: %s",Ptr->name); if (iter->second) delete iter->second; chanlist.erase(iter); } } } void kick_channel(userrec *src,userrec *user, chanrec *Ptr, char* reason) { if ((!src) || (!user) || (!Ptr) || (!reason)) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** kick_channel was given an invalid parameter"); return; } int i = 0; int created = 0; if ((!Ptr) || (!user) || (!src)) { return; } log(DEBUG,"kick_channel: removing: %s %s %s",user->nick,Ptr->name,src->nick); if (!has_channel(user,Ptr)) { WriteServ(src->fd,"441 %s %s %s :They are not on that channel",src->nick, user->nick, Ptr->name); return; } int MOD_RESULT = 0; FOREACH_RESULT(OnAccessCheck(src,user,Ptr,AC_KICK)); if (MOD_RESULT == ACR_DENY) return; if (MOD_RESULT == ACR_DEFAULT) { if (((cstatus(src,Ptr) < STATUS_HOP) || (cstatus(src,Ptr) < cstatus(user,Ptr))) && (!is_uline(src->server))) { if (cstatus(src,Ptr) == STATUS_HOP) { WriteServ(src->fd,"482 %s %s :You must be a channel operator",src->nick, Ptr->name); } else { WriteServ(src->fd,"482 %s %s :You must be at least a half-operator to change modes on this channel",src->nick, Ptr->name); } return; } } for (int i =0; i != MAXCHANS; i++) { /* zap it from the channel list of the user */ if (user->chans[i].channel) if (!strcasecmp(user->chans[i].channel->name,Ptr->name)) { WriteChannel(Ptr,src,"KICK %s %s :%s",Ptr->name, user->nick, reason); user->chans[i].uc_modes = 0; user->chans[i].channel = NULL; log(DEBUG,"del_channel: unlinked: %s %s",user->nick,Ptr->name); break; } } /* if there are no users left on the channel */ if (!usercount(Ptr)) { chan_hash::iterator iter = chanlist.find(Ptr->name); log(DEBUG,"del_channel: destroying channel: %s",Ptr->name); /* kill the record */ if (iter != chanlist.end()) { log(DEBUG,"del_channel: destroyed: %s",Ptr->name); if (iter->second) delete iter->second; chanlist.erase(iter); } } } /* This function pokes and hacks at a parameter list like the following: * * PART #winbot,#darkgalaxy :m00! * * to turn it into a series of individual calls like this: * * PART #winbot :m00! * PART #darkgalaxy :m00! * * The seperate calls are sent to a callback function provided by the caller * (the caller will usually call itself recursively). The callback function * must be a command handler. Calling this function on a line with no list causes * no action to be taken. You must provide a starting and ending parameter number * where the range of the list can be found, useful if you have a terminating * parameter as above which is actually not part of the list, or parameters * before the actual list as well. This code is used by many functions which * can function as "one to list" (see the RFC) */ int loop_call(handlerfunc fn, char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *u, int start, int end, int joins) { char plist[MAXBUF]; char *param; char *pars[32]; char blog[32][MAXBUF]; char blog2[32][MAXBUF]; int i = 0, j = 0, q = 0, total = 0, t = 0, t2 = 0, total2 = 0; char keystr[MAXBUF]; char moo[MAXBUF]; for (int i = 0; i <32; i++) strcpy(blog[i],""); for (int i = 0; i <32; i++) strcpy(blog2[i],""); strcpy(moo,""); for (int i = 0; i <10; i++) { if (!parameters[i]) { parameters[i] = moo; } } if (joins) { if (pcnt > 1) /* we have a key to copy */ { strlcpy(keystr,parameters[1],MAXBUF); } } if (!parameters[start]) { return 0; } if (!strchr(parameters[start],',')) { return 0; } strcpy(plist,""); for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { if (parameters[i]) { strlcat(plist,parameters[i],MAXBUF); } } j = 0; param = plist; t = strlen(plist); for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { if (plist[i] == ',') { plist[i] = '\0'; strlcpy(blog[j++],param,MAXBUF); param = plist+i+1; if (j>20) { WriteServ(u->fd,"407 %s %s :Too many targets in list, message not delivered.",u->nick,blog[j-1]); return 1; } } } strlcpy(blog[j++],param,MAXBUF); total = j; if ((joins) && (keystr) && (total>0)) // more than one channel and is joining { strcat(keystr,","); } if ((joins) && (keystr)) { if (strchr(keystr,',')) { j = 0; param = keystr; t2 = strlen(keystr); for (int i = 0; i < t2; i++) { if (keystr[i] == ',') { keystr[i] = '\0'; strlcpy(blog2[j++],param,MAXBUF); param = keystr+i+1; } } strlcpy(blog2[j++],param,MAXBUF); total2 = j; } } for (j = 0; j < total; j++) { if (blog[j]) { pars[0] = blog[j]; } for (q = end; q < pcnt-1; q++) { if (parameters[q+1]) { pars[q-end+1] = parameters[q+1]; } } if ((joins) && (parameters[1])) { if (pcnt > 1) { pars[1] = blog2[j]; } else { pars[1] = NULL; } } /* repeatedly call the function with the hacked parameter list */ if ((joins) && (pcnt > 1)) { if (pars[1]) { // pars[1] already set up and containing key from blog2[j] fn(pars,2,u); } else { pars[1] = parameters[1]; fn(pars,2,u); } } else { fn(pars,pcnt-(end-start),u); } } return 1; } void kill_link(userrec *user,const char* r) { user_hash::iterator iter = clientlist.find(user->nick); char reason[MAXBUF]; strncpy(reason,r,MAXBUF); if (strlen(reason)>MAXQUIT) { reason[MAXQUIT-1] = '\0'; } log(DEBUG,"kill_link: %s '%s'",user->nick,reason); Write(user->fd,"ERROR :Closing link (%s@%s) [%s]",user->ident,user->host,reason); log(DEBUG,"closing fd %d",user->fd); /* bugfix, cant close() a nonblocking socket (sux!) */ if (user->registered == 7) { FOREACH_MOD OnUserQuit(user); WriteCommonExcept(user,"QUIT :%s",reason); // Q token must go to ALL servers!!! char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"Q %s :%s",user->nick,reason); NetSendToAll(buffer); } /* push the socket on a stack of sockets due to be closed at the next opportunity * 'Client exited' is an exception to this as it means the client side has already * closed the socket, we don't need to do it. */ fd_reap.push_back(user->fd); bool do_purge = false; if (user->registered == 7) { WriteOpers("*** Client exiting: %s!%s@%s [%s]",user->nick,user->ident,user->host,reason); AddWhoWas(user); } if (iter != clientlist.end()) { log(DEBUG,"deleting user hash value %d",iter->second); if ((iter->second) && (user->registered == 7)) { if (iter->second) delete iter->second; } clientlist.erase(iter); } if (user->registered == 7) { purge_empty_chans(); } user = NULL; } void kill_link_silent(userrec *user,const char* r) { user_hash::iterator iter = clientlist.find(user->nick); char reason[MAXBUF]; strncpy(reason,r,MAXBUF); if (strlen(reason)>MAXQUIT) { reason[MAXQUIT-1] = '\0'; } log(DEBUG,"kill_link: %s '%s'",user->nick,reason); Write(user->fd,"ERROR :Closing link (%s@%s) [%s]",user->ident,user->host,reason); log(DEBUG,"closing fd %d",user->fd); /* bugfix, cant close() a nonblocking socket (sux!) */ if (user->registered == 7) { FOREACH_MOD OnUserQuit(user); WriteCommonExcept(user,"QUIT :%s",reason); // Q token must go to ALL servers!!! char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"Q %s :%s",user->nick,reason); NetSendToAll(buffer); } /* push the socket on a stack of sockets due to be closed at the next opportunity * 'Client exited' is an exception to this as it means the client side has already * closed the socket, we don't need to do it. */ fd_reap.push_back(user->fd); bool do_purge = false; if (iter != clientlist.end()) { log(DEBUG,"deleting user hash value %d",iter->second); if ((iter->second) && (user->registered == 7)) { if (iter->second) delete iter->second; } clientlist.erase(iter); } if (user->registered == 7) { purge_empty_chans(); } } // looks up a users password for their connection class (/ tags) char* Passwd(userrec *user) { for (ClassVector::iterator i = Classes.begin(); i != Classes.end(); i++) { if (match(user->host,i->host) && (i->type == CC_ALLOW)) { return i->pass; } } return ""; } bool IsDenied(userrec *user) { for (ClassVector::iterator i = Classes.begin(); i != Classes.end(); i++) { if (match(user->host,i->host) && (i->type == CC_DENY)) { return true; } } return false; } /* sends out an error notice to all connected clients (not to be used * lightly!) */ void send_error(char *s) { log(DEBUG,"send_error: %s",s); for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if (isnick(i->second->nick)) { WriteServ(i->second->fd,"NOTICE %s :%s",i->second->nick,s); } else { // fix - unregistered connections receive ERROR, not NOTICE Write(i->second->fd,"ERROR :%s",s); } } } void Error(int status) { signal (SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGSEGV, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGURG, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGKILL, SIG_IGN); log(DEFAULT,"*** fell down a pothole in the road to perfection ***"); send_error("Error! Segmentation fault! save meeeeeeeeeeeeee *splat!*"); Exit(status); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { Start(); srand(time(NULL)); log(DEBUG,"*** InspIRCd starting up!"); if (!FileExists(CONFIG_FILE)) { printf("ERROR: Cannot open config file: %s\nExiting...\n",CONFIG_FILE); log(DEFAULT,"main: no config"); printf("ERROR: Your config file is missing, this IRCd will self destruct in 10 seconds!\n"); Exit(ERROR); } if (argc > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-nofork")) { nofork = true; } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-wait")) { sleep(6); } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-nolimit")) { unlimitcore = true; } } } strlcpy(MyExecutable,argv[0],MAXBUF); if (InspIRCd() == ERROR) { log(DEFAULT,"main: daemon function bailed"); printf("ERROR: could not initialise. Shutting down.\n"); Exit(ERROR); } Exit(TRUE); return 0; } template inline string ConvToStr(const T &in) { stringstream tmp; if (!(tmp << in)) return string(); return tmp.str(); } /* re-allocates a nick in the user_hash after they change nicknames, * returns a pointer to the new user as it may have moved */ userrec* ReHashNick(char* Old, char* New) { user_hash::iterator newnick; user_hash::iterator oldnick = clientlist.find(Old); log(DEBUG,"ReHashNick: %s %s",Old,New); if (!strcasecmp(Old,New)) { log(DEBUG,"old nick is new nick, skipping"); return oldnick->second; } if (oldnick == clientlist.end()) return NULL; /* doesnt exist */ log(DEBUG,"ReHashNick: Found hashed nick %s",Old); clientlist[New] = new userrec(); clientlist[New] = oldnick->second; clientlist.erase(oldnick); log(DEBUG,"ReHashNick: Nick rehashed as %s",New); return clientlist[New]; } /* adds or updates an entry in the whowas list */ void AddWhoWas(userrec* u) { user_hash::iterator iter = whowas.find(u->nick); userrec *a = new userrec(); strlcpy(a->nick,u->nick,NICKMAX); strlcpy(a->ident,u->ident,64); strlcpy(a->dhost,u->dhost,256); strlcpy(a->host,u->host,256); strlcpy(a->fullname,u->fullname,128); strlcpy(a->server,u->server,256); a->signon = u->signon; /* MAX_WHOWAS: max number of /WHOWAS items * WHOWAS_STALE: number of hours before a WHOWAS item is marked as stale and * can be replaced by a newer one */ if (iter == whowas.end()) { if (whowas.size() == WHOWAS_MAX) { for (user_hash::iterator i = whowas.begin(); i != whowas.end(); i++) { // 3600 seconds in an hour ;) if ((i->second->signon)<(TIME-(WHOWAS_STALE*3600))) { if (i->second) delete i->second; i->second = a; log(DEBUG,"added WHOWAS entry, purged an old record"); return; } } } else { log(DEBUG,"added fresh WHOWAS entry"); whowas[a->nick] = a; } } else { log(DEBUG,"updated WHOWAS entry"); if (iter->second) delete iter->second; iter->second = a; } } /* add a client connection to the sockets list */ void AddClient(int socket, char* host, int port, bool iscached, char* ip) { int i; int blocking = 1; char resolved[MAXBUF]; string tempnick; char tn2[MAXBUF]; user_hash::iterator iter; tempnick = ConvToStr(socket) + "-unknown"; sprintf(tn2,"%d-unknown",socket); iter = clientlist.find(tempnick); if (iter != clientlist.end()) return; /* * It is OK to access the value here this way since we know * it exists, we just created it above. * * At NO other time should you access a value in a map or a * hash_map this way. */ clientlist[tempnick] = new userrec(); NonBlocking(socket); log(DEBUG,"AddClient: %d %s %d %s",socket,host,port,ip); clientlist[tempnick]->fd = socket; strncpy(clientlist[tempnick]->nick, tn2,NICKMAX); strncpy(clientlist[tempnick]->host, host,160); strncpy(clientlist[tempnick]->dhost, host,160); strncpy(clientlist[tempnick]->server, ServerName,256); strncpy(clientlist[tempnick]->ident, "unknown",9); clientlist[tempnick]->registered = 0; clientlist[tempnick]->signon = TIME+dns_timeout; clientlist[tempnick]->lastping = 1; clientlist[tempnick]->port = port; strncpy(clientlist[tempnick]->ip,ip,32); // set the registration timeout for this user unsigned long class_regtimeout = 90; int class_flood = 0; for (ClassVector::iterator i = Classes.begin(); i != Classes.end(); i++) { if (match(clientlist[tempnick]->host,i->host) && (i->type == CC_ALLOW)) { class_regtimeout = (unsigned long)i->registration_timeout; class_flood = i->flood; clientlist[tempnick]->pingmax = i->pingtime; break; } } clientlist[tempnick]->nping = TIME+clientlist[tempnick]->pingmax+dns_timeout; clientlist[tempnick]->timeout = TIME+class_regtimeout; clientlist[tempnick]->flood = class_flood; for (int i = 0; i < MAXCHANS; i++) { clientlist[tempnick]->chans[i].channel = NULL; clientlist[tempnick]->chans[i].uc_modes = 0; } if (clientlist.size() == MAXCLIENTS) kill_link(clientlist[tempnick],"No more connections allowed in this class"); char* e = matches_exception(ip); if (!e) { char* r = matches_zline(ip); if (r) { char reason[MAXBUF]; snprintf(reason,MAXBUF,"Z-Lined: %s",r); kill_link(clientlist[tempnick],reason); } } } // this function counts all users connected, wether they are registered or NOT. int usercnt(void) { return clientlist.size(); } // this counts only registered users, so that the percentages in /MAP don't mess up when users are sitting in an unregistered state int registered_usercount(void) { int c = 0; for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if ((i->second->fd) && (isnick(i->second->nick))) c++; } return c; } int usercount_invisible(void) { int c = 0; for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if ((i->second->fd) && (isnick(i->second->nick)) && (strchr(i->second->modes,'i'))) c++; } return c; } int usercount_opers(void) { int c = 0; for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if ((i->second->fd) && (isnick(i->second->nick)) && (strchr(i->second->modes,'o'))) c++; } return c; } int usercount_unknown(void) { int c = 0; for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if ((i->second->fd) && (i->second->registered != 7)) c++; } return c; } long chancount(void) { return chanlist.size(); } long count_servs(void) { int c = 0; //for (int j = 0; j < 255; j++) //{ // if (servers[j] != NULL) // c++; //} return c; } long servercount(void) { return count_servs()+1; } long local_count() { int c = 0; for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if ((i->second->fd) && (isnick(i->second->nick)) && (!strcasecmp(i->second->server,ServerName))) c++; } return c; } void ShowMOTD(userrec *user) { std::string WholeMOTD = ""; if (!MOTD.size()) { WriteServ(user->fd,"422 %s :Message of the day file is missing.",user->nick); return; } WholeMOTD = std::string(":") + std::string(ServerName) + std::string(" 375 ") + std::string(user->nick) + std::string(" :- ") + std::string(ServerName) + " message of the day\r\n"; for (int i = 0; i != MOTD.size(); i++) { WholeMOTD = WholeMOTD + std::string(":") + std::string(ServerName) + std::string(" 372 ") + std::string(user->nick) + std::string(" :- ") + MOTD[i] + std::string("\r\n"); } WholeMOTD = WholeMOTD + std::string(":") + std::string(ServerName) + std::string(" 376 ") + std::string(user->nick) + std::string(" :End of message of the day.\r\n"); // only one write operation send(user->fd,WholeMOTD.c_str(),WholeMOTD.length(),0); } void ShowRULES(userrec *user) { if (!RULES.size()) { WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :Rules file is missing.",user->nick); return; } WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :%s rules",user->nick,ServerName); for (int i = 0; i != RULES.size(); i++) { WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :%s",user->nick,RULES[i].c_str()); } WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE %s :End of %s rules.",user->nick,ServerName); } /* shows the message of the day, and any other on-logon stuff */ void FullConnectUser(userrec* user) { user->registered = 7; user->idle_lastmsg = TIME; log(DEBUG,"ConnectUser: %s",user->nick); if (strcmp(Passwd(user),"") && (!user->haspassed)) { kill_link(user,"Invalid password"); return; } if (IsDenied(user)) { kill_link(user,"Unauthorised connection"); return; } char match_against[MAXBUF]; snprintf(match_against,MAXBUF,"%s@%s",user->ident,user->host); char* e = matches_exception(match_against); if (!e) { char* r = matches_gline(match_against); if (r) { char reason[MAXBUF]; snprintf(reason,MAXBUF,"G-Lined: %s",r); kill_link_silent(user,reason); return; } r = matches_kline(user->host); if (r) { char reason[MAXBUF]; snprintf(reason,MAXBUF,"K-Lined: %s",r); kill_link_silent(user,reason); return; } } WriteServ(user->fd,"NOTICE Auth :Welcome to \002%s\002!",Network); WriteServ(user->fd,"001 %s :Welcome to the %s IRC Network %s!%s@%s",user->nick,Network,user->nick,user->ident,user->host); WriteServ(user->fd,"002 %s :Your host is %s, running version %s",user->nick,ServerName,VERSION); WriteServ(user->fd,"003 %s :This server was created %s %s",user->nick,__TIME__,__DATE__); WriteServ(user->fd,"004 %s %s %s iowghraAsORVSxNCWqBzvdHtGI lvhopsmntikrRcaqOALQbSeKVfHGCuzN",user->nick,ServerName,VERSION); // the neatest way to construct the initial 005 numeric, considering the number of configure constants to go in it... std::stringstream v; v << "MESHED WALLCHOPS MODES=13 CHANTYPES=# PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ MAP SAFELIST MAXCHANNELS=" << MAXCHANS; v << " MAXBANS=60 NICKLEN=" << NICKMAX; v << " TOPICLEN=307 KICKLEN=307 MAXTARGETS=20 AWAYLEN=307 CHANMODES=ohvb,k,l,psmnti NETWORK="; v << std::string(Network); std::string data005 = v.str(); FOREACH_MOD On005Numeric(data005); // anfl @ #ratbox, efnet reminded me that according to the RFC this cant contain more than 13 tokens per line... // so i'd better split it :) std::stringstream out(data005); std::string token = ""; std::string line5 = ""; int token_counter = 0; while (!out.eof()) { out >> token; line5 = line5 + token + " "; token_counter++; if ((token_counter >= 13) || (out.eof() == true)) { WriteServ(user->fd,"005 %s %s:are supported by this server",user->nick,line5.c_str()); line5 = ""; token_counter = 0; } } ShowMOTD(user); FOREACH_MOD OnUserConnect(user); WriteOpers("*** Client connecting on port %d: %s!%s@%s [%s]",user->port,user->nick,user->ident,user->host,user->ip); char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"N %d %s %s %s %s +%s %s %s :%s",user->age,user->nick,user->host,user->dhost,user->ident,user->modes,user->ip,ServerName,user->fullname); NetSendToAll(buffer); } /* shows the message of the day, and any other on-logon stuff */ void ConnectUser(userrec *user) { // dns is already done, things are fast. no need to wait for dns to complete just pass them straight on if ((user->dns_done) && (user->registered >= 3)) { FullConnectUser(user); } } void handle_version(char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user) { char Revision[] = "$Revision$"; char *s1 = Revision; char *savept; char *v1 = strtok_r(s1," ",&savept); s1 = savept; char *v2 = strtok_r(s1," ",&savept); s1 = savept; WriteServ(user->fd,"351 %s :%s Rev. %s %s :%s (O=%d)",user->nick,VERSION,v2,ServerName,SYSTEM,OPTIMISATION); } // calls a handler function for a command void call_handler(const char* commandname,char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user) { for (int i = 0; i < cmdlist.size(); i++) { if (!strcasecmp(cmdlist[i].command,commandname)) { if (cmdlist[i].handler_function) { if (pcnt>=cmdlist[i].min_params) { if (strchr(user->modes,cmdlist[i].flags_needed)) { cmdlist[i].handler_function(parameters,pcnt,user); } } } } } } void DoSplitEveryone() { bool go_again = true; while (go_again) { go_again = false; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (me[i] != NULL) { for (vector::iterator j = me[i]->connectors.begin(); j != me[i]->connectors.end(); j++) { if (strcasecmp(j->GetServerName().c_str(),ServerName)) { j->routes.clear(); j->CloseConnection(); me[i]->connectors.erase(j); go_again = true; break; } } } } } log(DEBUG,"Removed server. Will remove clients..."); // iterate through the userlist and remove all users on this server. // because we're dealing with a mesh, we dont have to deal with anything // "down-route" from this server (nice huh) go_again = true; char reason[MAXBUF]; while (go_again) { go_again = false; for (user_hash::const_iterator u = clientlist.begin(); u != clientlist.end(); u++) { if (strcasecmp(u->second->server,ServerName)) { snprintf(reason,MAXBUF,"%s %s",ServerName,u->second->server); kill_link(u->second,reason); go_again = true; break; } } } } char islast(const char* s) { char c = '`'; for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if (me[j] != NULL) { for (int k = 0; k < me[j]->connectors.size(); k++) { if (strcasecmp(me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str(),s)) { c = '|'; } if (!strcasecmp(me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str(),s)) { c = '`'; } } } } return c; } long map_count(const char* s) { int c = 0; for (user_hash::const_iterator i = clientlist.begin(); i != clientlist.end(); i++) { if ((i->second->fd) && (isnick(i->second->nick)) && (!strcasecmp(i->second->server,s))) c++; } return c; } void force_nickchange(userrec* user,const char* newnick) { char nick[MAXBUF]; int MOD_RESULT = 0; strcpy(nick,""); FOREACH_RESULT(OnUserPreNick(user,newnick)); if (MOD_RESULT) { kill_link(user,"Nickname collision"); return; } if (matches_qline(newnick)) { kill_link(user,"Nickname collision"); return; } if (user) { if (newnick) { strncpy(nick,newnick,MAXBUF); } if (user->registered == 7) { char* pars[1]; pars[0] = nick; handle_nick(pars,1,user); } } } int process_parameters(char **command_p,char *parameters) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int q = 0; q = strlen(parameters); if (!q) { /* no parameters, command_p invalid! */ return 0; } if (parameters[0] == ':') { command_p[0] = parameters+1; return 1; } if (q) { if ((strchr(parameters,' ')==NULL) || (parameters[0] == ':')) { /* only one parameter */ command_p[0] = parameters; if (parameters[0] == ':') { if (strchr(parameters,' ') != NULL) { command_p[0]++; } } return 1; } } command_p[j++] = parameters; for (int i = 0; i <= q; i++) { if (parameters[i] == ' ') { command_p[j++] = parameters+i+1; parameters[i] = '\0'; if (command_p[j-1][0] == ':') { *command_p[j-1]++; /* remove dodgy ":" */ break; /* parameter like this marks end of the sequence */ } } } return j; /* returns total number of items in the list */ } void process_command(userrec *user, char* cmd) { char *parameters; char *command; char *command_p[127]; char p[MAXBUF], temp[MAXBUF]; int i, j, items, cmd_found; for (int i = 0; i < 127; i++) command_p[i] = NULL; if (!user) { return; } if (!cmd) { return; } if (!strcmp(cmd,"")) { return; } int total_params = 0; if (strlen(cmd)>2) { for (int q = 0; q < strlen(cmd)-1; q++) { if ((cmd[q] == ' ') && (cmd[q+1] == ':')) { total_params++; // found a 'trailing', we dont count them after this. break; } if (cmd[q] == ' ') total_params++; } } // another phidjit bug... if (total_params > 126) { //kill_link(user,"Protocol violation (1)"); WriteServ(user->fd,"421 %s * :Unknown command",user->nick); return; } strlcpy(temp,cmd,MAXBUF); std::string tmp = cmd; for (int i = 0; i <= MODCOUNT; i++) { std::string oldtmp = tmp; modules[i]->OnServerRaw(tmp,true,user); if (oldtmp != tmp) { log(DEBUG,"A Module changed the input string!"); log(DEBUG,"New string: %s",tmp.c_str()); log(DEBUG,"Old string: %s",oldtmp.c_str()); break; } } strlcpy(cmd,tmp.c_str(),MAXBUF); strlcpy(temp,cmd,MAXBUF); if (!strchr(cmd,' ')) { /* no parameters, lets skip the formalities and not chop up * the string */ log(DEBUG,"About to preprocess command with no params"); items = 0; command_p[0] = NULL; parameters = NULL; for (int i = 0; i <= strlen(cmd); i++) { cmd[i] = toupper(cmd[i]); } log(DEBUG,"Preprocess done length=%d",strlen(cmd)); command = cmd; } else { strcpy(cmd,""); j = 0; /* strip out extraneous linefeeds through mirc's crappy pasting (thanks Craig) */ for (int i = 0; i < strlen(temp); i++) { if ((temp[i] != 10) && (temp[i] != 13) && (temp[i] != 0) && (temp[i] != 7)) { cmd[j++] = temp[i]; cmd[j] = 0; } } /* split the full string into a command plus parameters */ parameters = p; strcpy(p," "); command = cmd; if (strchr(cmd,' ')) { for (int i = 0; i <= strlen(cmd); i++) { /* capitalise the command ONLY, leave params intact */ cmd[i] = toupper(cmd[i]); /* are we nearly there yet?! :P */ if (cmd[i] == ' ') { command = cmd; parameters = cmd+i+1; cmd[i] = '\0'; break; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i <= strlen(cmd); i++) { cmd[i] = toupper(cmd[i]); } } } cmd_found = 0; if (strlen(command)>MAXCOMMAND) { //kill_link(user,"Protocol violation (2)"); WriteServ(user->fd,"421 %s * :Unknown command",user->nick); return; } for (int x = 0; x < strlen(command); x++) { if (((command[x] < 'A') || (command[x] > 'Z')) && (command[x] != '.')) { if (((command[x] < '0') || (command[x]> '9')) && (command[x] != '-')) { if (strchr("@!\"$%^&*(){}[]_=+;:'#~,<>/?\\|`",command[x])) { //kill_link(user,"Protocol violation (3)"); WriteServ(user->fd,"421 %s * :Unknown command",user->nick); return; } } } } for (int i = 0; i != cmdlist.size(); i++) { if (strcmp(cmdlist[i].command,"")) { if (strlen(command)>=(strlen(cmdlist[i].command))) if (!strncmp(command, cmdlist[i].command,MAXCOMMAND)) { log(DEBUG,"Found matching command"); if (parameters) { if (strcmp(parameters,"")) { items = process_parameters(command_p,parameters); } else { items = 0; command_p[0] = NULL; } } else { items = 0; command_p[0] = NULL; } if (user) { log(DEBUG,"Processing command"); /* activity resets the ping pending timer */ user->nping = TIME + user->pingmax; if ((items) < cmdlist[i].min_params) { log(DEBUG,"process_command: not enough parameters: %s %s",user->nick,command); WriteServ(user->fd,"461 %s %s :Not enough parameters",user->nick,command); return; } if ((!strchr(user->modes,cmdlist[i].flags_needed)) && (cmdlist[i].flags_needed)) { log(DEBUG,"process_command: permission denied: %s %s",user->nick,command); WriteServ(user->fd,"481 %s :Permission Denied- You do not have the required operator privilages",user->nick); cmd_found = 1; return; } if ((cmdlist[i].flags_needed) && (!user->HasPermission(command))) { log(DEBUG,"process_command: permission denied: %s %s",user->nick,command); WriteServ(user->fd,"481 %s :Permission Denied- Oper type %s does not have access to command %s",user->nick,user->oper,command); cmd_found = 1; return; } /* if the command isnt USER, PASS, or NICK, and nick is empty, * deny command! */ if ((strncmp(command,"USER",4)) && (strncmp(command,"NICK",4)) && (strncmp(command,"PASS",4))) { if ((!isnick(user->nick)) || (user->registered != 7)) { log(DEBUG,"process_command: not registered: %s %s",user->nick,command); WriteServ(user->fd,"451 %s :You have not registered",command); return; } } if ((user->registered == 7) && (!strchr(user->modes,'o'))) { char* mycmd; char* savept2; mycmd = strtok_r(DisabledCommands," ",&savept2); while (mycmd) { if (!strcasecmp(mycmd,command)) { // command is disabled! WriteServ(user->fd,"421 %s %s :This command has been disabled.",user->nick,command); return; } mycmd = strtok_r(NULL," ",&savept2); } } if ((user->registered == 7) || (!strcmp(command,"USER")) || (!strcmp(command,"NICK")) || (!strcmp(command,"PASS"))) { log(DEBUG,"process_command: handler: %s %s %d",user->nick,command,items); if (cmdlist[i].handler_function) { /* ikky /stats counters */ if (temp) { if (user) { user->bytes_in += strlen(temp); user->cmds_in++; user->bytes_out+=strlen(temp); user->cmds_out++; } cmdlist[i].use_count++; cmdlist[i].total_bytes+=strlen(temp); } /* WARNING: nothing may come after the * command handler call, as the handler * may free the user structure! */ cmdlist[i].handler_function(command_p,items,user); } return; } else { log(DEBUG,"process_command: not registered: %s %s",user->nick,command); WriteServ(user->fd,"451 %s :You have not registered",command); return; } } cmd_found = 1; } } } if ((!cmd_found) && (user)) { log(DEBUG,"process_command: not in table: %s %s",user->nick,command); WriteServ(user->fd,"421 %s %s :Unknown command",user->nick,command); } } void createcommand(char* cmd, handlerfunc f, char flags, int minparams,char* source) { command_t comm; /* create the command and push it onto the table */ strlcpy(comm.command,cmd,MAXBUF); strlcpy(comm.source,source,MAXBUF); comm.handler_function = f; comm.flags_needed = flags; comm.min_params = minparams; comm.use_count = 0; comm.total_bytes = 0; cmdlist.push_back(comm); log(DEBUG,"Added command %s (%d parameters)",cmd,minparams); } bool removecommands(const char* source) { bool go_again = true; while (go_again) { go_again = false; for (std::deque::iterator i = cmdlist.begin(); i != cmdlist.end(); i++) { if (!strcmp(i->source,source)) { log(DEBUG,"removecommands(%s) Removing dependent command: %s",i->source,i->command); cmdlist.erase(i); go_again = true; break; } } } return true; } void SetupCommandTable(void) { createcommand("USER",handle_user,0,4,""); createcommand("NICK",handle_nick,0,1,""); createcommand("QUIT",handle_quit,0,0,""); createcommand("VERSION",handle_version,0,0,""); createcommand("PING",handle_ping,0,1,""); createcommand("PONG",handle_pong,0,1,""); createcommand("ADMIN",handle_admin,0,0,""); createcommand("PRIVMSG",handle_privmsg,0,2,""); createcommand("INFO",handle_info,0,0,""); createcommand("TIME",handle_time,0,0,""); createcommand("WHOIS",handle_whois,0,1,""); createcommand("WALLOPS",handle_wallops,'o',1,""); createcommand("NOTICE",handle_notice,0,2,""); createcommand("JOIN",handle_join,0,1,""); createcommand("NAMES",handle_names,0,0,""); createcommand("PART",handle_part,0,1,""); createcommand("KICK",handle_kick,0,2,""); createcommand("MODE",handle_mode,0,1,""); createcommand("TOPIC",handle_topic,0,1,""); createcommand("WHO",handle_who,0,1,""); createcommand("MOTD",handle_motd,0,0,""); createcommand("RULES",handle_rules,0,0,""); createcommand("OPER",handle_oper,0,2,""); createcommand("LIST",handle_list,0,0,""); createcommand("DIE",handle_die,'o',1,""); createcommand("RESTART",handle_restart,'o',1,""); createcommand("KILL",handle_kill,'o',2,""); createcommand("REHASH",handle_rehash,'o',0,""); createcommand("LUSERS",handle_lusers,0,0,""); createcommand("STATS",handle_stats,0,1,""); createcommand("USERHOST",handle_userhost,0,1,""); createcommand("AWAY",handle_away,0,0,""); createcommand("ISON",handle_ison,0,0,""); createcommand("SUMMON",handle_summon,0,0,""); createcommand("USERS",handle_users,0,0,""); createcommand("INVITE",handle_invite,0,2,""); createcommand("PASS",handle_pass,0,1,""); createcommand("TRACE",handle_trace,'o',0,""); createcommand("WHOWAS",handle_whowas,0,1,""); createcommand("CONNECT",handle_connect,'o',1,""); createcommand("SQUIT",handle_squit,'o',0,""); createcommand("MODULES",handle_modules,0,0,""); createcommand("LINKS",handle_links,0,0,""); createcommand("MAP",handle_map,0,0,""); createcommand("KLINE",handle_kline,'o',1,""); createcommand("GLINE",handle_gline,'o',1,""); createcommand("ZLINE",handle_zline,'o',1,""); createcommand("QLINE",handle_qline,'o',1,""); createcommand("ELINE",handle_eline,'o',1,""); createcommand("LOADMODULE",handle_loadmodule,'o',1,""); createcommand("UNLOADMODULE",handle_unloadmodule,'o',1,""); createcommand("SERVER",handle_server,0,0,""); } void process_buffer(const char* cmdbuf,userrec *user) { if (!user) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** process_buffer was given an invalid parameter"); return; } char cmd[MAXBUF]; int i; if (!cmdbuf) { log(DEFAULT,"*** BUG *** process_buffer was given an invalid parameter"); return; } if (!strcmp(cmdbuf,"")) { return; } while ((cmdbuf[0] == ' ') && (strlen(cmdbuf)>0)) cmdbuf++; // strip leading spaces strlcpy(cmd,cmdbuf,MAXBUF); if (!strcmp(cmd,"")) { return; } if ((cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] == 13) || (cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] == 10)) { cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] = '\0'; } if ((cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] == 13) || (cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] == 10)) { cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] = '\0'; } while ((cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] == ' ') && (strlen(cmd)>0)) // strip trailing spaces { cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] = '\0'; } if (!strcmp(cmd,"")) { return; } log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: processing: %s %s",user->nick,cmd); tidystring(cmd); if ((user) && (cmd)) { process_command(user,cmd); } } void DoSync(serverrec* serv, char* tcp_host) { char data[MAXBUF]; log(DEBUG,"Sending sync"); // send start of sync marker: Y // at this point the ircd receiving it starts broadcasting this netburst to all ircds // except the ones its receiving it from. snprintf(data,MAXBUF,"Y %d",TIME); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); // send users and channels for (user_hash::iterator u = clientlist.begin(); u != clientlist.end(); u++) { snprintf(data,MAXBUF,"N %d %s %s %s %s +%s %s %s :%s",u->second->age,u->second->nick,u->second->host,u->second->dhost,u->second->ident,u->second->modes,u->second->ip,u->second->server,u->second->fullname); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); if (strchr(u->second->modes,'o')) { snprintf(data,MAXBUF,"| %s %s",u->second->nick,u->second->oper); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); } for (int i = 0; i <= MODCOUNT; i++) { string_list l = modules[i]->OnUserSync(u->second); for (int j = 0; j < l.size(); j++) { strlcpy(data,l[j].c_str(),MAXBUF); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); } } if (strcmp(chlist(u->second),"")) { snprintf(data,MAXBUF,"J %s %s",u->second->nick,chlist(u->second)); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); } } // send channel modes, topics etc... for (chan_hash::iterator c = chanlist.begin(); c != chanlist.end(); c++) { snprintf(data,MAXBUF,"M %s +%s",c->second->name,chanmodes(c->second)); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); for (int i = 0; i <= MODCOUNT; i++) { string_list l = modules[i]->OnChannelSync(c->second); for (int j = 0; j < l.size(); j++) { strlcpy(data,l[j].c_str(),MAXBUF); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); } } if (strcmp(c->second->topic,"")) { snprintf(data,MAXBUF,"T %d %s %s :%s",c->second->topicset,c->second->setby,c->second->name,c->second->topic); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); } // send current banlist for (BanList::iterator b = c->second->bans.begin(); b != c->second->bans.end(); b++) { snprintf(data,MAXBUF,"M %s +b %s",b->set_time,c->second->name,b->data); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); } } // sync global zlines, glines, etc sync_xlines(serv,tcp_host); for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) { if (me[j] != NULL) { for (int k = 0; k < me[j]->connectors.size(); k++) { if (is_uline(me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str())) { snprintf(data,MAXBUF,"H %s",me[j]->connectors[k].GetServerName().c_str()); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); NetSendMyRoutingTable(); } } } } snprintf(data,MAXBUF,"F %d",TIME); serv->SendPacket(data,tcp_host); log(DEBUG,"Sent sync"); // ircd sends its serverlist after the end of sync here } void NetSendMyRoutingTable() { // send out a line saying what is reachable to us. // E.g. if A is linked to B C and D, send out: // $ A B C D // if its only linked to B and D send out: // $ A B D // if it has no links, dont even send out the line at all. char buffer[MAXBUF]; snprintf(buffer,MAXBUF,"$ %s",ServerName); bool sendit = false; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (me[i] != NULL) { for (int j = 0; j < me[i]->connectors.size(); j++) { if ((me[i]->connectors[j].GetState() != STATE_DISCONNECTED) || (is_uline(me[i]->connectors[j].GetServerName().c_str()))) { strlcat(buffer," ",MAXBUF); strlcat(buffer,me[i]->connectors[j].GetServerName().c_str(),MAXBUF); sendit = true; } } } } if (sendit) NetSendToAll(buffer); } void DoSplit(const char* params) { bool go_again = true; while (go_again) { go_again = false; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (me[i] != NULL) { for (vector::iterator j = me[i]->connectors.begin(); j != me[i]->connectors.end(); j++) { if (!strcasecmp(j->GetServerName().c_str(),params)) { j->routes.clear(); j->CloseConnection(); me[i]->connectors.erase(j); go_again = true; break; } } } } } log(DEBUG,"Removed server. Will remove clients..."); // iterate through the userlist and remove all users on this server. // because we're dealing with a mesh, we dont have to deal with anything // "down-route" from this server (nice huh) go_again = true; char reason[MAXBUF]; snprintf(reason,MAXBUF,"%s %s",ServerName,params); while (go_again) { go_again = false; for (user_hash::const_iterator u = clientlist.begin(); u != clientlist.end(); u++) { if (!strcasecmp(u->second->server,params)) { kill_link(u->second,reason); go_again = true; break; } } } } // removes a server. Will NOT remove its users! void RemoveServer(const char* name) { bool go_again = true; while (go_again) { go_again = false; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (me[i] != NULL) { for (vector::iterator j = me[i]->connectors.begin(); j != me[i]->connectors.end(); j++) { if (!strcasecmp(j->GetServerName().c_str(),name)) { j->routes.clear(); j->CloseConnection(); me[i]->connectors.erase(j); go_again = true; break; } } } } } } int reap_counter = 0; char MODERR[MAXBUF]; char* ModuleError() { return MODERR; } void erase_factory(int j) { int v = 0; for (std::vector::iterator t = factory.begin(); t != factory.end(); t++) { if (v == j) { factory.erase(t); factory.push_back(NULL); return; } v++; } } void erase_module(int j) { int v = 0; for (std::vector::iterator m = modules.begin(); m!= modules.end(); m++) { if (v == j) { delete *m; modules.erase(m); modules.push_back(NULL); break; } v++; } int v2 = 0; for (std::vector::iterator v = module_names.begin(); v != module_names.end(); v++) { if (v2 == j) { module_names.erase(v); break; } v2++; } } bool UnloadModule(const char* filename) { for (int j = 0; j != module_names.size(); j++) { if (module_names[j] == std::string(filename)) { if (modules[j]->GetVersion().Flags & VF_STATIC) { log(DEFAULT,"Failed to unload STATIC module %s",filename); snprintf(MODERR,MAXBUF,"Module not unloadable (marked static)"); return false; } // found the module log(DEBUG,"Deleting module..."); erase_module(j); log(DEBUG,"Erasing module entry..."); erase_factory(j); log(DEBUG,"Removing dependent commands..."); removecommands(filename); log(DEFAULT,"Module %s unloaded",filename); MODCOUNT--; return true; } } log(DEFAULT,"Module %s is not loaded, cannot unload it!",filename); snprintf(MODERR,MAXBUF,"Module not loaded"); return false; } bool DirValid(char* dirandfile) { char work[MAXBUF]; strlcpy(work,dirandfile,MAXBUF); int p = strlen(work); // we just want the dir while (strlen(work)) { if (work[p] == '/') { work[p] = '\0'; break; } work[p--] = '\0'; } log(DEBUG,"Dir valid: %s",work); char buffer[MAXBUF], otherdir[MAXBUF]; // Get the current working directory if( getcwd( buffer, MAXBUF ) == NULL ) return false; chdir(work); if( getcwd( otherdir, MAXBUF ) == NULL ) return false; chdir(buffer); log(DEBUG,"Dir is really: %s",otherdir); if (strlen(otherdir) >= strlen(work)) { otherdir[strlen(work)] = '\0'; log(DEBUG,"Compare: '%s' -> '%s'",otherdir,work); if (!strcmp(otherdir,work)) { log(DEBUG,"Match ok"); return true; } log(DEBUG,"No match"); return false; } else return false; } bool LoadModule(const char* filename) { char modfile[MAXBUF]; snprintf(modfile,MAXBUF,"%s/%s",ModPath,filename); if (!DirValid(modfile)) { log(DEFAULT,"Module %s is not within the modules directory.",modfile); snprintf(MODERR,MAXBUF,"Module %s is not within the modules directory.",modfile); return false; } log(DEBUG,"Loading module: %s",modfile); if (FileExists(modfile)) { for (int j = 0; j < module_names.size(); j++) { if (module_names[j] == std::string(filename)) { log(DEFAULT,"Module %s is already loaded, cannot load a module twice!",modfile); snprintf(MODERR,MAXBUF,"Module already loaded"); return false; } } ircd_module* a = new ircd_module(modfile); factory[MODCOUNT+1] = a; if (factory[MODCOUNT+1]->LastError()) { log(DEFAULT,"Unable to load %s: %s",modfile,factory[MODCOUNT+1]->LastError()); snprintf(MODERR,MAXBUF,"Loader/Linker error: %s",factory[MODCOUNT+1]->LastError()); MODCOUNT--; return false; } if (factory[MODCOUNT+1]->factory) { Module* m = factory[MODCOUNT+1]->factory->CreateModule(); modules[MODCOUNT+1] = m; /* save the module and the module's classfactory, if * this isnt done, random crashes can occur :/ */ module_names.push_back(filename); } else { log(DEFAULT,"Unable to load %s",modfile); snprintf(MODERR,MAXBUF,"Factory function failed!"); return false; } } else { log(DEFAULT,"InspIRCd: startup: Module Not Found %s",modfile); snprintf(MODERR,MAXBUF,"Module file could not be found"); return false; } MODCOUNT++; return true; } int InspIRCd(void) { struct sockaddr_in client,server; char addrs[MAXBUF][255]; int incomingSockfd, result = TRUE; socklen_t length; int count = 0; int selectResult = 0, selectResult2 = 0; char *temp, configToken[MAXBUF], stuff[MAXBUF], Addr[MAXBUF], Type[MAXBUF]; char resolvedHost[MAXBUF]; fd_set selectFds; timeval tv; log_file = fopen("ircd.log","a+"); if (!log_file) { printf("ERROR: Could not write to logfile ircd.log, bailing!\n\n"); Exit(ERROR); } log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: begin"); log(DEBUG,"$Id$"); if (geteuid() == 0) { printf("WARNING!!! You are running an irc server as ROOT!!! DO NOT DO THIS!!!\n\n"); Exit(ERROR); log(DEFAULT,"InspIRCd: startup: not starting with UID 0!"); } SetupCommandTable(); log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: default command table set up"); ReadConfig(true,NULL); if (strcmp(DieValue,"")) { printf("WARNING: %s\n\n",DieValue); log(DEFAULT,"Ut-Oh, somebody didn't read their config file: '%s'",DieValue); exit(0); } log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: read config"); int count2 = 0, count3 = 0; for (count = 0; count < ConfValueEnum("bind",&config_f); count++) { ConfValue("bind","port",count,configToken,&config_f); ConfValue("bind","address",count,Addr,&config_f); ConfValue("bind","type",count,Type,&config_f); if (!strcmp(Type,"servers")) { char Default[MAXBUF]; strcpy(Default,"no"); ConfValue("bind","default",count,Default,&config_f); if (strchr(Default,'y')) { defaultRoute = count3; log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: binding '%s:%s' is default server route",Addr,configToken); } me[count3] = new serverrec(ServerName,100L,false); if (!me[count3]->CreateListener(Addr,atoi(configToken))) { log(DEFAULT,"Error! Failed to bind port %d",atoi(configToken)); } else { count3++; } } else { ports[count2] = atoi(configToken); strlcpy(addrs[count2],Addr,256); count2++; } log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: read binding %s:%s [%s] from config",Addr,configToken, Type); } portCount = count2; UDPportCount = count3; log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: read %d total client ports and %d total server ports",portCount,UDPportCount); log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: InspIRCd is now running!"); printf("\n"); /* BugFix By Craig! :p */ MODCOUNT = -1; for (count2 = 0; count2 < ConfValueEnum("module",&config_f); count2++) { ConfValue("module","name",count2,configToken,&config_f); printf("Loading module... \033[1;37m%s\033[0;37m\n",configToken); if (!LoadModule(configToken)) { log(DEBUG,"Exiting due to a module loader error."); printf("There was an error loading a module: %s\n",ModuleError()); Exit(0); } } log(DEBUG,"Total loaded modules: %d",MODCOUNT+1); printf("\nInspIRCd is now running!\n"); startup_time = time(NULL); if (nofork) { log(VERBOSE,"Not forking as -nofork was specified"); } else { if (DaemonSeed() == ERROR) { log(DEFAULT,"InspIRCd: startup: can't daemonise"); printf("ERROR: could not go into daemon mode. Shutting down.\n"); Exit(ERROR); } } char PID[MAXBUF]; ConfValue("pid","file",0,PID,&config_f); WritePID(PID); /* setup select call */ FD_ZERO(&selectFds); log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: zero selects"); log(VERBOSE,"InspIRCd: startup: portCount = %d", portCount); for (count = 0; count < portCount; count++) { if ((openSockfd[boundPortCount] = OpenTCPSocket()) == ERROR) { log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: bad fd %d",openSockfd[boundPortCount]); return(ERROR); } if (BindSocket(openSockfd[boundPortCount],client,server,ports[count],addrs[count]) == ERROR) { log(DEFAULT,"InspIRCd: startup: failed to bind port %d",ports[count]); } else /* well we at least bound to one socket so we'll continue */ { boundPortCount++; } } log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: startup: total bound ports %d",boundPortCount); /* if we didn't bind to anything then abort */ if (boundPortCount == 0) { log(DEFAULT,"InspIRCd: startup: no ports bound, bailing!"); return (ERROR); } length = sizeof (client); char udp_msg[MAXBUF], tcp_host[MAXBUF]; fd_set serverfds; timeval tvs; tvs.tv_usec = 7000L; tvs.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 7000L; char data[10240]; timeval tval; fd_set sfd; tval.tv_usec = 7000L; tval.tv_sec = 0; int total_in_this_set = 0; int v = 0; bool expire_run = false; /* main loop, this never returns */ for (;;) { #ifdef _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING sched_yield(); #endif // poll dns queue dns_poll(); FD_ZERO(&sfd); // we only read time() once per iteration rather than tons of times! TIME = time(NULL); //user_hash::iterator count2 = clientlist.begin(); // *FIX* Instead of closing sockets in kill_link when they receive the ERROR :blah line, we should queue // them in a list, then reap the list every second or so. if (((TIME % 5) == 0) && (!expire_run)) { expire_lines(); FOREACH_MOD OnBackgroundTimer(TIME); expire_run = true; } if ((TIME % 5) == 1) expire_run = false; if (reap_counter>300) { if (fd_reap.size() > 0) { for( int n = 0; n < fd_reap.size(); n++) { if ((fd_reap[n] > -1)) { close(fd_reap[n]); shutdown (fd_reap[n],2); } } } fd_reap.clear(); reap_counter=0; } reap_counter++; // fix by brain - this must be below any manipulation of the hashmap by modules user_hash::iterator count2 = clientlist.begin(); FD_ZERO(&serverfds); for (int x = 0; x != UDPportCount; x++) { if (me[x]) FD_SET(me[x]->fd, &serverfds); } // serverFds timevals went here tvs.tv_usec = 7000L; int servresult = select(32767, &serverfds, NULL, NULL, &tvs); if (servresult > 0) { for (int x = 0; x != UDPportCount; x++) { if ((me[x]) && (FD_ISSET (me[x]->fd, &serverfds))) { char remotehost[MAXBUF],resolved[MAXBUF]; length = sizeof (client); incomingSockfd = accept (me[x]->fd, (sockaddr *) &client, &length); if (incomingSockfd != -1) { strlcpy(remotehost,(char *)inet_ntoa(client.sin_addr),MAXBUF); if(CleanAndResolve(resolved, remotehost) != TRUE) { strlcpy(resolved,remotehost,MAXBUF); } // add to this connections ircd_connector vector // *FIX* - we need the LOCAL port not the remote port in &client! me[x]->AddIncoming(incomingSockfd,resolved,me[x]->port); } } } } for (int x = 0; x < UDPportCount; x++) { std::deque msgs; msgs.clear(); if ((me[x]) && (me[x]->RecvPacket(msgs, tcp_host))) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < msgs.size(); ctr++) { char udp_msg[MAXBUF]; strlcpy(udp_msg,msgs[ctr].c_str(),MAXBUF); if (strlen(udp_msg)<1) { log(DEBUG,"Invalid string from %s [route%d]",tcp_host,x); break; } // during a netburst, send all data to all other linked servers if ((((nb_start>0) && (udp_msg[0] != 'Y') && (udp_msg[0] != 'X') && (udp_msg[0] != 'F'))) || (is_uline(tcp_host))) { if (is_uline(tcp_host)) { if ((udp_msg[0] != 'Y') && (udp_msg[0] != 'X') && (udp_msg[0] != 'F')) { NetSendToAllExcept(tcp_host,udp_msg); } } else NetSendToAllExcept(tcp_host,udp_msg); } std::string msg = udp_msg; FOREACH_MOD OnPacketReceive(msg,tcp_host); strlcpy(udp_msg,msg.c_str(),MAXBUF); } goto label; } } while (count2 != clientlist.end()) { FD_ZERO(&sfd); total_in_this_set = 0; user_hash::iterator xcount = count2; user_hash::iterator endingiter = count2; if (count2 == clientlist.end()) break; if (count2->second) if (count2->second->fd != 0) { // assemble up to 64 sockets into an fd_set // to implement a pooling mechanism. // // This should be up to 64x faster than the // old implementation. while (total_in_this_set < 64) { if (count2 != clientlist.end()) { // we don't check the state of remote users. if ((count2->second->fd != -1) && (count2->second->fd != FD_MAGIC_NUMBER)) { FD_SET (count2->second->fd, &sfd); // registration timeout -- didnt send USER/NICK/HOST in the time specified in // their connection class. if ((TIME > count2->second->timeout) && (count2->second->registered != 7)) { log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: registration timeout: %s",count2->second->nick); kill_link(count2->second,"Registration timeout"); goto label; } if ((TIME > count2->second->signon) && (count2->second->registered == 3)) { count2->second->dns_done = true; FullConnectUser(count2->second); goto label; } if ((count2->second->dns_done) && (count2->second->registered == 3)) // both NICK and USER... and DNS { FullConnectUser(count2->second); goto label; } if ((TIME > count2->second->nping) && (isnick(count2->second->nick)) && (count2->second->registered == 7)) { if ((!count2->second->lastping) && (count2->second->registered == 7)) { log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: ping timeout: %s",count2->second->nick); kill_link(count2->second,"Ping timeout"); goto label; } Write(count2->second->fd,"PING :%s",ServerName); log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: pinging: %s",count2->second->nick); count2->second->lastping = 0; count2->second->nping = TIME+count2->second->pingmax; // was hard coded to 120 } } count2++; total_in_this_set++; } else break; } endingiter = count2; count2 = xcount; // roll back to where we were v = 0; // tvals defined here tval.tv_usec = 7000L; selectResult2 = select(65535, &sfd, NULL, NULL, &tval); // now loop through all of the items in this pool if any are waiting //if (selectResult2 > 0) for (user_hash::iterator count2a = xcount; count2a != endingiter; count2a++) { #ifdef _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING sched_yield(); #endif result = EAGAIN; if ((count2a->second->fd != FD_MAGIC_NUMBER) && (count2a->second->fd != -1) && (FD_ISSET (count2a->second->fd, &sfd))) { memset(data, 0, 10240); result = read(count2a->second->fd, data, 10240); if (result) { userrec* current = count2a->second; int currfd = current->fd; char* l = strtok(data,"\n"); int floodlines = 0; while (l) { floodlines++; if ((floodlines > current->flood) && (current->flood != 0)) { log(DEFAULT,"Excess flood from: %s!%s@%s",current->nick,current->ident,current->host); WriteOpers("*** Excess flood from: %s!%s@%s",current->nick,current->ident,current->host); kill_link(current,"Excess flood"); goto label; } char sanitized[NetBufferSize]; memset(sanitized, 0, NetBufferSize); int ptt = 0; for (int pt = 0; pt < strlen(l); pt++) { if (l[pt] != '\r') { sanitized[ptt++] = l[pt]; } } sanitized[ptt] = '\0'; if (strlen(sanitized)) { // we're gonna re-scan to check if the nick is gone, after every // command - if it has, we're gonna bail bool find_again = false; process_buffer(sanitized,current); // look for the user's record in case it's changed for (user_hash::iterator c2 = clientlist.begin(); c2 != clientlist.end(); c2++) { if (c2->second->fd == currfd) { // found again, update pointer current == c2->second; find_again = true; break; } } if (!find_again) goto label; } l = strtok(NULL,"\n"); } goto label; } if ((result == -1) && (errno != EAGAIN) && (errno != EINTR)) { log(DEBUG,"killing: %s",count2a->second->nick); kill_link(count2a->second,strerror(errno)); goto label; } } // result EAGAIN means nothing read if (result == EAGAIN) { } else if (result == 0) { if (count2->second) { log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: Exited: %s",count2a->second->nick); kill_link(count2a->second,"Client exited"); // must bail here? kill_link removes the hash, corrupting the iterator log(DEBUG,"Bailing from client exit"); goto label; } } else if (result > 0) { } } } for (int q = 0; q < total_in_this_set; q++) { // there is no iterator += operator :( //if (count2 != clientlist.end()) //{ count2++; //} } } // set up select call for (count = 0; count < boundPortCount; count++) { FD_SET (openSockfd[count], &selectFds); } tv.tv_usec = 7000L; selectResult = select(MAXSOCKS, &selectFds, NULL, NULL, &tv); /* select is reporting a waiting socket. Poll them all to find out which */ if (selectResult > 0) { char target[MAXBUF], resolved[MAXBUF]; for (count = 0; count < boundPortCount; count++) { if (FD_ISSET (openSockfd[count], &selectFds)) { length = sizeof (client); incomingSockfd = accept (openSockfd[count], (struct sockaddr *) &client, &length); strlcpy (target, (char *) inet_ntoa (client.sin_addr), MAXBUF); strlcpy (resolved, target, MAXBUF); if (incomingSockfd < 0) { WriteOpers("*** WARNING: Accept failed on port %d (%s)", ports[count],target); log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: accept failed: %d",ports[count]); } else { AddClient(incomingSockfd, resolved, ports[count], false, inet_ntoa (client.sin_addr)); log(DEBUG,"InspIRCd: adding client on port %d fd=%d",ports[count],incomingSockfd); } goto label; } } } label: if(0) {}; // "Label must be followed by a statement"... so i gave it one. } /* not reached */ close (incomingSockfd); }