import Control.Applicative( (<$>) ) import Control.Monad( unless ) import Data.Time.Clock( UTCTime(..) ) import Diddo( DiddoEntry(..), LogEntry(..), parseDiddoLogline, formatDiddoEntry, timestamp, logToDiddoEntry ) import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment( getArgs ) import System.Exit( exitSuccess, exitFailure ) import System.IO( stderr, hPutStr ) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO data Opt = Opt { optVerbose :: Bool , optVersion :: Bool , optHelp :: Bool , optInputFiles :: [String] , optOutputFile :: String , optInputFormat :: String , optOutputFormat :: String , optStartDate :: String , optEndDate :: String } defaultOpts :: Opt defaultOpts = Opt { optVerbose = False , optVersion = False , optHelp = False , optInputFiles = [] , optOutputFile = "" , optInputFormat = "%FT%T%z" , optOutputFormat = "%FT%T%z" , optStartDate = "" , optEndDate = "" } availableOptions :: [OptDescr (Opt -> IO Opt)] availableOptions = [ Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg (\_ -> putStrLn (usageInfo "Usage: diddohs [OPTION...]" availableOptions) >> exitSuccess)) "Display program help" , Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg (\opts -> return opts { optVerbose = True })) "More detailed output" , Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg (\opts -> return opts { optVersion = True })) "Display program version" , Option ['f'] ["file"] (ReqArg (\arg opts -> return opts { optInputFiles = optInputFiles opts ++ [arg]}) "FILE" ) "Read from FILE" , Option ['w'] ["output"] (ReqArg (\arg opts -> return opts { optOutputFile = arg }) "FILE") "Write to FILE" , Option ['i'] ["informat"] (ReqArg (\arg opts -> return opts { optInputFormat = arg }) "FORMAT") "Timeformat used in input" , Option ['o'] ["outformat"] (ReqArg (\arg opts -> return opts { optOutputFormat = arg }) "FORMAT") "Timeformat used in output" , Option ['s'] ["start"] (ReqArg (\arg opts -> return opts { optStartDate = arg }) "DATE") "Start of reporting period" , Option ['e'] ["end"] (ReqArg (\arg opts -> return opts { optEndDate = arg }) "DATE") "End of reporting period" ] -- SECTION: Map of logentries to Map of DiddoEntries mapToDiddoEntries :: Map.Map UTCTime Diddo.LogEntry -> Map.Map UTCTime Diddo.DiddoEntry mapToDiddoEntries logmap = Map.mapWithKey toDddEntry logmap where toDddEntry key value = Diddo.logToDiddoEntry (preceedingTimestamp key) value preceedingTimestamp x = case Map.lookupLT x logmap of Just y -> fst y Nothing -> fst $ Map.findMin logmap -- SECTION: Map of logentries to Map of DiddoEntries main :: IO () main = do -- SECTION: option processing (givenOptions,args,errs) <- getArgs >>= return . getOpt Permute availableOptions unless (null errs) $ do mapM_ (hPutStr stderr) errs exitFailure effectiveOptions <- foldl (>>=) (return defaultOpts) givenOptions -- SECTION: option processing dddLogEntries <- map Diddo.parseDiddoLogline <$> case optInputFiles effectiveOptions of files@(_:_) -> T.lines . T.concat <$> mapM TIO.readFile files [] -> T.lines <$> TIO.getContents let dddLogEntryMap = Map.fromList $ map (\diddo -> (Diddo.timestamp diddo, diddo)) dddLogEntries diddoEntriesMap = mapToDiddoEntries dddLogEntryMap inDateFmt = optInputFormat effectiveOptions outDateFmt = optOutputFormat effectiveOptions -- DEBUG mapM_ putStrLn args -- DEBUG mapM_ (TIO.putStrLn . snd) $ Map.toAscList $ (Diddo.formatDiddoEntry outDateFmt) diddoEntriesMap