#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################### # InspIRCd Configuration Script # # Copyright 2002-2007 The InspIRCd Development Team # http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits # # Licensed under GPL, please see the COPYING file # for more information # # $Id$ # ################################################### BEGIN { require 5.8.0; } use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Data::Dumper; BEGIN { $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; }; use File::Copy (); use Socket; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; # Utility functions for our buildsystem use make::utilities; use make::configure; use make::gnutlscert; use make::opensslcert; ############################################################################################### # # EDITABLE VARIABLES # ############################################################################################### # If you wish to ignore a dependency throughout the entire core, add it here. our @ignoredeps = ( "inspircd_win32wrapper.h", # windows has its own configure program ); # If you wish for all files in the entire core to have a given dependency, insert it here. # You should keep this to an absolute minimum to avoid rebuilds that are not neccessary. our @immutabledeps = ( "inspircd_config.h", # auto re-generated by configure "inspircd.h", ); ############################################################################################### # # NON-EDITABLE VARIABLES # ############################################################################################### # List of commands that make up 'make install' and 'make deinstall' our $install_list = ""; our $uninstall_list = ""; # This is a list of all files in the core. Each cpp file is mapped to a shared object file, # whos file extension is omitted (these can vary from system to system). Auto detected by # scanning the src/*.cpp files for files containing /* $Core: */ identifiers. our %filelist = (); # If you wish for a file to have special dependencies in the makefile, add an entry here. # Auto populated by /* $ExtraDeps: */ instruction our %specialdeps = (); # If you wish for a file to have extra make lines (in between the compile and link steps) # then insert them here. # Auto populated by /* $ExtraBuild: */ instruction our %extrabuildlines = (); # If you wish for a file to be linked against extra objects or arctives, insert them here. # Auto populated by /* $ExtraObjects: */ instruction our %extraobjects = (); # If you wish to compile extra cpp sources into an object, define them here. # NOTE: Certain cpp files such as the socket engines have a value auto calculated # for this table so that their derived class is built. # Auto populated by /* $ExtraSources: */ instruction our %extrasources = (); our ($opt_use_gnutls, $opt_rebuild, $opt_use_openssl, $opt_nointeractive, $opt_nick_length, $opt_chan_length, $opt_maxclients, $opt_ports, $opt_epoll, $opt_kqueue, $opt_noports, $opt_noepoll, $opt_nokqueue, $opt_disablerpath, $opt_ipv6, $opt_ipv6links, $opt_noipv6links, $opt_ident, $opt_quit, $opt_topic, $opt_maxbuf, $opt_kick, $opt_gecos, $opt_away, $opt_modes, $opt_disable_debug, $opt_maxchans, $opt_opermaxchans); our ($opt_cc, $opt_base_dir, $opt_config_dir, $opt_module_dir, $opt_binary_dir, $opt_library_dir); sub list_extras (); sub enable_extras (@); sub disable_extras (@); my @opt_enableextras; my @opt_disableextras; GetOptions ( 'enable-gnutls' => \$opt_use_gnutls, 'rebuild' => \$opt_rebuild, 'enable-openssl' => \$opt_use_openssl, 'disable-interactive' => \$opt_nointeractive, 'with-nick-length=i' => \$opt_nick_length, 'with-channel-length=i' => \$opt_chan_length, 'with-max-clients=i' => \$opt_maxclients, 'enable-ports' => \$opt_ports, 'enable-epoll' => \$opt_epoll, 'enable-kqueue' => \$opt_kqueue, 'disable-ports' => \$opt_noports, 'disable-epoll' => \$opt_noepoll, 'disable-kqueue' => \$opt_nokqueue, 'disable-rpath' => \$opt_disablerpath, 'enable-ipv6' => \$opt_ipv6, 'enable-remote-ipv6' => \$opt_ipv6links, 'disable-remote-ipv6' => \$opt_noipv6links, 'with-cc=s' => \$opt_cc, 'with-ident-length=i' => \$opt_ident, 'with-quit-length=i' => \$opt_quit, 'with-topic-length=i' => \$opt_topic, 'with-maxbuf=i' => \$opt_maxbuf, 'with-kick-length=i' => \$opt_kick, 'with-gecos-length=i' => \$opt_gecos, 'with-away-length=i' => \$opt_away, 'with-max-modes=i' => \$opt_modes, 'prefix=s' => \$opt_base_dir, 'config-dir=s' => \$opt_config_dir, 'module-dir=s' => \$opt_module_dir, 'binary-dir=s' => \$opt_binary_dir, 'library-dir=s' => \$opt_library_dir, 'disable-debuginfo' => sub { $opt_disable_debug = 1 }, 'help' => sub { showhelp(); }, 'modupdate' => sub { modupdate(); }, 'update' => sub { update(); }, 'svnupdate' => sub { svnupdate(); }, 'clean' => sub { clean(); }, 'list-extras' => sub { list_extras; exit 0; }, # This, --enable-extras, and --disable-extras are for non-interactive managing. 'enable-extras=s@' => \@opt_enableextras, # ^ 'disable-extras=s@' => \@opt_disableextras, # ^ ); if (scalar(@opt_enableextras) + scalar(@opt_disableextras) > 0) { @opt_enableextras = split /,/, join(',', @opt_enableextras); @opt_disableextras = split /,/, join(',', @opt_disableextras); enable_extras(@opt_enableextras); disable_extras(@opt_disableextras); list_extras; print "Remember: YOU are responsible for making sure any libraries needed have been installed!\n"; print "Run $0 -modupdate after you've done this to update the makefiles.\n"; exit 0; } our $non_interactive = ( (defined $opt_library_dir) || (defined $opt_base_dir) || (defined $opt_config_dir) || (defined $opt_module_dir) || (defined $opt_base_dir) || (defined $opt_binary_dir) || (defined $opt_nointeractive) || (defined $opt_away) || (defined $opt_gecos) || (defined $opt_kick) || (defined $opt_maxclients) || (defined $opt_modes) || (defined $opt_topic) || (defined $opt_quit) || (defined $opt_ident) || (defined $opt_cc) || (defined $opt_ipv6) || (defined $opt_ipv6links) || (defined $opt_noipv6links) || (defined $opt_kqueue) || (defined $opt_epoll) || (defined $opt_ports) || (defined $opt_maxchans) || (defined $opt_opermaxchans) || (defined $opt_chan_length) || (defined $opt_nick_length) || (defined $opt_use_openssl) || (defined $opt_nokqueue) || (defined $opt_noepoll) || (defined $opt_noports) || (defined $opt_maxbuf) || (defined $opt_use_gnutls) ); our $interactive = !$non_interactive; chomp(our $topdir = getcwd()); our $this = resolve_directory($topdir); # PWD, Regardless. our @modlist = (); # Declare for Module List.. our %config = (); # Initiate Configuration Hash.. $config{ME} = resolve_directory($topdir); # Present Working Directory $config{BASE_DIR} = $config{ME}; if (defined $opt_base_dir) { $config{BASE_DIR} = $opt_base_dir; } $config{CONFIG_DIR} = resolve_directory($config{BASE_DIR}."/conf"); # Configuration Directory $config{MODULE_DIR} = resolve_directory($config{BASE_DIR}."/modules"); # Modules Directory $config{BINARY_DIR} = resolve_directory($config{BASE_DIR}."/bin"); # Binary Directory $config{LIBRARY_DIR} = resolve_directory($config{BASE_DIR}."/lib"); # Library Directory if (defined $opt_config_dir) { $config{CONFIG_DIR} = $opt_config_dir; } if (defined $opt_module_dir) { $config{MODULE_DIR} = $opt_module_dir; } if (defined $opt_binary_dir) { $config{BINARY_DIR} = $opt_binary_dir; } if (defined $opt_library_dir) { $config{LIBRARY_DIR} = $opt_library_dir; } chomp($config{HAS_GNUTLS} = `libgnutls-config --version 2>/dev/null | cut -c 1,2,3`); # GNUTLS Version. chomp($config{HAS_OPENSSL} = `pkg-config --modversion openssl 2>/dev/null`); # Openssl version chomp(our $gnutls_ver = $config{HAS_GNUTLS}); chomp(our $openssl_ver = $config{HAS_OPENSSL}); $config{USE_GNUTLS} = "n"; if (defined $opt_use_gnutls) { $config{USE_GNUTLS} = "y"; # Use gnutls. } $config{USE_OPENSSL} = "n"; # Use openssl. if (defined $opt_use_openssl) { $config{USE_OPENSSL} = "y"; } # no, let's not change these. $config{OPTIMITEMP} = "0"; # Default Optimisation Value if (!defined $opt_disable_debug) { $config{OPTIMISATI} = "-g1"; # Optimisation Flag } else { $config{OPTIMISATI} = "-O2"; # DEBUGGING OFF! } $config{NICK_LENGT} = "31"; # Default Nick Length if (defined $opt_nick_length) { $config{NICK_LENGT} = $opt_nick_length; } $config{CHAN_LENGT} = "64"; # Default Channel Name Length if (defined $opt_chan_length) { $config{CHAN_LENGT} = $opt_chan_length; } $config{MAXI_MODES} = "20"; # Default Max. Number of Modes set at once. if (defined $opt_modes) { $config{MAXI_MODES} = $opt_modes; } $config{HAS_STRLCPY} = "false"; # strlcpy Check. $config{HAS_STDINT} = "false"; # stdint.h check $config{USE_KQUEUE} = "y"; # kqueue enabled if (defined $opt_kqueue) { $config{USE_KQUEUE} = "y"; } if (defined $opt_nokqueue) { $config{USE_KQUEUE} = "n"; } $config{USE_EPOLL} = "y"; # epoll enabled if (defined $opt_epoll) { $config{USE_EPOLL} = "y"; } if (defined $opt_noepoll) { $config{USE_EPOLL} = "n"; } $config{USE_PORTS} = "y"; # epoll enabled if (defined $opt_ports) { $config{USE_PORTS} = "y"; } if (defined $opt_noports) { $config{USE_PORTS} = "n"; } $config{IPV6} = "n"; # IPv6 support (experimental) if (defined $opt_ipv6) { $config{IPV6} = "y"; } $config{SUPPORT_IP6LINKS} = "y"; # IPv4 supporting IPv6 links (experimental) if (defined $opt_ipv6links) { $config{SUPPORT_IP6LINKS} = "y"; } if (defined $opt_noipv6links) { $config{SUPPORT_IP6LINKS} = "n"; } chomp($config{MAX_CLIENT_T} = `sh -c \"ulimit -n\"`); # FD Limit chomp($config{MAX_DESCRIPTORS} = `sh -c \"ulimit -n\"`); # Hard FD Limit chomp($config{GCCVER} = `g++ -dumpversion | cut -c 1`); # Major GCC Version $config{_SOMAXCONN} = SOMAXCONN; # Max connections in accept queue $config{OSNAME} = $^O; # Operating System Name $config{IS_DARWIN} = "NO"; # Is OSX? $config{STARTSCRIPT} = "inspircd"; # start script? $config{DESTINATION} = "BASE"; # Is target path. $config{EXTRA_DIR} = ""; # Is empty. if ($config{OSNAME} =~ /darwin/i) { $config{IS_DARWIN} = "YES"; $config{STARTSCRIPT} = "org.inspircd.plist"; # start script for OSX. $config{DESTINATION} = "LAUNCHDPATH"; # Is OSX target. $config{EXTRA_DIR} = " launchd_dir"; # Is OSX specific path. } $config{CC} = "g++"; # C++ compiler if (defined $opt_cc) { $config{CC} = $opt_cc; } our $exec = $config{CC} . " -dumpversion | cut -c 1"; chomp($config{GCCVER} = `$exec`); # Major GCC Version $config{MAKEORDER} = "ircd mods"; # build order $config{MAX_IDENT} = "12"; # max ident size $config{MAX_QUIT} = "255"; # max quit message size $config{MAX_TOPIC} = "307"; # max topic size $config{MAX_KICK} = "255"; # max kick message size $config{MAX_GECOS} = "128"; # max GECOS size $config{MAX_AWAY} = "200"; # max AWAY size $config{MAXBUF} = "512"; # Max buffer size if (defined $opt_ident) { $config{MAX_IDENT} = $opt_ident; } if (defined $opt_quit) { $config{MAX_QUIT} = $opt_quit; } if (defined $opt_topic) { $config{MAX_TOPIC} = $opt_topic; } if (defined $opt_kick) { $config{MAX_KICK} = $opt_kick; } if (defined $opt_gecos) { $config{MAX_GECOS} = $opt_gecos; } if (defined $opt_away) { $config{MAX_AWAY} = $opt_away; } if ($config{HAS_OPENSSL} =~ /^([-[:digit:].]+)([a-z])?(\-[a-z][0-9])?$/) { $config{HAS_OPENSSL} = $1; } else { $config{HAS_OPENSSL} = ""; } if ($config{GCCVER} eq "") { print $config{CC} . " was not found! You require g++ (the GNU C++ compiler, part of GCC) to build InspIRCd!\n"; exit; } our $fd_scan_fail = ""; if (!$config{MAX_CLIENT_T}) { $config{MAX_CLIENT_T} = 1024; # Set a reasonable 'Default' $fd_scan_fail = "true"; # Used Later } # Get and Set some important vars.. getmodules(); sub clean { unlink(".config.cache"); } our ($has_epoll, $has_ports, $has_kqueue) = (0, 0, 0); sub update { eval { chomp($topdir = getcwd()); $this = resolve_directory($topdir); # PWD, Regardless. getmodules(); # Does the cache file exist? if (!getcache()) { # No, No it doesn't.. *BASH* print "You have not run ./configure before. Please do this before trying to run the update script.\n"; exit 0; } else { # We've Loaded the cache file and all our variables.. print "Updating files...\n"; getosflags(); if (defined($opt_disable_debug) && $opt_disable_debug == 1) { print "Disabling debug information (-g).\n"; $config{OPTIMISATI} = ""; getosflags(); } $has_epoll = $config{HAS_EPOLL}; $has_ports = $config{HAS_PORTS}; $has_kqueue = $config{HAS_KQUEUE}; writefiles(1); makecache(); print "Complete.\n"; exit; } }; if ($@) { print "Configure update failed: $@\n"; } exit; } sub modupdate { eval { chomp($topdir = getcwd()); $this = resolve_directory($topdir); # PWD, Regardless. getmodules(); # Does the cache file exist? if (!getcache()) { # No, No it doesn't.. *BASH* print "You have not run ./configure before. Please do this before trying to run the update script.\n"; exit 0; } else { # We've Loaded the cache file and all our variables.. print "Updating files...\n"; getosflags(); $has_epoll = $config{HAS_EPOLL}; $has_ports = $config{HAS_PORTS}; $has_kqueue = $config{HAS_KQUEUE}; writefiles(0); makecache(); print "Complete.\n"; exit; } }; if ($@) { print "Module update failed: $@\n"; } exit; } sub svnupdate { my $fail = 0; open(FH,"<.svn/entries") or $fail = 1; if ($fail) { print "This is not an SVN copy of InspIRCd.\n"; exit; } else { close(FH); } system("svn update"); system("perl configure -update"); if (defined $opt_rebuild) { system("make install"); } exit; } print "Running non-interactive configure...\n" unless $interactive; print "Checking for cache from previous configure... "; print ((!getcache()) ? "not found\n" : "found\n"); print "Checking operating system version... "; print getosflags() . "\n"; if (defined $opt_maxclients) { $config{MAX_CLIENT} = $opt_maxclients; } if (!$config{MAX_CLIENT}) { # If the cache hasn't set the max clients, copy the variable of MAX_CLIENT_T, this # allows us to keep _T for testing purposes. (ie. "Are you sure you want to go # higher than the found value" :)) $config{MAX_CLIENT} = $config{MAX_CLIENT_T}; } printf "Checking if stdint.h exists... "; $config{HAS_STDINT} = "true"; our $fail = 0; open(STDINT, ")) { chomp($line); # try and find the delcaration of: # size_t strlcpy(...) if ($line =~ /size_t(\0x9|\s)+strlcpy/) { $config{HAS_STRLCPY} = "true"; } } close(STRLCPY); } print "yes\n" if $config{HAS_STRLCPY} eq "true"; print "no\n" if $config{HAS_STRLCPY} eq "false"; printf "Checking if kqueue exists... "; $has_kqueue = 0; $fail = 0; open(KQUEUE, ")) { chomp($line); # try and find the delcaration of: # int kqueue(void); if ($line =~ /int(\0x9|\s)+kqueue/) { $has_kqueue = 1; } } close(KQUEUE); } print "yes\n" if $has_kqueue == 1; print "no\n" if $has_kqueue == 0; printf "Checking if epoll exists... "; $has_epoll = 0; $fail = 0; open(EPOLL, ")) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /GNU C Library .* version (.*?) /) { $libcv = $1; $libcv =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/; $libcv = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /Compiled on a Linux (.*?\..*?)\.* system/) { $kernelv = $1; # Fix for some retarded libc builds, strip off >> and << etc. $kernelv =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/; $kernelv = $1; } } close FH; if ($libcv < 2.3) { $has_epoll = 0; printf "libc too old: $libcv... "; } if ($kernelv < 2.6) { $has_epoll = 0; printf "libc built against older kernel $kernelv... "; } } } } print "yes\n" if $has_epoll == 1; print "no\n" if $has_epoll == 0; printf "Checking if Solaris I/O completion ports are available... "; $has_ports = 0; our $system = `uname -s`; chomp ($system); $has_ports = 1 if ($system eq "SunOS"); if ($has_ports) { my $kernel = `uname -r`; chomp($kernel); if (($kernel !~ /^5\.1./)) { $has_ports = 0; } } print "yes\n" if $has_ports == 1; print "no\n" if $has_ports == 0; $config{HAS_EPOLL} = $has_epoll; $config{HAS_KQUEUE} = $has_kqueue; printf "Checking for libgnutls... "; if (defined($config{HAS_GNUTLS}) && (($config{HAS_GNUTLS}) || ($config{HAS_GNUTLS} eq "y"))) { print "yes\n"; $config{HAS_GNUTLS} = "y"; } else { print "no\n"; $config{HAS_GNUTLS} = "n"; } printf "Checking for openssl... "; if (defined($config{HAS_OPENSSL}) && (($config{HAS_OPENSSL}) || ($config{HAS_OPENSSL} eq "y"))) { print "yes\n"; $config{HAS_OPENSSL} = "y"; } else { print "no\n"; $config{HAS_OPENSSL} = "n"; } printf "Checking if you are running an ancient, unsupported OS... "; if ($config{OSNAME} =~ /FreeBSD/i) { my $version = `uname -r`; if ($version =~ /^4\./) { my $foundit = `ls -l /usr/local/lib/libgnugetopt* | wc -l`; if ($foundit > 0) { # ICKY ICKY ICK, FREEBSD 4.x! GET AN UPGRADE! $config{CRAQ} = "-L/usr/local/lib -lgnugetopt -DHAVE_DECL_GETOPT=1"; print "yes\n"; } else { print "\n\nERROR: You require libgnugetopt (from ports or packages) to build InspIRCd on FreeBSD 4.11.\n"; } } else { $config{CRAQ} = " "; print "no ($version)\n"; } } else { $config{CRAQ} = " "; print "no ($config{OSNAME})\n"; } ################################################################################ # BEGIN INTERACTIVE PART # ################################################################################ # Clear the Screen.. if ($interactive) { print "\e[2J\e[0G\e[0d"; # J = Erase in Display, 2 = Entire Screen, (G, d) = Move cursor to (..,..) my $wholeos = $^O; my $rev = getrevision(); # Display Introduction Message.. print <<"STOP" ; Welcome to the \e[1mInspIRCd\e[0m Configuration program! (\e[1minteractive mode\e[0m) \e[1mPackage maintainers: Type ./configure --help for non-interactive help\e[0m *** If you are unsure of any of these values, leave it blank for *** *** standard settings that will work, and your server will run *** *** using them. Please consult your IRC network admin if in doubt. *** Press \e[1m\e[0m to accept the default for any option, or enter a new value. Please note: You will \e[1mHAVE\e[0m to read the docs dir, otherwise you won't have a config file! Your operating system is: \e[1;32m$config{OSNAME}\e[0m ($wholeos) Maximum file descriptors: \e[1;32m$config{MAX_CLIENT_T}\e[0m Your InspIRCd revision ID is \e[1;32mr$rev\e[0m STOP if ($rev eq "r0") { print " (Non-SVN build)"; } print ".\n\n"; $config{CHANGE_COMPILER} = "n"; print "I have detected the following compiler: \e[1;32m$config{CC}\e[0m (version \e[1;32m$config{GCCVER}.x\e[0m)\n"; while (($config{GCCVER} < 3) || ($config{GCCVER} eq "")) { print "\e[1;32mIMPORTANT!\e[0m A GCC 2.x compiler has been detected, and should NOT be used. You should probably specify a newer compiler.\n\n"; yesno('CHANGE_COMPILER',"Do you want to change the compiler?"); if ($config{CHANGE_COMPILER} =~ /y/i) { print "What command do you want to use to invoke your compiler?\n"; print "[\e[1;32m$config{CC}\e[0m] -> "; chomp($config{CC} = ); if ($config{CC} eq "") { $config{CC} = "g++"; } chomp(my $foo = `$config{CC} -dumpversion | cut -c 1`); if ($foo ne "") { chomp($config{GCCVER} = `$config{CC} -dumpversion | cut -c 1`); # we must redo these if we change compilers print "Queried compiler: \e[1;32m$config{CC}\e[0m (version \e[1;32m$config{GCCVER}.x\e[0m)\n"; if ($config{GCCVER} < 3) { print "\e[1;32mGCC 2.x WILL NOT WORK!\e[0m. Let's try that again, shall we?\n"; } } else { print "\e[1;32mWARNING!\e[0m Could not execute the compiler you specified. You may want to try again.\n"; } } } print "\n"; # Directory Settings.. my $tmpbase = $config{BASE_DIR}; dir_check("do you wish to install the InspIRCd base", "BASE_DIR"); if ($tmpbase ne $config{BASE_DIR}) { $config{CONFIG_DIR} = resolve_directory($config{BASE_DIR}."/conf"); # Configuration Dir $config{MODULE_DIR} = resolve_directory($config{BASE_DIR}."/modules"); # Modules Directory $config{BINARY_DIR} = resolve_directory($config{BASE_DIR}."/bin"); # Binary Directory $config{LIBRARY_DIR} = resolve_directory($config{BASE_DIR}."/lib"); # Library Directory } dir_check("are the configuration files", "CONFIG_DIR"); dir_check("are the modules to be compiled to", "MODULE_DIR"); dir_check("is the IRCd binary to be placed", "BINARY_DIR"); dir_check("are the IRCd libraries to be placed", "LIBRARY_DIR"); if ($has_kqueue) { yesno('USE_KQUEUE',"You are running a BSD operating system, and kqueue\nwas detected. Would you like to enable kqueue support?\nThis is likely to increase performance.\nIf you are unsure, answer yes.\n\nEnable kqueue?"); print "\n"; } if ($has_epoll) { yesno('USE_EPOLL',"You are running a Linux 2.6+ operating system, and epoll\nwas detected. Would you like to enable epoll support?\nThis is likely to increase performance.\nIf you are unsure, answer yes.\n\nEnable epoll?"); print "\n"; } if ($has_ports) { yesno('USE_PORTS',"You are running Solaris 10.\nWould you like to enable I/O completion ports support?\nThis is likely to increase performance.\nIf you are unsure, answer yes.\n\nEnable support for I/O completion ports?"); print "\n"; } my $chose_hiperf = (($config{USE_EPOLL} eq "y") || ($config{USE_KQUEUE} eq "y") || ($config{USE_PORTS} eq "y")); if (!$chose_hiperf) { print "No high-performance socket engines are available, or you chose\n"; print "not to enable one. Defaulting to select() engine.\n\n"; } yesno('IPV6',"Would you like to build InspIRCd with IPv6 support?"); print "\n"; if ($config{IPV6} eq "y") { print "You have chosen to build an \e[1;32mIPV6-enabled\e[0m server.\nTo accept IPV4 users, you can still use IPV4 addresses\nin your port bindings..\n\n"; $config{SUPPORT_IP6LINKS} = "y"; } else { yesno('SUPPORT_IP6LINKS',"You have chosen to build an \e[1;32mIPV4-only\e[0m server.\nWould you like to enable support for linking to IPV6-enabled\nInspIRCd servers?\nIf you are using a recent operating\nsystem and are unsure, answer yes.\nIf you answer 'no' here, your InspIRCd server will be unable\nto parse IPV6 addresses (e.g. for CIDR bans)"); print "\n"; } if (($config{HAS_GNUTLS} eq "y") && ($config{HAS_OPENSSL} eq "y")) { print "I have detected both \e[1;32mGnuTLS\e[0m and \e[1;32mOpenSSL\e[0m on your system.\n"; print "I will default to GnuTLS. If you wish to use OpenSSL\n"; print "instead, you should enable the OpenSSL module yourself\n"; print "by copying it from src/modules/extra to src/modules.\n\n"; print "Detected GnuTLS version: \e[1;32m" . $gnutls_ver . "\e[0m\n"; print "Detected OpenSSL version: \e[1;32m" . $openssl_ver . "\e[0m\n\n"; } if ($config{HAS_GNUTLS} eq "y") { yesno('USE_GNUTLS', "Would you like to enable SSL Support?"); if ($config{USE_GNUTLS} eq "y") { print "\nUsing GnuTLS SSL module.\n"; } } elsif ($config{HAS_OPENSSL} eq "y") { yesno('USE_OPENSSL', "Would you like to enable SSL Support?"); if ($config{USE_OPENSSL} eq "y") { print "\nUsing OpenSSL SSL module.\nYou will get better performance if you move to GnuTLS in the future.\n"; } } else { print "\nCould not detect OpenSSL or GnuTLS. Make sure pkg-config is installed if\nyou intend to use OpenSSL, or that GnuTLS is in your path if you intend\nto use GnuTLS.\n\n"; } print "\nThe following questions will ask you for various figures relating\n"; print "To your IRCd install. Please note that these should usually be left\n"; print "as defaults unless you have a real reason to change them. If they\n"; print "changed, then the values must be identical on all servers on your\n"; print "network, or malfunctions and/or crashes may occur, with the exception\n"; print "of the 'maximum number of clients' setting which may be different on\n"; print "different servers on the network.\n\n"; # File Descriptor Settings.. promptnumeric("number of clients at any one time", "MAX_CLIENT_T"); $config{MAX_CLIENT} = $config{MAX_CLIENT_T}; $config{MAX_DESCRIPTORS} = $config{MAX_CLIENT_T}; promptnumeric("length of nicknames", "NICK_LENGT"); promptnumeric("length of channel names", "CHAN_LENGT"); promptnumeric("number of mode changes in one line", "MAXI_MODES"); promptnumeric("length of an ident (username)", "MAX_IDENT"); promptnumeric("length of a quit message", "MAX_QUIT"); promptnumeric("length of a channel topic", "MAX_TOPIC"); promptnumeric("length of a kick message", "MAX_KICK"); promptnumeric("length of a GECOS (real name)", "MAX_GECOS"); promptnumeric("length of an away message", "MAX_AWAY"); } dumphash(); if (($config{USE_GNUTLS} eq "y") && ($config{HAS_GNUTLS} ne "y")) { print "Sorry, but i couldn't detect gnutls. Make sure gnutls-config is in your path.\n"; exit(0); } if (($config{USE_OPENSSL} eq "y") && ($config{HAS_OPENSSL} ne "y")) { print "Sorry, but i couldn't detect openssl. Make sure openssl is in your path.\n"; exit(0); } our $failed = 0; if ($config{USE_GNUTLS} eq "y") { unless (-r "src/modules/m_ssl_gnutls.cpp") { print "Symlinking src/modules/m_ssl_gnutls.cpp from extra/\n"; symlink "extra/m_ssl_gnutls.cpp", "src/modules/m_ssl_gnutls.cpp" or print STDERR "Symlink failed: $!"; } getmodules(); if ($interactive) { unless (-r "$config{CONFIG_DIR}/key.pem" && -r "$config{CONFIG_DIR}/cert.pem") { print "SSL Certificates Not found, Generating.. \n\n ************************************************************* * Generating the Private Key may take some time, go grab a * * Coffee. Even better, to generate some more entropy if it * * is taking a while, open another console and type du / a * * few times and get that HD going :) Then answer the * * Questions which follow. If you are unsure, just hit enter * *************************************************************\n\n"; $failed = make_gnutls_cert(); if ($failed) { print "\n\e[1;32mCertificate generation failed!\e[0m\n\n"; } else { print "\nCertificate generation complete, copying to config directory... "; File::Copy::move("key.pem", "$config{CONFIG_DIR}/key.pem") or print STDERR "Could not copy key.pem!\n"; File::Copy::move("cert.pem", "$config{CONFIG_DIR}/cert.pem") or print STDERR "Could not copy cert.pem!\n"; print "Done.\n\n"; } } else { print "SSL Certificates found, skipping.\n\n"; } } else { print "Skipping SSL certificate generation\nin non-interactive mode.\n\n"; } } elsif ($config{USE_OPENSSL} eq "y") { unless (-r "src/modules/m_ssl_openssl.cpp") { print "Symlinking src/modules/m_ssl_openssl.cpp from extra/\n"; symlink "extra/m_ssl_openssl.cpp", "src/modules/m_ssl_openssl.cpp" or print STDERR "Symlink failed: $!"; } getmodules(); $failed = 0; if ($interactive) { unless (-r "$config{CONFIG_DIR}/key.pem" && -r "$config{CONFIG_DIR}/cert.pem") { print "SSL Certificates Not found, Generating.. \n\n ************************************************************* * Generating the certificates may take some time, go grab a * * coffee, or something. * *************************************************************\n\n"; make_openssl_cert(); print "\nCertificate generation complete, copying to config directory... "; File::Copy::move("key.pem", "$config{CONFIG_DIR}/key.pem") or print STDERR "Could not copy key.pem!\n"; File::Copy::move("cert.pem", "$config{CONFIG_DIR}/cert.pem") or print STDERR "Could not copy cert.pem!\n"; File::Copy::move("dhparams.pem", "$config{CONFIG_DIR}/dhparams.pem") or print STDERR "Could not copy dhparams.pem!\n"; print "Done.\n\n"; } else { print "SSL Certificates found, skipping.\n\n" } } else { print "Skipping SSL certificate generation\nin non-interactive mode.\n\n"; } } if (($config{USE_GNUTLS} eq "n") && ($config{USE_OPENSSL} eq "n")) { print "Skipping SSL Certificate generation, SSL support is not available.\n\n"; } getosflags(); writefiles(1); makecache(); print "\n\n"; print "To build your server with these settings, please type '\e[1;32m$config{MAKEPROG}\e[0m' now.\n"; if (($config{USE_GNUTLS} eq "y") || ($config{USE_OPENSSL} eq "y")) { print "Please remember that to enable \e[1;32mSSL support\e[0m you must\n"; print "load the required modules in your config. This configure process\n"; print "has just prepared these modules to be compiled for you, and has not\n"; print "configured them to be compiled into the core of the ircd.\n"; } print "*** \e[1;32mRemember to edit your configuration files!!!\e[0m ***\n\n\n"; if (($config{OSNAME} eq "OpenBSD") && ($config{CC} ne "eg++")) { print "\e[1;32mWARNING!\e[0m You are running OpenBSD but you are using the base gcc package\nrather than eg++. This compile will most likely fail, but i'm letting you\ngo ahead with it anyway, just in case i'm wrong :-)\n"; } if ($config{GCCVER} < "3") { print <) { chomp; # Ignore Blank lines, and comments.. next if /^\s*$/; next if /^\s*#/; my ($key, $value) = split("=", $_, 2); $value =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/; # Do something with data here! $config{$key} = $1; } close(CACHE); return 1; } sub makecache { # Dump the contents of %config print "Writing \e[1;32mcache file\e[0m for future ./configures ...\n"; open(FILEHANDLE, ">.config.cache"); foreach my $key (keys %config) { print FILEHANDLE "$key=\"$config{$key}\"\n"; } close(FILEHANDLE); } sub dir_check { my ($desc, $hash_key) = @_; my $complete = 0; while (!$complete) { print "In what directory $desc?\n"; print "[\e[1;32m$config{$hash_key}\e[0m] -> "; chomp(my $var = ); if ($var eq "") { $var = $config{$hash_key}; } if ($var =~ /^\~\/(.+)$/) { # Convert it to a full path.. $var = resolve_directory($ENV{HOME} . "/" . $1); } elsif ((($config{OSNAME} =~ /MINGW32/i) and ($var !~ /^[A-Z]{1}:\\.*/)) and (substr($var,0,1) ne "/")) { # Assume relative Path was given.. fill in the rest. $var = $this . "/$var"; } $var = resolve_directory($var); if (! -e $var) { print "$var does not exist. Create it?\n[\e[1;32my\e[0m] "; chomp(my $tmp = ); if (($tmp eq "") || ($tmp =~ /^y/i)) { # Attempt to Create the Dir.. my $chk = eval { use File::Path (); File::Path::mkpath($var, 0, 0777); 1; }; unless (defined($chk) && -d $var) { print "Unable to create directory. ($var)\n\n"; # Restart Loop.. next; } } else { # They said they don't want to create, and we can't install there. print "\n\n"; next; } } else { if (!is_dir($var)) { # Target exists, but is not a directory. print "File $var exists, but is not a directory.\n\n"; next; } } # Either Dir Exists, or was created fine. $config{$hash_key} = $var; $complete = 1; print "\n"; } } our $SHARED = ""; sub getosflags { $config{LDLIBS} = "-pthread -lstdc++"; $config{FLAGS} = "-fPIC -Wall $config{OPTIMISATI}"; $config{DEVELOPER} = "-fPIC -Wall -g"; $SHARED = "-Wl,--rpath -Wl,$config{LIBRARY_DIR} -shared" unless defined $opt_disablerpath; $config{MAKEPROG} = "make"; if ($config{OSNAME} =~ /darwin/i) { $config{FLAGS} = "-DDARWIN -frtti -fPIC -Wall $config{OPTIMISATI}"; $SHARED = "-bundle -twolevel_namespace -undefined dynamic_lookup"; $config{LDLIBS} = "-ldl -pthread -lstdc++"; } if ($config{OSNAME} =~ /OpenBSD/i) { $config{MAKEPROG} = "gmake"; $config{LDLIBS} = $config{LDLIBS} . " -lunwind"; chomp(my $foo = `eg++ -dumpversion | cut -c 1`); # theyre running the package version of gcc (eg++)... detect it and set up its version numbers. # if theyre not running this, configure lets the build continue but they probably wont manage to # compile as this standard version is 2.95.3! if ($foo ne "") { $config{CC} = "eg++"; chomp($config{GCCVER} = `eg++ -dumpversion | cut -c 1`); # we must redo these if we change the compiler path } return "OpenBSD"; } if ($config{OSNAME} =~ /Linux/i) { $config{LDLIBS} = "-ldl -lstdc++ -pthread"; $config{FLAGS} = "-fPIC -Wall $config{OPTIMISATI}"; $config{FLAGS} .= " " . $ENV{CXXFLAGS} if exists($ENV{CXXFLAGS}); $config{LDLIBS} .= " " . $ENV{LDLIBS} if exists($ENV{LDLIBS}); $config{MAKEPROG} = "make"; } if ($config{OSNAME} =~ /FreeBSD/i) { $config{FLAGS} .= " " . $ENV{CXXFLAGS} if exists($ENV{CXXFLAGS}); $config{LDLIBS} .= " " . $ENV{LDLIBS} if exists($ENV{LDLIBS}); } if ($config{OSNAME} =~ /SunOS/i or $config{OSNAME} =~ /solaris/i) { # solaris/sunos needs these # socket = bsd sockets api # nsl = dns stuff # rt = POSIX realtime extensions # resolv = inet_aton only (why isnt this in nsl?!) $config{MAKEPROG} = "gmake"; $config{LDLIBS} .= " -lsocket -lnsl -lrt -lresolv -pthread"; return "Solaris"; } if($config{OSNAME} =~ /MINGW32/i) { # All code is position-independent on windows $config{FLAGS} =~ s/-fPIC //; return "MinGW"; } return $config{OSNAME}; } my ($mliflags, $mfrules, $mobjs, $mfcount) = ("", "", "", 0); sub writefiles { my($writeheader) = @_; my $se = ""; # First File.. inspircd_config.h chomp(my $incos = `uname -n -s -r`); chomp(my $version = `sh src/version.sh`); chomp(my $revision2 = getrevision()); if ($writeheader == 1) { print "Writing \e[1;32minspircd_config.h\e[0m\n"; open(FILEHANDLE, ">include/inspircd_config.h"); my $NL = $config{NICK_LENGT}+1; my $CL = $config{CHAN_LENGT}+1; print FILEHANDLE <= 3) { print FILEHANDLE "#define GCC3\n"; } if ($config{HAS_STRLCPY} eq "true") { print FILEHANDLE "#define HAS_STRLCPY\n"; } if ($config{HAS_STDINT} eq "true") { print FILEHANDLE "#define HAS_STDINT\n"; } if ($config{IPV6} =~ /y/i) { print FILEHANDLE "#define IPV6\n"; } if ($config{SUPPORT_IP6LINKS} =~ /y/i) { print FILEHANDLE "#define SUPPORT_IP6LINKS\n"; } my $use_hiperf = 0; if (($has_kqueue) && ($config{USE_KQUEUE} eq "y")) { print FILEHANDLE "#define USE_KQUEUE\n"; $se = "socketengine_kqueue"; $use_hiperf = 1; } if (($has_epoll) && ($config{USE_EPOLL} eq "y")) { print FILEHANDLE "#define USE_EPOLL\n"; $se = "socketengine_epoll"; $use_hiperf = 1; } if (($has_ports) && ($config{USE_PORTS} eq "y")) { print FILEHANDLE "#define USE_PORTS\n"; $se = "socketengine_ports"; $use_hiperf = 1; } # user didn't choose either epoll or select for their OS. # default them to USE_SELECT (ewwy puke puke) if (!$use_hiperf) { print FILEHANDLE "#define USE_SELECT\n"; $se = "socketengine_select"; } print FILEHANDLE "\n#endif\n"; close(FILEHANDLE); } if ($writeheader) { open(FILEHANDLE, ">include/inspircd_se_config.h"); print FILEHANDLE <) { $tmp .= $_; } close(FILEHANDLE); print "Writing \e[1;32m$file\e[0m ...\n"; $tmp =~ s/\@CC\@/$config{CC}/ if defined $config{CC}; $tmp =~ s/\@MAKEPROG\@/$config{MAKEPROG}/ if defined $config{MAKEPROG}; $tmp =~ s/\@FLAGS\@/$config{FLAGS}/ if defined $config{FLAGS}; $tmp =~ s/\@DEVELOPER\@/$config{DEVELOPER}/ if defined $config{DEVELOPER}; $tmp =~ s/\@LDLIBS\@/$config{LDLIBS}/ if defined $config{LDLIBS}; $tmp =~ s/\@BASE_DIR\@/$config{BASE_DIR}/ if defined $config{BASE_DIR}; $tmp =~ s/\@CONFIG_DIR\@/$config{CONFIG_DIR}/ if defined $config{CONFIG_DIR}; $tmp =~ s/\@MODULE_DIR\@/$config{MODULE_DIR}/ if defined $config{MODULE_DIR}; $tmp =~ s/\@BINARY_DIR\@/$config{BINARY_DIR}/ if defined $config{BINARY_DIR}; $tmp =~ s/\@LIBRARY_DIR\@/$config{LIBRARY_DIR}/ if defined $config{LIBRARY_DIR}; $tmp =~ s/\@MODULES\@/$modules/ if defined $modules; $tmp =~ s/\@STARTSCRIPT\@/$config{STARTSCRIPT}/ if defined $config{STARTSCRIPT}; $tmp =~ s/\@DESTINATION\@/$config{DESTINATION}/ if defined $config{DESTINATION}; $tmp =~ s/\@EXTRA_DIR\@/$config{EXTRA_DIR}/ if defined $config{EXTRA_DIR}; $tmp =~ s/\@EXECUTABLE\@/$exe/ if defined $exe; $tmp =~ s/\@MAKEORDER\@/$config{MAKEORDER}/ if defined $config{MAKEORDER}; $tmp =~ s/\@VERSION\@/$version/ if defined $version; $tmp =~ s/\@INSTALL_LIST\@/$install_list/ if defined $install_list; $tmp =~ s/\@UNINSTALL_LIST\@/$uninstall_list/ if defined $uninstall_list; open(FILEHANDLE, ">$file"); print FILEHANDLE $tmp; } } closedir(DIRHANDLE); # Make inspircd executable! chmod 0744, 'inspircd'; } sub write_dynamic_modules_makefile { # Modules Makefile.. print "Writing \e[1;32msrc/modules/Makefile\e[0m\n"; open(FILEHANDLE, ">src/modules/Makefile"); ### # Module Makefile Header ### print FILEHANDLE < # for assisting with making this work right. # # Automatically Generated by ./configure to add a # modules please run ./configure -modupdate ################################################### all: \$(MODULES) EOF if ($config{OSNAME} =~ /darwin/) { print FILEHANDLE <)) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /#include "(.+\.h)"/) { if (!exists($dupe{$1})) { $retlist = $retlist . "../include/$1 "; $dupe{$1} = 1; } } } close CPP; return length($immutable) ? $immutable . " " . $retlist : $retlist; } sub write_dynamic_makefile { my $i = 0; my @cmdlist = (); my %existing_install_list = (); opendir(DIRHANDLE, "src/commands"); foreach my $name (sort readdir(DIRHANDLE)) { if ($name =~ /^cmd_(.+)\.cpp$/) { $cmdlist[$i++] = $1; $install_list = $install_list . " -install -m \$(INSTMODE) src/commands/cmd_" . $1 . ".so \$(LIBPATH)\n"; $uninstall_list = $uninstall_list . " -rm \$(LIBPATH)/cmd_$1.so\n"; } } closedir(DIRHANDLE); if (!$has_epoll) { $config{USE_EPOLL} = 0; } if (!$has_kqueue) { $config{USE_KQUEUE} = 0; } if (!$has_ports) { $config{USE_PORTS} = 0; } foreach my $dir (("src","src/commands","src/modes","src/socketengines","src/modules")) { print "Scanning \e[1;32m$dir\e[0m for core files "; opendir(DIRHANDLE, $dir); foreach my $name (sort readdir(DIRHANDLE)) { if ($name =~ /\.cpp$/) { open (CPP, "<$dir/$name") or die("Can't open $dir/$name to scan it! oh bugger"); print "."; while (defined(my $line = )) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /\/\* \$Core: (\w+) \*\//i) { $filelist{$name} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\/\* \$ExtraDeps: (.*?) \*\//i) { $specialdeps{$name} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\/\* \$ExtraObjects: (.*?) \*\//i) { $extraobjects{$name} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\/\* \$ExtraBuild: (.*?) \*\//i) { $extrabuildlines{$name} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\/\* \$ExtraSources: (.*?) \*\//i) { $extrasources{$name} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\/\* \$If: (\w+) \*\//i) { if (defined $config{$1}) { if (($config{$1} !~ /y/i) and ($config{$1} ne "1")) { # Skip to 'endif' while (defined($line = )) { chomp($line); die ("\$If buildsystem instruction within another \$If in file $dir/$name") if ($line =~ /\/\* \$If: (\w+) \*\//i); last if ($line =~ /\/\* \$EndIf \*\//i); } } } } elsif ($line =~ /\/\* \$Install: (.*?) \*\//i) { if (!exists($existing_install_list{$1})) { $existing_install_list{$1} = 1; my $idir = (split(' ',$1))[1]; my $ifile = (split(' ',$1))[0]; $install_list = $install_list . " -install -m \$(INSTMODE) $1\n"; $ifile =~ s/.*\///g; $uninstall_list = $uninstall_list . " -rm $idir/$ifile\n"; } } elsif ($line =~ /\/\* \$CopyInstall: (.*?) \*\//i) { if (!exists($existing_install_list{$1})) { $existing_install_list{$1} = 1; my $idir = (split(' ',$1))[1]; my $ifile = (split(' ',$1))[0]; $install_list = $install_list . " -cp $1\n"; $ifile =~ s/.*\///g; $uninstall_list = $uninstall_list . " -rm $idir/$ifile\n"; } } } close CPP; } } closedir(DIRHANDLE); print " done!\n"; } my $freebsd4libs = (defined $config{CRAQ} ? $config{CRAQ} : ""); my $all = "all: "; my $all_libsonly = ""; my $libraryext = ""; my $othercrap = ""; my $RPATH = ""; if ($config{IS_DARWIN} eq "YES") { $libraryext = "dylib"; $othercrap = " ../make/run-cc.pl \$(CC) -pipe -I../include \$(FLAGS) -export-dynamic -c inspircd.cpp\n ../make/run-cc.pl \$(CC) -pipe -dynamic -bind_at_load -L. -o inspircd \$(LDLIBS) inspircd.o " } else { $libraryext = "so"; $RPATH = "-Wl,--rpath -Wl,$config{LIBRARY_DIR}" unless defined $opt_disablerpath; $othercrap = " ../make/run-cc.pl \$(CC) -pipe -I../include $RPATH \$(FLAGS) $freebsd4libs -rdynamic -L. inspircd.cpp -o inspircd \$(LDLIBS) "; } foreach my $cpp (sort keys %filelist) { $all = $all . $filelist{$cpp} . "." . $libraryext . " "; $all_libsonly = $all_libsonly . $filelist{$cpp} . "." . $libraryext . " "; $install_list = $install_list . " -install -m \$(INSTMODE) src/" . $filelist{$cpp} . "." . $libraryext . " \$(LIBPATH)\n"; $uninstall_list = $uninstall_list . " -rm \$(LIBPATH)/" . $filelist{$cpp} . "." . $libraryext . "\n"; } $all = $all . "moo inspircd\n"; $othercrap = $othercrap . " $all_libsonly\n\n"; open(FH,">src/Makefile") or die("Could not write src/Makefile"); print FH <src/commands/Makefile") or die("Could not write src/commands/Makefile"); print FH <catdir("src", "modules"); my $abs_srcdir = File::Spec->rel2abs($srcdir); local $_; my $dd; opendir $dd, File::Spec->catdir($abs_srcdir, "extra") or die (File::Spec->catdir($abs_srcdir, "extra") . ": $!\n"); my @extras = map { File::Spec->case_tolerant() ? lc($_) : $_ } (readdir($dd)); closedir $dd; undef $dd; opendir $dd, $abs_srcdir or die "$abs_srcdir: $!\n"; my @sources = map { File::Spec->case_tolerant() ? lc($_) : $_ } (readdir($dd)); closedir $dd; undef $dd; my $maxlen = (sort { $b <=> $a } (map {length($_)} (@extras)))[0]; my %extras = (); EXTRA: for my $extra (@extras) { next if (File::Spec->curdir() eq $extra || File::Spec->updir() eq $extra); next if ($extra eq '.svn'); my $abs_extra = File::Spec->catfile($abs_srcdir, "extra", $extra); my $abs_source = File::Spec->catfile($abs_srcdir, $extra); next unless ($extra =~ m/\.(cpp|h)$/ || (-d $abs_extra)); # C++ Source/Header, or directory if (-l $abs_source) { # Symlink, is it in the right place? my $targ = readlink($abs_source); my $abs_targ = File::Spec->rel2abs($targ, $abs_srcdir); if ($abs_targ eq $abs_extra) { $extras{$extra} = "\e[32;1menabled\e[0m"; } else { $extras{$extra} = sprintf("\e[31;1mwrong symlink target (%s)\e[0m", $abs_targ); } } elsif (-e $abs_source) { my ($devext, $inoext) = stat($abs_extra); my ($devsrc, $inosrc, undef, $lnksrc) = stat($abs_source); if ($lnksrc > 1) { if ($devsrc == $devext && $inosrc == $inoext) { $extras{$extra} = "\e[32;1menabled\e[0m"; } else { $extras{$extra} = sprintf("\e[31;1mwrong hardlink target (%d:%d)\e[0m", $devsrc, $inosrc); } } else { open my $extfd, "<", $abs_extra; open my $srcfd, "<", $abs_source; local $/ = undef; if (scalar(<$extfd>) eq scalar(<$srcfd>)) { $extras{$extra} = "\e[32;1menabled\e[0m"; } else { $extras{$extra} = sprintf("\e[31;1mout of synch (re-copy)\e[0m"); } } } else { $extras{$extra} = "\e[33;1mdisabled\e[0m"; } } # Now let's add dependency info for my $extra (keys(%extras)) { next unless $extras{$extra} =~ m/enabled/; # only process enabled extras. my $abs_extra = File::Spec->catfile($abs_srcdir, "extra", $extra); my @deps = split / +/, getdependencies($abs_extra); for my $dep (@deps) { if (exists($extras{$dep})) { my $ref = \$extras{$dep}; # Take reference. if ($$ref !~ m/needed by/) { # First dependency found. if ($$ref =~ m/enabled/) { $$ref .= " (needed by \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m"; } else { $$ref =~ s/\e\[.*?m//g; # Strip out previous coloring. Will be set in bold+red+blink later. $$ref .= " (needed by \e[0;32;1;5m$extra\e[0;31;1;5m"; } } else { if ($$ref =~ m/enabled/) { $$ref .= ", \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m"; } else { $$ref .= ", \e[0;32;1;5m$extra\e[0;31;1;5m"; } } } } } for my $extra (sort {$a cmp $b} keys(%extras)) { my $text = $extras{$extra}; if ($text =~ m/needed by/ && $text !~ m/enabled/) { printf "\e[31;1;5m%-*s = %s%s\e[0m\n", $maxlen, $extra, $text, ($text =~ m/needed by/ ? ")" : ""); } else { printf "%-*s = %s%s\n", $maxlen, $extra, $text, ($text =~ m/needed by/ ? "\e[0m)" : ""); } } return keys(%extras) if wantarray; # Can be used by manage_extras. } sub enable_extras (@) { my (@extras) = @_; for my $extra (@extras) { my $extrapath = "src/modules/extra/$extra"; if (!-e $extrapath) { print STDERR "Cannot enable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : No such file or directory in src/modules/extra\n"; next; } my $source = "src/modules/$extra"; if (-e $source) { print STDERR "Cannot enable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : destination in src/modules exists (might already be enabled?)\n"; next; } # Get dependencies, and add them to be processed. my @deps = split / +/, getdependencies($extrapath); for my $dep (@deps) { next if scalar(grep { $_ eq $dep } (@extras)) > 0; # Skip if we're going to be enabling it anyway. if (!-e "src/modules/$dep") { if (-e "src/modules/extra/$dep") { print STDERR "Will also enable extra \e[32;1m$dep\e[0m (needed by \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m)\n"; push @extras, $dep; } else { print STDERR "\e[33;1mWARNING:\e[0m module \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m might be missing dependency \e[32;1m$dep\e[0m - YOU are responsible for satisfying it!\n"; } } } print "Enabling $extra ... \n"; symlink "extra/$extra", $source or print STDERR "$source: Cannot link to 'extra/$extra': $!\n"; } } sub disable_extras (@) { opendir my $dd, "src/modules/extra/"; my @files = readdir($dd); closedir $dd; my (@extras) = @_; EXTRA: for my $extra (@extras) { my $extrapath = "src/modules/extra/$extra"; my $source = "src/modules/$extra"; if (!-e $extrapath) { print STDERR "Cannot disable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : Is not an extra\n"; next; } if ((! -l $source) || readlink($source) ne "extra/$extra") { print STDERR "Cannot disable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : Source is not a link or doesn't refer to the right file. Remove manually if this is in error.\n"; next; } # Check if anything needs this. for my $file (@files) { my @deps = split / +/, getdependencies("src/modules/extra/$file"); # File depends on this extra... if (scalar(grep { $_ eq $extra } @deps) > 0) { # And is both enabled and not about to be disabled. if (-e "src/modules/$file" && scalar(grep { $_ eq $file } @extras) < 1) { print STDERR "Cannot disable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : is needed by \e[32;1m$file\e[0m\n"; next EXTRA; } } } # Now remove. print "Disabling $extra ... \n"; unlink "src/modules/$extra" or print STDERR "Cannot disable \e[32;1m$extra\e[0m : $!\n"; } }