/*       +------------------------------------+
 *       | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
 *       +------------------------------------+
 *  InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2010 InspIRCd Development Team
 * See: http://wiki.inspircd.org/Credits
 * This program is free but copyrighted software; see
 *	    the file COPYING for details.
 * ---------------------------------------------------

#include "inspircd.h"
#include <fstream>
#include "configparser.h"

struct Parser
	ParseStack& stack;
	int flags;
	FILE* const file;
	fpos current;
	fpos last_tag;
	reference<ConfigTag> tag;
	int ungot;

	Parser(ParseStack& me, int myflags, FILE* conf, const std::string& name)
		: stack(me), flags(myflags), file(conf), current(name), last_tag(name), ungot(-1)
	{ }

	int next(bool eof_ok = false)
		if (ungot != -1)
			int ch = ungot;
			ungot = -1;
			return ch;
		int ch = fgetc(file);
		if (ch == EOF && !eof_ok)
			throw CoreException("Unexpected end-of-file");
		else if (ch == '\n')
			current.col = 0;
		return ch;

	void unget(int ch)
		if (ungot != -1)
			throw CoreException("INTERNAL ERROR: cannot unget twice");
		ungot = ch;

	void comment()
		while (1)
			int ch = next();
			if (ch == '\n')

	void nextword(std::string& rv)
		int ch = next();
		while (isspace(ch))
			ch = next();
		while (isalnum(ch) || ch == '_')
			ch = next();

	bool kv(std::vector<KeyVal>* items)
		std::string key;
		int ch = next();
		if (ch == '>' && key.empty())
			return false;
		else if (ch == '#' && key.empty())
			return true;
		else if (ch != '=')
			throw CoreException("Invalid character " + std::string(1, ch) + " in key (" + key + ")");

		std::string value;
		ch = next();
		if (ch != '"')
			throw CoreException("Invalid character in value of <" + tag->tag + ":" + key + ">");
		while (1)
			ch = next();
			if (ch == '&' && (flags & FLAG_USE_XML))
				std::string varname;
				while (1)
					ch = next();
					if (isalnum(ch))
					else if (ch == ';')
						stack.errstr << "Invalid XML entity name in value of <" + tag->tag + ":" + key + ">\n"
							<< "To include an ampersand or quote, use &amp; or &quot;\n";
						throw CoreException("Parse error");
				std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator var = stack.vars.find(varname);
				if (var == stack.vars.end())
					throw CoreException("Undefined XML entity reference '&" + varname + ";'");
			else if (ch == '\\' && !(flags & FLAG_USE_XML))
				int esc = next();
				if (esc == 'n')
				else if (isalpha(esc))
					throw CoreException("Unknown escape character \\" + std::string(1, esc));
			else if (ch == '"')
		items->push_back(KeyVal(key, value));
		return true;

	void dotag()
		last_tag = current;
		std::string name;

		int spc = next();
		if (spc == '>')
		else if (!isspace(spc))
			throw CoreException("Invalid character in tag name");

		if (name.empty())
			throw CoreException("Empty tag name");

		std::vector<KeyVal>* items;
		tag = ConfigTag::create(name, current.filename, current.line, items);

		while (kv(items));

		if (name == "include")
			stack.DoInclude(tag, flags);
		else if (name == "define")
			if (!(flags & FLAG_USE_XML))
				throw CoreException("<define> tags may only be used in XML-style config (add <config format=\"xml\">)");
			std::string varname = tag->getString("name");
			std::string value = tag->getString("value");
			if (varname.empty())
				throw CoreException("Variable definition must include variable name");
			stack.vars[varname] = value;
		else if (name == "config")
			std::string format = tag->getString("format");
			if (format == "xml")
				flags |= FLAG_USE_XML;
			else if (format == "compat")
				flags &= ~FLAG_USE_XML;
			else if (!format.empty())
				throw CoreException("Unknown configuration format " + format);
			stack.output.insert(std::make_pair(name, tag));
		// this is not a leak; reference<> takes care of the delete
		tag = NULL;

	bool outer_parse()
			while (1)
				int ch = next(true);
				switch (ch)
					case EOF:
						// this is the one place where an EOF is not an error
						return true;
					case '#':
					case '<':
					case ' ':
					case '\r':
					case '\t':
					case '\n':
					case 0xFE:
					case 0xFF:
						stack.errstr << "Do not save your files as UTF-16; use ASCII!\n";
						throw CoreException("Syntax error - start of tag expected");
		catch (CoreException& err)
			stack.errstr << err.GetReason() << " at " << current.str();
			if (tag)
				stack.errstr << " (inside tag " << tag->tag << " at line " << tag->src_line << ")\n";
				stack.errstr << " (last tag was on line " << last_tag.line << ")\n";
		return false;

void ParseStack::DoInclude(ConfigTag* tag, int flags)
	if (flags & FLAG_NO_INC)
		throw CoreException("Invalid <include> tag in file included with noinclude=\"yes\"");
	std::string name;
	if (tag->readString("file", name))
		if (tag->getBool("noinclude", false))
			flags |= FLAG_NO_INC;
		if (tag->getBool("noexec", false))
			flags |= FLAG_NO_EXEC;
		if (!ParseFile(name, flags))
			throw CoreException("Included");
	else if (tag->readString("executable", name))
		if (flags & FLAG_NO_EXEC)
			throw CoreException("Invalid <include:executable> tag in file included with noexec=\"yes\"");
		if (tag->getBool("noinclude", false))
			flags |= FLAG_NO_INC;
		if (tag->getBool("noexec", true))
			flags |= FLAG_NO_EXEC;
		if (!ParseExec(name, flags))
			throw CoreException("Included");

bool ParseStack::ParseFile(const std::string& name, int flags)
	ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONFIG", DEBUG, "Reading file %s", name.c_str());
	for (unsigned int t = 0; t < reading.size(); t++)
		if (std::string(name) == reading[t])
			throw CoreException("File " + name + " is included recursively (looped inclusion)");

	/* It's not already included, add it to the list of files we've loaded */

	FileWrapper file(fopen(name.c_str(), "r"));
	if (!file)
		throw CoreException("Could not read \"" + name + "\" for include");

	Parser p(*this, flags, file, name);
	bool ok = p.outer_parse();
	return ok;

bool ParseStack::ParseExec(const std::string& name, int flags)
	ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONFIG", DEBUG, "Reading executable %s", name.c_str());
	for (unsigned int t = 0; t < reading.size(); t++)
		if (std::string(name) == reading[t])
			throw CoreException("Executable " + name + " is included recursively (looped inclusion)");

	/* It's not already included, add it to the list of files we've loaded */

	FileWrapper file(popen(name.c_str(), "r"));
	if (!file)
		throw CoreException("Could not open executable \"" + name + "\" for include");

	Parser p(*this, flags, file, name);
	bool ok = p.outer_parse();
	return ok;

bool ConfigTag::readString(const std::string& key, std::string& value, bool allow_lf)
	if (!this)
		return false;
	for(std::vector<KeyVal>::iterator j = items.begin(); j != items.end(); ++j)
		if(j->first != key)
		value = j->second;
 		if (!allow_lf && (value.find('\n') != std::string::npos))
			ServerInstance->Logs->Log("CONFIG",DEFAULT, "Value of <" + tag + ":" + key + "> at " + getTagLocation() +
				" contains a linefeed, and linefeeds in this value are not permitted -- stripped to spaces.");
			for (std::string::iterator n = value.begin(); n != value.end(); n++)
				if (*n == '\n')
					*n = ' ';
		return true;
	return false;

std::string ConfigTag::getString(const std::string& key, const std::string& def)
	std::string res = def;
	readString(key, res);
	return res;

long ConfigTag::getInt(const std::string &key, long def)
	std::string result;
	if(!readString(key, result))
		return def;

	const char* res_cstr = result.c_str();
	char* res_tail = NULL;
	long res = strtol(res_cstr, &res_tail, 0);
	if (res_tail == res_cstr)
		return def;
	switch (toupper(*res_tail))
		case 'K':
			res= res* 1024;
		case 'M':
			res= res* 1024 * 1024;
		case 'G':
			res= res* 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
	return res;

double ConfigTag::getFloat(const std::string &key, double def)
	std::string result;
	if (!readString(key, result))
		return def;
	return strtod(result.c_str(), NULL);

bool ConfigTag::getBool(const std::string &key, bool def)
	std::string result;
	if(!readString(key, result))
		return def;

	return (result == "yes" || result == "true" || result == "1" || result == "on");

std::string ConfigTag::getTagLocation()
	return src_name + ":" + ConvToStr(src_line);

ConfigTag* ConfigTag::create(const std::string& Tag, const std::string& file, int line, std::vector<KeyVal>*&items)
	ConfigTag* rv = new ConfigTag(Tag, file, line);
	items = &rv->items;
	return rv;

ConfigTag::ConfigTag(const std::string& Tag, const std::string& file, int line)
	: tag(Tag), src_name(file), src_line(line)

std::string OperInfo::getConfig(const std::string& key)
	std::string rv;
	if (type_block)
		type_block->readString(key, rv);
	if (oper_block)
		oper_block->readString(key, rv);
	return rv;