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Server Class Reference

Allows server output and query functions This class contains methods which allow a module to query the state of the irc server, and produce output to users and other servers. More...

#include <modules.h>

Inheritance diagram for Server:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Server:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Server ()
 Default constructor.

virtual ~Server ()
 Default destructor.

virtual void SendOpers (std::string s)
 Sends text to all opers.

virtual void Log (int level, std::string s)
 Writes a log string.

virtual void Send (int Socket, std::string s)
 Sends a line of text down a TCP/IP socket.

virtual void SendServ (int Socket, std::string s)
 Sends text from the server to a socket.

virtual void SendFrom (int Socket, userrec *User, std::string s)
 Sends text from a user to a socket.

virtual void SendTo (userrec *Source, userrec *Dest, std::string s)
 Sends text from a user to another user.

virtual void SendChannel (userrec *User, chanrec *Channel, std::string s, bool IncludeSender)
 Sends text from a user to a channel (mulicast).

virtual bool CommonChannels (userrec *u1, userrec *u2)
 Returns true if two users share a common channel.

virtual void SendCommon (userrec *User, std::string text, bool IncludeSender)
 Sends text from a user to one or more channels (mulicast).

virtual void SendWallops (userrec *User, std::string text)
 Sends a WALLOPS message.

virtual bool IsNick (std::string nick)
 Returns true if a nick is valid.

virtual int CountUsers (chanrec *c)
 Returns a count of the number of users on a channel.

virtual userrecFindNick (std::string nick)
 Attempts to look up a nick and return a pointer to it.

virtual chanrecFindChannel (std::string channel)
 Attempts to look up a channel and return a pointer to it.

virtual std::string ChanMode (userrec *User, chanrec *Chan)
 Attempts to look up a user's privilages on a channel.

virtual std::string GetServerName ()
 Returns the server name of the server where the module is loaded.

virtual std::string GetNetworkName ()
 Returns the network name, global to all linked servers.

virtual Admin GetAdmin ()
 Returns the information of the server as returned by the /ADMIN command.

virtual bool AddExtendedMode (char modechar, int type, bool requires_oper, int params_when_on, int params_when_off)
 Adds an extended mode letter which is parsed by a module This allows modules to add extra mode letters, e.g.

virtual void AddCommand (char *cmd, handlerfunc f, char flags, int minparams)
 Adds a command to the command table.

virtual void SendMode (char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user)
 Sends a servermode.

virtual void SendToModeMask (std::string modes, int flags, std::string text)
 Sends to all users matching a mode mask You must specify one or more usermodes as the first parameter.

virtual chanrecJoinUserToChannel (userrec *user, std::string cname, std::string key)
 Forces a user to join a channel.

virtual chanrecPartUserFromChannel (userrec *user, std::string cname, std::string reason)
 Forces a user to part a channel.

virtual void ChangeUserNick (userrec *user, std::string nickname)
 Forces a user nickchange.

virtual void QuitUser (userrec *user, std::string reason)
 Forces a user to quit with the specified reason.

virtual bool MatchText (std::string sliteral, std::string spattern)
 Matches text against a glob pattern.

virtual void CallCommandHandler (std::string commandname, char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user)
 Calls the handler for a command, either implemented by the core or by another module.

virtual void ChangeHost (userrec *user, std::string host)
 Change displayed hostname of a user.

virtual void ChangeGECOS (userrec *user, std::string gecos)
 Change GECOS (fullname) of a user.

Detailed Description

Allows server output and query functions This class contains methods which allow a module to query the state of the irc server, and produce output to users and other servers.

All modules should instantiate at least one copy of this class, and use its member functions to perform their tasks.

Definition at line 241 of file modules.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Default constructor.

Creates a Server object.

Definition at line 131 of file modules.cpp.

00132 {
00133 }

Server::~Server   [virtual]

Default destructor.

Destroys a Server object.

Definition at line 135 of file modules.cpp.

00136 {
00137 }

Member Function Documentation

void Server::AddCommand char *    cmd,
handlerfunc    f,
char    flags,
int    minparams

Adds a command to the command table.

This allows modules to add extra commands into the command table. You must place a function within your module which is is of type handlerfunc:

typedef void (handlerfunc) (char**, int, userrec*); ... void handle_kill(char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user)

When the command is typed, the parameters will be placed into the parameters array (similar to argv) and the parameter count will be placed into pcnt (similar to argv). There will never be any less parameters than the 'minparams' value you specified when creating the command. The *user parameter is the class of the user which caused the command to trigger, who will always have the flag you specified in 'flags' when creating the initial command. For example to create an oper only command create the commands with flags='o'.

Definition at line 188 of file modules.cpp.

References createcommand().

00189 {
00190         createcommand(cmd,f,flags,minparams);
00191 }

bool Server::AddExtendedMode char    modechar,
int    type,
bool    requires_oper,
int    params_when_on,
int    params_when_off

Adds an extended mode letter which is parsed by a module This allows modules to add extra mode letters, e.g.

+x for hostcloak. the "type" parameter is either MT_CHANNEL, MT_CLIENT, or MT_SERVER, to indicate wether the mode is a channel mode, a client mode, or a server mode. requires_oper is used with MT_CLIENT type modes only to indicate the mode can only be set or unset by an oper. If this is used for MT_CHANNEL type modes it is ignored. params_when_on is the number of modes to expect when the mode is turned on (for type MT_CHANNEL only), e.g. with mode +k, this would have a value of 1. the params_when_off value has a similar value to params_when_on, except it indicates the number of parameters to expect when the mode is disabled. Modes which act in a similar way to channel mode +l (e.g. require a parameter to enable, but not to disable) should use this parameter. The function returns false if the mode is unavailable, and will not attempt to allocate another character, as this will confuse users. This also means that as only one module can claim a specific mode character, the core does not need to keep track of which modules own which modes, which speeds up operation of the server. In this version, a mode can have at most one parameter, attempting to use more parameters will have undefined effects.

Definition at line 308 of file modules.cpp.

References DoAddExtendedMode(), MT_CLIENT, and MT_SERVER.

00309 {
00310         if (type == MT_SERVER)
00311         {
00312                 log(DEBUG,"*** API ERROR *** Modes of type MT_SERVER are reserved for future expansion");
00313                 return false;
00314         }
00315         if (((params_when_on>0) || (params_when_off>0)) && (type == MT_CLIENT))
00316         {
00317                 log(DEBUG,"*** API ERROR *** Parameters on MT_CLIENT modes are not supported");
00318                 return false;
00319         }
00320         if ((params_when_on>1) || (params_when_off>1))
00321         {
00322                 log(DEBUG,"*** API ERROR *** More than one parameter for an MT_CHANNEL mode is not yet supported");
00323                 return false;
00324         }
00325         return DoAddExtendedMode(modechar,type,requires_oper,params_when_on,params_when_off);
00326 }

void Server::CallCommandHandler std::string    commandname,
char **    parameters,
int    pcnt,
userrec   user

Calls the handler for a command, either implemented by the core or by another module.

You can use this function to trigger other commands in the ircd, such as PRIVMSG, JOIN, KICK etc, or even as a method of callback. By defining command names that are untypeable for users on irc (e.g. those which contain a or
) you may use them as callback identifiers. The first parameter to this method is the name of the command handler you wish to call, e.g. PRIVMSG. This will be a command handler previously registered by the core or wih AddCommand(). The second parameter is an array of parameters, and the third parameter is a count of parameters in the array. If you do not pass enough parameters to meet the minimum needed by the handler, the functiom will silently ignore it. The final parameter is the user executing the command handler, used for privilage checks, etc.

Definition at line 178 of file modules.cpp.

00179 {
00180         call_handler(commandname.c_str(),parameters,pcnt,user);
00181 }

void Server::ChangeGECOS userrec   user,
std::string    gecos

Change GECOS (fullname) of a user.

You should always call this method to change a user's GECOS rather than writing directly to the fullname member of userrec, as any change applied via this method will be propogated to any linked servers.

Definition at line 266 of file modules.cpp.

00267 {
00268         ChangeName(user,gecos.c_str());
00269 }

void Server::ChangeHost userrec   user,
std::string    host

Change displayed hostname of a user.

You should always call this method to change a user's host rather than writing directly to the dhost member of userrec, as any change applied via this method will be propogated to any linked servers.

Definition at line 261 of file modules.cpp.

00262 {
00263         ChangeDisplayedHost(user,host.c_str());
00264 }

void Server::ChangeUserNick userrec   user,
std::string    nickname

Forces a user nickchange.

This command works similarly to SVSNICK, and can be used to implement Q-lines etc. If you specify an invalid nickname, the nick change will be dropped and the target user will receive the error numeric for it.

Definition at line 167 of file modules.cpp.

00168 {
00169         force_nickchange(user,nickname.c_str());
00170 }

std::string Server::ChanMode userrec   User,
chanrec   Chan

Attempts to look up a user's privilages on a channel.

This function will return a string containing either @, , +, or an empty string, representing the user's privilages upon the channel you specify.

Definition at line 286 of file modules.cpp.

00287 {
00288         return cmode(User,Chan);
00289 }

bool Server::CommonChannels userrec   u1,
userrec   u2

Returns true if two users share a common channel.

This method is used internally by the NICK and QUIT commands, and the Server::SendCommon method.

Definition at line 239 of file modules.cpp.

00240 {
00241         return (common_channels(u1,u2) != 0);
00242 }

int Server::CountUsers chanrec   c [virtual]

Returns a count of the number of users on a channel.

This will NEVER be 0, as if the chanrec exists, it will have at least one user in the channel.

Definition at line 328 of file modules.cpp.

00329 {
00330         return usercount(c);
00331 }

chanrec * Server::FindChannel std::string    channel [virtual]

Attempts to look up a channel and return a pointer to it.

This function will return NULL if the channel does not exist.

Definition at line 281 of file modules.cpp.

00282 {
00283         return FindChan(channel.c_str());
00284 }

userrec * Server::FindNick std::string    nick [virtual]

Attempts to look up a nick and return a pointer to it.

This function will return NULL if the nick does not exist.

Definition at line 276 of file modules.cpp.

00277 {
00278         return Find(nick);
00279 }

Admin Server::GetAdmin   [virtual]

Returns the information of the server as returned by the /ADMIN command.

See the Admin class for further information of the return value. The members Admin::Nick, Admin::Email and Admin::Name contain the information for the server where the module is loaded.

Definition at line 301 of file modules.cpp.

00302 {
00303         return Admin(getadminname(),getadminemail(),getadminnick());
00304 }

std::string Server::GetNetworkName   [virtual]

Returns the network name, global to all linked servers.

Definition at line 296 of file modules.cpp.

00297 {
00298         return getnetworkname();
00299 }

std::string Server::GetServerName   [virtual]

Returns the server name of the server where the module is loaded.

Definition at line 291 of file modules.cpp.

00292 {
00293         return getservername();
00294 }

bool Server::IsNick std::string    nick [virtual]

Returns true if a nick is valid.

Nicks for unregistered connections will return false.

Definition at line 271 of file modules.cpp.

00272 {
00273         return (isnick(nick.c_str()) != 0);
00274 }

chanrec * Server::JoinUserToChannel userrec   user,
std::string    cname,
std::string    key

Forces a user to join a channel.

This is similar to svsjoin and can be used to implement redirection, etc. On success, the return value is a valid pointer to a chanrec* of the channel the user was joined to. On failure, the result is NULL.

Definition at line 157 of file modules.cpp.

00158 {
00159         return add_channel(user,cname.c_str(),key.c_str(),true);
00160 }

void Server::Log int    level,
std::string    s

Writes a log string.

This method writes a line of text to the log. If the level given is lower than the level given in the configuration, this command has no effect.

Definition at line 183 of file modules.cpp.

00184 {
00185         log(level,"%s",s.c_str());
00186 }

bool Server::MatchText std::string    sliteral,
std::string    spattern

Matches text against a glob pattern.

Uses the ircd's internal matching function to match string against a globbing pattern, e.g. *!*@*.com Returns true if the literal successfully matches the pattern, false if otherwise.

Definition at line 144 of file modules.cpp.

00145 {
00146         char literal[MAXBUF],pattern[MAXBUF];
00147         strncpy(literal,sliteral.c_str(),MAXBUF);
00148         strncpy(pattern,spattern.c_str(),MAXBUF);
00149         return match(literal,pattern);
00150 }

chanrec * Server::PartUserFromChannel userrec   user,
std::string    cname,
std::string    reason

Forces a user to part a channel.

This is similar to svspart and can be used to implement redirection, etc. Although the return value of this function is a pointer to a channel record, the returned data is undefined and should not be read or written to. This behaviour may be changed in a future version.

Definition at line 162 of file modules.cpp.

00163 {
00164         return del_channel(user,cname.c_str(),reason.c_str(),false);
00165 }

void Server::QuitUser userrec   user,
std::string    reason

Forces a user to quit with the specified reason.

To the user, it will appear as if they typed /QUIT themselves, except for the fact that this function may bypass the quit prefix specified in the config file.


Once you call this function, userrec* user will immediately become INVALID. You MUST NOT write to, or read from this pointer after calling the QuitUser method UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! The best course of action after calling this method is to immediately bail from your handler.

Definition at line 172 of file modules.cpp.

References userrec::nick.

00173 {
00174         send_network_quit(user->nick,reason.c_str());
00175         kill_link(user,reason.c_str());
00176 }

void Server::Send int    Socket,
std::string    s

Sends a line of text down a TCP/IP socket.

This method writes a line of text to an established socket, cutting it to 510 characters plus a carriage return and linefeed if required.

Definition at line 198 of file modules.cpp.

00199 {
00200         Write(Socket,"%s",s.c_str());
00201 }

void Server::SendChannel userrec   User,
chanrec   Channel,
std::string    s,
bool    IncludeSender

Sends text from a user to a channel (mulicast).

This method writes a line of text to a channel, with the given user's nick/ident /host combination prepended, as used in PRIVMSG etc commands (see RFC 1459). If the IncludeSender flag is set, then the text is also sent back to the user from which it originated, as seen in MODE (see RFC 1459).

Definition at line 227 of file modules.cpp.

00228 {
00229         if (IncludeSender)
00230         {
00231                 WriteChannel(Channel,User,"%s",s.c_str());
00232         }
00233         else
00234         {
00235                 ChanExceptSender(Channel,User,"%s",s.c_str());
00236         }
00237 }

void Server::SendCommon userrec   User,
std::string    text,
bool    IncludeSender

Sends text from a user to one or more channels (mulicast).

This method writes a line of text to all users which share a common channel with a given user, with the user's nick/ident/host combination prepended, as used in PRIVMSG etc commands (see RFC 1459). If the IncludeSender flag is set, then the text is also sent back to the user from which it originated, as seen in NICK (see RFC 1459). Otherwise, it is only sent to the other recipients, as seen in QUIT.

Definition at line 244 of file modules.cpp.

00245 {
00246         if (IncludeSender)
00247         {
00248                 WriteCommon(User,"%s",text.c_str());
00249         }
00250         else
00251         {
00252                 WriteCommonExcept(User,"%s",text.c_str());
00253         }
00254 }

void Server::SendFrom int    Socket,
userrec   User,
std::string    s

Sends text from a user to a socket.

This method writes a line of text to an established socket, with the given user's nick/ident /host combination prepended, as used in PRIVSG etc commands (see RFC 1459)

Definition at line 208 of file modules.cpp.

00209 {
00210         WriteFrom(Socket,User,"%s",s.c_str());
00211 }

void Server::SendMode char **    parameters,
int    pcnt,
userrec   user

Sends a servermode.

you must format the parameters array with the target, modes and parameters for those modes.

For example:

char *modes[3];

modes[0] = ChannelName;

modes[1] = "+o";

modes[2] = user->nick;


The modes will originate from the server where the command was issued, however responses (e.g. numerics) will be sent to the user you provide as the third parameter. You must be sure to get the number of parameters correct in the pcnt parameter otherwise you could leave your server in an unstable state!

Definition at line 193 of file modules.cpp.

References server_mode().

00194 {
00195         server_mode(parameters,pcnt,user);
00196 }

void Server::SendOpers std::string    s [virtual]

Sends text to all opers.

This method sends a server notice to all opers with the usermode +s.

Definition at line 139 of file modules.cpp.

00140 {
00141         WriteOpers("%s",s.c_str());
00142 }

void Server::SendServ int    Socket,
std::string    s

Sends text from the server to a socket.

This method writes a line of text to an established socket, with the servername prepended as used by numerics (see RFC 1459)

Definition at line 203 of file modules.cpp.

00204 {
00205         WriteServ(Socket,"%s",s.c_str());
00206 }

void Server::SendTo userrec   Source,
userrec   Dest,
std::string    s

Sends text from a user to another user.

This method writes a line of text to a user, with a user's nick/ident /host combination prepended, as used in PRIVMSG etc commands (see RFC 1459) If you specify NULL as the source, then the data will originate from the local server, e.g. instead of:

:user!ident TEXT

The format will become:

:localserver TEXT

Which is useful for numerics and server notices to single users, etc.

Definition at line 213 of file modules.cpp.

References connection::fd.

00214 {
00215         if (!Source)
00216         {
00217                 // if source is NULL, then the message originates from the local server
00218                 Write(Dest->fd,":%s %s",this->GetServerName().c_str(),s.c_str());
00219         }
00220         else
00221         {
00222                 // otherwise it comes from the user specified
00223                 WriteTo(Source,Dest,"%s",s.c_str());
00224         }
00225 }

void Server::SendToModeMask std::string    modes,
int    flags,
std::string    text

Sends to all users matching a mode mask You must specify one or more usermodes as the first parameter.

These can be RFC specified modes such as +i, or module provided modes, including ones provided by your own module. In the second parameter you must place a flag value which indicates wether the modes you have given will be logically ANDed or OR'ed. You may use one of either WM_AND or WM_OR. for example, if you were to use:

Serv->SendToModeMask("xi", WM_OR, "m00");

Then the text 'm00' will be sent to all users with EITHER mode x or i. Conversely if you used WM_AND, the user must have both modes set to receive the message.

Definition at line 152 of file modules.cpp.

00153 {
00154         WriteMode(modes.c_str(),flags,"%s",text.c_str());
00155 }

void Server::SendWallops userrec   User,
std::string    text

Sends a WALLOPS message.

This method writes a WALLOPS message to all users with the +w flag, originating from the specified user.

Definition at line 256 of file modules.cpp.

00257 {
00258         WriteWallOps(User,false,"%s",text.c_str());
00259 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Apr 17 13:31:54 2004 for InspIRCd by doxygen1.3-rc3