/*       +------------------------------------+
 *       | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
 *       +------------------------------------+
 *  InspIRCd is copyright (C) 2002-2006 ChatSpike-Dev.
 *                       E-mail:
 *                <brain@chatspike.net>
 *           	  <Craig@chatspike.net>
 * Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others.
 * This program is free but copyrighted software; see
 *            the file COPYING for details.
 * ---------------------------------------------------

#include "inspircd_config.h"
#include "inspircd.h"
#include "configreader.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <string>
#include "users.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "inspstring.h"
#include "dnsqueue.h"
#include "dns.h"
#include "helperfuncs.h"
#include "hashcomp.h"
#include "socketengine.h"
#include "socket.h"

extern ServerConfig* Config;
extern InspIRCd* ServerInstance;

class Lookup;

Lookup* dnslist[MAX_DESCRIPTORS];

//enum LookupState { reverse, forward };

class Lookup {
	DNS resolver1;
	DNS resolver2;
	char u[NICKMAX];
	std::string hostname;
		*u = 0;
		hostname = "";

	void Reset()
		*u = 0;
		hostname = "";


	bool DoLookup(std::string nick)
		hostname = "";
		userrec* usr = Find(nick);
		if (usr)
			if (!resolver1.ReverseLookup(std::string(usr->host)))
				return false;

			if (resolver1.GetFD() != -1)
				dnslist[resolver1.GetFD()] = this;
				return true;
		return false;

	bool Done(int fdcheck)
		if (hostname != "")
			// doing forward lookup
			userrec* usr = NULL;
			if (resolver2.HasResult(fdcheck))
				if (resolver2.GetFD() != -1)
					dnslist[resolver2.GetFD()] = NULL;
					std::string ip = resolver2.GetResultIP();
					usr = Find(u);
					if (usr)
						if (usr->registered > 3)
							usr->dns_done = true;
							return true;
						if ((hostname != "") && (usr->registered != 7))
							if ((std::string((char*)inet_ntoa(usr->ip4)) == ip) && (hostname.length() < 65))
								/*address_cache::iterator address = addrcache.find(usr->ip4);
								if (address == addrcache.end())
									log(DEBUG,"Caching hostname %s -> %s",(char*)inet_ntoa(usr->ip4),hostname.c_str());
									addrcache[usr->ip4] = new std::string(hostname);
								WriteServ(usr->fd,"NOTICE Auth :*** Found your hostname");
							usr->dns_done = true;
							return true;
					usr = Find(u);
					if (usr)
						usr->dns_done = true;
					return true;
			return false;
			// doing reverse lookup
			userrec* usr = NULL;
			if (resolver1.HasResult(fdcheck))
				usr = Find(u);
				if ((usr) && (usr->dns_done))
					if (resolver1.GetFD() != -1)
						dnslist[resolver1.GetFD()] = NULL;
					return true;
				if (resolver1.GetFD() != -1)
					dnslist[resolver1.GetFD()] = NULL;
					hostname = resolver1.GetResult();
					if (usr)
						if ((usr->registered > 3) || (hostname == ""))
							WriteServ(usr->fd,"NOTICE Auth :*** Could not resolve your hostname -- Using your IP address instead");
							usr->dns_done = true;
							return true;
					if (hostname != "")
						if (resolver2.GetFD() != -1)
							dnslist[resolver2.GetFD()] = this;
		return false;

	int GetFD()
		userrec* usr = Find(u);
		if (!usr)
			return 0;
		if (usr->dns_done)
			return 0;
		return usr->fd;

bool lookup_dns(const std::string &nick)
	/* First attempt to find the nickname */
	userrec* u = Find(nick);
	if (u)
		/* Check the cache */
		/*address_cache::iterator address = addrcache.find(u->ip4);
		if (address != addrcache.end())
			WriteServ(u->fd,"NOTICE Auth :*** Found your hostname (cached)");
			log(DEBUG,"Found cached host");
			u->dns_done = true;
			return true;
		/* If the user exists, create a new
		 * lookup object, and associate it
		 * with the user. The lookup object
		 * will maintain the reference table
		 * which we use for quickly finding
		 * dns results. Please note that we
		 * do not associate a lookup with a
		 * userrec* pointer and we use the
		 * nickname instead because, by the
		 * time the DNS lookup has completed,
		 * the nickname could have quit and
		 * if we then try and access the
		 * pointer we get a nice segfault.
		Lookup* L = new Lookup();
		return true;
	return false;

void dns_poll(int fdcheck)
	/* Check the given file descriptor is in valid range */
	if ((fdcheck < 0) || (fdcheck > MAX_DESCRIPTORS))

	/* Try and find the file descriptor in our list of
	 * active DNS lookups
	Lookup *x = dnslist[fdcheck];
	if (x)
		/* If it exists check if its a valid fd still */
		if (x->GetFD() != -1)
			/* Check if its done, if it is delete it */
			if (x->Done(fdcheck))
				/* We don't need to delete the file descriptor
				 * from the socket engine, as dns.cpp tracks it
				 * for us if we are in single-threaded country.
				delete x;
			/* its fd is dodgy, the dns code probably
			 * bashed it due to error. Free the class.
			delete x;
		/* If we got down here, the dns lookup was valid, BUT,
		 * its still in progress. Be patient, and wait for
		 * more socketengine events to complete the lookups.
	/* This FD doesnt belong here, lets be rid of it,
	 * just to be safe so we dont get any more events
	 * about it.
	if (ServerInstance && ServerInstance->SE)