path: root/docs/man/man3/SocketEngine.3
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+.TH "SocketEngine" 3 "12 Dec 2005" "Version 1.0Betareleases" "InspIRCd" \" -*- nroff -*- l
+SocketEngine \- The actual socketengine class presents the same interface on all operating systems, but its private members and internal behaviour should be treated as blackboxed, and vary from system to system and upon the config settings chosen by the server admin.
+\fC#include <socketengine.h>\fP
+.SS "Public Member Functions"
+ +1c
+.ti -1c
+.RI "\fBSocketEngine\fP ()"
+.RI "\fIConstructor The constructor transparently initializes the socket engine which the ircd is using. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "\fB~SocketEngine\fP ()"
+.RI "\fIDestructor The destructor transparently tidies up any resources used by the socket engine. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "bool \fBAddFd\fP (int fd, bool readable, char type)"
+.RI "\fIAdd a file descriptor to the engine Use AddFd to add a file descriptor to the engine and have the socket engine monitor it. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "char \fBGetType\fP (int fd)"
+.RI "\fIReturns the type value for this file descriptor This function masks off the X_READBIT value so that the type of the socket can be obtained. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "bool \fBDelFd\fP (int fd)"
+.RI "\fIDelete a file descriptor f rom the engine This function call deletes a file descriptor from the engine, returning true if it succeeded and false if it failed. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "bool \fBWait\fP (std::vector< int > &fdlist)"
+.RI "\fIWaits for an event. \fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "\fBstd::string\fP \fBGetName\fP ()"
+.RI "\fIReturns the socket engines name This returns the name of the engine for use in /VERSION responses. \fP" -1c
+.SS "Private Attributes"
+ +1c
+.ti -1c
+.RI "std::vector< int > \fBfds\fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "int \fBEngineHandle\fP"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "kevent \fBke_list\fP [65535]"
+.ti -1c
+.RI "timespec \fBts\fP" -1c
+.SH "Detailed Description"
+The actual socketengine class presents the same interface on all operating systems, but its private members and internal behaviour should be treated as blackboxed, and vary from system to system and upon the config settings chosen by the server admin.
+The current version supports select, epoll and kqueue.
+Definition at line 66 of file socketengine.h.
+.SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation"
+.SS "SocketEngine::SocketEngine ()"
+Constructor The constructor transparently initializes the socket engine which the ircd is using.
+Please note that if there is a catastrophic failure (for example, you try and enable epoll on a 2.4 linux kernel) then this function may bail back to the shell.
+Definition at line 35 of file socketengine.cpp.
+References DEBUG, and EngineHandle.
+36 {
+37 log(DEBUG,'SocketEngine::SocketEngine()');
+38 #ifdef USE_EPOLL
+39 EngineHandle = epoll_create(65535);
+40 #endif
+41 #ifdef USE_KQUEUE
+42 EngineHandle = kqueue();
+43 #endif
+44 }
+.SS "SocketEngine::~SocketEngine ()"
+Destructor The destructor transparently tidies up any resources used by the socket engine.
+Definition at line 46 of file socketengine.cpp.
+References DEBUG, and EngineHandle.
+47 {
+48 log(DEBUG,'SocketEngine::~SocketEngine()');
+49 #ifdef USE_EPOLL
+50 close(EngineHandle);
+51 #endif
+52 #ifdef USE_KQUEUE
+53 close(EngineHandle);
+54 #endif
+55 }
+.SH "Member Function Documentation"
+.SS "bool SocketEngine::AddFd (int fd, bool readable, char type)"
+Add a file descriptor to the engine Use AddFd to add a file descriptor to the engine and have the socket engine monitor it.
+You must provide a type (see the consts in \fBsocketengine.h\fP) and a boolean flag to indicate wether to watch this fd for read or write events (there is currently no need for support of both).
+Definition at line 65 of file socketengine.cpp.
+References DEBUG, EngineHandle, fds, ref, and X_READBIT.
+Referenced by InspSocket::InspSocket(), and InspSocket::Poll().
+66 {
+67 if ((fd < 0) || (fd > 65535))
+68 return false;
+69 this->fds.push_back(fd);
+70 ref[fd] = type;
+71 if (readable)
+72 {
+73 log(DEBUG,'Set readbit');
+74 ref[fd] |= X_READBIT;
+75 }
+76 log(DEBUG,'Add socket %d',fd);
+77 #ifdef USE_EPOLL
+78 struct epoll_event ev;
+79 log(DEBUG,'epoll: Add socket to events, ep=%d socket=%d',EngineHandle,fd);
+80 readable ? = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET : = EPOLLOUT | EPOLLET;
+81 = fd;
+82 int i = epoll_ctl(EngineHandle, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev);
+83 if (i < 0)
+84 {
+85 log(DEBUG,'epoll: List insertion failure!');
+86 return false;
+87 }
+88 #endif
+89 #ifdef USE_KQUEUE
+90 struct kevent ke;
+91 log(DEBUG,'kqueue: Add socket to events, kq=%d socket=%d',EngineHandle,fd);
+92 EV_SET(&ke, fd, readable ? EVFILT_READ : EVFILT_WRITE, EV_ADD, 0, 0, NULL);
+93 int i = kevent(EngineHandle, &ke, 1, 0, 0, NULL);
+94 if (i == -1)
+95 {
+96 log(DEBUG,'kqueue: List insertion failure!');
+97 return false;
+98 }
+99 #endif
+100 return true;
+101 }
+.SS "bool SocketEngine::DelFd (int fd)"
+Delete a file descriptor f rom the engine This function call deletes a file descriptor from the engine, returning true if it succeeded and false if it failed.
+Definition at line 103 of file socketengine.cpp.
+References DEBUG, EngineHandle, fds, ref, and X_READBIT.
+Referenced by InspSocket::Poll(), and Server::UserToPseudo().
+104 {
+105 log(DEBUG,'SocketEngine::DelFd(%d)',fd);
+107 if ((fd < 0) || (fd > 65535))
+108 return false;
+110 bool found = false;
+111 for (std::vector<int>::iterator i = fds.begin(); i != fds.end(); i++)
+112 {
+113 if (*i == fd)
+114 {
+115 fds.erase(i);
+116 log(DEBUG,'Deleted fd %d',fd);
+117 found = true;
+118 break;
+119 }
+120 }
+121 #ifdef USE_KQUEUE
+122 struct kevent ke;
+123 EV_SET(&ke, fd, ref[fd] && X_READBIT ? EVFILT_READ : EVFILT_WRITE, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, NULL);
+124 int i = kevent(EngineHandle, &ke, 1, 0, 0, NULL);
+125 if (i == -1)
+126 {
+127 log(DEBUG,'kqueue: Failed to remove socket from queue!');
+128 return false;
+129 }
+130 #endif
+131 #ifdef USE_EPOLL
+132 struct epoll_event ev;
+134 = fd;
+135 int i = epoll_ctl(EngineHandle, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, &ev);
+136 if (i < 0)
+137 {
+138 log(DEBUG,'epoll: List deletion failure!');
+139 return false;
+140 }
+141 #endif
+142 ref[fd] = 0;
+143 return found;
+144 }
+.SS "\fBstd::string\fP SocketEngine::GetName ()"
+Returns the socket engines name This returns the name of the engine for use in /VERSION responses.
+Definition at line 196 of file socketengine.cpp.
+197 {
+198 #ifdef USE_SELECT
+199 return 'select';
+200 #endif
+201 #ifdef USE_KQUEUE
+202 return 'kqueue';
+203 #endif
+204 #ifdef USE_EPOLL
+205 return 'epoll';
+206 #endif
+207 return 'misconfigured';
+208 }
+.SS "char SocketEngine::GetType (int fd)"
+Returns the type value for this file descriptor This function masks off the X_READBIT value so that the type of the socket can be obtained.
+The core uses this to decide where to dispatch the event to. Please note that some engines such as select() have an upper limit of 1024 descriptors which may be active at any one time, where others such as kqueue have no practical limits at all.
+Definition at line 57 of file socketengine.cpp.
+References ref, and X_EMPTY_SLOT.
+58 {
+59 if ((fd < 0) || (fd > 65535))
+60 return X_EMPTY_SLOT;
+61 /* Mask off the top bit used for 'read/write' state */
+62 return (ref[fd] & ~0x80);
+63 }
+.SS "bool SocketEngine::Wait (std::vector< int > & fdlist)"
+Waits for an event.
+Please note that this doesnt wait long, only a couple of milliseconds. It returns a list of active file descriptors in the vector fdlist which the core may then act upon.
+Definition at line 146 of file socketengine.cpp.
+References DEBUG, EngineHandle, fds, ke_list, ref, ts, and X_READBIT.
+147 {
+148 fdlist.clear();
+149 #ifdef USE_SELECT
+150 FD_ZERO(&wfdset);
+151 FD_ZERO(&rfdset);
+152 timeval tval;
+153 int sresult;
+154 for (unsigned int a = 0; a < fds.size(); a++)
+155 {
+156 if (ref[fds[a]] & X_READBIT)
+157 {
+158 FD_SET (fds[a], &rfdset);
+159 }
+160 else
+161 {
+162 FD_SET (fds[a], &wfdset);
+163 }
+165 }
+166 tval.tv_sec = 0;
+167 tval.tv_usec = 1000L;
+168 sresult = select(FD_SETSIZE, &rfdset, &wfdset, NULL, &tval);
+169 if (sresult > 0)
+170 {
+171 for (unsigned int a = 0; a < fds.size(); a++)
+172 {
+173 if ((FD_ISSET (fds[a], &rfdset)) || (FD_ISSET (fds[a], &wfdset)))
+174 {
+175 log(DEBUG,'...Adding active %d',fds[a]);
+176 fdlist.push_back(fds[a]);
+177 }
+178 }
+179 }
+180 #endif
+181 #ifdef USE_KQUEUE
+182 ts.tv_nsec = 1000L;
+183 ts.tv_sec = 0;
+184 int i = kevent(EngineHandle, NULL, 0, &ke_list[0], 65535, &ts);
+185 for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
+186 fdlist.push_back(ke_list[j].ident);
+187 #endif
+188 #ifdef USE_EPOLL
+189 int i = epoll_wait(EngineHandle, events, 65535, 1);
+190 for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
+191 fdlist.push_back(events[j].data.fd);
+192 #endif
+193 return true;
+194 }
+.SH "Member Data Documentation"
+.SS "int \fBSocketEngine::EngineHandle\fP\fC [private]\fP"
+Definition at line 69 of file socketengine.h.
+Referenced by AddFd(), DelFd(), SocketEngine(), Wait(), and ~SocketEngine().
+.SS "std::vector<int> \fBSocketEngine::fds\fP\fC [private]\fP"
+Definition at line 68 of file socketengine.h.
+Referenced by AddFd(), DelFd(), and Wait().
+.SS "struct kevent \fBSocketEngine::ke_list\fP[65535]\fC [private]\fP"
+Definition at line 74 of file socketengine.h.
+Referenced by Wait().
+.SS "struct timespec \fBSocketEngine::ts\fP\fC [private]\fP"
+Definition at line 75 of file socketengine.h.
+Referenced by Wait().
+.SH "Author"
+Generated automatically by Doxygen for InspIRCd from the source code.