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diff --git a/docs/ChangeLog b/docs/ChangeLog
index 53be44726..708f18a9d 100644
--- a/docs/ChangeLog
+++ b/docs/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,187 @@
+1.0 Beta 4
+ * Fixed configure bug resulting in osflags being called BEFORE getcache (Making it redundant.)
+ * Fixed output of src/modules/Makefile saying it was made by tongue.gif
+ * Updated for test gcc4 compatibility
+ * Added support back for ./inspircd
+ * Added a line to automatically chmod ./inspircd to 0744 ('Last Second Save!')
+ * configure now supports any future includes (Yes, i can see into the future)
+ * Updated makefile
+ * New Perl ./configure
+ * Added -Woverloaded-virtual to catch annoying module typos
+ * Fixed to always look for the ircd.log within the bin/ dir
+ * Fixed to not spool the error log after ./inspircd debug
+ * Sanity checks for fd_ref in addclient
+ * Fixed 'server ignores me forever if i throttle the server with connections' bug
+ * Debugging now allowed from ./inspircd (./inspircd debug)
+ * Added LD_LIBRARY_PATH hacks/kludges to the file to make it find libmysql in funny situations
+ * Added final documentation for inspircd Beta 4
+ * Added important note relating to ip addresses in <link:ipaddr>
+ * Added schema for
+ * Added m_sqloper, allows storage of opers within a mysql database
+ * Commented new functions
+ * Major *MAJOR* optimizations by double-referencing channels to users (never need to scan the entire user hash again except in very rare circumstances)
+ * Added channel 'counter', increases speed of quits, parts, kicks
+ * commented some users and connections code
+ * added remote @* notice
+ * Added remote versioning
+ * Fixed dicky buffer (due to cleanup the wrong variable was being used)
+ * Services speedups for stupid buffered i/o uplinks
+ * Added server input buffers (for systems that decide buffering is fun)
+ * Major code tidyup (-W)
+ * Fixed some flood checking
+ * added noticeall
+ * Added a Server:: method to send server notices to channels
+ * Added explicit oper tracking in a vector of userrec* pointers, optimizes sending out oper notices
+ * Fixed: +s and +p channels wouldn't be synched correctly
+ * Fixed: +s and +p never show in whois even when you're a member of them
+ * Fixed: +s and +p never show in list even if you're a member of them
+ * Added Server::FindDescriptor
+ * Added and tested fd crossreference table - improves speed a lot, and fixes one of the /STATS chars which has been broken a while
+ * Added OnAddBan and OnDelBan module api calls, and fixed glitch which required them in m_timedbans module
+ * Added OnOperCompare function to override strcmp in password check for /oper
+ * Added module message passing architecture
+ * Added a few anti-flood features
+ * Updated buffering, faster and more sensible (old code sucks)
+ * Added password field
+ * Removed some debug output
+ * Added /stats T
+ * Empty but non-null string passed to is_uline now returns true
+ * Added numeric 318 to /WHOIS when nick is not found (end of whois should still be there as its a list response)
+ * Added numeric 412 "no text to send"
+ * Changed to handle : as a NOP token so that 'assuming' inspircd knows RFC commands wont cause tons of errors
+ * Fix to a mode parsing bug (eating wrong version of parameter?)
+ * fixed warning of redefinition of RUSAGE_SELF
+ * Fix annoying off-by-one error in connection::RecvPacket
+ * Added more fault tolerance to server links
+ * Added new /stats z
+ * Fixes to /who output
+ * Added mode 'compression', stops abuse with modes like: +s-s+s-s+s-s
+ * Test fixes for /version strings not being set in burst
+ * Fixed a reversed strcmp
+ * Added 901 numeric - end of modules list
+ * Added support for /SQUIT <mask> and checks against /SQUIT *
+ * Changed remote kill reason text
+ * Fixed strange leading ":" on remote Z/K/G lines
+ * Fixed so that quitprefixes are shown in client exit notices
+ * Added global oper monitoring through modules and global connect monitoring through modules
+ * Fixed weird issues when anope sends large amounts of text at once to the uplink
+ * Fixed dodgy poll()
+ * Added new and improved GetBuffer function based on research on crappy redhat 7.3
+ * Fixed park crash bug #63 reported by ViaraiX
+ * Reordered some on-connect network stuff to stop services being so confused
+ * Extra safety checks to avoid trying to write() remote users
+ * Optimized WriteCommon and WriteCommonExcept
+ * Fixed weird line wrapping bug with extremely long lines
+ * Made xline notices neater when notifying of unknown connections
+ * Fixed WriteCommon not writing to the source user when not on any channels
+ * Changed "is now running" message to AFTER port bind checks
+ * Added PID reporting and testing before daemonize
+ * Changed startup ascii to green. Elphaba would be so proud tongue.gif
+ * Fix to prevent empty umodes
+ * Fixed empty modes from nickserv
+ * Optimized modes (removed strlens etc)
+ * Fixed empty modes issue that emerged after dodgy code was corrected
+ * Fixed services not being informed of force joins
+ * Fix to prevent quits being sent onto the network for nonexistent users
+ * Added faster wildcard checking routines
+ * Fix for bug #62 (replaces only occur once per line in m_censor)
+ * m_chanfilter now works on gcc 2.95.x again.
+ * m_chanprotect fixed to remove privilages upon kick
+ * Fixed WriteChannelWithServ
+ * Added module which provides MD5 encryption for oper passwords plus /mkpasswd
+ * Added another check for 'NoServerUline' type thing in m_services.
+ * Added Check for 'NoServer' when +r ing a channel in m_services.
+ * Added m_timedbans (timed bans module for channel ops/halfops)
+ * Added m_sql, module to provide sql db access to other modules
+ * Added m_sqlauth - allows authorizing of connections via an arbitary mysql table with a username and password field
+ * Added m_sqllog - allows you to log your irc information to an sql database
+ * Added m_sqloper, allows storage of opers within a mysql database
+1.0 Beta 3
+Added rm -rf src/modules/*.so to make modclean
+Added module message passing architecture
+added Module::OnMeshToken
+added Server::MeshSendAll
+added Server::MeshSendCommon
+added Server::MeshSendAllAlive
+added Server::MeshSendUnicast
+added Server::MeshSendAllExcept
+added Server::MeshCheckChan
+added Server::MeshCheckCommon
+added Server::FindModule
+added New docs for API
+added Module::OnRawMode
+added Module::OnCheckInvite
+added Module::OnCheckKey
+added Module::OnCheckLimit
+added Module::OnCheckBan
+added Module::OnStats
+added Module::OnChangeLocalUserHost
+added Module::OnChangeLocalUserGECOS
+added Module::OnLocalTopicChange
+Added Server::AddGLine
+Added Server::AddKLine
+Added Server::AddZLine
+Added Server::AddQLine
+Added Server::AddELine
+Added Server::DelGLine
+Added Server::DelKLine
+Added Server::DelZLine
+Added Server::DelQLine
+Added Server::DelELine
+Added Server::Duration
+Fixed /LUSERS server count
+Updated documentation of <connect> tags at request of Strike
+Fixed somebody putting double closing tags, nullifying the effect of allowhalfop in the example conf
+Removed deprecated class 'packet'
+Fixed Dns free() errors
+Added ability for modules to hold users in a 'holding pattern' while they do stuff on connect
+Added OnUserDisconnect method to modules.* to fix fd leak in m_ident.cpp
+Added the m_chanfilter module, implements chanmode +g which allows channel specific badwords (YAY)
+Added Module::OnSendList
+Added Sends /LUSERS on connect
+Added nonblocking ident lookup module
+Fixed /kill bug in m_operlevels (couldnt kill non-opers)
+Changed m_override: Fine-grained control over what can be overridden by whom
+Added m_park, user parking to keep ops during a ping timeout (suggested by Ib3N)
+Fixed limit checking in core and
+Added m_setidle, allows opers to set their idle times
+Added Module::OnBackgroundTimer method, ticks approximately every 5 seconds
+Yet more optimizations!
+Added 'server already exists' check for u-type links
+Fixed bug when ordering a bot to leave using anope services
+Fixed anope module sending L tokens with 2 instead of 3 params (made code more tolerant instead of changing module)
+Fixed broken server/server handshake for U-type server links (services)
+Fixed strhashcomp to forbid matching scandanvian nicks properly eg. [Brain] and {Brain}
+Fixed lingering (SO_REUSEADDR was being set to 0?)
+Added Module::OnCheckReady and Module::OnUserRegister
+Updated /INFO
+Fixed to allow server to server traffic again (DOH)
+Added PID reporting and testing before daemonize
+Changed "is now running" message to AFTER port bind checks
+Fixed strange join behavior reported by w00t (mirc requesting MODE immediately after JOIN)
+Fixed bug #47 reported (and suggested fix) by Om
+Fixed bug where if channel limit was lower than the user count users could still join, but not if it was equal
+Added Module::OnUserKick and Module::OnUserPreKick
+Added Server::PseudoToUser and Server::UserToPseudo
+Made setrlimit a commandline option
+Removed some old uneeded code
+Made cmode and chanmode more safe
+Fixed a double free in dnsqueue.cpp
+Fixed a resolver issue (weird segfault on gentoo?) in server linking
+Double 367 numeric glitch fixed
+Added Server::IsValidHostMask
+Added getrlimit/setrlimit to set process limits to allow a core dump
+Removed some logging from wildcard.cpp
+1.0 Beta 2
+* Added a lot of small fixes based on feedback of beta 1
+* Fixed compile issues on freebsd due to an icky shellscript expression that failed to detect strlcat
+* Added more advanced m_override.cpp module due to user request (thanks Rob)
1.0 Beta 1
* Enough optimizations to shake a very big stick at
diff --git a/docs/SUPPORTED b/docs/SUPPORTED
index 60ddc369e..69049f9fa 100644
--- a/docs/SUPPORTED
+++ b/docs/SUPPORTED
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-As this release is ALPHA, not everything is supported. Because of this, this
-document will show you the commands and modes that are supported in this
-version. All commands listed below are as listed in request for comments (RFC)
-number 1459, the original IRC documentation. Anything extra to this RFC
-(with the exception of commands for loading plugins etc) will be a loadable
-module and not implemented in the core.
Implimented server to server commands:
@@ -32,24 +25,25 @@ Implemented commands:
Module commands (non-rfc):
CHANNEL MODES: i,m,n,t,k,l,p,s,o,h**,v,b
USER MODES: i,w,s,o
-NOTE: Module Modes will be documented in the near future.
+ Documentation for all modes and commands may be found on the wiki:
@@ -64,7 +58,13 @@ The following features are supported:
The following operating systems are supported:
* Linux (i386, possibly others)
- Tested on: RedHat, Slackware, Gentoo
+ Tested on: RedHat, Slackware, Gentoo, SELinux, Debian
* FreeBSD (i386, possibly others)
- Tested on: 4.10, 4.11, 5.0, 5.2.1
+ Tested on: 4.10, 4.11, 5.0, 5.2.1, 5.3, 5.4
+* FreeBSD users may make use of performance enhancements built into InspIRCd.
+The following compilers are supported:
+ * GCC (2.95, 2.96, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.0)
diff --git a/docs/server_tokens.txt b/docs/server_tokens.txt
index 3320602c7..8bebb0579 100644
--- a/docs/server_tokens.txt
+++ b/docs/server_tokens.txt
@@ -1,31 +1,371 @@
-This is a list of datagram types supported by this version of
-InspIRCd. The datagrams must be encapsulated in a valid link
-packet, and except for those prefixed with a *, a pseudo-session
-must be established along which secure commands may pass.
-S * Active server connect
-s * Passive server connect (response to S)
-O * Exchange session key
-E * Error response
-? Ping
-! Pong
-* No Operation
-Y Begin netburst
-N Introduce new client
-n Client nickchange
-t Change channel topic
-i Invite user
-k Kick user
-J Join a user to one or more channels
-T Server topic change
-M Server mode change
-m User mode change
-L User leaving a channel
-Q User disconnect
-F End netburst
-K Remote kill
-a Change displayed host
-b Change GECOS
+This is a list of all tokens used by InspIRCd at the time of writing for server to server communication. Module coders may find this information
+useful when syncronising module data between different servers on the mesh. All tokens are case sensitive. Token names are given, however these are
+just a way of identifying the token, so if you hear developers talking of the 'CHGNAME token' you can be sure they are talking about the 'a' symbol.
+Modules should try to avoid low ascii values. The only illegal token characters are ASCII 0, ASCII 13, and ASCII 10.
+Compatibility Translations
+InspIRCd will translate some RFC-style commands into mesh tokens, to maintain compatibility with some services packages. This only occurs if the
+server is a U-type link (see the tokens below for an explaination). The translated commands are:
+ * 433 - Translated to *
+ * 432 - Translated to *
+ * PING - Translated to *
+ * NOTICE - Translated to V
+ * PRIVMSG - Translatd to P
+ * QUIT - Translated to Q
+ * SQUIT - Translated to &
+ * SVSMODE - Translated to m
+ * SVS2MODE - Translated to m
+ * MODE - Translated to m
+ * KICK - Translated to k
+ * KILL - Translated to K
+ * SVSJOIN - Translated to J
+Mesh Tokens
+AuthCookie: - Token
+Syntax: - <authcookie> <servername> :<serverdesc>
+When a server links into the mesh, it passes an Auth Cookie with its link request (in an S token). All other servers on the mesh respond by connecting
+back to the initiating server and issuing this token with a valid auth cookie. If the auth cookie is valid, the server accepts their mesh link,
+otherwise it rejects it.
+Inbound Server: S Token
+Syntax: S <servername> <password> <port> :<description>
+To initiate a mesh link, a server must connect to the port given in its <connect> tag, and issue this command. The port number is the port number the
+initiator is listening on for incoming server connections, it must be provided so that other servers in the mesh can link back and issue auth cookies.
+This is known as an 'active' connect, e.g. the initiator always uses the uppercase S token.
+Set version reply: v Token
+Syntax: v <servername> <arbitary version string>
+This token indicates the version string of a server on the mesh. Rather than send it each time it is requested, inspircd simply updates the mesh with
+its details either on bursting or if/when the data changes.
+Outbound Server: s Token
+Syntax: s <servername> <password> <port> :<description>
+Upon receiving a valid S token, if the password and servername are accepted, the receiving server replies with this token. It is a different token to
+S to avoid loops, and diffrentiate between initiator and receiver in the linking process. Once the initiator accepts the s token, the link is
+established and the burst begins.
+Non-Mesh Server: U Token
+Syntax: U <servername> <password> :<description>
+The U token is similar to the S token in that it initiates a server to server link, but it is designed primarily to link systems which are not able to
+become a fully meshed node, for example IRC Services packages. Upon a successful "U type" (as this is known) authentication, the other servers are
+informed of the introduction of the server via means of a H token, but will never connect back to it, they will route all messages via its uplink
+(messier than meshing it, but if the application is physically incapapable of joining the mesh, this is what must be done).
+Error: E Token
+Syntax: E :<error message>
+The E token indicates a protocol error, or invalid credentials etc, and immediately after an E token the connection is dropped. Failure to
+authenticate during a link is usually the cause of such tokens being sent.
+Begin Netburst: Y Token
+Syntax: Y <time>
+The Y token indicates the start of the netburst. The time value is used simply to correctly calculate the length of the burst (a similar token is sent
+at the end of the netburst which also contains a time, allowing the delta to match up correctly without clock syncronization)
+Set Auth Cookie: ~ Token
+Syntax: ~ <new auth cookie>
+The ~ token adds a new auth cookie to the servers allowed list. A server may permit multiple auth cookies at any one time to cope with resyncs.
+Begin Mesh: + Token
+Syntax: + <servername> <portnumber> <authcookie>
+When a server successfully initiates a connection, it sends this token out to all servers it already has in its mesh, which inform all the servers to
+connect back upon the servername given, on the port provided, using the given auth cookie. When this occurs all servers will send the "-" token to it
+upon connection.
+Send Routing Table: $ Token
+Syntax: $ <source server> <reachable server> [<reachable server>...]
+The $ token is a means of transmitting routing tables around the mesh. A server sends a list of servers it can reach directly. These tables are
+updated periodically. If a server cannot be reached directly, the ircd will scan the routing tables it has looking for an ircd which can reach it
+directly, and inform that server to route the message for it.
+SQUIT: & Token
+Syntax: & <servername>
+The & symbol is sent by a server when it leaves the mesh, or by servers which detect that other servers are completely unroutable. Upon receipt of an
+& symbol, the local server will instantly and recursively (according to its routing table) remove all users along that route.
+Reroute: R Token
+Syntax: R <target-server> <anything>
+This is the R or 'reroute' token, which indicates the <anything> provided should be instantly routed to <target-server> and only to <target-server>
+without processing it any further. Usually the server will receive these if it is the only available and direct route to <target-server>.
+PONG: ? Token
+Syntax: ?
+This token is used as a PONG, and has no parameters or responses. Only locally connected servers send pings (! token) to their peers, so no source is
+NOP: * or : Token
+Syntax: *|:
+This token is a NOP (No-Operation) message.
+USER: N Token
+Syntax: N <time> <nick> <host> <displayed-host> <ident> <modes> <ipaddress> <server> :<GECOS>
+This token introduces a new user into the network. The server specified by <server> is responsible for all local checking of that user's actions, such
+as channel joins, PINGs, QUITs etc. The <time> value is a unix epoch time, and the <ipaddress> field is the user's ip address in dotted decimal
+( form.
+CHGNAME: a Token
+Syntax: a <nick> :<GECOS>
+Change realname (GECOS) of a connected user.
+CHGHOST: b Token
+Syntax: b <nick> :<displayed-host>
+Change the displayed hostname of a connected user (vhost) to the one provided. No checking of this value is done, it is up to the local server to
+check this value before sending it out onto the mesh.
+TOPIC: t Token
+Syntax: t <nick> <channel> :<topic>
+This token indicates a user set or changed a channel topic. This token should not be used in netjoins, the T token (with a timestamp) should be used
+instead to check which topic 'wins'.
+INVITE: i Token
+Syntax: i <nick> <source> <channel>
+Invite a user to a channel. The user specified by <nick> is invited to channel <channel> by <source>.
+KICK: k Token
+Syntax: k <source> <dest> <channel> :<reason>
+This token indicates a user was kicked from a channel.
+NICK: n Token
+Syntax: n <old nick> <new nick>
+Indicates a nickchange.
+JOIN: J Token
+Syntax: J <nick> [permissions]<channel> [[permissions]<channel>...]
+This token indicates that a user is joining one or more channels, and indicates their privilages upon said channel. For example: "J MrFoo @#bar +#qux
+Syntax: T <settime> <nick> <channel> :<topic>
+This token indicates the server set or changed a channel topic. This token should be used in netjoins to check which topic 'wins'.
+Syntax: M <target> <modes> [mode-parameters]
+This token sets channel or user modes (depending upon the target given). The server sets the modes with this token as opposed to the 'm' token (lower
+case 'm') in which a user sets the modes.
+MODE: m Token
+Syntax: m <source> <target> <modes> [mode-parameters]
+This token sets channel or user modes (depending upon the target given). The user given as <source> sets the modes with this token. You cannot specify
+<source> as a server, for this you must use the M token instead.
+Syntax: P <source> <target> :<text>
+The P token indicates a PRIVMSG between a user and a channel or other user. Target may be either a channel, or a user, source may only be a user.
+NOTICE: V Token
+Syntax: V <source> <target> :<text>
+The V token indicates a NOTICE between a user and a channel or other user. Target may be either a channel, or a user, source may only be a user.
+As of 1.0 Beta 4, there are two special cases for the V token, in which the target may be one of:
+ * "*" - Specify a target of * to send the notice to all users upon that server.
+ * "@*" - Specify this target to send to all opers upon that server and place the nickname of the originator within the body of the notice.
+PART: L Token
+Syntax: L <nick> <channel> :<reason>
+This token indicates a user is leaving a channel with the given reason. The reason field is not optional, if there is no reason the field is just a
+colon (":").
+QUIT: Q Token
+Syntax: Q <nick> :<reason>
+The Q token indicates a user is quitting. The reason given is not optional, if none is specified the field contains just a colon symbol (":").
+Non-Mesh-Add: H Token
+Syntax: H <servername>
+Adds a U-Type server to the map without any other information. This is used to maintain links to services.
+KILL: K Token
+Syntax: K <source> <nick> :<reason>
+This token is the KILL token, which indicates a user is to be KILLed. Its use generates a QUIT token from the local server. Source may only be a user,
+not a server, as server kills are always handled locally.
+WALLOPS: @ Token
+Syntax: @ <source> :<text>
+This token sends a global WALLOPS. Source may only be a user, not a server.
+GLINE: # Token
+Syntax: # <mask> <who-set-it> <time-set> <duration> :<reason>
+Adds a permenant or timed G-Line to all servers on the mesh. The mask contains both the ident and hostname in ident@host form. <who-set-it> is
+arbitary text, and can be a user or a server.
+UNGLINE: . Token
+Syntax: . <mask> <who>
+Removes a G-Line from all servers on the mesh.
+QLINE: { Token
+Syntax: { <mask> <who-set-it> <time-set> <duration> :<reason>
+Adds a permenant or timed Q-Line to all servers on the mesh. The mask contains a nickname pattern. <who-set-it> is arbitary text, and can be a user or
+a server.
+UNQLINE: [ Token
+Syntax: [ <nickmask> <who>
+Removes a Q-Line from all servers on the mesh.
+ZLINE: } Token
+Syntax: } <mask> <who-set-it> <time-set> <duration> :<reason>
+Adds a permenant or timed Z-Line to all servers on the mesh. The mask contains an ip address mask. <who-set-it> is arbitary text, and can be a user or
+a server. If duration is 0, the ban is permenant.
+UNZLINE: ] Token
+Syntax: ] <mask> <who>
+Deletes a Z-Line from all servers on the mesh.
+OPERTYPE: | Token
+Syntax: | <nick> <opertype>
+Sets the opertype of an oper to the given string. This is done so that all ircds are aware of what the oper types of each oper is globally.
+Configuration of oper types and classes should match network wide.
+End-Netburst: F Token
+Syntax: F <time>
+This token indicates the end of the netburst, for more information see the 'Y' token.
+SERVICE1: / Token
+Syntax: / <nickserv nick>
+This token is used to indicate the name of a nickname service and is reserved for future use.
+End-Netburst-NM: f Token
+Syntax: f <time>
+This is identical in syntax and operation to the F token, except its use does not cause mesh links, as in the server is added in a disconnected state
+to force routing through its uplink. Used by services servers.
+Begin-Burst: X Token
+Syntax: X <time>
+This token when sent indicates that the server is ready to receive the other servers (recipient of this token) netburst data.
+Example Server Conversation
+This is an example of a services server linking to an InspIRd server. During the 'conversation' two users connect, one of which is an oper, one of
+which is a normal user.
+>> U xxxxxxxx :Developer Services
+>> / NickServ
+>> N 1111691007 OperServ services-dev +oio :Operator Server
+>> N 1111691007 Global services-dev +oio :Global Noticer
+>> N 1111691007 NickServ services-dev +oo :Nickname Server
+>> N 1111691007 ChanServ services-dev +oo :Channel Server
+>> N 1111691007 MemoServ services-dev +oo :Memo Server
+<< Y 1111691007
+<< X 0
+<< N 1111690997 [Brain] ~brain +xiwsogh :Brain
+>> V NickServ [Brain] :This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your nickname, type msg NickServ...
+>> V NickServ [Brain] :If you do not change within one minute, I will change your nickname.
+<< | [Brain] NetAdmin
+<< J [Brain] @#chatspike
+<< M #chatspike +nt
+<< H
+<< $
+<< F 1111691007
+<< $
+>> m ChanServ #chatspike +ntrl 99
+<< P [Brain] NickServ :identify xxxxxxxx
+>> m NickServ [Brain] :+r
+>> V NickServ [Brain] :Password accepted -- you are now recognized.
+>> m ChanServ #chatspike +q [Brain]
+<< n [Brain] [Brain
+>> m NickServ [Brain :-r
+<< n [Brain [Brain]
+>> m NickServ [Brain] :+r
+<< P [Brain] NickServ : identify xxxxxxx
+>> m NickServ [Brain] :+r
+>> V NickServ [Brain] :Password accepted -- you are now recognized.
+<< N 1111691073 Om ~om +x :Om
+<< b Om
+<< m Om Om +x
+>> V NickServ Om :This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your nickname, type...
+<< m Om Om +wsi
+<< J Om #chatspike
+<< P Om NickServ :identify xxxx
+>> V NickServ Om :Password incorrect.