#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "inspircd.h" #include "modules.h" extern std::vector modules; extern std::vector factory; extern int MODCOUNT; #define STATE_CLEAR 1 #define STATE_WAIT_FOR_ACK 2 packet::packet() { srand(time(NULL)); id = random(); } packet::~packet() { } connection::connection() { key = GenKey(); fd = 0; state = STATE_CLEAR; } bool connection::CreateListener(char* host, int p) { sockaddr_in host_address; int flags; in_addr addy; int on = 0; struct linger linger = { 0 }; fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (fd <= 0) { return false; } memset((void*)&host_address, 0, sizeof(host_address)); host_address.sin_family = AF_INET; if (!strcmp(host,"")) { host_address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); } else { inet_aton(host,&addy); host_address.sin_addr = addy; } host_address.sin_port = htons(p); if (bind(fd,(sockaddr*)&host_address,sizeof(host_address))<0) { return false; } // make the socket non-blocking flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); this->port = p; setsockopt(fd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(const char*)&on,sizeof(on)); linger.l_onoff = 1; linger.l_linger = 0; setsockopt(fd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_LINGER,(const char*)&linger,sizeof(linger)); return true; } bool connection::BeginLink(char* targethost, int port, char* password) { char connect[MAXBUF]; if (this->fd) { sprintf(connect,"S %s %s :%s",getservername().c_str(),password,getserverdesc().c_str()); this->haspassed = false; return this->SendPacket(connect, targethost, port, 0); } return false; } // targethost: in dot notation a.b.c.d void connection::TerminateLink(char* targethost) { } // host: in dot notation a.b.c.d // port: host byte order bool connection::SendPacket(char *message, char* host, int port, long ourkey) { sockaddr_in host_address; in_addr addy; packet p; memset((void*)&host_address, 0, sizeof(host_address)); host_address.sin_family = AF_INET; inet_aton(host,&addy); host_address.sin_addr = addy; host_address.sin_port = htons(port); strcpy(p.data,message); p.type = PT_SYN_WITH_DATA; p.key = ourkey; FOREACH_MOD OnPacketTransmit(p.data); log(DEBUG,"main: Connection::SendPacket() sent '%s' to %s:%d",p.data,host,port); // returns false if the packet could not be sent (e.g. target host down) if (sendto(this->fd,&p,sizeof(p),0,(sockaddr*)&host_address,sizeof(host_address))<0) { log(DEBUG,"sendto() failed for Connection::SendPacket() with a packet of size %d",sizeof(p)); return false; } this->state = STATE_WAIT_FOR_ACK; // host_address remains unchanged. we only want to receive from where we just sent the packet to. // retry the packet up to 5 times for (int retries = 0; retries < 5; retries++) { socklen_t host_address_size; host_address.sin_family=AF_INET; host_address_size=sizeof(host_address); // wait for ack, or timeout. // if reached a timeout, send again. // the packet id in the ack must match that in the original packet // this MUST operate in lock/step fashion!!! int cycles = 0; packet p2; do { fd_set sfd; timeval tval; tval.tv_usec = 100; tval.tv_sec = 0; FD_ZERO(&sfd); FD_SET(fd,&sfd); int res = select(65535, &sfd, NULL, NULL, &tval); cycles++; } while ((recvfrom(fd,&p2,sizeof(p2),0,(sockaddr*)&host_address,&host_address_size)<0) && (cycles < 10)); if (cycles >= 10) { log(DEFAULT,"ERROR! connection::SendPacket() waited >10000 nanosecs for an ACK. Will resend up to 5 times"); } else { if (p2.id != p.id) { log(DEFAULT,"ERROR! connection::SendPacket() received an ack for a packet it didnt send!"); this->state = STATE_CLEAR; return false; } else { log(DEFAULT,"Successfully received ACK"); this->state = STATE_CLEAR; return true; break; } } } log(DEFAULT,"We never received an ack. Something fishy going on, host is dead."); this->state = STATE_CLEAR; return false; } bool connection::SendSYN(char* host, int port) { sockaddr_in host_address; in_addr addy; packet p; memset((void*)&host_address, 0, sizeof(host_address)); host_address.sin_family = AF_INET; inet_aton(host,&addy); host_address.sin_addr = addy; host_address.sin_port = htons(port); p.type = PT_SYN_ONLY; p.key = key; strcpy(p.data,""); if (sendto(fd,&p,sizeof(p),0,(sockaddr*)&host_address,sizeof(host_address))<0) { return false; } return true; } bool connection::SendACK(char* host, int port, int reply_id) { sockaddr_in host_address; in_addr addy; packet p; memset((void*)&host_address, 0, sizeof(host_address)); host_address.sin_family = AF_INET; inet_aton(host,&addy); host_address.sin_addr = addy; host_address.sin_port = htons(port); p.type = PT_ACK_ONLY; p.key = key; p.id = reply_id; strcpy(p.data,""); if (sendto(fd,&p,sizeof(p),0,(sockaddr*)&host_address,sizeof(host_address))<0) { return false; } } // Generates a server key. This is pseudo-random. // the server always uses the same server-key in all communications // across the network. All other servers must remember the server key // of servers in the network, e.g.: // // ServerA: key=5555555555 // ServerB: key=6666666666 // I am ServerC: key=77777777777 // // If ServerC sees a packet from ServerA, and the key stored for ServerA // is 0, then cache the key as the servers key. // after this point, any packet from ServerA which does not contain its key, // 555555555, will be silently dropped. // This should prevent blind spoofing, as to fake a server you must know its // assigned key, and to do that you must receive messages that are origintated // from it or hack the running executable. // // During the AUTH phase (when server passwords are checked, the key in any // packet MUST be 0). Only the initial SERVER/PASS packets may have a key // of 0 (and any ACK responses to them). // long connection::GenKey() { srand(time(NULL)); return (random()*time(NULL)); } // host: in dot notation a.b.c.d // port: host byte order bool connection::RecvPacket(char *message, char* host, int &prt, long &theirkey) { // returns false if no packet waiting for receive, e.g. EAGAIN or ECONNRESET sockaddr_in host_address; socklen_t host_address_size; packet p; memset((void*)&host_address, 0, sizeof(host_address)); host_address.sin_family=AF_INET; host_address_size=sizeof(host_address); if (recvfrom(fd,&p,sizeof(p),0,(sockaddr*)&host_address,&host_address_size)<0) { return false; } log(DEBUG,"connection::RecvPacket(): received packet type %d '%s' from '%s'",p.type,p.data,inet_ntoa(host_address.sin_addr)); if (p.type == PT_SYN_ONLY) { strcpy(message,p.data); strcpy(host,inet_ntoa(host_address.sin_addr)); prt = ntohs(host_address.sin_port); SendACK(host,this->port,p.id); return false; } if (p.type == PT_ACK_ONLY) { strcpy(message,p.data); strcpy(host,inet_ntoa(host_address.sin_addr)); prt = ntohs(host_address.sin_port); this->state = STATE_CLEAR; return false; } if (p.type == PT_SYN_WITH_DATA) { strcpy(message,p.data); strcpy(host,inet_ntoa(host_address.sin_addr)); theirkey = p.key; prt = ntohs(host_address.sin_port); // the port we received it on SendACK(host,prt,p.id); return true; } log(DEBUG,"connection::RecvPacket(): Invalid packet type %d (protocol error)",p.type); return true; }