/* * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon * * Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel De Graaf * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Craig Edwards * Copyright (C) 2007 Robin Burchell * * This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "inspircd.h" enum { // From RFC 2812. ERR_NOSUCHSERVICE = 408 }; class MessageDetailsImpl : public MessageDetails { public: MessageDetailsImpl(MessageType mt, const std::string& msg, const ClientProtocol::TagMap& tags) : MessageDetails(mt, msg, tags) { } bool IsCTCP(std::string& name, std::string& body) const CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (!this->IsCTCP()) return false; size_t end_of_name = text.find(' ', 2); size_t end_of_ctcp = *text.rbegin() == '\x1' ? 1 : 0; if (end_of_name == std::string::npos) { // The CTCP only contains a name. name.assign(text, 1, text.length() - 1 - end_of_ctcp); body.clear(); return true; } // The CTCP contains a name and a body. name.assign(text, 1, end_of_name - 1); size_t start_of_body = text.find_first_not_of(' ', end_of_name + 1); if (start_of_body == std::string::npos) { // The CTCP body is provided but empty. body.clear(); return true; } // The CTCP body provided was non-empty. body.assign(text, start_of_body, text.length() - start_of_body - end_of_ctcp); return true; } bool IsCTCP(std::string& name) const CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (!this->IsCTCP()) return false; size_t end_of_name = text.find(' ', 2); if (end_of_name == std::string::npos) { // The CTCP only contains a name. size_t end_of_ctcp = *text.rbegin() == '\x1' ? 1 : 0; name.assign(text, 1, text.length() - 1 - end_of_ctcp); return true; } // The CTCP contains a name and a body. name.assign(text, 1, end_of_name - 1); return true; } bool IsCTCP() const CXX11_OVERRIDE { // According to draft-oakley-irc-ctcp-02 a valid CTCP must begin with SOH and // contain at least one octet which is not NUL, SOH, CR, LF, or SPACE. As most // of these are restricted at the protocol level we only need to check for SOH // and SPACE. return (text.length() >= 2) && (text[0] == '\x1') && (text[1] != '\x1') && (text[1] != ' '); } }; namespace { bool FirePreEvents(User* source, MessageTarget& msgtarget, MessageDetails& msgdetails) { // Inform modules that a message wants to be sent. ModResult modres; FIRST_MOD_RESULT(OnUserPreMessage, modres, (source, msgtarget, msgdetails)); if (modres == MOD_RES_DENY) { // Inform modules that a module blocked the mssage. FOREACH_MOD(OnUserMessageBlocked, (source, msgtarget, msgdetails)); return false; } // Check whether a module zapped the message body. if (msgdetails.text.empty()) { source->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND, "No text to send"); return false; } // Inform modules that a message is about to be sent. FOREACH_MOD(OnUserMessage, (source, msgtarget, msgdetails)); return true; } CmdResult FirePostEvent(User* source, const MessageTarget& msgtarget, const MessageDetails& msgdetails) { // If the source is local and was not sending a CTCP reply then update their idle time. LocalUser* lsource = IS_LOCAL(source); if (lsource && (msgdetails.type != MSG_NOTICE || !msgdetails.IsCTCP())) lsource->idle_lastmsg = ServerInstance->Time(); // Inform modules that a message was sent. FOREACH_MOD(OnUserPostMessage, (source, msgtarget, msgdetails)); return CMD_SUCCESS; } } class CommandMessage : public Command { private: const MessageType msgtype; CmdResult HandleChannelTarget(User* source, const Params& parameters, const char* target, PrefixMode* pm) { Channel* chan = ServerInstance->FindChan(target); if (!chan) { // The target channel does not exist. source->WriteNumeric(Numerics::NoSuchChannel(parameters[0])); return CMD_FAILURE; } // Fire the pre-message events. MessageTarget msgtarget(chan, pm ? pm->GetPrefix() : 0); MessageDetailsImpl msgdetails(msgtype, parameters[1], parameters.GetTags()); msgdetails.exemptions.insert(source); if (!FirePreEvents(source, msgtarget, msgdetails)) return CMD_FAILURE; // Send the message to the members of the channel. ClientProtocol::Messages::Privmsg privmsg(ClientProtocol::Messages::Privmsg::nocopy, source, chan, msgdetails.text, msgdetails.type, msgtarget.status); privmsg.AddTags(msgdetails.tags_out); privmsg.SetSideEffect(true); chan->Write(ServerInstance->GetRFCEvents().privmsg, privmsg, msgtarget.status, msgdetails.exemptions); // Create the outgoing message and message event. return FirePostEvent(source, msgtarget, msgdetails); } CmdResult HandleServerTarget(User* source, const Params& parameters) { // If the source isn't allowed to mass message users then reject // the attempt to mass-message users. if (!source->HasPrivPermission("users/mass-message")) return CMD_FAILURE; // Extract the server glob match from the target parameter. std::string servername(parameters[0], 1); // Fire the pre-message events. MessageTarget msgtarget(&servername); MessageDetailsImpl msgdetails(msgtype, parameters[1], parameters.GetTags()); if (!FirePreEvents(source, msgtarget, msgdetails)) return CMD_FAILURE; // If the current server name matches the server name glob then send // the message out to the local users. if (InspIRCd::Match(ServerInstance->Config->ServerName, servername)) { // Create the outgoing message and message event. ClientProtocol::Messages::Privmsg message(ClientProtocol::Messages::Privmsg::nocopy, source, "$*", msgdetails.text, msgdetails.type); message.AddTags(msgdetails.tags_out); message.SetSideEffect(true); ClientProtocol::Event messageevent(ServerInstance->GetRFCEvents().privmsg, message); const UserManager::LocalList& list = ServerInstance->Users.GetLocalUsers(); for (UserManager::LocalList::const_iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i) { LocalUser* luser = *i; // Don't send to unregistered users or the user who is the source. if (luser->registered != REG_ALL || luser == source) continue; // Only send to non-exempt users. if (!msgdetails.exemptions.count(luser)) luser->Send(messageevent); } } // Fire the post-message event. return FirePostEvent(source, msgtarget, msgdetails); } CmdResult HandleUserTarget(User* source, const Params& parameters) { User* target; if (IS_LOCAL(source)) { // Local sources can specify either a nick or a nick@server mask as the target. const char* targetserver = strchr(parameters[0].c_str(), '@'); if (targetserver) { // The target is a user on a specific server (e.g. jto@tolsun.oulu.fi). target = ServerInstance->FindNickOnly(parameters[0].substr(0, targetserver - parameters[0].c_str())); if (target && strcasecmp(target->server->GetName().c_str(), targetserver + 1)) target = NULL; } else { // If the source is a local user then we only look up the target by nick. target = ServerInstance->FindNickOnly(parameters[0]); } } else { // Remote users can only specify a nick or UUID as the target. target = ServerInstance->FindNick(parameters[0]); } if (!target || target->registered != REG_ALL) { // The target user does not exist or is not fully registered. source->WriteNumeric(Numerics::NoSuchNick(parameters[0])); return CMD_FAILURE; } // If the target is away then inform the user. if (target->IsAway() && msgtype == MSG_PRIVMSG) source->WriteNumeric(RPL_AWAY, target->nick, target->awaymsg); // Fire the pre-message events. MessageTarget msgtarget(target); MessageDetailsImpl msgdetails(msgtype, parameters[1], parameters.GetTags()); if (!FirePreEvents(source, msgtarget, msgdetails)) return CMD_FAILURE; LocalUser* const localtarget = IS_LOCAL(target); if (localtarget) { // Send to the target if they are a local user. ClientProtocol::Messages::Privmsg privmsg(ClientProtocol::Messages::Privmsg::nocopy, source, localtarget->nick, msgdetails.text, msgtype); privmsg.AddTags(msgdetails.tags_out); privmsg.SetSideEffect(true); localtarget->Send(ServerInstance->GetRFCEvents().privmsg, privmsg); } // Fire the post-message event. return FirePostEvent(source, msgtarget, msgdetails); } public: CommandMessage(Module* parent, MessageType mt) : Command(parent, ClientProtocol::Messages::Privmsg::CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), 2, 2) , msgtype(mt) { syntax = "[,]+ :"; } /** Handle command. * @param parameters The parameters to the command * @param user The user issuing the command * @return A value from CmdResult to indicate command success or failure. */ CmdResult Handle(User* user, const Params& parameters) CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (CommandParser::LoopCall(user, this, parameters, 0)) return CMD_SUCCESS; // The specified message was empty. if (parameters[1].empty()) { user->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND, "No text to send"); return CMD_FAILURE; } // The target is a server glob. if (parameters[0][0] == '$') return HandleServerTarget(user, parameters); // If the message begins with a status character then look it up. const char* target = parameters[0].c_str(); PrefixMode* pmh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindPrefix(target[0]); if (pmh) target++; // The target is a channel name. if (*target == '#') return HandleChannelTarget(user, parameters, target, pmh); // The target is a nickname. return HandleUserTarget(user, parameters); } RouteDescriptor GetRouting(User* user, const Params& parameters) CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (IS_LOCAL(user)) // This is handled by the OnUserPostMessage hook to split the LoopCall pieces return ROUTE_LOCALONLY; else return ROUTE_MESSAGE(parameters[0]); } }; class CommandSQuery : public SplitCommand { public: CommandSQuery(Module* Creator) : SplitCommand(Creator, "SQUERY", 2, 2) { syntax = " :"; } CmdResult HandleLocal(LocalUser* user, const Params& parameters) CXX11_OVERRIDE { // The specified message was empty. if (parameters[1].empty()) { user->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND, "No text to send"); return CMD_FAILURE; } // The target can be either a nick or a nick@server mask. User* target; const char* targetserver = strchr(parameters[0].c_str(), '@'); if (targetserver) { // The target is a user on a specific server (e.g. jto@tolsun.oulu.fi). target = ServerInstance->FindNickOnly(parameters[0].substr(0, targetserver - parameters[0].c_str())); if (target && strcasecmp(target->server->GetName().c_str(), targetserver + 1)) target = NULL; } else { // The targer can be on any server. target = ServerInstance->FindNickOnly(parameters[0]); } if (!target || target->registered != REG_ALL || !target->server->IsULine()) { // The target user does not exist, is not fully registered, or is not a service. user->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOSUCHSERVICE, parameters[0], "No such service"); return CMD_FAILURE; } // Fire the pre-message events. MessageTarget msgtarget(target); MessageDetailsImpl msgdetails(MSG_PRIVMSG, parameters[1], parameters.GetTags()); if (!FirePreEvents(user, msgtarget, msgdetails)) return CMD_FAILURE; // The SQUERY command targets a service on a U-lined server. This can never // be on the server local to the source so we don't need to do any routing // logic and can forward it as a PRIVMSG. // Fire the post-message event. return FirePostEvent(user, msgtarget, msgdetails); } }; class ModuleCoreMessage : public Module { private: CommandMessage cmdprivmsg; CommandMessage cmdnotice; CommandSQuery cmdsquery; ChanModeReference moderatedmode; ChanModeReference noextmsgmode; public: ModuleCoreMessage() : cmdprivmsg(this, MSG_PRIVMSG) , cmdnotice(this, MSG_NOTICE) , cmdsquery(this) , moderatedmode(this, "moderated") , noextmsgmode(this, "noextmsg") { } ModResult OnUserPreMessage(User* user, const MessageTarget& target, MessageDetails& details) CXX11_OVERRIDE { if (!IS_LOCAL(user) || target.type != MessageTarget::TYPE_CHANNEL) return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; Channel* chan = target.Get(); if (chan->IsModeSet(noextmsgmode) && !chan->HasUser(user)) { // The noextmsg mode is set and the user is not in the channel. user->WriteNumeric(ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN, chan->name, "Cannot send to channel (no external messages)"); return MOD_RES_DENY; } bool no_chan_priv = chan->GetPrefixValue(user) < VOICE_VALUE; if (no_chan_priv && chan->IsModeSet(moderatedmode)) { // The moderated mode is set and the user has no status rank. user->WriteNumeric(ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN, chan->name, "Cannot send to channel (+m is set)"); return MOD_RES_DENY; } if (no_chan_priv && ServerInstance->Config->RestrictBannedUsers != ServerConfig::BUT_NORMAL && chan->IsBanned(user)) { // The user is banned in the channel and restrictbannedusers is enabled. if (ServerInstance->Config->RestrictBannedUsers == ServerConfig::BUT_RESTRICT_NOTIFY) user->WriteNumeric(ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN, chan->name, "Cannot send to channel (you're banned)"); return MOD_RES_DENY; } return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; } Version GetVersion() CXX11_OVERRIDE { return Version("Provides the NOTICE, PRIVMSG, and SQUERY commands", VF_CORE|VF_VENDOR); } }; MODULE_INIT(ModuleCoreMessage)