 * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
 *   Copyright (C) 2008 Robin Burchell <robin+git@viroteck.net>
 *   Copyright (C) 2008 Craig Edwards <craigedwards@brainbox.cc>
 * This file is part of InspIRCd.  InspIRCd is free software: you can
 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#pragma once

 * Module authors, please note!
 *  While you are free to use any numerics on this list, like the rest of the core, you
 *  *should not* be editing it!
 *  If you *do* have a suggestion for a numeric you genuinely believe would be useful,
 *  please speak to us. :)
 * Thanks to Darom, jackmcbarn and Brain for suggesting and discussing this.
 * Please note that the list may not be exhaustive, it'll be done when I have
 * nothing better to do with my time. -- w00t (jul 13, 2008)
	 * Reply range of numerics.
	RPL_WELCOME                     = 1, // 2812, not 1459
	RPL_YOURHOSTIS                  = 2, // 2812, not 1459
	RPL_SERVERCREATED               = 3, // 2812, not 1459
	RPL_SERVERVERSION               = 4, // 2812, not 1459
	RPL_ISUPPORT                    = 5, // not RFC, extremely common though (defined as RPL_BOUNCE in 2812, widely ignored)

	RPL_SNOMASKIS                   = 8, // unrealircd
	RPL_REDIR                       = 10,

	RPL_MAP                         = 15, // ircu
	RPL_ENDMAP                      = 17, // ircu
	RPL_MAPUSERS                    = 18, // insp-specific

	RPL_UMODEIS                     = 221,
	RPL_RULES                       = 232, // unrealircd

	RPL_LUSERCLIENT                 = 251,
	RPL_LUSEROP                     = 252,
	RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN                = 253,
	RPL_LUSERCHANNELS               = 254,
	RPL_LUSERME                     = 255,

	RPL_ADMINME                     = 256,
	RPL_ADMINLOC1                   = 257,
	RPL_ADMINLOC2                   = 258,
	RPL_ADMINEMAIL                  = 259,

	RPL_LOCALUSERS                  = 265,
	RPL_GLOBALUSERS                 = 266,

	RPL_AWAY                        = 301,
	RPL_USERHOST                    = 302,
	RPL_ISON                        = 303,

	RPL_UNAWAY                      = 305,
	RPL_NOWAWAY                     = 306,

	RPL_RULESTART                   = 308, // unrealircd
	RPL_RULESEND                    = 309, // unrealircd

	RPL_WHOISSERVER                 = 312,

	RPL_ENDOFWHO                    = 315,
	RPL_ENDOFWHOIS                  = 318,

	RPL_LISTSTART                   = 321,
	RPL_LIST                        = 322,
	RPL_LISTEND                     = 323,

	RPL_CHANNELMODEIS               = 324,
	RPL_CHANNELCREATED              = 329, // ???
	RPL_NOTOPICSET                  = 331,
	RPL_TOPIC                       = 332,
	RPL_TOPICTIME                   = 333, // not RFC, extremely common though

	RPL_USERIP                      = 340,
	RPL_INVITING                    = 341,
	RPL_INVITELIST                  = 346, // insp-specific (stolen from ircu)
	RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST             = 347, // insp-specific (stolen from ircu)
	RPL_VERSION                     = 351,
	RPL_WHOREPLY                    = 352,
	RPL_NAMREPLY                    = 353,
	RPL_LINKS                       = 364,
	RPL_ENDOFLINKS                  = 365,
	RPL_ENDOFNAMES                  = 366,

	RPL_INFO                        = 371,
	RPL_ENDOFINFO                   = 374,
	RPL_MOTD                        = 372,
	RPL_MOTDSTART                   = 375,
	RPL_ENDOFMOTD                   = 376,

	RPL_YOUAREOPER                  = 381,
	RPL_REHASHING                   = 382,
	RPL_TIME                        = 391,
	RPL_YOURDISPLAYEDHOST           = 396, // from charybdis/etc, common convention

	 * Error range of numerics.
	ERR_NOSUCHNICK                  = 401,
	ERR_NOSUCHSERVER                = 402,
	ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL               = 403, // used to indicate an invalid channel name also, so don't rely on RFC text (don't do that anyway!)
	ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN            = 404,
	ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS             = 405,
	ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK               = 406,
	ERR_INVALIDCAPSUBCOMMAND        = 410, // ratbox/charybdis(?)
	ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND                = 412,
	ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND              = 421,
	ERR_NOMOTD                      = 422,
	ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN             = 431,
	ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME            = 432,
	ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE               = 433,
	ERR_NORULES                     = 434, // unrealircd
	ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL            = 441,
	ERR_NOTONCHANNEL                = 442,
	ERR_USERONCHANNEL               = 443,
	ERR_CANTCHANGENICK              = 447, // unrealircd, probably
	ERR_NOTREGISTERED               = 451,
	ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS              = 461,
	ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP            = 465,
	ERR_UNKNOWNMODE                 = 472,

	 * A quick side-rant about the next group of numerics..
	 * There are clients out there that like to assume that just because they don't recieve a numeric
	 * they know, that they have joined the channel.
	 * If IRC was at all properly standardised, this may even be a semi-acceptable assumption to make,
	 * but that's not the case as we all know, so IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Especially for Insp users, where
	 * differing modules MAY potentially choose to block joins and send NOTICEs or other text to the user
	 * instead!
	 * tl;dr version:
	 * Thanks.
	 *  -- A message from the IRC group for coder sanity, and w00t
	ERR_BADCHANNELKEY               = 475,
	ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN              = 473,
	ERR_CHANNELISFULL               = 471,
	ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN              = 474,

	ERR_BANLISTFULL                 = 478,

	ERR_NOPRIVILEGES                = 481, // rfc, beware though, we use this for other things opers may not do also
	ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED            = 482, // rfc, beware though, we use this for other things like trying to kick a uline

	ERR_RESTRICTED                  = 484,

	ERR_ALLMUSTSSL                  = 490, // unrealircd
	ERR_NOOPERHOST                  = 491,
	ERR_NOCTCPALLOWED               = 492, // XXX: bzzzz. 1459 defines this as ERR_NOSERVICEHOST, research it more and perhaps change this! (ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN?)
	                                       // wtf, we also use this for m_noinvite. UGLY!
	ERR_DELAYREJOIN                 = 495, // insp-specific, XXX: we should use 'resource temporarily unavailable' from ircnet/ratbox or whatever
	ERR_UNKNOWNSNOMASK              = 501, // insp-specific
	ERR_USERSDONTMATCH              = 502,
	ERR_CANTJOINOPERSONLY           = 520, // unrealircd, but crap to have so many numerics for cant join..
	ERR_CANTSENDTOUSER              = 531, // ???

	RPL_SYNTAX                      = 650, // insp-specific
	ERR_INVALIDMODEPARAM            = 696, // insp-specific

	ERR_CHANOPEN                    = 713,
	ERR_KNOCKONCHAN                 = 714,

	RPL_OTHERUMODEIS                = 803, // insp-specific
	RPL_OTHERSNOMASKIS              = 804, // insp-specific

	ERR_WORDFILTERED                = 936, // insp-specific, would be nice if we could get rid of this..
	ERR_CANTUNLOADMODULE            = 972, // insp-specific
	RPL_UNLOADEDMODULE              = 973, // insp-specific
	ERR_CANTLOADMODULE              = 974, // insp-specific
	RPL_LOADEDMODULE                = 975 // insp-specific