accept: condition test succeeded in ACL "chk_mail" end of ACL "chk_mail": ACCEPT SMTP>> 250 OK SMTP<< RCPT TO:<dest2@test.ex> using ACL "chk_rcpt" processing "deny" (TESTSUITE/test-config 20) check log_reject_target = panic deny: condition test succeeded in ACL "chk_rcpt" end of ACL "chk_rcpt": DENY SMTP>> 550 Administrative prohibition LOG: PANIC H=(test.ex) [] F=<test_2@paniclogrcpt> rejected RCPT <dest2@test.ex> SMTP<< QUIT SMTP>> 221 myhost.test.ex closing connection LOG: smtp_connection MAIN SMTP connection from (test.ex) [] D=qqs closed by QUIT search_tidyup called SMTP>>(close on process exit) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=p1235 (daemon-accept) terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ******** SERVER ******** 1999-03-02 09:44:33 H=(test.ex) [] F=<test_2@paniclogrcpt> rejected RCPT <dest2@test.ex>