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InspIRCd Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AdminHolds /ADMIN data This class contains the admin details of the local server
BanItemA subclass of HostItem designed to hold channel bans (+b)
BoolSetBoolSet is a utility class designed to hold eight bools in a bitmask
chanrecHolds all relevent information for a channel
classbaseThe base class for all inspircd classes
command_tA structure that defines a command
ConfigReaderAllows reading of values from configuration files This class allows a module to read from either the main configuration file (inspircd.conf) or from a module-specified configuration file
ConnectClassHolds information relevent to <connect allow> and <connect deny> tags in the config file
connectionPlease note: classes serverrec and userrec both inherit from class connection
DNSAllows fast nonblocking resolution of hostnames and ip addresses
EventUnicast message directed at all modules
ExemptItemA subclass of HostItem designed to hold channel exempts (+e)
ExtensibleClass Extensible is the parent class of many classes such as userrec and chanrec
FileReaderCaches a text file into memory and can be used to retrieve lines from it
GLineGLine class
nspace::hash< in_addr >
nspace::hash< string >
HostItemHolds an entry for a ban list, exemption list, or invite list
irc::InAddr_HashCompThis class returns true if two in_addr structs match
InspSocketInspSocket is an extendable socket class which modules can use for TCP socket support
InvitedHolds a channel name to which a user has been invited
InviteItemA subclass of HostItem designed to hold channel invites (+I)
irc::irc_char_traitsThe irc_char_traits class is used for RFC-style comparison of strings
KLineKLine class
ModeParameterHolds a custom parameter to a module-defined channel mode e.g
ModuleBase class for all InspIRCd modules This class is the base class for InspIRCd modules
ModuleFactoryInstantiates classes inherited from Module This class creates a class inherited from type Module, using new
ModuleMessageBase class of Request and Event This class is used to represent a basic data structure which is passed between modules for safe inter-module communications
QLineQLine class
RequestUnicast message directed at a given module
ServerAllows server output and query functions This class contains methods which allow a module to query the state of the irc server, and produce output to users and other servers
SocketEngineThe actual socketengine class presents the same interface on all operating systems, but its private members and internal behaviour should be treated as blackboxed, and vary from system to system and upon the config settings chosen by the server admin
irc::StrHashCompThis class returns true if two strings match
ucrecHolds a user's modes on a channel This class associates a users privilages with a channel by creating a pointer link between a userrec and chanrec class
userrecHolds all information about a user This class stores all information about a user connected to the irc server
VersionHolds a module's Version information The four members (set by the constructor only) indicate details as to the version number of a module
WhoWasUserA lightweight userrec used by WHOWAS
XLineXLine is the base class for ban lines such as G lines and K lines
ZLineZLine class

Generated on Mon Dec 12 18:31:01 2005 for InspIRCd by  doxygen 1.4.4-20050815