path: root/docs/rfc
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authorbrain <brain@e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7>2005-05-14 20:16:45 +0000
committerbrain <brain@e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7>2005-05-14 20:16:45 +0000
commited503a82f41cb20795d1645190362ccbb80fa364 (patch)
tree21159bb112098d928536b340dae15579c318ac43 /docs/rfc
parent36127608a981c809c9b8e52980a6c23874eb633e (diff)
Added RFCs
git-svn-id: e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/rfc')
2 files changed, 4094 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Network Working Group M. St. Johns
+Request for Comments: 1413 US Department of Defense
+Obsoletes: 931 February 1993
+ Identification Protocol
+Status of this Memo
+ This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet
+ community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
+ Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
+ Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
+ Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+ The Identification Protocol (a.k.a., "ident", a.k.a., "the Ident
+ Protocol") provides a means to determine the identity of a user of a
+ particular TCP connection. Given a TCP port number pair, it returns
+ a character string which identifies the owner of that connection on
+ the server's system.
+ The Identification Protocol was formerly called the Authentication
+ Server Protocol. It has been renamed to better reflect its function.
+ This document is a product of the TCP Client Identity Protocol
+ Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
+ This is a connection based application on TCP. A server listens for
+ TCP connections on TCP port 113 (decimal). Once a connection is
+ established, the server reads a line of data which specifies the
+ connection of interest. If it exists, the system dependent user
+ identifier of the connection of interest is sent as the reply. The
+ server may then either shut the connection down or it may continue to
+ read/respond to multiple queries.
+ The server should close the connection down after a configurable
+ amount of time with no queries - a 60-180 second idle timeout is
+ recommended. The client may close the connection down at any time;
+ however to allow for network delays the client should wait at least
+ 30 seconds (or longer) after a query before abandoning the query and
+ closing the connection.
+St. Johns [Page 1]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ Queries are permitted only for fully specified connections. The
+ query contains the local/foreign port pair -- the local/foreign
+ address pair used to fully specify the connection is taken from the
+ local and foreign address of query connection. This means a user on
+ address A may only query the server on address B about connections
+ between A and B.
+ The server accepts simple text query requests of the form:
+ <port-on-server> , <port-on-client>
+ where <port-on-server> is the TCP port (decimal) on the target (where
+ the "ident" server is running) system, and <port-on-client> is the
+ TCP port (decimal) on the source (client) system.
+ N.B - If a client on host A wants to ask a server on host B about a
+ connection specified locally (on the client's machine) as 23, 6191
+ (an inbound TELNET connection), the client must actually ask about
+ 6191, 23 - which is how the connection would be specified on host B.
+ For example:
+ 6191, 23
+ The response is of the form
+ <port-on-server> , <port-on-client> : <resp-type> : <add-info>
+ where <port-on-server>,<port-on-client> are the same pair as the
+ query, <resp-type> is a keyword identifying the type of response, and
+ <add-info> is context dependent.
+ The information returned is that associated with the fully specified
+ TCP connection identified by <server-address>, <client-address>,
+ <port-on-server>, <port-on-client>, where <server-address> and
+ <client-address> are the local and foreign IP addresses of the
+ querying connection -- i.e., the TCP connection to the Identification
+ Protocol Server. (<port-on-server> and <port-on-client> are taken
+ from the query.)
+ For example:
+ 6193, 23 : USERID : UNIX : stjohns
+ 6195, 23 : ERROR : NO-USER
+St. Johns [Page 2]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+A response can be one of two types:
+ In this case, <add-info> is a string consisting of an
+ operating system name (with an optional character set
+ identifier), followed by ":", followed by an
+ identification string.
+ The character set (if present) is separated from the
+ operating system name by ",". The character set
+ identifier is used to indicate the character set of the
+ identification string. The character set identifier,
+ if omitted, defaults to "US-ASCII" (see below).
+ Permitted operating system names and character set
+ names are specified in RFC 1340, "Assigned Numbers" or
+ its successors.
+ In addition to those operating system and character set
+ names specified in "Assigned Numbers" there is one
+ special case operating system identifier - "OTHER".
+ Unless "OTHER" is specified as the operating system
+ type, the server is expected to return the "normal"
+ user identification of the owner of this connection.
+ "Normal" in this context may be taken to mean a string
+ of characters which uniquely identifies the connection
+ owner such as a user identifier assigned by the system
+ administrator and used by such user as a mail
+ identifier, or as the "user" part of a user/password
+ pair used to gain access to system resources. When an
+ operating system is specified (e.g., anything but
+ "OTHER"), the user identifier is expected to be in a
+ more or less immediately useful form - e.g., something
+ that could be used as an argument to "finger" or as a
+ mail address.
+ "OTHER" indicates the identifier is an unformatted
+ character string consisting of printable characters in
+ the specified character set. "OTHER" should be
+ specified if the user identifier does not meet the
+ constraints of the previous paragraph. Sending an
+ encrypted audit token, or returning other non-userid
+ information about a user (such as the real name and
+ phone number of a user from a UNIX passwd file) are
+St. Johns [Page 3]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ both examples of when "OTHER" should be used.
+ Returned user identifiers are expected to be printable
+ in the character set indicated.
+ The identifier is an unformatted octet string - - all
+ octets are permissible EXCEPT octal 000 (NUL), 012 (LF)
+ and 015 (CR). N.B. - space characters (040) following the
+ colon separator ARE part of the identifier string and
+ may not be ignored. A response string is still
+ terminated normally by a CR/LF. N.B. A string may be
+ printable, but is not *necessarily* printable.
+ For some reason the port owner could not be determined, <add-info>
+ tells why. The following are the permitted values of <add-info> and
+ their meanings:
+ Either the local or foreign port was improperly
+ specified. This should be returned if either or
+ both of the port ids were out of range (TCP port
+ numbers are from 1-65535), negative integers, reals or
+ in any fashion not recognized as a non-negative
+ integer.
+ The connection specified by the port pair is not
+ currently in use or currently not owned by an
+ identifiable entity.
+ The server was able to identify the user of this
+ port, but the information was not returned at the
+ request of the user.
+ Can't determine connection owner; reason unknown.
+ Any error not covered above should return this
+ error code value. Optionally, this code MAY be
+ returned in lieu of any other specific error code
+ if, for example, the server desires to hide
+ information implied by the return of that error
+St. Johns [Page 4]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ code, or for any other reason. If a server
+ implements such a feature, it MUST be configurable
+ and it MUST default to returning the proper error
+ message.
+ Other values may eventually be specified and defined in future
+ revisions to this document. If an implementer has a need to specify
+ a non-standard error code, that code must begin with "X".
+ In addition, the server is allowed to drop the query connection
+ without responding. Any premature close (i.e., one where the client
+ does not receive the EOL, whether graceful or an abort should be
+ considered to have the same meaning as "ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR".
+ <request> ::= <port-pair> <EOL>
+ <port-pair> ::= <integer> "," <integer>
+ <reply> ::= <reply-text> <EOL>
+ <EOL> ::= "015 012" ; CR-LF End of Line Indicator
+ <reply-text> ::= <error-reply> | <ident-reply>
+ <error-reply> ::= <port-pair> ":" "ERROR" ":" <error-type>
+ <ident-reply> ::= <port-pair> ":" "USERID" ":" <opsys-field>
+ ":" <user-id>
+ <error-type> ::= "INVALID-PORT" | "NO-USER" | "UNKNOWN-ERROR"
+ | "HIDDEN-USER" | <error-token>
+ <opsys-field> ::= <opsys> [ "," <charset>]
+ <opsys> ::= "OTHER" | "UNIX" | <token> ...etc.
+ ; (See "Assigned Numbers")
+ <charset> ::= "US-ASCII" | ...etc.
+ ; (See "Assigned Numbers")
+ <user-id> ::= <octet-string>
+ <token> ::= 1*64<token-characters> ; 1-64 characters
+ <error-token> ::= "X"1*63<token-characters>
+ ; 2-64 chars beginning w/X
+St. Johns [Page 5]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ <integer> ::= 1*5<digit> ; 1-5 digits.
+ <digit> ::= "0" | "1" ... "8" | "9" ; 0-9
+ <token-characters> ::=
+ <Any of these ASCII characters: a-z, A-Z,
+ - (dash), .!@#$%^&*()_=+.,<>/?"'~`{}[]; >
+ ; upper and lowercase a-z plus
+ ; printables minus the colon ":"
+ ; character.
+ <octet-string> ::= 1*512<octet-characters>
+ <octet-characters> ::=
+ <any octet from 00 to 377 (octal) except for
+ ASCII NUL (000), CR (015) and LF (012)>
+Notes on Syntax:
+ 1) To promote interoperability among variant
+ implementations, with respect to white space the above
+ syntax is understood to embody the "be conservative in
+ what you send and be liberal in what you accept"
+ philosophy. Clients and servers should not generate
+ unnecessary white space (space and tab characters) but
+ should accept white space anywhere except within a
+ token. In parsing responses, white space may occur
+ anywhere, except within a token. Specifically, any
+ amount of white space is permitted at the beginning or
+ end of a line both for queries and responses. This
+ does not apply for responses that contain a user ID
+ because everything after the colon after the operating
+ system type until the terminating CR/LF is taken as
+ part of the user ID. The terminating CR/LF is NOT
+ considered part of the user ID.
+ 2) The above notwithstanding, servers should restrict the
+ amount of inter-token white space they send to the
+ smallest amount reasonable or useful. Clients should
+ feel free to abort a connection if they receive 1000
+ characters without receiving an <EOL>.
+ 3) The 512 character limit on user IDs and the 64
+ character limit on tokens should be understood to mean
+ as follows: a) No new token (i.e., OPSYS or ERROR-TYPE)
+ token will be defined that has a length greater than 64
+ and b) a server SHOULD NOT send more than 512 octets of
+ user ID and a client MUST accept at least 512 octets of
+St. Johns [Page 6]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ user ID. Because of this limitation, a server MUST
+ return the most significant portion of the user ID in
+ the first 512 octets.
+ 4) The character sets and character set identifiers should
+ map directly to those defined in or referenced by RFC 1340,
+ "Assigned Numbers" or its successors. Character set
+ identifiers only apply to the user identification field
+ - all other fields will be defined in and must be sent
+ as US-ASCII.
+ 5) Although <user-id> is defined as an <octet-string>
+ above, it must follow the format and character set
+ constraints implied by the <opsys-field>; see the
+ discussion above.
+ 6) The character set provides context for the client to
+ print or store the returned user identification string.
+ If the client does not recognize or implement the
+ returned character set, it should handle the returned
+ identification string as OCTET, but should in addition
+ store or report the character set. An OCTET string
+ should be printed, stored or handled in hex notation
+ (0-9a-f) in addition to any other representation the
+ client implements - this provides a standard
+ representation among differing implementations.
+6. Security Considerations
+ The information returned by this protocol is at most as trustworthy
+ as the host providing it OR the organization operating the host. For
+ example, a PC in an open lab has few if any controls on it to prevent
+ a user from having this protocol return any identifier the user
+ wants. Likewise, if the host has been compromised the information
+ returned may be completely erroneous and misleading.
+ The Identification Protocol is not intended as an authorization or
+ access control protocol. At best, it provides some additional
+ auditing information with respect to TCP connections. At worst, it
+ can provide misleading, incorrect, or maliciously incorrect
+ information.
+ The use of the information returned by this protocol for other than
+ auditing is strongly discouraged. Specifically, using Identification
+ Protocol information to make access control decisions - either as the
+ primary method (i.e., no other checks) or as an adjunct to other
+ methods may result in a weakening of normal host security.
+St. Johns [Page 7]
+RFC 1413 Identification Protocol February 1993
+ An Identification server may reveal information about users,
+ entities, objects or processes which might normally be considered
+ private. An Identification server provides service which is a rough
+ analog of the CallerID services provided by some phone companies and
+ many of the same privacy considerations and arguments that apply to
+ the CallerID service apply to Identification. If you wouldn't run a
+ "finger" server due to privacy considerations you may not want to run
+ this protocol.
+ Acknowledgement is given to Dan Bernstein who is primarily
+ responsible for renewing interest in this protocol and for pointing
+ out some annoying errors in RFC 931.
+ [1] St. Johns, M., "Authentication Server", RFC 931, TPSC, January
+ 1985.
+ [2] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC 1340,
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute, July 1992.
+Author's Address
+ Michael C. St. Johns
+ 3701 N. Fairfax Dr
+ Arlington, VA 22203
+ Phone: (703) 696-2271
+ EMail: stjohns@DARPA.MIL
+St. Johns [Page 8]
+ \ No newline at end of file
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+Network Working Group J. Oikarinen
+Request for Comments: 1459 D. Reed
+ May 1993
+ Internet Relay Chat Protocol
+Status of This Memo
+ This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
+ community. Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
+ Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
+ Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
+ Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+ The IRC protocol was developed over the last 4 years since it was
+ first implemented as a means for users on a BBS to chat amongst
+ themselves. Now it supports a world-wide network of servers and
+ clients, and is stringing to cope with growth. Over the past 2 years,
+ the average number of users connected to the main IRC network has
+ grown by a factor of 10.
+ The IRC protocol is a text-based protocol, with the simplest client
+ being any socket program capable of connecting to the server.
+Table of Contents
+ 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................... 4
+ 1.1 Servers ................................................ 4
+ 1.2 Clients ................................................ 5
+ 1.2.1 Operators .......................................... 5
+ 1.3 Channels ................................................ 5
+ 1.3.1 Channel Operators .................................... 6
+ 2. THE IRC SPECIFICATION ....................................... 7
+ 2.1 Overview ................................................ 7
+ 2.2 Character codes ......................................... 7
+ 2.3 Messages ................................................ 7
+ 2.3.1 Message format in 'pseudo' BNF .................... 8
+ 2.4 Numeric replies ......................................... 10
+ 3. IRC Concepts ................................................ 10
+ 3.1 One-to-one communication ................................ 10
+ 3.2 One-to-many ............................................. 11
+ 3.2.1 To a list .......................................... 11
+ 3.2.2 To a group (channel) ............................... 11
+ 3.2.3 To a host/server mask .............................. 12
+ 3.3 One to all .............................................. 12
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 1]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ 3.3.1 Client to Client ................................... 12
+ 3.3.2 Clients to Server .................................. 12
+ 3.3.3 Server to Server ................................... 12
+ 4. MESSAGE DETAILS ............................................. 13
+ 4.1 Connection Registration ................................. 13
+ 4.1.1 Password message ................................... 14
+ 4.1.2 Nickname message ................................... 14
+ 4.1.3 User message ....................................... 15
+ 4.1.4 Server message ..................................... 16
+ 4.1.5 Operator message ................................... 17
+ 4.1.6 Quit message ....................................... 17
+ 4.1.7 Server Quit message ................................ 18
+ 4.2 Channel operations ...................................... 19
+ 4.2.1 Join message ....................................... 19
+ 4.2.2 Part message ....................................... 20
+ 4.2.3 Mode message ....................................... 21
+ Channel modes ................................. 21
+ User modes .................................... 22
+ 4.2.4 Topic message ...................................... 23
+ 4.2.5 Names message ...................................... 24
+ 4.2.6 List message ....................................... 24
+ 4.2.7 Invite message ..................................... 25
+ 4.2.8 Kick message ....................................... 25
+ 4.3 Server queries and commands ............................. 26
+ 4.3.1 Version message .................................... 26
+ 4.3.2 Stats message ...................................... 27
+ 4.3.3 Links message ...................................... 28
+ 4.3.4 Time message ....................................... 29
+ 4.3.5 Connect message .................................... 29
+ 4.3.6 Trace message ...................................... 30
+ 4.3.7 Admin message ...................................... 31
+ 4.3.8 Info message ....................................... 31
+ 4.4 Sending messages ........................................ 32
+ 4.4.1 Private messages ................................... 32
+ 4.4.2 Notice messages .................................... 33
+ 4.5 User-based queries ...................................... 33
+ 4.5.1 Who query .......................................... 33
+ 4.5.2 Whois query ........................................ 34
+ 4.5.3 Whowas message ..................................... 35
+ 4.6 Miscellaneous messages .................................. 35
+ 4.6.1 Kill message ....................................... 36
+ 4.6.2 Ping message ....................................... 37
+ 4.6.3 Pong message ....................................... 37
+ 4.6.4 Error message ...................................... 38
+ 5. OPTIONAL MESSAGES ........................................... 38
+ 5.1 Away message ............................................ 38
+ 5.2 Rehash command .......................................... 39
+ 5.3 Restart command ......................................... 39
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 2]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ 5.4 Summon message .......................................... 40
+ 5.5 Users message ........................................... 40
+ 5.6 Operwall command ........................................ 41
+ 5.7 Userhost message ........................................ 42
+ 5.8 Ison message ............................................ 42
+ 6. REPLIES ..................................................... 43
+ 6.1 Error Replies ........................................... 43
+ 6.2 Command responses ....................................... 48
+ 6.3 Reserved numerics ....................................... 56
+ 7. Client and server authentication ............................ 56
+ 8. Current Implementations Details ............................. 56
+ 8.1 Network protocol: TCP ................................... 57
+ 8.1.1 Support of Unix sockets ............................ 57
+ 8.2 Command Parsing ......................................... 57
+ 8.3 Message delivery ........................................ 57
+ 8.4 Connection 'Liveness' ................................... 58
+ 8.5 Establishing a server-client connection ................. 58
+ 8.6 Establishing a server-server connection ................. 58
+ 8.6.1 State information exchange when connecting ......... 59
+ 8.7 Terminating server-client connections ................... 59
+ 8.8 Terminating server-server connections ................... 59
+ 8.9 Tracking nickname changes ............................... 60
+ 8.10 Flood control of clients ............................... 60
+ 8.11 Non-blocking lookups ................................... 61
+ 8.11.1 Hostname (DNS) lookups ............................ 61
+ 8.11.2 Username (Ident) lookups .......................... 61
+ 8.12 Configuration file ..................................... 61
+ 8.12.1 Allowing clients to connect ....................... 62
+ 8.12.2 Operators ......................................... 62
+ 8.12.3 Allowing servers to connect ....................... 62
+ 8.12.4 Administrivia ..................................... 63
+ 8.13 Channel membership ..................................... 63
+ 9. Current problems ............................................ 63
+ 9.1 Scalability ............................................. 63
+ 9.2 Labels .................................................. 63
+ 9.2.1 Nicknames .......................................... 63
+ 9.2.2 Channels ........................................... 64
+ 9.2.3 Servers ............................................ 64
+ 9.3 Algorithms .............................................. 64
+ 10. Support and availability ................................... 64
+ 11. Security Considerations .................................... 65
+ 12. Authors' Addresses ......................................... 65
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 3]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ The IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol has been designed over a
+ number of years for use with text based conferencing. This document
+ describes the current IRC protocol.
+ The IRC protocol has been developed on systems using the TCP/IP
+ network protocol, although there is no requirement that this remain
+ the only sphere in which it operates.
+ IRC itself is a teleconferencing system, which (through the use of
+ the client-server model) is well-suited to running on many machines
+ in a distributed fashion. A typical setup involves a single process
+ (the server) forming a central point for clients (or other servers)
+ to connect to, performing the required message delivery/multiplexing
+ and other functions.
+1.1 Servers
+ The server forms the backbone of IRC, providing a point to which
+ clients may connect to to talk to each other, and a point for other
+ servers to connect to, forming an IRC network. The only network
+ configuration allowed for IRC servers is that of a spanning tree [see
+ Fig. 1] where each server acts as a central node for the rest of the
+ net it sees.
+ [ Server 15 ] [ Server 13 ] [ Server 14]
+ / \ /
+ / \ /
+ [ Server 11 ] ------ [ Server 1 ] [ Server 12]
+ / \ /
+ / \ /
+ [ Server 2 ] [ Server 3 ]
+ / \ \
+ / \ \
+ [ Server 4 ] [ Server 5 ] [ Server 6 ]
+ / | \ /
+ / | \ /
+ / | \____ /
+ / | \ /
+ [ Server 7 ] [ Server 8 ] [ Server 9 ] [ Server 10 ]
+ :
+ [ etc. ]
+ :
+ [ Fig. 1. Format of IRC server network ]
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 4]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+1.2 Clients
+ A client is anything connecting to a server that is not another
+ server. Each client is distinguished from other clients by a unique
+ nickname having a maximum length of nine (9) characters. See the
+ protocol grammar rules for what may and may not be used in a
+ nickname. In addition to the nickname, all servers must have the
+ following information about all clients: the real name of the host
+ that the client is running on, the username of the client on that
+ host, and the server to which the client is connected.
+1.2.1 Operators
+ To allow a reasonable amount of order to be kept within the IRC
+ network, a special class of clients (operators) is allowed to perform
+ general maintenance functions on the network. Although the powers
+ granted to an operator can be considered as 'dangerous', they are
+ nonetheless required. Operators should be able to perform basic
+ network tasks such as disconnecting and reconnecting servers as
+ needed to prevent long-term use of bad network routing. In
+ recognition of this need, the protocol discussed herein provides for
+ operators only to be able to perform such functions. See sections
+ 4.1.7 (SQUIT) and 4.3.5 (CONNECT).
+ A more controversial power of operators is the ability to remove a
+ user from the connected network by 'force', i.e. operators are able
+ to close the connection between any client and server. The
+ justification for this is delicate since its abuse is both
+ destructive and annoying. For further details on this type of
+ action, see section 4.6.1 (KILL).
+1.3 Channels
+ A channel is a named group of one or more clients which will all
+ receive messages addressed to that channel. The channel is created
+ implicitly when the first client joins it, and the channel ceases to
+ exist when the last client leaves it. While channel exists, any
+ client can reference the channel using the name of the channel.
+ Channels names are strings (beginning with a '&' or '#' character) of
+ length up to 200 characters. Apart from the the requirement that the
+ first character being either '&' or '#'; the only restriction on a
+ channel name is that it may not contain any spaces (' '), a control G
+ (^G or ASCII 7), or a comma (',' which is used as a list item
+ separator by the protocol).
+ There are two types of channels allowed by this protocol. One is a
+ distributed channel which is known to all the servers that are
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 5]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ connected to the network. These channels are marked by the first
+ character being a only clients on the server where it exists may join
+ it. These are distinguished by a leading '&' character. On top of
+ these two types, there are the various channel modes available to
+ alter the characteristics of individual channels. See section 4.2.3
+ (MODE command) for more details on this.
+ To create a new channel or become part of an existing channel, a user
+ is required to JOIN the channel. If the channel doesn't exist prior
+ to joining, the channel is created and the creating user becomes a
+ channel operator. If the channel already exists, whether or not your
+ request to JOIN that channel is honoured depends on the current modes
+ of the channel. For example, if the channel is invite-only, (+i),
+ then you may only join if invited. As part of the protocol, a user
+ may be a part of several channels at once, but a limit of ten (10)
+ channels is recommended as being ample for both experienced and
+ novice users. See section 8.13 for more information on this.
+ If the IRC network becomes disjoint because of a split between two
+ servers, the channel on each side is only composed of those clients
+ which are connected to servers on the respective sides of the split,
+ possibly ceasing to exist on one side of the split. When the split
+ is healed, the connecting servers announce to each other who they
+ think is in each channel and the mode of that channel. If the
+ channel exists on both sides, the JOINs and MODEs are interpreted in
+ an inclusive manner so that both sides of the new connection will
+ agree about which clients are in the channel and what modes the
+ channel has.
+1.3.1 Channel Operators
+ The channel operator (also referred to as a "chop" or "chanop") on a
+ given channel is considered to 'own' that channel. In recognition of
+ this status, channel operators are endowed with certain powers which
+ enable them to keep control and some sort of sanity in their channel.
+ As an owner of a channel, a channel operator is not required to have
+ reasons for their actions, although if their actions are generally
+ antisocial or otherwise abusive, it might be reasonable to ask an IRC
+ operator to intervene, or for the usersjust leave and go elsewhere
+ and form their own channel.
+ The commands which may only be used by channel operators are:
+ KICK - Eject a client from the channel
+ MODE - Change the channel's mode
+ INVITE - Invite a client to an invite-only channel (mode +i)
+ TOPIC - Change the channel topic in a mode +t channel
+Oikarinen & Reed [Page 6]
+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ A channel operator is identified by the '@' symbol next to their
+ nickname whenever it is associated with a channel (ie replies to the
+ NAMES, WHO and WHOIS commands).
+2. The IRC Specification
+2.1 Overview
+ The protocol as described herein is for use both with server to
+ server and client to server connections. There are, however, more
+ restrictions on client connections (which are considered to be
+ untrustworthy) than on server connections.
+2.2 Character codes
+ No specific character set is specified. The protocol is based on a a
+ set of codes which are composed of eight (8) bits, making up an
+ octet. Each message may be composed of any number of these octets;
+ however, some octet values are used for control codes which act as
+ message delimiters.
+ Regardless of being an 8-bit protocol, the delimiters and keywords
+ are such that protocol is mostly usable from USASCII terminal and a
+ telnet connection.
+ Because of IRC's scandanavian origin, the characters {}| are
+ considered to be the lower case equivalents of the characters []\,
+ respectively. This is a critical issue when determining the
+ equivalence of two nicknames.
+2.3 Messages
+ Servers and clients send eachother messages which may or may not
+ generate a reply. If the message contains a valid command, as
+ described in later sections, the client should expect a reply as
+ specified but it is not advised to wait forever for the reply; client
+ to server and server to server communication is essentially
+ asynchronous in nature.
+ Each IRC message may consist of up to three main parts: the prefix
+ (optional), the command, and the command parameters (of which there
+ may be up to 15). The prefix, command, and all parameters are
+ separated by one (or more) ASCII space character(s) (0x20).
+ The presence of a prefix is indicated with a single leading ASCII
+ colon character (':', 0x3b), which must be the first character of the
+ message itself. There must be no gap (whitespace) between the colon
+ and the prefix. The prefix is used by servers to indicate the true
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ origin of the message. If the prefix is missing from the message, it
+ is assumed to have originated from the connection from which it was
+ received. Clients should not use prefix when sending a message from
+ themselves; if they use a prefix, the only valid prefix is the
+ registered nickname associated with the client. If the source
+ identified by the prefix cannot be found from the server's internal
+ database, or if the source is registered from a different link than
+ from which the message arrived, the server must ignore the message
+ silently.
+ The command must either be a valid IRC command or a three (3) digit
+ number represented in ASCII text.
+ IRC messages are always lines of characters terminated with a CR-LF
+ (Carriage Return - Line Feed) pair, and these messages shall not
+ exceed 512 characters in length, counting all characters including
+ the trailing CR-LF. Thus, there are 510 characters maximum allowed
+ for the command and its parameters. There is no provision for
+ continuation message lines. See section 7 for more details about
+ current implementations.
+2.3.1 Message format in 'pseudo' BNF
+ The protocol messages must be extracted from the contiguous stream of
+ octets. The current solution is to designate two characters, CR and
+ LF, as message separators. Empty messages are silently ignored,
+ which permits use of the sequence CR-LF between messages
+ without extra problems.
+ The extracted message is parsed into the components <prefix>,
+ <command> and list of parameters matched either by <middle> or
+ <trailing> components.
+ The BNF representation for this is:
+<message> ::= [':' <prefix> <SPACE> ] <command> <params> <crlf>
+<prefix> ::= <servername> | <nick> [ '!' <user> ] [ '@' <host> ]
+<command> ::= <letter> { <letter> } | <number> <number> <number>
+<SPACE> ::= ' ' { ' ' }
+<params> ::= <SPACE> [ ':' <trailing> | <middle> <params> ]
+<middle> ::= <Any *non-empty* sequence of octets not including SPACE
+ or NUL or CR or LF, the first of which may not be ':'>
+<trailing> ::= <Any, possibly *empty*, sequence of octets not including
+ NUL or CR or LF>
+<crlf> ::= CR LF
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+ 1) <SPACE> is consists only of SPACE character(s) (0x20).
+ Specially notice that TABULATION, and all other control
+ characters are considered NON-WHITE-SPACE.
+ 2) After extracting the parameter list, all parameters are equal,
+ whether matched by <middle> or <trailing>. <Trailing> is just
+ a syntactic trick to allow SPACE within parameter.
+ 3) The fact that CR and LF cannot appear in parameter strings is
+ just artifact of the message framing. This might change later.
+ 4) The NUL character is not special in message framing, and
+ basically could end up inside a parameter, but as it would
+ cause extra complexities in normal C string handling. Therefore
+ NUL is not allowed within messages.
+ 5) The last parameter may be an empty string.
+ 6) Use of the extended prefix (['!' <user> ] ['@' <host> ]) must
+ not be used in server to server communications and is only
+ intended for server to client messages in order to provide
+ clients with more useful information about who a message is
+ from without the need for additional queries.
+ Most protocol messages specify additional semantics and syntax for
+ the extracted parameter strings dictated by their position in the
+ list. For example, many server commands will assume that the first
+ parameter after the command is the list of targets, which can be
+ described with:
+ <target> ::= <to> [ "," <target> ]
+ <to> ::= <channel> | <user> '@' <servername> | <nick> | <mask>
+ <channel> ::= ('#' | '&') <chstring>
+ <servername> ::= <host>
+ <host> ::= see RFC 952 [DNS:4] for details on allowed hostnames
+ <nick> ::= <letter> { <letter> | <number> | <special> }
+ <mask> ::= ('#' | '$') <chstring>
+ <chstring> ::= <any 8bit code except SPACE, BELL, NUL, CR, LF and
+ comma (',')>
+ Other parameter syntaxes are:
+ <user> ::= <nonwhite> { <nonwhite> }
+ <letter> ::= 'a' ... 'z' | 'A' ... 'Z'
+ <number> ::= '0' ... '9'
+ <special> ::= '-' | '[' | ']' | '\' | '`' | '^' | '{' | '}'
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+ <nonwhite> ::= <any 8bit code except SPACE (0x20), NUL (0x0), CR
+ (0xd), and LF (0xa)>
+2.4 Numeric replies
+ Most of the messages sent to the server generate a reply of some
+ sort. The most common reply is the numeric reply, used for both
+ errors and normal replies. The numeric reply must be sent as one
+ message consisting of the sender prefix, the three digit numeric, and
+ the target of the reply. A numeric reply is not allowed to originate
+ from a client; any such messages received by a server are silently
+ dropped. In all other respects, a numeric reply is just like a normal
+ message, except that the keyword is made up of 3 numeric digits
+ rather than a string of letters. A list of different replies is
+ supplied in section 6.
+3. IRC Concepts.
+ This section is devoted to describing the actual concepts behind the
+ organization of the IRC protocol and how the current
+ implementations deliver different classes of messages.
+ 1--\
+ A D---4
+ 2--/ \ /
+ B----C
+ / \
+ 3 E
+ Servers: A, B, C, D, E Clients: 1, 2, 3, 4
+ [ Fig. 2. Sample small IRC network ]
+3.1 One-to-one communication
+ Communication on a one-to-one basis is usually only performed by
+ clients, since most server-server traffic is not a result of servers
+ talking only to each other. To provide a secure means for clients to
+ talk to each other, it is required that all servers be able to send a
+ message in exactly one direction along the spanning tree in order to
+ reach any client. The path of a message being delivered is the
+ shortest path between any two points on the spanning tree.
+ The following examples all refer to Figure 2 above.
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+Example 1:
+ A message between clients 1 and 2 is only seen by server A, which
+ sends it straight to client 2.
+Example 2:
+ A message between clients 1 and 3 is seen by servers A & B, and
+ client 3. No other clients or servers are allowed see the message.
+Example 3:
+ A message between clients 2 and 4 is seen by servers A, B, C & D
+ and client 4 only.
+3.2 One-to-many
+ The main goal of IRC is to provide a forum which allows easy and
+ efficient conferencing (one to many conversations). IRC offers
+ several means to achieve this, each serving its own purpose.
+3.2.1 To a list
+ The least efficient style of one-to-many conversation is through
+ clients talking to a 'list' of users. How this is done is almost
+ self explanatory: the client gives a list of destinations to which
+ the message is to be delivered and the server breaks it up and
+ dispatches a separate copy of the message to each given destination.
+ This isn't as efficient as using a group since the destination list
+ is broken up and the dispatch sent without checking to make sure
+ duplicates aren't sent down each path.
+3.2.2 To a group (channel)
+ In IRC the channel has a role equivalent to that of the multicast
+ group; their existence is dynamic (coming and going as people join
+ and leave channels) and the actual conversation carried out on a
+ channel is only sent to servers which are supporting users on a given
+ channel. If there are multiple users on a server in the same
+ channel, the message text is sent only once to that server and then
+ sent to each client on the channel. This action is then repeated for
+ each client-server combination until the original message has fanned
+ out and reached each member of the channel.
+ The following examples all refer to Figure 2.
+Example 4:
+ Any channel with 1 client in it. Messages to the channel go to the
+ server and then nowhere else.
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+Example 5:
+ 2 clients in a channel. All messages traverse a path as if they
+ were private messages between the two clients outside a channel.
+Example 6:
+ Clients 1, 2 and 3 in a channel. All messages to the channel are
+ sent to all clients and only those servers which must be traversed
+ by the message if it were a private message to a single client. If
+ client 1 sends a message, it goes back to client 2 and then via
+ server B to client 3.
+3.2.3 To a host/server mask
+ To provide IRC operators with some mechanism to send messages to a
+ large body of related users, host and server mask messages are
+ provided. These messages are sent to users whose host or server
+ information match that of the mask. The messages are only sent to
+ locations where users are, in a fashion similar to that of channels.
+3.3 One-to-all
+ The one-to-all type of message is better described as a broadcast
+ message, sent to all clients or servers or both. On a large network
+ of users and servers, a single message can result in a lot of traffic
+ being sent over the network in an effort to reach all of the desired
+ destinations.
+ For some messages, there is no option but to broadcast it to all
+ servers so that the state information held by each server is
+ reasonably consistent between servers.
+3.3.1 Client-to-Client
+ There is no class of message which, from a single message, results in
+ a message being sent to every other client.
+3.3.2 Client-to-Server
+ Most of the commands which result in a change of state information
+ (such as channel membership, channel mode, user status, etc) must be
+ sent to all servers by default, and this distribution may not be
+ changed by the client.
+3.3.3 Server-to-Server.
+ While most messages between servers are distributed to all 'other'
+ servers, this is only required for any message that affects either a
+ user, channel or server. Since these are the basic items found in
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+ IRC, nearly all messages originating from a server are broadcast to
+ all other connected servers.
+4. Message details
+ On the following pages are descriptions of each message recognized by
+ the IRC server and client. All commands described in this section
+ must be implemented by any server for this protocol.
+ Where the reply ERR_NOSUCHSERVER is listed, it means that the
+ <server> parameter could not be found. The server must not send any
+ other replies after this for that command.
+ The server to which a client is connected is required to parse the
+ complete message, returning any appropriate errors. If the server
+ encounters a fatal error while parsing a message, an error must be
+ sent back to the client and the parsing terminated. A fatal error
+ may be considered to be incorrect command, a destination which is
+ otherwise unknown to the server (server, nick or channel names fit
+ this category), not enough parameters or incorrect privileges.
+ If a full set of parameters is presented, then each must be checked
+ for validity and appropriate responses sent back to the client. In
+ the case of messages which use parameter lists using the comma as an
+ item separator, a reply must be sent for each item.
+ In the examples below, some messages appear using the full format:
+ :Name COMMAND parameter list
+ Such examples represent a message from "Name" in transit between
+ servers, where it is essential to include the name of the original
+ sender of the message so remote servers may send back a reply along
+ the correct path.
+4.1 Connection Registration
+ The commands described here are used to register a connection with an
+ IRC server as either a user or a server as well as correctly
+ disconnect.
+ A "PASS" command is not required for either client or server
+ connection to be registered, but it must precede the server message
+ or the latter of the NICK/USER combination. It is strongly
+ recommended that all server connections have a password in order to
+ give some level of security to the actual connections. The
+ recommended order for a client to register is as follows:
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ 1. Pass message
+ 2. Nick message
+ 3. User message
+4.1.1 Password message
+ Command: PASS
+ Parameters: <password>
+ The PASS command is used to set a 'connection password'. The
+ password can and must be set before any attempt to register the
+ connection is made. Currently this requires that clients send a PASS
+ command before sending the NICK/USER combination and servers *must*
+ send a PASS command before any SERVER command. The password supplied
+ must match the one contained in the C/N lines (for servers) or I
+ lines (for clients). It is possible to send multiple PASS commands
+ before registering but only the last one sent is used for
+ verification and it may not be changed once registered. Numeric
+ Replies:
+ Example:
+ PASS secretpasswordhere
+4.1.2 Nick message
+ Command: NICK
+ Parameters: <nickname> [ <hopcount> ]
+ NICK message is used to give user a nickname or change the previous
+ one. The <hopcount> parameter is only used by servers to indicate
+ how far away a nick is from its home server. A local connection has
+ a hopcount of 0. If supplied by a client, it must be ignored.
+ If a NICK message arrives at a server which already knows about an
+ identical nickname for another client, a nickname collision occurs.
+ As a result of a nickname collision, all instances of the nickname
+ are removed from the server's database, and a KILL command is issued
+ to remove the nickname from all other server's database. If the NICK
+ message causing the collision was a nickname change, then the
+ original (old) nick must be removed as well.
+ If the server recieves an identical NICK from a client which is
+ directly connected, it may issue an ERR_NICKCOLLISION to the local
+ client, drop the NICK command, and not generate any kills.
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+ Numeric Replies:
+ Example:
+ NICK Wiz ; Introducing new nick "Wiz".
+ :WiZ NICK Kilroy ; WiZ changed his nickname to Kilroy.
+4.1.3 User message
+ Command: USER
+ Parameters: <username> <hostname> <servername> <realname>
+ The USER message is used at the beginning of connection to specify
+ the username, hostname, servername and realname of s new user. It is
+ also used in communication between servers to indicate new user
+ arriving on IRC, since only after both USER and NICK have been
+ received from a client does a user become registered.
+ Between servers USER must to be prefixed with client's NICKname.
+ Note that hostname and servername are normally ignored by the IRC
+ server when the USER command comes from a directly connected client
+ (for security reasons), but they are used in server to server
+ communication. This means that a NICK must always be sent to a
+ remote server when a new user is being introduced to the rest of the
+ network before the accompanying USER is sent.
+ It must be noted that realname parameter must be the last parameter,
+ because it may contain space characters and must be prefixed with a
+ colon (':') to make sure this is recognised as such.
+ Since it is easy for a client to lie about its username by relying
+ solely on the USER message, the use of an "Identity Server" is
+ recommended. If the host which a user connects from has such a
+ server enabled the username is set to that as in the reply from the
+ "Identity Server".
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ USER guest tolmoon tolsun :Ronnie Reagan
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+ ; User registering themselves with a
+ username of "guest" and real name
+ "Ronnie Reagan".
+ :testnick USER guest tolmoon tolsun :Ronnie Reagan
+ ; message between servers with the
+ nickname for which the USER command
+ belongs to
+4.1.4 Server message
+ Command: SERVER
+ Parameters: <servername> <hopcount> <info>
+ The server message is used to tell a server that the other end of a
+ new connection is a server. This message is also used to pass server
+ data over whole net. When a new server is connected to net,
+ information about it be broadcast to the whole network. <hopcount>
+ is used to give all servers some internal information on how far away
+ all servers are. With a full server list, it would be possible to
+ construct a map of the entire server tree, but hostmasks prevent this
+ from being done.
+ The SERVER message must only be accepted from either (a) a connection
+ which is yet to be registered and is attempting to register as a
+ server, or (b) an existing connection to another server, in which
+ case the SERVER message is introducing a new server behind that
+ server.
+ Most errors that occur with the receipt of a SERVER command result in
+ the connection being terminated by the destination host (target
+ SERVER). Error replies are usually sent using the "ERROR" command
+ rather than the numeric since the ERROR command has several useful
+ properties which make it useful here.
+ If a SERVER message is parsed and attempts to introduce a server
+ which is already known to the receiving server, the connection from
+ which that message must be closed (following the correct procedures),
+ since a duplicate route to a server has formed and the acyclic nature
+ of the IRC tree broken.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Example:
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+SERVER 1 :[] Experimental server
+ ; New server introducing
+ itself and attempting to register. The
+ name in []'s is the hostname for the
+ host running
+ SERVER 5 :BU Central Server
+ ; Server is our uplink
+ for which is 5 hops away.
+4.1.5 Oper
+ Command: OPER
+ Parameters: <user> <password>
+ OPER message is used by a normal user to obtain operator privileges.
+ The combination of <user> and <password> are required to gain
+ Operator privileges.
+ If the client sending the OPER command supplies the correct password
+ for the given user, the server then informs the rest of the network
+ of the new operator by issuing a "MODE +o" for the clients nickname.
+ The OPER message is client-server only.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Example:
+ OPER foo bar ; Attempt to register as an operator
+ using a username of "foo" and "bar" as
+ the password.
+4.1.6 Quit
+ Command: QUIT
+ Parameters: [<Quit message>]
+ A client session is ended with a quit message. The server must close
+ the connection to a client which sends a QUIT message. If a "Quit
+ Message" is given, this will be sent instead of the default message,
+ the nickname.
+ When netsplits (disconnecting of two servers) occur, the quit message
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+ is composed of the names of two servers involved, separated by a
+ space. The first name is that of the server which is still connected
+ and the second name is that of the server that has become
+ disconnected.
+ If, for some other reason, a client connection is closed without the
+ client issuing a QUIT command (e.g. client dies and EOF occurs
+ on socket), the server is required to fill in the quit message with
+ some sort of message reflecting the nature of the event which
+ caused it to happen.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ None.
+ Examples:
+ QUIT :Gone to have lunch ; Preferred message format.
+4.1.7 Server quit message
+ Command: SQUIT
+ Parameters: <server> <comment>
+ The SQUIT message is needed to tell about quitting or dead servers.
+ If a server wishes to break the connection to another server it must
+ send a SQUIT message to the other server, using the the name of the
+ other server as the server parameter, which then closes its
+ connection to the quitting server.
+ This command is also available operators to help keep a network of
+ IRC servers connected in an orderly fashion. Operators may also
+ issue an SQUIT message for a remote server connection. In this case,
+ the SQUIT must be parsed by each server inbetween the operator and
+ the remote server, updating the view of the network held by each
+ server as explained below.
+ The <comment> should be supplied by all operators who execute a SQUIT
+ for a remote server (that is not connected to the server they are
+ currently on) so that other operators are aware for the reason of
+ this action. The <comment> is also filled in by servers which may
+ place an error or similar message here.
+ Both of the servers which are on either side of the connection being
+ closed are required to to send out a SQUIT message (to all its other
+ server connections) for all other servers which are considered to be
+ behind that link.
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+ Similarly, a QUIT message must be sent to the other connected servers
+ rest of the network on behalf of all clients behind that link. In
+ addition to this, all channel members of a channel which lost a
+ member due to the split must be sent a QUIT message.
+ If a server connection is terminated prematurely (e.g. the server on
+ the other end of the link died), the server which detects
+ this disconnection is required to inform the rest of the network
+ that the connection has closed and fill in the comment field
+ with something appropriate.
+ Numeric replies:
+ Example:
+ SQUIT :Bad Link ? ; the server link has
+ been terminated because of "Bad Link".
+ :Trillian SQUIT :Server out of control
+ ; message from Trillian to disconnect
+ "" from the net
+ because "Server out of control".
+4.2 Channel operations
+ This group of messages is concerned with manipulating channels, their
+ properties (channel modes), and their contents (typically clients).
+ In implementing these, a number of race conditions are inevitable
+ when clients at opposing ends of a network send commands which will
+ ultimately clash. It is also required that servers keep a nickname
+ history to ensure that wherever a <nick> parameter is given, the
+ server check its history in case it has recently been changed.
+4.2.1 Join message
+ Command: JOIN
+ Parameters: <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]
+ The JOIN command is used by client to start listening a specific
+ channel. Whether or not a client is allowed to join a channel is
+ checked only by the server the client is connected to; all other
+ servers automatically add the user to the channel when it is received
+ from other servers. The conditions which affect this are as follows:
+ 1. the user must be invited if the channel is invite-only;
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ 2. the user's nick/username/hostname must not match any
+ active bans;
+ 3. the correct key (password) must be given if it is set.
+ These are discussed in more detail under the MODE command (see
+ section 4.2.3 for more details).
+ Once a user has joined a channel, they receive notice about all
+ commands their server receives which affect the channel. This
+ includes MODE, KICK, PART, QUIT and of course PRIVMSG/NOTICE. The
+ JOIN command needs to be broadcast to all servers so that each server
+ knows where to find the users who are on the channel. This allows
+ optimal delivery of PRIVMSG/NOTICE messages to the channel.
+ If a JOIN is successful, the user is then sent the channel's topic
+ (using RPL_TOPIC) and the list of users who are on the channel (using
+ RPL_NAMREPLY), which must include the user joining.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ JOIN #foobar ; join channel #foobar.
+ JOIN &foo fubar ; join channel &foo using key "fubar".
+ JOIN #foo,&bar fubar ; join channel #foo using key "fubar"
+ and &bar using no key.
+ JOIN #foo,#bar fubar,foobar ; join channel #foo using key "fubar".
+ and channel #bar using key "foobar".
+ JOIN #foo,#bar ; join channels #foo and #bar.
+ :WiZ JOIN #Twilight_zone ; JOIN message from WiZ
+4.2.2 Part message
+ Command: PART
+ Parameters: <channel>{,<channel>}
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+ The PART message causes the client sending the message to be removed
+ from the list of active users for all given channels listed in the
+ parameter string.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ PART #twilight_zone ; leave channel "#twilight_zone"
+ PART #oz-ops,&group5 ; leave both channels "&group5" and
+ "#oz-ops".
+4.2.3 Mode message
+ Command: MODE
+ The MODE command is a dual-purpose command in IRC. It allows both
+ usernames and channels to have their mode changed. The rationale for
+ this choice is that one day nicknames will be obsolete and the
+ equivalent property will be the channel.
+ When parsing MODE messages, it is recommended that the entire message
+ be parsed first and then the changes which resulted then passed on.
+ Channel modes
+ Parameters: <channel> {[+|-]|o|p|s|i|t|n|b|v} [<limit>] [<user>]
+ [<ban mask>]
+ The MODE command is provided so that channel operators may change the
+ characteristics of `their' channel. It is also required that servers
+ be able to change channel modes so that channel operators may be
+ created.
+ The various modes available for channels are as follows:
+ o - give/take channel operator privileges;
+ p - private channel flag;
+ s - secret channel flag;
+ i - invite-only channel flag;
+ t - topic settable by channel operator only flag;
+ n - no messages to channel from clients on the outside;
+ m - moderated channel;
+ l - set the user limit to channel;
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+ b - set a ban mask to keep users out;
+ v - give/take the ability to speak on a moderated channel;
+ k - set a channel key (password).
+ When using the 'o' and 'b' options, a restriction on a total of three
+ per mode command has been imposed. That is, any combination of 'o'
+ and
+ User modes
+ Parameters: <nickname> {[+|-]|i|w|s|o}
+ The user MODEs are typically changes which affect either how the
+ client is seen by others or what 'extra' messages the client is sent.
+ A user MODE command may only be accepted if both the sender of the
+ message and the nickname given as a parameter are both the same.
+ The available modes are as follows:
+ i - marks a users as invisible;
+ s - marks a user for receipt of server notices;
+ w - user receives wallops;
+ o - operator flag.
+ Additional modes may be available later on.
+ If a user attempts to make themselves an operator using the "+o"
+ flag, the attempt should be ignored. There is no restriction,
+ however, on anyone `deopping' themselves (using "-o"). Numeric
+ Replies:
+ Examples:
+ Use of Channel Modes:
+MODE #Finnish +im ; Makes #Finnish channel moderated and
+ 'invite-only'.
+MODE #Finnish +o Kilroy ; Gives 'chanop' privileges to Kilroy on
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+ channel #Finnish.
+MODE #Finnish +v Wiz ; Allow WiZ to speak on #Finnish.
+MODE #Fins -s ; Removes 'secret' flag from channel
+ #Fins.
+MODE #42 +k oulu ; Set the channel key to "oulu".
+MODE #eu-opers +l 10 ; Set the limit for the number of users
+ on channel to 10.
+MODE &oulu +b ; list ban masks set for channel.
+MODE &oulu +b *!*@* ; prevent all users from joining.
+MODE &oulu +b *!*@*.edu ; prevent any user from a hostname
+ matching *.edu from joining.
+ Use of user Modes:
+:MODE WiZ -w ; turns reception of WALLOPS messages
+ off for WiZ.
+:Angel MODE Angel +i ; Message from Angel to make themselves
+ invisible.
+MODE WiZ -o ; WiZ 'deopping' (removing operator
+ status). The plain reverse of this
+ command ("MODE WiZ +o") must not be
+ allowed from users since would bypass
+ the OPER command.
+4.2.4 Topic message
+ Command: TOPIC
+ Parameters: <channel> [<topic>]
+ The TOPIC message is used to change or view the topic of a channel.
+ The topic for channel <channel> is returned if there is no <topic>
+ given. If the <topic> parameter is present, the topic for that
+ channel will be changed, if the channel modes permit this action.
+ Numeric Replies:
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+ Examples:
+ :Wiz TOPIC #test :New topic ;User Wiz setting the topic.
+ TOPIC #test :another topic ;set the topic on #test to "another
+ topic".
+ TOPIC #test ; check the topic for #test.
+4.2.5 Names message
+ Command: NAMES
+ Parameters: [<channel>{,<channel>}]
+ By using the NAMES command, a user can list all nicknames that are
+ visible to them on any channel that they can see. Channel names
+ which they can see are those which aren't private (+p) or secret (+s)
+ or those which they are actually on. The <channel> parameter
+ specifies which channel(s) to return information about if valid.
+ There is no error reply for bad channel names.
+ If no <channel> parameter is given, a list of all channels and their
+ occupants is returned. At the end of this list, a list of users who
+ are visible but either not on any channel or not on a visible channel
+ are listed as being on `channel' "*".
+ Numerics:
+ Examples:
+ NAMES #twilight_zone,#42 ; list visible users on #twilight_zone
+ and #42 if the channels are visible to
+ you.
+ NAMES ; list all visible channels and users
+4.2.6 List message
+ Command: LIST
+ Parameters: [<channel>{,<channel>} [<server>]]
+ The list message is used to list channels and their topics. If the
+ <channel> parameter is used, only the status of that channel
+ is displayed. Private channels are listed (without their
+ topics) as channel "Prv" unless the client generating the query is
+ actually on that channel. Likewise, secret channels are not listed
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+ at all unless the client is a member of the channel in question.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ LIST ; List all channels.
+ LIST #twilight_zone,#42 ; List channels #twilight_zone and #42
+4.2.7 Invite message
+ Command: INVITE
+ Parameters: <nickname> <channel>
+ The INVITE message is used to invite users to a channel. The
+ parameter <nickname> is the nickname of the person to be invited to
+ the target channel <channel>. There is no requirement that the
+ channel the target user is being invited to must exist or be a valid
+ channel. To invite a user to a channel which is invite only (MODE
+ +i), the client sending the invite must be recognised as being a
+ channel operator on the given channel.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ :Angel INVITE Wiz #Dust ; User Angel inviting WiZ to channel
+ #Dust
+ INVITE Wiz #Twilight_Zone ; Command to invite WiZ to
+ #Twilight_zone
+4.2.8 Kick command
+ Command: KICK
+ Parameters: <channel> <user> [<comment>]
+ The KICK command can be used to forcibly remove a user from a
+ channel. It 'kicks them out' of the channel (forced PART).
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+ Only a channel operator may kick another user out of a channel.
+ Each server that receives a KICK message checks that it is valid
+ (ie the sender is actually a channel operator) before removing
+ the victim from the channel.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+KICK &Melbourne Matthew ; Kick Matthew from &Melbourne
+KICK #Finnish John :Speaking English
+ ; Kick John from #Finnish using
+ "Speaking English" as the reason
+ (comment).
+:WiZ KICK #Finnish John ; KICK message from WiZ to remove John
+ from channel #Finnish
+ It is possible to extend the KICK command parameters to the
+<channel>{,<channel>} <user>{,<user>} [<comment>]
+4.3 Server queries and commands
+ The server query group of commands has been designed to return
+ information about any server which is connected to the network. All
+ servers connected must respond to these queries and respond
+ correctly. Any invalid response (or lack thereof) must be considered
+ a sign of a broken server and it must be disconnected/disabled as
+ soon as possible until the situation is remedied.
+ In these queries, where a parameter appears as "<server>", it will
+ usually mean it can be a nickname or a server or a wildcard name of
+ some sort. For each parameter, however, only one query and set of
+ replies is to be generated.
+4.3.1 Version message
+ Command: VERSION
+ Parameters: [<server>]
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+ The VERSION message is used to query the version of the server
+ program. An optional parameter <server> is used to query the version
+ of the server program which a client is not directly connected to.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ :Wiz VERSION *.se ; message from Wiz to check the version
+ of a server matching "*.se"
+ VERSION ; check the version of server
+ "".
+4.3.2 Stats message
+ Command: STATS
+ Parameters: [<query> [<server>]]
+ The stats message is used to query statistics of certain server. If
+ <server> parameter is omitted, only the end of stats reply is sent
+ back. The implementation of this command is highly dependent on the
+ server which replies, although the server must be able to supply
+ information as described by the queries below (or similar).
+ A query may be given by any single letter which is only checked by
+ the destination server (if given as the <server> parameter) and is
+ otherwise passed on by intermediate servers, ignored and unaltered.
+ The following queries are those found in the current IRC
+ implementation and provide a large portion of the setup information
+ for that server. Although these may not be supported in the same way
+ by other versions, all servers should be able to supply a valid reply
+ to a STATS query which is consistent with the reply formats currently
+ used and the purpose of the query.
+ The currently supported queries are:
+ c - returns a list of servers which the server may connect
+ to or allow connections from;
+ h - returns a list of servers which are either forced to be
+ treated as leaves or allowed to act as hubs;
+ i - returns a list of hosts which the server allows a client
+ to connect from;
+ k - returns a list of banned username/hostname combinations
+ for that server;
+ l - returns a list of the server's connections, showing how
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+ long each connection has been established and the traffic
+ over that connection in bytes and messages for each
+ direction;
+ m - returns a list of commands supported by the server and
+ the usage count for each if the usage count is non zero;
+ o - returns a list of hosts from which normal clients may
+ become operators;
+ y - show Y (Class) lines from server's configuration file;
+ u - returns a string showing how long the server has been up.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+STATS m ; check the command usage for the server
+ you are connected to
+:Wiz STATS c ; request by WiZ for C/N line
+ information from server
+4.3.3 Links message
+ Command: LINKS
+ Parameters: [[<remote server>] <server mask>]
+ With LINKS, a user can list all servers which are known by the server
+ answering the query. The returned list of servers must match the
+ mask, or if no mask is given, the full list is returned.
+ If <remote server> is given in addition to <server mask>, the LINKS
+ command is forwarded to the first server found that matches that name
+ (if any), and that server is then required to answer the query.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
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+LINKS *.au ; list all servers which have a name
+ that matches *.au;
+:WiZ LINKS * *.edu ; LINKS message from WiZ to the first
+ server matching *.edu for a list of
+ servers matching *
+4.3.4 Time message
+ Command: TIME
+ Parameters: [<server>]
+ The time message is used to query local time from the specified
+ server. If the server parameter is not given, the server handling the
+ command must reply to the query.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ TIME ; check the time on the server
+ ""
+ Angel TIME *.au ; user angel checking the time on a
+ server matching "*.au"
+4.3.5 Connect message
+ Command: CONNECT
+ Parameters: <target server> [<port> [<remote server>]]
+ The CONNECT command can be used to force a server to try to establish
+ a new connection to another server immediately. CONNECT is a
+ privileged command and is to be available only to IRC Operators. If
+ a remote server is given then the CONNECT attempt is made by that
+ server to <target server> and <port>.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+CONNECT ; Attempt to connect a server to
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+:WiZ CONNECT 6667
+ ; CONNECT attempt by WiZ to get servers
+ and connected on port
+ 6667.
+4.3.6 Trace message
+ Command: TRACE
+ Parameters: [<server>]
+ TRACE command is used to find the route to specific server. Each
+ server that processes this message must tell the sender about it by
+ sending a reply indicating it is a pass-through link, forming a chain
+ of replies similar to that gained from using "traceroute". After
+ sending this reply back, it must then send the TRACE message to the
+ next server until given server is reached. If the <server> parameter
+ is omitted, it is recommended that TRACE command send a message to
+ the sender telling which servers the current server has direct
+ connection to.
+ If the destination given by "<server>" is an actual server, then the
+ destination server is required to report all servers and users which
+ are connected to it, although only operators are permitted to see
+ users present. If the destination given by <server> is a nickname,
+ they only a reply for that nickname is given.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ If the TRACE message is destined for another server, all intermediate
+ servers must return a RPL_TRACELINK reply to indicate that the TRACE
+ passed through it and where its going next.
+ A TRACE reply may be composed of any number of the following numeric
+ replies.
+ Examples:
+TRACE * ; TRACE to a server matching *
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+:WiZ TRACE AngelDust ; TRACE issued by WiZ to nick AngelDust
+4.3.7 Admin command
+ Command: ADMIN
+ Parameters: [<server>]
+ The admin message is used to find the name of the administrator of
+ the given server, or current server if <server> parameter is omitted.
+ Each server must have the ability to forward ADMIN messages to other
+ servers.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ ADMIN ; request an ADMIN reply from
+ :WiZ ADMIN *.edu ; ADMIN request from WiZ for first
+ server found to match *.edu.
+4.3.8 Info command
+ Command: INFO
+ Parameters: [<server>]
+ The INFO command is required to return information which describes
+ the server: its version, when it was compiled, the patchlevel, when
+ it was started, and any other miscellaneous information which may be
+ considered to be relevant.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ INFO ; request an INFO reply from
+ :Avalon INFO *.fi ; INFO request from Avalon for first
+ server found to match *.fi.
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+ INFO Angel ; request info from the server that
+ Angel is connected to.
+4.4 Sending messages
+ The main purpose of the IRC protocol is to provide a base for clients
+ to communicate with each other. PRIVMSG and NOTICE are the only
+ messages available which actually perform delivery of a text message
+ from one client to another - the rest just make it possible and try
+ to ensure it happens in a reliable and structured manner.
+4.4.1 Private messages
+ Command: PRIVMSG
+ Parameters: <receiver>{,<receiver>} <text to be sent>
+ PRIVMSG is used to send private messages between users. <receiver>
+ is the nickname of the receiver of the message. <receiver> can also
+ be a list of names or channels separated with commas.
+ The <receiver> parameter may also me a host mask (#mask) or server
+ mask ($mask). In both cases the server will only send the PRIVMSG
+ to those who have a server or host matching the mask. The mask must
+ have at least 1 (one) "." in it and no wildcards following the
+ last ".". This requirement exists to prevent people sending messages
+ to "#*" or "$*", which would broadcast to all users; from
+ experience, this is abused more than used responsibly and properly.
+ Wildcards are the '*' and '?' characters. This extension to
+ the PRIVMSG command is only available to Operators.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+:Angel PRIVMSG Wiz :Hello are you receiving this message ?
+ ; Message from Angel to Wiz.
+PRIVMSG Angel :yes I'm receiving it !receiving it !'u>(768u+1n) .br ;
+ Message to Angel.
+PRIVMSG :Hello !
+ ; Message to a client on server
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+ with username of "jto".
+PRIVMSG $*.fi :Server rebooting.
+ ; Message to everyone on a server which
+ has a name matching *.fi.
+PRIVMSG #*.edu :NSFNet is undergoing work, expect interruptions
+ ; Message to all users who come from a
+ host which has a name matching *.edu.
+4.4.2 Notice
+ Command: NOTICE
+ Parameters: <nickname> <text>
+ The NOTICE message is used similarly to PRIVMSG. The difference
+ between NOTICE and PRIVMSG is that automatic replies must never be
+ sent in response to a NOTICE message. This rule applies to servers
+ too - they must not send any error reply back to the client on
+ receipt of a notice. The object of this rule is to avoid loops
+ between a client automatically sending something in response to
+ something it received. This is typically used by automatons (clients
+ with either an AI or other interactive program controlling their
+ actions) which are always seen to be replying lest they end up in a
+ loop with another automaton.
+ See PRIVMSG for more details on replies and examples.
+4.5 User based queries
+ User queries are a group of commands which are primarily concerned
+ with finding details on a particular user or group users. When using
+ wildcards with any of these commands, if they match, they will only
+ return information on users who are 'visible' to you. The visibility
+ of a user is determined as a combination of the user's mode and the
+ common set of channels you are both on.
+4.5.1 Who query
+ Command: WHO
+ Parameters: [<name> [<o>]]
+ The WHO message is used by a client to generate a query which returns
+ a list of information which 'matches' the <name> parameter given by
+ the client. In the absence of the <name> parameter, all visible
+ (users who aren't invisible (user mode +i) and who don't have a
+ common channel with the requesting client) are listed. The same
+ result can be achieved by using a <name> of "0" or any wildcard which
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+ will end up matching every entry possible.
+ The <name> passed to WHO is matched against users' host, server, real
+ name and nickname if the channel <name> cannot be found.
+ If the "o" parameter is passed only operators are returned according
+ to the name mask supplied.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ WHO *.fi ; List all users who match against
+ "*.fi".
+ WHO jto* o ; List all users with a match against
+ "jto*" if they are an operator.
+4.5.2 Whois query
+ Command: WHOIS
+ Parameters: [<server>] <nickmask>[,<nickmask>[,...]]
+ This message is used to query information about particular user. The
+ server will answer this message with several numeric messages
+ indicating different statuses of each user which matches the nickmask
+ (if you are entitled to see them). If no wildcard is present in the
+ <nickmask>, any information about that nick which you are allowed to
+ see is presented. A comma (',') separated list of nicknames may be
+ given.
+ The latter version sends the query to a specific server. It is
+ useful if you want to know how long the user in question has been
+ idle as only local server (ie. the server the user is directly
+ connected to) knows that information, while everything else is
+ globally known.
+ Numeric Replies:
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+ Examples:
+ WHOIS wiz ; return available user information
+ about nick WiZ
+ WHOIS trillian ; ask server for user
+ information about trillian
+4.5.3 Whowas
+ Command: WHOWAS
+ Parameters: <nickname> [<count> [<server>]]
+ Whowas asks for information about a nickname which no longer exists.
+ This may either be due to a nickname change or the user leaving IRC.
+ In response to this query, the server searches through its nickname
+ history, looking for any nicks which are lexically the same (no wild
+ card matching here). The history is searched backward, returning the
+ most recent entry first. If there are multiple entries, up to
+ <count> replies will be returned (or all of them if no <count>
+ parameter is given). If a non-positive number is passed as being
+ <count>, then a full search is done.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ WHOWAS Wiz ; return all information in the nick
+ history about nick "WiZ";
+ WHOWAS Mermaid 9 ; return at most, the 9 most recent
+ entries in the nick history for
+ "Mermaid";
+ WHOWAS Trillian 1 *.edu ; return the most recent history for
+ "Trillian" from the first server found
+ to match "*.edu".
+4.6 Miscellaneous messages
+ Messages in this category do not fit into any of the above categories
+ but are nonetheless still a part of and required by the protocol.
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+4.6.1 Kill message
+ Command: KILL
+ Parameters: <nickname> <comment>
+ The KILL message is used to cause a client-server connection to be
+ closed by the server which has the actual connection. KILL is used
+ by servers when they encounter a duplicate entry in the list of valid
+ nicknames and is used to remove both entries. It is also available
+ to operators.
+ Clients which have automatic reconnect algorithms effectively make
+ this command useless since the disconnection is only brief. It does
+ however break the flow of data and can be used to stop large amounts
+ of being abused, any user may elect to receive KILL messages
+ generated for others to keep an 'eye' on would be trouble spots.
+ In an arena where nicknames are required to be globally unique at all
+ times, KILL messages are sent whenever 'duplicates' are detected
+ (that is an attempt to register two users with the same nickname) in
+ the hope that both of them will disappear and only 1 reappear.
+ The comment given must reflect the actual reason for the KILL. For
+ server-generated KILLs it usually is made up of details concerning
+ the origins of the two conflicting nicknames. For users it is left
+ up to them to provide an adequate reason to satisfy others who see
+ it. To prevent/discourage fake KILLs from being generated to hide
+ the identify of the KILLer, the comment also shows a 'kill-path'
+ which is updated by each server it passes through, each prepending
+ its name to the path.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ KILL David ( <-
+ ; Nickname collision between
+ and
+ It is recommended that only Operators be allowed to kill other users
+ with KILL message. In an ideal world not even operators would need
+ to do this and it would be left to servers to deal with.
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+4.6.2 Ping message
+ Command: PING
+ Parameters: <server1> [<server2>]
+ The PING message is used to test the presence of an active client at
+ the other end of the connection. A PING message is sent at regular
+ intervals if no other activity detected coming from a connection. If
+ a connection fails to respond to a PING command within a set amount
+ of time, that connection is closed.
+ Any client which receives a PING message must respond to <server1>
+ (server which sent the PING message out) as quickly as possible with
+ an appropriate PONG message to indicate it is still there and alive.
+ Servers should not respond to PING commands but rely on PINGs from
+ the other end of the connection to indicate the connection is alive.
+ If the <server2> parameter is specified, the PING message gets
+ forwarded there.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ PING ; server sending a PING message to
+ another server to indicate it is still
+ alive.
+ PING WiZ ; PING message being sent to nick WiZ
+4.6.3 Pong message
+ Command: PONG
+ Parameters: <daemon> [<daemon2>]
+ PONG message is a reply to ping message. If parameter <daemon2> is
+ given this message must be forwarded to given daemon. The <daemon>
+ parameter is the name of the daemon who has responded to PING message
+ and generated this message.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ PONG ; PONG message from to
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+4.6.4 Error
+ Command: ERROR
+ Parameters: <error message>
+ The ERROR command is for use by servers when reporting a serious or
+ fatal error to its operators. It may also be sent from one server to
+ another but must not be accepted from any normal unknown clients.
+ An ERROR message is for use for reporting errors which occur with a
+ server-to-server link only. An ERROR message is sent to the server
+ at the other end (which sends it to all of its connected operators)
+ and to all operators currently connected. It is not to be passed
+ onto any other servers by a server if it is received from a server.
+ When a server sends a received ERROR message to its operators, the
+ message should be encapsulated inside a NOTICE message, indicating
+ that the client was not responsible for the error.
+ Numerics:
+ None.
+ Examples:
+ ERROR :Server *.fi already exists; ERROR message to the other server
+ which caused this error.
+ NOTICE WiZ :ERROR from -- Server *.fi already exists
+ ; Same ERROR message as above but sent
+ to user WiZ on the other server.
+ This section describes OPTIONAL messages. They are not required in a
+ working server implementation of the protocol described herein. In
+ the absence of the option, an error reply message must be generated
+ or an unknown command error. If the message is destined for another
+ server to answer then it must be passed on (elementary parsing
+ required) The allocated numerics for this are listed with the
+ messages below.
+5.1 Away
+ Command: AWAY
+ Parameters: [message]
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+ With the AWAY message, clients can set an automatic reply string for
+ any PRIVMSG commands directed at them (not to a channel they are on).
+ The automatic reply is sent by the server to client sending the
+ PRIVMSG command. The only replying server is the one to which the
+ sending client is connected to.
+ The AWAY message is used either with one parameter (to set an AWAY
+ message) or with no parameters (to remove the AWAY message).
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ AWAY :Gone to lunch. Back in 5 ; set away message to "Gone to lunch.
+ Back in 5".
+ :WiZ AWAY ; unmark WiZ as being away.
+5.2 Rehash message
+ Command: REHASH
+ Parameters: None
+ The rehash message can be used by the operator to force the server to
+ re-read and process its configuration file.
+ Numeric Replies:
+REHASH ; message from client with operator
+ status to server asking it to reread its
+ configuration file.
+5.3 Restart message
+ Command: RESTART
+ Parameters: None
+ The restart message can only be used by an operator to force a server
+ restart itself. This message is optional since it may be viewed as a
+ risk to allow arbitrary people to connect to a server as an operator
+ and execute this command, causing (at least) a disruption to service.
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+ The RESTART command must always be fully processed by the server to
+ which the sending client is connected and not be passed onto other
+ connected servers.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ RESTART ; no parameters required.
+5.4 Summon message
+ Command: SUMMON
+ Parameters: <user> [<server>]
+ The SUMMON command can be used to give users who are on a host
+ running an IRC server a message asking them to please join IRC. This
+ message is only sent if the target server (a) has SUMMON enabled, (b)
+ the user is logged in and (c) the server process can write to the
+ user's tty (or similar).
+ If no <server> parameter is given it tries to summon <user> from the
+ server the client is connected to is assumed as the target.
+ If summon is not enabled in a server, it must return the
+ ERR_SUMMONDISABLED numeric and pass the summon message onwards.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ SUMMON jto ; summon user jto on the server's host
+ SUMMON jto ; summon user jto on the host which a
+ server named "" is
+ running.
+5.5 Users
+ Command: USERS
+ Parameters: [<server>]
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+ The USERS command returns a list of users logged into the server in a
+ similar format to who(1), rusers(1) and finger(1). Some people
+ may disable this command on their server for security related
+ reasons. If disabled, the correct numeric must be returned to
+ indicate this.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Disabled Reply:
+ Examples:
+USERS ; request a list of users logged in on
+ server
+:John USERS ; request from John for a list of users
+ logged in on server
+5.6 Operwall message
+ Command: WALLOPS
+ Parameters: Text to be sent to all operators currently online
+ Sends a message to all operators currently online. After
+ implementing WALLOPS as a user command it was found that it was
+ often and commonly abused as a means of sending a message to a lot
+ of people (much similar to WALL). Due to this it is recommended
+ that the current implementation of WALLOPS be used as an
+ example by allowing and recognising only servers as the senders of
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ WALLOPS :Connect '* 6667' from Joshua; WALLOPS
+ message from announcing a
+ CONNECT message it received and acted
+ upon from Joshua.
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+5.7 Userhost message
+ Command: USERHOST
+ Parameters: <nickname>{<space><nickname>}
+ The USERHOST command takes a list of up to 5 nicknames, each
+ separated by a space character and returns a list of information
+ about each nickname that it found. The returned list has each reply
+ separated by a space.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ USERHOST Wiz Michael Marty p ;USERHOST request for information on
+ nicks "Wiz", "Michael", "Marty" and "p"
+5.8 Ison message
+ Command: ISON
+ Parameters: <nickname>{<space><nickname>}
+ The ISON command was implemented to provide a quick and efficient
+ means to get a response about whether a given nickname was currently
+ on IRC. ISON only takes one (1) parameter: a space-separated list of
+ nicks. For each nickname in the list that is present, the server
+ adds that to its reply string. Thus the reply string may return
+ empty (none of the given nicks are present), an exact copy of the
+ parameter string (all of them present) or as any other subset of the
+ set of nicks given in the parameter. The only limit on the number
+ of nicks that may be checked is that the combined length must not be
+ too large as to cause the server to chop it off so it fits in 512
+ characters.
+ ISON is only be processed by the server local to the client sending
+ the command and thus not passed onto other servers for further
+ processing.
+ Numeric Replies:
+ Examples:
+ ISON phone trillian WiZ jarlek Avalon Angel Monstah
+ ; Sample ISON request for 7 nicks.
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ The following is a list of numeric replies which are generated in
+ response to the commands given above. Each numeric is given with its
+ number, name and reply string.
+6.1 Error Replies.
+ "<nickname> :No such nick/channel"
+ - Used to indicate the nickname parameter supplied to a
+ command is currently unused.
+ "<server name> :No such server"
+ - Used to indicate the server name given currently
+ doesn't exist.
+ "<channel name> :No such channel"
+ - Used to indicate the given channel name is invalid.
+ "<channel name> :Cannot send to channel"
+ - Sent to a user who is either (a) not on a channel
+ which is mode +n or (b) not a chanop (or mode +v) on
+ a channel which has mode +m set and is trying to send
+ a PRIVMSG message to that channel.
+ "<channel name> :You have joined too many \
+ channels"
+ - Sent to a user when they have joined the maximum
+ number of allowed channels and they try to join
+ another channel.
+ "<nickname> :There was no such nickname"
+ - Returned by WHOWAS to indicate there is no history
+ information for that nickname.
+ "<target> :Duplicate recipients. No message \
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ delivered"
+ - Returned to a client which is attempting to send a
+ PRIVMSG/NOTICE using the user@host destination format
+ and for a user@host which has several occurrences.
+ ":No origin specified"
+ - PING or PONG message missing the originator parameter
+ which is required since these commands must work
+ without valid prefixes.
+ ":No recipient given (<command>)"
+ ":No text to send"
+ "<mask> :No toplevel domain specified"
+ "<mask> :Wildcard in toplevel domain"
+ - 412 - 414 are returned by PRIVMSG to indicate that
+ the message wasn't delivered for some reason.
+ are returned when an invalid use of
+ "PRIVMSG $<server>" or "PRIVMSG #<host>" is attempted.
+ "<command> :Unknown command"
+ - Returned to a registered client to indicate that the
+ command sent is unknown by the server.
+ ":MOTD File is missing"
+ - Server's MOTD file could not be opened by the server.
+ "<server> :No administrative info available"
+ - Returned by a server in response to an ADMIN message
+ when there is an error in finding the appropriate
+ information.
+ ":File error doing <file op> on <file>"
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ - Generic error message used to report a failed file
+ operation during the processing of a message.
+ ":No nickname given"
+ - Returned when a nickname parameter expected for a
+ command and isn't found.
+ "<nick> :Erroneus nickname"
+ - Returned after receiving a NICK message which contains
+ characters which do not fall in the defined set. See
+ section x.x.x for details on valid nicknames.
+ "<nick> :Nickname is already in use"
+ - Returned when a NICK message is processed that results
+ in an attempt to change to a currently existing
+ nickname.
+ "<nick> :Nickname collision KILL"
+ - Returned by a server to a client when it detects a
+ nickname collision (registered of a NICK that
+ already exists by another server).
+ "<nick> <channel> :They aren't on that channel"
+ - Returned by the server to indicate that the target
+ user of the command is not on the given channel.
+ "<channel> :You're not on that channel"
+ - Returned by the server whenever a client tries to
+ perform a channel effecting command for which the
+ client isn't a member.
+ "<user> <channel> :is already on channel"
+ - Returned when a client tries to invite a user to a
+ channel they are already on.
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ "<user> :User not logged in"
+ - Returned by the summon after a SUMMON command for a
+ user was unable to be performed since they were not
+ logged in.
+ ":SUMMON has been disabled"
+ - Returned as a response to the SUMMON command. Must be
+ returned by any server which does not implement it.
+ ":USERS has been disabled"
+ - Returned as a response to the USERS command. Must be
+ returned by any server which does not implement it.
+ ":You have not registered"
+ - Returned by the server to indicate that the client
+ must be registered before the server will allow it
+ to be parsed in detail.
+ "<command> :Not enough parameters"
+ - Returned by the server by numerous commands to
+ indicate to the client that it didn't supply enough
+ parameters.
+ ":You may not reregister"
+ - Returned by the server to any link which tries to
+ change part of the registered details (such as
+ password or user details from second USER message).
+ ":Your host isn't among the privileged"
+ - Returned to a client which attempts to register with
+ a server which does not been setup to allow
+ connections from the host the attempted connection
+ is tried.
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ ":Password incorrect"
+ - Returned to indicate a failed attempt at registering
+ a connection for which a password was required and
+ was either not given or incorrect.
+ ":You are banned from this server"
+ - Returned after an attempt to connect and register
+ yourself with a server which has been setup to
+ explicitly deny connections to you.
+ "<channel> :Channel key already set"
+ "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+l)"
+ "<char> :is unknown mode char to me"
+ "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+i)"
+ "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+b)"
+ "<channel> :Cannot join channel (+k)"
+ ":Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator"
+ - Any command requiring operator privileges to operate
+ must return this error to indicate the attempt was
+ unsuccessful.
+ "<channel> :You're not channel operator"
+ - Any command requiring 'chanop' privileges (such as
+ MODE messages) must return this error if the client
+ making the attempt is not a chanop on the specified
+ channel.
+ ":You cant kill a server!"
+ - Any attempts to use the KILL command on a server
+ are to be refused and this error returned directly
+ to the client.
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ ":No O-lines for your host"
+ - If a client sends an OPER message and the server has
+ not been configured to allow connections from the
+ client's host as an operator, this error must be
+ returned.
+ ":Unknown MODE flag"
+ - Returned by the server to indicate that a MODE
+ message was sent with a nickname parameter and that
+ the a mode flag sent was not recognized.
+ ":Cant change mode for other users"
+ - Error sent to any user trying to view or change the
+ user mode for a user other than themselves.
+6.2 Command responses.
+ 300 RPL_NONE
+ Dummy reply number. Not used.
+ ":[<reply>{<space><reply>}]"
+ - Reply format used by USERHOST to list replies to
+ the query list. The reply string is composed as
+ follows:
+ <reply> ::= <nick>['*'] '=' <'+'|'-'><hostname>
+ The '*' indicates whether the client has registered
+ as an Operator. The '-' or '+' characters represent
+ whether the client has set an AWAY message or not
+ respectively.
+ 303 RPL_ISON
+ ":[<nick> {<space><nick>}]"
+ - Reply format used by ISON to list replies to the
+ query list.
+ 301 RPL_AWAY
+ "<nick> :<away message>"
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ ":You are no longer marked as being away"
+ ":You have been marked as being away"
+ - These replies are used with the AWAY command (if
+ allowed). RPL_AWAY is sent to any client sending a
+ PRIVMSG to a client which is away. RPL_AWAY is only
+ sent by the server to which the client is connected.
+ Replies RPL_UNAWAY and RPL_NOWAWAY are sent when the
+ client removes and sets an AWAY message.
+ "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>"
+ "<nick> <server> :<server info>"
+ "<nick> :is an IRC operator"
+ "<nick> <integer> :seconds idle"
+ "<nick> :End of /WHOIS list"
+ "<nick> :{[@|+]<channel><space>}"
+ - Replies 311 - 313, 317 - 319 are all replies
+ generated in response to a WHOIS message. Given that
+ there are enough parameters present, the answering
+ server must either formulate a reply out of the above
+ numerics (if the query nick is found) or return an
+ error reply. The '*' in RPL_WHOISUSER is there as
+ the literal character and not as a wild card. For
+ each reply set, only RPL_WHOISCHANNELS may appear
+ more than once (for long lists of channel names).
+ The '@' and '+' characters next to the channel name
+ indicate whether a client is a channel operator or
+ has been granted permission to speak on a moderated
+ channel. The RPL_ENDOFWHOIS reply is used to mark
+ the end of processing a WHOIS message.
+ "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>"
+ "<nick> :End of WHOWAS"
+ - When replying to a WHOWAS message, a server must use
+ ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK for each nickname in the presented
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ list. At the end of all reply batches, there must
+ be RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS (even if there was only one reply
+ and it was an error).
+ "Channel :Users Name"
+ 322 RPL_LIST
+ "<channel> <# visible> :<topic>"
+ ":End of /LIST"
+ the start, actual replies with data and end of the
+ server's response to a LIST command. If there are
+ no channels available to return, only the start
+ and end reply must be sent.
+ "<channel> <mode> <mode params>"
+ "<channel> :No topic is set"
+ "<channel> :<topic>"
+ - When sending a TOPIC message to determine the
+ channel topic, one of two replies is sent. If
+ the topic is set, RPL_TOPIC is sent back else
+ "<channel> <nick>"
+ - Returned by the server to indicate that the
+ attempted INVITE message was successful and is
+ being passed onto the end client.
+ "<user> :Summoning user to IRC"
+ - Returned by a server answering a SUMMON message to
+ indicate that it is summoning that user.
+ "<version>.<debuglevel> <server> :<comments>"
+ - Reply by the server showing its version details.
+ The <version> is the version of the software being
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ used (including any patchlevel revisions) and the
+ <debuglevel> is used to indicate if the server is
+ running in "debug mode".
+ The "comments" field may contain any comments about
+ the version or further version details.
+ "<channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> \
+ <H|G>[*][@|+] :<hopcount> <real name>"
+ "<name> :End of /WHO list"
+ - The RPL_WHOREPLY and RPL_ENDOFWHO pair are used
+ to answer a WHO message. The RPL_WHOREPLY is only
+ sent if there is an appropriate match to the WHO
+ query. If there is a list of parameters supplied
+ with a WHO message, a RPL_ENDOFWHO must be sent
+ after processing each list item with <name> being
+ the item.
+ "<channel> :[[@|+]<nick> [[@|+]<nick> [...]]]"
+ "<channel> :End of /NAMES list"
+ - To reply to a NAMES message, a reply pair consisting
+ of RPL_NAMREPLY and RPL_ENDOFNAMES is sent by the
+ server back to the client. If there is no channel
+ found as in the query, then only RPL_ENDOFNAMES is
+ returned. The exception to this is when a NAMES
+ message is sent with no parameters and all visible
+ channels and contents are sent back in a series of
+ RPL_NAMEREPLY messages with a RPL_ENDOFNAMES to mark
+ the end.
+ "<mask> <server> :<hopcount> <server info>"
+ "<mask> :End of /LINKS list"
+ - In replying to the LINKS message, a server must send
+ replies back using the RPL_LINKS numeric and mark the
+ end of the list using an RPL_ENDOFLINKS reply.
+ "<channel> <banid>"
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ "<channel> :End of channel ban list"
+ - When listing the active 'bans' for a given channel,
+ a server is required to send the list back using the
+ RPL_BANLIST and RPL_ENDOFBANLIST messages. A separate
+ RPL_BANLIST is sent for each active banid. After the
+ banids have been listed (or if none present) a
+ RPL_ENDOFBANLIST must be sent.
+ 371 RPL_INFO
+ ":<string>"
+ ":End of /INFO list"
+ - A server responding to an INFO message is required to
+ send all its 'info' in a series of RPL_INFO messages
+ with a RPL_ENDOFINFO reply to indicate the end of the
+ replies.
+ ":- <server> Message of the day - "
+ 372 RPL_MOTD
+ ":- <text>"
+ ":End of /MOTD command"
+ - When responding to the MOTD message and the MOTD file
+ is found, the file is displayed line by line, with
+ each line no longer than 80 characters, using
+ RPL_MOTD format replies. These should be surrounded
+ by a RPL_MOTDSTART (before the RPL_MOTDs) and an
+ RPL_ENDOFMOTD (after).
+ ":You are now an IRC operator"
+ - RPL_YOUREOPER is sent back to a client which has
+ just successfully issued an OPER message and gained
+ operator status.
+ "<config file> :Rehashing"
+ - If the REHASH option is used and an operator sends
+ a REHASH message, an RPL_REHASHING is sent back to
+ the operator.
+ 391 RPL_TIME
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ "<server> :<string showing server's local time>"
+ - When replying to the TIME message, a server must send
+ the reply using the RPL_TIME format above. The string
+ showing the time need only contain the correct day and
+ time there. There is no further requirement for the
+ time string.
+ ":UserID Terminal Host"
+ ":%-8s %-9s %-8s"
+ ":End of users"
+ ":Nobody logged in"
+ - If the USERS message is handled by a server, the
+ RPL_NOUSERS are used. RPL_USERSSTART must be sent
+ first, following by either a sequence of RPL_USERS
+ or a single RPL_NOUSER. Following this is
+ "Link <version & debug level> <destination> \
+ <next server>"
+ "Try. <class> <server>"
+ "H.S. <class> <server>"
+ "???? <class> [<client IP address in dot form>]"
+ "Oper <class> <nick>"
+ "User <class> <nick>"
+ "Serv <class> <int>S <int>C <server> \
+ <nick!user|*!*>@<host|server>"
+ "<newtype> 0 <client name>"
+ "File <logfile> <debug level>"
+ - The RPL_TRACE* are all returned by the server in
+ response to the TRACE message. How many are
+ returned is dependent on the the TRACE message and
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ whether it was sent by an operator or not. There
+ is no predefined order for which occurs first.
+ RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE are all used for connections
+ which have not been fully established and are either
+ unknown, still attempting to connect or in the
+ process of completing the 'server handshake'.
+ RPL_TRACELINK is sent by any server which handles
+ a TRACE message and has to pass it on to another
+ server. The list of RPL_TRACELINKs sent in
+ response to a TRACE command traversing the IRC
+ network should reflect the actual connectivity of
+ the servers themselves along that path.
+ RPL_TRACENEWTYPE is to be used for any connection
+ which does not fit in the other categories but is
+ being displayed anyway.
+ "<linkname> <sendq> <sent messages> \
+ <sent bytes> <received messages> \
+ <received bytes> <time open>"
+ "<command> <count>"
+ "C <host> * <name> <port> <class>"
+ "N <host> * <name> <port> <class>"
+ "I <host> * <host> <port> <class>"
+ "K <host> * <username> <port> <class>"
+ "Y <class> <ping frequency> <connect \
+ frequency> <max sendq>"
+ "<stats letter> :End of /STATS report"
+ "L <hostmask> * <servername> <maxdepth>"
+ ":Server Up %d days %d:%02d:%02d"
+ "O <hostmask> * <name>"
+ "H <hostmask> * <servername>"
+ "<user mode string>"
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ - To answer a query about a client's own mode,
+ RPL_UMODEIS is sent back.
+ ":There are <integer> users and <integer> \
+ invisible on <integer> servers"
+ "<integer> :operator(s) online"
+ "<integer> :unknown connection(s)"
+ "<integer> :channels formed"
+ ":I have <integer> clients and <integer> \
+ servers"
+ - In processing an LUSERS message, the server
+ sends a set of replies from RPL_LUSERCLIENT,
+ replying, a server must send back
+ replies are only sent back if a non-zero count
+ is found for them.
+ "<server> :Administrative info"
+ ":<admin info>"
+ ":<admin info>"
+ ":<admin info>"
+ - When replying to an ADMIN message, a server
+ is expected to use replies RLP_ADMINME
+ through to RPL_ADMINEMAIL and provide a text
+ message with each. For RPL_ADMINLOC1 a
+ description of what city, state and country
+ the server is in is expected, followed by
+ details of the university and department
+ (RPL_ADMINLOC2) and finally the administrative
+ contact for the server (an email address here
+ is required) in RPL_ADMINEMAIL.
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+6.3 Reserved numerics.
+ These numerics are not described above since they fall into one of
+ the following categories:
+ 1. no longer in use;
+ 2. reserved for future planned use;
+ 3. in current use but are part of a non-generic 'feature' of
+ the current IRC server.
+7. Client and server authentication
+ Clients and servers are both subject to the same level of
+ authentication. For both, an IP number to hostname lookup (and
+ reverse check on this) is performed for all connections made to the
+ server. Both connections are then subject to a password check (if
+ there is a password set for that connection). These checks are
+ possible on all connections although the password check is only
+ commonly used with servers.
+ An additional check that is becoming of more and more common is that
+ of the username responsible for making the connection. Finding the
+ username of the other end of the connection typically involves
+ connecting to an authentication server such as IDENT as described in
+ RFC 1413.
+ Given that without passwords it is not easy to reliably determine who
+ is on the other end of a network connection, use of passwords is
+ strongly recommended on inter-server connections in addition to any
+ other measures such as using an ident server.
+8. Current implementations
+ The only current implementation of this protocol is the IRC server,
+ version 2.8. Earlier versions may implement some or all of the
+ commands described by this document with NOTICE messages replacing
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ many of the numeric replies. Unfortunately, due to backward
+ compatibility requirements, the implementation of some parts of this
+ document varies with what is laid out. On notable difference is:
+ * recognition that any LF or CR anywhere in a message marks the
+ end of that message (instead of requiring CR-LF);
+ The rest of this section deals with issues that are mostly of
+ importance to those who wish to implement a server but some parts
+ also apply directly to clients as well.
+8.1 Network protocol: TCP - why it is best used here.
+ IRC has been implemented on top of TCP since TCP supplies a reliable
+ network protocol which is well suited to this scale of conferencing.
+ The use of multicast IP is an alternative, but it is not widely
+ available or supported at the present time.
+8.1.1 Support of Unix sockets
+ Given that Unix domain sockets allow listen/connect operations, the
+ current implementation can be configured to listen and accept both
+ client and server connections on a Unix domain socket. These are
+ recognized as sockets where the hostname starts with a '/'.
+ When providing any information about the connections on a Unix domain
+ socket, the server is required to supplant the actual hostname in
+ place of the pathname unless the actual socket name is being asked
+ for.
+8.2 Command Parsing
+ To provide useful 'non-buffered' network IO for clients and servers,
+ each connection is given its own private 'input buffer' in which the
+ results of the most recent read and parsing are kept. A buffer size
+ of 512 bytes is used so as to hold 1 full message, although, this
+ will usually hold several commands. The private buffer is parsed
+ after every read operation for valid messages. When dealing with
+ multiple messages from one client in the buffer, care should be taken
+ in case one happens to cause the client to be 'removed'.
+8.3 Message delivery
+ It is common to find network links saturated or hosts to which you
+ are sending data unable to send data. Although Unix typically
+ handles this through the TCP window and internal buffers, the server
+ often has large amounts of data to send (especially when a new
+ server-server link forms) and the small buffers provided in the
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ kernel are not enough for the outgoing queue. To alleviate this
+ problem, a "send queue" is used as a FIFO queue for data to be sent.
+ A typical "send queue" may grow to 200 Kbytes on a large IRC network
+ with a slow network connection when a new server connects.
+ When polling its connections, a server will first read and parse all
+ incoming data, queuing any data to be sent out. When all available
+ input is processed, the queued data is sent. This reduces the number
+ of write() system calls and helps TCP make bigger packets.
+8.4 Connection 'Liveness'
+ To detect when a connection has died or become unresponsive, the
+ server must ping each of its connections that it doesn't get a
+ response from in a given amount of time.
+ If a connection doesn't respond in time, its connection is closed
+ using the appropriate procedures. A connection is also dropped if
+ its sendq grows beyond the maximum allowed, because it is better to
+ close a slow connection than have a server process block.
+8.5 Establishing a server to client connection
+ Upon connecting to an IRC server, a client is sent the MOTD (if
+ present) as well as the current user/server count (as per the LUSER
+ command). The server is also required to give an unambiguous message
+ to the client which states its name and version as well as any other
+ introductory messages which may be deemed appropriate.
+ After dealing with this, the server must then send out the new user's
+ nickname and other information as supplied by itself (USER command)
+ and as the server could discover (from DNS/authentication servers).
+ The server must send this information out with NICK first followed by
+8.6 Establishing a server-server connection.
+ The process of establishing of a server-to-server connection is
+ fraught with danger since there are many possible areas where
+ problems can occur - the least of which are race conditions.
+ After a server has received a connection following by a PASS/SERVER
+ pair which were recognised as being valid, the server should then
+ reply with its own PASS/SERVER information for that connection as
+ well as all of the other state information it knows about as
+ described below.
+ When the initiating server receives a PASS/SERVER pair, it too then
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ checks that the server responding is authenticated properly before
+ accepting the connection to be that server.
+8.6.1 Server exchange of state information when connecting
+ The order of state information being exchanged between servers is
+ essential. The required order is as follows:
+ * all known other servers;
+ * all known user information;
+ * all known channel information.
+ Information regarding servers is sent via extra SERVER messages, user
+ information with NICK/USER/MODE/JOIN messages and channels with MODE
+ messages.
+ NOTE: channel topics are *NOT* exchanged here because the TOPIC
+ command overwrites any old topic information, so at best, the two
+ sides of the connection would exchange topics.
+ By passing the state information about servers first, any collisions
+ with servers that already exist occur before nickname collisions due
+ to a second server introducing a particular nickname. Due to the IRC
+ network only being able to exist as an acyclic graph, it may be
+ possible that the network has already reconnected in another
+ location, the place where the collision occurs indicating where the
+ net needs to split.
+8.7 Terminating server-client connections
+ When a client connection closes, a QUIT message is generated on
+ behalf of the client by the server to which the client connected. No
+ other message is to be generated or used.
+8.8 Terminating server-server connections
+ If a server-server connection is closed, either via a remotely
+ generated SQUIT or 'natural' causes, the rest of the connected IRC
+ network must have its information updated with by the server which
+ detected the closure. The server then sends a list of SQUITs (one
+ for each server behind that connection) and a list of QUITs (again,
+ one for each client behind that connection).
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+8.9 Tracking nickname changes
+ All IRC servers are required to keep a history of recent nickname
+ changes. This is required to allow the server to have a chance of
+ keeping in touch of things when nick-change race conditions occur
+ with commands which manipulate them. Commands which must trace nick
+ changes are:
+ * KILL (the nick being killed)
+ * MODE (+/- o,v)
+ * KICK (the nick being kicked)
+ No other commands are to have nick changes checked for.
+ In the above cases, the server is required to first check for the
+ existence of the nickname, then check its history to see who that
+ nick currently belongs to (if anyone!). This reduces the chances of
+ race conditions but they can still occur with the server ending up
+ affecting the wrong client. When performing a change trace for an
+ above command it is recommended that a time range be given and
+ entries which are too old ignored.
+ For a reasonable history, a server should be able to keep previous
+ nickname for every client it knows about if they all decided to
+ change. This size is limited by other factors (such as memory, etc).
+8.10 Flood control of clients
+ With a large network of interconnected IRC servers, it is quite easy
+ for any single client attached to the network to supply a continuous
+ stream of messages that result in not only flooding the network, but
+ also degrading the level of service provided to others. Rather than
+ require every 'victim' to be provide their own protection, flood
+ protection was written into the server and is applied to all clients
+ except services. The current algorithm is as follows:
+ * check to see if client's `message timer' is less than
+ current time (set to be equal if it is);
+ * read any data present from the client;
+ * while the timer is less than ten seconds ahead of the current
+ time, parse any present messages and penalize the client by
+ 2 seconds for each message;
+ which in essence means that the client may send 1 message every 2
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ seconds without being adversely affected.
+8.11 Non-blocking lookups
+ In a real-time environment, it is essential that a server process do
+ as little waiting as possible so that all the clients are serviced
+ fairly. Obviously this requires non-blocking IO on all network
+ read/write operations. For normal server connections, this was not
+ difficult, but there are other support operations that may cause the
+ server to block (such as disk reads). Where possible, such activity
+ should be performed with a short timeout.
+8.11.1 Hostname (DNS) lookups
+ Using the standard resolver libraries from Berkeley and others has
+ meant large delays in some cases where replies have timed out. To
+ avoid this, a separate set of DNS routines were written which were
+ setup for non-blocking IO operations and then polled from within the
+ main server IO loop.
+8.11.2 Username (Ident) lookups
+ Although there are numerous ident libraries for use and inclusion
+ into other programs, these caused problems since they operated in a
+ synchronous manner and resulted in frequent delays. Again the
+ solution was to write a set of routines which would cooperate with
+ the rest of the server and work using non-blocking IO.
+8.12 Configuration File
+ To provide a flexible way of setting up and running the server, it is
+ recommended that a configuration file be used which contains
+ instructions to the server on the following:
+ * which hosts to accept client connections from;
+ * which hosts to allow to connect as servers;
+ * which hosts to connect to (both actively and
+ passively);
+ * information about where the server is (university,
+ city/state, company are examples of this);
+ * who is responsible for the server and an email address
+ at which they can be contacted;
+ * hostnames and passwords for clients which wish to be given
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+ access to restricted operator commands.
+ In specifying hostnames, both domain names and use of the 'dot'
+ notation ( should both be accepted. It must be possible to
+ specify the password to be used/accepted for all outgoing and
+ incoming connections (although the only outgoing connections are
+ those to other servers).
+ The above list is the minimum requirement for any server which wishes
+ to make a connection with another server. Other items which may be
+ of use are:
+ * specifying which servers other server may introduce;
+ * how deep a server branch is allowed to become;
+ * hours during which clients may connect.
+8.12.1 Allowing clients to connect
+ A server should use some sort of 'access control list' (either in the
+ configuration file or elsewhere) that is read at startup and used to
+ decide what hosts clients may use to connect to it.
+ Both 'deny' and 'allow' should be implemented to provide the required
+ flexibility for host access control.
+8.12.2 Operators
+ The granting of operator privileges to a disruptive person can have
+ dire consequences for the well-being of the IRC net in general due to
+ the powers given to them. Thus, the acquisition of such powers
+ should not be very easy. The current setup requires two 'passwords'
+ to be used although one of them is usually easy guessed. Storage of
+ oper passwords in configuration files is preferable to hard coding
+ them in and should be stored in a crypted format (ie using crypt(3)
+ from Unix) to prevent easy theft.
+8.12.3 Allowing servers to connect
+ The interconnection of server is not a trivial matter: a bad
+ connection can have a large impact on the usefulness of IRC. Thus,
+ each server should have a list of servers to which it may connect and
+ which servers may connect to it. Under no circumstances should a
+ server allow an arbitrary host to connect as a server. In addition
+ to which servers may and may not connect, the configuration file
+ should also store the password and other characteristics of that
+ link.
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+8.12.4 Administrivia
+ To provide accurate and valid replies to the ADMIN command (see
+ section 4.3.7), the server should find the relevant details in the
+ configuration.
+8.13 Channel membership
+ The current server allows any registered local user to join upto 10
+ different channels. There is no limit imposed on non-local users so
+ that the server remains (reasonably) consistant with all others on a
+ channel membership basis
+9. Current problems
+ There are a number of recognized problems with this protocol, all of
+ which hope to be solved sometime in the near future during its
+ rewrite. Currently, work is underway to find working solutions to
+ these problems.
+9.1 Scalability
+ It is widely recognized that this protocol does not scale
+ sufficiently well when used in a large arena. The main problem comes
+ from the requirement that all servers know about all other servers
+ and users and that information regarding them be updated as soon as
+ it changes. It is also desirable to keep the number of servers low
+ so that the path length between any two points is kept minimal and
+ the spanning tree as strongly branched as possible.
+9.2 Labels
+ The current IRC protocol has 3 types of labels: the nickname, the
+ channel name and the server name. Each of the three types has its
+ own domain and no duplicates are allowed inside that domain.
+ Currently, it is possible for users to pick the label for any of the
+ three, resulting in collisions. It is widely recognized that this
+ needs reworking, with a plan for unique names for channels and nicks
+ that don't collide being desirable as well as a solution allowing a
+ cyclic tree.
+9.2.1 Nicknames
+ The idea of the nickname on IRC is very convenient for users to use
+ when talking to each other outside of a channel, but there is only a
+ finite nickname space and being what they are, its not uncommon for
+ several people to want to use the same nick. If a nickname is chosen
+ by two people using this protocol, either one will not succeed or
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+ both will removed by use of KILL (4.6.1).
+9.2.2 Channels
+ The current channel layout requires that all servers know about all
+ channels, their inhabitants and properties. Besides not scaling
+ well, the issue of privacy is also a concern. A collision of
+ channels is treated as an inclusive event (both people who create the
+ new channel are considered to be members of it) rather than an
+ exclusive one such as used to solve nickname collisions.
+9.2.3 Servers
+ Although the number of servers is usually small relative to the
+ number of users and channels, they two currently required to be known
+ globally, either each one separately or hidden behind a mask.
+9.3 Algorithms
+ In some places within the server code, it has not been possible to
+ avoid N^2 algorithms such as checking the channel list of a set
+ of clients.
+ In current server versions, there are no database consistency checks,
+ each server assumes that a neighbouring server is correct. This
+ opens the door to large problems if a connecting server is buggy or
+ otherwise tries to introduce contradictions to the existing net.
+ Currently, because of the lack of unique internal and global labels,
+ there are a multitude of race conditions that exist. These race
+ conditions generally arise from the problem of it taking time for
+ messages to traverse and effect the IRC network. Even by changing to
+ unique labels, there are problems with channel-related commands being
+ disrupted.
+10. Current support and availability
+ Mailing lists for IRC related discussion:
+ Future protocol:
+ General discussion:
+ Software implemenations
+ Newsgroup: alt.irc
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+RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol May 1993
+Security Considerations
+ Security issues are discussed in sections 4.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.3, 5.5, and
+ 7.
+12. Authors' Addresses
+ Jarkko Oikarinen
+ Tuirantie 17 as 9
+ 90500 OULU
+ Email:
+ Darren Reed
+ 4 Pateman Street
+ Watsonia, Victoria 3087
+ Australia
+ Email:
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