$Cambridge: exim/test/ABOUT,v 1.1 2006/02/06 16:07:10 ph10 Exp $

CVS directory exim/exim-test

The files in this directory are those that comprise the Exim test suite. The
README file contains a complete description of the suite and how it works. The
contents of this directory are:


Makefile.in         source of the Makefile for building auxiliary test programs
README              description and instructions for running the test suite
configure.ac        autoconf configuration file
listtests           shell/Perl script for listing the available tests
patchexim           Perl script for patching Exim in preparation for testing
runtest             Perl script for running the tests


aux-fixed           fixed auxiliary data files
aux-var-src         source for variable data files
confs               Exim configurations for the tests
dnszones-src        sources for fake DNS zone files
log                 saved mainlogs
mail                saved mailboxes
msglog              saved message logs
paniclog            saved panic logs
rejectlog           saved reject logs
scripts             scripts for the tests
src                 sources for auxiliary programs
stderr              saved stderr outputs
stdout              saved stdout output

The scripts directory is subdivided into subdirectories containing tests of
different categories.
