; $Cambridge: exim/test/dnszones-src/db.ip6.V6NET,v 1.1 2006/02/06 16:22:56 ph10 Exp $

; This is a testing reverse zone file for use when testing DNS handling in
; Exim. This is a fake zone of no real use - hence no SOA record. The zone
; name is determined by the V6NET substitution. This file is passed through
; the substitution mechanism before being used by the fakens auxiliary program,
; though in fact there is nothing to substitute.

2.6.0.a.6.8.e.f.f.f. PTR testptr-arpa.ipv6.test.ex.
d.0.0.0.c.b.a. PTR test3.ipv6.test.ex.

; End