package make::opensslcert; require 5.8.0; use Exporter 'import'; use make::configure; @EXPORT = qw(make_openssl_cert); sub make_openssl_cert() { open (FH, ">openssl.template"); my $org = promptstring_s("Please enter the organization name", "My IRC Network"); my $unit = promptstring_s("Please enter the unit Name", "Server Admins"); my $country = promptstring_s("Please enter your country (two letter code)", "US"); my $state = promptstring_s("Please enter your state or locality name", "Alaska"); my $city = promptstring_s("Please enter your city", "Factory Town"); my $email = promptstring_s("Please enter a contact email address", "oompa\"); my $commonname = promptstring_s("Please enter the common name (domain name) of the irc server", ""); print FH <<__END__; $country $state $city $org $unit $commonname $email __END__ close(FH); my $time = promptstring_s("Please enter the number of days that this certificate is valid for","365"); system("cat openssl.template | openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days $time 2>/dev/null"); system("openssl dhparam -out dhparams.pem 1024"); unlink("openssl.template"); } 1;