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-Network Working Group P. Mockapetris Request for Comments: 1035 ISI November 1987 Obsoletes: RFCs 882, 883, 973 DOMAIN NAMES - IMPLEMENTATION AND SPECIFICATION 1. STATUS OF THIS MEMO This RFC describes the details of the domain system and protocol, and assumes that the reader is familiar with the concepts discussed in a companion RFC, "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities" [RFC-1034]. The domain system is a mixture of functions and data types which are an official protocol and functions and data types which are still experimental. Since the domain system is intentionally extensible, new data types and experimental behavior should always be expected in parts of the system beyond the official protocol. The official protocol parts include standard queries, responses and the Internet class RR data formats (e.g., host addresses). Since the previous RFC set, several definitions have changed, so some previous definitions are obsolete. Experimental or obsolete features are clearly marked in these RFCs, and such information should be used with caution. The reader is especially cautioned not to depend on the values which appear in examples to be current or complete, since their purpose is primarily pedagogical. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Table of Contents 1. STATUS OF THIS MEMO 1 2. INTRODUCTION 3 2.1. Overview 3 2.2. Common configurations 4 2.3. Conventions 7 2.3.1. Preferred name syntax 7 2.3.2. Data Transmission Order 8 2.3.3. Character Case 9 2.3.4. Size limits 10 3. DOMAIN NAME SPACE AND RR DEFINITIONS 10 3.1. Name space definitions 10 3.2. RR definitions 11 3.2.1. Format 11 3.2.2. TYPE values 12 3.2.3. QTYPE values 12 3.2.4. CLASS values 13 Mockapetris [Page 1] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 3.2.5. QCLASS values 13 3.3. Standard RRs 13 3.3.1. CNAME RDATA format 14 3.3.2. HINFO RDATA format 14 3.3.3. MB RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) 14 3.3.4. MD RDATA format (Obsolete) 15 3.3.5. MF RDATA format (Obsolete) 15 3.3.6. MG RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) 16 3.3.7. MINFO RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) 16 3.3.8. MR RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) 17 3.3.9. MX RDATA format 17 3.3.10. NULL RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) 17 3.3.11. NS RDATA format 18 3.3.12. PTR RDATA format 18 3.3.13. SOA RDATA format 19 3.3.14. TXT RDATA format 20 3.4. ARPA Internet specific RRs 20 3.4.1. A RDATA format 20 3.4.2. WKS RDATA format 21 3.5. IN-ADDR.ARPA domain 22 3.6. Defining new types, classes, and special namespaces 24 4. MESSAGES 25 4.1. Format 25 4.1.1. Header section format 26 4.1.2. Question section format 28 4.1.3. Resource record format 29 4.1.4. Message compression 30 4.2. Transport 32 4.2.1. UDP usage 32 4.2.2. TCP usage 32 5. MASTER FILES 33 5.1. Format 33 5.2. Use of master files to define zones 35 5.3. Master file example 36 6. NAME SERVER IMPLEMENTATION 37 6.1. Architecture 37 6.1.1. Control 37 6.1.2. Database 37 6.1.3. Time 39 6.2. Standard query processing 39 6.3. Zone refresh and reload processing 39 6.4. Inverse queries (Optional) 40 6.4.1. The contents of inverse queries and responses 40 6.4.2. Inverse query and response example 41 6.4.3. Inverse query processing 42 Mockapetris [Page 2] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 6.5. Completion queries and responses 42 7. RESOLVER IMPLEMENTATION 43 7.1. Transforming a user request into a query 43 7.2. Sending the queries 44 7.3. Processing responses 46 7.4. Using the cache 47 8. MAIL SUPPORT 47 8.1. Mail exchange binding 48 8.2. Mailbox binding (Experimental) 48 9. REFERENCES and BIBLIOGRAPHY 50 Index 54 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1. Overview The goal of domain names is to provide a mechanism for naming resources in such a way that the names are usable in different hosts, networks, protocol families, internets, and administrative organizations. From the user's point of view, domain names are useful as arguments to a local agent, called a resolver, which retrieves information associated with the domain name. Thus a user might ask for the host address or mail information associated with a particular domain name. To enable the user to request a particular type of information, an appropriate query type is passed to the resolver with the domain name. To the user, the domain tree is a single information space; the resolver is responsible for hiding the distribution of data among name servers from the user. From the resolver's point of view, the database that makes up the domain space is distributed among various name servers. Different parts of the domain space are stored in different name servers, although a particular data item will be stored redundantly in two or more name servers. The resolver starts with knowledge of at least one name server. When the resolver processes a user query it asks a known name server for the information; in return, the resolver either receives the desired information or a referral to another name server. Using these referrals, resolvers learn the identities and contents of other name servers. Resolvers are responsible for dealing with the distribution of the domain space and dealing with the effects of name server failure by consulting redundant databases in other servers. Name servers manage two kinds of data. The first kind of data held in sets called zones; each zone is the complete database for a particular "pruned" subtree of the domain space. This data is called authoritative. A name server periodically checks to make sure that its zones are up to date, and if not, obtains a new copy of updated zones Mockapetris [Page 3] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 from master files stored locally or in another name server. The second kind of data is cached data which was acquired by a local resolver. This data may be incomplete, but improves the performance of the retrieval process when non-local data is repeatedly accessed. Cached data is eventually discarded by a timeout mechanism. This functional structure isolates the problems of user interface, failure recovery, and distribution in the resolvers and isolates the database update and refresh problems in the name servers. 2.2. Common configurations A host can participate in the domain name system in a number of ways, depending on whether the host runs programs that retrieve information from the domain system, name servers that answer queries from other hosts, or various combinations of both functions. The simplest, and perhaps most typical, configuration is shown below: Local Host | Foreign | +---------+ +----------+ | +--------+ | | user queries | |queries | | | | User |-------------->| |---------|->|Foreign | | Program | | Resolver | | | Name | | |<--------------| |<--------|--| Server | | | user responses| |responses| | | +---------+ +----------+ | +--------+ | A | cache additions | | references | V | | +----------+ | | cache | | +----------+ | User programs interact with the domain name space through resolvers; the format of user queries and user responses is specific to the host and its operating system. User queries will typically be operating system calls, and the resolver and its cache will be part of the host operating system. Less capable hosts may choose to implement the resolver as a subroutine to be linked in with every program that needs its services. Resolvers answer user queries with information they acquire via queries to foreign name servers and the local cache. Note that the resolver may have to make several queries to several different foreign name servers to answer a particular user query, and hence the resolution of a user query may involve several network accesses and an arbitrary amount of time. The queries to foreign name servers and the corresponding responses have a standard format described Mockapetris [Page 4] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 in this memo, and may be datagrams. Depending on its capabilities, a name server could be a stand alone program on a dedicated machine or a process or processes on a large timeshared host. A simple configuration might be: Local Host | Foreign | +---------+ | / /| | +---------+ | +----------+ | +--------+ | | | | |responses| | | | | | | Name |---------|->|Foreign | | Master |-------------->| Server | | |Resolver| | files | | | |<--------|--| | | |/ | | queries | +--------+ +---------+ +----------+ | Here a primary name server acquires information about one or more zones by reading master files from its local file system, and answers queries about those zones that arrive from foreign resolvers. The DNS requires that all zones be redundantly supported by more than one name server. Designated secondary servers can acquire zones and check for updates from the primary server using the zone transfer protocol of the DNS. This configuration is shown below: Local Host | Foreign | +---------+ | / /| | +---------+ | +----------+ | +--------+ | | | | |responses| | | | | | | Name |---------|->|Foreign | | Master |-------------->| Server | | |Resolver| | files | | | |<--------|--| | | |/ | | queries | +--------+ +---------+ +----------+ | A |maintenance | +--------+ | +------------|->| | | queries | |Foreign | | | | Name | +------------------|--| Server | maintenance responses | +--------+ In this configuration, the name server periodically establishes a virtual circuit to a foreign name server to acquire a copy of a zone or to check that an existing copy has not changed. The messages sent for Mockapetris [Page 5] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 these maintenance activities follow the same form as queries and responses, but the message sequences are somewhat different. The information flow in a host that supports all aspects of the domain name system is shown below: Local Host | Foreign | +---------+ +----------+ | +--------+ | | user queries | |queries | | | | User |-------------->| |---------|->|Foreign | | Program | | Resolver | | | Name | | |<--------------| |<--------|--| Server | | | user responses| |responses| | | +---------+ +----------+ | +--------+ | A | cache additions | | references | V | | +----------+ | | Shared | | | database | | +----------+ | A | | +---------+ refreshes | | references | / /| | V | +---------+ | +----------+ | +--------+ | | | | |responses| | | | | | | Name |---------|->|Foreign | | Master |-------------->| Server | | |Resolver| | files | | | |<--------|--| | | |/ | | queries | +--------+ +---------+ +----------+ | A |maintenance | +--------+ | +------------|->| | | queries | |Foreign | | | | Name | +------------------|--| Server | maintenance responses | +--------+ The shared database holds domain space data for the local name server and resolver. The contents of the shared database will typically be a mixture of authoritative data maintained by the periodic refresh operations of the name server and cached data from previous resolver requests. The structure of the domain data and the necessity for synchronization between name servers and resolvers imply the general characteristics of this database, but the actual format is up to the local implementor. Mockapetris [Page 6] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 Information flow can also be tailored so that a group of hosts act together to optimize activities. Sometimes this is done to offload less capable hosts so that they do not have to implement a full resolver. This can be appropriate for PCs or hosts which want to minimize the amount of new network code which is required. This scheme can also allow a group of hosts can share a small number of caches rather than maintaining a large number of separate caches, on the premise that the centralized caches will have a higher hit ratio. In either case, resolvers are replaced with stub resolvers which act as front ends to resolvers located in a recursive server in one or more name servers known to perform that service: Local Hosts | Foreign | +---------+ | | | responses | | Stub |<--------------------+ | | Resolver| | | | |----------------+ | | +---------+ recursive | | | queries | | | V | | +---------+ recursive +----------+ | +--------+ | | queries | |queries | | | | Stub |-------------->| Recursive|---------|->|Foreign | | Resolver| | Server | | | Name | | |<--------------| |<--------|--| Server | +---------+ responses | |responses| | | +----------+ | +--------+ | Central | | | cache | | +----------+ | In any case, note that domain components are always replicated for reliability whenever possible. 2.3. Conventions The domain system has several conventions dealing with low-level, but fundamental, issues. While the implementor is free to violate these conventions WITHIN HIS OWN SYSTEM, he must observe these conventions in ALL behavior observed from other hosts. 2.3.1. Preferred name syntax The DNS specifications attempt to be as general as possible in the rules for constructing domain names. The idea is that the name of any existing object can be expressed as a domain name with minimal changes. Mockapetris [Page 7] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 However, when assigning a domain name for an object, the prudent user will select a name which satisfies both the rules of the domain system and any existing rules for the object, whether these rules are published or implied by existing programs. For example, when naming a mail domain, the user should satisfy both the rules of this memo and those in RFC-822. When creating a new host name, the old rules for HOSTS.TXT should be followed. This avoids problems when old software is converted to use domain names. The following syntax will result in fewer problems with many applications that use domain names (e.g., mail, TELNET). <domain> ::= <subdomain> | " " <subdomain> ::= <label> | <subdomain> "." <label> <label> ::= <letter> [ [ <ldh-str> ] <let-dig> ] <ldh-str> ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str> <let-dig-hyp> ::= <let-dig> | "-" <let-dig> ::= <letter> | <digit> <letter> ::= any one of the 52 alphabetic characters A through Z in upper case and a through z in lower case <digit> ::= any one of the ten digits 0 through 9 Note that while upper and lower case letters are allowed in domain names, no significance is attached to the case. That is, two names with the same spelling but different case are to be treated as if identical. The labels must follow the rules for ARPANET host names. They must start with a letter, end with a letter or digit, and have as interior characters only letters, digits, and hyphen. There are also some restrictions on the length. Labels must be 63 characters or less. For example, the following strings identify hosts in the Internet: A.ISI.EDU XX.LCS.MIT.EDU SRI-NIC.ARPA 2.3.2. Data Transmission Order The order of transmission of the header and data described in this document is resolved to the octet level. Whenever a diagram shows a Mockapetris [Page 8] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 group of octets, the order of transmission of those octets is the normal order in which they are read in English. For example, in the following diagram, the octets are transmitted in the order they are numbered. 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | 1 | 2 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | 3 | 4 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | 5 | 6 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Whenever an octet represents a numeric quantity, the left most bit in the diagram is the high order or most significant bit. That is, the bit labeled 0 is the most significant bit. For example, the following diagram represents the value 170 (decimal). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Similarly, whenever a multi-octet field represents a numeric quantity the left most bit of the whole field is the most significant bit. When a multi-octet quantity is transmitted the most significant octet is transmitted first. 2.3.3. Character Case For all parts of the DNS that are part of the official protocol, all comparisons between character strings (e.g., labels, domain names, etc.) are done in a case-insensitive manner. At present, this rule is in force throughout the domain system without exception. However, future additions beyond current usage may need to use the full binary octet capabilities in names, so attempts to store domain names in 7-bit ASCII or use of special bytes to terminate labels, etc., should be avoided. When data enters the domain system, its original case should be preserved whenever possible. In certain circumstances this cannot be done. For example, if two RRs are stored in a database, one at x.y and one at X.Y, they are actually stored at the same place in the database, and hence only one casing would be preserved. The basic rule is that case can be discarded only when data is used to define structure in a database, and two names are identical when compared in a case insensitive manner. Mockapetris [Page 9] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 Loss of case sensitive data must be minimized. Thus while data for x.y and X.Y may both be stored under a single location x.y or X.Y, data for a.x and B.X would never be stored under A.x, A.X, b.x, or b.X. In general, this preserves the case of the first label of a domain name, but forces standardization of interior node labels. Systems administrators who enter data into the domain database should take care to represent the data they supply to the domain system in a case-consistent manner if their system is case-sensitive. The data distribution system in the domain system will ensure that consistent representations are preserved. 2.3.4. Size limits Various objects and parameters in the DNS have size limits. They are listed below. Some could be easily changed, others are more fundamental. labels 63 octets or less names 255 octets or less TTL positive values of a signed 32 bit number. UDP messages 512 octets or less 3. DOMAIN NAME SPACE AND RR DEFINITIONS 3.1. Name space definitions Domain names in messages are expressed in terms of a sequence of labels. Each label is represented as a one octet length field followed by that number of octets. Since every domain name ends with the null label of the root, a domain name is terminated by a length byte of zero. The high order two bits of every length octet must be zero, and the remaining six bits of the length field limit the label to 63 octets or less. To simplify implementations, the total length of a domain name (i.e., label octets and label length octets) is restricted to 255 octets or less. Although labels can contain any 8 bit values in octets that make up a label, it is strongly recommended that labels follow the preferred syntax described elsewhere in this memo, which is compatible with existing host naming conventions. Name servers and resolvers must compare labels in a case-insensitive manner (i.e., A=a), assuming ASCII with zero parity. Non-alphabetic codes must match exactly. Mockapetris [Page 10] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 3.2. RR definitions 3.2.1. Format All RRs have the same top level format shown below: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | / / / NAME / | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | TYPE | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | CLASS | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | TTL | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | RDLENGTH | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--| / RDATA / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: NAME an owner name, i.e., the name of the node to which this resource record pertains. TYPE two octets containing one of the RR TYPE codes. CLASS two octets containing one of the RR CLASS codes. TTL a 32 bit signed integer that specifies the time interval that the resource record may be cached before the source of the information should again be consulted. Zero values are interpreted to mean that the RR can only be used for the transaction in progress, and should not be cached. For example, SOA records are always distributed with a zero TTL to prohibit caching. Zero values can also be used for extremely volatile data. RDLENGTH an unsigned 16 bit integer that specifies the length in octets of the RDATA field. Mockapetris [Page 11] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 RDATA a variable length string of octets that describes the resource. The format of this information varies according to the TYPE and CLASS of the resource record. 3.2.2. TYPE values TYPE fields are used in resource records. Note that these types are a subset of QTYPEs. TYPE value and meaning A 1 a host address NS 2 an authoritative name server MD 3 a mail destination (Obsolete - use MX) MF 4 a mail forwarder (Obsolete - use MX) CNAME 5 the canonical name for an alias SOA 6 marks the start of a zone of authority MB 7 a mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL) MG 8 a mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL) MR 9 a mail rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL) NULL 10 a null RR (EXPERIMENTAL) WKS 11 a well known service description PTR 12 a domain name pointer HINFO 13 host information MINFO 14 mailbox or mail list information MX 15 mail exchange TXT 16 text strings 3.2.3. QTYPE values QTYPE fields appear in the question part of a query. QTYPES are a superset of TYPEs, hence all TYPEs are valid QTYPEs. In addition, the following QTYPEs are defined: Mockapetris [Page 12] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 AXFR 252 A request for a transfer of an entire zone MAILB 253 A request for mailbox-related records (MB, MG or MR) MAILA 254 A request for mail agent RRs (Obsolete - see MX) * 255 A request for all records 3.2.4. CLASS values CLASS fields appear in resource records. The following CLASS mnemonics and values are defined: IN 1 the Internet CS 2 the CSNET class (Obsolete - used only for examples in some obsolete RFCs) CH 3 the CHAOS class HS 4 Hesiod [Dyer 87] 3.2.5. QCLASS values QCLASS fields appear in the question section of a query. QCLASS values are a superset of CLASS values; every CLASS is a valid QCLASS. In addition to CLASS values, the following QCLASSes are defined: * 255 any class 3.3. Standard RRs The following RR definitions are expected to occur, at least potentially, in all classes. In particular, NS, SOA, CNAME, and PTR will be used in all classes, and have the same format in all classes. Because their RDATA format is known, all domain names in the RDATA section of these RRs may be compressed. <domain-name> is a domain name represented as a series of labels, and terminated by a label with zero length. <character-string> is a single length octet followed by that number of characters. <character-string> is treated as binary information, and can be up to 256 characters in length (including the length octet). Mockapetris [Page 13] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 3.3.1. CNAME RDATA format +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / CNAME / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: CNAME A <domain-name> which specifies the canonical or primary name for the owner. The owner name is an alias. CNAME RRs cause no additional section processing, but name servers may choose to restart the query at the canonical name in certain cases. See the description of name server logic in [RFC-1034] for details. 3.3.2. HINFO RDATA format +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / CPU / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / OS / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: CPU A <character-string> which specifies the CPU type. OS A <character-string> which specifies the operating system type. Standard values for CPU and OS can be found in [RFC-1010]. HINFO records are used to acquire general information about a host. The main use is for protocols such as FTP that can use special procedures when talking between machines or operating systems of the same type. 3.3.3. MB RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / MADNAME / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: MADNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a host which has the specified mailbox. Mockapetris [Page 14] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 MB records cause additional section processing which looks up an A type RRs corresponding to MADNAME. 3.3.4. MD RDATA format (Obsolete) +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / MADNAME / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: MADNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a host which has a mail agent for the domain which should be able to deliver mail for the domain. MD records cause additional section processing which looks up an A type record corresponding to MADNAME. MD is obsolete. See the definition of MX and [RFC-974] for details of the new scheme. The recommended policy for dealing with MD RRs found in a master file is to reject them, or to convert them to MX RRs with a preference of 0. 3.3.5. MF RDATA format (Obsolete) +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / MADNAME / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: MADNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a host which has a mail agent for the domain which will accept mail for forwarding to the domain. MF records cause additional section processing which looks up an A type record corresponding to MADNAME. MF is obsolete. See the definition of MX and [RFC-974] for details ofw the new scheme. The recommended policy for dealing with MD RRs found in a master file is to reject them, or to convert them to MX RRs with a preference of 10. Mockapetris [Page 15] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 3.3.6. MG RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / MGMNAME / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: MGMNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a mailbox which is a member of the mail group specified by the domain name. MG records cause no additional section processing. 3.3.7. MINFO RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / RMAILBX / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / EMAILBX / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: RMAILBX A <domain-name> which specifies a mailbox which is responsible for the mailing list or mailbox. If this domain name names the root, the owner of the MINFO RR is responsible for itself. Note that many existing mailing lists use a mailbox X-request for the RMAILBX field of mailing list X, e.g., Msgroup-request for Msgroup. This field provides a more general mechanism. EMAILBX A <domain-name> which specifies a mailbox which is to receive error messages related to the mailing list or mailbox specified by the owner of the MINFO RR (similar to the ERRORS-TO: field which has been proposed). If this domain name names the root, errors should be returned to the sender of the message. MINFO records cause no additional section processing. Although these records can be associated with a simple mailbox, they are usually used with a mailing list. Mockapetris [Page 16] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 3.3.8. MR RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / NEWNAME / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: NEWNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a mailbox which is the proper rename of the specified mailbox. MR records cause no additional section processing. The main use for MR is as a forwarding entry for a user who has moved to a different mailbox. 3.3.9. MX RDATA format +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | PREFERENCE | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / EXCHANGE / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: PREFERENCE A 16 bit integer which specifies the preference given to this RR among others at the same owner. Lower values are preferred. EXCHANGE A <domain-name> which specifies a host willing to act as a mail exchange for the owner name. MX records cause type A additional section processing for the host specified by EXCHANGE. The use of MX RRs is explained in detail in [RFC-974]. 3.3.10. NULL RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / <anything> / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ Anything at all may be in the RDATA field so long as it is 65535 octets or less. Mockapetris [Page 17] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 NULL records cause no additional section processing. NULL RRs are not allowed in master files. NULLs are used as placeholders in some experimental extensions of the DNS. 3.3.11. NS RDATA format +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / NSDNAME / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: NSDNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a host which should be authoritative for the specified class and domain. NS records cause both the usual additional section processing to locate a type A record, and, when used in a referral, a special search of the zone in which they reside for glue information. The NS RR states that the named host should be expected to have a zone starting at owner name of the specified class. Note that the class may not indicate the protocol family which should be used to communicate with the host, although it is typically a strong hint. For example, hosts which are name servers for either Internet (IN) or Hesiod (HS) class information are normally queried using IN class protocols. 3.3.12. PTR RDATA format +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / PTRDNAME / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: PTRDNAME A <domain-name> which points to some location in the domain name space. PTR records cause no additional section processing. These RRs are used in special domains to point to some other location in the domain space. These records are simple data, and don't imply any special processing similar to that performed by CNAME, which identifies aliases. See the description of the IN-ADDR.ARPA domain for an example. Mockapetris [Page 18] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 3.3.13. SOA RDATA format +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / MNAME / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / RNAME / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | SERIAL | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | REFRESH | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | RETRY | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | EXPIRE | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | MINIMUM | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: MNAME The <domain-name> of the name server that was the original or primary source of data for this zone. RNAME A <domain-name> which specifies the mailbox of the person responsible for this zone. SERIAL The unsigned 32 bit version number of the original copy of the zone. Zone transfers preserve this value. This value wraps and should be compared using sequence space arithmetic. REFRESH A 32 bit time interval before the zone should be refreshed. RETRY A 32 bit time interval that should elapse before a failed refresh should be retried. EXPIRE A 32 bit time value that specifies the upper limit on the time interval that can elapse before the zone is no longer authoritative. Mockapetris [Page 19] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 MINIMUM The unsigned 32 bit minimum TTL field that should be exported with any RR from this zone. SOA records cause no additional section processing. All times are in units of seconds. Most of these fields are pertinent only for name server maintenance operations. However, MINIMUM is used in all query operations that retrieve RRs from a zone. Whenever a RR is sent in a response to a query, the TTL field is set to the maximum of the TTL field from the RR and the MINIMUM field in the appropriate SOA. Thus MINIMUM is a lower bound on the TTL field for all RRs in a zone. Note that this use of MINIMUM should occur when the RRs are copied into the response and not when the zone is loaded from a master file or via a zone transfer. The reason for this provison is to allow future dynamic update facilities to change the SOA RR with known semantics. 3.3.14. TXT RDATA format +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ / TXT-DATA / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: TXT-DATA One or more <character-string>s. TXT RRs are used to hold descriptive text. The semantics of the text depends on the domain where it is found. 3.4. Internet specific RRs 3.4.1. A RDATA format +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | ADDRESS | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: ADDRESS A 32 bit Internet address. Hosts that have multiple Internet addresses will have multiple A records. Mockapetris [Page 20] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 A records cause no additional section processing. The RDATA section of an A line in a master file is an Internet address expressed as four decimal numbers separated by dots without any imbedded spaces (e.g., "" or ""). 3.4.2. WKS RDATA format +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | ADDRESS | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | PROTOCOL | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | / <BIT MAP> / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: ADDRESS An 32 bit Internet address PROTOCOL An 8 bit IP protocol number <BIT MAP> A variable length bit map. The bit map must be a multiple of 8 bits long. The WKS record is used to describe the well known services supported by a particular protocol on a particular internet address. The PROTOCOL field specifies an IP protocol number, and the bit map has one bit per port of the specified protocol. The first bit corresponds to port 0, the second to port 1, etc. If the bit map does not include a bit for a protocol of interest, that bit is assumed zero. The appropriate values and mnemonics for ports and protocols are specified in [RFC-1010]. For example, if PROTOCOL=TCP (6), the 26th bit corresponds to TCP port 25 (SMTP). If this bit is set, a SMTP server should be listening on TCP port 25; if zero, SMTP service is not supported on the specified address. The purpose of WKS RRs is to provide availability information for servers for TCP and UDP. If a server supports both TCP and UDP, or has multiple Internet addresses, then multiple WKS RRs are used. WKS RRs cause no additional section processing. In master files, both ports and protocols are expressed using mnemonics or decimal numbers. Mockapetris [Page 21] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 3.5. IN-ADDR.ARPA domain The Internet uses a special domain to support gateway location and Internet address to host mapping. Other classes may employ a similar strategy in other domains. The intent of this domain is to provide a guaranteed method to perform host address to host name mapping, and to facilitate queries to locate all gateways on a particular network in the Internet. Note that both of these services are similar to functions that could be performed by inverse queries; the difference is that this part of the domain name space is structured according to address, and hence can guarantee that the appropriate data can be located without an exhaustive search of the domain space. The domain begins at IN-ADDR.ARPA and has a substructure which follows the Internet addressing structure. Domain names in the IN-ADDR.ARPA domain are defined to have up to four labels in addition to the IN-ADDR.ARPA suffix. Each label represents one octet of an Internet address, and is expressed as a character string for a decimal value in the range 0-255 (with leading zeros omitted except in the case of a zero octet which is represented by a single zero). Host addresses are represented by domain names that have all four labels specified. Thus data for Internet address is located at domain name The reversal, though awkward to read, allows zones to be delegated which are exactly one network of address space. For example, 10.IN-ADDR.ARPA can be a zone containing data for the ARPANET, while 26.IN-ADDR.ARPA can be a separate zone for MILNET. Address nodes are used to hold pointers to primary host names in the normal domain space. Network numbers correspond to some non-terminal nodes at various depths in the IN-ADDR.ARPA domain, since Internet network numbers are either 1, 2, or 3 octets. Network nodes are used to hold pointers to the primary host names of gateways attached to that network. Since a gateway is, by definition, on more than one network, it will typically have two or more network nodes which point at it. Gateways will also have host level pointers at their fully qualified addresses. Both the gateway pointers at network nodes and the normal host pointers at full address nodes use the PTR RR to point back to the primary domain names of the corresponding hosts. For example, the IN-ADDR.ARPA domain will contain information about the ISI gateway between net 10 and 26, an MIT gateway from net 10 to MIT's Mockapetris [Page 22] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 net 18, and hosts A.ISI.EDU and MULTICS.MIT.EDU. Assuming that ISI gateway has addresses and, and a name MILNET- GW.ISI.EDU, and the MIT gateway has addresses and and a name GW.LCS.MIT.EDU, the domain database would contain: 10.IN-ADDR.ARPA. PTR MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU. 10.IN-ADDR.ARPA. PTR GW.LCS.MIT.EDU. 18.IN-ADDR.ARPA. PTR GW.LCS.MIT.EDU. 26.IN-ADDR.ARPA. PTR MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU. PTR MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU. PTR MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU. PTR GW.LCS.MIT.EDU. PTR GW.LCS.MIT.EDU. PTR A.ISI.EDU. PTR MULTICS.MIT.EDU. Thus a program which wanted to locate gateways on net 10 would originate a query of the form QTYPE=PTR, QCLASS=IN, QNAME=10.IN-ADDR.ARPA. It would receive two RRs in response: 10.IN-ADDR.ARPA. PTR MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU. 10.IN-ADDR.ARPA. PTR GW.LCS.MIT.EDU. The program could then originate QTYPE=A, QCLASS=IN queries for MILNET- GW.ISI.EDU. and GW.LCS.MIT.EDU. to discover the Internet addresses of these gateways. A resolver which wanted to find the host name corresponding to Internet host address would pursue a query of the form QTYPE=PTR, QCLASS=IN, QNAME=, and would receive: PTR MULTICS.MIT.EDU. Several cautions apply to the use of these services: - Since the IN-ADDR.ARPA special domain and the normal domain for a particular host or gateway will be in different zones, the possibility exists that that the data may be inconsistent. - Gateways will often have two names in separate domains, only one of which can be primary. - Systems that use the domain database to initialize their routing tables must start with enough gateway information to guarantee that they can access the appropriate name server. - The gateway data only reflects the existence of a gateway in a manner equivalent to the current HOSTS.TXT file. It doesn't replace the dynamic availability information from GGP or EGP. Mockapetris [Page 23] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 3.6. Defining new types, classes, and special namespaces The previously defined types and classes are the ones in use as of the date of this memo. New definitions should be expected. This section makes some recommendations to designers considering additions to the existing facilities. The mailing list NAMEDROPPERS@SRI-NIC.ARPA is the forum where general discussion of design issues takes place. In general, a new type is appropriate when new information is to be added to the database about an existing object, or we need new data formats for some totally new object. Designers should attempt to define types and their RDATA formats that are generally applicable to all classes, and which avoid duplication of information. New classes are appropriate when the DNS is to be used for a new protocol, etc which requires new class-specific data formats, or when a copy of the existing name space is desired, but a separate management domain is necessary. New types and classes need mnemonics for master files; the format of the master files requires that the mnemonics for type and class be disjoint. TYPE and CLASS values must be a proper subset of QTYPEs and QCLASSes respectively. The present system uses multiple RRs to represent multiple values of a type rather than storing multiple values in the RDATA section of a single RR. This is less efficient for most applications, but does keep RRs shorter. The multiple RRs assumption is incorporated in some experimental work on dynamic update methods. The present system attempts to minimize the duplication of data in the database in order to insure consistency. Thus, in order to find the address of the host for a mail exchange, you map the mail domain name to a host name, then the host name to addresses, rather than a direct mapping to host address. This approach is preferred because it avoids the opportunity for inconsistency. In defining a new type of data, multiple RR types should not be used to create an ordering between entries or express different formats for equivalent bindings, instead this information should be carried in the body of the RR and a single type used. This policy avoids problems with caching multiple types and defining QTYPEs to match multiple types. For example, the original form of mail exchange binding used two RR types one to represent a "closer" exchange (MD) and one to represent a "less close" exchange (MF). The difficulty is that the presence of one RR type in a cache doesn't convey any information about the other because the query which acquired the cached information might have used a QTYPE of MF, MD, or MAILA (which matched both). The redesigned Mockapetris [Page 24] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 service used a single type (MX) with a "preference" value in the RDATA section which can order different RRs. However, if any MX RRs are found in the cache, then all should be there. 4. MESSAGES 4.1. Format All communications inside of the domain protocol are carried in a single format called a message. The top level format of message is divided into 5 sections (some of which are empty in certain cases) shown below: +---------------------+ | Header | +---------------------+ | Question | the question for the name server +---------------------+ | Answer | RRs answering the question +---------------------+ | Authority | RRs pointing toward an authority +---------------------+ | Additional | RRs holding additional information +---------------------+ The header section is always present. The header includes fields that specify which of the remaining sections are present, and also specify whether the message is a query or a response, a standard query or some other opcode, etc. The names of the sections after the header are derived from their use in standard queries. The question section contains fields that describe a question to a name server. These fields are a query type (QTYPE), a query class (QCLASS), and a query domain name (QNAME). The last three sections have the same format: a possibly empty list of concatenated resource records (RRs). The answer section contains RRs that answer the question; the authority section contains RRs that point toward an authoritative name server; the additional records section contains RRs which relate to the query, but are not strictly answers for the question. Mockapetris [Page 25] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 4.1.1. Header section format The header contains the following fields: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | ID | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA| Z | RCODE | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | QDCOUNT | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | ANCOUNT | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | NSCOUNT | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | ARCOUNT | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: ID A 16 bit identifier assigned by the program that generates any kind of query. This identifier is copied the corresponding reply and can be used by the requester to match up replies to outstanding queries. QR A one bit field that specifies whether this message is a query (0), or a response (1). OPCODE A four bit field that specifies kind of query in this message. This value is set by the originator of a query and copied into the response. The values are: 0 a standard query (QUERY) 1 an inverse query (IQUERY) 2 a server status request (STATUS) 3-15 reserved for future use AA Authoritative Answer - this bit is valid in responses, and specifies that the responding name server is an authority for the domain name in question section. Note that the contents of the answer section may have multiple owner names because of aliases. The AA bit Mockapetris [Page 26] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 corresponds to the name which matches the query name, or the first owner name in the answer section. TC TrunCation - specifies that this message was truncated due to length greater than that permitted on the transmission channel. RD Recursion Desired - this bit may be set in a query and is copied into the response. If RD is set, it directs the name server to pursue the query recursively. Recursive query support is optional. RA Recursion Available - this be is set or cleared in a response, and denotes whether recursive query support is available in the name server. Z Reserved for future use. Must be zero in all queries and responses. RCODE Response code - this 4 bit field is set as part of responses. The values have the following interpretation: 0 No error condition 1 Format error - The name server was unable to interpret the query. 2 Server failure - The name server was unable to process this query due to a problem with the name server. 3 Name Error - Meaningful only for responses from an authoritative name server, this code signifies that the domain name referenced in the query does not exist. 4 Not Implemented - The name server does not support the requested kind of query. 5 Refused - The name server refuses to perform the specified operation for policy reasons. For example, a name server may not wish to provide the information to the particular requester, or a name server may not wish to perform a particular operation (e.g., zone Mockapetris [Page 27] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 transfer) for particular data. 6-15 Reserved for future use. QDCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of entries in the question section. ANCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of resource records in the answer section. NSCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of name server resource records in the authority records section. ARCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of resource records in the additional records section. 4.1.2. Question section format The question section is used to carry the "question" in most queries, i.e., the parameters that define what is being asked. The section contains QDCOUNT (usually 1) entries, each of the following format: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | / QNAME / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | QTYPE | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | QCLASS | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: QNAME a domain name represented as a sequence of labels, where each label consists of a length octet followed by that number of octets. The domain name terminates with the zero length octet for the null label of the root. Note that this field may be an odd number of octets; no padding is used. QTYPE a two octet code which specifies the type of the query. The values for this field include all codes valid for a TYPE field, together with some more general codes which can match more than one type of RR. Mockapetris [Page 28] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 QCLASS a two octet code that specifies the class of the query. For example, the QCLASS field is IN for the Internet. 4.1.3. Resource record format The answer, authority, and additional sections all share the same format: a variable number of resource records, where the number of records is specified in the corresponding count field in the header. Each resource record has the following format: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | / / / NAME / | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | TYPE | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | CLASS | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | TTL | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | RDLENGTH | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--| / RDATA / / / +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ where: NAME a domain name to which this resource record pertains. TYPE two octets containing one of the RR type codes. This field specifies the meaning of the data in the RDATA field. CLASS two octets which specify the class of the data in the RDATA field. TTL a 32 bit unsigned integer that specifies the time interval (in seconds) that the resource record may be cached before it should be discarded. Zero values are interpreted to mean that the RR can only be used for the transaction in progress, and should not be cached. Mockapetris [Page 29] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 RDLENGTH an unsigned 16 bit integer that specifies the length in octets of the RDATA field. RDATA a variable length string of octets that describes the resource. The format of this information varies according to the TYPE and CLASS of the resource record. For example, the if the TYPE is A and the CLASS is IN, the RDATA field is a 4 octet ARPA Internet address. 4.1.4. Message compression In order to reduce the size of messages, the domain system utilizes a compression scheme which eliminates the repetition of domain names in a message. In this scheme, an entire domain name or a list of labels at the end of a domain name is replaced with a pointer to a prior occurance of the same name. The pointer takes the form of a two octet sequence: +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | 1 1| OFFSET | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ The first two bits are ones. This allows a pointer to be distinguished from a label, since the label must begin with two zero bits because labels are restricted to 63 octets or less. (The 10 and 01 combinations are reserved for future use.) The OFFSET field specifies an offset from the start of the message (i.e., the first octet of the ID field in the domain header). A zero offset specifies the first byte of the ID field, etc. The compression scheme allows a domain name in a message to be represented as either: - a sequence of labels ending in a zero octet - a pointer - a sequence of labels ending with a pointer Pointers can only be used for occurances of a domain name where the format is not class specific. If this were not the case, a name server or resolver would be required to know the format of all RRs it handled. As yet, there are no such cases, but they may occur in future RDATA formats. If a domain name is contained in a part of the message subject to a length field (such as the RDATA section of an RR), and compression is Mockapetris [Page 30] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 used, the length of the compressed name is used in the length calculation, rather than the length of the expanded name. Programs are free to avoid using pointers in messages they generate, although this will reduce datagram capacity, and may cause truncation. However all programs are required to understand arriving messages that contain pointers. For example, a datagram might need to use the domain names F.ISI.ARPA, FOO.F.ISI.ARPA, ARPA, and the root. Ignoring the other fields of the message, these domain names might be represented as: +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 20 | 1 | F | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 22 | 3 | I | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 24 | S | I | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 26 | 4 | A | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 28 | R | P | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 30 | A | 0 | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 40 | 3 | F | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 42 | O | O | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 44 | 1 1| 20 | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 64 | 1 1| 26 | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ 92 | 0 | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ The domain name for F.ISI.ARPA is shown at offset 20. The domain name FOO.F.ISI.ARPA is shown at offset 40; this definition uses a pointer to concatenate a label for FOO to the previously defined F.ISI.ARPA. The domain name ARPA is defined at offset 64 using a pointer to the ARPA component of the name F.ISI.ARPA at 20; note that this pointer relies on ARPA being the last label in the string at 20. The root domain name is Mockapetris [Page 31] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 defined by a single octet of zeros at 92; the root domain name has no labels. 4.2. Transport The DNS assumes that messages will be transmitted as datagrams or in a byte stream carried by a virtual circuit. While virtual circuits can be used for any DNS activity, datagrams are preferred for queries due to their lower overhead and better performance. Zone refresh activities must use virtual circuits because of the need for reliable transfer. The Internet supports name server access using TCP [RFC-793] on server port 53 (decimal) as well as datagram access using UDP [RFC-768] on UDP port 53 (decimal). 4.2.1. UDP usage Messages sent using UDP user server port 53 (decimal). Messages carried by UDP are restricted to 512 bytes (not counting the IP or UDP headers). Longer messages are truncated and the TC bit is set in the header. UDP is not acceptable for zone transfers, but is the recommended method for standard queries in the Internet. Queries sent using UDP may be lost, and hence a retransmission strategy is required. Queries or their responses may be reordered by the network, or by processing in name servers, so resolvers should not depend on them being returned in order. The optimal UDP retransmission policy will vary with performance of the Internet and the needs of the client, but the following are recommended: - The client should try other servers and server addresses before repeating a query to a specific address of a server. - The retransmission interval should be based on prior statistics if possible. Too aggressive retransmission can easily slow responses for the community at large. Depending on how well connected the client is to its expected servers, the minimum retransmission interval should be 2-5 seconds. More suggestions on server selection and retransmission policy can be found in the resolver section of this memo. 4.2.2. TCP usage Messages sent over TCP connections use server port 53 (decimal). The message is prefixed with a two byte length field which gives the message Mockapetris [Page 32] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 length, excluding the two byte length field. This length field allows the low-level processing to assemble a complete message before beginning to parse it. Several connection management policies are recommended: - The server should not block other activities waiting for TCP data. - The server should support multiple connections. - The server should assume that the client will initiate connection closing, and should delay closing its end of the connection until all outstanding client requests have been satisfied. - If the server needs to close a dormant connection to reclaim resources, it should wait until the connection has been idle for a period on the order of two minutes. In particular, the server should allow the SOA and AXFR request sequence (which begins a refresh operation) to be made on a single connection. Since the server would be unable to answer queries anyway, a unilateral close or reset may be used instead of a graceful close. 5. MASTER FILES Master files are text files that contain RRs in text form. Since the contents of a zone can be expressed in the form of a list of RRs a master file is most often used to define a zone, though it can be used to list a cache's contents. Hence, this section first discusses the format of RRs in a master file, and then the special considerations when a master file is used to create a zone in some name server. 5.1. Format The format of these files is a sequence of entries. Entries are predominantly line-oriented, though parentheses can be used to continue a list of items across a line boundary, and text literals can contain CRLF within the text. Any combination of tabs and spaces act as a delimiter between the separate items that make up an entry. The end of any line in the master file can end with a comment. The comment starts with a ";" (semicolon). The following entries are defined: <blank>[<comment>] Mockapetris [Page 33] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 $ORIGIN <domain-name> [<comment>] $INCLUDE <file-name> [<domain-name>] [<comment>] <domain-name><rr> [<comment>] <blank><rr> [<comment>] Blank lines, with or without comments, are allowed anywhere in the file. Two control entries are defined: $ORIGIN and $INCLUDE. $ORIGIN is followed by a domain name, and resets the current origin for relative domain names to the stated name. $INCLUDE inserts the named file into the current file, and may optionally specify a domain name that sets the relative domain name origin for the included file. $INCLUDE may also have a comment. Note that a $INCLUDE entry never changes the relative origin of the parent file, regardless of changes to the relative origin made within the included file. The last two forms represent RRs. If an entry for an RR begins with a blank, then the RR is assumed to be owned by the last stated owner. If an RR entry begins with a <domain-name>, then the owner name is reset. <rr> contents take one of the following forms: [<TTL>] [<class>] <type> <RDATA> [<class>] [<TTL>] <type> <RDATA> The RR begins with optional TTL and class fields, followed by a type and RDATA field appropriate to the type and class. Class and type use the standard mnemonics, TTL is a decimal integer. Omitted class and TTL values are default to the last explicitly stated values. Since type and class mnemonics are disjoint, the parse is unique. (Note that this order is different from the order used in examples and the order used in the actual RRs; the given order allows easier parsing and defaulting.) <domain-name>s make up a large share of the data in the master file. The labels in the domain name are expressed as character strings and separated by dots. Quoting conventions allow arbitrary characters to be stored in domain names. Domain names that end in a dot are called absolute, and are taken as complete. Domain names which do not end in a dot are called relative; the actual domain name is the concatenation of the relative part with an origin specified in a $ORIGIN, $INCLUDE, or as an argument to the master file loading routine. A relative name is an error when no origin is available. Mockapetris [Page 34] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 <character-string> is expressed in one or two ways: as a contiguous set of characters without interior spaces, or as a string beginning with a " and ending with a ". Inside a " delimited string any character can occur, except for a " itself, which must be quoted using \ (back slash). Because these files are text files several special encodings are necessary to allow arbitrary data to be loaded. In particular: of the root. @ A free standing @ is used to denote the current origin. \X where X is any character other than a digit (0-9), is used to quote that character so that its special meaning does not apply. For example, "\." can be used to place a dot character in a label. \DDD where each D is a digit is the octet corresponding to the decimal number described by DDD. The resulting octet is assumed to be text and is not checked for special meaning. ( ) Parentheses are used to group data that crosses a line boundary. In effect, line terminations are not recognized within parentheses. ; Semicolon is used to start a comment; the remainder of the line is ignored. 5.2. Use of master files to define zones When a master file is used to load a zone, the operation should be suppressed if any errors are encountered in the master file. The rationale for this is that a single error can have widespread consequences. For example, suppose that the RRs defining a delegation have syntax errors; then the server will return authoritative name errors for all names in the subzone (except in the case where the subzone is also present on the server). Several other validity checks that should be performed in addition to insuring that the file is syntactically correct: 1. All RRs in the file should have the same class. 2. Exactly one SOA RR should be present at the top of the zone. 3. If delegations are present and glue information is required, it should be present. Mockapetris [Page 35] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 4. Information present outside of the authoritative nodes in the zone should be glue information, rather than the result of an origin or similar error. 5.3. Master file example The following is an example file which might be used to define the ISI.EDU zone.and is loaded with an origin of ISI.EDU: @ IN SOA VENERA Action\.domains ( 20 ; SERIAL 7200 ; REFRESH 600 ; RETRY 3600000; EXPIRE 60) ; MINIMUM NS A.ISI.EDU. NS VENERA NS VAXA MX 10 VENERA MX 20 VAXA A A VENERA A A VAXA A A $INCLUDE <SUBSYS>ISI-MAILBOXES.TXT Where the file <SUBSYS>ISI-MAILBOXES.TXT is: MOE MB A.ISI.EDU. LARRY MB A.ISI.EDU. CURLEY MB A.ISI.EDU. STOOGES MG MOE MG LARRY MG CURLEY Note the use of the \ character in the SOA RR to specify the responsible person mailbox "". Mockapetris [Page 36] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 6. NAME SERVER IMPLEMENTATION 6.1. Architecture The optimal structure for the name server will depend on the host operating system and whether the name server is integrated with resolver operations, either by supporting recursive service, or by sharing its database with a resolver. This section discusses implementation considerations for a name server which shares a database with a resolver, but most of these concerns are present in any name server. 6.1.1. Control A name server must employ multiple concurrent activities, whether they are implemented as separate tasks in the host's OS or multiplexing inside a single name server program. It is simply not acceptable for a name server to block the service of UDP requests while it waits for TCP data for refreshing or query activities. Similarly, a name server should not attempt to provide recursive service without processing such requests in parallel, though it may choose to serialize requests from a single client, or to regard identical requests from the same client as duplicates. A name server should not substantially delay requests while it reloads a zone from master files or while it incorporates a newly refreshed zone into its database. 6.1.2. Database While name server implementations are free to use any internal data structures they choose, the suggested structure consists of three major parts: - A "catalog" data structure which lists the zones available to this server, and a "pointer" to the zone data structure. The main purpose of this structure is to find the nearest ancestor zone, if any, for arriving standard queries. - Separate data structures for each of the zones held by the name server. - A data structure for cached data. (or perhaps separate caches for different classes) All of these data structures can be implemented an identical tree structure format, with different data chained off the nodes in different parts: in the catalog the data is pointers to zones, while in the zone and cache data structures, the data will be RRs. In designing the tree framework the designer should recognize that query processing will need to traverse the tree using case-insensitive label comparisons; and that Mockapetris [Page 37] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 in real data, a few nodes have a very high branching factor (100-1000 or more), but the vast majority have a very low branching factor (0-1). One way to solve the case problem is to store the labels for each node in two pieces: a standardized-case representation of the label where all ASCII characters are in a single case, together with a bit mask that denotes which characters are actually of a different case. The branching factor diversity can be handled using a simple linked list for a node until the branching factor exceeds some threshold, and transitioning to a hash structure after the threshold is exceeded. In any case, hash structures used to store tree sections must insure that hash functions and procedures preserve the casing conventions of the DNS. The use of separate structures for the different parts of the database is motivated by several factors: - The catalog structure can be an almost static structure that need change only when the system administrator changes the zones supported by the server. This structure can also be used to store parameters used to control refreshing activities. - The individual data structures for zones allow a zone to be replaced simply by changing a pointer in the catalog. Zone refresh operations can build a new structure and, when complete, splice it into the database via a simple pointer replacement. It is very important that when a zone is refreshed, queries should not use old and new data simultaneously. - With the proper search procedures, authoritative data in zones will always "hide", and hence take precedence over, cached data. - Errors in zone definitions that cause overlapping zones, etc., may cause erroneous responses to queries, but problem determination is simplified, and the contents of one "bad" zone can't corrupt another. - Since the cache is most frequently updated, it is most vulnerable to corruption during system restarts. It can also become full of expired RR data. In either case, it can easily be discarded without disturbing zone data. A major aspect of database design is selecting a structure which allows the name server to deal with crashes of the name server's host. State information which a name server should save across system crashes Mockapetris [Page 38] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 includes the catalog structure (including the state of refreshing for each zone) and the zone data itself. 6.1.3. Time Both the TTL data for RRs and the timing data for refreshing activities depends on 32 bit timers in units of seconds. Inside the database, refresh timers and TTLs for cached data conceptually "count down", while data in the zone stays with constant TTLs. A recommended implementation strategy is to store time in two ways: as a relative increment and as an absolute time. One way to do this is to use positive 32 bit numbers for one type and negative numbers for the other. The RRs in zones use relative times; the refresh timers and cache data use absolute times. Absolute numbers are taken with respect to some known origin and converted to relative values when placed in the response to a query. When an absolute TTL is negative after conversion to relative, then the data is expired and should be ignored. 6.2. Standard query processing The major algorithm for standard query processing is presented in [RFC-1034]. When processing queries with QCLASS=*, or some other QCLASS which matches multiple classes, the response should never be authoritative unless the server can guarantee that the response covers all classes. When composing a response, RRs which are to be inserted in the additional section, but duplicate RRs in the answer or authority sections, may be omitted from the additional section. When a response is so long that truncation is required, the truncation should start at the end of the response and work forward in the datagram. Thus if there is any data for the authority section, the answer section is guaranteed to be unique. The MINIMUM value in the SOA should be used to set a floor on the TTL of data distributed from a zone. This floor function should be done when the data is copied into a response. This will allow future dynamic update protocols to change the SOA MINIMUM field without ambiguous semantics. 6.3. Zone refresh and reload processing In spite of a server's best efforts, it may be unable to load zone data from a master file due to syntax errors, etc., or be unable to refresh a zone within the its expiration parameter. In this case, the name server Mockapetris [Page 39] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 should answer queries as if it were not supposed to possess the zone. If a master is sending a zone out via AXFR, and a new version is created during the transfer, the master should continue to send the old version if possible. In any case, it should never send part of one version and part of another. If completion is not possible, the master should reset the connection on which the zone transfer is taking place. 6.4. Inverse queries (Optional) Inverse queries are an optional part of the DNS. Name servers are not required to support any form of inverse queries. If a name server receives an inverse query that it does not support, it returns an error response with the "Not Implemented" error set in the header. While inverse query support is optional, all name servers must be at least able to return the error response. 6.4.1. The contents of inverse queries and responses Inverse queries reverse the mappings performed by standard query operations; while a standard query maps a domain name to a resource, an inverse query maps a resource to a domain name. For example, a standard query might bind a domain name to a host address; the corresponding inverse query binds the host address to a domain name. Inverse queries take the form of a single RR in the answer section of the message, with an empty question section. The owner name of the query RR and its TTL are not significant. The response carries questions in the question section which identify all names possessing the query RR WHICH THE NAME SERVER KNOWS. Since no name server knows about all of the domain name space, the response can never be assumed to be complete. Thus inverse queries are primarily useful for database management and debugging activities. Inverse queries are NOT an acceptable method of mapping host addresses to host names; use the IN- ADDR.ARPA domain instead. Where possible, name servers should provide case-insensitive comparisons for inverse queries. Thus an inverse query asking for an MX RR of "" should get the same response as a query for "VENERA.ISI.EDU"; an inverse query for HINFO RR "IBM-PC UNIX" should produce the same result as an inverse query for "IBM-pc unix". However, this cannot be guaranteed because name servers may possess RRs that contain character strings but the name server does not know that the data is character. When a name server processes an inverse query, it either returns: 1. zero, one, or multiple domain names for the specified resource as QNAMEs in the question section Mockapetris [Page 40] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 2. an error code indicating that the name server doesn't support inverse mapping of the specified resource type. When the response to an inverse query contains one or more QNAMEs, the owner name and TTL of the RR in the answer section which defines the inverse query is modified to exactly match an RR found at the first QNAME. RRs returned in the inverse queries cannot be cached using the same mechanism as is used for the replies to standard queries. One reason for this is that a name might have multiple RRs of the same type, and only one would appear. For example, an inverse query for a single address of a multiply homed host might create the impression that only one address existed. 6.4.2. Inverse query and response example The overall structure of an inverse query for retrieving the domain name that corresponds to Internet address is shown below: +-----------------------------------------+ Header | OPCODE=IQUERY, ID=997 | +-----------------------------------------+ Question | <empty> | +-----------------------------------------+ Answer | <anyname> A IN | +-----------------------------------------+ Authority | <empty> | +-----------------------------------------+ Additional | <empty> | +-----------------------------------------+ This query asks for a question whose answer is the Internet style address Since the owner name is not known, any domain name can be used as a placeholder (and is ignored). A single octet of zero, signifying the root, is usually used because it minimizes the length of the message. The TTL of the RR is not significant. The response to this query might be: Mockapetris [Page 41] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 +-----------------------------------------+ Header | OPCODE=RESPONSE, ID=997 | +-----------------------------------------+ Question |QTYPE=A, QCLASS=IN, QNAME=VENERA.ISI.EDU | +-----------------------------------------+ Answer | VENERA.ISI.EDU A IN | +-----------------------------------------+ Authority | <empty> | +-----------------------------------------+ Additional | <empty> | +-----------------------------------------+ Note that the QTYPE in a response to an inverse query is the same as the TYPE field in the answer section of the inverse query. Responses to inverse queries may contain multiple questions when the inverse is not unique. If the question section in the response is not empty, then the RR in the answer section is modified to correspond to be an exact copy of an RR at the first QNAME. 6.4.3. Inverse query processing Name servers that support inverse queries can support these operations through exhaustive searches of their databases, but this becomes impractical as the size of the database increases. An alternative approach is to invert the database according to the search key. For name servers that support multiple zones and a large amount of data, the recommended approach is separate inversions for each zone. When a particular zone is changed during a refresh, only its inversions need to be redone. Support for transfer of this type of inversion may be included in future versions of the domain system, but is not supported in this version. 6.5. Completion queries and responses The optional completion services described in RFC-882 and RFC-883 have been deleted. Redesigned services may become available in the future. Mockapetris [Page 42] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 7. RESOLVER IMPLEMENTATION The top levels of the recommended resolver algorithm are discussed in [RFC-1034]. This section discusses implementation details assuming the database structure suggested in the name server implementation section of this memo. 7.1. Transforming a user request into a query The first step a resolver takes is to transform the client's request, stated in a format suitable to the local OS, into a search specification for RRs at a specific name which match a specific QTYPE and QCLASS. Where possible, the QTYPE and QCLASS should correspond to a single type and a single class, because this makes the use of cached data much simpler. The reason for this is that the presence of data of one type in a cache doesn't confirm the existence or non-existence of data of other types, hence the only way to be sure is to consult an authoritative source. If QCLASS=* is used, then authoritative answers won't be available. Since a resolver must be able to multiplex multiple requests if it is to perform its function efficiently, each pending request is usually represented in some block of state information. This state block will typically contain: - A timestamp indicating the time the request began. The timestamp is used to decide whether RRs in the database can be used or are out of date. This timestamp uses the absolute time format previously discussed for RR storage in zones and caches. Note that when an RRs TTL indicates a relative time, the RR must be timely, since it is part of a zone. When the RR has an absolute time, it is part of a cache, and the TTL of the RR is compared against the timestamp for the start of the request. Note that using the timestamp is superior to using a current time, since it allows RRs with TTLs of zero to be entered in the cache in the usual manner, but still used by the current request, even after intervals of many seconds due to system load, query retransmission timeouts, etc. - Some sort of parameters to limit the amount of work which will be performed for this request. The amount of work which a resolver will do in response to a client request must be limited to guard against errors in the database, such as circular CNAME references, and operational problems, such as network partition which prevents the Mockapetris [Page 43] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 resolver from accessing the name servers it needs. While local limits on the number of times a resolver will retransmit a particular query to a particular name server address are essential, the resolver should have a global per-request counter to limit work on a single request. The counter should be set to some initial value and decremented whenever the resolver performs any action (retransmission timeout, retransmission, etc.) If the counter passes zero, the request is terminated with a temporary error. Note that if the resolver structure allows one request to start others in parallel, such as when the need to access a name server for one request causes a parallel resolve for the name server's addresses, the spawned request should be started with a lower counter. This prevents circular references in the database from starting a chain reaction of resolver activity. - The SLIST data structure discussed in [RFC-1034]. This structure keeps track of the state of a request if it must wait for answers from foreign name servers. 7.2. Sending the queries As described in [RFC-1034], the basic task of the resolver is to formulate a query which will answer the client's request and direct that query to name servers which can provide the information. The resolver will usually only have very strong hints about which servers to ask, in the form of NS RRs, and may have to revise the query, in response to CNAMEs, or revise the set of name servers the resolver is asking, in response to delegation responses which point the resolver to name servers closer to the desired information. In addition to the information requested by the client, the resolver may have to call upon its own services to determine the address of name servers it wishes to contact. In any case, the model used in this memo assumes that the resolver is multiplexing attention between multiple requests, some from the client, and some internally generated. Each request is represented by some state information, and the desired behavior is that the resolver transmit queries to name servers in a way that maximizes the probability that the request is answered, minimizes the time that the request takes, and avoids excessive transmissions. The key algorithm uses the state information of the request to select the next name server address to query, and also computes a timeout which will cause the next action should a response not arrive. The next action will usually be a transmission to some other server, but may be a temporary error to the Mockapetris [Page 44] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 client. The resolver always starts with a list of server names to query (SLIST). This list will be all NS RRs which correspond to the nearest ancestor zone that the resolver knows about. To avoid startup problems, the resolver should have a set of default servers which it will ask should it have no current NS RRs which are appropriate. The resolver then adds to SLIST all of the known addresses for the name servers, and may start parallel requests to acquire the addresses of the servers when the resolver has the name, but no addresses, for the name servers. To complete initialization of SLIST, the resolver attaches whatever history information it has to the each address in SLIST. This will usually consist of some sort of weighted averages for the response time of the address, and the batting average of the address (i.e., how often the address responded at all to the request). Note that this information should be kept on a per address basis, rather than on a per name server basis, because the response time and batting average of a particular server may vary considerably from address to address. Note also that this information is actually specific to a resolver address / server address pair, so a resolver with multiple addresses may wish to keep separate histories for each of its addresses. Part of this step must deal with addresses which have no such history; in this case an expected round trip time of 5-10 seconds should be the worst case, with lower estimates for the same local network, etc. Note that whenever a delegation is followed, the resolver algorithm reinitializes SLIST. The information establishes a partial ranking of the available name server addresses. Each time an address is chosen and the state should be altered to prevent its selection again until all other addresses have been tried. The timeout for each transmission should be 50-100% greater than the average predicted value to allow for variance in response. Some fine points: - The resolver may encounter a situation where no addresses are available for any of the name servers named in SLIST, and where the servers in the list are precisely those which would normally be used to look up their own addresses. This situation typically occurs when the glue address RRs have a smaller TTL than the NS RRs marking delegation, or when the resolver caches the result of a NS search. The resolver should detect this condition and restart the search at the next ancestor zone, or alternatively at the root. Mockapetris [Page 45] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 - If a resolver gets a server error or other bizarre response from a name server, it should remove it from SLIST, and may wish to schedule an immediate transmission to the next candidate server address. 7.3. Processing responses The first step in processing arriving response datagrams is to parse the response. This procedure should include: - Check the header for reasonableness. Discard datagrams which are queries when responses are expected. - Parse the sections of the message, and insure that all RRs are correctly formatted. - As an optional step, check the TTLs of arriving data looking for RRs with excessively long TTLs. If a RR has an excessively long TTL, say greater than 1 week, either discard the whole response, or limit all TTLs in the response to 1 week. The next step is to match the response to a current resolver request. The recommended strategy is to do a preliminary matching using the ID field in the domain header, and then to verify that the question section corresponds to the information currently desired. This requires that the transmission algorithm devote several bits of the domain ID field to a request identifier of some sort. This step has several fine points: - Some name servers send their responses from different addresses than the one used to receive the query. That is, a resolver cannot rely that a response will come from the same address which it sent the corresponding query to. This name server bug is typically encountered in UNIX systems. - If the resolver retransmits a particular request to a name server it should be able to use a response from any of the transmissions. However, if it is using the response to sample the round trip time to access the name server, it must be able to determine which transmission matches the response (and keep transmission times for each outgoing message), or only calculate round trip times based on initial transmissions. - A name server will occasionally not have a current copy of a zone which it should have according to some NS RRs. The resolver should simply remove the name server from the current SLIST, and continue. Mockapetris [Page 46] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 7.4. Using the cache In general, we expect a resolver to cache all data which it receives in responses since it may be useful in answering future client requests. However, there are several types of data which should not be cached: - When several RRs of the same type are available for a particular owner name, the resolver should either cache them all or none at all. When a response is truncated, and a resolver doesn't know whether it has a complete set, it should not cache a possibly partial set of RRs. - Cached data should never be used in preference to authoritative data, so if caching would cause this to happen the data should not be cached. - The results of an inverse query should not be cached. - The results of standard queries where the QNAME contains "*" labels if the data might be used to construct wildcards. The reason is that the cache does not necessarily contain existing RRs or zone boundary information which is necessary to restrict the application of the wildcard RRs. - RR data in responses of dubious reliability. When a resolver receives unsolicited responses or RR data other than that requested, it should discard it without caching it. The basic implication is that all sanity checks on a packet should be performed before any of it is cached. In a similar vein, when a resolver has a set of RRs for some name in a response, and wants to cache the RRs, it should check its cache for already existing RRs. Depending on the circumstances, either the data in the response or the cache is preferred, but the two should never be combined. If the data in the response is from authoritative data in the answer section, it is always preferred. 8. MAIL SUPPORT The domain system defines a standard for mapping mailboxes into domain names, and two methods for using the mailbox information to derive mail routing information. The first method is called mail exchange binding and the other method is mailbox binding. The mailbox encoding standard and mail exchange binding are part of the DNS official protocol, and are the recommended method for mail routing in the Internet. Mailbox binding is an experimental feature which is still under development and subject to change. Mockapetris [Page 47] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 The mailbox encoding standard assumes a mailbox name of the form "<local-part>@<mail-domain>". While the syntax allowed in each of these sections varies substantially between the various mail internets, the preferred syntax for the ARPA Internet is given in [RFC-822]. The DNS encodes the <local-part> as a single label, and encodes the <mail-domain> as a domain name. The single label from the <local-part> is prefaced to the domain name from <mail-domain> to form the domain name corresponding to the mailbox. Thus the mailbox HOSTMASTER@SRI- NIC.ARPA is mapped into the domain name HOSTMASTER.SRI-NIC.ARPA. If the <local-part> contains dots or other special characters, its representation in a master file will require the use of backslash quoting to ensure that the domain name is properly encoded. For example, the mailbox would be represented as Action\.domains.ISI.EDU. 8.1. Mail exchange binding Mail exchange binding uses the <mail-domain> part of a mailbox specification to determine where mail should be sent. The <local-part> is not even consulted. [RFC-974] specifies this method in detail, and should be consulted before attempting to use mail exchange support. One of the advantages of this method is that it decouples mail destination naming from the hosts used to support mail service, at the cost of another layer of indirection in the lookup function. However, the addition layer should eliminate the need for complicated "%", "!", etc encodings in <local-part>. The essence of the method is that the <mail-domain> is used as a domain name to locate type MX RRs which list hosts willing to accept mail for <mail-domain>, together with preference values which rank the hosts according to an order specified by the administrators for <mail-domain>. In this memo, the <mail-domain> ISI.EDU is used in examples, together with the hosts VENERA.ISI.EDU and VAXA.ISI.EDU as mail exchanges for ISI.EDU. If a mailer had a message for Mockapetris@ISI.EDU, it would route it by looking up MX RRs for ISI.EDU. The MX RRs at ISI.EDU name VENERA.ISI.EDU and VAXA.ISI.EDU, and type A queries can find the host addresses. 8.2. Mailbox binding (Experimental) In mailbox binding, the mailer uses the entire mail destination specification to construct a domain name. The encoded domain name for the mailbox is used as the QNAME field in a QTYPE=MAILB query. Several outcomes are possible for this query: Mockapetris [Page 48] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 1. The query can return a name error indicating that the mailbox does not exist as a domain name. In the long term, this would indicate that the specified mailbox doesn't exist. However, until the use of mailbox binding is universal, this error condition should be interpreted to mean that the organization identified by the global part does not support mailbox binding. The appropriate procedure is to revert to exchange binding at this point. 2. The query can return a Mail Rename (MR) RR. The MR RR carries new mailbox specification in its RDATA field. The mailer should replace the old mailbox with the new one and retry the operation. 3. The query can return a MB RR. The MB RR carries a domain name for a host in its RDATA field. The mailer should deliver the message to that host via whatever protocol is applicable, e.g., b,SMTP. 4. The query can return one or more Mail Group (MG) RRs. This condition means that the mailbox was actually a mailing list or mail group, rather than a single mailbox. Each MG RR has a RDATA field that identifies a mailbox that is a member of the group. The mailer should deliver a copy of the message to each member. 5. The query can return a MB RR as well as one or more MG RRs. This condition means the the mailbox was actually a mailing list. The mailer can either deliver the message to the host specified by the MB RR, which will in turn do the delivery to all members, or the mailer can use the MG RRs to do the expansion itself. In any of these cases, the response may include a Mail Information (MINFO) RR. This RR is usually associated with a mail group, but is legal with a MB. The MINFO RR identifies two mailboxes. One of these identifies a responsible person for the original mailbox name. This mailbox should be used for requests to be added to a mail group, etc. The second mailbox name in the MINFO RR identifies a mailbox that should receive error messages for mail failures. This is particularly appropriate for mailing lists when errors in member names should be reported to a person other than the one who sends a message to the list. Mockapetris [Page 49] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 New fields may be added to this RR in the future. 9. REFERENCES and BIBLIOGRAPHY [Dyer 87] S. Dyer, F. Hsu, "Hesiod", Project Athena Technical Plan - Name Service, April 1987, version 1.9. Describes the fundamentals of the Hesiod name service. [IEN-116] J. Postel, "Internet Name Server", IEN-116, USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1979. A name service obsoleted by the Domain Name System, but still in use. [Quarterman 86] J. Quarterman, and J. Hoskins, "Notable Computer Networks", Communications of the ACM, October 1986, volume 29, number 10. [RFC-742] K. Harrenstien, "NAME/FINGER", RFC-742, Network Information Center, SRI International, December 1977. [RFC-768] J. Postel, "User Datagram Protocol", RFC-768, USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1980. [RFC-793] J. Postel, "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC-793, USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981. [RFC-799] D. Mills, "Internet Name Domains", RFC-799, COMSAT, September 1981. Suggests introduction of a hierarchy in place of a flat name space for the Internet. [RFC-805] J. Postel, "Computer Mail Meeting Notes", RFC-805, USC/Information Sciences Institute, February 1982. [RFC-810] E. Feinler, K. Harrenstien, Z. Su, and V. White, "DOD Internet Host Table Specification", RFC-810, Network Information Center, SRI International, March 1982. Obsolete. See RFC-952. [RFC-811] K. Harrenstien, V. White, and E. Feinler, "Hostnames Server", RFC-811, Network Information Center, SRI International, March 1982. Mockapetris [Page 50] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 Obsolete. See RFC-953. [RFC-812] K. Harrenstien, and V. White, "NICNAME/WHOIS", RFC-812, Network Information Center, SRI International, March 1982. [RFC-819] Z. Su, and J. Postel, "The Domain Naming Convention for Internet User Applications", RFC-819, Network Information Center, SRI International, August 1982. Early thoughts on the design of the domain system. Current implementation is completely different. [RFC-821] J. Postel, "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC-821, USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1980. [RFC-830] Z. Su, "A Distributed System for Internet Name Service", RFC-830, Network Information Center, SRI International, October 1982. Early thoughts on the design of the domain system. Current implementation is completely different. [RFC-882] P. Mockapetris, "Domain names - Concepts and Facilities," RFC-882, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 1983. Superceeded by this memo. [RFC-883] P. Mockapetris, "Domain names - Implementation and Specification," RFC-883, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 1983. Superceeded by this memo. [RFC-920] J. Postel and J. Reynolds, "Domain Requirements", RFC-920, USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1984. Explains the naming scheme for top level domains. [RFC-952] K. Harrenstien, M. Stahl, E. Feinler, "DoD Internet Host Table Specification", RFC-952, SRI, October 1985. Specifies the format of HOSTS.TXT, the host/address table replaced by the DNS. Mockapetris [Page 51] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 [RFC-953] K. Harrenstien, M. Stahl, E. Feinler, "HOSTNAME Server", RFC-953, SRI, October 1985. This RFC contains the official specification of the hostname server protocol, which is obsoleted by the DNS. This TCP based protocol accesses information stored in the RFC-952 format, and is used to obtain copies of the host table. [RFC-973] P. Mockapetris, "Domain System Changes and Observations", RFC-973, USC/Information Sciences Institute, January 1986. Describes changes to RFC-882 and RFC-883 and reasons for them. [RFC-974] C. Partridge, "Mail routing and the domain system", RFC-974, CSNET CIC BBN Labs, January 1986. Describes the transition from HOSTS.TXT based mail addressing to the more powerful MX system used with the domain system. [RFC-1001] NetBIOS Working Group, "Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP transport: Concepts and Methods", RFC-1001, March 1987. This RFC and RFC-1002 are a preliminary design for NETBIOS on top of TCP/IP which proposes to base NetBIOS name service on top of the DNS. [RFC-1002] NetBIOS Working Group, "Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP transport: Detailed Specifications", RFC-1002, March 1987. [RFC-1010] J. Reynolds, and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", RFC-1010, USC/Information Sciences Institute, May 1987. Contains socket numbers and mnemonics for host names, operating systems, etc. [RFC-1031] W. Lazear, "MILNET Name Domain Transition", RFC-1031, November 1987. Describes a plan for converting the MILNET to the DNS. [RFC-1032] M. Stahl, "Establishing a Domain - Guidelines for Administrators", RFC-1032, November 1987. Mockapetris [Page 52] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 Describes the registration policies used by the NIC to administer the top level domains and delegate subzones. [RFC-1033] M. Lottor, "Domain Administrators Operations Guide", RFC-1033, November 1987. A cookbook for domain administrators. [Solomon 82] M. Solomon, L. Landweber, and D. Neuhengen, "The CSNET Name Server", Computer Networks, vol 6, nr 3, July 1982. Describes a name service for CSNET which is independent from the DNS and DNS use in the CSNET. Mockapetris [Page 53] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 Index * 13 ; 33, 35 <character-string> 35 <domain-name> 34 @ 35 \ 35 A 12 Byte order 8 CH 13 Character case 9 CLASS 11 CNAME 12 Completion 42 CS 13 Hesiod 13 HINFO 12 HS 13 IN 13 IN-ADDR.ARPA domain 22 Inverse queries 40 Mailbox names 47 MB 12 MD 12 MF 12 MG 12 MINFO 12 MINIMUM 20 MR 12 MX 12 NS 12 NULL 12 Port numbers 32 Primary server 5 PTR 12, 18 Mockapetris [Page 54] RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987 QCLASS 13 QTYPE 12 RDATA 12 RDLENGTH 11 Secondary server 5 SOA 12 Stub resolvers 7 TCP 32 TXT 12 TYPE 11 UDP 32 WKS 12 Mockapetris [Page 55] \ No newline at end of file
+Network Working Group P. Mockapetris
+Request for Comments: 1035 ISI
+ November 1987
+Obsoletes: RFCs 882, 883, 973
+This RFC describes the details of the domain system and protocol, and
+assumes that the reader is familiar with the concepts discussed in a
+companion RFC, "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities" [RFC-1034].
+The domain system is a mixture of functions and data types which are an
+official protocol and functions and data types which are still
+experimental. Since the domain system is intentionally extensible, new
+data types and experimental behavior should always be expected in parts
+of the system beyond the official protocol. The official protocol parts
+include standard queries, responses and the Internet class RR data
+formats (e.g., host addresses). Since the previous RFC set, several
+definitions have changed, so some previous definitions are obsolete.
+Experimental or obsolete features are clearly marked in these RFCs, and
+such information should be used with caution.
+The reader is especially cautioned not to depend on the values which
+appear in examples to be current or complete, since their purpose is
+primarily pedagogical. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+ Table of Contents
+ 2.1. Overview 3
+ 2.2. Common configurations 4
+ 2.3. Conventions 7
+ 2.3.1. Preferred name syntax 7
+ 2.3.2. Data Transmission Order 8
+ 2.3.3. Character Case 9
+ 2.3.4. Size limits 10
+ 3.1. Name space definitions 10
+ 3.2. RR definitions 11
+ 3.2.1. Format 11
+ 3.2.2. TYPE values 12
+ 3.2.3. QTYPE values 12
+ 3.2.4. CLASS values 13
+Mockapetris [Page 1]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ 3.2.5. QCLASS values 13
+ 3.3. Standard RRs 13
+ 3.3.1. CNAME RDATA format 14
+ 3.3.2. HINFO RDATA format 14
+ 3.3.3. MB RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) 14
+ 3.3.4. MD RDATA format (Obsolete) 15
+ 3.3.5. MF RDATA format (Obsolete) 15
+ 3.3.6. MG RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) 16
+ 3.3.7. MINFO RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) 16
+ 3.3.8. MR RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) 17
+ 3.3.9. MX RDATA format 17
+ 3.3.10. NULL RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL) 17
+ 3.3.11. NS RDATA format 18
+ 3.3.12. PTR RDATA format 18
+ 3.3.13. SOA RDATA format 19
+ 3.3.14. TXT RDATA format 20
+ 3.4. ARPA Internet specific RRs 20
+ 3.4.1. A RDATA format 20
+ 3.4.2. WKS RDATA format 21
+ 3.5. IN-ADDR.ARPA domain 22
+ 3.6. Defining new types, classes, and special namespaces 24
+ 4. MESSAGES 25
+ 4.1. Format 25
+ 4.1.1. Header section format 26
+ 4.1.2. Question section format 28
+ 4.1.3. Resource record format 29
+ 4.1.4. Message compression 30
+ 4.2. Transport 32
+ 4.2.1. UDP usage 32
+ 4.2.2. TCP usage 32
+ 5.1. Format 33
+ 5.2. Use of master files to define zones 35
+ 5.3. Master file example 36
+ 6.1. Architecture 37
+ 6.1.1. Control 37
+ 6.1.2. Database 37
+ 6.1.3. Time 39
+ 6.2. Standard query processing 39
+ 6.3. Zone refresh and reload processing 39
+ 6.4. Inverse queries (Optional) 40
+ 6.4.1. The contents of inverse queries and responses 40
+ 6.4.2. Inverse query and response example 41
+ 6.4.3. Inverse query processing 42
+Mockapetris [Page 2]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ 6.5. Completion queries and responses 42
+ 7.1. Transforming a user request into a query 43
+ 7.2. Sending the queries 44
+ 7.3. Processing responses 46
+ 7.4. Using the cache 47
+ 8.1. Mail exchange binding 48
+ 8.2. Mailbox binding (Experimental) 48
+ Index 54
+2.1. Overview
+The goal of domain names is to provide a mechanism for naming resources
+in such a way that the names are usable in different hosts, networks,
+protocol families, internets, and administrative organizations.
+From the user's point of view, domain names are useful as arguments to a
+local agent, called a resolver, which retrieves information associated
+with the domain name. Thus a user might ask for the host address or
+mail information associated with a particular domain name. To enable
+the user to request a particular type of information, an appropriate
+query type is passed to the resolver with the domain name. To the user,
+the domain tree is a single information space; the resolver is
+responsible for hiding the distribution of data among name servers from
+the user.
+From the resolver's point of view, the database that makes up the domain
+space is distributed among various name servers. Different parts of the
+domain space are stored in different name servers, although a particular
+data item will be stored redundantly in two or more name servers. The
+resolver starts with knowledge of at least one name server. When the
+resolver processes a user query it asks a known name server for the
+information; in return, the resolver either receives the desired
+information or a referral to another name server. Using these
+referrals, resolvers learn the identities and contents of other name
+servers. Resolvers are responsible for dealing with the distribution of
+the domain space and dealing with the effects of name server failure by
+consulting redundant databases in other servers.
+Name servers manage two kinds of data. The first kind of data held in
+sets called zones; each zone is the complete database for a particular
+"pruned" subtree of the domain space. This data is called
+authoritative. A name server periodically checks to make sure that its
+zones are up to date, and if not, obtains a new copy of updated zones
+Mockapetris [Page 3]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+from master files stored locally or in another name server. The second
+kind of data is cached data which was acquired by a local resolver.
+This data may be incomplete, but improves the performance of the
+retrieval process when non-local data is repeatedly accessed. Cached
+data is eventually discarded by a timeout mechanism.
+This functional structure isolates the problems of user interface,
+failure recovery, and distribution in the resolvers and isolates the
+database update and refresh problems in the name servers.
+2.2. Common configurations
+A host can participate in the domain name system in a number of ways,
+depending on whether the host runs programs that retrieve information
+from the domain system, name servers that answer queries from other
+hosts, or various combinations of both functions. The simplest, and
+perhaps most typical, configuration is shown below:
+ Local Host | Foreign
+ |
+ +---------+ +----------+ | +--------+
+ | | user queries | |queries | | |
+ | User |-------------->| |---------|->|Foreign |
+ | Program | | Resolver | | | Name |
+ | |<--------------| |<--------|--| Server |
+ | | user responses| |responses| | |
+ +---------+ +----------+ | +--------+
+ | A |
+ cache additions | | references |
+ V | |
+ +----------+ |
+ | cache | |
+ +----------+ |
+User programs interact with the domain name space through resolvers; the
+format of user queries and user responses is specific to the host and
+its operating system. User queries will typically be operating system
+calls, and the resolver and its cache will be part of the host operating
+system. Less capable hosts may choose to implement the resolver as a
+subroutine to be linked in with every program that needs its services.
+Resolvers answer user queries with information they acquire via queries
+to foreign name servers and the local cache.
+Note that the resolver may have to make several queries to several
+different foreign name servers to answer a particular user query, and
+hence the resolution of a user query may involve several network
+accesses and an arbitrary amount of time. The queries to foreign name
+servers and the corresponding responses have a standard format described
+Mockapetris [Page 4]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+in this memo, and may be datagrams.
+Depending on its capabilities, a name server could be a stand alone
+program on a dedicated machine or a process or processes on a large
+timeshared host. A simple configuration might be:
+ Local Host | Foreign
+ |
+ +---------+ |
+ / /| |
+ +---------+ | +----------+ | +--------+
+ | | | | |responses| | |
+ | | | | Name |---------|->|Foreign |
+ | Master |-------------->| Server | | |Resolver|
+ | files | | | |<--------|--| |
+ | |/ | | queries | +--------+
+ +---------+ +----------+ |
+Here a primary name server acquires information about one or more zones
+by reading master files from its local file system, and answers queries
+about those zones that arrive from foreign resolvers.
+The DNS requires that all zones be redundantly supported by more than
+one name server. Designated secondary servers can acquire zones and
+check for updates from the primary server using the zone transfer
+protocol of the DNS. This configuration is shown below:
+ Local Host | Foreign
+ |
+ +---------+ |
+ / /| |
+ +---------+ | +----------+ | +--------+
+ | | | | |responses| | |
+ | | | | Name |---------|->|Foreign |
+ | Master |-------------->| Server | | |Resolver|
+ | files | | | |<--------|--| |
+ | |/ | | queries | +--------+
+ +---------+ +----------+ |
+ A |maintenance | +--------+
+ | +------------|->| |
+ | queries | |Foreign |
+ | | | Name |
+ +------------------|--| Server |
+ maintenance responses | +--------+
+In this configuration, the name server periodically establishes a
+virtual circuit to a foreign name server to acquire a copy of a zone or
+to check that an existing copy has not changed. The messages sent for
+Mockapetris [Page 5]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+these maintenance activities follow the same form as queries and
+responses, but the message sequences are somewhat different.
+The information flow in a host that supports all aspects of the domain
+name system is shown below:
+ Local Host | Foreign
+ |
+ +---------+ +----------+ | +--------+
+ | | user queries | |queries | | |
+ | User |-------------->| |---------|->|Foreign |
+ | Program | | Resolver | | | Name |
+ | |<--------------| |<--------|--| Server |
+ | | user responses| |responses| | |
+ +---------+ +----------+ | +--------+
+ | A |
+ cache additions | | references |
+ V | |
+ +----------+ |
+ | Shared | |
+ | database | |
+ +----------+ |
+ A | |
+ +---------+ refreshes | | references |
+ / /| | V |
+ +---------+ | +----------+ | +--------+
+ | | | | |responses| | |
+ | | | | Name |---------|->|Foreign |
+ | Master |-------------->| Server | | |Resolver|
+ | files | | | |<--------|--| |
+ | |/ | | queries | +--------+
+ +---------+ +----------+ |
+ A |maintenance | +--------+
+ | +------------|->| |
+ | queries | |Foreign |
+ | | | Name |
+ +------------------|--| Server |
+ maintenance responses | +--------+
+The shared database holds domain space data for the local name server
+and resolver. The contents of the shared database will typically be a
+mixture of authoritative data maintained by the periodic refresh
+operations of the name server and cached data from previous resolver
+requests. The structure of the domain data and the necessity for
+synchronization between name servers and resolvers imply the general
+characteristics of this database, but the actual format is up to the
+local implementor.
+Mockapetris [Page 6]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+Information flow can also be tailored so that a group of hosts act
+together to optimize activities. Sometimes this is done to offload less
+capable hosts so that they do not have to implement a full resolver.
+This can be appropriate for PCs or hosts which want to minimize the
+amount of new network code which is required. This scheme can also
+allow a group of hosts can share a small number of caches rather than
+maintaining a large number of separate caches, on the premise that the
+centralized caches will have a higher hit ratio. In either case,
+resolvers are replaced with stub resolvers which act as front ends to
+resolvers located in a recursive server in one or more name servers
+known to perform that service:
+ Local Hosts | Foreign
+ |
+ +---------+ |
+ | | responses |
+ | Stub |<--------------------+ |
+ | Resolver| | |
+ | |----------------+ | |
+ +---------+ recursive | | |
+ queries | | |
+ V | |
+ +---------+ recursive +----------+ | +--------+
+ | | queries | |queries | | |
+ | Stub |-------------->| Recursive|---------|->|Foreign |
+ | Resolver| | Server | | | Name |
+ | |<--------------| |<--------|--| Server |
+ +---------+ responses | |responses| | |
+ +----------+ | +--------+
+ | Central | |
+ | cache | |
+ +----------+ |
+In any case, note that domain components are always replicated for
+reliability whenever possible.
+2.3. Conventions
+The domain system has several conventions dealing with low-level, but
+fundamental, issues. While the implementor is free to violate these
+conventions WITHIN HIS OWN SYSTEM, he must observe these conventions in
+ALL behavior observed from other hosts.
+2.3.1. Preferred name syntax
+The DNS specifications attempt to be as general as possible in the rules
+for constructing domain names. The idea is that the name of any
+existing object can be expressed as a domain name with minimal changes.
+Mockapetris [Page 7]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+However, when assigning a domain name for an object, the prudent user
+will select a name which satisfies both the rules of the domain system
+and any existing rules for the object, whether these rules are published
+or implied by existing programs.
+For example, when naming a mail domain, the user should satisfy both the
+rules of this memo and those in RFC-822. When creating a new host name,
+the old rules for HOSTS.TXT should be followed. This avoids problems
+when old software is converted to use domain names.
+The following syntax will result in fewer problems with many
+applications that use domain names (e.g., mail, TELNET).
+<domain> ::= <subdomain> | " "
+<subdomain> ::= <label> | <subdomain> "." <label>
+<label> ::= <letter> [ [ <ldh-str> ] <let-dig> ]
+<ldh-str> ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str>
+<let-dig-hyp> ::= <let-dig> | "-"
+<let-dig> ::= <letter> | <digit>
+<letter> ::= any one of the 52 alphabetic characters A through Z in
+upper case and a through z in lower case
+<digit> ::= any one of the ten digits 0 through 9
+Note that while upper and lower case letters are allowed in domain
+names, no significance is attached to the case. That is, two names with
+the same spelling but different case are to be treated as if identical.
+The labels must follow the rules for ARPANET host names. They must
+start with a letter, end with a letter or digit, and have as interior
+characters only letters, digits, and hyphen. There are also some
+restrictions on the length. Labels must be 63 characters or less.
+For example, the following strings identify hosts in the Internet:
+2.3.2. Data Transmission Order
+The order of transmission of the header and data described in this
+document is resolved to the octet level. Whenever a diagram shows a
+Mockapetris [Page 8]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+group of octets, the order of transmission of those octets is the normal
+order in which they are read in English. For example, in the following
+diagram, the octets are transmitted in the order they are numbered.
+ 0 1
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | 1 | 2 |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | 3 | 4 |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | 5 | 6 |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+Whenever an octet represents a numeric quantity, the left most bit in
+the diagram is the high order or most significant bit. That is, the bit
+labeled 0 is the most significant bit. For example, the following
+diagram represents the value 170 (decimal).
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ |1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0|
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+Similarly, whenever a multi-octet field represents a numeric quantity
+the left most bit of the whole field is the most significant bit. When
+a multi-octet quantity is transmitted the most significant octet is
+transmitted first.
+2.3.3. Character Case
+For all parts of the DNS that are part of the official protocol, all
+comparisons between character strings (e.g., labels, domain names, etc.)
+are done in a case-insensitive manner. At present, this rule is in
+force throughout the domain system without exception. However, future
+additions beyond current usage may need to use the full binary octet
+capabilities in names, so attempts to store domain names in 7-bit ASCII
+or use of special bytes to terminate labels, etc., should be avoided.
+When data enters the domain system, its original case should be
+preserved whenever possible. In certain circumstances this cannot be
+done. For example, if two RRs are stored in a database, one at x.y and
+one at X.Y, they are actually stored at the same place in the database,
+and hence only one casing would be preserved. The basic rule is that
+case can be discarded only when data is used to define structure in a
+database, and two names are identical when compared in a case
+insensitive manner.
+Mockapetris [Page 9]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+Loss of case sensitive data must be minimized. Thus while data for x.y
+and X.Y may both be stored under a single location x.y or X.Y, data for
+a.x and B.X would never be stored under A.x, A.X, b.x, or b.X. In
+general, this preserves the case of the first label of a domain name,
+but forces standardization of interior node labels.
+Systems administrators who enter data into the domain database should
+take care to represent the data they supply to the domain system in a
+case-consistent manner if their system is case-sensitive. The data
+distribution system in the domain system will ensure that consistent
+representations are preserved.
+2.3.4. Size limits
+Various objects and parameters in the DNS have size limits. They are
+listed below. Some could be easily changed, others are more
+labels 63 octets or less
+names 255 octets or less
+TTL positive values of a signed 32 bit number.
+UDP messages 512 octets or less
+3.1. Name space definitions
+Domain names in messages are expressed in terms of a sequence of labels.
+Each label is represented as a one octet length field followed by that
+number of octets. Since every domain name ends with the null label of
+the root, a domain name is terminated by a length byte of zero. The
+high order two bits of every length octet must be zero, and the
+remaining six bits of the length field limit the label to 63 octets or
+To simplify implementations, the total length of a domain name (i.e.,
+label octets and label length octets) is restricted to 255 octets or
+Although labels can contain any 8 bit values in octets that make up a
+label, it is strongly recommended that labels follow the preferred
+syntax described elsewhere in this memo, which is compatible with
+existing host naming conventions. Name servers and resolvers must
+compare labels in a case-insensitive manner (i.e., A=a), assuming ASCII
+with zero parity. Non-alphabetic codes must match exactly.
+Mockapetris [Page 10]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+3.2. RR definitions
+3.2.1. Format
+All RRs have the same top level format shown below:
+ 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | |
+ / /
+ / NAME /
+ | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | TYPE |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | CLASS |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | TTL |
+ | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--|
+ / RDATA /
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+NAME an owner name, i.e., the name of the node to which this
+ resource record pertains.
+TYPE two octets containing one of the RR TYPE codes.
+CLASS two octets containing one of the RR CLASS codes.
+TTL a 32 bit signed integer that specifies the time interval
+ that the resource record may be cached before the source
+ of the information should again be consulted. Zero
+ values are interpreted to mean that the RR can only be
+ used for the transaction in progress, and should not be
+ cached. For example, SOA records are always distributed
+ with a zero TTL to prohibit caching. Zero values can
+ also be used for extremely volatile data.
+RDLENGTH an unsigned 16 bit integer that specifies the length in
+ octets of the RDATA field.
+Mockapetris [Page 11]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+RDATA a variable length string of octets that describes the
+ resource. The format of this information varies
+ according to the TYPE and CLASS of the resource record.
+3.2.2. TYPE values
+TYPE fields are used in resource records. Note that these types are a
+subset of QTYPEs.
+TYPE value and meaning
+A 1 a host address
+NS 2 an authoritative name server
+MD 3 a mail destination (Obsolete - use MX)
+MF 4 a mail forwarder (Obsolete - use MX)
+CNAME 5 the canonical name for an alias
+SOA 6 marks the start of a zone of authority
+MB 7 a mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL)
+MG 8 a mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL)
+MR 9 a mail rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL)
+WKS 11 a well known service description
+PTR 12 a domain name pointer
+HINFO 13 host information
+MINFO 14 mailbox or mail list information
+MX 15 mail exchange
+TXT 16 text strings
+3.2.3. QTYPE values
+QTYPE fields appear in the question part of a query. QTYPES are a
+superset of TYPEs, hence all TYPEs are valid QTYPEs. In addition, the
+following QTYPEs are defined:
+Mockapetris [Page 12]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+AXFR 252 A request for a transfer of an entire zone
+MAILB 253 A request for mailbox-related records (MB, MG or MR)
+MAILA 254 A request for mail agent RRs (Obsolete - see MX)
+* 255 A request for all records
+3.2.4. CLASS values
+CLASS fields appear in resource records. The following CLASS mnemonics
+and values are defined:
+IN 1 the Internet
+CS 2 the CSNET class (Obsolete - used only for examples in
+ some obsolete RFCs)
+CH 3 the CHAOS class
+HS 4 Hesiod [Dyer 87]
+3.2.5. QCLASS values
+QCLASS fields appear in the question section of a query. QCLASS values
+are a superset of CLASS values; every CLASS is a valid QCLASS. In
+addition to CLASS values, the following QCLASSes are defined:
+* 255 any class
+3.3. Standard RRs
+The following RR definitions are expected to occur, at least
+potentially, in all classes. In particular, NS, SOA, CNAME, and PTR
+will be used in all classes, and have the same format in all classes.
+Because their RDATA format is known, all domain names in the RDATA
+section of these RRs may be compressed.
+<domain-name> is a domain name represented as a series of labels, and
+terminated by a label with zero length. <character-string> is a single
+length octet followed by that number of characters. <character-string>
+is treated as binary information, and can be up to 256 characters in
+length (including the length octet).
+Mockapetris [Page 13]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+3.3.1. CNAME RDATA format
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / CNAME /
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+CNAME A <domain-name> which specifies the canonical or primary
+ name for the owner. The owner name is an alias.
+CNAME RRs cause no additional section processing, but name servers may
+choose to restart the query at the canonical name in certain cases. See
+the description of name server logic in [RFC-1034] for details.
+3.3.2. HINFO RDATA format
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / CPU /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / OS /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+CPU A <character-string> which specifies the CPU type.
+OS A <character-string> which specifies the operating
+ system type.
+Standard values for CPU and OS can be found in [RFC-1010].
+HINFO records are used to acquire general information about a host. The
+main use is for protocols such as FTP that can use special procedures
+when talking between machines or operating systems of the same type.
+3.3.3. MB RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL)
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+MADNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a host which has the
+ specified mailbox.
+Mockapetris [Page 14]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+MB records cause additional section processing which looks up an A type
+RRs corresponding to MADNAME.
+3.3.4. MD RDATA format (Obsolete)
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+MADNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a host which has a mail
+ agent for the domain which should be able to deliver
+ mail for the domain.
+MD records cause additional section processing which looks up an A type
+record corresponding to MADNAME.
+MD is obsolete. See the definition of MX and [RFC-974] for details of
+the new scheme. The recommended policy for dealing with MD RRs found in
+a master file is to reject them, or to convert them to MX RRs with a
+preference of 0.
+3.3.5. MF RDATA format (Obsolete)
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+MADNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a host which has a mail
+ agent for the domain which will accept mail for
+ forwarding to the domain.
+MF records cause additional section processing which looks up an A type
+record corresponding to MADNAME.
+MF is obsolete. See the definition of MX and [RFC-974] for details ofw
+the new scheme. The recommended policy for dealing with MD RRs found in
+a master file is to reject them, or to convert them to MX RRs with a
+preference of 10.
+Mockapetris [Page 15]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+3.3.6. MG RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL)
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+MGMNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a mailbox which is a
+ member of the mail group specified by the domain name.
+MG records cause no additional section processing.
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+RMAILBX A <domain-name> which specifies a mailbox which is
+ responsible for the mailing list or mailbox. If this
+ domain name names the root, the owner of the MINFO RR is
+ responsible for itself. Note that many existing mailing
+ lists use a mailbox X-request for the RMAILBX field of
+ mailing list X, e.g., Msgroup-request for Msgroup. This
+ field provides a more general mechanism.
+EMAILBX A <domain-name> which specifies a mailbox which is to
+ receive error messages related to the mailing list or
+ mailbox specified by the owner of the MINFO RR (similar
+ to the ERRORS-TO: field which has been proposed). If
+ this domain name names the root, errors should be
+ returned to the sender of the message.
+MINFO records cause no additional section processing. Although these
+records can be associated with a simple mailbox, they are usually used
+with a mailing list.
+Mockapetris [Page 16]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+3.3.8. MR RDATA format (EXPERIMENTAL)
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+NEWNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a mailbox which is the
+ proper rename of the specified mailbox.
+MR records cause no additional section processing. The main use for MR
+is as a forwarding entry for a user who has moved to a different
+3.3.9. MX RDATA format
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+PREFERENCE A 16 bit integer which specifies the preference given to
+ this RR among others at the same owner. Lower values
+ are preferred.
+EXCHANGE A <domain-name> which specifies a host willing to act as
+ a mail exchange for the owner name.
+MX records cause type A additional section processing for the host
+specified by EXCHANGE. The use of MX RRs is explained in detail in
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / <anything> /
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+Anything at all may be in the RDATA field so long as it is 65535 octets
+or less.
+Mockapetris [Page 17]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+NULL records cause no additional section processing. NULL RRs are not
+allowed in master files. NULLs are used as placeholders in some
+experimental extensions of the DNS.
+3.3.11. NS RDATA format
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+NSDNAME A <domain-name> which specifies a host which should be
+ authoritative for the specified class and domain.
+NS records cause both the usual additional section processing to locate
+a type A record, and, when used in a referral, a special search of the
+zone in which they reside for glue information.
+The NS RR states that the named host should be expected to have a zone
+starting at owner name of the specified class. Note that the class may
+not indicate the protocol family which should be used to communicate
+with the host, although it is typically a strong hint. For example,
+hosts which are name servers for either Internet (IN) or Hesiod (HS)
+class information are normally queried using IN class protocols.
+3.3.12. PTR RDATA format
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+PTRDNAME A <domain-name> which points to some location in the
+ domain name space.
+PTR records cause no additional section processing. These RRs are used
+in special domains to point to some other location in the domain space.
+These records are simple data, and don't imply any special processing
+similar to that performed by CNAME, which identifies aliases. See the
+description of the IN-ADDR.ARPA domain for an example.
+Mockapetris [Page 18]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+3.3.13. SOA RDATA format
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / MNAME /
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / RNAME /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | SERIAL |
+ | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | RETRY |
+ | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | EXPIRE |
+ | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+MNAME The <domain-name> of the name server that was the
+ original or primary source of data for this zone.
+RNAME A <domain-name> which specifies the mailbox of the
+ person responsible for this zone.
+SERIAL The unsigned 32 bit version number of the original copy
+ of the zone. Zone transfers preserve this value. This
+ value wraps and should be compared using sequence space
+ arithmetic.
+REFRESH A 32 bit time interval before the zone should be
+ refreshed.
+RETRY A 32 bit time interval that should elapse before a
+ failed refresh should be retried.
+EXPIRE A 32 bit time value that specifies the upper limit on
+ the time interval that can elapse before the zone is no
+ longer authoritative.
+Mockapetris [Page 19]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+MINIMUM The unsigned 32 bit minimum TTL field that should be
+ exported with any RR from this zone.
+SOA records cause no additional section processing.
+All times are in units of seconds.
+Most of these fields are pertinent only for name server maintenance
+operations. However, MINIMUM is used in all query operations that
+retrieve RRs from a zone. Whenever a RR is sent in a response to a
+query, the TTL field is set to the maximum of the TTL field from the RR
+and the MINIMUM field in the appropriate SOA. Thus MINIMUM is a lower
+bound on the TTL field for all RRs in a zone. Note that this use of
+MINIMUM should occur when the RRs are copied into the response and not
+when the zone is loaded from a master file or via a zone transfer. The
+reason for this provison is to allow future dynamic update facilities to
+change the SOA RR with known semantics.
+3.3.14. TXT RDATA format
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ / TXT-DATA /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+TXT-DATA One or more <character-string>s.
+TXT RRs are used to hold descriptive text. The semantics of the text
+depends on the domain where it is found.
+3.4. Internet specific RRs
+3.4.1. A RDATA format
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ADDRESS A 32 bit Internet address.
+Hosts that have multiple Internet addresses will have multiple A
+Mockapetris [Page 20]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+A records cause no additional section processing. The RDATA section of
+an A line in a master file is an Internet address expressed as four
+decimal numbers separated by dots without any imbedded spaces (e.g.,
+"" or "").
+3.4.2. WKS RDATA format
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | PROTOCOL | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |
+ | |
+ / <BIT MAP> /
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ADDRESS An 32 bit Internet address
+PROTOCOL An 8 bit IP protocol number
+<BIT MAP> A variable length bit map. The bit map must be a
+ multiple of 8 bits long.
+The WKS record is used to describe the well known services supported by
+a particular protocol on a particular internet address. The PROTOCOL
+field specifies an IP protocol number, and the bit map has one bit per
+port of the specified protocol. The first bit corresponds to port 0,
+the second to port 1, etc. If the bit map does not include a bit for a
+protocol of interest, that bit is assumed zero. The appropriate values
+and mnemonics for ports and protocols are specified in [RFC-1010].
+For example, if PROTOCOL=TCP (6), the 26th bit corresponds to TCP port
+25 (SMTP). If this bit is set, a SMTP server should be listening on TCP
+port 25; if zero, SMTP service is not supported on the specified
+The purpose of WKS RRs is to provide availability information for
+servers for TCP and UDP. If a server supports both TCP and UDP, or has
+multiple Internet addresses, then multiple WKS RRs are used.
+WKS RRs cause no additional section processing.
+In master files, both ports and protocols are expressed using mnemonics
+or decimal numbers.
+Mockapetris [Page 21]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+3.5. IN-ADDR.ARPA domain
+The Internet uses a special domain to support gateway location and
+Internet address to host mapping. Other classes may employ a similar
+strategy in other domains. The intent of this domain is to provide a
+guaranteed method to perform host address to host name mapping, and to
+facilitate queries to locate all gateways on a particular network in the
+Note that both of these services are similar to functions that could be
+performed by inverse queries; the difference is that this part of the
+domain name space is structured according to address, and hence can
+guarantee that the appropriate data can be located without an exhaustive
+search of the domain space.
+The domain begins at IN-ADDR.ARPA and has a substructure which follows
+the Internet addressing structure.
+Domain names in the IN-ADDR.ARPA domain are defined to have up to four
+labels in addition to the IN-ADDR.ARPA suffix. Each label represents
+one octet of an Internet address, and is expressed as a character string
+for a decimal value in the range 0-255 (with leading zeros omitted
+except in the case of a zero octet which is represented by a single
+Host addresses are represented by domain names that have all four labels
+specified. Thus data for Internet address is located at
+domain name The reversal, though awkward to
+read, allows zones to be delegated which are exactly one network of
+address space. For example, 10.IN-ADDR.ARPA can be a zone containing
+data for the ARPANET, while 26.IN-ADDR.ARPA can be a separate zone for
+MILNET. Address nodes are used to hold pointers to primary host names
+in the normal domain space.
+Network numbers correspond to some non-terminal nodes at various depths
+in the IN-ADDR.ARPA domain, since Internet network numbers are either 1,
+2, or 3 octets. Network nodes are used to hold pointers to the primary
+host names of gateways attached to that network. Since a gateway is, by
+definition, on more than one network, it will typically have two or more
+network nodes which point at it. Gateways will also have host level
+pointers at their fully qualified addresses.
+Both the gateway pointers at network nodes and the normal host pointers
+at full address nodes use the PTR RR to point back to the primary domain
+names of the corresponding hosts.
+For example, the IN-ADDR.ARPA domain will contain information about the
+ISI gateway between net 10 and 26, an MIT gateway from net 10 to MIT's
+Mockapetris [Page 22]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+net 18, and hosts A.ISI.EDU and MULTICS.MIT.EDU. Assuming that ISI
+gateway has addresses and, and a name MILNET-
+GW.ISI.EDU, and the MIT gateway has addresses and
+and a name GW.LCS.MIT.EDU, the domain database would contain:
+Thus a program which wanted to locate gateways on net 10 would originate
+a query of the form QTYPE=PTR, QCLASS=IN, QNAME=10.IN-ADDR.ARPA. It
+would receive two RRs in response:
+The program could then originate QTYPE=A, QCLASS=IN queries for MILNET-
+GW.ISI.EDU. and GW.LCS.MIT.EDU. to discover the Internet addresses of
+these gateways.
+A resolver which wanted to find the host name corresponding to Internet
+host address would pursue a query of the form QTYPE=PTR,
+QCLASS=IN, QNAME=, and would receive:
+Several cautions apply to the use of these services:
+ - Since the IN-ADDR.ARPA special domain and the normal domain
+ for a particular host or gateway will be in different zones,
+ the possibility exists that that the data may be inconsistent.
+ - Gateways will often have two names in separate domains, only
+ one of which can be primary.
+ - Systems that use the domain database to initialize their
+ routing tables must start with enough gateway information to
+ guarantee that they can access the appropriate name server.
+ - The gateway data only reflects the existence of a gateway in a
+ manner equivalent to the current HOSTS.TXT file. It doesn't
+ replace the dynamic availability information from GGP or EGP.
+Mockapetris [Page 23]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+3.6. Defining new types, classes, and special namespaces
+The previously defined types and classes are the ones in use as of the
+date of this memo. New definitions should be expected. This section
+makes some recommendations to designers considering additions to the
+existing facilities. The mailing list NAMEDROPPERS@SRI-NIC.ARPA is the
+forum where general discussion of design issues takes place.
+In general, a new type is appropriate when new information is to be
+added to the database about an existing object, or we need new data
+formats for some totally new object. Designers should attempt to define
+types and their RDATA formats that are generally applicable to all
+classes, and which avoid duplication of information. New classes are
+appropriate when the DNS is to be used for a new protocol, etc which
+requires new class-specific data formats, or when a copy of the existing
+name space is desired, but a separate management domain is necessary.
+New types and classes need mnemonics for master files; the format of the
+master files requires that the mnemonics for type and class be disjoint.
+TYPE and CLASS values must be a proper subset of QTYPEs and QCLASSes
+The present system uses multiple RRs to represent multiple values of a
+type rather than storing multiple values in the RDATA section of a
+single RR. This is less efficient for most applications, but does keep
+RRs shorter. The multiple RRs assumption is incorporated in some
+experimental work on dynamic update methods.
+The present system attempts to minimize the duplication of data in the
+database in order to insure consistency. Thus, in order to find the
+address of the host for a mail exchange, you map the mail domain name to
+a host name, then the host name to addresses, rather than a direct
+mapping to host address. This approach is preferred because it avoids
+the opportunity for inconsistency.
+In defining a new type of data, multiple RR types should not be used to
+create an ordering between entries or express different formats for
+equivalent bindings, instead this information should be carried in the
+body of the RR and a single type used. This policy avoids problems with
+caching multiple types and defining QTYPEs to match multiple types.
+For example, the original form of mail exchange binding used two RR
+types one to represent a "closer" exchange (MD) and one to represent a
+"less close" exchange (MF). The difficulty is that the presence of one
+RR type in a cache doesn't convey any information about the other
+because the query which acquired the cached information might have used
+a QTYPE of MF, MD, or MAILA (which matched both). The redesigned
+Mockapetris [Page 24]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+service used a single type (MX) with a "preference" value in the RDATA
+section which can order different RRs. However, if any MX RRs are found
+in the cache, then all should be there.
+4.1. Format
+All communications inside of the domain protocol are carried in a single
+format called a message. The top level format of message is divided
+into 5 sections (some of which are empty in certain cases) shown below:
+ +---------------------+
+ | Header |
+ +---------------------+
+ | Question | the question for the name server
+ +---------------------+
+ | Answer | RRs answering the question
+ +---------------------+
+ | Authority | RRs pointing toward an authority
+ +---------------------+
+ | Additional | RRs holding additional information
+ +---------------------+
+The header section is always present. The header includes fields that
+specify which of the remaining sections are present, and also specify
+whether the message is a query or a response, a standard query or some
+other opcode, etc.
+The names of the sections after the header are derived from their use in
+standard queries. The question section contains fields that describe a
+question to a name server. These fields are a query type (QTYPE), a
+query class (QCLASS), and a query domain name (QNAME). The last three
+sections have the same format: a possibly empty list of concatenated
+resource records (RRs). The answer section contains RRs that answer the
+question; the authority section contains RRs that point toward an
+authoritative name server; the additional records section contains RRs
+which relate to the query, but are not strictly answers for the
+Mockapetris [Page 25]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+4.1.1. Header section format
+The header contains the following fields:
+ 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | ID |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ |QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA| Z | RCODE |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ID A 16 bit identifier assigned by the program that
+ generates any kind of query. This identifier is copied
+ the corresponding reply and can be used by the requester
+ to match up replies to outstanding queries.
+QR A one bit field that specifies whether this message is a
+ query (0), or a response (1).
+OPCODE A four bit field that specifies kind of query in this
+ message. This value is set by the originator of a query
+ and copied into the response. The values are:
+ 0 a standard query (QUERY)
+ 1 an inverse query (IQUERY)
+ 2 a server status request (STATUS)
+ 3-15 reserved for future use
+AA Authoritative Answer - this bit is valid in responses,
+ and specifies that the responding name server is an
+ authority for the domain name in question section.
+ Note that the contents of the answer section may have
+ multiple owner names because of aliases. The AA bit
+Mockapetris [Page 26]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ corresponds to the name which matches the query name, or
+ the first owner name in the answer section.
+TC TrunCation - specifies that this message was truncated
+ due to length greater than that permitted on the
+ transmission channel.
+RD Recursion Desired - this bit may be set in a query and
+ is copied into the response. If RD is set, it directs
+ the name server to pursue the query recursively.
+ Recursive query support is optional.
+RA Recursion Available - this be is set or cleared in a
+ response, and denotes whether recursive query support is
+ available in the name server.
+Z Reserved for future use. Must be zero in all queries
+ and responses.
+RCODE Response code - this 4 bit field is set as part of
+ responses. The values have the following
+ interpretation:
+ 0 No error condition
+ 1 Format error - The name server was
+ unable to interpret the query.
+ 2 Server failure - The name server was
+ unable to process this query due to a
+ problem with the name server.
+ 3 Name Error - Meaningful only for
+ responses from an authoritative name
+ server, this code signifies that the
+ domain name referenced in the query does
+ not exist.
+ 4 Not Implemented - The name server does
+ not support the requested kind of query.
+ 5 Refused - The name server refuses to
+ perform the specified operation for
+ policy reasons. For example, a name
+ server may not wish to provide the
+ information to the particular requester,
+ or a name server may not wish to perform
+ a particular operation (e.g., zone
+Mockapetris [Page 27]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ transfer) for particular data.
+ 6-15 Reserved for future use.
+QDCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of
+ entries in the question section.
+ANCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of
+ resource records in the answer section.
+NSCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of name
+ server resource records in the authority records
+ section.
+ARCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of
+ resource records in the additional records section.
+4.1.2. Question section format
+The question section is used to carry the "question" in most queries,
+i.e., the parameters that define what is being asked. The section
+contains QDCOUNT (usually 1) entries, each of the following format:
+ 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | |
+ / QNAME /
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | QTYPE |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | QCLASS |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+QNAME a domain name represented as a sequence of labels, where
+ each label consists of a length octet followed by that
+ number of octets. The domain name terminates with the
+ zero length octet for the null label of the root. Note
+ that this field may be an odd number of octets; no
+ padding is used.
+QTYPE a two octet code which specifies the type of the query.
+ The values for this field include all codes valid for a
+ TYPE field, together with some more general codes which
+ can match more than one type of RR.
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+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+QCLASS a two octet code that specifies the class of the query.
+ For example, the QCLASS field is IN for the Internet.
+4.1.3. Resource record format
+The answer, authority, and additional sections all share the same
+format: a variable number of resource records, where the number of
+records is specified in the corresponding count field in the header.
+Each resource record has the following format:
+ 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | |
+ / /
+ / NAME /
+ | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | TYPE |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | CLASS |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | TTL |
+ | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--|
+ / RDATA /
+ / /
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+NAME a domain name to which this resource record pertains.
+TYPE two octets containing one of the RR type codes. This
+ field specifies the meaning of the data in the RDATA
+ field.
+CLASS two octets which specify the class of the data in the
+ RDATA field.
+TTL a 32 bit unsigned integer that specifies the time
+ interval (in seconds) that the resource record may be
+ cached before it should be discarded. Zero values are
+ interpreted to mean that the RR can only be used for the
+ transaction in progress, and should not be cached.
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+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+RDLENGTH an unsigned 16 bit integer that specifies the length in
+ octets of the RDATA field.
+RDATA a variable length string of octets that describes the
+ resource. The format of this information varies
+ according to the TYPE and CLASS of the resource record.
+ For example, the if the TYPE is A and the CLASS is IN,
+ the RDATA field is a 4 octet ARPA Internet address.
+4.1.4. Message compression
+In order to reduce the size of messages, the domain system utilizes a
+compression scheme which eliminates the repetition of domain names in a
+message. In this scheme, an entire domain name or a list of labels at
+the end of a domain name is replaced with a pointer to a prior occurance
+of the same name.
+The pointer takes the form of a two octet sequence:
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ | 1 1| OFFSET |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+The first two bits are ones. This allows a pointer to be distinguished
+from a label, since the label must begin with two zero bits because
+labels are restricted to 63 octets or less. (The 10 and 01 combinations
+are reserved for future use.) The OFFSET field specifies an offset from
+the start of the message (i.e., the first octet of the ID field in the
+domain header). A zero offset specifies the first byte of the ID field,
+The compression scheme allows a domain name in a message to be
+represented as either:
+ - a sequence of labels ending in a zero octet
+ - a pointer
+ - a sequence of labels ending with a pointer
+Pointers can only be used for occurances of a domain name where the
+format is not class specific. If this were not the case, a name server
+or resolver would be required to know the format of all RRs it handled.
+As yet, there are no such cases, but they may occur in future RDATA
+If a domain name is contained in a part of the message subject to a
+length field (such as the RDATA section of an RR), and compression is
+Mockapetris [Page 30]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+used, the length of the compressed name is used in the length
+calculation, rather than the length of the expanded name.
+Programs are free to avoid using pointers in messages they generate,
+although this will reduce datagram capacity, and may cause truncation.
+However all programs are required to understand arriving messages that
+contain pointers.
+For example, a datagram might need to use the domain names F.ISI.ARPA,
+FOO.F.ISI.ARPA, ARPA, and the root. Ignoring the other fields of the
+message, these domain names might be represented as:
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 20 | 1 | F |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 22 | 3 | I |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 24 | S | I |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 26 | 4 | A |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 28 | R | P |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 30 | A | 0 |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 40 | 3 | F |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 42 | O | O |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 44 | 1 1| 20 |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 64 | 1 1| 26 |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ 92 | 0 | |
+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+The domain name for F.ISI.ARPA is shown at offset 20. The domain name
+FOO.F.ISI.ARPA is shown at offset 40; this definition uses a pointer to
+concatenate a label for FOO to the previously defined F.ISI.ARPA. The
+domain name ARPA is defined at offset 64 using a pointer to the ARPA
+component of the name F.ISI.ARPA at 20; note that this pointer relies on
+ARPA being the last label in the string at 20. The root domain name is
+Mockapetris [Page 31]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+defined by a single octet of zeros at 92; the root domain name has no
+4.2. Transport
+The DNS assumes that messages will be transmitted as datagrams or in a
+byte stream carried by a virtual circuit. While virtual circuits can be
+used for any DNS activity, datagrams are preferred for queries due to
+their lower overhead and better performance. Zone refresh activities
+must use virtual circuits because of the need for reliable transfer.
+The Internet supports name server access using TCP [RFC-793] on server
+port 53 (decimal) as well as datagram access using UDP [RFC-768] on UDP
+port 53 (decimal).
+4.2.1. UDP usage
+Messages sent using UDP user server port 53 (decimal).
+Messages carried by UDP are restricted to 512 bytes (not counting the IP
+or UDP headers). Longer messages are truncated and the TC bit is set in
+the header.
+UDP is not acceptable for zone transfers, but is the recommended method
+for standard queries in the Internet. Queries sent using UDP may be
+lost, and hence a retransmission strategy is required. Queries or their
+responses may be reordered by the network, or by processing in name
+servers, so resolvers should not depend on them being returned in order.
+The optimal UDP retransmission policy will vary with performance of the
+Internet and the needs of the client, but the following are recommended:
+ - The client should try other servers and server addresses
+ before repeating a query to a specific address of a server.
+ - The retransmission interval should be based on prior
+ statistics if possible. Too aggressive retransmission can
+ easily slow responses for the community at large. Depending
+ on how well connected the client is to its expected servers,
+ the minimum retransmission interval should be 2-5 seconds.
+More suggestions on server selection and retransmission policy can be
+found in the resolver section of this memo.
+4.2.2. TCP usage
+Messages sent over TCP connections use server port 53 (decimal). The
+message is prefixed with a two byte length field which gives the message
+Mockapetris [Page 32]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+length, excluding the two byte length field. This length field allows
+the low-level processing to assemble a complete message before beginning
+to parse it.
+Several connection management policies are recommended:
+ - The server should not block other activities waiting for TCP
+ data.
+ - The server should support multiple connections.
+ - The server should assume that the client will initiate
+ connection closing, and should delay closing its end of the
+ connection until all outstanding client requests have been
+ satisfied.
+ - If the server needs to close a dormant connection to reclaim
+ resources, it should wait until the connection has been idle
+ for a period on the order of two minutes. In particular, the
+ server should allow the SOA and AXFR request sequence (which
+ begins a refresh operation) to be made on a single connection.
+ Since the server would be unable to answer queries anyway, a
+ unilateral close or reset may be used instead of a graceful
+ close.
+Master files are text files that contain RRs in text form. Since the
+contents of a zone can be expressed in the form of a list of RRs a
+master file is most often used to define a zone, though it can be used
+to list a cache's contents. Hence, this section first discusses the
+format of RRs in a master file, and then the special considerations when
+a master file is used to create a zone in some name server.
+5.1. Format
+The format of these files is a sequence of entries. Entries are
+predominantly line-oriented, though parentheses can be used to continue
+a list of items across a line boundary, and text literals can contain
+CRLF within the text. Any combination of tabs and spaces act as a
+delimiter between the separate items that make up an entry. The end of
+any line in the master file can end with a comment. The comment starts
+with a ";" (semicolon).
+The following entries are defined:
+ <blank>[<comment>]
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+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ $ORIGIN <domain-name> [<comment>]
+ $INCLUDE <file-name> [<domain-name>] [<comment>]
+ <domain-name><rr> [<comment>]
+ <blank><rr> [<comment>]
+Blank lines, with or without comments, are allowed anywhere in the file.
+Two control entries are defined: $ORIGIN and $INCLUDE. $ORIGIN is
+followed by a domain name, and resets the current origin for relative
+domain names to the stated name. $INCLUDE inserts the named file into
+the current file, and may optionally specify a domain name that sets the
+relative domain name origin for the included file. $INCLUDE may also
+have a comment. Note that a $INCLUDE entry never changes the relative
+origin of the parent file, regardless of changes to the relative origin
+made within the included file.
+The last two forms represent RRs. If an entry for an RR begins with a
+blank, then the RR is assumed to be owned by the last stated owner. If
+an RR entry begins with a <domain-name>, then the owner name is reset.
+<rr> contents take one of the following forms:
+ [<TTL>] [<class>] <type> <RDATA>
+ [<class>] [<TTL>] <type> <RDATA>
+The RR begins with optional TTL and class fields, followed by a type and
+RDATA field appropriate to the type and class. Class and type use the
+standard mnemonics, TTL is a decimal integer. Omitted class and TTL
+values are default to the last explicitly stated values. Since type and
+class mnemonics are disjoint, the parse is unique. (Note that this
+order is different from the order used in examples and the order used in
+the actual RRs; the given order allows easier parsing and defaulting.)
+<domain-name>s make up a large share of the data in the master file.
+The labels in the domain name are expressed as character strings and
+separated by dots. Quoting conventions allow arbitrary characters to be
+stored in domain names. Domain names that end in a dot are called
+absolute, and are taken as complete. Domain names which do not end in a
+dot are called relative; the actual domain name is the concatenation of
+the relative part with an origin specified in a $ORIGIN, $INCLUDE, or as
+an argument to the master file loading routine. A relative name is an
+error when no origin is available.
+Mockapetris [Page 34]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+<character-string> is expressed in one or two ways: as a contiguous set
+of characters without interior spaces, or as a string beginning with a "
+and ending with a ". Inside a " delimited string any character can
+occur, except for a " itself, which must be quoted using \ (back slash).
+Because these files are text files several special encodings are
+necessary to allow arbitrary data to be loaded. In particular:
+ of the root.
+@ A free standing @ is used to denote the current origin.
+\X where X is any character other than a digit (0-9), is
+ used to quote that character so that its special meaning
+ does not apply. For example, "\." can be used to place
+ a dot character in a label.
+\DDD where each D is a digit is the octet corresponding to
+ the decimal number described by DDD. The resulting
+ octet is assumed to be text and is not checked for
+ special meaning.
+( ) Parentheses are used to group data that crosses a line
+ boundary. In effect, line terminations are not
+ recognized within parentheses.
+; Semicolon is used to start a comment; the remainder of
+ the line is ignored.
+5.2. Use of master files to define zones
+When a master file is used to load a zone, the operation should be
+suppressed if any errors are encountered in the master file. The
+rationale for this is that a single error can have widespread
+consequences. For example, suppose that the RRs defining a delegation
+have syntax errors; then the server will return authoritative name
+errors for all names in the subzone (except in the case where the
+subzone is also present on the server).
+Several other validity checks that should be performed in addition to
+insuring that the file is syntactically correct:
+ 1. All RRs in the file should have the same class.
+ 2. Exactly one SOA RR should be present at the top of the zone.
+ 3. If delegations are present and glue information is required,
+ it should be present.
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+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ 4. Information present outside of the authoritative nodes in the
+ zone should be glue information, rather than the result of an
+ origin or similar error.
+5.3. Master file example
+The following is an example file which might be used to define the
+ISI.EDU zone.and is loaded with an origin of ISI.EDU:
+@ IN SOA VENERA Action\.domains (
+ 20 ; SERIAL
+ 7200 ; REFRESH
+ 600 ; RETRY
+ 3600000; EXPIRE
+ 60) ; MINIMUM
+ MX 20 VAXA
+A A
+ A
+ A
+Where the file <SUBSYS>ISI-MAILBOXES.TXT is:
+Note the use of the \ character in the SOA RR to specify the responsible
+person mailbox "".
+Mockapetris [Page 36]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+6.1. Architecture
+The optimal structure for the name server will depend on the host
+operating system and whether the name server is integrated with resolver
+operations, either by supporting recursive service, or by sharing its
+database with a resolver. This section discusses implementation
+considerations for a name server which shares a database with a
+resolver, but most of these concerns are present in any name server.
+6.1.1. Control
+A name server must employ multiple concurrent activities, whether they
+are implemented as separate tasks in the host's OS or multiplexing
+inside a single name server program. It is simply not acceptable for a
+name server to block the service of UDP requests while it waits for TCP
+data for refreshing or query activities. Similarly, a name server
+should not attempt to provide recursive service without processing such
+requests in parallel, though it may choose to serialize requests from a
+single client, or to regard identical requests from the same client as
+duplicates. A name server should not substantially delay requests while
+it reloads a zone from master files or while it incorporates a newly
+refreshed zone into its database.
+6.1.2. Database
+While name server implementations are free to use any internal data
+structures they choose, the suggested structure consists of three major
+ - A "catalog" data structure which lists the zones available to
+ this server, and a "pointer" to the zone data structure. The
+ main purpose of this structure is to find the nearest ancestor
+ zone, if any, for arriving standard queries.
+ - Separate data structures for each of the zones held by the
+ name server.
+ - A data structure for cached data. (or perhaps separate caches
+ for different classes)
+All of these data structures can be implemented an identical tree
+structure format, with different data chained off the nodes in different
+parts: in the catalog the data is pointers to zones, while in the zone
+and cache data structures, the data will be RRs. In designing the tree
+framework the designer should recognize that query processing will need
+to traverse the tree using case-insensitive label comparisons; and that
+Mockapetris [Page 37]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+in real data, a few nodes have a very high branching factor (100-1000 or
+more), but the vast majority have a very low branching factor (0-1).
+One way to solve the case problem is to store the labels for each node
+in two pieces: a standardized-case representation of the label where all
+ASCII characters are in a single case, together with a bit mask that
+denotes which characters are actually of a different case. The
+branching factor diversity can be handled using a simple linked list for
+a node until the branching factor exceeds some threshold, and
+transitioning to a hash structure after the threshold is exceeded. In
+any case, hash structures used to store tree sections must insure that
+hash functions and procedures preserve the casing conventions of the
+The use of separate structures for the different parts of the database
+is motivated by several factors:
+ - The catalog structure can be an almost static structure that
+ need change only when the system administrator changes the
+ zones supported by the server. This structure can also be
+ used to store parameters used to control refreshing
+ activities.
+ - The individual data structures for zones allow a zone to be
+ replaced simply by changing a pointer in the catalog. Zone
+ refresh operations can build a new structure and, when
+ complete, splice it into the database via a simple pointer
+ replacement. It is very important that when a zone is
+ refreshed, queries should not use old and new data
+ simultaneously.
+ - With the proper search procedures, authoritative data in zones
+ will always "hide", and hence take precedence over, cached
+ data.
+ - Errors in zone definitions that cause overlapping zones, etc.,
+ may cause erroneous responses to queries, but problem
+ determination is simplified, and the contents of one "bad"
+ zone can't corrupt another.
+ - Since the cache is most frequently updated, it is most
+ vulnerable to corruption during system restarts. It can also
+ become full of expired RR data. In either case, it can easily
+ be discarded without disturbing zone data.
+A major aspect of database design is selecting a structure which allows
+the name server to deal with crashes of the name server's host. State
+information which a name server should save across system crashes
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+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+includes the catalog structure (including the state of refreshing for
+each zone) and the zone data itself.
+6.1.3. Time
+Both the TTL data for RRs and the timing data for refreshing activities
+depends on 32 bit timers in units of seconds. Inside the database,
+refresh timers and TTLs for cached data conceptually "count down", while
+data in the zone stays with constant TTLs.
+A recommended implementation strategy is to store time in two ways: as
+a relative increment and as an absolute time. One way to do this is to
+use positive 32 bit numbers for one type and negative numbers for the
+other. The RRs in zones use relative times; the refresh timers and
+cache data use absolute times. Absolute numbers are taken with respect
+to some known origin and converted to relative values when placed in the
+response to a query. When an absolute TTL is negative after conversion
+to relative, then the data is expired and should be ignored.
+6.2. Standard query processing
+The major algorithm for standard query processing is presented in
+When processing queries with QCLASS=*, or some other QCLASS which
+matches multiple classes, the response should never be authoritative
+unless the server can guarantee that the response covers all classes.
+When composing a response, RRs which are to be inserted in the
+additional section, but duplicate RRs in the answer or authority
+sections, may be omitted from the additional section.
+When a response is so long that truncation is required, the truncation
+should start at the end of the response and work forward in the
+datagram. Thus if there is any data for the authority section, the
+answer section is guaranteed to be unique.
+The MINIMUM value in the SOA should be used to set a floor on the TTL of
+data distributed from a zone. This floor function should be done when
+the data is copied into a response. This will allow future dynamic
+update protocols to change the SOA MINIMUM field without ambiguous
+6.3. Zone refresh and reload processing
+In spite of a server's best efforts, it may be unable to load zone data
+from a master file due to syntax errors, etc., or be unable to refresh a
+zone within the its expiration parameter. In this case, the name server
+Mockapetris [Page 39]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+should answer queries as if it were not supposed to possess the zone.
+If a master is sending a zone out via AXFR, and a new version is created
+during the transfer, the master should continue to send the old version
+if possible. In any case, it should never send part of one version and
+part of another. If completion is not possible, the master should reset
+the connection on which the zone transfer is taking place.
+6.4. Inverse queries (Optional)
+Inverse queries are an optional part of the DNS. Name servers are not
+required to support any form of inverse queries. If a name server
+receives an inverse query that it does not support, it returns an error
+response with the "Not Implemented" error set in the header. While
+inverse query support is optional, all name servers must be at least
+able to return the error response.
+6.4.1. The contents of inverse queries and responses Inverse
+queries reverse the mappings performed by standard query operations;
+while a standard query maps a domain name to a resource, an inverse
+query maps a resource to a domain name. For example, a standard query
+might bind a domain name to a host address; the corresponding inverse
+query binds the host address to a domain name.
+Inverse queries take the form of a single RR in the answer section of
+the message, with an empty question section. The owner name of the
+query RR and its TTL are not significant. The response carries
+questions in the question section which identify all names possessing
+the query RR WHICH THE NAME SERVER KNOWS. Since no name server knows
+about all of the domain name space, the response can never be assumed to
+be complete. Thus inverse queries are primarily useful for database
+management and debugging activities. Inverse queries are NOT an
+acceptable method of mapping host addresses to host names; use the IN-
+ADDR.ARPA domain instead.
+Where possible, name servers should provide case-insensitive comparisons
+for inverse queries. Thus an inverse query asking for an MX RR of
+"" should get the same response as a query for
+"VENERA.ISI.EDU"; an inverse query for HINFO RR "IBM-PC UNIX" should
+produce the same result as an inverse query for "IBM-pc unix". However,
+this cannot be guaranteed because name servers may possess RRs that
+contain character strings but the name server does not know that the
+data is character.
+When a name server processes an inverse query, it either returns:
+ 1. zero, one, or multiple domain names for the specified
+ resource as QNAMEs in the question section
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+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ 2. an error code indicating that the name server doesn't support
+ inverse mapping of the specified resource type.
+When the response to an inverse query contains one or more QNAMEs, the
+owner name and TTL of the RR in the answer section which defines the
+inverse query is modified to exactly match an RR found at the first
+RRs returned in the inverse queries cannot be cached using the same
+mechanism as is used for the replies to standard queries. One reason
+for this is that a name might have multiple RRs of the same type, and
+only one would appear. For example, an inverse query for a single
+address of a multiply homed host might create the impression that only
+one address existed.
+6.4.2. Inverse query and response example The overall structure
+of an inverse query for retrieving the domain name that corresponds to
+Internet address is shown below:
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ Header | OPCODE=IQUERY, ID=997 |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ Question | <empty> |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ Answer | <anyname> A IN |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ Authority | <empty> |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ Additional | <empty> |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+This query asks for a question whose answer is the Internet style
+address Since the owner name is not known, any domain name
+can be used as a placeholder (and is ignored). A single octet of zero,
+signifying the root, is usually used because it minimizes the length of
+the message. The TTL of the RR is not significant. The response to
+this query might be:
+Mockapetris [Page 41]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ Header | OPCODE=RESPONSE, ID=997 |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ Answer | VENERA.ISI.EDU A IN |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ Authority | <empty> |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+ Additional | <empty> |
+ +-----------------------------------------+
+Note that the QTYPE in a response to an inverse query is the same as the
+TYPE field in the answer section of the inverse query. Responses to
+inverse queries may contain multiple questions when the inverse is not
+unique. If the question section in the response is not empty, then the
+RR in the answer section is modified to correspond to be an exact copy
+of an RR at the first QNAME.
+6.4.3. Inverse query processing
+Name servers that support inverse queries can support these operations
+through exhaustive searches of their databases, but this becomes
+impractical as the size of the database increases. An alternative
+approach is to invert the database according to the search key.
+For name servers that support multiple zones and a large amount of data,
+the recommended approach is separate inversions for each zone. When a
+particular zone is changed during a refresh, only its inversions need to
+be redone.
+Support for transfer of this type of inversion may be included in future
+versions of the domain system, but is not supported in this version.
+6.5. Completion queries and responses
+The optional completion services described in RFC-882 and RFC-883 have
+been deleted. Redesigned services may become available in the future.
+Mockapetris [Page 42]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+The top levels of the recommended resolver algorithm are discussed in
+[RFC-1034]. This section discusses implementation details assuming the
+database structure suggested in the name server implementation section
+of this memo.
+7.1. Transforming a user request into a query
+The first step a resolver takes is to transform the client's request,
+stated in a format suitable to the local OS, into a search specification
+for RRs at a specific name which match a specific QTYPE and QCLASS.
+Where possible, the QTYPE and QCLASS should correspond to a single type
+and a single class, because this makes the use of cached data much
+simpler. The reason for this is that the presence of data of one type
+in a cache doesn't confirm the existence or non-existence of data of
+other types, hence the only way to be sure is to consult an
+authoritative source. If QCLASS=* is used, then authoritative answers
+won't be available.
+Since a resolver must be able to multiplex multiple requests if it is to
+perform its function efficiently, each pending request is usually
+represented in some block of state information. This state block will
+typically contain:
+ - A timestamp indicating the time the request began.
+ The timestamp is used to decide whether RRs in the database
+ can be used or are out of date. This timestamp uses the
+ absolute time format previously discussed for RR storage in
+ zones and caches. Note that when an RRs TTL indicates a
+ relative time, the RR must be timely, since it is part of a
+ zone. When the RR has an absolute time, it is part of a
+ cache, and the TTL of the RR is compared against the timestamp
+ for the start of the request.
+ Note that using the timestamp is superior to using a current
+ time, since it allows RRs with TTLs of zero to be entered in
+ the cache in the usual manner, but still used by the current
+ request, even after intervals of many seconds due to system
+ load, query retransmission timeouts, etc.
+ - Some sort of parameters to limit the amount of work which will
+ be performed for this request.
+ The amount of work which a resolver will do in response to a
+ client request must be limited to guard against errors in the
+ database, such as circular CNAME references, and operational
+ problems, such as network partition which prevents the
+Mockapetris [Page 43]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ resolver from accessing the name servers it needs. While
+ local limits on the number of times a resolver will retransmit
+ a particular query to a particular name server address are
+ essential, the resolver should have a global per-request
+ counter to limit work on a single request. The counter should
+ be set to some initial value and decremented whenever the
+ resolver performs any action (retransmission timeout,
+ retransmission, etc.) If the counter passes zero, the request
+ is terminated with a temporary error.
+ Note that if the resolver structure allows one request to
+ start others in parallel, such as when the need to access a
+ name server for one request causes a parallel resolve for the
+ name server's addresses, the spawned request should be started
+ with a lower counter. This prevents circular references in
+ the database from starting a chain reaction of resolver
+ activity.
+ - The SLIST data structure discussed in [RFC-1034].
+ This structure keeps track of the state of a request if it
+ must wait for answers from foreign name servers.
+7.2. Sending the queries
+As described in [RFC-1034], the basic task of the resolver is to
+formulate a query which will answer the client's request and direct that
+query to name servers which can provide the information. The resolver
+will usually only have very strong hints about which servers to ask, in
+the form of NS RRs, and may have to revise the query, in response to
+CNAMEs, or revise the set of name servers the resolver is asking, in
+response to delegation responses which point the resolver to name
+servers closer to the desired information. In addition to the
+information requested by the client, the resolver may have to call upon
+its own services to determine the address of name servers it wishes to
+In any case, the model used in this memo assumes that the resolver is
+multiplexing attention between multiple requests, some from the client,
+and some internally generated. Each request is represented by some
+state information, and the desired behavior is that the resolver
+transmit queries to name servers in a way that maximizes the probability
+that the request is answered, minimizes the time that the request takes,
+and avoids excessive transmissions. The key algorithm uses the state
+information of the request to select the next name server address to
+query, and also computes a timeout which will cause the next action
+should a response not arrive. The next action will usually be a
+transmission to some other server, but may be a temporary error to the
+Mockapetris [Page 44]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+The resolver always starts with a list of server names to query (SLIST).
+This list will be all NS RRs which correspond to the nearest ancestor
+zone that the resolver knows about. To avoid startup problems, the
+resolver should have a set of default servers which it will ask should
+it have no current NS RRs which are appropriate. The resolver then adds
+to SLIST all of the known addresses for the name servers, and may start
+parallel requests to acquire the addresses of the servers when the
+resolver has the name, but no addresses, for the name servers.
+To complete initialization of SLIST, the resolver attaches whatever
+history information it has to the each address in SLIST. This will
+usually consist of some sort of weighted averages for the response time
+of the address, and the batting average of the address (i.e., how often
+the address responded at all to the request). Note that this
+information should be kept on a per address basis, rather than on a per
+name server basis, because the response time and batting average of a
+particular server may vary considerably from address to address. Note
+also that this information is actually specific to a resolver address /
+server address pair, so a resolver with multiple addresses may wish to
+keep separate histories for each of its addresses. Part of this step
+must deal with addresses which have no such history; in this case an
+expected round trip time of 5-10 seconds should be the worst case, with
+lower estimates for the same local network, etc.
+Note that whenever a delegation is followed, the resolver algorithm
+reinitializes SLIST.
+The information establishes a partial ranking of the available name
+server addresses. Each time an address is chosen and the state should
+be altered to prevent its selection again until all other addresses have
+been tried. The timeout for each transmission should be 50-100% greater
+than the average predicted value to allow for variance in response.
+Some fine points:
+ - The resolver may encounter a situation where no addresses are
+ available for any of the name servers named in SLIST, and
+ where the servers in the list are precisely those which would
+ normally be used to look up their own addresses. This
+ situation typically occurs when the glue address RRs have a
+ smaller TTL than the NS RRs marking delegation, or when the
+ resolver caches the result of a NS search. The resolver
+ should detect this condition and restart the search at the
+ next ancestor zone, or alternatively at the root.
+Mockapetris [Page 45]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ - If a resolver gets a server error or other bizarre response
+ from a name server, it should remove it from SLIST, and may
+ wish to schedule an immediate transmission to the next
+ candidate server address.
+7.3. Processing responses
+The first step in processing arriving response datagrams is to parse the
+response. This procedure should include:
+ - Check the header for reasonableness. Discard datagrams which
+ are queries when responses are expected.
+ - Parse the sections of the message, and insure that all RRs are
+ correctly formatted.
+ - As an optional step, check the TTLs of arriving data looking
+ for RRs with excessively long TTLs. If a RR has an
+ excessively long TTL, say greater than 1 week, either discard
+ the whole response, or limit all TTLs in the response to 1
+ week.
+The next step is to match the response to a current resolver request.
+The recommended strategy is to do a preliminary matching using the ID
+field in the domain header, and then to verify that the question section
+corresponds to the information currently desired. This requires that
+the transmission algorithm devote several bits of the domain ID field to
+a request identifier of some sort. This step has several fine points:
+ - Some name servers send their responses from different
+ addresses than the one used to receive the query. That is, a
+ resolver cannot rely that a response will come from the same
+ address which it sent the corresponding query to. This name
+ server bug is typically encountered in UNIX systems.
+ - If the resolver retransmits a particular request to a name
+ server it should be able to use a response from any of the
+ transmissions. However, if it is using the response to sample
+ the round trip time to access the name server, it must be able
+ to determine which transmission matches the response (and keep
+ transmission times for each outgoing message), or only
+ calculate round trip times based on initial transmissions.
+ - A name server will occasionally not have a current copy of a
+ zone which it should have according to some NS RRs. The
+ resolver should simply remove the name server from the current
+ SLIST, and continue.
+Mockapetris [Page 46]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+7.4. Using the cache
+In general, we expect a resolver to cache all data which it receives in
+responses since it may be useful in answering future client requests.
+However, there are several types of data which should not be cached:
+ - When several RRs of the same type are available for a
+ particular owner name, the resolver should either cache them
+ all or none at all. When a response is truncated, and a
+ resolver doesn't know whether it has a complete set, it should
+ not cache a possibly partial set of RRs.
+ - Cached data should never be used in preference to
+ authoritative data, so if caching would cause this to happen
+ the data should not be cached.
+ - The results of an inverse query should not be cached.
+ - The results of standard queries where the QNAME contains "*"
+ labels if the data might be used to construct wildcards. The
+ reason is that the cache does not necessarily contain existing
+ RRs or zone boundary information which is necessary to
+ restrict the application of the wildcard RRs.
+ - RR data in responses of dubious reliability. When a resolver
+ receives unsolicited responses or RR data other than that
+ requested, it should discard it without caching it. The basic
+ implication is that all sanity checks on a packet should be
+ performed before any of it is cached.
+In a similar vein, when a resolver has a set of RRs for some name in a
+response, and wants to cache the RRs, it should check its cache for
+already existing RRs. Depending on the circumstances, either the data
+in the response or the cache is preferred, but the two should never be
+combined. If the data in the response is from authoritative data in the
+answer section, it is always preferred.
+The domain system defines a standard for mapping mailboxes into domain
+names, and two methods for using the mailbox information to derive mail
+routing information. The first method is called mail exchange binding
+and the other method is mailbox binding. The mailbox encoding standard
+and mail exchange binding are part of the DNS official protocol, and are
+the recommended method for mail routing in the Internet. Mailbox
+binding is an experimental feature which is still under development and
+subject to change.
+Mockapetris [Page 47]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+The mailbox encoding standard assumes a mailbox name of the form
+"<local-part>@<mail-domain>". While the syntax allowed in each of these
+sections varies substantially between the various mail internets, the
+preferred syntax for the ARPA Internet is given in [RFC-822].
+The DNS encodes the <local-part> as a single label, and encodes the
+<mail-domain> as a domain name. The single label from the <local-part>
+is prefaced to the domain name from <mail-domain> to form the domain
+name corresponding to the mailbox. Thus the mailbox HOSTMASTER@SRI-
+NIC.ARPA is mapped into the domain name HOSTMASTER.SRI-NIC.ARPA. If the
+<local-part> contains dots or other special characters, its
+representation in a master file will require the use of backslash
+quoting to ensure that the domain name is properly encoded. For
+example, the mailbox would be represented as
+8.1. Mail exchange binding
+Mail exchange binding uses the <mail-domain> part of a mailbox
+specification to determine where mail should be sent. The <local-part>
+is not even consulted. [RFC-974] specifies this method in detail, and
+should be consulted before attempting to use mail exchange support.
+One of the advantages of this method is that it decouples mail
+destination naming from the hosts used to support mail service, at the
+cost of another layer of indirection in the lookup function. However,
+the addition layer should eliminate the need for complicated "%", "!",
+etc encodings in <local-part>.
+The essence of the method is that the <mail-domain> is used as a domain
+name to locate type MX RRs which list hosts willing to accept mail for
+<mail-domain>, together with preference values which rank the hosts
+according to an order specified by the administrators for <mail-domain>.
+In this memo, the <mail-domain> ISI.EDU is used in examples, together
+with the hosts VENERA.ISI.EDU and VAXA.ISI.EDU as mail exchanges for
+ISI.EDU. If a mailer had a message for Mockapetris@ISI.EDU, it would
+route it by looking up MX RRs for ISI.EDU. The MX RRs at ISI.EDU name
+VENERA.ISI.EDU and VAXA.ISI.EDU, and type A queries can find the host
+8.2. Mailbox binding (Experimental)
+In mailbox binding, the mailer uses the entire mail destination
+specification to construct a domain name. The encoded domain name for
+the mailbox is used as the QNAME field in a QTYPE=MAILB query.
+Several outcomes are possible for this query:
+Mockapetris [Page 48]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ 1. The query can return a name error indicating that the mailbox
+ does not exist as a domain name.
+ In the long term, this would indicate that the specified
+ mailbox doesn't exist. However, until the use of mailbox
+ binding is universal, this error condition should be
+ interpreted to mean that the organization identified by the
+ global part does not support mailbox binding. The
+ appropriate procedure is to revert to exchange binding at
+ this point.
+ 2. The query can return a Mail Rename (MR) RR.
+ The MR RR carries new mailbox specification in its RDATA
+ field. The mailer should replace the old mailbox with the
+ new one and retry the operation.
+ 3. The query can return a MB RR.
+ The MB RR carries a domain name for a host in its RDATA
+ field. The mailer should deliver the message to that host
+ via whatever protocol is applicable, e.g., b,SMTP.
+ 4. The query can return one or more Mail Group (MG) RRs.
+ This condition means that the mailbox was actually a mailing
+ list or mail group, rather than a single mailbox. Each MG RR
+ has a RDATA field that identifies a mailbox that is a member
+ of the group. The mailer should deliver a copy of the
+ message to each member.
+ 5. The query can return a MB RR as well as one or more MG RRs.
+ This condition means the the mailbox was actually a mailing
+ list. The mailer can either deliver the message to the host
+ specified by the MB RR, which will in turn do the delivery to
+ all members, or the mailer can use the MG RRs to do the
+ expansion itself.
+In any of these cases, the response may include a Mail Information
+(MINFO) RR. This RR is usually associated with a mail group, but is
+legal with a MB. The MINFO RR identifies two mailboxes. One of these
+identifies a responsible person for the original mailbox name. This
+mailbox should be used for requests to be added to a mail group, etc.
+The second mailbox name in the MINFO RR identifies a mailbox that should
+receive error messages for mail failures. This is particularly
+appropriate for mailing lists when errors in member names should be
+reported to a person other than the one who sends a message to the list.
+Mockapetris [Page 49]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+New fields may be added to this RR in the future.
+[Dyer 87] S. Dyer, F. Hsu, "Hesiod", Project Athena
+ Technical Plan - Name Service, April 1987, version 1.9.
+ Describes the fundamentals of the Hesiod name service.
+[IEN-116] J. Postel, "Internet Name Server", IEN-116,
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1979.
+ A name service obsoleted by the Domain Name System, but
+ still in use.
+[Quarterman 86] J. Quarterman, and J. Hoskins, "Notable Computer Networks",
+ Communications of the ACM, October 1986, volume 29, number
+ 10.
+[RFC-742] K. Harrenstien, "NAME/FINGER", RFC-742, Network
+ Information Center, SRI International, December 1977.
+[RFC-768] J. Postel, "User Datagram Protocol", RFC-768,
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.
+[RFC-793] J. Postel, "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC-793,
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.
+[RFC-799] D. Mills, "Internet Name Domains", RFC-799, COMSAT,
+ September 1981.
+ Suggests introduction of a hierarchy in place of a flat
+ name space for the Internet.
+[RFC-805] J. Postel, "Computer Mail Meeting Notes", RFC-805,
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute, February 1982.
+[RFC-810] E. Feinler, K. Harrenstien, Z. Su, and V. White, "DOD
+ Internet Host Table Specification", RFC-810, Network
+ Information Center, SRI International, March 1982.
+ Obsolete. See RFC-952.
+[RFC-811] K. Harrenstien, V. White, and E. Feinler, "Hostnames
+ Server", RFC-811, Network Information Center, SRI
+ International, March 1982.
+Mockapetris [Page 50]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ Obsolete. See RFC-953.
+[RFC-812] K. Harrenstien, and V. White, "NICNAME/WHOIS", RFC-812,
+ Network Information Center, SRI International, March
+ 1982.
+[RFC-819] Z. Su, and J. Postel, "The Domain Naming Convention for
+ Internet User Applications", RFC-819, Network
+ Information Center, SRI International, August 1982.
+ Early thoughts on the design of the domain system.
+ Current implementation is completely different.
+[RFC-821] J. Postel, "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC-821,
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.
+[RFC-830] Z. Su, "A Distributed System for Internet Name Service",
+ RFC-830, Network Information Center, SRI International,
+ October 1982.
+ Early thoughts on the design of the domain system.
+ Current implementation is completely different.
+[RFC-882] P. Mockapetris, "Domain names - Concepts and
+ Facilities," RFC-882, USC/Information Sciences
+ Institute, November 1983.
+ Superceeded by this memo.
+[RFC-883] P. Mockapetris, "Domain names - Implementation and
+ Specification," RFC-883, USC/Information Sciences
+ Institute, November 1983.
+ Superceeded by this memo.
+[RFC-920] J. Postel and J. Reynolds, "Domain Requirements",
+ RFC-920, USC/Information Sciences Institute,
+ October 1984.
+ Explains the naming scheme for top level domains.
+[RFC-952] K. Harrenstien, M. Stahl, E. Feinler, "DoD Internet Host
+ Table Specification", RFC-952, SRI, October 1985.
+ Specifies the format of HOSTS.TXT, the host/address
+ table replaced by the DNS.
+Mockapetris [Page 51]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+[RFC-953] K. Harrenstien, M. Stahl, E. Feinler, "HOSTNAME Server",
+ RFC-953, SRI, October 1985.
+ This RFC contains the official specification of the
+ hostname server protocol, which is obsoleted by the DNS.
+ This TCP based protocol accesses information stored in
+ the RFC-952 format, and is used to obtain copies of the
+ host table.
+[RFC-973] P. Mockapetris, "Domain System Changes and
+ Observations", RFC-973, USC/Information Sciences
+ Institute, January 1986.
+ Describes changes to RFC-882 and RFC-883 and reasons for
+ them.
+[RFC-974] C. Partridge, "Mail routing and the domain system",
+ RFC-974, CSNET CIC BBN Labs, January 1986.
+ Describes the transition from HOSTS.TXT based mail
+ addressing to the more powerful MX system used with the
+ domain system.
+[RFC-1001] NetBIOS Working Group, "Protocol standard for a NetBIOS
+ service on a TCP/UDP transport: Concepts and Methods",
+ RFC-1001, March 1987.
+ This RFC and RFC-1002 are a preliminary design for
+ NETBIOS on top of TCP/IP which proposes to base NetBIOS
+ name service on top of the DNS.
+[RFC-1002] NetBIOS Working Group, "Protocol standard for a NetBIOS
+ service on a TCP/UDP transport: Detailed
+ Specifications", RFC-1002, March 1987.
+[RFC-1010] J. Reynolds, and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", RFC-1010,
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute, May 1987.
+ Contains socket numbers and mnemonics for host names,
+ operating systems, etc.
+[RFC-1031] W. Lazear, "MILNET Name Domain Transition", RFC-1031,
+ November 1987.
+ Describes a plan for converting the MILNET to the DNS.
+[RFC-1032] M. Stahl, "Establishing a Domain - Guidelines for
+ Administrators", RFC-1032, November 1987.
+Mockapetris [Page 52]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ Describes the registration policies used by the NIC to
+ administer the top level domains and delegate subzones.
+[RFC-1033] M. Lottor, "Domain Administrators Operations Guide",
+ RFC-1033, November 1987.
+ A cookbook for domain administrators.
+[Solomon 82] M. Solomon, L. Landweber, and D. Neuhengen, "The CSNET
+ Name Server", Computer Networks, vol 6, nr 3, July 1982.
+ Describes a name service for CSNET which is independent
+ from the DNS and DNS use in the CSNET.
+Mockapetris [Page 53]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ * 13
+ ; 33, 35
+ <character-string> 35
+ <domain-name> 34
+ @ 35
+ \ 35
+ A 12
+ Byte order 8
+ CH 13
+ Character case 9
+ CLASS 11
+ CNAME 12
+ Completion 42
+ CS 13
+ Hesiod 13
+ HINFO 12
+ HS 13
+ IN 13
+ IN-ADDR.ARPA domain 22
+ Inverse queries 40
+ Mailbox names 47
+ MB 12
+ MD 12
+ MF 12
+ MG 12
+ MINFO 12
+ MR 12
+ MX 12
+ NS 12
+ NULL 12
+ Port numbers 32
+ Primary server 5
+ PTR 12, 18
+Mockapetris [Page 54]
+RFC 1035 Domain Implementation and Specification November 1987
+ QTYPE 12
+ RDATA 12
+ Secondary server 5
+ SOA 12
+ Stub resolvers 7
+ TCP 32
+ TXT 12
+ TYPE 11
+ UDP 32
+ WKS 12
+Mockapetris [Page 55]
diff --git a/docs/rfc/rfc1413.txt b/docs/rfc/rfc1413.txt
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+++ b/docs/rfc/rfc1413.txt
@@ -1 +1,451 @@
- Network Working Group M. St. Johns Request for Comments: 1413 US Department of Defense Obsoletes: 931 February 1993 Identification Protocol Status of this Memo This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. 1. INTRODUCTION The Identification Protocol (a.k.a., "ident", a.k.a., "the Ident Protocol") provides a means to determine the identity of a user of a particular TCP connection. Given a TCP port number pair, it returns a character string which identifies the owner of that connection on the server's system. The Identification Protocol was formerly called the Authentication Server Protocol. It has been renamed to better reflect its function. This document is a product of the TCP Client Identity Protocol Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). 2. OVERVIEW This is a connection based application on TCP. A server listens for TCP connections on TCP port 113 (decimal). Once a connection is established, the server reads a line of data which specifies the connection of interest. If it exists, the system dependent user identifier of the connection of interest is sent as the reply. The server may then either shut the connection down or it may continue to read/respond to multiple queries. The server should close the connection down after a configurable amount of time with no queries - a 60-180 second idle timeout is recommended. The client may close the connection down at any time; however to allow for network delays the client should wait at least 30 seconds (or longer) after a query before abandoning the query and closing the connection. St. Johns [Page 1] RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993 3. RESTRICTIONS Queries are permitted only for fully specified connections. The query contains the local/foreign port pair -- the local/foreign address pair used to fully specify the connection is taken from the local and foreign address of query connection. This means a user on address A may only query the server on address B about connections between A and B. 4. QUERY/RESPONSE FORMAT The server accepts simple text query requests of the form: <port-on-server> , <port-on-client> where <port-on-server> is the TCP port (decimal) on the target (where the "ident" server is running) system, and <port-on-client> is the TCP port (decimal) on the source (client) system. N.B - If a client on host A wants to ask a server on host B about a connection specified locally (on the client's machine) as 23, 6191 (an inbound TELNET connection), the client must actually ask about 6191, 23 - which is how the connection would be specified on host B. For example: 6191, 23 The response is of the form <port-on-server> , <port-on-client> : <resp-type> : <add-info> where <port-on-server>,<port-on-client> are the same pair as the query, <resp-type> is a keyword identifying the type of response, and <add-info> is context dependent. The information returned is that associated with the fully specified TCP connection identified by <server-address>, <client-address>, <port-on-server>, <port-on-client>, where <server-address> and <client-address> are the local and foreign IP addresses of the querying connection -- i.e., the TCP connection to the Identification Protocol Server. (<port-on-server> and <port-on-client> are taken from the query.) For example: 6193, 23 : USERID : UNIX : stjohns 6195, 23 : ERROR : NO-USER St. Johns [Page 2] RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993 5. RESPONSE TYPES A response can be one of two types: USERID In this case, <add-info> is a string consisting of an operating system name (with an optional character set identifier), followed by ":", followed by an identification string. The character set (if present) is separated from the operating system name by ",". The character set identifier is used to indicate the character set of the identification string. The character set identifier, if omitted, defaults to "US-ASCII" (see below). Permitted operating system names and character set names are specified in RFC 1340, "Assigned Numbers" or its successors. In addition to those operating system and character set names specified in "Assigned Numbers" there is one special case operating system identifier - "OTHER". Unless "OTHER" is specified as the operating system type, the server is expected to return the "normal" user identification of the owner of this connection. "Normal" in this context may be taken to mean a string of characters which uniquely identifies the connection owner such as a user identifier assigned by the system administrator and used by such user as a mail identifier, or as the "user" part of a user/password pair used to gain access to system resources. When an operating system is specified (e.g., anything but "OTHER"), the user identifier is expected to be in a more or less immediately useful form - e.g., something that could be used as an argument to "finger" or as a mail address. "OTHER" indicates the identifier is an unformatted character string consisting of printable characters in the specified character set. "OTHER" should be specified if the user identifier does not meet the constraints of the previous paragraph. Sending an encrypted audit token, or returning other non-userid information about a user (such as the real name and phone number of a user from a UNIX passwd file) are St. Johns [Page 3] RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993 both examples of when "OTHER" should be used. Returned user identifiers are expected to be printable in the character set indicated. The identifier is an unformatted octet string - - all octets are permissible EXCEPT octal 000 (NUL), 012 (LF) and 015 (CR). N.B. - space characters (040) following the colon separator ARE part of the identifier string and may not be ignored. A response string is still terminated normally by a CR/LF. N.B. A string may be printable, but is not *necessarily* printable. ERROR For some reason the port owner could not be determined, <add-info> tells why. The following are the permitted values of <add-info> and their meanings: INVALID-PORT Either the local or foreign port was improperly specified. This should be returned if either or both of the port ids were out of range (TCP port numbers are from 1-65535), negative integers, reals or in any fashion not recognized as a non-negative integer. NO-USER The connection specified by the port pair is not currently in use or currently not owned by an identifiable entity. HIDDEN-USER The server was able to identify the user of this port, but the information was not returned at the request of the user. UNKNOWN-ERROR Can't determine connection owner; reason unknown. Any error not covered above should return this error code value. Optionally, this code MAY be returned in lieu of any other specific error code if, for example, the server desires to hide information implied by the return of that error St. Johns [Page 4] RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993 code, or for any other reason. If a server implements such a feature, it MUST be configurable and it MUST default to returning the proper error message. Other values may eventually be specified and defined in future revisions to this document. If an implementer has a need to specify a non-standard error code, that code must begin with "X". In addition, the server is allowed to drop the query connection without responding. Any premature close (i.e., one where the client does not receive the EOL, whether graceful or an abort should be considered to have the same meaning as "ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR". FORMAL SYNTAX <request> ::= <port-pair> <EOL> <port-pair> ::= <integer> "," <integer> <reply> ::= <reply-text> <EOL> <EOL> ::= "015 012" ; CR-LF End of Line Indicator <reply-text> ::= <error-reply> | <ident-reply> <error-reply> ::= <port-pair> ":" "ERROR" ":" <error-type> <ident-reply> ::= <port-pair> ":" "USERID" ":" <opsys-field> ":" <user-id> <error-type> ::= "INVALID-PORT" | "NO-USER" | "UNKNOWN-ERROR" | "HIDDEN-USER" | <error-token> <opsys-field> ::= <opsys> [ "," <charset>] <opsys> ::= "OTHER" | "UNIX" | <token> ...etc. ; (See "Assigned Numbers") <charset> ::= "US-ASCII" | ...etc. ; (See "Assigned Numbers") <user-id> ::= <octet-string> <token> ::= 1*64<token-characters> ; 1-64 characters <error-token> ::= "X"1*63<token-characters> ; 2-64 chars beginning w/X St. Johns [Page 5] RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993 <integer> ::= 1*5<digit> ; 1-5 digits. <digit> ::= "0" | "1" ... "8" | "9" ; 0-9 <token-characters> ::= <Any of these ASCII characters: a-z, A-Z, - (dash), .!@#$%^&*()_=+.,<>/?"'~`{}[]; > ; upper and lowercase a-z plus ; printables minus the colon ":" ; character. <octet-string> ::= 1*512<octet-characters> <octet-characters> ::= <any octet from 00 to 377 (octal) except for ASCII NUL (000), CR (015) and LF (012)> Notes on Syntax: 1) To promote interoperability among variant implementations, with respect to white space the above syntax is understood to embody the "be conservative in what you send and be liberal in what you accept" philosophy. Clients and servers should not generate unnecessary white space (space and tab characters) but should accept white space anywhere except within a token. In parsing responses, white space may occur anywhere, except within a token. Specifically, any amount of white space is permitted at the beginning or end of a line both for queries and responses. This does not apply for responses that contain a user ID because everything after the colon after the operating system type until the terminating CR/LF is taken as part of the user ID. The terminating CR/LF is NOT considered part of the user ID. 2) The above notwithstanding, servers should restrict the amount of inter-token white space they send to the smallest amount reasonable or useful. Clients should feel free to abort a connection if they receive 1000 characters without receiving an <EOL>. 3) The 512 character limit on user IDs and the 64 character limit on tokens should be understood to mean as follows: a) No new token (i.e., OPSYS or ERROR-TYPE) token will be defined that has a length greater than 64 and b) a server SHOULD NOT send more than 512 octets of user ID and a client MUST accept at least 512 octets of St. Johns [Page 6] RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993 user ID. Because of this limitation, a server MUST return the most significant portion of the user ID in the first 512 octets. 4) The character sets and character set identifiers should map directly to those defined in or referenced by RFC 1340, "Assigned Numbers" or its successors. Character set identifiers only apply to the user identification field - all other fields will be defined in and must be sent as US-ASCII. 5) Although <user-id> is defined as an <octet-string> above, it must follow the format and character set constraints implied by the <opsys-field>; see the discussion above. 6) The character set provides context for the client to print or store the returned user identification string. If the client does not recognize or implement the returned character set, it should handle the returned identification string as OCTET, but should in addition store or report the character set. An OCTET string should be printed, stored or handled in hex notation (0-9a-f) in addition to any other representation the client implements - this provides a standard representation among differing implementations. 6. Security Considerations The information returned by this protocol is at most as trustworthy as the host providing it OR the organization operating the host. For example, a PC in an open lab has few if any controls on it to prevent a user from having this protocol return any identifier the user wants. Likewise, if the host has been compromised the information returned may be completely erroneous and misleading. The Identification Protocol is not intended as an authorization or access control protocol. At best, it provides some additional auditing information with respect to TCP connections. At worst, it can provide misleading, incorrect, or maliciously incorrect information. The use of the information returned by this protocol for other than auditing is strongly discouraged. Specifically, using Identification Protocol information to make access control decisions - either as the primary method (i.e., no other checks) or as an adjunct to other methods may result in a weakening of normal host security. St. Johns [Page 7] RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993 An Identification server may reveal information about users, entities, objects or processes which might normally be considered private. An Identification server provides service which is a rough analog of the CallerID services provided by some phone companies and many of the same privacy considerations and arguments that apply to the CallerID service apply to Identification. If you wouldn't run a "finger" server due to privacy considerations you may not want to run this protocol. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledgement is given to Dan Bernstein who is primarily responsible for renewing interest in this protocol and for pointing out some annoying errors in RFC 931. References [1] St. Johns, M., "Authentication Server", RFC 931, TPSC, January 1985. [2] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC 1340, USC/Information Sciences Institute, July 1992. Author's Address Michael C. St. Johns DARPA/CSTO 3701 N. Fairfax Dr Arlington, VA 22203 Phone: (703) 696-2271 EMail: stjohns@DARPA.MIL St. Johns [Page 8] \ No newline at end of file
+Network Working Group M. St. Johns
+Request for Comments: 1413 US Department of Defense
+Obsoletes: 931 February 1993
+ Identification Protocol
+Status of this Memo
+ This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet
+ community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
+ Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
+ Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
+ Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+ The Identification Protocol (a.k.a., "ident", a.k.a., "the Ident
+ Protocol") provides a means to determine the identity of a user of a
+ particular TCP connection. Given a TCP port number pair, it returns
+ a character string which identifies the owner of that connection on
+ the server's system.
+ The Identification Protocol was formerly called the Authentication
+ Server Protocol. It has been renamed to better reflect its function.
+ This document is a product of the TCP Client Identity Protocol
+ Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
+ This is a connection based application on TCP. A server listens for
+ TCP connections on TCP port 113 (decimal). Once a connection is
+ established, the server reads a line of data which specifies the
+ connection of interest. If it exists, the system dependent user
+ identifier of the connection of interest is sent as the reply. The
+ server may then either shut the connection down or it may continue to
+ read/respond to multiple queries.
+ The server should close the connection down after a configurable
+ amount of time with no queries - a 60-180 second idle timeout is
+ recommended. The client may close the connection down at any time;
+ however to allow for network delays the client should wait at least
+ 30 seconds (or longer) after a query before abandoning the query and
+ closing the connection.
+St. Johns [Page 1]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ Queries are permitted only for fully specified connections. The
+ query contains the local/foreign port pair -- the local/foreign
+ address pair used to fully specify the connection is taken from the
+ local and foreign address of query connection. This means a user on
+ address A may only query the server on address B about connections
+ between A and B.
+ The server accepts simple text query requests of the form:
+ <port-on-server> , <port-on-client>
+ where <port-on-server> is the TCP port (decimal) on the target (where
+ the "ident" server is running) system, and <port-on-client> is the
+ TCP port (decimal) on the source (client) system.
+ N.B - If a client on host A wants to ask a server on host B about a
+ connection specified locally (on the client's machine) as 23, 6191
+ (an inbound TELNET connection), the client must actually ask about
+ 6191, 23 - which is how the connection would be specified on host B.
+ For example:
+ 6191, 23
+ The response is of the form
+ <port-on-server> , <port-on-client> : <resp-type> : <add-info>
+ where <port-on-server>,<port-on-client> are the same pair as the
+ query, <resp-type> is a keyword identifying the type of response, and
+ <add-info> is context dependent.
+ The information returned is that associated with the fully specified
+ TCP connection identified by <server-address>, <client-address>,
+ <port-on-server>, <port-on-client>, where <server-address> and
+ <client-address> are the local and foreign IP addresses of the
+ querying connection -- i.e., the TCP connection to the Identification
+ Protocol Server. (<port-on-server> and <port-on-client> are taken
+ from the query.)
+ For example:
+ 6193, 23 : USERID : UNIX : stjohns
+ 6195, 23 : ERROR : NO-USER
+St. Johns [Page 2]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+A response can be one of two types:
+ In this case, <add-info> is a string consisting of an
+ operating system name (with an optional character set
+ identifier), followed by ":", followed by an
+ identification string.
+ The character set (if present) is separated from the
+ operating system name by ",". The character set
+ identifier is used to indicate the character set of the
+ identification string. The character set identifier,
+ if omitted, defaults to "US-ASCII" (see below).
+ Permitted operating system names and character set
+ names are specified in RFC 1340, "Assigned Numbers" or
+ its successors.
+ In addition to those operating system and character set
+ names specified in "Assigned Numbers" there is one
+ special case operating system identifier - "OTHER".
+ Unless "OTHER" is specified as the operating system
+ type, the server is expected to return the "normal"
+ user identification of the owner of this connection.
+ "Normal" in this context may be taken to mean a string
+ of characters which uniquely identifies the connection
+ owner such as a user identifier assigned by the system
+ administrator and used by such user as a mail
+ identifier, or as the "user" part of a user/password
+ pair used to gain access to system resources. When an
+ operating system is specified (e.g., anything but
+ "OTHER"), the user identifier is expected to be in a
+ more or less immediately useful form - e.g., something
+ that could be used as an argument to "finger" or as a
+ mail address.
+ "OTHER" indicates the identifier is an unformatted
+ character string consisting of printable characters in
+ the specified character set. "OTHER" should be
+ specified if the user identifier does not meet the
+ constraints of the previous paragraph. Sending an
+ encrypted audit token, or returning other non-userid
+ information about a user (such as the real name and
+ phone number of a user from a UNIX passwd file) are
+St. Johns [Page 3]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ both examples of when "OTHER" should be used.
+ Returned user identifiers are expected to be printable
+ in the character set indicated.
+ The identifier is an unformatted octet string - - all
+ octets are permissible EXCEPT octal 000 (NUL), 012 (LF)
+ and 015 (CR). N.B. - space characters (040) following the
+ colon separator ARE part of the identifier string and
+ may not be ignored. A response string is still
+ terminated normally by a CR/LF. N.B. A string may be
+ printable, but is not *necessarily* printable.
+ For some reason the port owner could not be determined, <add-info>
+ tells why. The following are the permitted values of <add-info> and
+ their meanings:
+ Either the local or foreign port was improperly
+ specified. This should be returned if either or
+ both of the port ids were out of range (TCP port
+ numbers are from 1-65535), negative integers, reals or
+ in any fashion not recognized as a non-negative
+ integer.
+ The connection specified by the port pair is not
+ currently in use or currently not owned by an
+ identifiable entity.
+ The server was able to identify the user of this
+ port, but the information was not returned at the
+ request of the user.
+ Can't determine connection owner; reason unknown.
+ Any error not covered above should return this
+ error code value. Optionally, this code MAY be
+ returned in lieu of any other specific error code
+ if, for example, the server desires to hide
+ information implied by the return of that error
+St. Johns [Page 4]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ code, or for any other reason. If a server
+ implements such a feature, it MUST be configurable
+ and it MUST default to returning the proper error
+ message.
+ Other values may eventually be specified and defined in future
+ revisions to this document. If an implementer has a need to specify
+ a non-standard error code, that code must begin with "X".
+ In addition, the server is allowed to drop the query connection
+ without responding. Any premature close (i.e., one where the client
+ does not receive the EOL, whether graceful or an abort should be
+ considered to have the same meaning as "ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR".
+ <request> ::= <port-pair> <EOL>
+ <port-pair> ::= <integer> "," <integer>
+ <reply> ::= <reply-text> <EOL>
+ <EOL> ::= "015 012" ; CR-LF End of Line Indicator
+ <reply-text> ::= <error-reply> | <ident-reply>
+ <error-reply> ::= <port-pair> ":" "ERROR" ":" <error-type>
+ <ident-reply> ::= <port-pair> ":" "USERID" ":" <opsys-field>
+ ":" <user-id>
+ <error-type> ::= "INVALID-PORT" | "NO-USER" | "UNKNOWN-ERROR"
+ | "HIDDEN-USER" | <error-token>
+ <opsys-field> ::= <opsys> [ "," <charset>]
+ <opsys> ::= "OTHER" | "UNIX" | <token> ...etc.
+ ; (See "Assigned Numbers")
+ <charset> ::= "US-ASCII" | ...etc.
+ ; (See "Assigned Numbers")
+ <user-id> ::= <octet-string>
+ <token> ::= 1*64<token-characters> ; 1-64 characters
+ <error-token> ::= "X"1*63<token-characters>
+ ; 2-64 chars beginning w/X
+St. Johns [Page 5]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ <integer> ::= 1*5<digit> ; 1-5 digits.
+ <digit> ::= "0" | "1" ... "8" | "9" ; 0-9
+ <token-characters> ::=
+ <Any of these ASCII characters: a-z, A-Z,
+ - (dash), .!@#$%^&*()_=+.,<>/?"'~`{}[]; >
+ ; upper and lowercase a-z plus
+ ; printables minus the colon ":"
+ ; character.
+ <octet-string> ::= 1*512<octet-characters>
+ <octet-characters> ::=
+ <any octet from 00 to 377 (octal) except for
+ ASCII NUL (000), CR (015) and LF (012)>
+Notes on Syntax:
+ 1) To promote interoperability among variant
+ implementations, with respect to white space the above
+ syntax is understood to embody the "be conservative in
+ what you send and be liberal in what you accept"
+ philosophy. Clients and servers should not generate
+ unnecessary white space (space and tab characters) but
+ should accept white space anywhere except within a
+ token. In parsing responses, white space may occur
+ anywhere, except within a token. Specifically, any
+ amount of white space is permitted at the beginning or
+ end of a line both for queries and responses. This
+ does not apply for responses that contain a user ID
+ because everything after the colon after the operating
+ system type until the terminating CR/LF is taken as
+ part of the user ID. The terminating CR/LF is NOT
+ considered part of the user ID.
+ 2) The above notwithstanding, servers should restrict the
+ amount of inter-token white space they send to the
+ smallest amount reasonable or useful. Clients should
+ feel free to abort a connection if they receive 1000
+ characters without receiving an <EOL>.
+ 3) The 512 character limit on user IDs and the 64
+ character limit on tokens should be understood to mean
+ as follows: a) No new token (i.e., OPSYS or ERROR-TYPE)
+ token will be defined that has a length greater than 64
+ and b) a server SHOULD NOT send more than 512 octets of
+ user ID and a client MUST accept at least 512 octets of
+St. Johns [Page 6]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ user ID. Because of this limitation, a server MUST
+ return the most significant portion of the user ID in
+ the first 512 octets.
+ 4) The character sets and character set identifiers should
+ map directly to those defined in or referenced by RFC 1340,
+ "Assigned Numbers" or its successors. Character set
+ identifiers only apply to the user identification field
+ - all other fields will be defined in and must be sent
+ as US-ASCII.
+ 5) Although <user-id> is defined as an <octet-string>
+ above, it must follow the format and character set
+ constraints implied by the <opsys-field>; see the
+ discussion above.
+ 6) The character set provides context for the client to
+ print or store the returned user identification string.
+ If the client does not recognize or implement the
+ returned character set, it should handle the returned
+ identification string as OCTET, but should in addition
+ store or report the character set. An OCTET string
+ should be printed, stored or handled in hex notation
+ (0-9a-f) in addition to any other representation the
+ client implements - this provides a standard
+ representation among differing implementations.
+6. Security Considerations
+ The information returned by this protocol is at most as trustworthy
+ as the host providing it OR the organization operating the host. For
+ example, a PC in an open lab has few if any controls on it to prevent
+ a user from having this protocol return any identifier the user
+ wants. Likewise, if the host has been compromised the information
+ returned may be completely erroneous and misleading.
+ The Identification Protocol is not intended as an authorization or
+ access control protocol. At best, it provides some additional
+ auditing information with respect to TCP connections. At worst, it
+ can provide misleading, incorrect, or maliciously incorrect
+ information.
+ The use of the information returned by this protocol for other than
+ auditing is strongly discouraged. Specifically, using Identification
+ Protocol information to make access control decisions - either as the
+ primary method (i.e., no other checks) or as an adjunct to other
+ methods may result in a weakening of normal host security.
+St. Johns [Page 7]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ An Identification server may reveal information about users,
+ entities, objects or processes which might normally be considered
+ private. An Identification server provides service which is a rough
+ analog of the CallerID services provided by some phone companies and
+ many of the same privacy considerations and arguments that apply to
+ the CallerID service apply to Identification. If you wouldn't run a
+ "finger" server due to privacy considerations you may not want to run
+ this protocol.
+ Acknowledgement is given to Dan Bernstein who is primarily
+ responsible for renewing interest in this protocol and for pointing
+ out some annoying errors in RFC 931.
+ [1] St. Johns, M., "Authentication Server", RFC 931, TPSC, January
+ 1985.
+ [2] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC 1340,
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute, July 1992.
+Author's Address
+ Michael C. St. Johns
+ 3701 N. Fairfax Dr
+ Arlington, VA 22203
+ Phone: (703) 696-2271
+ EMail: stjohns@DARPA.MIL
+St. Johns [Page 8]
+ \ No newline at end of file
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- Network Working Group J. Oikarinen Request for Comments: 1459 D. Reed May 1993 Internet Relay Chat Protocol Status of This Memo This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community. Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested. Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Abstract The IRC protocol was developed over the last 4 years since it was first implemented as a means for users on a BBS to chat amongst themselves. Now it supports a world-wide network of servers and clients, and is stringing to cope with growth. Over the past 2 years, the average number of users connected to the main IRC network has grown by a factor of 10. The IRC protocol is a text-based protocol, with the simplest client being any socket program capable of connecting to the server. Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................... 4 1.1 Servers ................................................ 4 1.2 Clients ................................................ 5 1.2.1 Operators .......................................... 5 1.3 Channels ................................................ 5 1.3.1 Channel Operators .................................... 6 2. THE IRC SPECIFICATION ....................................... 7 2.1 Overview ................................................ 7 2.2 Character codes ......................................... 7 2.3 Messages ................................................ 7 2.3.1 Message format in 'pseudo' BNF .................... 8 2.4 Numeric replies ......................................... 10 3. IRC Concepts ................................................ 10 3.1 One-to-one communication ................................ 10 3.2 One-to-many ............................................. 11 3.2.1 To a list .......................................... 11 3.2.2 To a group (channel) ............................... 11 3.2.3 To a host/server mask .............................. 12 3.3 One to all .............................................. 12 Oikarinen & Reed [Page 1] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 3.3.1 Client to Client ................................... 12 3.3.2 Clients to Server .................................. 12 3.3.3 Server to Server ................................... 12 4. MESSAGE DETAILS ............................................. 13 4.1 Connection Registration ................................. 13 4.1.1 Password message ................................... 14 4.1.2 Nickname message ................................... 14 4.1.3 User message ....................................... 15 4.1.4 Server message ..................................... 16 4.1.5 Operator message ................................... 17 4.1.6 Quit message ....................................... 17 4.1.7 Server Quit message ................................ 18 4.2 Channel operations ...................................... 19 4.2.1 Join message ....................................... 19 4.2.2 Part message ....................................... 20 4.2.3 Mode message ....................................... 21 Channel modes ................................. 21 User modes .................................... 22 4.2.4 Topic message ...................................... 23 4.2.5 Names message ...................................... 24 4.2.6 List message ....................................... 24 4.2.7 Invite message ..................................... 25 4.2.8 Kick message ....................................... 25 4.3 Server queries and commands ............................. 26 4.3.1 Version message .................................... 26 4.3.2 Stats message ...................................... 27 4.3.3 Links message ...................................... 28 4.3.4 Time message ....................................... 29 4.3.5 Connect message .................................... 29 4.3.6 Trace message ...................................... 30 4.3.7 Admin message ...................................... 31 4.3.8 Info message ....................................... 31 4.4 Sending messages ........................................ 32 4.4.1 Private messages ................................... 32 4.4.2 Notice messages .................................... 33 4.5 User-based queries ...................................... 33 4.5.1 Who query .......................................... 33 4.5.2 Whois query ........................................ 34 4.5.3 Whowas message ..................................... 35 4.6 Miscellaneous messages .................................. 35 4.6.1 Kill message ....................................... 36 4.6.2 Ping message ....................................... 37 4.6.3 Pong message ....................................... 37 4.6.4 Error message ...................................... 38 5. OPTIONAL MESSAGES ........................................... 38 5.1 Away message ............................................ 38 5.2 Rehash command .......................................... 39 5.3 Restart command ......................................... 39 Oikarinen & Reed [Page 2] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 5.4 Summon message .......................................... 40 5.5 Users message ........................................... 40 5.6 Operwall command ........................................ 41 5.7 Userhost message ........................................ 42 5.8 Ison message ............................................ 42 6. REPLIES ..................................................... 43 6.1 Error Replies ........................................... 43 6.2 Command responses ....................................... 48 6.3 Reserved numerics ....................................... 56 7. Client and server authentication ............................ 56 8. Current Implementations Details ............................. 56 8.1 Network protocol: TCP ................................... 57 8.1.1 Support of Unix sockets ............................ 57 8.2 Command Parsing ......................................... 57 8.3 Message delivery ........................................ 57 8.4 Connection 'Liveness' ................................... 58 8.5 Establishing a server-client connection ................. 58 8.6 Establishing a server-server connection ................. 58 8.6.1 State information exchange when connecting ......... 59 8.7 Terminating server-client connections ................... 59 8.8 Terminating server-server connections ................... 59 8.9 Tracking nickname changes ............................... 60 8.10 Flood control of clients ............................... 60 8.11 Non-blocking lookups ................................... 61 8.11.1 Hostname (DNS) lookups ............................ 61 8.11.2 Username (Ident) lookups .......................... 61 8.12 Configuration file ..................................... 61 8.12.1 Allowing clients to connect ....................... 62 8.12.2 Operators ......................................... 62 8.12.3 Allowing servers to connect ....................... 62 8.12.4 Administrivia ..................................... 63 8.13 Channel membership ..................................... 63 9. Current problems ............................................ 63 9.1 Scalability ............................................. 63 9.2 Labels .................................................. 63 9.2.1 Nicknames .......................................... 63 9.2.2 Channels ........................................... 64 9.2.3 Servers ............................................ 64 9.3 Algorithms .............................................. 64 10. Support and availability ................................... 64 11. Security Considerations .................................... 65 12. Authors' Addresses ......................................... 65 Oikarinen & Reed [Page 3] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 1. INTRODUCTION The IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol has been designed over a number of years for use with text based conferencing. This document describes the current IRC protocol. The IRC protocol has been developed on systems using the TCP/IP network protocol, although there is no requirement that this remain the only sphere in which it operates. IRC itself is a teleconferencing system, which (through the use of the client-server model) is well-suited to running on many machines in a distributed fashion. A typical setup involves a single process (the server) forming a central point for clients (or other servers) to connect to, performing the required message delivery/multiplexing and other functions. 1.1 Servers The server forms the backbone of IRC, providing a point to which clients may connect to to talk to each other, and a point for other servers to connect to, forming an IRC network. The only network configuration allowed for IRC servers is that of a spanning tree [see Fig. 1] where each server acts as a central node for the rest of the net it sees. [ Server 15 ] [ Server 13 ] [ Server 14] / \ / / \ / [ Server 11 ] ------ [ Server 1 ] [ Server 12] / \ / / \ / [ Server 2 ] [ Server 3 ] / \ \ / \ \ [ Server 4 ] [ Server 5 ] [ Server 6 ] / | \ / / | \ / / | \____ / / | \ / [ Server 7 ] [ Server 8 ] [ Server 9 ] [ Server 10 ] : [ etc. ] : [ Fig. 1. Format of IRC server network ] Oikarinen & Reed [Page 4] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 1.2 Clients A client is anything connecting to a server that is not another server. Each client is distinguished from other clients by a unique nickname having a maximum length of nine (9) characters. See the protocol grammar rules for what may and may not be used in a nickname. In addition to the nickname, all servers must have the following information about all clients: the real name of the host that the client is running on, the username of the client on that host, and the server to which the client is connected. 1.2.1 Operators To allow a reasonable amount of order to be kept within the IRC network, a special class of clients (operators) is allowed to perform general maintenance functions on the network. Although the powers granted to an operator can be considered as 'dangerous', they are nonetheless required. Operators should be able to perform basic network tasks such as disconnecting and reconnecting servers as needed to prevent long-term use of bad network routing. In recognition of this need, the protocol discussed herein provides for operators only to be able to perform such functions. See sections 4.1.7 (SQUIT) and 4.3.5 (CONNECT). A more controversial power of operators is the ability to remove a user from the connected network by 'force', i.e. operators are able to close the connection between any client and server. The justification for this is delicate since its abuse is both destructive and annoying. For further details on this type of action, see section 4.6.1 (KILL). 1.3 Channels A channel is a named group of one or more clients which will all receive messages addressed to that channel. The channel is created implicitly when the first client joins it, and the channel ceases to exist when the last client leaves it. While channel exists, any client can reference the channel using the name of the channel. Channels names are strings (beginning with a '&' or '#' character) of length up to 200 characters. Apart from the the requirement that the first character being either '&' or '#'; the only restriction on a channel name is that it may not contain any spaces (' '), a control G (^G or ASCII 7), or a comma (',' which is used as a list item separator by the protocol). There are two types of channels allowed by this protocol. One is a distributed channel which is known to all the servers that are Oikarinen & Reed [Page 5] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 connected to the network. These channels are marked by the first character being a only clients on the server where it exists may join it. These are distinguished by a leading '&' character. On top of these two types, there are the various channel modes available to alter the characteristics of individual channels. See section 4.2.3 (MODE command) for more details on this. To create a new channel or become part of an existing channel, a user is required to JOIN the channel. If the channel doesn't exist prior to joining, the channel is created and the creating user becomes a channel operator. If the channel already exists, whether or not your request to JOIN that channel is honoured depends on the current modes of the channel. For example, if the channel is invite-only, (+i), then you may only join if invited. As part of the protocol, a user may be a part of several channels at once, but a limit of ten (10) channels is recommended as being ample for both experienced and novice users. See section 8.13 for more information on this. If the IRC network becomes disjoint because of a split between two servers, the channel on each side is only composed of those clients which are connected to servers on the respective sides of the split, possibly ceasing to exist on one side of the split. When the split is healed, the connecting servers announce to each other who they think is in each channel and the mode of that channel. If the channel exists on both sides, the JOINs and MODEs are interpreted in an inclusive manner so that both sides of the new connection will agree about which clients are in the channel and what modes the channel has. 1.3.1 Channel Operators The channel operator (also referred to as a "chop" or "chanop") on a given channel is considered to 'own' that channel. In recognition of this status, channel operators are endowed with certain powers which enable them to keep control and some sort of sanity in their channel. As an owner of a channel, a channel operator is not required to have reasons for their actions, although if their actions are generally antisocial or otherwise abusive, it might be reasonable to ask an IRC operator to intervene, or for the usersjust leave and go elsewhere and form their own channel. The commands which may only be used by channel operators are: KICK - Eject a client from the channel MODE - Change the channel's mode INVITE - Invite a client to an invite-only channel (mode +i) TOPIC - Change the channel topic in a mode +t channel Oikarinen & Reed [Page 6] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 A channel operator is identified by the '@' symbol next to their nickname whenever it is associated with a channel (ie replies to the NAMES, WHO and WHOIS commands). 2. The IRC Specification 2.1 Overview The protocol as described herein is for use both with server to server and client to server connections. There are, however, more restrictions on client connections (which are considered to be untrustworthy) than on server connections. 2.2 Character codes No specific character set is specified. The protocol is based on a a set of codes which are composed of eight (8) bits, making up an octet. Each message may be composed of any number of these octets; however, some octet values are used for control codes which act as message delimiters. Regardless of being an 8-bit protocol, the delimiters and keywords are such that protocol is mostly usable from USASCII terminal and a telnet connection. Because of IRC's scandanavian origin, the characters {}| are considered to be the lower case equivalents of the characters []\, respectively. This is a critical issue when determining the equivalence of two nicknames. 2.3 Messages Servers and clients send eachother messages which may or may not generate a reply. If the message contains a valid command, as described in later sections, the client should expect a reply as specified but it is not advised to wait forever for the reply; client to server and server to server communication is essentially asynchronous in nature. Each IRC message may consist of up to three main parts: the prefix (optional), the command, and the command parameters (of which there may be up to 15). The prefix, command, and all parameters are separated by one (or more) ASCII space character(s) (0x20). The presence of a prefix is indicated with a single leading ASCII colon character (':', 0x3b), which must be the first character of the message itself. There must be no gap (whitespace) between the colon and the prefix. The prefix is used by servers to indicate the true Oikarinen & Reed [Page 7] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 origin of the message. If the prefix is missing from the message, it is assumed to have originated from the connection from which it was received. Clients should not use prefix when sending a message from themselves; if they use a prefix, the only valid prefix is the registered nickname associated with the client. If the source identified by the prefix cannot be found from the server's internal database, or if the source is registered from a different link than from which the message arrived, the server must ignore the message silently. The command must either be a valid IRC command or a three (3) digit number represented in ASCII text. IRC messages are always lines of characters terminated with a CR-LF (Carriage Return - Line Feed) pair, and these messages shall not exceed 512 characters in length, counting all characters including the trailing CR-LF. Thus, there are 510 characters maximum allowed for the command and its parameters. There is no provision for continuation message lines. See section 7 for more details about current implementations. 2.3.1 Message format in 'pseudo' BNF The protocol messages must be extracted from the contiguous stream of octets. The current solution is to designate two characters, CR and LF, as message separators. Empty messages are silently ignored, which permits use of the sequence CR-LF between messages without extra problems. The extracted message is parsed into the components <prefix>, <command> and list of parameters matched either by <middle> or <trailing> components. The BNF representation for this is: <message> ::= [':' <prefix> <SPACE> ] <command> <params> <crlf> <prefix> ::= <servername> | <nick> [ '!' <user> ] [ '@' <host> ] <command> ::= <letter> { <letter> } | <number> <number> <number> <SPACE> ::= ' ' { ' ' } <params> ::= <SPACE> [ ':' <trailing> | <middle> <params> ] <middle> ::= <Any *non-empty* sequence of octets not including SPACE or NUL or CR or LF, the first of which may not be ':'> <trailing> ::= <Any, possibly *empty*, sequence of octets not including NUL or CR or LF> <crlf> ::= CR LF Oikarinen & Reed [Page 8] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 NOTES: 1) <SPACE> is consists only of SPACE character(s) (0x20). Specially notice that TABULATION, and all other control characters are considered NON-WHITE-SPACE. 2) After extracting the parameter list, all parameters are equal, whether matched by <middle> or <trailing>. <Trailing> is just a syntactic trick to allow SPACE within parameter. 3) The fact that CR and LF cannot appear in parameter strings is just artifact of the message framing. This might change later. 4) The NUL character is not special in message framing, and basically could end up inside a parameter, but as it would cause extra complexities in normal C string handling. Therefore NUL is not allowed within messages. 5) The last parameter may be an empty string. 6) Use of the extended prefix (['!' <user> ] ['@' <host> ]) must not be used in server to server communications and is only intended for server to client messages in order to provide clients with more useful information about who a message is from without the need for additional queries. Most protocol messages specify additional semantics and syntax for the extracted parameter strings dictated by their position in the list. For example, many server commands will assume that the first parameter after the command is the list of targets, which can be described with: <target> ::= <to> [ "," <target> ] <to> ::= <channel> | <user> '@' <servername> | <nick> | <mask> <channel> ::= ('#' | '&') <chstring> <servername> ::= <host> <host> ::= see RFC 952 [DNS:4] for details on allowed hostnames <nick> ::= <letter> { <letter> | <number> | <special> } <mask> ::= ('#' | '$') <chstring> <chstring> ::= <any 8bit code except SPACE, BELL, NUL, CR, LF and comma (',')> Other parameter syntaxes are: <user> ::= <nonwhite> { <nonwhite> } <letter> ::= 'a' ... 'z' | 'A' ... 'Z' <number> ::= '0' ... '9' <special> ::= '-' | '[' | ']' | '\' | '`' | '^' | '{' | '}' Oikarinen & Reed [Page 9] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 <nonwhite> ::= <any 8bit code except SPACE (0x20), NUL (0x0), CR (0xd), and LF (0xa)> 2.4 Numeric replies Most of the messages sent to the server generate a reply of some sort. The most common reply is the numeric reply, used for both errors and normal replies. The numeric reply must be sent as one message consisting of the sender prefix, the three digit numeric, and the target of the reply. A numeric reply is not allowed to originate from a client; any such messages received by a server are silently dropped. In all other respects, a numeric reply is just like a normal message, except that the keyword is made up of 3 numeric digits rather than a string of letters. A list of different replies is supplied in section 6. 3. IRC Concepts. This section is devoted to describing the actual concepts behind the organization of the IRC protocol and how the current implementations deliver different classes of messages. 1--\ A D---4 2--/ \ / B----C / \ 3 E Servers: A, B, C, D, E Clients: 1, 2, 3, 4 [ Fig. 2. Sample small IRC network ] 3.1 One-to-one communication Communication on a one-to-one basis is usually only performed by clients, since most server-server traffic is not a result of servers talking only to each other. To provide a secure means for clients to talk to each other, it is required that all servers be able to send a message in exactly one direction along the spanning tree in order to reach any client. The path of a message being delivered is the shortest path between any two points on the spanning tree. The following examples all refer to Figure 2 above. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 10] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 Example 1: A message between clients 1 and 2 is only seen by server A, which sends it straight to client 2. Example 2: A message between clients 1 and 3 is seen by servers A & B, and client 3. No other clients or servers are allowed see the message. Example 3: A message between clients 2 and 4 is seen by servers A, B, C & D and client 4 only. 3.2 One-to-many The main goal of IRC is to provide a forum which allows easy and efficient conferencing (one to many conversations). IRC offers several means to achieve this, each serving its own purpose. 3.2.1 To a list The least efficient style of one-to-many conversation is through clients talking to a 'list' of users. How this is done is almost self explanatory: the client gives a list of destinations to which the message is to be delivered and the server breaks it up and dispatches a separate copy of the message to each given destination. This isn't as efficient as using a group since the destination list is broken up and the dispatch sent without checking to make sure duplicates aren't sent down each path. 3.2.2 To a group (channel) In IRC the channel has a role equivalent to that of the multicast group; their existence is dynamic (coming and going as people join and leave channels) and the actual conversation carried out on a channel is only sent to servers which are supporting users on a given channel. If there are multiple users on a server in the same channel, the message text is sent only once to that server and then sent to each client on the channel. This action is then repeated for each client-server combination until the original message has fanned out and reached each member of the channel. The following examples all refer to Figure 2. Example 4: Any channel with 1 client in it. Messages to the channel go to the server and then nowhere else. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 11] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 Example 5: 2 clients in a channel. All messages traverse a path as if they were private messages between the two clients outside a channel. Example 6: Clients 1, 2 and 3 in a channel. All messages to the channel are sent to all clients and only those servers which must be traversed by the message if it were a private message to a single client. If client 1 sends a message, it goes back to client 2 and then via server B to client 3. 3.2.3 To a host/server mask To provide IRC operators with some mechanism to send messages to a large body of related users, host and server mask messages are provided. These messages are sent to users whose host or server information match that of the mask. The messages are only sent to locations where users are, in a fashion similar to that of channels. 3.3 One-to-all The one-to-all type of message is better described as a broadcast message, sent to all clients or servers or both. On a large network of users and servers, a single message can result in a lot of traffic being sent over the network in an effort to reach all of the desired destinations. For some messages, there is no option but to broadcast it to all servers so that the state information held by each server is reasonably consistent between servers. 3.3.1 Client-to-Client There is no class of message which, from a single message, results in a message being sent to every other client. 3.3.2 Client-to-Server Most of the commands which result in a change of state information (such as channel membership, channel mode, user status, etc) must be sent to all servers by default, and this distribution may not be changed by the client. 3.3.3 Server-to-Server. While most messages between servers are distributed to all 'other' servers, this is only required for any message that affects either a user, channel or server. Since these are the basic items found in Oikarinen & Reed [Page 12] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 IRC, nearly all messages originating from a server are broadcast to all other connected servers. 4. Message details On the following pages are descriptions of each message recognized by the IRC server and client. All commands described in this section must be implemented by any server for this protocol. Where the reply ERR_NOSUCHSERVER is listed, it means that the <server> parameter could not be found. The server must not send any other replies after this for that command. The server to which a client is connected is required to parse the complete message, returning any appropriate errors. If the server encounters a fatal error while parsing a message, an error must be sent back to the client and the parsing terminated. A fatal error may be considered to be incorrect command, a destination which is otherwise unknown to the server (server, nick or channel names fit this category), not enough parameters or incorrect privileges. If a full set of parameters is presented, then each must be checked for validity and appropriate responses sent back to the client. In the case of messages which use parameter lists using the comma as an item separator, a reply must be sent for each item. In the examples below, some messages appear using the full format: :Name COMMAND parameter list Such examples represent a message from "Name" in transit between servers, where it is essential to include the name of the original sender of the message so remote servers may send back a reply along the correct path. 4.1 Connection Registration The commands described here are used to register a connection with an IRC server as either a user or a server as well as correctly disconnect. A "PASS" command is not required for either client or server connection to be registered, but it must precede the server message or the latter of the NICK/USER combination. It is strongly recommended that all server connections have a password in order to give some level of security to the actual connections. The recommended order for a client to register is as follows: Oikarinen & Reed [Page 13] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 1. Pass message 2. Nick message 3. User message 4.1.1 Password message Command: PASS Parameters: <password> The PASS command is used to set a 'connection password'. The password can and must be set before any attempt to register the connection is made. Currently this requires that clients send a PASS command before sending the NICK/USER combination and servers *must* send a PASS command before any SERVER command. The password supplied must match the one contained in the C/N lines (for servers) or I lines (for clients). It is possible to send multiple PASS commands before registering but only the last one sent is used for verification and it may not be changed once registered. Numeric Replies: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED Example: PASS secretpasswordhere 4.1.2 Nick message Command: NICK Parameters: <nickname> [ <hopcount> ] NICK message is used to give user a nickname or change the previous one. The <hopcount> parameter is only used by servers to indicate how far away a nick is from its home server. A local connection has a hopcount of 0. If supplied by a client, it must be ignored. If a NICK message arrives at a server which already knows about an identical nickname for another client, a nickname collision occurs. As a result of a nickname collision, all instances of the nickname are removed from the server's database, and a KILL command is issued to remove the nickname from all other server's database. If the NICK message causing the collision was a nickname change, then the original (old) nick must be removed as well. If the server recieves an identical NICK from a client which is directly connected, it may issue an ERR_NICKCOLLISION to the local client, drop the NICK command, and not generate any kills. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 14] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 Numeric Replies: ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE ERR_NICKCOLLISION Example: NICK Wiz ; Introducing new nick "Wiz". :WiZ NICK Kilroy ; WiZ changed his nickname to Kilroy. 4.1.3 User message Command: USER Parameters: <username> <hostname> <servername> <realname> The USER message is used at the beginning of connection to specify the username, hostname, servername and realname of s new user. It is also used in communication between servers to indicate new user arriving on IRC, since only after both USER and NICK have been received from a client does a user become registered. Between servers USER must to be prefixed with client's NICKname. Note that hostname and servername are normally ignored by the IRC server when the USER command comes from a directly connected client (for security reasons), but they are used in server to server communication. This means that a NICK must always be sent to a remote server when a new user is being introduced to the rest of the network before the accompanying USER is sent. It must be noted that realname parameter must be the last parameter, because it may contain space characters and must be prefixed with a colon (':') to make sure this is recognised as such. Since it is easy for a client to lie about its username by relying solely on the USER message, the use of an "Identity Server" is recommended. If the host which a user connects from has such a server enabled the username is set to that as in the reply from the "Identity Server". Numeric Replies: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED Examples: USER guest tolmoon tolsun :Ronnie Reagan Oikarinen & Reed [Page 15] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 ; User registering themselves with a username of "guest" and real name "Ronnie Reagan". :testnick USER guest tolmoon tolsun :Ronnie Reagan ; message between servers with the nickname for which the USER command belongs to 4.1.4 Server message Command: SERVER Parameters: <servername> <hopcount> <info> The server message is used to tell a server that the other end of a new connection is a server. This message is also used to pass server data over whole net. When a new server is connected to net, information about it be broadcast to the whole network. <hopcount> is used to give all servers some internal information on how far away all servers are. With a full server list, it would be possible to construct a map of the entire server tree, but hostmasks prevent this from being done. The SERVER message must only be accepted from either (a) a connection which is yet to be registered and is attempting to register as a server, or (b) an existing connection to another server, in which case the SERVER message is introducing a new server behind that server. Most errors that occur with the receipt of a SERVER command result in the connection being terminated by the destination host (target SERVER). Error replies are usually sent using the "ERROR" command rather than the numeric since the ERROR command has several useful properties which make it useful here. If a SERVER message is parsed and attempts to introduce a server which is already known to the receiving server, the connection from which that message must be closed (following the correct procedures), since a duplicate route to a server has formed and the acyclic nature of the IRC tree broken. Numeric Replies: ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED Example: Oikarinen & Reed [Page 16] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 SERVER 1 :[] Experimental server ; New server introducing itself and attempting to register. The name in []'s is the hostname for the host running SERVER 5 :BU Central Server ; Server is our uplink for which is 5 hops away. 4.1.5 Oper Command: OPER Parameters: <user> <password> OPER message is used by a normal user to obtain operator privileges. The combination of <user> and <password> are required to gain Operator privileges. If the client sending the OPER command supplies the correct password for the given user, the server then informs the rest of the network of the new operator by issuing a "MODE +o" for the clients nickname. The OPER message is client-server only. Numeric Replies: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS RPL_YOUREOPER ERR_NOOPERHOST ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH Example: OPER foo bar ; Attempt to register as an operator using a username of "foo" and "bar" as the password. 4.1.6 Quit Command: QUIT Parameters: [<Quit message>] A client session is ended with a quit message. The server must close the connection to a client which sends a QUIT message. If a "Quit Message" is given, this will be sent instead of the default message, the nickname. When netsplits (disconnecting of two servers) occur, the quit message Oikarinen & Reed [Page 17] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 is composed of the names of two servers involved, separated by a space. The first name is that of the server which is still connected and the second name is that of the server that has become disconnected. If, for some other reason, a client connection is closed without the client issuing a QUIT command (e.g. client dies and EOF occurs on socket), the server is required to fill in the quit message with some sort of message reflecting the nature of the event which caused it to happen. Numeric Replies: None. Examples: QUIT :Gone to have lunch ; Preferred message format. 4.1.7 Server quit message Command: SQUIT Parameters: <server> <comment> The SQUIT message is needed to tell about quitting or dead servers. If a server wishes to break the connection to another server it must send a SQUIT message to the other server, using the the name of the other server as the server parameter, which then closes its connection to the quitting server. This command is also available operators to help keep a network of IRC servers connected in an orderly fashion. Operators may also issue an SQUIT message for a remote server connection. In this case, the SQUIT must be parsed by each server inbetween the operator and the remote server, updating the view of the network held by each server as explained below. The <comment> should be supplied by all operators who execute a SQUIT for a remote server (that is not connected to the server they are currently on) so that other operators are aware for the reason of this action. The <comment> is also filled in by servers which may place an error or similar message here. Both of the servers which are on either side of the connection being closed are required to to send out a SQUIT message (to all its other server connections) for all other servers which are considered to be behind that link. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 18] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 Similarly, a QUIT message must be sent to the other connected servers rest of the network on behalf of all clients behind that link. In addition to this, all channel members of a channel which lost a member due to the split must be sent a QUIT message. If a server connection is terminated prematurely (e.g. the server on the other end of the link died), the server which detects this disconnection is required to inform the rest of the network that the connection has closed and fill in the comment field with something appropriate. Numeric replies: ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ERR_NOSUCHSERVER Example: SQUIT :Bad Link ? ; the server link has been terminated because of "Bad Link". :Trillian SQUIT :Server out of control ; message from Trillian to disconnect "" from the net because "Server out of control". 4.2 Channel operations This group of messages is concerned with manipulating channels, their properties (channel modes), and their contents (typically clients). In implementing these, a number of race conditions are inevitable when clients at opposing ends of a network send commands which will ultimately clash. It is also required that servers keep a nickname history to ensure that wherever a <nick> parameter is given, the server check its history in case it has recently been changed. 4.2.1 Join message Command: JOIN Parameters: <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}] The JOIN command is used by client to start listening a specific channel. Whether or not a client is allowed to join a channel is checked only by the server the client is connected to; all other servers automatically add the user to the channel when it is received from other servers. The conditions which affect this are as follows: 1. the user must be invited if the channel is invite-only; Oikarinen & Reed [Page 19] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 2. the user's nick/username/hostname must not match any active bans; 3. the correct key (password) must be given if it is set. These are discussed in more detail under the MODE command (see section 4.2.3 for more details). Once a user has joined a channel, they receive notice about all commands their server receives which affect the channel. This includes MODE, KICK, PART, QUIT and of course PRIVMSG/NOTICE. The JOIN command needs to be broadcast to all servers so that each server knows where to find the users who are on the channel. This allows optimal delivery of PRIVMSG/NOTICE messages to the channel. If a JOIN is successful, the user is then sent the channel's topic (using RPL_TOPIC) and the list of users who are on the channel (using RPL_NAMREPLY), which must include the user joining. Numeric Replies: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN ERR_BADCHANNELKEY ERR_CHANNELISFULL ERR_BADCHANMASK ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS RPL_TOPIC Examples: JOIN #foobar ; join channel #foobar. JOIN &foo fubar ; join channel &foo using key "fubar". JOIN #foo,&bar fubar ; join channel #foo using key "fubar" and &bar using no key. JOIN #foo,#bar fubar,foobar ; join channel #foo using key "fubar". and channel #bar using key "foobar". JOIN #foo,#bar ; join channels #foo and #bar. :WiZ JOIN #Twilight_zone ; JOIN message from WiZ 4.2.2 Part message Command: PART Parameters: <channel>{,<channel>} Oikarinen & Reed [Page 20] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 The PART message causes the client sending the message to be removed from the list of active users for all given channels listed in the parameter string. Numeric Replies: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL ERR_NOTONCHANNEL Examples: PART #twilight_zone ; leave channel "#twilight_zone" PART #oz-ops,&group5 ; leave both channels "&group5" and "#oz-ops". 4.2.3 Mode message Command: MODE The MODE command is a dual-purpose command in IRC. It allows both usernames and channels to have their mode changed. The rationale for this choice is that one day nicknames will be obsolete and the equivalent property will be the channel. When parsing MODE messages, it is recommended that the entire message be parsed first and then the changes which resulted then passed on. Channel modes Parameters: <channel> {[+|-]|o|p|s|i|t|n|b|v} [<limit>] [<user>] [<ban mask>] The MODE command is provided so that channel operators may change the characteristics of `their' channel. It is also required that servers be able to change channel modes so that channel operators may be created. The various modes available for channels are as follows: o - give/take channel operator privileges; p - private channel flag; s - secret channel flag; i - invite-only channel flag; t - topic settable by channel operator only flag; n - no messages to channel from clients on the outside; m - moderated channel; l - set the user limit to channel; Oikarinen & Reed [Page 21] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 b - set a ban mask to keep users out; v - give/take the ability to speak on a moderated channel; k - set a channel key (password). When using the 'o' and 'b' options, a restriction on a total of three per mode command has been imposed. That is, any combination of 'o' and User modes Parameters: <nickname> {[+|-]|i|w|s|o} The user MODEs are typically changes which affect either how the client is seen by others or what 'extra' messages the client is sent. A user MODE command may only be accepted if both the sender of the message and the nickname given as a parameter are both the same. The available modes are as follows: i - marks a users as invisible; s - marks a user for receipt of server notices; w - user receives wallops; o - operator flag. Additional modes may be available later on. If a user attempts to make themselves an operator using the "+o" flag, the attempt should be ignored. There is no restriction, however, on anyone `deopping' themselves (using "-o"). Numeric Replies: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS RPL_CHANNELMODEIS ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED ERR_NOSUCHNICK ERR_NOTONCHANNEL ERR_KEYSET RPL_BANLIST RPL_ENDOFBANLIST ERR_UNKNOWNMODE ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL ERR_USERSDONTMATCH RPL_UMODEIS ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG Examples: Use of Channel Modes: MODE #Finnish +im ; Makes #Finnish channel moderated and 'invite-only'. MODE #Finnish +o Kilroy ; Gives 'chanop' privileges to Kilroy on Oikarinen & Reed [Page 22] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 channel #Finnish. MODE #Finnish +v Wiz ; Allow WiZ to speak on #Finnish. MODE #Fins -s ; Removes 'secret' flag from channel #Fins. MODE #42 +k oulu ; Set the channel key to "oulu". MODE #eu-opers +l 10 ; Set the limit for the number of users on channel to 10. MODE &oulu +b ; list ban masks set for channel. MODE &oulu +b *!*@* ; prevent all users from joining. MODE &oulu +b *!*@*.edu ; prevent any user from a hostname matching *.edu from joining. Use of user Modes: :MODE WiZ -w ; turns reception of WALLOPS messages off for WiZ. :Angel MODE Angel +i ; Message from Angel to make themselves invisible. MODE WiZ -o ; WiZ 'deopping' (removing operator status). The plain reverse of this command ("MODE WiZ +o") must not be allowed from users since would bypass the OPER command. 4.2.4 Topic message Command: TOPIC Parameters: <channel> [<topic>] The TOPIC message is used to change or view the topic of a channel. The topic for channel <channel> is returned if there is no <topic> given. If the <topic> parameter is present, the topic for that channel will be changed, if the channel modes permit this action. Numeric Replies: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ERR_NOTONCHANNEL RPL_NOTOPIC RPL_TOPIC ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED Oikarinen & Reed [Page 23] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 Examples: :Wiz TOPIC #test :New topic ;User Wiz setting the topic. TOPIC #test :another topic ;set the topic on #test to "another topic". TOPIC #test ; check the topic for #test. 4.2.5 Names message Command: NAMES Parameters: [<channel>{,<channel>}] By using the NAMES command, a user can list all nicknames that are visible to them on any channel that they can see. Channel names which they can see are those which aren't private (+p) or secret (+s) or those which they are actually on. The <channel> parameter specifies which channel(s) to return information about if valid. There is no error reply for bad channel names. If no <channel> parameter is given, a list of all channels and their occupants is returned. At the end of this list, a list of users who are visible but either not on any channel or not on a visible channel are listed as being on `channel' "*". Numerics: RPL_NAMREPLY RPL_ENDOFNAMES Examples: NAMES #twilight_zone,#42 ; list visible users on #twilight_zone and #42 if the channels are visible to you. NAMES ; list all visible channels and users 4.2.6 List message Command: LIST Parameters: [<channel>{,<channel>} [<server>]] The list message is used to list channels and their topics. If the <channel> parameter is used, only the status of that channel is displayed. Private channels are listed (without their topics) as channel "Prv" unless the client generating the query is actually on that channel. Likewise, secret channels are not listed Oikarinen & Reed [Page 24] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 at all unless the client is a member of the channel in question. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER RPL_LISTSTART RPL_LIST RPL_LISTEND Examples: LIST ; List all channels. LIST #twilight_zone,#42 ; List channels #twilight_zone and #42 4.2.7 Invite message Command: INVITE Parameters: <nickname> <channel> The INVITE message is used to invite users to a channel. The parameter <nickname> is the nickname of the person to be invited to the target channel <channel>. There is no requirement that the channel the target user is being invited to must exist or be a valid channel. To invite a user to a channel which is invite only (MODE +i), the client sending the invite must be recognised as being a channel operator on the given channel. Numeric Replies: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ERR_NOSUCHNICK ERR_NOTONCHANNEL ERR_USERONCHANNEL ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED RPL_INVITING RPL_AWAY Examples: :Angel INVITE Wiz #Dust ; User Angel inviting WiZ to channel #Dust INVITE Wiz #Twilight_Zone ; Command to invite WiZ to #Twilight_zone 4.2.8 Kick command Command: KICK Parameters: <channel> <user> [<comment>] The KICK command can be used to forcibly remove a user from a channel. It 'kicks them out' of the channel (forced PART). Oikarinen & Reed [Page 25] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 Only a channel operator may kick another user out of a channel. Each server that receives a KICK message checks that it is valid (ie the sender is actually a channel operator) before removing the victim from the channel. Numeric Replies: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL ERR_BADCHANMASK ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED ERR_NOTONCHANNEL Examples: KICK &Melbourne Matthew ; Kick Matthew from &Melbourne KICK #Finnish John :Speaking English ; Kick John from #Finnish using "Speaking English" as the reason (comment). :WiZ KICK #Finnish John ; KICK message from WiZ to remove John from channel #Finnish NOTE: It is possible to extend the KICK command parameters to the following: <channel>{,<channel>} <user>{,<user>} [<comment>] 4.3 Server queries and commands The server query group of commands has been designed to return information about any server which is connected to the network. All servers connected must respond to these queries and respond correctly. Any invalid response (or lack thereof) must be considered a sign of a broken server and it must be disconnected/disabled as soon as possible until the situation is remedied. In these queries, where a parameter appears as "<server>", it will usually mean it can be a nickname or a server or a wildcard name of some sort. For each parameter, however, only one query and set of replies is to be generated. 4.3.1 Version message Command: VERSION Parameters: [<server>] Oikarinen & Reed [Page 26] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 The VERSION message is used to query the version of the server program. An optional parameter <server> is used to query the version of the server program which a client is not directly connected to. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER RPL_VERSION Examples: :Wiz VERSION *.se ; message from Wiz to check the version of a server matching "*.se" VERSION ; check the version of server "". 4.3.2 Stats message Command: STATS Parameters: [<query> [<server>]] The stats message is used to query statistics of certain server. If <server> parameter is omitted, only the end of stats reply is sent back. The implementation of this command is highly dependent on the server which replies, although the server must be able to supply information as described by the queries below (or similar). A query may be given by any single letter which is only checked by the destination server (if given as the <server> parameter) and is otherwise passed on by intermediate servers, ignored and unaltered. The following queries are those found in the current IRC implementation and provide a large portion of the setup information for that server. Although these may not be supported in the same way by other versions, all servers should be able to supply a valid reply to a STATS query which is consistent with the reply formats currently used and the purpose of the query. The currently supported queries are: c - returns a list of servers which the server may connect to or allow connections from; h - returns a list of servers which are either forced to be treated as leaves or allowed to act as hubs; i - returns a list of hosts which the server allows a client to connect from; k - returns a list of banned username/hostname combinations for that server; l - returns a list of the server's connections, showing how Oikarinen & Reed [Page 27] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 long each connection has been established and the traffic over that connection in bytes and messages for each direction; m - returns a list of commands supported by the server and the usage count for each if the usage count is non zero; o - returns a list of hosts from which normal clients may become operators; y - show Y (Class) lines from server's configuration file; u - returns a string showing how long the server has been up. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER RPL_STATSCLINE RPL_STATSNLINE RPL_STATSILINE RPL_STATSKLINE RPL_STATSQLINE RPL_STATSLLINE RPL_STATSLINKINFO RPL_STATSUPTIME RPL_STATSCOMMANDS RPL_STATSOLINE RPL_STATSHLINE RPL_ENDOFSTATS Examples: STATS m ; check the command usage for the server you are connected to :Wiz STATS c ; request by WiZ for C/N line information from server 4.3.3 Links message Command: LINKS Parameters: [[<remote server>] <server mask>] With LINKS, a user can list all servers which are known by the server answering the query. The returned list of servers must match the mask, or if no mask is given, the full list is returned. If <remote server> is given in addition to <server mask>, the LINKS command is forwarded to the first server found that matches that name (if any), and that server is then required to answer the query. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER RPL_LINKS RPL_ENDOFLINKS Examples: Oikarinen & Reed [Page 28] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 LINKS *.au ; list all servers which have a name that matches *.au; :WiZ LINKS * *.edu ; LINKS message from WiZ to the first server matching *.edu for a list of servers matching * 4.3.4 Time message Command: TIME Parameters: [<server>] The time message is used to query local time from the specified server. If the server parameter is not given, the server handling the command must reply to the query. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER RPL_TIME Examples: TIME ; check the time on the server "" Angel TIME *.au ; user angel checking the time on a server matching "*.au" 4.3.5 Connect message Command: CONNECT Parameters: <target server> [<port> [<remote server>]] The CONNECT command can be used to force a server to try to establish a new connection to another server immediately. CONNECT is a privileged command and is to be available only to IRC Operators. If a remote server is given then the CONNECT attempt is made by that server to <target server> and <port>. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS Examples: CONNECT ; Attempt to connect a server to Oikarinen & Reed [Page 29] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 :WiZ CONNECT 6667 ; CONNECT attempt by WiZ to get servers and connected on port 6667. 4.3.6 Trace message Command: TRACE Parameters: [<server>] TRACE command is used to find the route to specific server. Each server that processes this message must tell the sender about it by sending a reply indicating it is a pass-through link, forming a chain of replies similar to that gained from using "traceroute". After sending this reply back, it must then send the TRACE message to the next server until given server is reached. If the <server> parameter is omitted, it is recommended that TRACE command send a message to the sender telling which servers the current server has direct connection to. If the destination given by "<server>" is an actual server, then the destination server is required to report all servers and users which are connected to it, although only operators are permitted to see users present. If the destination given by <server> is a nickname, they only a reply for that nickname is given. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER If the TRACE message is destined for another server, all intermediate servers must return a RPL_TRACELINK reply to indicate that the TRACE passed through it and where its going next. RPL_TRACELINK A TRACE reply may be composed of any number of the following numeric replies. RPL_TRACECONNECTING RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN RPL_TRACEOPERATOR RPL_TRACEUSER RPL_TRACESERVER RPL_TRACESERVICE RPL_TRACENEWTYPE RPL_TRACECLASS Examples: TRACE * ; TRACE to a server matching * Oikarinen & Reed [Page 30] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 :WiZ TRACE AngelDust ; TRACE issued by WiZ to nick AngelDust 4.3.7 Admin command Command: ADMIN Parameters: [<server>] The admin message is used to find the name of the administrator of the given server, or current server if <server> parameter is omitted. Each server must have the ability to forward ADMIN messages to other servers. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER RPL_ADMINME RPL_ADMINLOC1 RPL_ADMINLOC2 RPL_ADMINEMAIL Examples: ADMIN ; request an ADMIN reply from :WiZ ADMIN *.edu ; ADMIN request from WiZ for first server found to match *.edu. 4.3.8 Info command Command: INFO Parameters: [<server>] The INFO command is required to return information which describes the server: its version, when it was compiled, the patchlevel, when it was started, and any other miscellaneous information which may be considered to be relevant. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER RPL_INFO RPL_ENDOFINFO Examples: INFO ; request an INFO reply from :Avalon INFO *.fi ; INFO request from Avalon for first server found to match *.fi. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 31] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 INFO Angel ; request info from the server that Angel is connected to. 4.4 Sending messages The main purpose of the IRC protocol is to provide a base for clients to communicate with each other. PRIVMSG and NOTICE are the only messages available which actually perform delivery of a text message from one client to another - the rest just make it possible and try to ensure it happens in a reliable and structured manner. 4.4.1 Private messages Command: PRIVMSG Parameters: <receiver>{,<receiver>} <text to be sent> PRIVMSG is used to send private messages between users. <receiver> is the nickname of the receiver of the message. <receiver> can also be a list of names or channels separated with commas. The <receiver> parameter may also me a host mask (#mask) or server mask ($mask). In both cases the server will only send the PRIVMSG to those who have a server or host matching the mask. The mask must have at least 1 (one) "." in it and no wildcards following the last ".". This requirement exists to prevent people sending messages to "#*" or "$*", which would broadcast to all users; from experience, this is abused more than used responsibly and properly. Wildcards are the '*' and '?' characters. This extension to the PRIVMSG command is only available to Operators. Numeric Replies: ERR_NORECIPIENT ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN ERR_NOTOPLEVEL ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS ERR_NOSUCHNICK RPL_AWAY Examples: :Angel PRIVMSG Wiz :Hello are you receiving this message ? ; Message from Angel to Wiz. PRIVMSG Angel :yes I'm receiving it !receiving it !'u>(768u+1n) .br ; Message to Angel. PRIVMSG :Hello ! ; Message to a client on server Oikarinen & Reed [Page 32] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 with username of "jto". PRIVMSG $*.fi :Server rebooting. ; Message to everyone on a server which has a name matching *.fi. PRIVMSG #*.edu :NSFNet is undergoing work, expect interruptions ; Message to all users who come from a host which has a name matching *.edu. 4.4.2 Notice Command: NOTICE Parameters: <nickname> <text> The NOTICE message is used similarly to PRIVMSG. The difference between NOTICE and PRIVMSG is that automatic replies must never be sent in response to a NOTICE message. This rule applies to servers too - they must not send any error reply back to the client on receipt of a notice. The object of this rule is to avoid loops between a client automatically sending something in response to something it received. This is typically used by automatons (clients with either an AI or other interactive program controlling their actions) which are always seen to be replying lest they end up in a loop with another automaton. See PRIVMSG for more details on replies and examples. 4.5 User based queries User queries are a group of commands which are primarily concerned with finding details on a particular user or group users. When using wildcards with any of these commands, if they match, they will only return information on users who are 'visible' to you. The visibility of a user is determined as a combination of the user's mode and the common set of channels you are both on. 4.5.1 Who query Command: WHO Parameters: [<name> [<o>]] The WHO message is used by a client to generate a query which returns a list of information which 'matches' the <name> parameter given by the client. In the absence of the <name> parameter, all visible (users who aren't invisible (user mode +i) and who don't have a common channel with the requesting client) are listed. The same result can be achieved by using a <name> of "0" or any wildcard which Oikarinen & Reed [Page 33] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 will end up matching every entry possible. The <name> passed to WHO is matched against users' host, server, real name and nickname if the channel <name> cannot be found. If the "o" parameter is passed only operators are returned according to the name mask supplied. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER RPL_WHOREPLY RPL_ENDOFWHO Examples: WHO *.fi ; List all users who match against "*.fi". WHO jto* o ; List all users with a match against "jto*" if they are an operator. 4.5.2 Whois query Command: WHOIS Parameters: [<server>] <nickmask>[,<nickmask>[,...]] This message is used to query information about particular user. The server will answer this message with several numeric messages indicating different statuses of each user which matches the nickmask (if you are entitled to see them). If no wildcard is present in the <nickmask>, any information about that nick which you are allowed to see is presented. A comma (',') separated list of nicknames may be given. The latter version sends the query to a specific server. It is useful if you want to know how long the user in question has been idle as only local server (ie. the server the user is directly connected to) knows that information, while everything else is globally known. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN RPL_WHOISUSER RPL_WHOISCHANNELS RPL_WHOISCHANNELS RPL_WHOISSERVER RPL_AWAY RPL_WHOISOPERATOR RPL_WHOISIDLE ERR_NOSUCHNICK RPL_ENDOFWHOIS Oikarinen & Reed [Page 34] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 Examples: WHOIS wiz ; return available user information about nick WiZ WHOIS trillian ; ask server for user information about trillian 4.5.3 Whowas Command: WHOWAS Parameters: <nickname> [<count> [<server>]] Whowas asks for information about a nickname which no longer exists. This may either be due to a nickname change or the user leaving IRC. In response to this query, the server searches through its nickname history, looking for any nicks which are lexically the same (no wild card matching here). The history is searched backward, returning the most recent entry first. If there are multiple entries, up to <count> replies will be returned (or all of them if no <count> parameter is given). If a non-positive number is passed as being <count>, then a full search is done. Numeric Replies: ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK RPL_WHOWASUSER RPL_WHOISSERVER RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS Examples: WHOWAS Wiz ; return all information in the nick history about nick "WiZ"; WHOWAS Mermaid 9 ; return at most, the 9 most recent entries in the nick history for "Mermaid"; WHOWAS Trillian 1 *.edu ; return the most recent history for "Trillian" from the first server found to match "*.edu". 4.6 Miscellaneous messages Messages in this category do not fit into any of the above categories but are nonetheless still a part of and required by the protocol. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 35] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 4.6.1 Kill message Command: KILL Parameters: <nickname> <comment> The KILL message is used to cause a client-server connection to be closed by the server which has the actual connection. KILL is used by servers when they encounter a duplicate entry in the list of valid nicknames and is used to remove both entries. It is also available to operators. Clients which have automatic reconnect algorithms effectively make this command useless since the disconnection is only brief. It does however break the flow of data and can be used to stop large amounts of being abused, any user may elect to receive KILL messages generated for others to keep an 'eye' on would be trouble spots. In an arena where nicknames are required to be globally unique at all times, KILL messages are sent whenever 'duplicates' are detected (that is an attempt to register two users with the same nickname) in the hope that both of them will disappear and only 1 reappear. The comment given must reflect the actual reason for the KILL. For server-generated KILLs it usually is made up of details concerning the origins of the two conflicting nicknames. For users it is left up to them to provide an adequate reason to satisfy others who see it. To prevent/discourage fake KILLs from being generated to hide the identify of the KILLer, the comment also shows a 'kill-path' which is updated by each server it passes through, each prepending its name to the path. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ERR_NOSUCHNICK ERR_CANTKILLSERVER KILL David ( <- ; Nickname collision between and NOTE: It is recommended that only Operators be allowed to kill other users with KILL message. In an ideal world not even operators would need to do this and it would be left to servers to deal with. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 36] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 4.6.2 Ping message Command: PING Parameters: <server1> [<server2>] The PING message is used to test the presence of an active client at the other end of the connection. A PING message is sent at regular intervals if no other activity detected coming from a connection. If a connection fails to respond to a PING command within a set amount of time, that connection is closed. Any client which receives a PING message must respond to <server1> (server which sent the PING message out) as quickly as possible with an appropriate PONG message to indicate it is still there and alive. Servers should not respond to PING commands but rely on PINGs from the other end of the connection to indicate the connection is alive. If the <server2> parameter is specified, the PING message gets forwarded there. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOORIGIN ERR_NOSUCHSERVER Examples: PING ; server sending a PING message to another server to indicate it is still alive. PING WiZ ; PING message being sent to nick WiZ 4.6.3 Pong message Command: PONG Parameters: <daemon> [<daemon2>] PONG message is a reply to ping message. If parameter <daemon2> is given this message must be forwarded to given daemon. The <daemon> parameter is the name of the daemon who has responded to PING message and generated this message. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOORIGIN ERR_NOSUCHSERVER Examples: PONG ; PONG message from to Oikarinen & Reed [Page 37] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 4.6.4 Error Command: ERROR Parameters: <error message> The ERROR command is for use by servers when reporting a serious or fatal error to its operators. It may also be sent from one server to another but must not be accepted from any normal unknown clients. An ERROR message is for use for reporting errors which occur with a server-to-server link only. An ERROR message is sent to the server at the other end (which sends it to all of its connected operators) and to all operators currently connected. It is not to be passed onto any other servers by a server if it is received from a server. When a server sends a received ERROR message to its operators, the message should be encapsulated inside a NOTICE message, indicating that the client was not responsible for the error. Numerics: None. Examples: ERROR :Server *.fi already exists; ERROR message to the other server which caused this error. NOTICE WiZ :ERROR from -- Server *.fi already exists ; Same ERROR message as above but sent to user WiZ on the other server. 5. OPTIONALS This section describes OPTIONAL messages. They are not required in a working server implementation of the protocol described herein. In the absence of the option, an error reply message must be generated or an unknown command error. If the message is destined for another server to answer then it must be passed on (elementary parsing required) The allocated numerics for this are listed with the messages below. 5.1 Away Command: AWAY Parameters: [message] Oikarinen & Reed [Page 38] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 With the AWAY message, clients can set an automatic reply string for any PRIVMSG commands directed at them (not to a channel they are on). The automatic reply is sent by the server to client sending the PRIVMSG command. The only replying server is the one to which the sending client is connected to. The AWAY message is used either with one parameter (to set an AWAY message) or with no parameters (to remove the AWAY message). Numeric Replies: RPL_UNAWAY RPL_NOWAWAY Examples: AWAY :Gone to lunch. Back in 5 ; set away message to "Gone to lunch. Back in 5". :WiZ AWAY ; unmark WiZ as being away. 5.2 Rehash message Command: REHASH Parameters: None The rehash message can be used by the operator to force the server to re-read and process its configuration file. Numeric Replies: RPL_REHASHING ERR_NOPRIVILEGES Examples: REHASH ; message from client with operator status to server asking it to reread its configuration file. 5.3 Restart message Command: RESTART Parameters: None The restart message can only be used by an operator to force a server restart itself. This message is optional since it may be viewed as a risk to allow arbitrary people to connect to a server as an operator and execute this command, causing (at least) a disruption to service. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 39] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 The RESTART command must always be fully processed by the server to which the sending client is connected and not be passed onto other connected servers. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOPRIVILEGES Examples: RESTART ; no parameters required. 5.4 Summon message Command: SUMMON Parameters: <user> [<server>] The SUMMON command can be used to give users who are on a host running an IRC server a message asking them to please join IRC. This message is only sent if the target server (a) has SUMMON enabled, (b) the user is logged in and (c) the server process can write to the user's tty (or similar). If no <server> parameter is given it tries to summon <user> from the server the client is connected to is assumed as the target. If summon is not enabled in a server, it must return the ERR_SUMMONDISABLED numeric and pass the summon message onwards. Numeric Replies: ERR_NORECIPIENT ERR_FILEERROR ERR_NOLOGIN ERR_NOSUCHSERVER RPL_SUMMONING Examples: SUMMON jto ; summon user jto on the server's host SUMMON jto ; summon user jto on the host which a server named "" is running. 5.5 Users Command: USERS Parameters: [<server>] Oikarinen & Reed [Page 40] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 The USERS command returns a list of users logged into the server in a similar format to who(1), rusers(1) and finger(1). Some people may disable this command on their server for security related reasons. If disabled, the correct numeric must be returned to indicate this. Numeric Replies: ERR_NOSUCHSERVER ERR_FILEERROR RPL_USERSSTART RPL_USERS RPL_NOUSERS RPL_ENDOFUSERS ERR_USERSDISABLED Disabled Reply: ERR_USERSDISABLED Examples: USERS ; request a list of users logged in on server :John USERS ; request from John for a list of users logged in on server 5.6 Operwall message Command: WALLOPS Parameters: Text to be sent to all operators currently online Sends a message to all operators currently online. After implementing WALLOPS as a user command it was found that it was often and commonly abused as a means of sending a message to a lot of people (much similar to WALL). Due to this it is recommended that the current implementation of WALLOPS be used as an example by allowing and recognising only servers as the senders of WALLOPS. Numeric Replies: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS Examples: WALLOPS :Connect '* 6667' from Joshua; WALLOPS message from announcing a CONNECT message it received and acted upon from Joshua. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 41] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 5.7 Userhost message Command: USERHOST Parameters: <nickname>{<space><nickname>} The USERHOST command takes a list of up to 5 nicknames, each separated by a space character and returns a list of information about each nickname that it found. The returned list has each reply separated by a space. Numeric Replies: RPL_USERHOST ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS Examples: USERHOST Wiz Michael Marty p ;USERHOST request for information on nicks "Wiz", "Michael", "Marty" and "p" 5.8 Ison message Command: ISON Parameters: <nickname>{<space><nickname>} The ISON command was implemented to provide a quick and efficient means to get a response about whether a given nickname was currently on IRC. ISON only takes one (1) parameter: a space-separated list of nicks. For each nickname in the list that is present, the server adds that to its reply string. Thus the reply string may return empty (none of the given nicks are present), an exact copy of the parameter string (all of them present) or as any other subset of the set of nicks given in the parameter. The only limit on the number of nicks that may be checked is that the combined length must not be too large as to cause the server to chop it off so it fits in 512 characters. ISON is only be processed by the server local to the client sending the command and thus not passed onto other servers for further processing. Numeric Replies: RPL_ISON ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS Examples: ISON phone trillian WiZ jarlek Avalon Angel Monstah ; Sample ISON request for 7 nicks. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 42] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 6. REPLIES The following is a list of numeric replies which are generated in response to the commands given above. Each numeric is given with its number, name and reply string. 6.1 Error Replies. 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK "<nickname> :No such nick/channel" - Used to indicate the nickname parameter supplied to a command is currently unused. 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER "<server name> :No such server" - Used to indicate the server name given currently doesn't exist. 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL "<channel name> :No such channel" - Used to indicate the given channel name is invalid. 404 ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN "<channel name> :Cannot send to channel" - Sent to a user who is either (a) not on a channel which is mode +n or (b) not a chanop (or mode +v) on a channel which has mode +m set and is trying to send a PRIVMSG message to that channel. 405 ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS "<channel name> :You have joined too many \ channels" - Sent to a user when they have joined the maximum number of allowed channels and they try to join another channel. 406 ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK "<nickname> :There was no such nickname" - Returned by WHOWAS to indicate there is no history information for that nickname. 407 ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS "<target> :Duplicate recipients. No message \ Oikarinen & Reed [Page 43] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 delivered" - Returned to a client which is attempting to send a PRIVMSG/NOTICE using the user@host destination format and for a user@host which has several occurrences. 409 ERR_NOORIGIN ":No origin specified" - PING or PONG message missing the originator parameter which is required since these commands must work without valid prefixes. 411 ERR_NORECIPIENT ":No recipient given (<command>)" 412 ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND ":No text to send" 413 ERR_NOTOPLEVEL "<mask> :No toplevel domain specified" 414 ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL "<mask> :Wildcard in toplevel domain" - 412 - 414 are returned by PRIVMSG to indicate that the message wasn't delivered for some reason. ERR_NOTOPLEVEL and ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL are errors that are returned when an invalid use of "PRIVMSG $<server>" or "PRIVMSG #<host>" is attempted. 421 ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND "<command> :Unknown command" - Returned to a registered client to indicate that the command sent is unknown by the server. 422 ERR_NOMOTD ":MOTD File is missing" - Server's MOTD file could not be opened by the server. 423 ERR_NOADMININFO "<server> :No administrative info available" - Returned by a server in response to an ADMIN message when there is an error in finding the appropriate information. 424 ERR_FILEERROR ":File error doing <file op> on <file>" Oikarinen & Reed [Page 44] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 - Generic error message used to report a failed file operation during the processing of a message. 431 ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN ":No nickname given" - Returned when a nickname parameter expected for a command and isn't found. 432 ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME "<nick> :Erroneus nickname" - Returned after receiving a NICK message which contains characters which do not fall in the defined set. See section x.x.x for details on valid nicknames. 433 ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE "<nick> :Nickname is already in use" - Returned when a NICK message is processed that results in an attempt to change to a currently existing nickname. 436 ERR_NICKCOLLISION "<nick> :Nickname collision KILL" - Returned by a server to a client when it detects a nickname collision (registered of a NICK that already exists by another server). 441 ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL "<nick> <channel> :They aren't on that channel" - Returned by the server to indicate that the target user of the command is not on the given channel. 442 ERR_NOTONCHANNEL "<channel> :You're not on that channel" - Returned by the server whenever a client tries to perform a channel effecting command for which the client isn't a member. 443 ERR_USERONCHANNEL "<user> <channel> :is already on channel" - Returned when a client tries to invite a user to a channel they are already on. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 45] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 444 ERR_NOLOGIN "<user> :User not logged in" - Returned by the summon after a SUMMON command for a user was unable to be performed since they were not logged in. 445 ERR_SUMMONDISABLED ":SUMMON has been disabled" - Returned as a response to the SUMMON command. Must be returned by any server which does not implement it. 446 ERR_USERSDISABLED ":USERS has been disabled" - Returned as a response to the USERS command. Must be returned by any server which does not implement it. 451 ERR_NOTREGISTERED ":You have not registered" - Returned by the server to indicate that the client must be registered before the server will allow it to be parsed in detail. 461 ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS "<command> :Not enough parameters" - Returned by the server by numerous commands to indicate to the client that it didn't supply enough parameters. 462 ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED ":You may not reregister" - Returned by the server to any link which tries to change part of the registered details (such as password or user details from second USER message). 463 ERR_NOPERMFORHOST ":Your host isn't among the privileged" - Returned to a client which attempts to register with a server which does not been setup to allow connections from the host the attempted connection is tried. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 46] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 464 ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH ":Password incorrect" - Returned to indicate a failed attempt at registering a connection for which a password was required and was either not given or incorrect. 465 ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP ":You are banned from this server" - Returned after an attempt to connect and register yourself with a server which has been setup to explicitly deny connections to you. 467 ERR_KEYSET "<channel> :Channel key already set" 471 ERR_CHANNELISFULL "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+l)" 472 ERR_UNKNOWNMODE "<char> :is unknown mode char to me" 473 ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+i)" 474 ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+b)" 475 ERR_BADCHANNELKEY "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+k)" 481 ERR_NOPRIVILEGES ":Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator" - Any command requiring operator privileges to operate must return this error to indicate the attempt was unsuccessful. 482 ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED "<channel> :You're not channel operator" - Any command requiring 'chanop' privileges (such as MODE messages) must return this error if the client making the attempt is not a chanop on the specified channel. 483 ERR_CANTKILLSERVER ":You cant kill a server!" - Any attempts to use the KILL command on a server are to be refused and this error returned directly to the client. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 47] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 491 ERR_NOOPERHOST ":No O-lines for your host" - If a client sends an OPER message and the server has not been configured to allow connections from the client's host as an operator, this error must be returned. 501 ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG ":Unknown MODE flag" - Returned by the server to indicate that a MODE message was sent with a nickname parameter and that the a mode flag sent was not recognized. 502 ERR_USERSDONTMATCH ":Cant change mode for other users" - Error sent to any user trying to view or change the user mode for a user other than themselves. 6.2 Command responses. 300 RPL_NONE Dummy reply number. Not used. 302 RPL_USERHOST ":[<reply>{<space><reply>}]" - Reply format used by USERHOST to list replies to the query list. The reply string is composed as follows: <reply> ::= <nick>['*'] '=' <'+'|'-'><hostname> The '*' indicates whether the client has registered as an Operator. The '-' or '+' characters represent whether the client has set an AWAY message or not respectively. 303 RPL_ISON ":[<nick> {<space><nick>}]" - Reply format used by ISON to list replies to the query list. 301 RPL_AWAY "<nick> :<away message>" Oikarinen & Reed [Page 48] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 305 RPL_UNAWAY ":You are no longer marked as being away" 306 RPL_NOWAWAY ":You have been marked as being away" - These replies are used with the AWAY command (if allowed). RPL_AWAY is sent to any client sending a PRIVMSG to a client which is away. RPL_AWAY is only sent by the server to which the client is connected. Replies RPL_UNAWAY and RPL_NOWAWAY are sent when the client removes and sets an AWAY message. 311 RPL_WHOISUSER "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>" 312 RPL_WHOISSERVER "<nick> <server> :<server info>" 313 RPL_WHOISOPERATOR "<nick> :is an IRC operator" 317 RPL_WHOISIDLE "<nick> <integer> :seconds idle" 318 RPL_ENDOFWHOIS "<nick> :End of /WHOIS list" 319 RPL_WHOISCHANNELS "<nick> :{[@|+]<channel><space>}" - Replies 311 - 313, 317 - 319 are all replies generated in response to a WHOIS message. Given that there are enough parameters present, the answering server must either formulate a reply out of the above numerics (if the query nick is found) or return an error reply. The '*' in RPL_WHOISUSER is there as the literal character and not as a wild card. For each reply set, only RPL_WHOISCHANNELS may appear more than once (for long lists of channel names). The '@' and '+' characters next to the channel name indicate whether a client is a channel operator or has been granted permission to speak on a moderated channel. The RPL_ENDOFWHOIS reply is used to mark the end of processing a WHOIS message. 314 RPL_WHOWASUSER "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>" 369 RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS "<nick> :End of WHOWAS" - When replying to a WHOWAS message, a server must use the replies RPL_WHOWASUSER, RPL_WHOISSERVER or ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK for each nickname in the presented Oikarinen & Reed [Page 49] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 list. At the end of all reply batches, there must be RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS (even if there was only one reply and it was an error). 321 RPL_LISTSTART "Channel :Users Name" 322 RPL_LIST "<channel> <# visible> :<topic>" 323 RPL_LISTEND ":End of /LIST" - Replies RPL_LISTSTART, RPL_LIST, RPL_LISTEND mark the start, actual replies with data and end of the server's response to a LIST command. If there are no channels available to return, only the start and end reply must be sent. 324 RPL_CHANNELMODEIS "<channel> <mode> <mode params>" 331 RPL_NOTOPIC "<channel> :No topic is set" 332 RPL_TOPIC "<channel> :<topic>" - When sending a TOPIC message to determine the channel topic, one of two replies is sent. If the topic is set, RPL_TOPIC is sent back else RPL_NOTOPIC. 341 RPL_INVITING "<channel> <nick>" - Returned by the server to indicate that the attempted INVITE message was successful and is being passed onto the end client. 342 RPL_SUMMONING "<user> :Summoning user to IRC" - Returned by a server answering a SUMMON message to indicate that it is summoning that user. 351 RPL_VERSION "<version>.<debuglevel> <server> :<comments>" - Reply by the server showing its version details. The <version> is the version of the software being Oikarinen & Reed [Page 50] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 used (including any patchlevel revisions) and the <debuglevel> is used to indicate if the server is running in "debug mode". The "comments" field may contain any comments about the version or further version details. 352 RPL_WHOREPLY "<channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> \ <H|G>[*][@|+] :<hopcount> <real name>" 315 RPL_ENDOFWHO "<name> :End of /WHO list" - The RPL_WHOREPLY and RPL_ENDOFWHO pair are used to answer a WHO message. The RPL_WHOREPLY is only sent if there is an appropriate match to the WHO query. If there is a list of parameters supplied with a WHO message, a RPL_ENDOFWHO must be sent after processing each list item with <name> being the item. 353 RPL_NAMREPLY "<channel> :[[@|+]<nick> [[@|+]<nick> [...]]]" 366 RPL_ENDOFNAMES "<channel> :End of /NAMES list" - To reply to a NAMES message, a reply pair consisting of RPL_NAMREPLY and RPL_ENDOFNAMES is sent by the server back to the client. If there is no channel found as in the query, then only RPL_ENDOFNAMES is returned. The exception to this is when a NAMES message is sent with no parameters and all visible channels and contents are sent back in a series of RPL_NAMEREPLY messages with a RPL_ENDOFNAMES to mark the end. 364 RPL_LINKS "<mask> <server> :<hopcount> <server info>" 365 RPL_ENDOFLINKS "<mask> :End of /LINKS list" - In replying to the LINKS message, a server must send replies back using the RPL_LINKS numeric and mark the end of the list using an RPL_ENDOFLINKS reply. 367 RPL_BANLIST "<channel> <banid>" 368 RPL_ENDOFBANLIST Oikarinen & Reed [Page 51] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 "<channel> :End of channel ban list" - When listing the active 'bans' for a given channel, a server is required to send the list back using the RPL_BANLIST and RPL_ENDOFBANLIST messages. A separate RPL_BANLIST is sent for each active banid. After the banids have been listed (or if none present) a RPL_ENDOFBANLIST must be sent. 371 RPL_INFO ":<string>" 374 RPL_ENDOFINFO ":End of /INFO list" - A server responding to an INFO message is required to send all its 'info' in a series of RPL_INFO messages with a RPL_ENDOFINFO reply to indicate the end of the replies. 375 RPL_MOTDSTART ":- <server> Message of the day - " 372 RPL_MOTD ":- <text>" 376 RPL_ENDOFMOTD ":End of /MOTD command" - When responding to the MOTD message and the MOTD file is found, the file is displayed line by line, with each line no longer than 80 characters, using RPL_MOTD format replies. These should be surrounded by a RPL_MOTDSTART (before the RPL_MOTDs) and an RPL_ENDOFMOTD (after). 381 RPL_YOUREOPER ":You are now an IRC operator" - RPL_YOUREOPER is sent back to a client which has just successfully issued an OPER message and gained operator status. 382 RPL_REHASHING "<config file> :Rehashing" - If the REHASH option is used and an operator sends a REHASH message, an RPL_REHASHING is sent back to the operator. 391 RPL_TIME Oikarinen & Reed [Page 52] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 "<server> :<string showing server's local time>" - When replying to the TIME message, a server must send the reply using the RPL_TIME format above. The string showing the time need only contain the correct day and time there. There is no further requirement for the time string. 392 RPL_USERSSTART ":UserID Terminal Host" 393 RPL_USERS ":%-8s %-9s %-8s" 394 RPL_ENDOFUSERS ":End of users" 395 RPL_NOUSERS ":Nobody logged in" - If the USERS message is handled by a server, the replies RPL_USERSTART, RPL_USERS, RPL_ENDOFUSERS and RPL_NOUSERS are used. RPL_USERSSTART must be sent first, following by either a sequence of RPL_USERS or a single RPL_NOUSER. Following this is RPL_ENDOFUSERS. 200 RPL_TRACELINK "Link <version & debug level> <destination> \ <next server>" 201 RPL_TRACECONNECTING "Try. <class> <server>" 202 RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE "H.S. <class> <server>" 203 RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN "???? <class> [<client IP address in dot form>]" 204 RPL_TRACEOPERATOR "Oper <class> <nick>" 205 RPL_TRACEUSER "User <class> <nick>" 206 RPL_TRACESERVER "Serv <class> <int>S <int>C <server> \ <nick!user|*!*>@<host|server>" 208 RPL_TRACENEWTYPE "<newtype> 0 <client name>" 261 RPL_TRACELOG "File <logfile> <debug level>" - The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in response to the TRACE message. How many are returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and Oikarinen & Reed [Page 53] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 whether it was sent by an operator or not. There is no predefined order for which occurs first. Replies RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN, RPL_TRACECONNECTING and RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections which have not been fully established and are either unknown, still attempting to connect or in the process of completing the 'server handshake'. RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC network should reflect the actual connectivity of the servers themselves along that path. RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection which does not fit in the other categories but is being displayed anyway. 211 RPL_STATSLINKINFO "<linkname> <sendq> <sent messages> \ <sent bytes> <received messages> \ <received bytes> <time open>" 212 RPL_STATSCOMMANDS "<command> <count>" 213 RPL_STATSCLINE "C <host> * <name> <port> <class>" 214 RPL_STATSNLINE "N <host> * <name> <port> <class>" 215 RPL_STATSILINE "I <host> * <host> <port> <class>" 216 RPL_STATSKLINE "K <host> * <username> <port> <class>" 218 RPL_STATSYLINE "Y <class> <ping frequency> <connect \ frequency> <max sendq>" 219 RPL_ENDOFSTATS "<stats letter> :End of /STATS report" 241 RPL_STATSLLINE "L <hostmask> * <servername> <maxdepth>" 242 RPL_STATSUPTIME ":Server Up %d days %d:%02d:%02d" 243 RPL_STATSOLINE "O <hostmask> * <name>" 244 RPL_STATSHLINE "H <hostmask> * <servername>" 221 RPL_UMODEIS "<user mode string>" Oikarinen & Reed [Page 54] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 - To answer a query about a client's own mode, RPL_UMODEIS is sent back. 251 RPL_LUSERCLIENT ":There are <integer> users and <integer> \ invisible on <integer> servers" 252 RPL_LUSEROP "<integer> :operator(s) online" 253 RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN "<integer> :unknown connection(s)" 254 RPL_LUSERCHANNELS "<integer> :channels formed" 255 RPL_LUSERME ":I have <integer> clients and <integer> \ servers" - In processing an LUSERS message, the server sends a set of replies from RPL_LUSERCLIENT, RPL_LUSEROP, RPL_USERUNKNOWN, RPL_LUSERCHANNELS and RPL_LUSERME. When replying, a server must send back RPL_LUSERCLIENT and RPL_LUSERME. The other replies are only sent back if a non-zero count is found for them. 256 RPL_ADMINME "<server> :Administrative info" 257 RPL_ADMINLOC1 ":<admin info>" 258 RPL_ADMINLOC2 ":<admin info>" 259 RPL_ADMINEMAIL ":<admin info>" - When replying to an ADMIN message, a server is expected to use replies RLP_ADMINME through to RPL_ADMINEMAIL and provide a text message with each. For RPL_ADMINLOC1 a description of what city, state and country the server is in is expected, followed by details of the university and department (RPL_ADMINLOC2) and finally the administrative contact for the server (an email address here is required) in RPL_ADMINEMAIL. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 55] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 6.3 Reserved numerics. These numerics are not described above since they fall into one of the following categories: 1. no longer in use; 2. reserved for future planned use; 3. in current use but are part of a non-generic 'feature' of the current IRC server. 209 RPL_TRACECLASS 217 RPL_STATSQLINE 231 RPL_SERVICEINFO 232 RPL_ENDOFSERVICES 233 RPL_SERVICE 234 RPL_SERVLIST 235 RPL_SERVLISTEND 316 RPL_WHOISCHANOP 361 RPL_KILLDONE 362 RPL_CLOSING 363 RPL_CLOSEEND 373 RPL_INFOSTART 384 RPL_MYPORTIS 466 ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED 476 ERR_BADCHANMASK 492 ERR_NOSERVICEHOST 7. Client and server authentication Clients and servers are both subject to the same level of authentication. For both, an IP number to hostname lookup (and reverse check on this) is performed for all connections made to the server. Both connections are then subject to a password check (if there is a password set for that connection). These checks are possible on all connections although the password check is only commonly used with servers. An additional check that is becoming of more and more common is that of the username responsible for making the connection. Finding the username of the other end of the connection typically involves connecting to an authentication server such as IDENT as described in RFC 1413. Given that without passwords it is not easy to reliably determine who is on the other end of a network connection, use of passwords is strongly recommended on inter-server connections in addition to any other measures such as using an ident server. 8. Current implementations The only current implementation of this protocol is the IRC server, version 2.8. Earlier versions may implement some or all of the commands described by this document with NOTICE messages replacing Oikarinen & Reed [Page 56] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 many of the numeric replies. Unfortunately, due to backward compatibility requirements, the implementation of some parts of this document varies with what is laid out. On notable difference is: * recognition that any LF or CR anywhere in a message marks the end of that message (instead of requiring CR-LF); The rest of this section deals with issues that are mostly of importance to those who wish to implement a server but some parts also apply directly to clients as well. 8.1 Network protocol: TCP - why it is best used here. IRC has been implemented on top of TCP since TCP supplies a reliable network protocol which is well suited to this scale of conferencing. The use of multicast IP is an alternative, but it is not widely available or supported at the present time. 8.1.1 Support of Unix sockets Given that Unix domain sockets allow listen/connect operations, the current implementation can be configured to listen and accept both client and server connections on a Unix domain socket. These are recognized as sockets where the hostname starts with a '/'. When providing any information about the connections on a Unix domain socket, the server is required to supplant the actual hostname in place of the pathname unless the actual socket name is being asked for. 8.2 Command Parsing To provide useful 'non-buffered' network IO for clients and servers, each connection is given its own private 'input buffer' in which the results of the most recent read and parsing are kept. A buffer size of 512 bytes is used so as to hold 1 full message, although, this will usually hold several commands. The private buffer is parsed after every read operation for valid messages. When dealing with multiple messages from one client in the buffer, care should be taken in case one happens to cause the client to be 'removed'. 8.3 Message delivery It is common to find network links saturated or hosts to which you are sending data unable to send data. Although Unix typically handles this through the TCP window and internal buffers, the server often has large amounts of data to send (especially when a new server-server link forms) and the small buffers provided in the Oikarinen & Reed [Page 57] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 kernel are not enough for the outgoing queue. To alleviate this problem, a "send queue" is used as a FIFO queue for data to be sent. A typical "send queue" may grow to 200 Kbytes on a large IRC network with a slow network connection when a new server connects. When polling its connections, a server will first read and parse all incoming data, queuing any data to be sent out. When all available input is processed, the queued data is sent. This reduces the number of write() system calls and helps TCP make bigger packets. 8.4 Connection 'Liveness' To detect when a connection has died or become unresponsive, the server must ping each of its connections that it doesn't get a response from in a given amount of time. If a connection doesn't respond in time, its connection is closed using the appropriate procedures. A connection is also dropped if its sendq grows beyond the maximum allowed, because it is better to close a slow connection than have a server process block. 8.5 Establishing a server to client connection Upon connecting to an IRC server, a client is sent the MOTD (if present) as well as the current user/server count (as per the LUSER command). The server is also required to give an unambiguous message to the client which states its name and version as well as any other introductory messages which may be deemed appropriate. After dealing with this, the server must then send out the new user's nickname and other information as supplied by itself (USER command) and as the server could discover (from DNS/authentication servers). The server must send this information out with NICK first followed by USER. 8.6 Establishing a server-server connection. The process of establishing of a server-to-server connection is fraught with danger since there are many possible areas where problems can occur - the least of which are race conditions. After a server has received a connection following by a PASS/SERVER pair which were recognised as being valid, the server should then reply with its own PASS/SERVER information for that connection as well as all of the other state information it knows about as described below. When the initiating server receives a PASS/SERVER pair, it too then Oikarinen & Reed [Page 58] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 checks that the server responding is authenticated properly before accepting the connection to be that server. 8.6.1 Server exchange of state information when connecting The order of state information being exchanged between servers is essential. The required order is as follows: * all known other servers; * all known user information; * all known channel information. Information regarding servers is sent via extra SERVER messages, user information with NICK/USER/MODE/JOIN messages and channels with MODE messages. NOTE: channel topics are *NOT* exchanged here because the TOPIC command overwrites any old topic information, so at best, the two sides of the connection would exchange topics. By passing the state information about servers first, any collisions with servers that already exist occur before nickname collisions due to a second server introducing a particular nickname. Due to the IRC network only being able to exist as an acyclic graph, it may be possible that the network has already reconnected in another location, the place where the collision occurs indicating where the net needs to split. 8.7 Terminating server-client connections When a client connection closes, a QUIT message is generated on behalf of the client by the server to which the client connected. No other message is to be generated or used. 8.8 Terminating server-server connections If a server-server connection is closed, either via a remotely generated SQUIT or 'natural' causes, the rest of the connected IRC network must have its information updated with by the server which detected the closure. The server then sends a list of SQUITs (one for each server behind that connection) and a list of QUITs (again, one for each client behind that connection). Oikarinen & Reed [Page 59] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 8.9 Tracking nickname changes All IRC servers are required to keep a history of recent nickname changes. This is required to allow the server to have a chance of keeping in touch of things when nick-change race conditions occur with commands which manipulate them. Commands which must trace nick changes are: * KILL (the nick being killed) * MODE (+/- o,v) * KICK (the nick being kicked) No other commands are to have nick changes checked for. In the above cases, the server is required to first check for the existence of the nickname, then check its history to see who that nick currently belongs to (if anyone!). This reduces the chances of race conditions but they can still occur with the server ending up affecting the wrong client. When performing a change trace for an above command it is recommended that a time range be given and entries which are too old ignored. For a reasonable history, a server should be able to keep previous nickname for every client it knows about if they all decided to change. This size is limited by other factors (such as memory, etc). 8.10 Flood control of clients With a large network of interconnected IRC servers, it is quite easy for any single client attached to the network to supply a continuous stream of messages that result in not only flooding the network, but also degrading the level of service provided to others. Rather than require every 'victim' to be provide their own protection, flood protection was written into the server and is applied to all clients except services. The current algorithm is as follows: * check to see if client's `message timer' is less than current time (set to be equal if it is); * read any data present from the client; * while the timer is less than ten seconds ahead of the current time, parse any present messages and penalize the client by 2 seconds for each message; which in essence means that the client may send 1 message every 2 Oikarinen & Reed [Page 60] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 seconds without being adversely affected. 8.11 Non-blocking lookups In a real-time environment, it is essential that a server process do as little waiting as possible so that all the clients are serviced fairly. Obviously this requires non-blocking IO on all network read/write operations. For normal server connections, this was not difficult, but there are other support operations that may cause the server to block (such as disk reads). Where possible, such activity should be performed with a short timeout. 8.11.1 Hostname (DNS) lookups Using the standard resolver libraries from Berkeley and others has meant large delays in some cases where replies have timed out. To avoid this, a separate set of DNS routines were written which were setup for non-blocking IO operations and then polled from within the main server IO loop. 8.11.2 Username (Ident) lookups Although there are numerous ident libraries for use and inclusion into other programs, these caused problems since they operated in a synchronous manner and resulted in frequent delays. Again the solution was to write a set of routines which would cooperate with the rest of the server and work using non-blocking IO. 8.12 Configuration File To provide a flexible way of setting up and running the server, it is recommended that a configuration file be used which contains instructions to the server on the following: * which hosts to accept client connections from; * which hosts to allow to connect as servers; * which hosts to connect to (both actively and passively); * information about where the server is (university, city/state, company are examples of this); * who is responsible for the server and an email address at which they can be contacted; * hostnames and passwords for clients which wish to be given Oikarinen & Reed [Page 61] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 access to restricted operator commands. In specifying hostnames, both domain names and use of the 'dot' notation ( should both be accepted. It must be possible to specify the password to be used/accepted for all outgoing and incoming connections (although the only outgoing connections are those to other servers). The above list is the minimum requirement for any server which wishes to make a connection with another server. Other items which may be of use are: * specifying which servers other server may introduce; * how deep a server branch is allowed to become; * hours during which clients may connect. 8.12.1 Allowing clients to connect A server should use some sort of 'access control list' (either in the configuration file or elsewhere) that is read at startup and used to decide what hosts clients may use to connect to it. Both 'deny' and 'allow' should be implemented to provide the required flexibility for host access control. 8.12.2 Operators The granting of operator privileges to a disruptive person can have dire consequences for the well-being of the IRC net in general due to the powers given to them. Thus, the acquisition of such powers should not be very easy. The current setup requires two 'passwords' to be used although one of them is usually easy guessed. Storage of oper passwords in configuration files is preferable to hard coding them in and should be stored in a crypted format (ie using crypt(3) from Unix) to prevent easy theft. 8.12.3 Allowing servers to connect The interconnection of server is not a trivial matter: a bad connection can have a large impact on the usefulness of IRC. Thus, each server should have a list of servers to which it may connect and which servers may connect to it. Under no circumstances should a server allow an arbitrary host to connect as a server. In addition to which servers may and may not connect, the configuration file should also store the password and other characteristics of that link. Oikarinen & Reed [Page 62] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 8.12.4 Administrivia To provide accurate and valid replies to the ADMIN command (see section 4.3.7), the server should find the relevant details in the configuration. 8.13 Channel membership The current server allows any registered local user to join upto 10 different channels. There is no limit imposed on non-local users so that the server remains (reasonably) consistant with all others on a channel membership basis 9. Current problems There are a number of recognized problems with this protocol, all of which hope to be solved sometime in the near future during its rewrite. Currently, work is underway to find working solutions to these problems. 9.1 Scalability It is widely recognized that this protocol does not scale sufficiently well when used in a large arena. The main problem comes from the requirement that all servers know about all other servers and users and that information regarding them be updated as soon as it changes. It is also desirable to keep the number of servers low so that the path length between any two points is kept minimal and the spanning tree as strongly branched as possible. 9.2 Labels The current IRC protocol has 3 types of labels: the nickname, the channel name and the server name. Each of the three types has its own domain and no duplicates are allowed inside that domain. Currently, it is possible for users to pick the label for any of the three, resulting in collisions. It is widely recognized that this needs reworking, with a plan for unique names for channels and nicks that don't collide being desirable as well as a solution allowing a cyclic tree. 9.2.1 Nicknames The idea of the nickname on IRC is very convenient for users to use when talking to each other outside of a channel, but there is only a finite nickname space and being what they are, its not uncommon for several people to want to use the same nick. If a nickname is chosen by two people using this protocol, either one will not succeed or Oikarinen & Reed [Page 63] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 both will removed by use of KILL (4.6.1). 9.2.2 Channels The current channel layout requires that all servers know about all channels, their inhabitants and properties. Besides not scaling well, the issue of privacy is also a concern. A collision of channels is treated as an inclusive event (both people who create the new channel are considered to be members of it) rather than an exclusive one such as used to solve nickname collisions. 9.2.3 Servers Although the number of servers is usually small relative to the number of users and channels, they two currently required to be known globally, either each one separately or hidden behind a mask. 9.3 Algorithms In some places within the server code, it has not been possible to avoid N^2 algorithms such as checking the channel list of a set of clients. In current server versions, there are no database consistency checks, each server assumes that a neighbouring server is correct. This opens the door to large problems if a connecting server is buggy or otherwise tries to introduce contradictions to the existing net. Currently, because of the lack of unique internal and global labels, there are a multitude of race conditions that exist. These race conditions generally arise from the problem of it taking time for messages to traverse and effect the IRC network. Even by changing to unique labels, there are problems with channel-related commands being disrupted. 10. Current support and availability Mailing lists for IRC related discussion: Future protocol: General discussion: Software implemenations Newsgroup: alt.irc Oikarinen & Reed [Page 64] RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993 Security Considerations Security issues are discussed in sections 4.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.3, 5.5, and 7. 12. Authors' Addresses Jarkko Oikarinen Tuirantie 17 as 9 90500 OULU FINLAND Email: Darren Reed 4 Pateman Street Watsonia, Victoria 3087 Australia Email: Oikarinen & Reed [Page 65] \ No newline at end of file
+Network Working Group J. Oikarinen
+Request for Comments: 1459 D. Reed
+ May 1993
+ Internet Relay Chat Protocol
+Status of This Memo
+ This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
+ community. Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
+ Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
+ Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
+ Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+ The IRC protocol was developed over the last 4 years since it was
+ first implemented as a means for users on a BBS to chat amongst
+ themselves. Now it supports a world-wide network of servers and
+ clients, and is stringing to cope with growth. Over the past 2 years,
+ the average number of users connected to the main IRC network has
+ grown by a factor of 10.
+ The IRC protocol is a text-based protocol, with the simplest client
+ being any socket program capable of connecting to the server.
+Table of Contents
+ 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................... 4
+ 1.1 Servers ................................................ 4
+ 1.2 Clients ................................................ 5
+ 1.2.1 Operators .......................................... 5
+ 1.3 Channels ................................................ 5
+ 1.3.1 Channel Operators .................................... 6
+ 2. THE IRC SPECIFICATION ....................................... 7
+ 2.1 Overview ................................................ 7
+ 2.2 Character codes ......................................... 7
+ 2.3 Messages ................................................ 7
+ 2.3.1 Message format in 'pseudo' BNF .................... 8
+ 2.4 Numeric replies ......................................... 10
+ 3. IRC Concepts ................................................ 10
+ 3.1 One-to-one communication ................................ 10
+ 3.2 One-to-many ............................................. 11
+ 3.2.1 To a list .......................................... 11
+ 3.2.2 To a group (channel) ............................... 11
+ 3.2.3 To a host/server mask .............................. 12
+ 3.3 One to all .............................................. 12
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ 3.3.1 Client to Client ................................... 12
+ 3.3.2 Clients to Server .................................. 12
+ 3.3.3 Server to Server ................................... 12
+ 4. MESSAGE DETAILS ............................................. 13
+ 4.1 Connection Registration ................................. 13
+ 4.1.1 Password message ................................... 14
+ 4.1.2 Nickname message ................................... 14
+ 4.1.3 User message ....................................... 15
+ 4.1.4 Server message ..................................... 16
+ 4.1.5 Operator message ................................... 17
+ 4.1.6 Quit message ....................................... 17
+ 4.1.7 Server Quit message ................................ 18
+ 4.2 Channel operations ...................................... 19
+ 4.2.1 Join message ....................................... 19
+ 4.2.2 Part message ....................................... 20
+ 4.2.3 Mode message ....................................... 21
+ Channel modes ................................. 21
+ User modes .................................... 22
+ 4.2.4 Topic message ...................................... 23
+ 4.2.5 Names message ...................................... 24
+ 4.2.6 List message ....................................... 24
+ 4.2.7 Invite message ..................................... 25
+ 4.2.8 Kick message ....................................... 25
+ 4.3 Server queries and commands ............................. 26
+ 4.3.1 Version message .................................... 26
+ 4.3.2 Stats message ...................................... 27
+ 4.3.3 Links message ...................................... 28
+ 4.3.4 Time message ....................................... 29
+ 4.3.5 Connect message .................................... 29
+ 4.3.6 Trace message ...................................... 30
+ 4.3.7 Admin message ...................................... 31
+ 4.3.8 Info message ....................................... 31
+ 4.4 Sending messages ........................................ 32
+ 4.4.1 Private messages ................................... 32
+ 4.4.2 Notice messages .................................... 33
+ 4.5 User-based queries ...................................... 33
+ 4.5.1 Who query .......................................... 33
+ 4.5.2 Whois query ........................................ 34
+ 4.5.3 Whowas message ..................................... 35
+ 4.6 Miscellaneous messages .................................. 35
+ 4.6.1 Kill message ....................................... 36
+ 4.6.2 Ping message ....................................... 37
+ 4.6.3 Pong message ....................................... 37
+ 4.6.4 Error message ...................................... 38
+ 5. OPTIONAL MESSAGES ........................................... 38
+ 5.1 Away message ............................................ 38
+ 5.2 Rehash command .......................................... 39
+ 5.3 Restart command ......................................... 39
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ 5.4 Summon message .......................................... 40
+ 5.5 Users message ........................................... 40
+ 5.6 Operwall command ........................................ 41
+ 5.7 Userhost message ........................................ 42
+ 5.8 Ison message ............................................ 42
+ 6. REPLIES ..................................................... 43
+ 6.1 Error Replies ........................................... 43
+ 6.2 Command responses ....................................... 48
+ 6.3 Reserved numerics ....................................... 56
+ 7. Client and server authentication ............................ 56
+ 8. Current Implementations Details ............................. 56
+ 8.1 Network protocol: TCP ................................... 57
+ 8.1.1 Support of Unix sockets ............................ 57
+ 8.2 Command Parsing ......................................... 57
+ 8.3 Message delivery ........................................ 57
+ 8.4 Connection 'Liveness' ................................... 58
+ 8.5 Establishing a server-client connection ................. 58
+ 8.6 Establishing a server-server connection ................. 58
+ 8.6.1 State information exchange when connecting ......... 59
+ 8.7 Terminating server-client connections ................... 59
+ 8.8 Terminating server-server connections ................... 59
+ 8.9 Tracking nickname changes ............................... 60
+ 8.10 Flood control of clients ............................... 60
+ 8.11 Non-blocking lookups ................................... 61
+ 8.11.1 Hostname (DNS) lookups ............................ 61
+ 8.11.2 Username (Ident) lookups .......................... 61
+ 8.12 Configuration file ..................................... 61
+ 8.12.1 Allowing clients to connect ....................... 62
+ 8.12.2 Operators ......................................... 62
+ 8.12.3 Allowing servers to connect ....................... 62
+ 8.12.4 Administrivia ..................................... 63
+ 8.13 Channel membership ..................................... 63
+ 9. Current problems ............................................ 63
+ 9.1 Scalability ............................................. 63
+ 9.2 Labels .................................................. 63
+ 9.2.1 Nicknames .......................................... 63
+ 9.2.2 Channels ........................................... 64
+ 9.2.3 Servers ............................................ 64
+ 9.3 Algorithms .............................................. 64
+ 10. Support and availability ................................... 64
+ 11. Security Considerations .................................... 65
+ 12. Authors' Addresses ......................................... 65
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 3]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ The IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol has been designed over a
+ number of years for use with text based conferencing. This document
+ describes the current IRC protocol.
+ The IRC protocol has been developed on systems using the TCP/IP
+ network protocol, although there is no requirement that this remain
+ the only sphere in which it operates.
+ IRC itself is a teleconferencing system, which (through the use of
+ the client-server model) is well-suited to running on many machines
+ in a distributed fashion. A typical setup involves a single process
+ (the server) forming a central point for clients (or other servers)
+ to connect to, performing the required message delivery/multiplexing
+ and other functions.
+1.1 Servers
+ The server forms the backbone of IRC, providing a point to which
+ clients may connect to to talk to each other, and a point for other
+ servers to connect to, forming an IRC network. The only network
+ configuration allowed for IRC servers is that of a spanning tree [see
+ Fig. 1] where each server acts as a central node for the rest of the
+ net it sees.
+ [ Server 15 ] [ Server 13 ] [ Server 14]
+ / \ /
+ / \ /
+ [ Server 11 ] ------ [ Server 1 ] [ Server 12]
+ / \ /
+ / \ /
+ [ Server 2 ] [ Server 3 ]
+ / \ \
+ / \ \
+ [ Server 4 ] [ Server 5 ] [ Server 6 ]
+ / | \ /
+ / | \ /
+ / | \____ /
+ / | \ /
+ [ Server 7 ] [ Server 8 ] [ Server 9 ] [ Server 10 ]
+ :
+ [ etc. ]
+ :
+ [ Fig. 1. Format of IRC server network ]
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 4]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+1.2 Clients
+ A client is anything connecting to a server that is not another
+ server. Each client is distinguished from other clients by a unique
+ nickname having a maximum length of nine (9) characters. See the
+ protocol grammar rules for what may and may not be used in a
+ nickname. In addition to the nickname, all servers must have the
+ following information about all clients: the real name of the host
+ that the client is running on, the username of the client on that
+ host, and the server to which the client is connected.
+1.2.1 Operators
+ To allow a reasonable amount of order to be kept within the IRC
+ network, a special class of clients (operators) is allowed to perform
+ general maintenance functions on the network. Although the powers
+ granted to an operator can be considered as 'dangerous', they are
+ nonetheless required. Operators should be able to perform basic
+ network tasks such as disconnecting and reconnecting servers as
+ needed to prevent long-term use of bad network routing. In
+ recognition of this need, the protocol discussed herein provides for
+ operators only to be able to perform such functions. See sections
+ 4.1.7 (SQUIT) and 4.3.5 (CONNECT).
+ A more controversial power of operators is the ability to remove a
+ user from the connected network by 'force', i.e. operators are able
+ to close the connection between any client and server. The
+ justification for this is delicate since its abuse is both
+ destructive and annoying. For further details on this type of
+ action, see section 4.6.1 (KILL).
+1.3 Channels
+ A channel is a named group of one or more clients which will all
+ receive messages addressed to that channel. The channel is created
+ implicitly when the first client joins it, and the channel ceases to
+ exist when the last client leaves it. While channel exists, any
+ client can reference the channel using the name of the channel.
+ Channels names are strings (beginning with a '&' or '#' character) of
+ length up to 200 characters. Apart from the the requirement that the
+ first character being either '&' or '#'; the only restriction on a
+ channel name is that it may not contain any spaces (' '), a control G
+ (^G or ASCII 7), or a comma (',' which is used as a list item
+ separator by the protocol).
+ There are two types of channels allowed by this protocol. One is a
+ distributed channel which is known to all the servers that are
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 5]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ connected to the network. These channels are marked by the first
+ character being a only clients on the server where it exists may join
+ it. These are distinguished by a leading '&' character. On top of
+ these two types, there are the various channel modes available to
+ alter the characteristics of individual channels. See section 4.2.3
+ (MODE command) for more details on this.
+ To create a new channel or become part of an existing channel, a user
+ is required to JOIN the channel. If the channel doesn't exist prior
+ to joining, the channel is created and the creating user becomes a
+ channel operator. If the channel already exists, whether or not your
+ request to JOIN that channel is honoured depends on the current modes
+ of the channel. For example, if the channel is invite-only, (+i),
+ then you may only join if invited. As part of the protocol, a user
+ may be a part of several channels at once, but a limit of ten (10)
+ channels is recommended as being ample for both experienced and
+ novice users. See section 8.13 for more information on this.
+ If the IRC network becomes disjoint because of a split between two
+ servers, the channel on each side is only composed of those clients
+ which are connected to servers on the respective sides of the split,
+ possibly ceasing to exist on one side of the split. When the split
+ is healed, the connecting servers announce to each other who they
+ think is in each channel and the mode of that channel. If the
+ channel exists on both sides, the JOINs and MODEs are interpreted in
+ an inclusive manner so that both sides of the new connection will
+ agree about which clients are in the channel and what modes the
+ channel has.
+1.3.1 Channel Operators
+ The channel operator (also referred to as a "chop" or "chanop") on a
+ given channel is considered to 'own' that channel. In recognition of
+ this status, channel operators are endowed with certain powers which
+ enable them to keep control and some sort of sanity in their channel.
+ As an owner of a channel, a channel operator is not required to have
+ reasons for their actions, although if their actions are generally
+ antisocial or otherwise abusive, it might be reasonable to ask an IRC
+ operator to intervene, or for the usersjust leave and go elsewhere
+ and form their own channel.
+ The commands which may only be used by channel operators are:
+ KICK - Eject a client from the channel
+ MODE - Change the channel's mode
+ INVITE - Invite a client to an invite-only channel (mode +i)
+ TOPIC - Change the channel topic in a mode +t channel
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 6]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ A channel operator is identified by the '@' symbol next to their
+ nickname whenever it is associated with a channel (ie replies to the
+ NAMES, WHO and WHOIS commands).
+2. The IRC Specification
+2.1 Overview
+ The protocol as described herein is for use both with server to
+ server and client to server connections. There are, however, more
+ restrictions on client connections (which are considered to be
+ untrustworthy) than on server connections.
+2.2 Character codes
+ No specific character set is specified. The protocol is based on a a
+ set of codes which are composed of eight (8) bits, making up an
+ octet. Each message may be composed of any number of these octets;
+ however, some octet values are used for control codes which act as
+ message delimiters.
+ Regardless of being an 8-bit protocol, the delimiters and keywords
+ are such that protocol is mostly usable from USASCII terminal and a
+ telnet connection.
+ Because of IRC's scandanavian origin, the characters {}| are
+ considered to be the lower case equivalents of the characters []\,
+ respectively. This is a critical issue when determining the
+ equivalence of two nicknames.
+2.3 Messages
+ Servers and clients send eachother messages which may or may not
+ generate a reply. If the message contains a valid command, as
+ described in later sections, the client should expect a reply as
+ specified but it is not advised to wait forever for the reply; client
+ to server and server to server communication is essentially
+ asynchronous in nature.
+ Each IRC message may consist of up to three main parts: the prefix
+ (optional), the command, and the command parameters (of which there
+ may be up to 15). The prefix, command, and all parameters are
+ separated by one (or more) ASCII space character(s) (0x20).
+ The presence of a prefix is indicated with a single leading ASCII
+ colon character (':', 0x3b), which must be the first character of the
+ message itself. There must be no gap (whitespace) between the colon
+ and the prefix. The prefix is used by servers to indicate the true
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 7]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ origin of the message. If the prefix is missing from the message, it
+ is assumed to have originated from the connection from which it was
+ received. Clients should not use prefix when sending a message from
+ themselves; if they use a prefix, the only valid prefix is the
+ registered nickname associated with the client. If the source
+ identified by the prefix cannot be found from the server's internal
+ database, or if the source is registered from a different link than
+ from which the message arrived, the server must ignore the message
+ silently.
+ The command must either be a valid IRC command or a three (3) digit
+ number represented in ASCII text.
+ IRC messages are always lines of characters terminated with a CR-LF
+ (Carriage Return - Line Feed) pair, and these messages shall not
+ exceed 512 characters in length, counting all characters including
+ the trailing CR-LF. Thus, there are 510 characters maximum allowed
+ for the command and its parameters. There is no provision for
+ continuation message lines. See section 7 for more details about
+ current implementations.
+2.3.1 Message format in 'pseudo' BNF
+ The protocol messages must be extracted from the contiguous stream of
+ octets. The current solution is to designate two characters, CR and
+ LF, as message separators. Empty messages are silently ignored,
+ which permits use of the sequence CR-LF between messages
+ without extra problems.
+ The extracted message is parsed into the components <prefix>,
+ <command> and list of parameters matched either by <middle> or
+ <trailing> components.
+ The BNF representation for this is:
+<message> ::= [':' <prefix> <SPACE> ] <command> <params> <crlf>
+<prefix> ::= <servername> | <nick> [ '!' <user> ] [ '@' <host> ]
+<command> ::= <letter> { <letter> } | <number> <number> <number>
+<SPACE> ::= ' ' { ' ' }
+<params> ::= <SPACE> [ ':' <trailing> | <middle> <params> ]
+<middle> ::= <Any *non-empty* sequence of octets not including SPACE
+ or NUL or CR or LF, the first of which may not be ':'>
+<trailing> ::= <Any, possibly *empty*, sequence of octets not including
+ NUL or CR or LF>
+<crlf> ::= CR LF
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 8]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ 1) <SPACE> is consists only of SPACE character(s) (0x20).
+ Specially notice that TABULATION, and all other control
+ characters are considered NON-WHITE-SPACE.
+ 2) After extracting the parameter list, all parameters are equal,
+ whether matched by <middle> or <trailing>. <Trailing> is just
+ a syntactic trick to allow SPACE within parameter.
+ 3) The fact that CR and LF cannot appear in parameter strings is
+ just artifact of the message framing. This might change later.
+ 4) The NUL character is not special in message framing, and
+ basically could end up inside a parameter, but as it would
+ cause extra complexities in normal C string handling. Therefore
+ NUL is not allowed within messages.
+ 5) The last parameter may be an empty string.
+ 6) Use of the extended prefix (['!' <user> ] ['@' <host> ]) must
+ not be used in server to server communications and is only
+ intended for server to client messages in order to provide
+ clients with more useful information about who a message is
+ from without the need for additional queries.
+ Most protocol messages specify additional semantics and syntax for
+ the extracted parameter strings dictated by their position in the
+ list. For example, many server commands will assume that the first
+ parameter after the command is the list of targets, which can be
+ described with:
+ <target> ::= <to> [ "," <target> ]
+ <to> ::= <channel> | <user> '@' <servername> | <nick> | <mask>
+ <channel> ::= ('#' | '&') <chstring>
+ <servername> ::= <host>
+ <host> ::= see RFC 952 [DNS:4] for details on allowed hostnames
+ <nick> ::= <letter> { <letter> | <number> | <special> }
+ <mask> ::= ('#' | '$') <chstring>
+ <chstring> ::= <any 8bit code except SPACE, BELL, NUL, CR, LF and
+ comma (',')>
+ Other parameter syntaxes are:
+ <user> ::= <nonwhite> { <nonwhite> }
+ <letter> ::= 'a' ... 'z' | 'A' ... 'Z'
+ <number> ::= '0' ... '9'
+ <special> ::= '-' | '[' | ']' | '\' | '`' | '^' | '{' | '}'
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 9]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ <nonwhite> ::= <any 8bit code except SPACE (0x20), NUL (0x0), CR
+ (0xd), and LF (0xa)>
+2.4 Numeric replies
+ Most of the messages sent to the server generate a reply of some
+ sort. The most common reply is the numeric reply, used for both
+ errors and normal replies. The numeric reply must be sent as one
+ message consisting of the sender prefix, the three digit numeric, and
+ the target of the reply. A numeric reply is not allowed to originate
+ from a client; any such messages received by a server are silently
+ dropped. In all other respects, a numeric reply is just like a normal
+ message, except that the keyword is made up of 3 numeric digits
+ rather than a string of letters. A list of different replies is
+ supplied in section 6.
+3. IRC Concepts.
+ This section is devoted to describing the actual concepts behind the
+ organization of the IRC protocol and how the current
+ implementations deliver different classes of messages.
+ 1--\
+ A D---4
+ 2--/ \ /
+ B----C
+ / \
+ 3 E
+ Servers: A, B, C, D, E Clients: 1, 2, 3, 4
+ [ Fig. 2. Sample small IRC network ]
+3.1 One-to-one communication
+ Communication on a one-to-one basis is usually only performed by
+ clients, since most server-server traffic is not a result of servers
+ talking only to each other. To provide a secure means for clients to
+ talk to each other, it is required that all servers be able to send a
+ message in exactly one direction along the spanning tree in order to
+ reach any client. The path of a message being delivered is the
+ shortest path between any two points on the spanning tree.
+ The following examples all refer to Figure 2 above.
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 10]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+Example 1:
+ A message between clients 1 and 2 is only seen by server A, which
+ sends it straight to client 2.
+Example 2:
+ A message between clients 1 and 3 is seen by servers A & B, and
+ client 3. No other clients or servers are allowed see the message.
+Example 3:
+ A message between clients 2 and 4 is seen by servers A, B, C & D
+ and client 4 only.
+3.2 One-to-many
+ The main goal of IRC is to provide a forum which allows easy and
+ efficient conferencing (one to many conversations). IRC offers
+ several means to achieve this, each serving its own purpose.
+3.2.1 To a list
+ The least efficient style of one-to-many conversation is through
+ clients talking to a 'list' of users. How this is done is almost
+ self explanatory: the client gives a list of destinations to which
+ the message is to be delivered and the server breaks it up and
+ dispatches a separate copy of the message to each given destination.
+ This isn't as efficient as using a group since the destination list
+ is broken up and the dispatch sent without checking to make sure
+ duplicates aren't sent down each path.
+3.2.2 To a group (channel)
+ In IRC the channel has a role equivalent to that of the multicast
+ group; their existence is dynamic (coming and going as people join
+ and leave channels) and the actual conversation carried out on a
+ channel is only sent to servers which are supporting users on a given
+ channel. If there are multiple users on a server in the same
+ channel, the message text is sent only once to that server and then
+ sent to each client on the channel. This action is then repeated for
+ each client-server combination until the original message has fanned
+ out and reached each member of the channel.
+ The following examples all refer to Figure 2.
+Example 4:
+ Any channel with 1 client in it. Messages to the channel go to the
+ server and then nowhere else.
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 11]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+Example 5:
+ 2 clients in a channel. All messages traverse a path as if they
+ were private messages between the two clients outside a channel.
+Example 6:
+ Clients 1, 2 and 3 in a channel. All messages to the channel are
+ sent to all clients and only those servers which must be traversed
+ by the message if it were a private message to a single client. If
+ client 1 sends a message, it goes back to client 2 and then via
+ server B to client 3.
+3.2.3 To a host/server mask
+ To provide IRC operators with some mechanism to send messages to a
+ large body of related users, host and server mask messages are
+ provided. These messages are sent to users whose host or server
+ information match that of the mask. The messages are only sent to
+ locations where users are, in a fashion similar to that of channels.
+3.3 One-to-all
+ The one-to-all type of message is better described as a broadcast
+ message, sent to all clients or servers or both. On a large network
+ of users and servers, a single message can result in a lot of traffic
+ being sent over the network in an effort to reach all of the desired
+ destinations.
+ For some messages, there is no option but to broadcast it to all
+ servers so that the state information held by each server is
+ reasonably consistent between servers.
+3.3.1 Client-to-Client
+ There is no class of message which, from a single message, results in
+ a message being sent to every other client.
+3.3.2 Client-to-Server
+ Most of the commands which result in a change of state information
+ (such as channel membership, channel mode, user status, etc) must be
+ sent to all servers by default, and this distribution may not be
+ changed by the client.
+3.3.3 Server-to-Server.
+ While most messages between servers are distributed to all 'other'
+ servers, this is only required for any message that affects either a
+ user, channel or server. Since these are the basic items found in
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+ IRC, nearly all messages originating from a server are broadcast to
+ all other connected servers.
+4. Message details
+ On the following pages are descriptions of each message recognized by
+ the IRC server and client. All commands described in this section
+ must be implemented by any server for this protocol.
+ Where the reply ERR_NOSUCHSERVER is listed, it means that the
+ <server> parameter could not be found. The server must not send any
+ other replies after this for that command.
+ The server to which a client is connected is required to parse the
+ complete message, returning any appropriate errors. If the server
+ encounters a fatal error while parsing a message, an error must be
+ sent back to the client and the parsing terminated. A fatal error
+ may be considered to be incorrect command, a destination which is
+ otherwise unknown to the server (server, nick or channel names fit
+ this category), not enough parameters or incorrect privileges.
+ If a full set of parameters is presented, then each must be checked
+ for validity and appropriate responses sent back to the client. In
+ the case of messages which use parameter lists using the comma as an
+ item separator, a reply must be sent for each item.
+ In the examples below, some messages appear using the full format:
+ :Name COMMAND parameter list
+ Such examples represent a message from "Name" in transit between
+ servers, where it is essential to include the name of the original
+ sender of the message so remote servers may send back a reply along
+ the correct path.
+4.1 Connection Registration
+ The commands described here are used to register a connection with an
+ IRC server as either a user or a server as well as correctly
+ disconnect.
+ A "PASS" command is not required for either client or server
+ connection to be registered, but it must precede the server message
+ or the latter of the NICK/USER combination. It is strongly
+ recommended that all server connections have a password in order to
+ give some level of security to the actual connections. The
+ recommended order for a client to register is as follows:
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+ 1. Pass message
+ 2. Nick message
+ 3. User message
+4.1.1 Password message
+ Command: PASS
+ Parameters: <password>
+ The PASS command is used to set a 'connection password'. The
+ password can and must be set before any attempt to register the
+ connection is made. Currently this requires that clients send a PASS
+ command before sending the NICK/USER combination and servers *must*
+ send a PASS command before any SERVER command. The password supplied
+ must match the one contained in the C/N lines (for servers) or I
+ lines (for clients). It is possible to send multiple PASS commands
+ before registering but only the last one sent is used for
+ verification and it may not be changed once registered. Numeric
+ Replies:
+ Example:
+ PASS secretpasswordhere
+4.1.2 Nick message
+ Command: NICK
+ Parameters: <nickname> [ <hopcount> ]
+ NICK message is used to give user a nickname or change the previous
+ one. The <hopcount> parameter is only used by servers to indicate
+ how far away a nick is from its home server. A local connection has
+ a hopcount of 0. If supplied by a client, it must be ignored.
+ If a NICK message arrives at a server which already knows about an
+ identical nickname for another client, a nickname collision occurs.
+ As a result of a nickname collision, all instances of the nickname
+ are removed from the server's database, and a KILL command is issued
+ to remove the nickname from all other server's database. If the NICK
+ message causing the collision was a nickname change, then the
+ original (old) nick must be removed as well.
+ If the server recieves an identical NICK from a client which is
+ directly connected, it may issue an ERR_NICKCOLLISION to the local
+ client, drop the NICK command, and not generate any kills.
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+ Numeric Replies:
+ Example:
+ NICK Wiz ; Introducing new nick "Wiz".
+ :WiZ NICK Kilroy ; WiZ changed his nickname to Kilroy.
+4.1.3 User message
+ Command: USER
+ Parameters: <username> <hostname> <servername> <realname>
+ The USER message is used at the beginning of connection to specify
+ the username, hostname, servername and realname of s new user. It is
+ also used in communication between servers to indicate new user
+ arriving on IRC, since only after both USER and NICK have been
+ received from a client does a user become registered.
+ Between servers USER must to be prefixed with client's NICKname.
+ Note that hostname and servername are normally ignored by the IRC
+ server when the USER command comes from a directly connected client
+ (for security reasons), but they are used in server to server
+ communication. This means that a NICK must always be sent to a
+ remote server when a new user is being introduced to the rest of the
+ network before the accompanying USER is sent.
+ It must be noted that realname parameter must be the last parameter,
+ because it may contain space characters and must be prefixed with a
+ colon (':') to make sure this is recognised as such.
+ Since it is easy for a client to lie about its username by relying
+ solely on the USER message, the use of an "Identity Server" is
+ recommended. If the host which a user connects from has such a
+ server enabled the username is set to that as in the reply from the
+ "Identity Server".
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ USER guest tolmoon tolsun :Ronnie Reagan
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+ ; User registering themselves with a
+ username of "guest" and real name
+ "Ronnie Reagan".
+ :testnick USER guest tolmoon tolsun :Ronnie Reagan
+ ; message between servers with the
+ nickname for which the USER command
+ belongs to
+4.1.4 Server message
+ Command: SERVER
+ Parameters: <servername> <hopcount> <info>
+ The server message is used to tell a server that the other end of a
+ new connection is a server. This message is also used to pass server
+ data over whole net. When a new server is connected to net,
+ information about it be broadcast to the whole network. <hopcount>
+ is used to give all servers some internal information on how far away
+ all servers are. With a full server list, it would be possible to
+ construct a map of the entire server tree, but hostmasks prevent this
+ from being done.
+ The SERVER message must only be accepted from either (a) a connection
+ which is yet to be registered and is attempting to register as a
+ server, or (b) an existing connection to another server, in which
+ case the SERVER message is introducing a new server behind that
+ server.
+ Most errors that occur with the receipt of a SERVER command result in
+ the connection being terminated by the destination host (target
+ SERVER). Error replies are usually sent using the "ERROR" command
+ rather than the numeric since the ERROR command has several useful
+ properties which make it useful here.
+ If a SERVER message is parsed and attempts to introduce a server
+ which is already known to the receiving server, the connection from
+ which that message must be closed (following the correct procedures),
+ since a duplicate route to a server has formed and the acyclic nature
+ of the IRC tree broken.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Example:
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+SERVER 1 :[] Experimental server
+ ; New server introducing
+ itself and attempting to register. The
+ name in []'s is the hostname for the
+ host running
+ SERVER 5 :BU Central Server
+ ; Server is our uplink
+ for which is 5 hops away.
+4.1.5 Oper
+ Command: OPER
+ Parameters: <user> <password>
+ OPER message is used by a normal user to obtain operator privileges.
+ The combination of <user> and <password> are required to gain
+ Operator privileges.
+ If the client sending the OPER command supplies the correct password
+ for the given user, the server then informs the rest of the network
+ of the new operator by issuing a "MODE +o" for the clients nickname.
+ The OPER message is client-server only.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Example:
+ OPER foo bar ; Attempt to register as an operator
+ using a username of "foo" and "bar" as
+ the password.
+4.1.6 Quit
+ Command: QUIT
+ Parameters: [<Quit message>]
+ A client session is ended with a quit message. The server must close
+ the connection to a client which sends a QUIT message. If a "Quit
+ Message" is given, this will be sent instead of the default message,
+ the nickname.
+ When netsplits (disconnecting of two servers) occur, the quit message
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+ is composed of the names of two servers involved, separated by a
+ space. The first name is that of the server which is still connected
+ and the second name is that of the server that has become
+ disconnected.
+ If, for some other reason, a client connection is closed without the
+ client issuing a QUIT command (e.g. client dies and EOF occurs
+ on socket), the server is required to fill in the quit message with
+ some sort of message reflecting the nature of the event which
+ caused it to happen.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ None.
+ Examples:
+ QUIT :Gone to have lunch ; Preferred message format.
+4.1.7 Server quit message
+ Command: SQUIT
+ Parameters: <server> <comment>
+ The SQUIT message is needed to tell about quitting or dead servers.
+ If a server wishes to break the connection to another server it must
+ send a SQUIT message to the other server, using the the name of the
+ other server as the server parameter, which then closes its
+ connection to the quitting server.
+ This command is also available operators to help keep a network of
+ IRC servers connected in an orderly fashion. Operators may also
+ issue an SQUIT message for a remote server connection. In this case,
+ the SQUIT must be parsed by each server inbetween the operator and
+ the remote server, updating the view of the network held by each
+ server as explained below.
+ The <comment> should be supplied by all operators who execute a SQUIT
+ for a remote server (that is not connected to the server they are
+ currently on) so that other operators are aware for the reason of
+ this action. The <comment> is also filled in by servers which may
+ place an error or similar message here.
+ Both of the servers which are on either side of the connection being
+ closed are required to to send out a SQUIT message (to all its other
+ server connections) for all other servers which are considered to be
+ behind that link.
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+ Similarly, a QUIT message must be sent to the other connected servers
+ rest of the network on behalf of all clients behind that link. In
+ addition to this, all channel members of a channel which lost a
+ member due to the split must be sent a QUIT message.
+ If a server connection is terminated prematurely (e.g. the server on
+ the other end of the link died), the server which detects
+ this disconnection is required to inform the rest of the network
+ that the connection has closed and fill in the comment field
+ with something appropriate.
+ Numeric replies:
+ Example:
+ SQUIT :Bad Link ? ; the server link has
+ been terminated because of "Bad Link".
+ :Trillian SQUIT :Server out of control
+ ; message from Trillian to disconnect
+ "" from the net
+ because "Server out of control".
+4.2 Channel operations
+ This group of messages is concerned with manipulating channels, their
+ properties (channel modes), and their contents (typically clients).
+ In implementing these, a number of race conditions are inevitable
+ when clients at opposing ends of a network send commands which will
+ ultimately clash. It is also required that servers keep a nickname
+ history to ensure that wherever a <nick> parameter is given, the
+ server check its history in case it has recently been changed.
+4.2.1 Join message
+ Command: JOIN
+ Parameters: <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]
+ The JOIN command is used by client to start listening a specific
+ channel. Whether or not a client is allowed to join a channel is
+ checked only by the server the client is connected to; all other
+ servers automatically add the user to the channel when it is received
+ from other servers. The conditions which affect this are as follows:
+ 1. the user must be invited if the channel is invite-only;
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+ 2. the user's nick/username/hostname must not match any
+ active bans;
+ 3. the correct key (password) must be given if it is set.
+ These are discussed in more detail under the MODE command (see
+ section 4.2.3 for more details).
+ Once a user has joined a channel, they receive notice about all
+ commands their server receives which affect the channel. This
+ includes MODE, KICK, PART, QUIT and of course PRIVMSG/NOTICE. The
+ JOIN command needs to be broadcast to all servers so that each server
+ knows where to find the users who are on the channel. This allows
+ optimal delivery of PRIVMSG/NOTICE messages to the channel.
+ If a JOIN is successful, the user is then sent the channel's topic
+ (using RPL_TOPIC) and the list of users who are on the channel (using
+ RPL_NAMREPLY), which must include the user joining.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ JOIN #foobar ; join channel #foobar.
+ JOIN &foo fubar ; join channel &foo using key "fubar".
+ JOIN #foo,&bar fubar ; join channel #foo using key "fubar"
+ and &bar using no key.
+ JOIN #foo,#bar fubar,foobar ; join channel #foo using key "fubar".
+ and channel #bar using key "foobar".
+ JOIN #foo,#bar ; join channels #foo and #bar.
+ :WiZ JOIN #Twilight_zone ; JOIN message from WiZ
+4.2.2 Part message
+ Command: PART
+ Parameters: <channel>{,<channel>}
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+ The PART message causes the client sending the message to be removed
+ from the list of active users for all given channels listed in the
+ parameter string.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ PART #twilight_zone ; leave channel "#twilight_zone"
+ PART #oz-ops,&group5 ; leave both channels "&group5" and
+ "#oz-ops".
+4.2.3 Mode message
+ Command: MODE
+ The MODE command is a dual-purpose command in IRC. It allows both
+ usernames and channels to have their mode changed. The rationale for
+ this choice is that one day nicknames will be obsolete and the
+ equivalent property will be the channel.
+ When parsing MODE messages, it is recommended that the entire message
+ be parsed first and then the changes which resulted then passed on.
+ Channel modes
+ Parameters: <channel> {[+|-]|o|p|s|i|t|n|b|v} [<limit>] [<user>]
+ [<ban mask>]
+ The MODE command is provided so that channel operators may change the
+ characteristics of `their' channel. It is also required that servers
+ be able to change channel modes so that channel operators may be
+ created.
+ The various modes available for channels are as follows:
+ o - give/take channel operator privileges;
+ p - private channel flag;
+ s - secret channel flag;
+ i - invite-only channel flag;
+ t - topic settable by channel operator only flag;
+ n - no messages to channel from clients on the outside;
+ m - moderated channel;
+ l - set the user limit to channel;
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+ b - set a ban mask to keep users out;
+ v - give/take the ability to speak on a moderated channel;
+ k - set a channel key (password).
+ When using the 'o' and 'b' options, a restriction on a total of three
+ per mode command has been imposed. That is, any combination of 'o'
+ and
+ User modes
+ Parameters: <nickname> {[+|-]|i|w|s|o}
+ The user MODEs are typically changes which affect either how the
+ client is seen by others or what 'extra' messages the client is sent.
+ A user MODE command may only be accepted if both the sender of the
+ message and the nickname given as a parameter are both the same.
+ The available modes are as follows:
+ i - marks a users as invisible;
+ s - marks a user for receipt of server notices;
+ w - user receives wallops;
+ o - operator flag.
+ Additional modes may be available later on.
+ If a user attempts to make themselves an operator using the "+o"
+ flag, the attempt should be ignored. There is no restriction,
+ however, on anyone `deopping' themselves (using "-o"). Numeric
+ Replies:
+ Examples:
+ Use of Channel Modes:
+MODE #Finnish +im ; Makes #Finnish channel moderated and
+ 'invite-only'.
+MODE #Finnish +o Kilroy ; Gives 'chanop' privileges to Kilroy on
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+ channel #Finnish.
+MODE #Finnish +v Wiz ; Allow WiZ to speak on #Finnish.
+MODE #Fins -s ; Removes 'secret' flag from channel
+ #Fins.
+MODE #42 +k oulu ; Set the channel key to "oulu".
+MODE #eu-opers +l 10 ; Set the limit for the number of users
+ on channel to 10.
+MODE &oulu +b ; list ban masks set for channel.
+MODE &oulu +b *!*@* ; prevent all users from joining.
+MODE &oulu +b *!*@*.edu ; prevent any user from a hostname
+ matching *.edu from joining.
+ Use of user Modes:
+:MODE WiZ -w ; turns reception of WALLOPS messages
+ off for WiZ.
+:Angel MODE Angel +i ; Message from Angel to make themselves
+ invisible.
+MODE WiZ -o ; WiZ 'deopping' (removing operator
+ status). The plain reverse of this
+ command ("MODE WiZ +o") must not be
+ allowed from users since would bypass
+ the OPER command.
+4.2.4 Topic message
+ Command: TOPIC
+ Parameters: <channel> [<topic>]
+ The TOPIC message is used to change or view the topic of a channel.
+ The topic for channel <channel> is returned if there is no <topic>
+ given. If the <topic> parameter is present, the topic for that
+ channel will be changed, if the channel modes permit this action.
+ Numeric Replies:
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+ Examples:
+ :Wiz TOPIC #test :New topic ;User Wiz setting the topic.
+ TOPIC #test :another topic ;set the topic on #test to "another
+ topic".
+ TOPIC #test ; check the topic for #test.
+4.2.5 Names message
+ Command: NAMES
+ Parameters: [<channel>{,<channel>}]
+ By using the NAMES command, a user can list all nicknames that are
+ visible to them on any channel that they can see. Channel names
+ which they can see are those which aren't private (+p) or secret (+s)
+ or those which they are actually on. The <channel> parameter
+ specifies which channel(s) to return information about if valid.
+ There is no error reply for bad channel names.
+ If no <channel> parameter is given, a list of all channels and their
+ occupants is returned. At the end of this list, a list of users who
+ are visible but either not on any channel or not on a visible channel
+ are listed as being on `channel' "*".
+ Numerics:
+ Examples:
+ NAMES #twilight_zone,#42 ; list visible users on #twilight_zone
+ and #42 if the channels are visible to
+ you.
+ NAMES ; list all visible channels and users
+4.2.6 List message
+ Command: LIST
+ Parameters: [<channel>{,<channel>} [<server>]]
+ The list message is used to list channels and their topics. If the
+ <channel> parameter is used, only the status of that channel
+ is displayed. Private channels are listed (without their
+ topics) as channel "Prv" unless the client generating the query is
+ actually on that channel. Likewise, secret channels are not listed
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+ at all unless the client is a member of the channel in question.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ LIST ; List all channels.
+ LIST #twilight_zone,#42 ; List channels #twilight_zone and #42
+4.2.7 Invite message
+ Command: INVITE
+ Parameters: <nickname> <channel>
+ The INVITE message is used to invite users to a channel. The
+ parameter <nickname> is the nickname of the person to be invited to
+ the target channel <channel>. There is no requirement that the
+ channel the target user is being invited to must exist or be a valid
+ channel. To invite a user to a channel which is invite only (MODE
+ +i), the client sending the invite must be recognised as being a
+ channel operator on the given channel.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ :Angel INVITE Wiz #Dust ; User Angel inviting WiZ to channel
+ #Dust
+ INVITE Wiz #Twilight_Zone ; Command to invite WiZ to
+ #Twilight_zone
+4.2.8 Kick command
+ Command: KICK
+ Parameters: <channel> <user> [<comment>]
+ The KICK command can be used to forcibly remove a user from a
+ channel. It 'kicks them out' of the channel (forced PART).
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+ Only a channel operator may kick another user out of a channel.
+ Each server that receives a KICK message checks that it is valid
+ (ie the sender is actually a channel operator) before removing
+ the victim from the channel.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+KICK &Melbourne Matthew ; Kick Matthew from &Melbourne
+KICK #Finnish John :Speaking English
+ ; Kick John from #Finnish using
+ "Speaking English" as the reason
+ (comment).
+:WiZ KICK #Finnish John ; KICK message from WiZ to remove John
+ from channel #Finnish
+ It is possible to extend the KICK command parameters to the
+<channel>{,<channel>} <user>{,<user>} [<comment>]
+4.3 Server queries and commands
+ The server query group of commands has been designed to return
+ information about any server which is connected to the network. All
+ servers connected must respond to these queries and respond
+ correctly. Any invalid response (or lack thereof) must be considered
+ a sign of a broken server and it must be disconnected/disabled as
+ soon as possible until the situation is remedied.
+ In these queries, where a parameter appears as "<server>", it will
+ usually mean it can be a nickname or a server or a wildcard name of
+ some sort. For each parameter, however, only one query and set of
+ replies is to be generated.
+4.3.1 Version message
+ Command: VERSION
+ Parameters: [<server>]
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+ The VERSION message is used to query the version of the server
+ program. An optional parameter <server> is used to query the version
+ of the server program which a client is not directly connected to.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ :Wiz VERSION *.se ; message from Wiz to check the version
+ of a server matching "*.se"
+ VERSION ; check the version of server
+ "".
+4.3.2 Stats message
+ Command: STATS
+ Parameters: [<query> [<server>]]
+ The stats message is used to query statistics of certain server. If
+ <server> parameter is omitted, only the end of stats reply is sent
+ back. The implementation of this command is highly dependent on the
+ server which replies, although the server must be able to supply
+ information as described by the queries below (or similar).
+ A query may be given by any single letter which is only checked by
+ the destination server (if given as the <server> parameter) and is
+ otherwise passed on by intermediate servers, ignored and unaltered.
+ The following queries are those found in the current IRC
+ implementation and provide a large portion of the setup information
+ for that server. Although these may not be supported in the same way
+ by other versions, all servers should be able to supply a valid reply
+ to a STATS query which is consistent with the reply formats currently
+ used and the purpose of the query.
+ The currently supported queries are:
+ c - returns a list of servers which the server may connect
+ to or allow connections from;
+ h - returns a list of servers which are either forced to be
+ treated as leaves or allowed to act as hubs;
+ i - returns a list of hosts which the server allows a client
+ to connect from;
+ k - returns a list of banned username/hostname combinations
+ for that server;
+ l - returns a list of the server's connections, showing how
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+ long each connection has been established and the traffic
+ over that connection in bytes and messages for each
+ direction;
+ m - returns a list of commands supported by the server and
+ the usage count for each if the usage count is non zero;
+ o - returns a list of hosts from which normal clients may
+ become operators;
+ y - show Y (Class) lines from server's configuration file;
+ u - returns a string showing how long the server has been up.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+STATS m ; check the command usage for the server
+ you are connected to
+:Wiz STATS c ; request by WiZ for C/N line
+ information from server
+4.3.3 Links message
+ Command: LINKS
+ Parameters: [[<remote server>] <server mask>]
+ With LINKS, a user can list all servers which are known by the server
+ answering the query. The returned list of servers must match the
+ mask, or if no mask is given, the full list is returned.
+ If <remote server> is given in addition to <server mask>, the LINKS
+ command is forwarded to the first server found that matches that name
+ (if any), and that server is then required to answer the query.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
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+LINKS *.au ; list all servers which have a name
+ that matches *.au;
+:WiZ LINKS * *.edu ; LINKS message from WiZ to the first
+ server matching *.edu for a list of
+ servers matching *
+4.3.4 Time message
+ Command: TIME
+ Parameters: [<server>]
+ The time message is used to query local time from the specified
+ server. If the server parameter is not given, the server handling the
+ command must reply to the query.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ TIME ; check the time on the server
+ ""
+ Angel TIME *.au ; user angel checking the time on a
+ server matching "*.au"
+4.3.5 Connect message
+ Command: CONNECT
+ Parameters: <target server> [<port> [<remote server>]]
+ The CONNECT command can be used to force a server to try to establish
+ a new connection to another server immediately. CONNECT is a
+ privileged command and is to be available only to IRC Operators. If
+ a remote server is given then the CONNECT attempt is made by that
+ server to <target server> and <port>.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+CONNECT ; Attempt to connect a server to
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+:WiZ CONNECT 6667
+ ; CONNECT attempt by WiZ to get servers
+ and connected on port
+ 6667.
+4.3.6 Trace message
+ Command: TRACE
+ Parameters: [<server>]
+ TRACE command is used to find the route to specific server. Each
+ server that processes this message must tell the sender about it by
+ sending a reply indicating it is a pass-through link, forming a chain
+ of replies similar to that gained from using "traceroute". After
+ sending this reply back, it must then send the TRACE message to the
+ next server until given server is reached. If the <server> parameter
+ is omitted, it is recommended that TRACE command send a message to
+ the sender telling which servers the current server has direct
+ connection to.
+ If the destination given by "<server>" is an actual server, then the
+ destination server is required to report all servers and users which
+ are connected to it, although only operators are permitted to see
+ users present. If the destination given by <server> is a nickname,
+ they only a reply for that nickname is given.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ If the TRACE message is destined for another server, all intermediate
+ servers must return a RPL_TRACELINK reply to indicate that the TRACE
+ passed through it and where its going next.
+ A TRACE reply may be composed of any number of the following numeric
+ replies.
+ Examples:
+TRACE * ; TRACE to a server matching *
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+:WiZ TRACE AngelDust ; TRACE issued by WiZ to nick AngelDust
+4.3.7 Admin command
+ Command: ADMIN
+ Parameters: [<server>]
+ The admin message is used to find the name of the administrator of
+ the given server, or current server if <server> parameter is omitted.
+ Each server must have the ability to forward ADMIN messages to other
+ servers.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ ADMIN ; request an ADMIN reply from
+ :WiZ ADMIN *.edu ; ADMIN request from WiZ for first
+ server found to match *.edu.
+4.3.8 Info command
+ Command: INFO
+ Parameters: [<server>]
+ The INFO command is required to return information which describes
+ the server: its version, when it was compiled, the patchlevel, when
+ it was started, and any other miscellaneous information which may be
+ considered to be relevant.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ INFO ; request an INFO reply from
+ :Avalon INFO *.fi ; INFO request from Avalon for first
+ server found to match *.fi.
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+ INFO Angel ; request info from the server that
+ Angel is connected to.
+4.4 Sending messages
+ The main purpose of the IRC protocol is to provide a base for clients
+ to communicate with each other. PRIVMSG and NOTICE are the only
+ messages available which actually perform delivery of a text message
+ from one client to another - the rest just make it possible and try
+ to ensure it happens in a reliable and structured manner.
+4.4.1 Private messages
+ Command: PRIVMSG
+ Parameters: <receiver>{,<receiver>} <text to be sent>
+ PRIVMSG is used to send private messages between users. <receiver>
+ is the nickname of the receiver of the message. <receiver> can also
+ be a list of names or channels separated with commas.
+ The <receiver> parameter may also me a host mask (#mask) or server
+ mask ($mask). In both cases the server will only send the PRIVMSG
+ to those who have a server or host matching the mask. The mask must
+ have at least 1 (one) "." in it and no wildcards following the
+ last ".". This requirement exists to prevent people sending messages
+ to "#*" or "$*", which would broadcast to all users; from
+ experience, this is abused more than used responsibly and properly.
+ Wildcards are the '*' and '?' characters. This extension to
+ the PRIVMSG command is only available to Operators.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+:Angel PRIVMSG Wiz :Hello are you receiving this message ?
+ ; Message from Angel to Wiz.
+PRIVMSG Angel :yes I'm receiving it !receiving it !'u>(768u+1n) .br ;
+ Message to Angel.
+PRIVMSG :Hello !
+ ; Message to a client on server
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+ with username of "jto".
+PRIVMSG $*.fi :Server rebooting.
+ ; Message to everyone on a server which
+ has a name matching *.fi.
+PRIVMSG #*.edu :NSFNet is undergoing work, expect interruptions
+ ; Message to all users who come from a
+ host which has a name matching *.edu.
+4.4.2 Notice
+ Command: NOTICE
+ Parameters: <nickname> <text>
+ The NOTICE message is used similarly to PRIVMSG. The difference
+ between NOTICE and PRIVMSG is that automatic replies must never be
+ sent in response to a NOTICE message. This rule applies to servers
+ too - they must not send any error reply back to the client on
+ receipt of a notice. The object of this rule is to avoid loops
+ between a client automatically sending something in response to
+ something it received. This is typically used by automatons (clients
+ with either an AI or other interactive program controlling their
+ actions) which are always seen to be replying lest they end up in a
+ loop with another automaton.
+ See PRIVMSG for more details on replies and examples.
+4.5 User based queries
+ User queries are a group of commands which are primarily concerned
+ with finding details on a particular user or group users. When using
+ wildcards with any of these commands, if they match, they will only
+ return information on users who are 'visible' to you. The visibility
+ of a user is determined as a combination of the user's mode and the
+ common set of channels you are both on.
+4.5.1 Who query
+ Command: WHO
+ Parameters: [<name> [<o>]]
+ The WHO message is used by a client to generate a query which returns
+ a list of information which 'matches' the <name> parameter given by
+ the client. In the absence of the <name> parameter, all visible
+ (users who aren't invisible (user mode +i) and who don't have a
+ common channel with the requesting client) are listed. The same
+ result can be achieved by using a <name> of "0" or any wildcard which
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+ will end up matching every entry possible.
+ The <name> passed to WHO is matched against users' host, server, real
+ name and nickname if the channel <name> cannot be found.
+ If the "o" parameter is passed only operators are returned according
+ to the name mask supplied.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ WHO *.fi ; List all users who match against
+ "*.fi".
+ WHO jto* o ; List all users with a match against
+ "jto*" if they are an operator.
+4.5.2 Whois query
+ Command: WHOIS
+ Parameters: [<server>] <nickmask>[,<nickmask>[,...]]
+ This message is used to query information about particular user. The
+ server will answer this message with several numeric messages
+ indicating different statuses of each user which matches the nickmask
+ (if you are entitled to see them). If no wildcard is present in the
+ <nickmask>, any information about that nick which you are allowed to
+ see is presented. A comma (',') separated list of nicknames may be
+ given.
+ The latter version sends the query to a specific server. It is
+ useful if you want to know how long the user in question has been
+ idle as only local server (ie. the server the user is directly
+ connected to) knows that information, while everything else is
+ globally known.
+ Numeric Replies:
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+ Examples:
+ WHOIS wiz ; return available user information
+ about nick WiZ
+ WHOIS trillian ; ask server for user
+ information about trillian
+4.5.3 Whowas
+ Command: WHOWAS
+ Parameters: <nickname> [<count> [<server>]]
+ Whowas asks for information about a nickname which no longer exists.
+ This may either be due to a nickname change or the user leaving IRC.
+ In response to this query, the server searches through its nickname
+ history, looking for any nicks which are lexically the same (no wild
+ card matching here). The history is searched backward, returning the
+ most recent entry first. If there are multiple entries, up to
+ <count> replies will be returned (or all of them if no <count>
+ parameter is given). If a non-positive number is passed as being
+ <count>, then a full search is done.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ WHOWAS Wiz ; return all information in the nick
+ history about nick "WiZ";
+ WHOWAS Mermaid 9 ; return at most, the 9 most recent
+ entries in the nick history for
+ "Mermaid";
+ WHOWAS Trillian 1 *.edu ; return the most recent history for
+ "Trillian" from the first server found
+ to match "*.edu".
+4.6 Miscellaneous messages
+ Messages in this category do not fit into any of the above categories
+ but are nonetheless still a part of and required by the protocol.
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+4.6.1 Kill message
+ Command: KILL
+ Parameters: <nickname> <comment>
+ The KILL message is used to cause a client-server connection to be
+ closed by the server which has the actual connection. KILL is used
+ by servers when they encounter a duplicate entry in the list of valid
+ nicknames and is used to remove both entries. It is also available
+ to operators.
+ Clients which have automatic reconnect algorithms effectively make
+ this command useless since the disconnection is only brief. It does
+ however break the flow of data and can be used to stop large amounts
+ of being abused, any user may elect to receive KILL messages
+ generated for others to keep an 'eye' on would be trouble spots.
+ In an arena where nicknames are required to be globally unique at all
+ times, KILL messages are sent whenever 'duplicates' are detected
+ (that is an attempt to register two users with the same nickname) in
+ the hope that both of them will disappear and only 1 reappear.
+ The comment given must reflect the actual reason for the KILL. For
+ server-generated KILLs it usually is made up of details concerning
+ the origins of the two conflicting nicknames. For users it is left
+ up to them to provide an adequate reason to satisfy others who see
+ it. To prevent/discourage fake KILLs from being generated to hide
+ the identify of the KILLer, the comment also shows a 'kill-path'
+ which is updated by each server it passes through, each prepending
+ its name to the path.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ KILL David ( <-
+ ; Nickname collision between
+ and
+ It is recommended that only Operators be allowed to kill other users
+ with KILL message. In an ideal world not even operators would need
+ to do this and it would be left to servers to deal with.
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+4.6.2 Ping message
+ Command: PING
+ Parameters: <server1> [<server2>]
+ The PING message is used to test the presence of an active client at
+ the other end of the connection. A PING message is sent at regular
+ intervals if no other activity detected coming from a connection. If
+ a connection fails to respond to a PING command within a set amount
+ of time, that connection is closed.
+ Any client which receives a PING message must respond to <server1>
+ (server which sent the PING message out) as quickly as possible with
+ an appropriate PONG message to indicate it is still there and alive.
+ Servers should not respond to PING commands but rely on PINGs from
+ the other end of the connection to indicate the connection is alive.
+ If the <server2> parameter is specified, the PING message gets
+ forwarded there.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ PING ; server sending a PING message to
+ another server to indicate it is still
+ alive.
+ PING WiZ ; PING message being sent to nick WiZ
+4.6.3 Pong message
+ Command: PONG
+ Parameters: <daemon> [<daemon2>]
+ PONG message is a reply to ping message. If parameter <daemon2> is
+ given this message must be forwarded to given daemon. The <daemon>
+ parameter is the name of the daemon who has responded to PING message
+ and generated this message.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ PONG ; PONG message from to
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+4.6.4 Error
+ Command: ERROR
+ Parameters: <error message>
+ The ERROR command is for use by servers when reporting a serious or
+ fatal error to its operators. It may also be sent from one server to
+ another but must not be accepted from any normal unknown clients.
+ An ERROR message is for use for reporting errors which occur with a
+ server-to-server link only. An ERROR message is sent to the server
+ at the other end (which sends it to all of its connected operators)
+ and to all operators currently connected. It is not to be passed
+ onto any other servers by a server if it is received from a server.
+ When a server sends a received ERROR message to its operators, the
+ message should be encapsulated inside a NOTICE message, indicating
+ that the client was not responsible for the error.
+ Numerics:
+ None.
+ Examples:
+ ERROR :Server *.fi already exists; ERROR message to the other server
+ which caused this error.
+ NOTICE WiZ :ERROR from -- Server *.fi already exists
+ ; Same ERROR message as above but sent
+ to user WiZ on the other server.
+ This section describes OPTIONAL messages. They are not required in a
+ working server implementation of the protocol described herein. In
+ the absence of the option, an error reply message must be generated
+ or an unknown command error. If the message is destined for another
+ server to answer then it must be passed on (elementary parsing
+ required) The allocated numerics for this are listed with the
+ messages below.
+5.1 Away
+ Command: AWAY
+ Parameters: [message]
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+ With the AWAY message, clients can set an automatic reply string for
+ any PRIVMSG commands directed at them (not to a channel they are on).
+ The automatic reply is sent by the server to client sending the
+ PRIVMSG command. The only replying server is the one to which the
+ sending client is connected to.
+ The AWAY message is used either with one parameter (to set an AWAY
+ message) or with no parameters (to remove the AWAY message).
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ AWAY :Gone to lunch. Back in 5 ; set away message to "Gone to lunch.
+ Back in 5".
+ :WiZ AWAY ; unmark WiZ as being away.
+5.2 Rehash message
+ Command: REHASH
+ Parameters: None
+ The rehash message can be used by the operator to force the server to
+ re-read and process its configuration file.
+ Numeric Replies:
+REHASH ; message from client with operator
+ status to server asking it to reread its
+ configuration file.
+5.3 Restart message
+ Command: RESTART
+ Parameters: None
+ The restart message can only be used by an operator to force a server
+ restart itself. This message is optional since it may be viewed as a
+ risk to allow arbitrary people to connect to a server as an operator
+ and execute this command, causing (at least) a disruption to service.
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+ The RESTART command must always be fully processed by the server to
+ which the sending client is connected and not be passed onto other
+ connected servers.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ RESTART ; no parameters required.
+5.4 Summon message
+ Command: SUMMON
+ Parameters: <user> [<server>]
+ The SUMMON command can be used to give users who are on a host
+ running an IRC server a message asking them to please join IRC. This
+ message is only sent if the target server (a) has SUMMON enabled, (b)
+ the user is logged in and (c) the server process can write to the
+ user's tty (or similar).
+ If no <server> parameter is given it tries to summon <user> from the
+ server the client is connected to is assumed as the target.
+ If summon is not enabled in a server, it must return the
+ ERR_SUMMONDISABLED numeric and pass the summon message onwards.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ SUMMON jto ; summon user jto on the server's host
+ SUMMON jto ; summon user jto on the host which a
+ server named "" is
+ running.
+5.5 Users
+ Command: USERS
+ Parameters: [<server>]
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+ The USERS command returns a list of users logged into the server in a
+ similar format to who(1), rusers(1) and finger(1). Some people
+ may disable this command on their server for security related
+ reasons. If disabled, the correct numeric must be returned to
+ indicate this.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Disabled Reply:
+ Examples:
+USERS ; request a list of users logged in on
+ server
+:John USERS ; request from John for a list of users
+ logged in on server
+5.6 Operwall message
+ Command: WALLOPS
+ Parameters: Text to be sent to all operators currently online
+ Sends a message to all operators currently online. After
+ implementing WALLOPS as a user command it was found that it was
+ often and commonly abused as a means of sending a message to a lot
+ of people (much similar to WALL). Due to this it is recommended
+ that the current implementation of WALLOPS be used as an
+ example by allowing and recognising only servers as the senders of
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ WALLOPS :Connect '* 6667' from Joshua; WALLOPS
+ message from announcing a
+ CONNECT message it received and acted
+ upon from Joshua.
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+5.7 Userhost message
+ Command: USERHOST
+ Parameters: <nickname>{<space><nickname>}
+ The USERHOST command takes a list of up to 5 nicknames, each
+ separated by a space character and returns a list of information
+ about each nickname that it found. The returned list has each reply
+ separated by a space.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ USERHOST Wiz Michael Marty p ;USERHOST request for information on
+ nicks "Wiz", "Michael", "Marty" and "p"
+5.8 Ison message
+ Command: ISON
+ Parameters: <nickname>{<space><nickname>}
+ The ISON command was implemented to provide a quick and efficient
+ means to get a response about whether a given nickname was currently
+ on IRC. ISON only takes one (1) parameter: a space-separated list of
+ nicks. For each nickname in the list that is present, the server
+ adds that to its reply string. Thus the reply string may return
+ empty (none of the given nicks are present), an exact copy of the
+ parameter string (all of them present) or as any other subset of the
+ set of nicks given in the parameter. The only limit on the number
+ of nicks that may be checked is that the combined length must not be
+ too large as to cause the server to chop it off so it fits in 512
+ characters.
+ ISON is only be processed by the server local to the client sending
+ the command and thus not passed onto other servers for further
+ processing.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ ISON phone trillian WiZ jarlek Avalon Angel Monstah
+ ; Sample ISON request for 7 nicks.
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+ The following is a list of numeric replies which are generated in
+ response to the commands given above. Each numeric is given with its
+ number, name and reply string.
+6.1 Error Replies.
+ "<nickname> :No such nick/channel"
+ - Used to indicate the nickname parameter supplied to a
+ command is currently unused.
+ "<server name> :No such server"
+ - Used to indicate the server name given currently
+ doesn't exist.
+ "<channel name> :No such channel"
+ - Used to indicate the given channel name is invalid.
+ "<channel name> :Cannot send to channel"
+ - Sent to a user who is either (a) not on a channel
+ which is mode +n or (b) not a chanop (or mode +v) on
+ a channel which has mode +m set and is trying to send
+ a PRIVMSG message to that channel.
+ "<channel name> :You have joined too many \
+ channels"
+ - Sent to a user when they have joined the maximum
+ number of allowed channels and they try to join
+ another channel.
+ "<nickname> :There was no such nickname"
+ - Returned by WHOWAS to indicate there is no history
+ information for that nickname.
+ "<target> :Duplicate recipients. No message \
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+ delivered"
+ - Returned to a client which is attempting to send a
+ PRIVMSG/NOTICE using the user@host destination format
+ and for a user@host which has several occurrences.
+ ":No origin specified"
+ - PING or PONG message missing the originator parameter
+ which is required since these commands must work
+ without valid prefixes.
+ ":No recipient given (<command>)"
+ ":No text to send"
+ "<mask> :No toplevel domain specified"
+ "<mask> :Wildcard in toplevel domain"
+ - 412 - 414 are returned by PRIVMSG to indicate that
+ the message wasn't delivered for some reason.
+ are returned when an invalid use of
+ "PRIVMSG $<server>" or "PRIVMSG #<host>" is attempted.
+ "<command> :Unknown command"
+ - Returned to a registered client to indicate that the
+ command sent is unknown by the server.
+ ":MOTD File is missing"
+ - Server's MOTD file could not be opened by the server.
+ "<server> :No administrative info available"
+ - Returned by a server in response to an ADMIN message
+ when there is an error in finding the appropriate
+ information.
+ ":File error doing <file op> on <file>"
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+ - Generic error message used to report a failed file
+ operation during the processing of a message.
+ ":No nickname given"
+ - Returned when a nickname parameter expected for a
+ command and isn't found.
+ "<nick> :Erroneus nickname"
+ - Returned after receiving a NICK message which contains
+ characters which do not fall in the defined set. See
+ section x.x.x for details on valid nicknames.
+ "<nick> :Nickname is already in use"
+ - Returned when a NICK message is processed that results
+ in an attempt to change to a currently existing
+ nickname.
+ "<nick> :Nickname collision KILL"
+ - Returned by a server to a client when it detects a
+ nickname collision (registered of a NICK that
+ already exists by another server).
+ "<nick> <channel> :They aren't on that channel"
+ - Returned by the server to indicate that the target
+ user of the command is not on the given channel.
+ "<channel> :You're not on that channel"
+ - Returned by the server whenever a client tries to
+ perform a channel effecting command for which the
+ client isn't a member.
+ "<user> <channel> :is already on channel"
+ - Returned when a client tries to invite a user to a
+ channel they are already on.
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+ "<user> :User not logged in"
+ - Returned by the summon after a SUMMON command for a
+ user was unable to be performed since they were not
+ logged in.
+ ":SUMMON has been disabled"
+ - Returned as a response to the SUMMON command. Must be
+ returned by any server which does not implement it.
+ ":USERS has been disabled"
+ - Returned as a response to the USERS command. Must be
+ returned by any server which does not implement it.
+ ":You have not registered"
+ - Returned by the server to indicate that the client
+ must be registered before the server will allow it
+ to be parsed in detail.
+ "<command> :Not enough parameters"
+ - Returned by the server by numerous commands to
+ indicate to the client that it didn't supply enough
+ parameters.
+ ":You may not reregister"
+ - Returned by the server to any link which tries to
+ change part of the registered details (such as
+ password or user details from second USER message).
+ ":Your host isn't among the privileged"
+ - Returned to a client which attempts to register with
+ a server which does not been setup to allow
+ connections from the host the attempted connection
+ is tried.
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+ ":Password incorrect"
+ - Returned to indicate a failed attempt at registering
+ a connection for which a password was required and
+ was either not given or incorrect.
+ ":You are banned from this server"
+ - Returned after an attempt to connect and register
+ yourself with a server which has been setup to
+ explicitly deny connections to you.
+ "<channel> :Channel key already set"
+ "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+l)"
+ "<char> :is unknown mode char to me"
+ "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+i)"
+ "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+b)"
+ "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+k)"
+ ":Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator"
+ - Any command requiring operator privileges to operate
+ must return this error to indicate the attempt was
+ unsuccessful.
+ "<channel> :You're not channel operator"
+ - Any command requiring 'chanop' privileges (such as
+ MODE messages) must return this error if the client
+ making the attempt is not a chanop on the specified
+ channel.
+ ":You cant kill a server!"
+ - Any attempts to use the KILL command on a server
+ are to be refused and this error returned directly
+ to the client.
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+ ":No O-lines for your host"
+ - If a client sends an OPER message and the server has
+ not been configured to allow connections from the
+ client's host as an operator, this error must be
+ returned.
+ ":Unknown MODE flag"
+ - Returned by the server to indicate that a MODE
+ message was sent with a nickname parameter and that
+ the a mode flag sent was not recognized.
+ ":Cant change mode for other users"
+ - Error sent to any user trying to view or change the
+ user mode for a user other than themselves.
+6.2 Command responses.
+ 300 RPL_NONE
+ Dummy reply number. Not used.
+ ":[<reply>{<space><reply>}]"
+ - Reply format used by USERHOST to list replies to
+ the query list. The reply string is composed as
+ follows:
+ <reply> ::= <nick>['*'] '=' <'+'|'-'><hostname>
+ The '*' indicates whether the client has registered
+ as an Operator. The '-' or '+' characters represent
+ whether the client has set an AWAY message or not
+ respectively.
+ 303 RPL_ISON
+ ":[<nick> {<space><nick>}]"
+ - Reply format used by ISON to list replies to the
+ query list.
+ 301 RPL_AWAY
+ "<nick> :<away message>"
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+ ":You are no longer marked as being away"
+ ":You have been marked as being away"
+ - These replies are used with the AWAY command (if
+ allowed). RPL_AWAY is sent to any client sending a
+ PRIVMSG to a client which is away. RPL_AWAY is only
+ sent by the server to which the client is connected.
+ Replies RPL_UNAWAY and RPL_NOWAWAY are sent when the
+ client removes and sets an AWAY message.
+ "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>"
+ "<nick> <server> :<server info>"
+ "<nick> :is an IRC operator"
+ "<nick> <integer> :seconds idle"
+ "<nick> :End of /WHOIS list"
+ "<nick> :{[@|+]<channel><space>}"
+ - Replies 311 - 313, 317 - 319 are all replies
+ generated in response to a WHOIS message. Given that
+ there are enough parameters present, the answering
+ server must either formulate a reply out of the above
+ numerics (if the query nick is found) or return an
+ error reply. The '*' in RPL_WHOISUSER is there as
+ the literal character and not as a wild card. For
+ each reply set, only RPL_WHOISCHANNELS may appear
+ more than once (for long lists of channel names).
+ The '@' and '+' characters next to the channel name
+ indicate whether a client is a channel operator or
+ has been granted permission to speak on a moderated
+ channel. The RPL_ENDOFWHOIS reply is used to mark
+ the end of processing a WHOIS message.
+ "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>"
+ "<nick> :End of WHOWAS"
+ - When replying to a WHOWAS message, a server must use
+ ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK for each nickname in the presented
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ list. At the end of all reply batches, there must
+ be RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS (even if there was only one reply
+ and it was an error).
+ "Channel :Users Name"
+ 322 RPL_LIST
+ "<channel> <# visible> :<topic>"
+ ":End of /LIST"
+ the start, actual replies with data and end of the
+ server's response to a LIST command. If there are
+ no channels available to return, only the start
+ and end reply must be sent.
+ "<channel> <mode> <mode params>"
+ "<channel> :No topic is set"
+ "<channel> :<topic>"
+ - When sending a TOPIC message to determine the
+ channel topic, one of two replies is sent. If
+ the topic is set, RPL_TOPIC is sent back else
+ "<channel> <nick>"
+ - Returned by the server to indicate that the
+ attempted INVITE message was successful and is
+ being passed onto the end client.
+ "<user> :Summoning user to IRC"
+ - Returned by a server answering a SUMMON message to
+ indicate that it is summoning that user.
+ "<version>.<debuglevel> <server> :<comments>"
+ - Reply by the server showing its version details.
+ The <version> is the version of the software being
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ used (including any patchlevel revisions) and the
+ <debuglevel> is used to indicate if the server is
+ running in "debug mode".
+ The "comments" field may contain any comments about
+ the version or further version details.
+ "<channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> \
+ <H|G>[*][@|+] :<hopcount> <real name>"
+ "<name> :End of /WHO list"
+ - The RPL_WHOREPLY and RPL_ENDOFWHO pair are used
+ to answer a WHO message. The RPL_WHOREPLY is only
+ sent if there is an appropriate match to the WHO
+ query. If there is a list of parameters supplied
+ with a WHO message, a RPL_ENDOFWHO must be sent
+ after processing each list item with <name> being
+ the item.
+ "<channel> :[[@|+]<nick> [[@|+]<nick> [...]]]"
+ "<channel> :End of /NAMES list"
+ - To reply to a NAMES message, a reply pair consisting
+ of RPL_NAMREPLY and RPL_ENDOFNAMES is sent by the
+ server back to the client. If there is no channel
+ found as in the query, then only RPL_ENDOFNAMES is
+ returned. The exception to this is when a NAMES
+ message is sent with no parameters and all visible
+ channels and contents are sent back in a series of
+ RPL_NAMEREPLY messages with a RPL_ENDOFNAMES to mark
+ the end.
+ "<mask> <server> :<hopcount> <server info>"
+ "<mask> :End of /LINKS list"
+ - In replying to the LINKS message, a server must send
+ replies back using the RPL_LINKS numeric and mark the
+ end of the list using an RPL_ENDOFLINKS reply.
+ "<channel> <banid>"
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ "<channel> :End of channel ban list"
+ - When listing the active 'bans' for a given channel,
+ a server is required to send the list back using the
+ RPL_BANLIST and RPL_ENDOFBANLIST messages. A separate
+ RPL_BANLIST is sent for each active banid. After the
+ banids have been listed (or if none present) a
+ RPL_ENDOFBANLIST must be sent.
+ 371 RPL_INFO
+ ":<string>"
+ ":End of /INFO list"
+ - A server responding to an INFO message is required to
+ send all its 'info' in a series of RPL_INFO messages
+ with a RPL_ENDOFINFO reply to indicate the end of the
+ replies.
+ ":- <server> Message of the day - "
+ 372 RPL_MOTD
+ ":- <text>"
+ ":End of /MOTD command"
+ - When responding to the MOTD message and the MOTD file
+ is found, the file is displayed line by line, with
+ each line no longer than 80 characters, using
+ RPL_MOTD format replies. These should be surrounded
+ by a RPL_MOTDSTART (before the RPL_MOTDs) and an
+ RPL_ENDOFMOTD (after).
+ ":You are now an IRC operator"
+ - RPL_YOUREOPER is sent back to a client which has
+ just successfully issued an OPER message and gained
+ operator status.
+ "<config file> :Rehashing"
+ - If the REHASH option is used and an operator sends
+ a REHASH message, an RPL_REHASHING is sent back to
+ the operator.
+ 391 RPL_TIME
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ "<server> :<string showing server's local time>"
+ - When replying to the TIME message, a server must send
+ the reply using the RPL_TIME format above. The string
+ showing the time need only contain the correct day and
+ time there. There is no further requirement for the
+ time string.
+ ":UserID Terminal Host"
+ ":%-8s %-9s %-8s"
+ ":End of users"
+ ":Nobody logged in"
+ - If the USERS message is handled by a server, the
+ RPL_NOUSERS are used. RPL_USERSSTART must be sent
+ first, following by either a sequence of RPL_USERS
+ or a single RPL_NOUSER. Following this is
+ "Link <version & debug level> <destination> \
+ <next server>"
+ "Try. <class> <server>"
+ "H.S. <class> <server>"
+ "???? <class> [<client IP address in dot form>]"
+ "Oper <class> <nick>"
+ "User <class> <nick>"
+ "Serv <class> <int>S <int>C <server> \
+ <nick!user|*!*>@<host|server>"
+ "<newtype> 0 <client name>"
+ "File <logfile> <debug level>"
+ - The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in
+ response to the TRACE message. How many are
+ returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ whether it was sent by an operator or not. There
+ is no predefined order for which occurs first.
+ RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections
+ which have not been fully established and are either
+ unknown, still attempting to connect or in the
+ process of completing the 'server handshake'.
+ RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles
+ a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another
+ server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in
+ response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC
+ network should reflect the actual connectivity of
+ the servers themselves along that path.
+ RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection
+ which does not fit in the other categories but is
+ being displayed anyway.
+ "<linkname> <sendq> <sent messages> \
+ <sent bytes> <received messages> \
+ <received bytes> <time open>"
+ "<command> <count>"
+ "C <host> * <name> <port> <class>"
+ "N <host> * <name> <port> <class>"
+ "I <host> * <host> <port> <class>"
+ "K <host> * <username> <port> <class>"
+ "Y <class> <ping frequency> <connect \
+ frequency> <max sendq>"
+ "<stats letter> :End of /STATS report"
+ "L <hostmask> * <servername> <maxdepth>"
+ ":Server Up %d days %d:%02d:%02d"
+ "O <hostmask> * <name>"
+ "H <hostmask> * <servername>"
+ "<user mode string>"
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ - To answer a query about a client's own mode,
+ RPL_UMODEIS is sent back.
+ ":There are <integer> users and <integer> \
+ invisible on <integer> servers"
+ "<integer> :operator(s) online"
+ "<integer> :unknown connection(s)"
+ "<integer> :channels formed"
+ ":I have <integer> clients and <integer> \
+ servers"
+ - In processing an LUSERS message, the server
+ sends a set of replies from RPL_LUSERCLIENT,
+ replying, a server must send back
+ replies are only sent back if a non-zero count
+ is found for them.
+ "<server> :Administrative info"
+ ":<admin info>"
+ ":<admin info>"
+ ":<admin info>"
+ - When replying to an ADMIN message, a server
+ is expected to use replies RLP_ADMINME
+ through to RPL_ADMINEMAIL and provide a text
+ message with each. For RPL_ADMINLOC1 a
+ description of what city, state and country
+ the server is in is expected, followed by
+ details of the university and department
+ (RPL_ADMINLOC2) and finally the administrative
+ contact for the server (an email address here
+ is required) in RPL_ADMINEMAIL.
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+6.3 Reserved numerics.
+ These numerics are not described above since they fall into one of
+ the following categories:
+ 1. no longer in use;
+ 2. reserved for future planned use;
+ 3. in current use but are part of a non-generic 'feature' of
+ the current IRC server.
+7. Client and server authentication
+ Clients and servers are both subject to the same level of
+ authentication. For both, an IP number to hostname lookup (and
+ reverse check on this) is performed for all connections made to the
+ server. Both connections are then subject to a password check (if
+ there is a password set for that connection). These checks are
+ possible on all connections although the password check is only
+ commonly used with servers.
+ An additional check that is becoming of more and more common is that
+ of the username responsible for making the connection. Finding the
+ username of the other end of the connection typically involves
+ connecting to an authentication server such as IDENT as described in
+ RFC 1413.
+ Given that without passwords it is not easy to reliably determine who
+ is on the other end of a network connection, use of passwords is
+ strongly recommended on inter-server connections in addition to any
+ other measures such as using an ident server.
+8. Current implementations
+ The only current implementation of this protocol is the IRC server,
+ version 2.8. Earlier versions may implement some or all of the
+ commands described by this document with NOTICE messages replacing
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ many of the numeric replies. Unfortunately, due to backward
+ compatibility requirements, the implementation of some parts of this
+ document varies with what is laid out. On notable difference is:
+ * recognition that any LF or CR anywhere in a message marks the
+ end of that message (instead of requiring CR-LF);
+ The rest of this section deals with issues that are mostly of
+ importance to those who wish to implement a server but some parts
+ also apply directly to clients as well.
+8.1 Network protocol: TCP - why it is best used here.
+ IRC has been implemented on top of TCP since TCP supplies a reliable
+ network protocol which is well suited to this scale of conferencing.
+ The use of multicast IP is an alternative, but it is not widely
+ available or supported at the present time.
+8.1.1 Support of Unix sockets
+ Given that Unix domain sockets allow listen/connect operations, the
+ current implementation can be configured to listen and accept both
+ client and server connections on a Unix domain socket. These are
+ recognized as sockets where the hostname starts with a '/'.
+ When providing any information about the connections on a Unix domain
+ socket, the server is required to supplant the actual hostname in
+ place of the pathname unless the actual socket name is being asked
+ for.
+8.2 Command Parsing
+ To provide useful 'non-buffered' network IO for clients and servers,
+ each connection is given its own private 'input buffer' in which the
+ results of the most recent read and parsing are kept. A buffer size
+ of 512 bytes is used so as to hold 1 full message, although, this
+ will usually hold several commands. The private buffer is parsed
+ after every read operation for valid messages. When dealing with
+ multiple messages from one client in the buffer, care should be taken
+ in case one happens to cause the client to be 'removed'.
+8.3 Message delivery
+ It is common to find network links saturated or hosts to which you
+ are sending data unable to send data. Although Unix typically
+ handles this through the TCP window and internal buffers, the server
+ often has large amounts of data to send (especially when a new
+ server-server link forms) and the small buffers provided in the
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ kernel are not enough for the outgoing queue. To alleviate this
+ problem, a "send queue" is used as a FIFO queue for data to be sent.
+ A typical "send queue" may grow to 200 Kbytes on a large IRC network
+ with a slow network connection when a new server connects.
+ When polling its connections, a server will first read and parse all
+ incoming data, queuing any data to be sent out. When all available
+ input is processed, the queued data is sent. This reduces the number
+ of write() system calls and helps TCP make bigger packets.
+8.4 Connection 'Liveness'
+ To detect when a connection has died or become unresponsive, the
+ server must ping each of its connections that it doesn't get a
+ response from in a given amount of time.
+ If a connection doesn't respond in time, its connection is closed
+ using the appropriate procedures. A connection is also dropped if
+ its sendq grows beyond the maximum allowed, because it is better to
+ close a slow connection than have a server process block.
+8.5 Establishing a server to client connection
+ Upon connecting to an IRC server, a client is sent the MOTD (if
+ present) as well as the current user/server count (as per the LUSER
+ command). The server is also required to give an unambiguous message
+ to the client which states its name and version as well as any other
+ introductory messages which may be deemed appropriate.
+ After dealing with this, the server must then send out the new user's
+ nickname and other information as supplied by itself (USER command)
+ and as the server could discover (from DNS/authentication servers).
+ The server must send this information out with NICK first followed by
+8.6 Establishing a server-server connection.
+ The process of establishing of a server-to-server connection is
+ fraught with danger since there are many possible areas where
+ problems can occur - the least of which are race conditions.
+ After a server has received a connection following by a PASS/SERVER
+ pair which were recognised as being valid, the server should then
+ reply with its own PASS/SERVER information for that connection as
+ well as all of the other state information it knows about as
+ described below.
+ When the initiating server receives a PASS/SERVER pair, it too then
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ checks that the server responding is authenticated properly before
+ accepting the connection to be that server.
+8.6.1 Server exchange of state information when connecting
+ The order of state information being exchanged between servers is
+ essential. The required order is as follows:
+ * all known other servers;
+ * all known user information;
+ * all known channel information.
+ Information regarding servers is sent via extra SERVER messages, user
+ information with NICK/USER/MODE/JOIN messages and channels with MODE
+ messages.
+ NOTE: channel topics are *NOT* exchanged here because the TOPIC
+ command overwrites any old topic information, so at best, the two
+ sides of the connection would exchange topics.
+ By passing the state information about servers first, any collisions
+ with servers that already exist occur before nickname collisions due
+ to a second server introducing a particular nickname. Due to the IRC
+ network only being able to exist as an acyclic graph, it may be
+ possible that the network has already reconnected in another
+ location, the place where the collision occurs indicating where the
+ net needs to split.
+8.7 Terminating server-client connections
+ When a client connection closes, a QUIT message is generated on
+ behalf of the client by the server to which the client connected. No
+ other message is to be generated or used.
+8.8 Terminating server-server connections
+ If a server-server connection is closed, either via a remotely
+ generated SQUIT or 'natural' causes, the rest of the connected IRC
+ network must have its information updated with by the server which
+ detected the closure. The server then sends a list of SQUITs (one
+ for each server behind that connection) and a list of QUITs (again,
+ one for each client behind that connection).
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+8.9 Tracking nickname changes
+ All IRC servers are required to keep a history of recent nickname
+ changes. This is required to allow the server to have a chance of
+ keeping in touch of things when nick-change race conditions occur
+ with commands which manipulate them. Commands which must trace nick
+ changes are:
+ * KILL (the nick being killed)
+ * MODE (+/- o,v)
+ * KICK (the nick being kicked)
+ No other commands are to have nick changes checked for.
+ In the above cases, the server is required to first check for the
+ existence of the nickname, then check its history to see who that
+ nick currently belongs to (if anyone!). This reduces the chances of
+ race conditions but they can still occur with the server ending up
+ affecting the wrong client. When performing a change trace for an
+ above command it is recommended that a time range be given and
+ entries which are too old ignored.
+ For a reasonable history, a server should be able to keep previous
+ nickname for every client it knows about if they all decided to
+ change. This size is limited by other factors (such as memory, etc).
+8.10 Flood control of clients
+ With a large network of interconnected IRC servers, it is quite easy
+ for any single client attached to the network to supply a continuous
+ stream of messages that result in not only flooding the network, but
+ also degrading the level of service provided to others. Rather than
+ require every 'victim' to be provide their own protection, flood
+ protection was written into the server and is applied to all clients
+ except services. The current algorithm is as follows:
+ * check to see if client's `message timer' is less than
+ current time (set to be equal if it is);
+ * read any data present from the client;
+ * while the timer is less than ten seconds ahead of the current
+ time, parse any present messages and penalize the client by
+ 2 seconds for each message;
+ which in essence means that the client may send 1 message every 2
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ seconds without being adversely affected.
+8.11 Non-blocking lookups
+ In a real-time environment, it is essential that a server process do
+ as little waiting as possible so that all the clients are serviced
+ fairly. Obviously this requires non-blocking IO on all network
+ read/write operations. For normal server connections, this was not
+ difficult, but there are other support operations that may cause the
+ server to block (such as disk reads). Where possible, such activity
+ should be performed with a short timeout.
+8.11.1 Hostname (DNS) lookups
+ Using the standard resolver libraries from Berkeley and others has
+ meant large delays in some cases where replies have timed out. To
+ avoid this, a separate set of DNS routines were written which were
+ setup for non-blocking IO operations and then polled from within the
+ main server IO loop.
+8.11.2 Username (Ident) lookups
+ Although there are numerous ident libraries for use and inclusion
+ into other programs, these caused problems since they operated in a
+ synchronous manner and resulted in frequent delays. Again the
+ solution was to write a set of routines which would cooperate with
+ the rest of the server and work using non-blocking IO.
+8.12 Configuration File
+ To provide a flexible way of setting up and running the server, it is
+ recommended that a configuration file be used which contains
+ instructions to the server on the following:
+ * which hosts to accept client connections from;
+ * which hosts to allow to connect as servers;
+ * which hosts to connect to (both actively and
+ passively);
+ * information about where the server is (university,
+ city/state, company are examples of this);
+ * who is responsible for the server and an email address
+ at which they can be contacted;
+ * hostnames and passwords for clients which wish to be given
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 61]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ access to restricted operator commands.
+ In specifying hostnames, both domain names and use of the 'dot'
+ notation ( should both be accepted. It must be possible to
+ specify the password to be used/accepted for all outgoing and
+ incoming connections (although the only outgoing connections are
+ those to other servers).
+ The above list is the minimum requirement for any server which wishes
+ to make a connection with another server. Other items which may be
+ of use are:
+ * specifying which servers other server may introduce;
+ * how deep a server branch is allowed to become;
+ * hours during which clients may connect.
+8.12.1 Allowing clients to connect
+ A server should use some sort of 'access control list' (either in the
+ configuration file or elsewhere) that is read at startup and used to
+ decide what hosts clients may use to connect to it.
+ Both 'deny' and 'allow' should be implemented to provide the required
+ flexibility for host access control.
+8.12.2 Operators
+ The granting of operator privileges to a disruptive person can have
+ dire consequences for the well-being of the IRC net in general due to
+ the powers given to them. Thus, the acquisition of such powers
+ should not be very easy. The current setup requires two 'passwords'
+ to be used although one of them is usually easy guessed. Storage of
+ oper passwords in configuration files is preferable to hard coding
+ them in and should be stored in a crypted format (ie using crypt(3)
+ from Unix) to prevent easy theft.
+8.12.3 Allowing servers to connect
+ The interconnection of server is not a trivial matter: a bad
+ connection can have a large impact on the usefulness of IRC. Thus,
+ each server should have a list of servers to which it may connect and
+ which servers may connect to it. Under no circumstances should a
+ server allow an arbitrary host to connect as a server. In addition
+ to which servers may and may not connect, the configuration file
+ should also store the password and other characteristics of that
+ link.
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+8.12.4 Administrivia
+ To provide accurate and valid replies to the ADMIN command (see
+ section 4.3.7), the server should find the relevant details in the
+ configuration.
+8.13 Channel membership
+ The current server allows any registered local user to join upto 10
+ different channels. There is no limit imposed on non-local users so
+ that the server remains (reasonably) consistant with all others on a
+ channel membership basis
+9. Current problems
+ There are a number of recognized problems with this protocol, all of
+ which hope to be solved sometime in the near future during its
+ rewrite. Currently, work is underway to find working solutions to
+ these problems.
+9.1 Scalability
+ It is widely recognized that this protocol does not scale
+ sufficiently well when used in a large arena. The main problem comes
+ from the requirement that all servers know about all other servers
+ and users and that information regarding them be updated as soon as
+ it changes. It is also desirable to keep the number of servers low
+ so that the path length between any two points is kept minimal and
+ the spanning tree as strongly branched as possible.
+9.2 Labels
+ The current IRC protocol has 3 types of labels: the nickname, the
+ channel name and the server name. Each of the three types has its
+ own domain and no duplicates are allowed inside that domain.
+ Currently, it is possible for users to pick the label for any of the
+ three, resulting in collisions. It is widely recognized that this
+ needs reworking, with a plan for unique names for channels and nicks
+ that don't collide being desirable as well as a solution allowing a
+ cyclic tree.
+9.2.1 Nicknames
+ The idea of the nickname on IRC is very convenient for users to use
+ when talking to each other outside of a channel, but there is only a
+ finite nickname space and being what they are, its not uncommon for
+ several people to want to use the same nick. If a nickname is chosen
+ by two people using this protocol, either one will not succeed or
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ both will removed by use of KILL (4.6.1).
+9.2.2 Channels
+ The current channel layout requires that all servers know about all
+ channels, their inhabitants and properties. Besides not scaling
+ well, the issue of privacy is also a concern. A collision of
+ channels is treated as an inclusive event (both people who create the
+ new channel are considered to be members of it) rather than an
+ exclusive one such as used to solve nickname collisions.
+9.2.3 Servers
+ Although the number of servers is usually small relative to the
+ number of users and channels, they two currently required to be known
+ globally, either each one separately or hidden behind a mask.
+9.3 Algorithms
+ In some places within the server code, it has not been possible to
+ avoid N^2 algorithms such as checking the channel list of a set
+ of clients.
+ In current server versions, there are no database consistency checks,
+ each server assumes that a neighbouring server is correct. This
+ opens the door to large problems if a connecting server is buggy or
+ otherwise tries to introduce contradictions to the existing net.
+ Currently, because of the lack of unique internal and global labels,
+ there are a multitude of race conditions that exist. These race
+ conditions generally arise from the problem of it taking time for
+ messages to traverse and effect the IRC network. Even by changing to
+ unique labels, there are problems with channel-related commands being
+ disrupted.
+10. Current support and availability
+ Mailing lists for IRC related discussion:
+ Future protocol:
+ General discussion:
+ Software implemenations
+ Newsgroup: alt.irc
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 64]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+Security Considerations
+ Security issues are discussed in sections 4.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.3, 5.5, and
+ 7.
+12. Authors' Addresses
+ Jarkko Oikarinen
+ Tuirantie 17 as 9
+ 90500 OULU
+ Email:
+ Darren Reed
+ 4 Pateman Street
+ Watsonia, Victoria 3087
+ Australia
+ Email:
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 65]
+ \ No newline at end of file