# +------------------------------------+ # | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon | # +------------------------------------+ # # InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2007 InspIRCd Development Team # See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits # # This program is free but copyrighted software; see # the file COPYING for details. # # --------------------------------------------------- package make::utilities; require 5.8.0; use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Exporter 'import'; use POSIX; use Getopt::Long; use Fcntl; our @EXPORT = qw(make_rpath pkgconfig_get_include_dirs pkgconfig_get_lib_dirs pkgconfig_check_version translate_functions promptstring vcheck); # Parse the output of a *_config program, # such as pcre_config, take out the -L # directive and return an rpath for it. # \e[1;32msrc/Makefile\e[0m my %already_added = (); sub promptstring($$$$$) { my ($prompt, $configitem, $default, $package, $commandlineswitch) = @_; my $var; if (!$main::interactive) { my $opt_commandlineswitch; GetOptions ("$commandlineswitch=s" => \$opt_commandlineswitch); if (defined $opt_commandlineswitch) { print "\e[1;32m$opt_commandlineswitch\e[0m\n"; $var = $opt_commandlineswitch; } else { die "Could not detect $package! Please specify the $prompt via the command line option \e[1;32m--$commandlineswitch=\"/path/to/file\"\e[0m"; } } else { print "\nPlease enter the $prompt?\n"; print "[\e[1;32m$default\e[0m] -> "; chomp($var = ); } if ($var eq "") { $var = $default; } $main::config{$configitem} = $var; } sub make_rpath($;$) { my ($executable, $module) = @_; chomp(my $data = `$executable`); my $output = ""; while ($data =~ /-L(\S+)/) { my $libpath = $1; if (!exists $already_added{$libpath}) { print "Adding extra library path to \e[1;32m$module\e[0m ... \e[1;32m$libpath\e[0m\n"; $already_added{$libpath} = 1; } $output .= "-Wl,--rpath -Wl,$libpath -L$libpath " unless defined $main::opt_disablerpath; $data =~ s/-L(\S+)//; } return $output; } sub extend_pkg_path() { if (!exists $ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}) { $ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} = "/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig:/usr/X11R6/libdata/pkgconfig"; } else { $ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} .= ":/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig:/usr/X11R6/libdata/pkgconfig"; } } sub pkgconfig_get_include_dirs($$$;$) { my ($packagename, $headername, $defaults, $module) = @_; my $key = "default_includedir_$packagename"; if (exists $main::config{$key}) { print "Locating include directory for package \e[1;32m$packagename\e[0m for module \e[1;32m$module\e[0m... "; my $ret = $main::config{$key}; print "\e[1;32m$ret\e[0m (cached)\n"; return $ret; } extend_pkg_path(); print "Locating include directory for package \e[1;32m$packagename\e[0m for module \e[1;32m$module\e[0m... "; my $v = `pkg-config --modversion $packagename 2>/dev/null`; my $ret = `pkg-config --cflags $packagename 2>/dev/null`; my $foo = ""; if ((!defined $v) || ($v eq "")) { $foo = `locate "$headername" | head -n 1`; $foo =~ /(.+)\Q$headername\E/; my $find = $1; chomp($find); if ((defined $find) && ($find ne "") && ($find ne $packagename)) { print "(\e[1;32mFound via search\e[0m) "; $foo = "-I$1"; } else { $foo = " "; undef $v; } $ret = "$foo"; } if (($defaults ne "") && (($ret eq "") || (!defined $ret))) { $ret = "$foo " . $defaults; } chomp($ret); if ((($ret eq " ") || (!defined $ret)) && ((!defined $v) || ($v eq ""))) { my $key = "default_includedir_$packagename"; if (exists $main::config{$key}) { $ret = $main::config{$key}; } else { $headername =~ s/^\///; promptstring("path to the directory containing $headername", $key, "/usr/include",$packagename,"$packagename-includes"); $packagename =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $main::config{$key} = "-I$main::config{$key}" . " $defaults -DVERSION_$packagename=\"$v\""; $main::config{$key} =~ s/^\s+//g; $ret = $main::config{$key}; return $ret; } } else { chomp($v); my $key = "default_includedir_$packagename"; $packagename =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $main::config{$key} = "$ret -DVERSION_$packagename=\"$v\""; $main::config{$key} =~ s/^\s+//g; $ret = $main::config{$key}; print "\e[1;32m$ret\e[0m (version $v)\n"; } $ret =~ s/^\s+//g; return $ret; } sub vcheck($$) { my ($version1, $version2) = @_; $version1 =~ s/\-r(\d+)/\.$1/g; # minor revs/patchlevels $version2 =~ s/\-r(\d+)/\.$1/g; $version1 =~ s/p(\d+)/\.$1/g; $version2 =~ s/p(\d+)/\.$1/g; $version1 =~ s/\-//g; $version2 =~ s/\-//g; $version1 =~ s/[a-z]//g; $version2 =~ s/[a-z]//g; my @v1 = split('\.', $version1); my @v2 = split('\.', $version2); for (my $curr = 0; $curr < scalar(@v1); $curr++) { if ($v1[$curr] < $v2[$curr]) { return 0; } } return 1; } sub pkgconfig_check_version($$;$) { my ($packagename, $version, $module) = @_; extend_pkg_path(); print "Checking version of package \e[1;32m$packagename\e[0m is >= \e[1;32m$version\e[0m... "; my $v = `pkg-config --modversion $packagename 2>/dev/null`; if (defined $v) { chomp($v); } if ((defined $v) && ($v ne "")) { if (vcheck($v,$version) == 1) { print "\e[1;32mYes (version $v)\e[0m\n"; return 1; } else { print "\e[1;32mNo (version $v)\e[0m\n"; return 0; } } # If we didnt find it, we cant definitively say its too old. # Return ok, and let pkgconflibs() or pkgconfincludes() pick up # the missing library later on. print "\e[1;32mNo (not found)\e[0m\n"; return 1; } sub pkgconfig_get_lib_dirs($$$;$) { my ($packagename, $libname, $defaults, $module) = @_; my $key = "default_libdir_$packagename"; if (exists $main::config{$key}) { print "Locating library directory for package \e[1;32m$packagename\e[0m for module \e[1;32m$module\e[0m... "; my $ret = $main::config{$key}; print "\e[1;32m$ret\e[0m (cached)\n"; return $ret; } extend_pkg_path(); print "Locating library directory for package \e[1;32m$packagename\e[0m for module \e[1;32m$module\e[0m... "; my $v = `pkg-config --modversion $packagename 2>/dev/null`; my $ret = `pkg-config --libs $packagename 2>/dev/null`; my $foo = ""; if ((!defined $v) || ($v eq "")) { $foo = `locate "$libname" | head -n 1`; $foo =~ /(.+)\Q$libname\E/; my $find = $1; chomp($find); if ((defined $find) && ($find ne "") && ($find ne $packagename)) { print "(\e[1;32mFound via search\e[0m) "; $foo = "-L$1"; } else { $foo = " "; undef $v; } $ret = "$foo"; } if (($defaults ne "") && (($ret eq "") || (!defined $ret))) { $ret = "$foo " . $defaults; } chomp($ret); if ((($ret eq " ") || (!defined $ret)) && ((!defined $v) || ($v eq ""))) { my $key = "default_libdir_$packagename"; if (exists $main::config{$key}) { $ret = $main::config{$key}; } else { $libname =~ s/^\///; promptstring("path to the directory containing $libname", $key, "/usr/lib",$packagename,"$packagename-libs"); $main::config{$key} = "-L$main::config{$key}" . " $defaults"; $main::config{$key} =~ s/^\s+//g; $ret = $main::config{$key}; return $ret; } } else { chomp($v); print "\e[1;32m$ret\e[0m (version $v)\n"; my $key = "default_libdir_$packagename"; $main::config{$key} = $ret; $main::config{$key} =~ s/^\s+//g; $ret =~ s/^\s+//g; } $ret =~ s/^\s+//g; return $ret; } # Translate a $CompileFlags etc line and parse out function calls # to functions within these modules at configure time. sub translate_functions($$) { my ($line,$module) = @_; eval { $module =~ /modules*\/(.+?)$/; $module = $1; # This is only a cursory check, just designed to catch casual accidental use of backticks. # There are pleanty of ways around it, but its not supposed to be for security, just checking # that people are using the new configuration api as theyre supposed to and not just using # backticks instead of eval(), being as eval has accountability. People wanting to get around # the accountability will do so anyway. if (($line =~ /`/) && ($line !~ /eval\(.+?`.+?\)/)) { die "Developers should no longer use backticks in configuration macros. Please use exec() and eval() macros instead. Offending line: $line (In module: $module)"; } while ($line =~ /exec\("(.+?)"\)/) { print "Executing program for module \e[1;32m$module\e[0m ... \e[1;32m$1\e[0m\n"; my $replace = `$1`; die $replace if ($replace =~ /Configuration failed/); chomp($replace); $line =~ s/exec\("(.+?)"\)/$replace/; } while ($line =~ /execruntime\("(.+?)"\)/) { $line =~ s/execruntime\("(.+?)"\)/`$1`/; } while ($line =~ /eval\("(.+?)"\)/) { print "Evaluating perl code for module \e[1;32m$module\e[0m ... "; my $tmpfile; do { $tmpfile = tmpnam(); } until sysopen(TF, $tmpfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_NOFOLLOW, 0700); print "(Created and executed \e[1;32m$tmpfile\e[0m)\n"; print TF $1; close TF; my $replace = `perl $tmpfile`; chomp($replace); $line =~ s/eval\("(.+?)"\)/$replace/; } while ($line =~ /pkgconflibs\("(.+?)","(.+?)","(.+?)"\)/) { my $replace = pkgconfig_get_lib_dirs($1, $2, $3, $module); $line =~ s/pkgconflibs\("(.+?)","(.+?)","(.+?)"\)/$replace/; } while ($line =~ /pkgconfversion\("(.+?)","(.+?)"\)/) { if (pkgconfig_check_version($1, $2, $module) != 1) { die "Version of package $1 is too old. Please upgrade it to version \e[1;32m$2\e[0m or greater and try again."; } # This doesnt actually get replaced with anything $line =~ s/pkgconfversion\("(.+?)","(.+?)"\)//; } while ($line =~ /pkgconflibs\("(.+?)","(.+?)",""\)/) { my $replace = pkgconfig_get_lib_dirs($1, $2, "", $module); $line =~ s/pkgconflibs\("(.+?)","(.+?)",""\)/$replace/; } while ($line =~ /pkgconfincludes\("(.+?)","(.+?)",""\)/) { my $replace = pkgconfig_get_include_dirs($1, $2, "", $module); $line =~ s/pkgconfincludes\("(.+?)","(.+?)",""\)/$replace/; } while ($line =~ /pkgconfincludes\("(.+?)","(.+?)","(.+?)"\)/) { my $replace = pkgconfig_get_include_dirs($1, $2, $3, $module); $line =~ s/pkgconfincludes\("(.+?)","(.+?)","(.+?)"\)/$replace/; } while ($line =~ /rpath\("(.+?)"\)/) { my $replace = make_rpath($1,$module); $replace = "" if ($^O =~ /darwin/i); $line =~ s/rpath\("(.+?)"\)/$replace/; } }; if ($@) { my $err = $@; $err =~ s/at .+? line \d+.*//g; print "\n\nConfiguration failed. The following error occured:\n\n$err\n"; exit; } else { return $line; } } 1;