Exim version x.yz .... configuration file is TESTSUITE/test-config admin user LOG: smtp_connection MAIN SMTP connection from CALLER using ACL "ar" processing "accept" check control = cutthrough_delivery check logwrite = rcpt for $local_part@$domain = rcpt for userx@domain.com LOG: MAIN rcpt for userx@domain.com created log directory TESTSUITE/spool/log accept: condition test succeeded in ACL "ar" ----------- start cutthrough setup ------------ Connecting to []:1224 from ip4.ip4.ip4.ip4 ... connected SMTP<< 220 ESMTP SMTP>> EHLO myhost.test.ex SMTP<< 250 OK SMTP>> MAIL FROM:<CALLER@myhost.test.ex> SMTP<< 250 Sender OK SMTP>> RCPT TO:<userx@domain.com> SMTP<< 250 Recipient OK ----------- end cutthrough setup ------------ processing "accept" accept: condition test succeeded in inline ACL SMTP>> DATA SMTP<< 354 Send data SMTP>>(nl) SMTP>> . SMTP<< 250 OK LOG: MAIN >> userx@domain.com R=all T=smtp H= [] C="250 OK" SMTP>> QUIT ----------- cutthrough shutdown (delivered) ------------ LOG: MAIN <= CALLER@myhost.test.ex U=CALLER P=local-esmtp S=sss LOG: MAIN Completed LOG: smtp_connection MAIN SMTP connection from CALLER closed by QUIT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim version x.yz .... configuration file is TESTSUITE/test-config admin user LOG: smtp_connection MAIN SMTP connection from CALLER using ACL "ar" processing "accept" check control = cutthrough_delivery check logwrite = rcpt for $local_part@$domain = rcpt for userz@domain.com LOG: MAIN rcpt for userz@domain.com accept: condition test succeeded in ACL "ar" ----------- start cutthrough setup ------------ Connecting to []:1224 from ip4.ip4.ip4.ip4 ... connected SMTP<< 220 SMTP only spoken here SMTP>> EHLO myhost.test.ex SMTP<< 550 Not here, mate SMTP>> HELO myhost.test.ex SMTP<< 250 OK SMTP>> MAIL FROM:<CALLER@myhost.test.ex> SMTP<< 250 Sender OK SMTP>> RCPT TO:<userz@domain.com> SMTP<< 250 Recipient OK ----------- end cutthrough setup ------------ processing "accept" accept: condition test succeeded in inline ACL SMTP>> DATA SMTP<< 354 Send data SMTP>>(nl) SMTP>> . SMTP<< 250 OK LOG: MAIN >> userz@domain.com R=all T=smtp H= [] C="250 OK" SMTP>> QUIT ----------- cutthrough shutdown (delivered) ------------ LOG: MAIN <= CALLER@myhost.test.ex U=CALLER P=local-esmtp S=sss LOG: MAIN Completed LOG: smtp_connection MAIN SMTP connection from CALLER closed by QUIT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim version x.yz .... configuration file is TESTSUITE/test-config admin user LOG: smtp_connection MAIN SMTP connection from CALLER using ACL "ar" processing "accept" check control = cutthrough_delivery check logwrite = rcpt for $local_part@$domain = rcpt for usery@domain.com LOG: MAIN rcpt for usery@domain.com accept: condition test succeeded in ACL "ar" ----------- start cutthrough setup ------------ Connecting to []:1224 from ip4.ip4.ip4.ip4 ... connected SMTP<< 220 ESMTP SMTP>> EHLO myhost.test.ex SMTP<< 250 OK SMTP>> MAIL FROM:<CALLER@myhost.test.ex> SMTP<< 250 Sender OK SMTP>> RCPT TO:<usery@domain.com> SMTP<< 250 Recipient OK ----------- end cutthrough setup ------------ using ACL "ar" processing "accept" check control = cutthrough_delivery check logwrite = rcpt for $local_part@$domain = rcpt for userx@domain.com LOG: MAIN rcpt for userx@domain.com accept: condition test succeeded in ACL "ar" SMTP>> QUIT ----------- cutthrough shutdown (more than one recipient) ------------ LOG: MAIN <= CALLER@myhost.test.ex U=CALLER P=local-esmtp S=sss LOG: smtp_connection MAIN SMTP connection from CALLER closed by QUIT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim version x.yz .... configuration file is TESTSUITE/test-config trusted user admin user skipping ACL configuration - not needed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remote deliveries >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------> usery@domain.com <-------- smtp transport entered usery@domain.com userx@domain.com checking status of []:1111 status = usable delivering 10HmaZ-0005vi-00 to [] (usery@domain.com, ...) Connecting to []:1224 from ip4.ip4.ip4.ip4 ... connected SMTP<< 220 ESMTP SMTP>> EHLO myhost.test.ex SMTP<< 250 OK not using PIPELINING SMTP>> MAIL FROM:<CALLER@myhost.test.ex> SMTP<< 250 Sender OK SMTP>> RCPT TO:<usery@domain.com> SMTP<< 250 Recipient OK SMTP>> RCPT TO:<userx@domain.com> SMTP<< 250 Recipient OK SMTP>> DATA SMTP<< 354 Send data SMTP>> writing message and terminating "." writing data block fd=dddd size=sss timeout=300 SMTP<< 250 OK ok=1 send_quit=1 send_rset=0 continue_more=0 yield=0 first_address is NULL transport_check_waiting entered sequence=1 local_max=500 global_max=-1 no messages waiting for SMTP>> QUIT Leaving smtp transport LOG: MAIN => usery@domain.com R=all T=smtp H= [] C="250 OK" LOG: MAIN -> userx@domain.com R=all T=smtp H= [] C="250 OK" LOG: MAIN Completed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>