<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>FileReader class Reference</title> <link href="inspircd.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head><body> <!-- Generated by Doxygen 1.3-rc3 --> <center> <a class="qindex" href="main.html">Main Page</a> <a class="qindex" href="namespaces.html">Namespace List</a> <a class="qindex" href="hierarchy.html">Class Hierarchy</a> <a class="qindex" href="classes.html">Alphabetical List</a> <a class="qindex" href="annotated.html">Compound List</a> <a class="qindex" href="files.html">File List</a> <a class="qindex" href="functions.html">Compound Members</a> <a class="qindex" href="globals.html">File Members</a> </center> <hr><h1>FileReader Class Reference</h1>Caches a text file into memory and can be used to retrieve lines from it. <a href="#_details">More...</a> <p> <code>#include <<a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html">modules.h</a>></code> <p> Inheritance diagram for FileReader:<p><center><img src="classFileReader__inherit__graph.gif" border="0" usemap="#FileReader__inherit__map" alt="Inheritance graph"></center> <map name="FileReader__inherit__map"> <area href="classclassbase.html" shape="rect" coords="11,16,77,37" alt=""> </map> <center><font size="2">[<a target="top" href="graph_legend.html">legend</a>]</font></center>Collaboration diagram for FileReader:<p><center><img src="classFileReader__coll__graph.gif" border="0" usemap="#FileReader__coll__map" alt="Collaboration graph"></center> <map name="FileReader__coll__map"> <area href="classclassbase.html" shape="rect" coords="7,107,73,128" alt=""> </map> <center><font size="2">[<a target="top" href="graph_legend.html">legend</a>]</font></center><a href="classFileReader-members.html">List of all members.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr><td></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr> <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top> </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classFileReader.html#a0">FileReader</a> ()</td></tr> <tr><td> </td><td><font size=-1><em>Default constructor.</em> <a href="#a0"></a><em></em></font><br><br></td></tr> <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top> </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classFileReader.html#a1">FileReader</a> (std::string filename)</td></tr> <tr><td> </td><td><font size=-1><em>Secondary constructor.</em> <a href="#a1"></a><em></em></font><br><br></td></tr> <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top> </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classFileReader.html#a2">~FileReader</a> ()</td></tr> <tr><td> </td><td><font size=-1><em>Default destructor.</em> <a href="#a2"></a><em></em></font><br><br></td></tr> <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>void </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classFileReader.html#a3">LoadFile</a> (std::string filename)</td></tr> <tr><td> </td><td><font size=-1><em>Used to load a file.</em> <a href="#a3"></a><em></em></font><br><br></td></tr> <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>bool </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classFileReader.html#a4">Exists</a> ()</td></tr> <tr><td> </td><td><font size=-1><em>Returns true if the file exists This function will return false if the file could not be opened.</em> <a href="#a4"></a><em></em></font><br><br></td></tr> <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>std::string </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classFileReader.html#a5">GetLine</a> (int x)</td></tr> <tr><td> </td><td><font size=-1><em>Retrieve one line from the file.</em> <a href="#a5"></a><em></em></font><br><br></td></tr> <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>int </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classFileReader.html#a6">FileSize</a> ()</td></tr> <tr><td> </td><td><font size=-1><em>Returns the size of the file in lines.</em> <a href="#a6"></a><em></em></font><br><br></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Private Attributes</h2></td></tr> <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="modules_8h.html#a10">file_cache</a> </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classFileReader.html#o0">fc</a></td></tr> </table> <hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2> Caches a text file into memory and can be used to retrieve lines from it. <p> This class contains methods for read-only manipulation of a text file in memory. Either use the constructor type with one parameter to load a file into memory at construction, or use the LoadFile method to load a file. <p> <p> Definition at line <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html#l00557">557</a> of file <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html">modules.h</a>.<hr><h2>Constructor & Destructor Documentation</h2> <a name="a0" doxytag="FileReader::FileReader"></a><p> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> FileReader::FileReader </td> <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td> <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> <td class="md" nowrap></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <p> Default constructor. <p> This method does not load any file into memory, you must use the LoadFile method after constructing the class this way. <p> Definition at line <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00385">385</a> of file <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html">modules.cpp</a>. <p> <div class="fragment"><pre>00386 { 00387 } </pre></div> </td> </tr> </table> <a name="a1" doxytag="FileReader::FileReader"></a><p> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> FileReader::FileReader </td> <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">std::string </td> <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>filename</em> </td> <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> <td class="md" nowrap></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <p> Secondary constructor. <p> This method initialises the class with a file loaded into it ready for GetLine and and other methods to be called. If the file could not be loaded, <a class="el" href="classFileReader.html#a6">FileReader::FileSize</a> returns 0. <p> Definition at line <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00378">378</a> of file <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html">modules.cpp</a>. <p> References <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html#l00559">fc</a>, and <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html#l00030">file_cache</a>. <p> <div class="fragment"><pre>00379 { 00380 <a class="code" href="modules_8h.html#a10">file_cache</a> c; 00381 readfile(c,filename.c_str()); 00382 this-><a class="code" href="classFileReader.html#o0">fc</a> = c; 00383 } </pre></div> </td> </tr> </table> <a name="a2" doxytag="FileReader::~FileReader"></a><p> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> FileReader::~FileReader </td> <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td> <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> <td class="md" nowrap></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <p> Default destructor. <p> This deletes the memory allocated to the file. <p> Definition at line <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00397">397</a> of file <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html">modules.cpp</a>. <p> <div class="fragment"><pre>00398 { 00399 } </pre></div> </td> </tr> </table> <hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2> <a name="a4" doxytag="FileReader::Exists"></a><p> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool FileReader::Exists </td> <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td> <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> <td class="md" nowrap></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <p> Returns true if the file exists This function will return false if the file could not be opened. <p> <p> Definition at line <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00401">401</a> of file <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html">modules.cpp</a>. <p> References <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html#l00559">fc</a>. <p> <div class="fragment"><pre>00402 { 00403 <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (<a class="code" href="classFileReader.html#o0">fc</a>.size() == 0) 00404 { 00405 <span class="keywordflow">return</span>(false); 00406 } 00407 <span class="keywordflow">else</span> 00408 { 00409 <span class="keywordflow">return</span>(true); 00410 } 00411 } </pre></div> </td> </tr> </table> <a name="a6" doxytag="FileReader::FileSize"></a><p> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int FileReader::FileSize </td> <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td> <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> <td class="md" nowrap></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <p> Returns the size of the file in lines. <p> This method returns the number of lines in the read file. If it is 0, no lines have been read into memory, either because the file is empty or it does not exist, or cannot be opened due to permission problems. <p> Definition at line <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00420">420</a> of file <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html">modules.cpp</a>. <p> References <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html#l00559">fc</a>. <p> <div class="fragment"><pre>00421 { 00422 <span class="keywordflow">return</span> <a class="code" href="classFileReader.html#o0">fc</a>.size(); 00423 } </pre></div> </td> </tr> </table> <a name="a5" doxytag="FileReader::GetLine"></a><p> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> std::string FileReader::GetLine </td> <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int </td> <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>x</em> </td> <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> <td class="md" nowrap></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <p> Retrieve one line from the file. <p> This method retrieves one line from the text file. If an empty non-NULL string is returned, the index was out of bounds, or the line had no data on it. <p> Definition at line <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00413">413</a> of file <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html">modules.cpp</a>. <p> References <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html#l00559">fc</a>. <p> <div class="fragment"><pre>00414 { 00415 <span class="keywordflow">if</span> ((x<0) || (x><a class="code" href="classFileReader.html#o0">fc</a>.size())) 00416 <span class="keywordflow">return</span> <span class="stringliteral">""</span>; 00417 <span class="keywordflow">return</span> <a class="code" href="classFileReader.html#o0">fc</a>[x]; 00418 } </pre></div> </td> </tr> </table> <a name="a3" doxytag="FileReader::LoadFile"></a><p> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void FileReader::LoadFile </td> <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">std::string </td> <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>filename</em> </td> <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> <td class="md" nowrap></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <p> Used to load a file. <p> This method loads a file into the class ready for GetLine and and other methods to be called. If the file could not be loaded, <a class="el" href="classFileReader.html#a6">FileReader::FileSize</a> returns 0. <p> Definition at line <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00389">389</a> of file <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html">modules.cpp</a>. <p> References <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html#l00559">fc</a>, and <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html#l00030">file_cache</a>. <p> <div class="fragment"><pre>00390 { 00391 <a class="code" href="modules_8h.html#a10">file_cache</a> c; 00392 readfile(c,filename.c_str()); 00393 this-><a class="code" href="classFileReader.html#o0">fc</a> = c; 00394 } </pre></div> </td> </tr> </table> <hr><h2>Member Data Documentation</h2> <a name="o0" doxytag="FileReader::fc"></a><p> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="modules_8h.html#a10">file_cache</a> FileReader::fc<code> [private]</code> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <p> <p> Definition at line <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html#l00559">559</a> of file <a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html">modules.h</a>. <p> Referenced by <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00401">Exists()</a>, <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00378">FileReader()</a>, <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00420">FileSize()</a>, <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00413">GetLine()</a>, and <a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html#l00389">LoadFile()</a>. </td> </tr> </table> <hr>The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:<ul> <li><a class="el" href="modules_8h-source.html">modules.h</a><li><a class="el" href="modules_8cpp-source.html">modules.cpp</a></ul> <hr><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Sat Apr 17 13:31:50 2004 for InspIRCd by <a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html"> <img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 width=110 height=53></a>1.3-rc3 </small></address> </body> </html>