.TH "modules.h" 3 "15 Dec 2005" "Version 1.0Betareleases" "InspIRCd" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME modules.h \- .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP \fC#include 'dynamic.h'\fP .br \fC#include 'base.h'\fP .br \fC#include 'ctables.h'\fP .br \fC#include 'socket.h'\fP .br \fC#include \fP .br \fC#include \fP .br \fC#include \fP .br .SS "Classes" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "class \fBVersion\fP" .br .RI "\fIHolds a module's Version information The four members (set by the constructor only) indicate details as to the version number of a module. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "class \fBAdmin\fP" .br .RI "\fIHolds /ADMIN data This class contains the admin details of the local server. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "class \fBModuleMessage\fP" .br .RI "\fIThe ModuleMessage class is the base class of \fBRequest\fP and \fBEvent\fP This class is used to represent a basic data structure which is passed between modules for safe inter-module communications. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "class \fBRequest\fP" .br .RI "\fIThe Request class is a unicast message directed at a given module. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "class \fBEvent\fP" .br .RI "\fIThe Event class is a unicast message directed at all modules. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "class \fBExtMode\fP" .br .RI "\fIHolds an extended mode's details. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "class \fBModule\fP" .br .RI "\fIBase class for all \fBInspIRCd\fP modules This class is the base class for \fBInspIRCd\fP modules. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "class \fBServer\fP" .br .RI "\fIAllows server output and query functions This class contains methods which allow a module to query the state of the irc server, and produce output to users and other servers. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "class \fBConfigReader\fP" .br .RI "\fIAllows reading of values from configuration files This class allows a module to read from either the main configuration file (inspircd.conf) or from a module-specified configuration file. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "class \fBFileReader\fP" .br .RI "\fICaches a text file into memory and can be used to retrieve lines from it. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "class \fBModuleFactory\fP" .br .RI "\fIInstantiates classes inherited from \fBModule\fP This class creates a class inherited from type \fBModule\fP, using new. \fP" .in -1c .SS "Defines" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBDEBUG\fP 10" .br .RI "\fIlog levels \fP" .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBVERBOSE\fP 20" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBDEFAULT\fP 30" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBSPARSE\fP 40" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBNONE\fP 50" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBMT_CHANNEL\fP 1" .br .RI "\fIUsed with OnExtendedMode() method of modules. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBMT_CLIENT\fP 2" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBMT_SERVER\fP 3" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBACR_DEFAULT\fP 0" .br .RI "\fIUsed with OnAccessCheck() method of modules. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBACR_DENY\fP 1" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBACR_ALLOW\fP 2" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBAC_KICK\fP 0" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBAC_DEOP\fP 1" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBAC_OP\fP 2" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBAC_VOICE\fP 3" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBAC_DEVOICE\fP 4" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBAC_HALFOP\fP 5" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBAC_DEHALFOP\fP 6" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBAC_INVITE\fP 7" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBAC_GENERAL_MODE\fP 8" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBVF_STATIC\fP 1" .br .RI "\fIUsed to define a set of behavior bits for a module. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBVF_VENDOR\fP 2" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBVF_SERVICEPROVIDER\fP 4" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBVF_COMMON\fP 8" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBFOREACH_MOD\fP for (int _i = 0; _i <= \fBMODCOUNT\fP; _i++) modules[_i]->" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBFOREACH_RESULT\fP(x)" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBFD_MAGIC_NUMBER\fP -42" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBCONF_NOT_A_NUMBER\fP 0x000010" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBCONF_NOT_UNSIGNED\fP 0x000080" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBCONF_VALUE_NOT_FOUND\fP 0x000100" .br .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBCONF_FILE_NOT_FOUND\fP 0x000200" .br .in -1c .SS "Typedefs" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "typedef std::deque< \fBstd::string\fP > \fBfile_cache\fP" .br .RI "\fILow level definition of a \fBFileReader\fP classes file cache area. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "typedef \fBfile_cache\fP \fBstring_list\fP" .br .ti -1c .RI "typedef std::deque< \fBuserrec\fP * > \fBchanuserlist\fP" .br .RI "\fIHolds a list of users in a channel. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "typedef DLLFactory< \fBModuleFactory\fP > \fBircd_module\fP" .br .in -1c .SS "Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "void \fBcreatecommand\fP (char *cmd, \fBhandlerfunc\fP f, char flags, int minparams, char *source)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBserver_mode\fP (char **parameters, int pcnt, \fBuserrec\fP *user)" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fBModeDefined\fP (char c, int i)" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fBModeDefinedOper\fP (char c, int i)" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fBModeDefinedOn\fP (char c, int i)" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fBModeDefinedOff\fP (char c, int i)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBModeMakeList\fP (char modechar)" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fBModeIsListMode\fP (char modechar, int type)" .br .in -1c .SH "Define Documentation" .PP .SS "#define AC_DEHALFOP 6" .PP Definition at line 46 of file modules.h. .SS "#define AC_DEOP 1" .PP Definition at line 41 of file modules.h. .SS "#define AC_DEVOICE 4" .PP Definition at line 44 of file modules.h. .SS "#define AC_GENERAL_MODE 8" .PP Definition at line 48 of file modules.h. .SS "#define AC_HALFOP 5" .PP Definition at line 45 of file modules.h. .SS "#define AC_INVITE 7" .PP Definition at line 47 of file modules.h. .SS "#define AC_KICK 0" .PP Definition at line 40 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by kick_channel(). .SS "#define AC_OP 2" .PP Definition at line 42 of file modules.h. .SS "#define AC_VOICE 3" .PP Definition at line 43 of file modules.h. .SS "#define ACR_ALLOW 2" .PP Definition at line 39 of file modules.h. .SS "#define ACR_DEFAULT 0" .PP Used with OnAccessCheck() method of modules. .PP Definition at line 37 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by kick_channel(), and Module::OnAccessCheck(). .SS "#define ACR_DENY 1" .PP Definition at line 38 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by kick_channel(). .SS "#define CONF_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x000200" .PP Definition at line 1523 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by ConfigReader::ConfigReader(). .SS "#define CONF_NOT_A_NUMBER 0x000010" .PP Definition at line 1520 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by ConfigReader::ReadInteger(). .SS "#define CONF_NOT_UNSIGNED 0x000080" .PP Definition at line 1521 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by ConfigReader::ReadInteger(). .SS "#define CONF_VALUE_NOT_FOUND 0x000100" .PP Definition at line 1522 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by ConfigReader::ReadFlag(), ConfigReader::ReadInteger(), and ConfigReader::ReadValue(). .SS "#define DEBUG 10" .PP log levels .PP Definition at line 23 of file modules.h. .SS "#define DEFAULT 30" .PP Definition at line 25 of file modules.h. .SS "#define FD_MAGIC_NUMBER -42" .PP Definition at line 101 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by Server::PseudoToUser(), and Server::UserToPseudo(). .SS "#define FOREACH_MOD for (int _i = 0; _i <= \fBMODCOUNT\fP; _i++) modules[_i]->" .PP Definition at line 81 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by del_channel(), ForceChan(), kick_channel(), and Event::Send(). .SS "#define FOREACH_RESULT(x)" .PP \fBValue:\fP .PP .nf { MOD_RESULT = 0; \ for (int _i = 0; _i <= MODCOUNT; _i++) { \ int res = modules[_i]->x ; \ if (res != 0) { \ MOD_RESULT = res; \ break; \ } \ } \ } .fi .PP Definition at line 89 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by add_channel(), and kick_channel(). .SS "#define MT_CHANNEL 1" .PP Used with OnExtendedMode() method of modules. .PP Definition at line 31 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by Server::AddExtendedListMode(), and ModeMakeList(). .SS "#define MT_CLIENT 2" .PP Definition at line 32 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by Server::AddExtendedMode(). .SS "#define MT_SERVER 3" .PP Definition at line 33 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by Server::AddExtendedMode(). .SS "#define NONE 50" .PP Definition at line 27 of file modules.h. .SS "#define SPARSE 40" .PP Definition at line 26 of file modules.h. .SS "#define VERBOSE 20" .PP Definition at line 24 of file modules.h. .SS "#define VF_COMMON 8" .PP Definition at line 55 of file modules.h. .SS "#define VF_SERVICEPROVIDER 4" .PP Definition at line 54 of file modules.h. .SS "#define VF_STATIC 1" .PP Used to define a set of behavior bits for a module. .PP Definition at line 52 of file modules.h. .SS "#define VF_VENDOR 2" .PP Definition at line 53 of file modules.h. .PP Referenced by Module::GetVersion(). .SH "Typedef Documentation" .PP .SS "typedef std::deque<\fBuserrec\fP*> \fBchanuserlist\fP" .PP Holds a list of users in a channel. .PP Definition at line 74 of file modules.h. .SS "typedef std::deque<\fBstd::string\fP> \fBfile_cache\fP" .PP Low level definition of a \fBFileReader\fP classes file cache area. .PP Definition at line 65 of file modules.h. .SS "typedef DLLFactory<\fBModuleFactory\fP> \fBircd_module\fP" .PP Definition at line 1689 of file modules.h. .SS "typedef \fBfile_cache\fP \fBstring_list\fP" .PP Definition at line 70 of file modules.h. .SH "Function Documentation" .PP .SS "void createcommand (char * cmd, \fBhandlerfunc\fP f, char flags, int minparams, char * source)" .PP Referenced by Server::AddCommand(). .SS "bool ModeDefined (char c, int i)" .PP Definition at line 71 of file modules.cpp. .PP References EMode. .PP Referenced by DoAddExtendedMode(). .PP .nf 72 { 73 for (ExtModeListIter i = EMode.begin(); i < EMode.end(); i++) 74 { 75 if ((i->modechar == modechar) && (i->type == type)) 76 { 77 return true; 78 } 79 } 80 return false; 81 } .fi .PP .SS "int ModeDefinedOff (char c, int i)" .PP Definition at line 121 of file modules.cpp. .PP References EMode. .PP .nf 122 { 123 for (ExtModeListIter i = EMode.begin(); i < EMode.end(); i++) 124 { 125 if ((i->modechar == modechar) && (i->type == type)) 126 { 127 return i->params_when_off; 128 } 129 } 130 return 0; 131 } .fi .PP .SS "int ModeDefinedOn (char c, int i)" .PP Definition at line 108 of file modules.cpp. .PP References EMode. .PP .nf 109 { 110 for (ExtModeListIter i = EMode.begin(); i < EMode.end(); i++) 111 { 112 if ((i->modechar == modechar) && (i->type == type)) 113 { 114 return i->params_when_on; 115 } 116 } 117 return 0; 118 } .fi .PP .SS "bool ModeDefinedOper (char c, int i)" .PP Definition at line 95 of file modules.cpp. .PP References EMode. .PP .nf 96 { 97 for (ExtModeListIter i = EMode.begin(); i < EMode.end(); i++) 98 { 99 if ((i->modechar == modechar) && (i->type == type) && (i->needsoper == true)) 100 { 101 return true; 102 } 103 } 104 return false; 105 } .fi .PP .SS "bool ModeIsListMode (char modechar, int type)" .PP Definition at line 83 of file modules.cpp. .PP References EMode. .PP .nf 84 { 85 for (ExtModeListIter i = EMode.begin(); i < EMode.end(); i++) 86 { 87 if ((i->modechar == modechar) && (i->type == type) && (i->list == true)) 88 { 89 return true; 90 } 91 } 92 return false; 93 } .fi .PP .SS "void ModeMakeList (char modechar)" .PP Definition at line 144 of file modules.cpp. .PP References EMode, and MT_CHANNEL. .PP Referenced by Server::AddExtendedListMode(). .PP .nf 145 { 146 for (ExtModeListIter i = EMode.begin(); i < EMode.end(); i++) 147 { 148 if ((i->modechar == modechar) && (i->type == MT_CHANNEL)) 149 { 150 i->list = true; 151 return; 152 } 153 } 154 return; 155 } .fi .PP .SS "void server_mode (char ** parameters, int pcnt, \fBuserrec\fP * user)" .PP .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for InspIRCd from the source code.